How to properly draw up a staffing schedule. Staffing table: solving emergency situations How to indicate 0.5 rate in the staffing table

The work of each enterprise is based on legislative acts of various levels of subordination. Local documents, adopted and published for the enterprise itself, play a major role in the life of any organization.

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Local documents also include staffing. Below are the features and design features of this important document.

What kind of document is this?

The staffing table is a local normative act. Based on the Charter of the enterprise.

For unification, the State Statistics Service approved the T-3 form.

At enterprises it is used to register the number of employees, their composition and structure.


  • Name of departments, assignment of codes to them.
  • Name of positions, specialties, professions, category, qualification class.
  • Number of employees, salary, allowances.

The staffing table is designed to:

  • Form the organizational structure of the enterprise.
  • Form the number of departments and staffing units.
  • Create a system for remunerating employees.
  • Set allowances and their size.
  • Facilitate the selection of personnel for vacancies.

What does the law say?

Normative base

  • Labor Code. Art. 15 and 57 contain references to staffing. This is due to the fact that the duties, rights and remuneration of the employee are based on staffing table.
  • Instructions for . It is indicated that all entries are entered into the work book on the basis of the staffing table.

There is no normative act that specifies the obligation to maintain a staffing table. Despite this “hole in the law”, all control services request this document.

With its help, information about employees, remuneration for work done, etc. is checked and collected. Therefore, its absence is a violation of labor law and entails a fine.

Conclusion: every enterprise must have a staffing table.

Responsible persons. Who signs?

The head of the enterprise, the heads of the personnel and accounting departments have the right to sign the staffing table. This means that employees of these services are responsible for drawing up, processing, and making changes.

The signature is placed at the end of the document. If the staffing table consists of more than one page, signatures are placed on the last page in special signature lines.

During the initial development of the staffing table, a column for signatures can be entered on each page of the document.

When and how to make changes?

Whether changes should be made every year or not is decided by each manager individually. This is a planning document and it is advisable to update it annually.

Annual updating will allow coordinating the quantitative and qualitative composition of employees.

If it is necessary to introduce or remove positions, abolish or add departments, a new document can be approved less often or more often.

Changes can be made in several ways:

  • Overall change. He is assigned a new registration number and is ratified by order (instruction).
  • Selective change. Should be registered in an order or instruction. This method is possible if the adjustments are not significant.

Changes made to the staffing table affect existing personnel; accordingly, adjustments should be made to the labor documents of those employees to whom they concern.

This could be a change in position, department, additional responsibilities, change,.

If a position changes, the employee must be informed in writing two months in advance.

Thus, making changes consists of stages:

  • The employee’s consent to make adjustments to the schedule that affect him.
  • Writing and accepting an order (instruction) to make adjustments.
  • Writing and accepting an annex to the employee affected by the changes.
  • Recording the changes received in the work book.

How to draw up a staffing schedule correctly?

Procedure, stages and rules for filling out

When writing a staffing table, you should refer to the organizational structure of the enterprise.

This is due to the fact that when drawing up a schedule, it is necessary to indicate the divisions that are part of the enterprise. Next, fill out a standardized form.

Stages of entering data into a standardized form:

  • Indicate the name of the enterprise according to the constituent documents. If there is an abbreviated name, it must also be indicated - in brackets or a line below.
  • Specify the OKPO code.
  • Indicate the serial number according to the Document Flow Log. When making multiple adjustments, you should enter a separate numbering (for example, with a letter value).
  • The date of preparation of the document is entered in a special column. May not always coincide with the time it comes into force. In this regard, in the unified form there is a column indicating the date from which it comes into force.
  • In the column “Staff in the number of... units” the number of official units is entered.
  • The fields are filled in.

Sections, graphs and their features

Section 1 “Name of structural unit”

Departments, representative offices, and branches are included.

Data is entered from top to bottom.

The first line indicates the management of the enterprise. This is followed by the financial department, accounting, personnel, and economic affairs department.

After filling out the columns with departments of the first level of subordination, it is necessary to enter production data.

All workshops and areas are indicated. After this level, data about service departments (warehouse, for example) is entered.

Section 2 “Structural unit code”

With the help of this section, the hierarchical structure of the enterprise is clearly visible.

To make it easier to fill out this column, you should use industry classifiers.

Each structural unit is assigned a specific code in order to facilitate document flow.

Assignment starts from large to small. For example, department - 01, departments in the department - 01.01, 01.02, etc., in the department group 01.01.01, etc.

Column 3 “Position (specialty, profession), rank, class (category) of qualifications of the employee”

The section is filled out based on the Classifier of workers' professions, employee positions and tariff categories.

For organizations that are funded from federal budget, the use of a classifier is an integral part of the document flow process.

Data is entered into this column in accordance with the characteristics of the activities of each enterprise.

Section 4 “Number of staff units”

Contains data on the number of work units. Staffing units of a budgetary organization are approved by higher-level organizations.

In a non-budgetary enterprise, staffing levels are determined by its needs and economic feasibility. If the enterprise has staff members working at 0.5 or 0.25 rates, then when filling out this section, the shares are indicated.

Vacant jobs are included in the number of vacant staff units.

Example of a staffing table with a rate of 0.5:

Section 5 “Tariff rate (salary), etc.”

This section contains data on salaries by position.

With the help of the tariff rate, employees are remunerated for the duties performed in accordance with the employment contract. This payment method is actively used at state enterprises and organizations. When calculating salaries, it is necessary to refer to the Unified Tariff Schedule.

Salary is a fixed remuneration for performing duties that are directly specified in the employment contract.

The salary is formed over a certain period of time (month, quarter, half-year).

The establishment of salaries for employees of budgetary organizations is based on the Unified Tariff Schedule. Enterprises of private ownership are based on financial capabilities, but not lower than the minimum wage, which does not include bonuses, allowances, payments for special working conditions, etc.

Data is indicated in rubles.

Section 6-8 “Allowances and surcharges”

Contains data on incentive payments, compensation (bonuses, ), established by the legislation of the Russian Federation (“northern”, for an academic degree) and introduced at the discretion of the organization (related to working conditions).

For enterprises and organizations that are financed from the state budget, the amount of allowances is established by the Government of the Russian Federation, for private ones - by the management of the enterprise.

Allowances are set as a percentage of the salary. Additional payments are a fixed payment.

Section 9 “Total”

Columns 5 - 8 are summed up. All expenses during the month are indicated.

Section 10 Note

Changes and clarifications are made to the column according to the staffing table.

When is it compiled and approved?

A staffing table is drawn up when opening a new enterprise, branch, subsidiary, etc. and when making significant changes.

Due to the fact that wages are paid monthly, it is most correct to set the effective date on the first day of the month.

The staffing table is approved on the basis of an order or instruction signed by the head of the enterprise or an authorized person.

Also in the staffing table, the corresponding details should be entered in the “Approved” column. Next, the data is entered into the Registration Journal, after which the number is entered into the order. Then, after the approval procedure, the staffing table is sent for storage.

Sample form 2020:

Important nuances

Rounding of staff units

When introducing staffing levels, the staffing table may contain whole units and fractional ones.

There are two options for rounding staff units:

  • Rounding is carried out for each division.
  • Staffing units are rounded up across several departments.


  • Bets less than 0.13=0, i.e., are rejected.
  • Rates of 0.13–0.37 are equivalent to 0.25 full-time positions.
  • Bets 0.38-0.62 are rounded up to 0.5 bets.
  • Regular rates of 0.63-0.87 are equivalent to 0.75 rates.
  • Over 0.87 - full rate.

Drawing up staffing schedules for individual entrepreneurs

According to the law, an individual entrepreneur can hire workers. From the moment the employees are hired, he becomes the employer and must maintain a staffing table. The exception is cases when the responsibilities and form of activity of the employee are described in detail in the employment contract.

Staffing helps to get rid of the difficulties of unpredictable situations when working with staff.

When preparing the staffing schedule for individual entrepreneurs you should adhere to the same principles and rules as for large companies.

But at a minimum, it is worth filling out Columns 1-5.

Development of a staffing table in a budgetary institution

Staffing is an integral part of the work of any budget organization. It is also compiled according to the standardized T-3 form in accordance with all of the above principles and features.

However for budgetary institutions It is mandatory to use:

  • All-Russian classifier of workers' professions, employee positions and tariff categories.
  • Qualification reference book for positions of managers, specialists and other employees.
  • Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers (UTKS).

Is it possible to set a rate of 0.5 units in the staffing table?


Answer to the question:

Yes, you can.

Column 4 indicates the number of units by position, including this may be a fractional number: 0.5; 0.25; 0.1, etc.

In column 5 you must indicate the full salary for the position at the rate.

At the same time, working at 0.5 rate means working part-time

If the full working day for a position is 40 hours, then working at 0.5 rates means that the employee must work 20 hours a week. At the same time, the work regime of the employee in your situation is obviously different from the general regime in the organization, and therefore it must be described in the employee’s employment contract. These conclusions follow from Art. 57, 100 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

If, taking into account labor standards for your position, you do not need a full unit to perform certain works, then in the staffing table you can provide in column 4 fractional indicators, including 0.5 units. This is established in section 1 of the instructions approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1.

The employee’s remuneration in the employment contract and order must be reflected as follows: indicate the full salary (as in column 5 of the staffing table) for the position and the clause that remuneration is made in proportion to the time actually worked, and if necessary, indicate in brackets (0.5 rates). This follows from Art. 57, 129, 93 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Thus, the calculation of both wages and bonuses will be proportional to you.

In the staffing table in column 4 you must indicate the number of units for the position (0.5), in column 5 you indicate the full salary for the position, and in column 9 you will receive the amount of proportional wages (column 4 x (column 5 + column 6 + gr. 7 gr. 8) or payroll for this position, taking into account the number of employees.

Unified form No. T-3
Approved by resolution
Goskomstat of Russia
dated January 5, 2004 No. 1

OKUD form 0301017
"Alpha" according to OKPO 00000000
name of company
drawing up
By order of the organization dated « 29 » Augusta 20 14 city ​​no. 90
for a period of 1 year With « 1 » September 20 14 G. Number of staff 28 Units
Structural subdivision
Name Code Job title
profession), rank,
class (category)
staffing units
I bet
Allowances, rub. Total, rub.
((gr. 5 + gr. 6 +
gr. 7 + gr. 8) ×
gr. 4)
academic degree operating mode Responsibility
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Administration 01 Director 1 30 000 5000 2000 3000 40 000
Accounting 02 Assistant accountant 0,5 15 000 7 500
Total 28 X X X X 367 000
Head of HR department Head of HR Department E.E. Gromova
job title personal signature full name
Chief Accountant A.S. Glebova
personal signature full name

If we hire an employee for this position (0.5 units), we take into account the following hiring features:

Employment contract and order :

When hiring, the parties have the right to agree on setting part-time working hours for the employee. Part-time work is a special case of part-time work work time. Thus, both a part-time worker and the main employee can work part-time (at 0.5 times the rate)

Let's look at an example when you are ready to hire a part-time worker at 0.5 rates (to simplify the calculations):

In this case, you set the employee to work part-time when hired. Working at 0.5 rate actually means that the employee will work 20 hours 00 minutes per week (if the full working week is 40 hours). With an even distribution of working time across days, we get: when working a five-day week – 4 hours. The employee’s work schedule must be reflected in the employment contract (Articles 57, 100 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In the timesheet you reflect the time actually worked by the employee as a fraction: 4 hours. But an employee can also have an individual schedule, in which he works more on some days and does not work on other days.

In general, the employment contract will be the same, with the exception of 3 points.

1. It is necessary to describe the employee’s work schedule, for example: “The employee is assigned part-time working hours (20 hours per week) - part-time (4 hours)

The employee has a 5-day work week with 2 days off - Saturday and Sunday. Start time is 9.00, end time is 13.00.

In accordance with Federal Law of June 18, 2017 No. 125-FZ “On Amendments to the Labor Code Russian Federation» there is no need to establish a break for rest and food during such a short working day (4 hours or less).

2. Make a clarification in the paragraph regarding remuneration: “The employee is provided monthly salary 20,000 rub. amount of time worked" You can also clarify the share of the rate: “The employee is given monthly salary 20,000 rub.. Salary is calculated depending on amount of time worked (0.5 rate)»

3. If the employee is accepted as a part-time worker, then it is necessary to indicate that he is accepted as a part-time worker.

The employment order must correspond to the text employment contract(Article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

This is what the hiring order will look like:

Recruit With 06.02.2015
By _
Personnel Number
Ivanova Elena Vasilievna 18
Full Name
IN Administrative and economic department
structural subdivision
Office cleaner
position (specialty, profession), rank, class (category) of qualifications
At the same time,

If you do not have a part-time worker, then do not indicate this phrase in the order

Full-time, part-time (20 hours per week) - part-time (4 hours), the employee has a 5-day work week with 2 days off - Saturday and Sunday. Start time is 9:00 a.m., end time is 1:00 p.m. with payment in proportion to the time worked (0.5 rate)

The share of the bet may not be specified

conditions of employment, nature of work
with tariff rate (salary) 20 00

The full salary must be indicated

rub. 00 cop.
In numbers
bonus rub. cop.
In numbers
with time trial 3 months

Indicate if this is provided for in the employment contract

Employment contract from « 6 » February 20 15 Of the year 35-TD

Details in the materials of the Personnel System:

1.Situation:Is it possible to divide the bet into parts - 0.75, 0.25, 0.1, etc. or is there some kind of framework?

In general, the law does not provide any framework for dividing one bet into parts. The only exception is part-time workers; they can borrow up to 0.5 of the rate.

Work in a position during standard working hours - 40 hours a week is considered one full-time rate (Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). That is, the rate is the ratio of the hours that the employee worked in a week to the standard working hours that the employee must work for a full salary.

The employer has the right to determine the structure and number of employees of the organization independently, according to the characteristics and needs. To formalize the staffing level of an organization, a staffing table is used. If the employer establishes incomplete staffing units for a position, then he can indicate the number of staffing units in the corresponding shares in the staffing table. For example 0.25; 0.5; 1.75, etc. (section 1 of the instructions approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1). This is possible if an employee works part-time or part-time, then his work is paid in proportion to the time worked (Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). And the number of hours that an employee must work is proportional to the size of the rate he holds. For example, if an employee works two days a week, 8 hours a day, with a standard work duration of 40 hours a week and 8 hours a day, his rate will be 0.4 - that is, 16 hours divided by a weekly rate of 40 hours. Similarly, 0.25 is calculated; 0.5; 0.75; 0.8 rates, etc. In general, the law does not indicate the framework for how to break one rate into parts (Articles 93, 284 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The only exception is part-time workers; they can borrow up to 0.5 of the rate.

Thus, a part-time employee can be hired at any fraction of the rate, for example 0.1; 0.25; 0.5; 0.75, etc. And a part-time employee can be accepted for any share of the rate up to 0.5 of the rate, for example 0.1; 0.3; 0.4. But he cannot be set, for example, 0.6 or 0.8 rates.

Nina Kovyazina

© Material from KSS “System Personnel”
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Copy date: 11/08/2017

2. Situation: How to reflect the salary in the employment contract if the employee will work part-time

The salary must be reflected in full in the employment contract.

An official salary should be understood as a fixed amount of remuneration for an employee for the performance of labor responsibilities of a certain complexity for a calendar month without taking into account compensation, incentives and social payments (Article 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). This means that the employment contract should indicate the salary in the amount that is paid when working out the entire working time standard established for this category of employees (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Part-time employees do not work out a monthly quota, so they are paid only a portion of the salary established in the employment contract for the month. This part is determined in proportion to the time worked or depending on the amount of work performed. This is stated in Part 2 of Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and explained in the letter of Rostrud dated June 8, 2007 No. 1619-6.

Thus, for an employee working part-time, the salary in the employment contract is reflected in full, and is paid partially based on actual work. In an employment contract, the condition on the procedure for remunerating an employee may have the following wording: “The employee is given a salary of 30,000 rubles per month. Wages are calculated in proportion to the time worked.”

Nina Kovyazina, Deputy Director of the Department of Medical Education and personnel policy in healthcare of the Russian Ministry of Health

With respect and wishes for comfortable work, Tatyana Kozlova,

HR System expert

Staffing: we solve emergency situations Enterprises of private ownership are based on financial capabilities, but not lower than the minimum wage, which does not include bonuses, allowances, payments for special working conditions, etc. Important Data is indicated in rubles. Section 6-8 “Allowances and additional payments” Contains data on incentive payments, compensation (bonuses, additional payments) established by the legislation of the Russian Federation (“northern”, for an academic degree) and introduced at the discretion of the organization (related to working conditions).

In the order approving the staffing table, what salary should be indicated for the 05th rate?

For unification, the State Statistics Service approved the T-3 form. Staffing form T-3 At enterprises it is used to formalize the number of employees, their composition and structure. How to correctly draw up the staffing table In column 5 “Tariff rate (salary)” of the staffing table, the monthly salary is indicated in ruble terms at the tariff rate (salary), depending on the remuneration system adopted in the organization in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, collective contracts, employment contracts, agreements and local acts of the organization.

In column 9 “Total per month” of the staffing table, an amount equal to the product of column 4 and column 5 is indicated, which determines the employee’s salary taking into account working hours.

Staffing: we solve emergency situations

In particular, this applies to changes in the employment contract for reasons related to: Changes in organizational or technological working conditions Changes in the employment contract for reasons related to changes in organizational or technological working conditions include, for example:

  • changes in equipment and production technology (for example, the introduction of new equipment, which led to a reduction in the employee’s workload);
  • structural reorganization of production (for example, exclusion of any stage of the production process);
  • other changes in organizational or technological working conditions that led to a reduction in the employee’s workload.

At the same time, it is prohibited to change the employee’s job function. This is stated in Part 1 of Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

How to correctly reflect 0.5 salary in the staffing table?

For enterprises and organizations that are financed from the state budget, the amount of allowances is established by the Government of the Russian Federation, for private ones - by the management of the enterprise. Allowances are set as a percentage of the salary. Additional payments are a fixed payment. Section 9 “Total” Columns 5 - 8 are summed up. All expenses during the month are indicated. Section 10 “Note” Changes and clarifications are made to the column according to the staffing table.


How to correctly reflect 0.5 salary in the staffing table? The work of each enterprise is based on legislative acts of various levels of subordination. Local documents adopted and published for the enterprise itself play a major role in the life of any organization. Below are the features and design features of this important document. What kind of document is this? The staffing table is a local normative act.

Based on the Charter of the enterprise.

How to properly draw up a staffing schedule

A change in the terms of an employment contract determined by the parties is possible for reasons related to changes in organizational or technological working conditions (Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) (for more information on this, see additional materials). If there are such reasons, the employer’s algorithm of actions will be as follows: 1. An appropriate order is prepared in free form about the upcoming changes, which may look like this: “Alpha” INN 7708123456, KPP 770801001, OKPO 98756423 full name of the organization ORDER No. 72 on making changes to the staff schedule due to changes in organizational working conditions.

What salary should be indicated for an employee hired according to the staffing table at 0.5 rates?


The organization is obliged to notify the employee against signature about upcoming changes related to changes in organizational or technological working conditions, as well as about the reasons that necessitated the need for such changes. This must be done no later than two months before the introduction of such changes. This is stated in Part 2 of Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

If the employee agrees with the upcoming changes, it is necessary to formalize additional agreement to the employment contract (Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If the employee does not agree to work under the new conditions, the organization is obliged to offer him another job, including a lower-ranking one with lower pay, if the organization has suitable vacancies. An employee should only be offered vacancies that are available to the employer in the given area.

Order to change the staffing table

For example, in column 4 the number of staff positions is 0.5, in column 5 the salary is 20,000 rubles, in column 9 the amount will be reflected - 10,000 rubles. (RUB 20,000 x 0.5). 2. Question: If an employee leaves and a new one arrives, we want to give him comfort according to the employee’s expectations, it is more than what we have on staff. What should I write in the subject line of an order to change staffing? Due to higher qualifications, set the salary for the position..... such and such? Or I can simply change the salary without writing anything, because... is the rate free? A change in salary levels in the staffing table entails a change in the terms of employment contracts on remuneration. This follows from the analysis of the provisions of paragraph. 5 hours 2 tbsp. 57 Labor Code of the Russian Federation and para.
Section 3 “Staffing table” of the Instructions for the use and completion of forms of primary accounting documentation for recording labor and its payment, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 N 1.

Staffing table: how to arrange it according to all the rules in 2018


There are documents that are maintained without fail, and there are those that are created out of necessity. To the question “Is ShR mandatory document? it is impossible to give a definite answer. This is due to the fact that the labor code does not require the presence of a labor force at an enterprise.

But if we consider this issue based on the requirements of Roskomstat, it turns out that this document is necessary, because it is the primary documentation for accounting for wage payments. Although the legislation does not stipulate clear rules anywhere, most organizations conduct this type documentation. After all, the main part of government inspections begins with the study of SR.

In fact, the presence of this document makes life easier not only for inspectors, but also for managers, human resources and accounting departments.

Staffing in questions and answers

The staffing table (SHR or in common parlance - “shtatka”) contains a list of structural units, names of positions, specialties, professions indicating qualifications, as well as information on the number of positions (Decree of the State Statistics Committee dated January 5, 2004 No. 1). The same resolution also approved the unified form No. T-3, which is installed in all personnel accounting software products and, as a rule, is used by organizations and entrepreneurs. Form T-3 for staffing Please note that it is not mandatory for non-governmental organizations.

The Federal Service for Labor and Employment (Rostrud) has repeatedly indicated in its letters that they have the right to use forms of primary accounting documents developed independently.

Time-bonus wage system With a time-bonus system, a bonus is provided in addition to the rate (hourly, daily) or salary. Its size can be set as a fixed amount or as a percentage of the rate (salary). The bonus is paid if the employee fulfills (or exceeds) the production task.

The procedure for calculating wages in this case is the same as with a simple time-based system. However, in addition to the salary, the employee will need to receive a bonus. Partial month worked (161.51262) If an employee whose monthly salary is set has not worked the entire month, calculate his salary using the formula: Salary = Employee salary: Number of working days in a month × Number of days worked Use the above formula to calculate the employee’s salary , whose pay is increased within a month (for example, official salary).

It is required to formalize the transfer of an employee (or several employees) to a new position. Changing the name will entail making adjustments and additions to the employment contract, the work book and the employee’s personal card. Thus, such innovations not only require notification, but also consent from employees.

In case of refusal, the employer should be guided by Art. 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, without missing the mandatory notification to the employee two months before the adjustments. You can use this sample order to change the staffing table. Download Adjustment of salaries or tariff rates This is a change in the terms of remuneration agreed upon in the employment contract.

Therefore, it requires mandatory agreement with the employee even if the salary increases. In case of refusal of the employee, the employer should be guided by Art. 74 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

What salary should be indicated in the staffing table if an employee is hired at 0.5 rate?


Answer to the question:

1. The salary must be indicated in full (as in column 5 of the staffing table), but with the clause on proportional payment, which is expressly stated in Art. 93 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. According to Art. 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the order must fully comply with the employment contract. Accordingly, the salary must be indicated in full in the order.

If 0.5 or 0.1 units per position is enough for you, you should indicate this in the staffing table:

Unified form No. T-3
Approved by resolution
Goskomstat of Russia
dated January 5, 2004 No. 1

OKUD form 0301017
"Alpha" according to OKPO 00000000
name of company
drawing up
By order of the organization dated « 29 » August 20 14 city ​​no. 90
for a period of 1 year With « 1 » September 20 14 G. Number of staff 28 units
Structural subdivision
Name Code Job title
profession), rank,
class (category)
staffing units
Tariff rate
Allowances, rub. Total, rub.
((gr. 5 + gr. 6 +
gr. 7 + gr. 8) ×
gr. 4)
academic degree operating mode responsibility
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Administration 01 Director 1 60 000 5000 2000 3000 70 000
Administration 01 Technical Director 0,5 40 000 20 000
Department ______ 05 Technician-programmer 0,1 7000 800 780
Department_________ 09 Cleaner 3 7800 - - - 23 400
Total 28 X X X X 367 000
Head of HR department Head of HR Department E.E. Gromova
Job title personal signature full name
Chief Accountant A.S. Glebova
personal signature full name

If, when hiring a part-time employee or simply working part-time, in column 5 you reduce the salary to 20,000 rubles (example with technical director), then the proportion will need to be calculated from a salary of 20,000 rubles, and at 0.5 rates he will receive only 10,000 rubles

If the full working day for a position is 40 hours, then working at 0.5 rates means that the employee must work 20 hours a week. At the same time, the work regime of the employee in your situation is obviously different from the general regime in the organization, and therefore it must be described in the employee’s employment contract. Such conclusions follow from Art. 57, 100 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The employee’s work schedule will still have to be determined.

The employee’s remuneration in the employment contract and order must be reflected as follows: indicate the full salary (as in column 5 of the staffing table) for the position and the clause that remuneration is made in proportion to the time actually worked, and if necessary, indicate in brackets (0.5 or 0.1 bet). This follows from Art. 57, 129, 93 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Thus, the calculation of both wages and bonuses will be proportional to you.

If we hire an employee for this position (0.5 units), we take into account the following hiring features:

Employment contract and order :

When hiring, the parties have the right to agree on setting part-time working hours for the employee. Part-time work is a special case of part-time work. Thus, both the part-time employee and the main employee can work part-time.

Let's look at an example when you are ready to hire an employee at 0.5 rates:

In this case, you set the employee to work part-time when hired. Working at 0.5 rate actually means that an employee will work 20 hours 00 minutes per week (if the full working week is 40 hours). With an even distribution of working time across days, we get: when working a five-day week - 4 hours a day. The employee’s work schedule must be reflected in the employment contract (Articles 57, 100 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). An employee may also have an individual schedule, in which he will have different working days in different weeks or different days There will be different beginnings and endings of the working day. In the timesheet you reflect the time actually worked by the employee, including in fractional numbers.

In general, the employment contract will be the same, with the exception of 2 points.

1. It is necessary to describe the employee’s work schedule, for example: “ ».

In accordance with Federal Law No. 125-FZ dated June 18, 2017 “On Amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation” does not require a break for rest and food during such a short working day (4 hours or less).

2. Make a clarification in the paragraph regarding remuneration: “The employee is provided monthly salary 40,000 rub..(forty thousand rubles 00 kopecks). Salary is calculated depending on amount of time worked" You can also clarify the share of the rate: “The employee is given monthly salary 40,000 rub. (forty thousand rubles 00 kopecks). Salary is calculated depending on amount of time worked (0.5 rate)»

The hiring order must comply with the text of the employment contract (Article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

This is what the hiring order will look like:

Recruit With 06.02.2015
By _
Personnel Number
Ivanova Elena Vasilievna 18
Full Name
IN Accounting
structural subdivision
position (specialty, profession), rank, class (category) of qualifications
Constantly, The employee is assigned part-time working hours based on a 20-hour work week: part-time work is 4 hours a day from 09:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. With a five-day working week with two days off - Saturday and Sunday. There is no break for rest and food . with payment in proportion to the time worked (0.5 rate)

The share of the bet may not be specified

conditions of employment, nature of work
with tariff rate (salary) 40 000 rub. 00 cop.
In numbers
bonus - rub. cop.
In numbers
with time trial 3 months

Indicate if this is provided for in the employment contract

Employment contract from « 6 » February 20 15 Of the year 35-TD

Details in the materials of the Personnel System:

1. Situation: How to reflect the salary in the employment contract if the employee will work part-time

The salary must be reflected in full in the employment contract.

The official salary should be understood as a fixed amount of remuneration for an employee for the performance of labor duties of a certain complexity for a calendar month, without taking into account compensation, incentives and social payments (). This means that the employment contract should indicate the salary in the amount that is paid when working the entire working time standard established for this category of employees (.

Thus, for an employee working part-time, the salary in the employment contract is reflected in full, and is paid partially based on actual work. In an employment contract, the condition on the procedure for remunerating an employee may have the following wording: “The employee is given a salary of 30,000 rubles per month. Wages are calculated in proportion to the time worked.”

Nina Kovyazina, Deputy Director of the Department of Medical Education and Personnel Policy in Healthcare of the Russian Ministry of Health

With respect and wishes for comfortable work, Tatyana Kozlova,

HR System expert


How to correctly reflect the number of staff units in the staffing table if the organization has five employees in one position, registered at 0.2 rate (you need to indicate one staff unit or five)? What is the difference between part-time and part-time?


If an organization has five people working in one position, each holding 0.2 parts of it, one staffing unit should be indicated in the staffing table.

Part-time work is part of the working time regime; The common name “part-time” implies an incomplete staffing position established by the staffing table or an employment contract with an employee (usually a part-time worker).


The structure, staffing and number of employees of the organization, indicating the amount of wages depending on the position held, are contained in regulatory document organization - staffing table. It reflects the existing or future division of labor between workers, described in job descriptions; is the basis for planning personnel costs.

A staffing unit is a unit from the list of positions in the staffing table, corresponding to one workplace.

The number of staff in an organization is determined by its needs for specific types of work, the urgency of their implementation, economic feasibility, etc. Therefore, it is quite possible that an organization does not need a full staff unit, but there is a need for an incomplete one.

Labor legislation does not prohibit organizations from introducing part-time staff into their staffing table.

By-law - Instructions for the use and completion of forms of primary accounting documentation for the accounting of labor and its payment (approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 01/05/2004 N 1 simultaneously with the unified forms of such documentation) are directly established when describing the staffing form N T-3: “when when filling out column 4, the number of staff positions for the relevant positions (professions), for which the maintenance of an incomplete staff unit is provided, taking into account the peculiarities of part-time work in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, is indicated in the appropriate shares, for example 0.25; 0.5; 2.75, etc.”

From this we can conclude that an incomplete staff unit is not the number of employees for one position (which cannot be fractional), but the required amount of work for it.

Sometimes a part-time staff unit is called “part-time”, which does not seem entirely correct, since this concept is not contained in labor legislation. However, this term refers to part-time work with payment in proportion to the time worked.

That is, working in a part-time position presupposes that the employee works part-time: he spends less than the normal established time on its completion (no more than 40 hours a week - h.

2 tbsp. 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Payment in this case is made in accordance with Part.

2 tbsp. 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in proportion to the time worked or depending on the amount of work performed by the employee.

However, it is impossible to mix the concepts of “part-time staff” (in everyday life - “part-time”) and “part-time work”: there is no part-time staff without part-time work, but on the contrary, it happens quite often (possible cases of establishing such a regime are listed in Part 1 Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Information provided by the reference and legal system "ConsultantPlus".

HR Director of the Belaya Dacha group of companies

For more than two years now, a single form has been used in Russia full-timeschedules. Before the enactment of the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 04/06/2001 No. 26, each organization compiled this local regulatory act in its own way. Before 2001 legal act federal level, which would establish form and order drawing upfull-timeschedules for all organizations without exception, did not exist. For a long time, commitment full-timeschedules, especially for small and medium-sized companies, has generally been questioned.

In April 2001, personnel officers finally received an official answer to the question of what should be regularschedule. And with acceptance Laborcode Russian Federation, doubts about the binding nature of this document for the organization have completely disappeared.

Let's try to figure out together how to do it right draw upregularschedule and work with him.

What is meant by “staff” and “staffing”?

State- this is the composition of the organization’s employees, determined by management for a certain period.

Various sources give different definitions to the concept of “staffing,” but, in principle, their essence boils down to the following: staffing table- this is an organizational and administrative document that reflects the structure of the organization and contains a list of positions indicating their number and salary levels. Also, the staffing table 1 reflects the amount of allowances and additional payments that exist in a given organization in relation to specific positions.

Who should draw up the SR and make changes to it?

There is still no clarity on this issue. In different organizations, the functions of compiling staffing tables are performed by different structural units. When assigning responsibility for the formation of staffing to employees of any structural unit, management is often based on the size of the organization.

Column 9 of the staffing table when working at 0.5 rate

Today in Russia there are both large organizations with a staff of over 500 people, and small enterprises with no more than 50 employees. There are also entrepreneurs without education legal entity who employ hired workers. Since most small businesses and individual entrepreneurs do not have either personnel departments or departments for organizing and remunerating labor, accounting staff, managers or the entrepreneurs themselves are responsible for drawing up the staffing table. In medium-sized enterprises (from 100 people), as a rule, there is a personnel department or personnel service and, accordingly, the functions of drawing up and making changes to the staffing table are transferred to them (but there are often cases when accounting staff are again involved in drawing up and changing the staffing table).

IN large companies Having in their composition both personnel departments or personnel services, and departments of organization and remuneration, the named divisions are engaged in developing the staffing table.

It should be noted that the formation of a staffing table is a rather complex process, consisting of several stages and requiring the involvement of not only HR specialists, but also economists.

Where does the preparation of the ShR begin?

Before you begin drawing up a staffing table, you need to decide on the organizational structure of the enterprise. Organizational structure is a schematic representation of structural divisions. This document reflects all divisions of the organization and schematically outlines the order of their subordination. IN organizational structure You can also reflect both vertical and horizontal connections between departments.

It is problematic to clearly indicate where the boundaries of responsibility for drawing up the staffing table lie, but we will try to delimit some stages of drawing up the HR, and at the same time fill out the unified form No. T-3.

Where to start filling out the unified form?

Filling out the unified form T-3 “Staffing table” should begin with the name of the organization - it must be indicated in strict accordance with the name that appears in the constituent documents. In the case where an organization has both a full and an abbreviated name, the use of any name is allowed. In order to avoid questions and controversial situations, it is advisable to establish the rules for filling out details in a local regulatory act on documentation and document flow (regulations, instructions).

Next is the document number. For organizations where the staffing table is often subject to changes, it is advisable to introduce a separate numbering for the staffing table with a letter designation (for example, “shr”).

The date of the document is entered in a specially designated column in the form “” The date of the staffing table does not always coincide with the start time of its validity, therefore, the unified form contains the column “Staffing table for “____”_______ 20, i.e. on a certain date from which the staffing table comes into effect.

The resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia, which introduced the unified form No. T-3, provides for the approval of the staffing table by order of the head of the organization. To do this, the date and number of the order, the number of staff units and the monthly payroll are entered in a separate column.

What is the name of the structural unit?

The first column of the unified form is called “Name of the structural unit.” If we are talking about a commercial organization, then, as a rule, there are no restrictions in the names of structural divisions, except for the requirements for terminology and generally accepted concepts and definitions (it is undesirable to name structural divisions with poorly understood foreign words). However, there are organizations in which a number of benefits provided to employees upon retirement (for example, medical and educational institutions, enterprises that include production with harmful conditions labor). Therefore, the task of correctly reflecting the names of structural units in the staffing table falls on the HR department or the organization and remuneration department. To facilitate work in this direction, there are industry classifiers of hazardous industries or nomenclature of names of structural divisions, as well as tariff and qualification reference books, all-Russian classifiers, List No. 1 of industries, works, professions, positions and indicators in underground work, in work with particularly hazardous and especially hazardous difficult working conditions, employment in which gives the right to an old-age pension (old age) on preferential terms and List No. 2 of industries, jobs, professions, positions and indicators with harmful and difficult working conditions, employment in which gives the right to an old-age pension ( old age) on preferential terms.

The names of departments are indicated by groups:

  • management or administrative part (such divisions include the directorate, accounting, personnel department, etc.);
  • production units;
  • auxiliary or service units.

As a rule, the location of the names of structural units in most organizations corresponds to this order. The exception is for enterprises whose main business is trade. In such companies there are no production departments, but there are sales departments or commercial departments that are closely related to logistics departments (the latter in this case are service departments).

Supporting departments usually include the supply department, repair services, etc.

What is a “structural unit code”?

The structural unit code usually indicates the location of the structural unit in the hierarchical structure of the organization. It is also assigned for the convenience of document management (especially for large enterprises). By means of coding, the place of smaller units in the structure of large ones is indicated. For example, within departments there are directorates, within departments there are divisions, within departments there are groups. If a department is designated by the digital code 01, then the department within the department will, accordingly, be numbered 01.01. Departments and groups are designated in the same way.

How to fill out the “Profession (position)” column?

This column is filled out in strict accordance with tariff and qualification reference books and the All-Russian Classifier of Employee Positions and Worker Professions.

The sequence of filling out this column for each structural unit is individual, taking into account the specifics of a particular organization. As a rule, the positions of the head of a structural unit, his deputies are located first, then leading and chief specialists, then the positions of performers. If a structural unit includes both engineering and technical personnel and workers, it is necessary to allocate engineers first, then workers.

What is a “staffing unit”?

Staff unit- this is an official or working unit provided for by the staffing table of the enterprise. As a rule, the number of staff units of organizations financed from the federal or regional budget is determined by higher-level organizations. The number of staffing units of a commercial enterprise is determined by its needs for certain types of work, the degree of urgency of their implementation and economic feasibility.

How to set the salary (tariff rate)?

Under salary (tariff rate) in accordance with Article 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is understood as a fixed amount of remuneration for an employee for fulfilling a standard of work (job duties) of a certain complexity (qualification) per unit of time.

Tariff rates are a tool for tariffication of employee remuneration in organizations financed from the federal budget in accordance with the Unified Tariff Schedule. Commercial organizations They set their salaries based on their financial capabilities.

It should be noted here that the salary or tariff rate in accordance with Article 133 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation cannot be lower than the legally established minimum wage. It should also be taken into account that the minimum wage does not include additional payments and allowances, bonuses and other incentive payments, payments for work in conditions deviating from normal ones, for work in special climatic conditions and in territories exposed to radioactive contamination, other compensation and social payments.

When establishing official salaries or tariff rates, it is necessary to remember that the staffing table can only reflect the size of the salary or tariff rate, therefore it is completely impossible to take into account the wage fund. This is due to the fact that in enterprises with a shift work schedule, the wages of workers receiving an official salary are increased by the amount of additional payments for night work, and the labor of workers whose wages are calculated based on the tariff rate is paid depending on the number of hours worked at night. specific month and varies. In most organizations, the size of the monthly wage fund for reflection in the staffing table is calculated from the average number of working hours and is assumed to be conditionally equal to 166 hours per month.

For workers whose work is paid according to the piece-rate system, the ShR, as a rule, sets a tariff rate or salary, which, depending on the specifics of the organization, is calculated using certain methods.

When setting a salary, one should be guided by the requirements contained in acts of labor legislation, as well as local regulations - Regulations on remuneration in the organization, Regulations on bonuses and others.

What are “allowances and surcharges”?

In the unified form No. T-3 there are several columns united by the common name “Allowance”. The current Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not contain clear definitions of the concepts of “allowance” and “additional payment”.

Guided by generally accepted guidelines, we can designate surcharges as payments accrued to employees' salaries ( tariff rates) for special working conditions or work schedule. Additional payments are made to employees engaged in heavy work, work with harmful and (or) dangerous and other special working conditions. The specific amount of the additional payment is established by the employer taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees or by a collective agreement or is stipulated in the employment contract. Currently in many budgetary organizations There are industry-specific regulatory legal documents that regulate the amount of wage increases for industry workers.

Salary supplements- these are incentive payments in excess of the established official salary, which stimulate employees to achieve higher production indicators, improve professional skills and labor productivity. As a rule, bonuses are established based on the results of employee certification by decision of a qualification or certification commission.

Until definitions for the concepts of “allowance” and “additional payment” are introduced at the legislative level, it is difficult to distinguish or systematize this type of payment. The main thing that needs to be taken into account when creating a staffing table is the two main forms of payment of allowances and additional payments. The first form - percentage - is set as a percentage of the official salary, and in the event of a revision of the salary (rate), the size of the bonus (additional payment) automatically changes. The second form of payment is an allowance or surcharge, set as a fixed amount. Such payment may remain constant even if the salary (rate) changes, unless otherwise provided by a collective agreement, employment contract or local regulation. When additional payments or allowances are established in the staffing table, a note is made in the corresponding column about the amount and for what this allowance (addition) is established.

One of the most frequently asked questions is how to ensure that employees occupying the same positions receive a salary that corresponds to their level of qualifications, while at the same time observing the principles of equality laid down in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation? The solutions to this problem may be different - it all depends on the professionalism of the management team. When looking for your own solution, it is necessary to evaluate the existing remuneration system at the enterprise. But, basically, this problem is solved by establishing a “standard” salary for all employees working in a given position or profession, and remuneration for more qualified workers is made by establishing personal allowances for a certain period. When the employee confirms his qualifications by order of the head of the enterprise, the bonus is established for the next period.

What is “monthly payroll”?

Monthly payroll- these are the total cash, which are provided for by the staffing table and payment system in force at the enterprise for payment to employees.

When are changes made to the SR?

Changes to the staffing table are made when the number or staff of employees is reduced.

When reducing the number of employees, individual units are excluded, and when reducing staff, individual units are excluded. At the same time, employees filling reduced positions or working in reduced professions are subject to dismissal under the relevant articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Is it possible to make changes to the unified form No. T-3?

As stated in the decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated March 24, 1999 “On approval of the procedure for using unified forms of primary accounting documentation”, the unified forms of primary accounting documentation (except for forms for accounting cash transactions), approved by the State Statistics Committee of Russia, the organization, if necessary, can introduce additional details. In this case, all details of the approved forms remain unchanged (including code, form number, document name); Removing individual details from unified forms is not allowed.

Changes made must be documented in the relevant organizational and administrative document of the company.

The formats of the forms indicated in the albums of unified forms of primary accounting documentation are recommended and are subject to change.

When producing blank products based on unified forms of primary accounting documentation, it is allowed to make changes in terms of expanding and narrowing columns and lines, taking into account the significance of indicators, including additional lines (including free ones) and loose sheets for the convenience of placing and processing the necessary information.

Part-time employees on staff

A staffing unit is understood as a job unit established by the staffing table of an enterprise. According to Article 284 labor code, a part-time worker can work no more than 16 hours a week. If your company pays day on the 1st or 2nd, you will have to pay the April salary early on April 28th.

Is it possible that half of the position when drawing up a part-time employment contract may well be occupied by two people. They allow you to get to know you and receive information about your user experience. Why are online forums full of discussions about how to fill it out? And readers turn to our editors with similar questions quite often. It is preferable that all allowances have a single equivalent (cash, percentage or coefficients), but this is not always possible, so a mixed option is acceptable.

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