Hasp is a food safety management system

The HACCP system (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points - risk analysis and critical control points) was created to manage the quality and safety of products in food production. After changes to Art. 13 Federal Law No. 29 from January 23, 2015 Rospotrebnad

Actors Spiderman Aunt May

The time has come for the second major battle of this spring - Cap (sorry, Captain America) against Iron Man (Tony Stark). The May holidays suggest some light bliss and relaxation, but we know that you can’t miss this! Why? We traditionally answer at 11

Formal business style of speech

There are five styles of speech in the Russian language: colloquial; art; journalistic; official business; scientific. In general, all speech styles can be divided into two large groups: conversational style on the one hand and book styles of speech (artistic, public

Two employees work in the same position You should know this

Several employees can be hired for one position, sharing a full-time rate (staffing unit) among themselves and performing work on an external part-time basis at 0.1 or 0.2 times the rate. The employer has the right to determine the structure and number of employees of the organization

Symbol of freedom bird quetzal

Listed in the International Red Book as an endangered species. The second name, unofficial, is “Bird of Happiness”. Wikimedia Foundation. 2010. See what “Quetzal (bird)” is in other dictionaries: See meat, shot bird, shot bird... Words