Measures to form a positive image of authorities. Activities of public authorities in shaping the image of public authorities using the example of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of Russia

Every organization has its own image. If you don’t work on your reputation, it will form spontaneously, the process will be completely uncontrollable. There is a chance that you will get a good impression of the company. But there is also a possibility of forming a negative image of the organization. Therefore, it is wrong to let the process take its course.

Any competent manager interested in developing his business will first of all take care of creating a positive image of his organization.

Organizational image: theoretical foundations

Image is an image that is formed in the minds of the target audience. Will partners enter into deals with your organization, will investors invest money? Will customers buy your product? All this depends on what kind of image you have - positive or negative.

There are 3 types of enterprise image- this is ideal, real and mirror (reflected). The ideal (positive) is understood as the image that the company strives for. Real reflects the prevailing public attitude. Mirror is management's idea of ​​what the target audience thinks about the company. Efforts to build a company's reputation come down to equating the real and ideal image.

Also, the holistic image of any company consists of two components.

Internal image of the organization

Reflects internal corporate policy. This is the image that is formed among employees. Many people mistakenly believe that an employer's reputation does not play an important role in the development of a company. But it is employees who often become “agents” of the brand. They can show the life of an enterprise from the inside, thereby attracting the interest of a potential consumer or repelling him. Such information is disseminated in informal communication, so it will inspire more trust than advertising.

When working on the formation of the internal image of an organization, it is necessary to pay attention to such components as:

  • image of a leader- his professional abilities, management style, personal characteristics and even external data;
  • image of personnel - professionalism, culture of communication within the company and with clients, physical and social characteristics;
  • corporate culture- socio-psychological climate, working conditions, level of reliability and stability, care for personnel.

External image of the organization

Reflects actions towards its target audience. Moreover, the target audience includes not only consumers of the product or service itself. These are also means mass media, partners, investors and sponsors, government agencies, competitors and the general public.

Forming a positive external image involves working to create a number of conditions, including:

  • development of a corporate identity to identify the company among competitors. This includes the logo, corporate colors and symbols. Elements of corporate identity must be used for the design of offices, retail space and an Internet website, product packaging, employee clothing, when developing corporate souvenirs, etc.;
  • holding charity events, financial support for events in order to create an image of a socially responsible organization in the eyes of the public and the media;
  • carrying out work to build business reputation a reliable partner for other companies, investors and state-owned enterprises;
  • creation of a worthy product/service and support with quality service to create a positive brand image among consumers.

Why and for whom should we create a positive image of the company?

With the development of the Internet, consumers have become more selective. The information became available to the general public. And before becoming someone’s client, partner or employee, most Internet users study opinions, compare, form their own idea of ​​the company and make a decision based on this.

Developing the image of an organization is the primary task of a business owner. Otherwise, no money invested in advertising and promotion will pay off.

If you do not care how the target audience perceives your organization, you are not involved in the development of the company and do not work on the image, then you:

  • will not be recognized in the market;
  • will not be chosen among competitors;
  • will not be taken seriously by partners and sponsors;
  • clients will not recommend to friends and acquaintances;
  • financial reports will not please you with profitability.

If you are actively involved in the development of the organization and the formation of the image of the enterprise, then you solve several important problems at once:

  • attract the attention of your target audience;
  • expand the boundaries of your influence in the market;
  • stand out from your competitors;
  • attract investment in your business;
  • increase the loyalty of government agencies;
  • stimulate sales;
  • improve the return on advertising;
  • increase sales volumes.

The existing positive image of the company will form a stable positive image of the enterprise and will work for the development of the business for a long time.

And to whom should all efforts be directed to form the image of the enterprise? The company's target audience includes not only its potential clients, but also:

  • personnel: from top managers to low-level employees. If you are perceived as a reliable employer, if employees are satisfied with the conditions and atmosphere, then they will broadcast positive information to the masses;
  • partners. No company exists autonomously, in isolation from other companies. To get a reliable company as a partner, you need to maintain a reputation as a financially stable organization;
  • offline and online media. The influence of the media on people's consciousness cannot be underestimated. Positive information about the company should appear in newspapers, magazines, radio and TV news, as well as in electronic publications. To do this, you need to constantly create news channels and maintain good relationships with journalists;
  • authorities. Tax services, law enforcement agencies, sanitary and environmental supervision bodies, local authorities in one way or another influence the activities of the organization. A positive reputation of the company will contribute to their cooperation or at least the absence of opposition;
  • public. Perhaps now some segments of the population are not your potential clients, and you are not interested in them, but over time everything may change.

Stages of image formation

Creating a positive image is a continuous process. You cannot carry out work once and forget, just as you cannot return to this issue only occasionally, when there is a threat of losing your authority.

The image formation process can be depicted as a cyclic diagram:

Stage 1: research/monitoring

Before you begin work on shaping your image, it is necessary to conduct preliminary research (test the waters). The target audience, its needs and preferences, and the platforms where potential clients gather and communicate are studied. The company itself and its field of activity are analyzed, its strengths and weaknesses are highlighted, and its current popularity is assessed. The image policy of competing enterprises is also considered.

Monitoring is carried out after measures have been taken to create the image of the organization. In this case, the effectiveness of the adopted strategy is already assessed. How did the target audience react to the measures taken? How has the tone of information about the company changed? Which channels performed better than others? These and other questions must be asked regularly to understand how reputation is built.

Stage 2: concept development

Concept development consists of creating an ideal image that must be strived for when forming a positive image in the eyes of the target audience. This is the ultimate goal, having achieved which, you will only need to maintain your reputation at the desired level.

Stage 3: strategy development/adjustment

Based on the data obtained as a result of the study, an action plan is created to create a positive image of the company. What information should be conveyed to the audience and through what channels should it be distributed? The strategy contains answers to all these questions. It is important not to focus on just one target audience group - for example, only potential clients. Although there is a great temptation to work only with them, because in fact it is this group of target audience that brings profit.

Adjustments are made after the initial strategy has been implemented and its effectiveness has been monitored. If some image-building goals have not been achieved and the organization’s reputation still does not meet expectations, the necessary modifications are made to the plan.

Stage 4: strategy implementation

After careful preparation, the plan is put into practice to achieve the desired image of the organization. If the first 2 stages were carried out efficiently, then the results will not be long in coming: the organization’s fame will gradually increase, and a positive image of the company will be formed in the eyes of the target audience.

Maintaining a positive image

Unfortunately, the positive image of an organization is not a constant value. Once you have won the trust of your target audience, you should never relax: they will either forget about you or change their attitude to the opposite. Therefore, monitoring of current information about the company’s reputation should be carried out regularly. A timely response to negativity, following the trends of the time and developing the company in accordance with trends is the key to maintaining the established image.

Tools for creating a positive image of the organization

These and many other tools can and should be used to shape the image of the organization. And the more methods are used, the better for the company’s reputation. But the most important thing is to provide quality services, produce and sell a good product, and be honest in working with partners and employees.

Increasingly, we are faced with a contradiction when the image of an official created in the mass consciousness by the media, in particular the press, does not coincide with his real characteristics and ability to effectively solve the tasks assigned to him. There is obvious manipulation of the consciousness of the masses, a lowering of the threshold for rational understanding of political processes.

The image of government bodies, introduced into the consciousness of the masses, appears as a complex socio-psychological phenomenon, which reflects a set of his real personal qualities, formed by his activities, the media, political advertising against the background of corresponding stereotypes of mass consciousness.

The components of the image are contradictory, since they reflect the discrepancy between the personal qualities of governing bodies and the role requirements that society places on them, taking into account the socio-political and economic situation, between the real image and the “reference image” already formed in the public consciousness. Therefore, it becomes relevant to study the mechanisms and modern trends in the formation of the image of public authorities.

A positive perception of state power and its representatives, formed in society, simplifies the promotion of state ideology and contributes to faster implementation of state decisions.

The concept of “image” emerged in the West in the 1950s. and was originally used in advertising practice. Further, in the 1960s, this term reappears in the field of entrepreneurship as the main means psychological impact per consumer. Later, the concept of image became the main element of the theory and practice of public relations and became firmly established in political and public life.

Image management is a reflection of an event aimed at improving the image, intensive possession of information with a predictable reaction to it. In order to attract attention to an image, you need to show it from a new, never seen side, convince the audience, and hold the public’s attention.

As a result of the mind's fear of itself, a person has about a dozen psychological defenses, and all of them are somehow related to the image. Image allows you to hide your shortcomings by forming an appropriate system of impressions in other people.

When forming any image (of a businessman, politician, etc.), various components are taken into account. Thus, V.M. Shepel identifies the following three complexes:

The process of forming the image of a government body is also based on the attitude (hidden or explicit) that manifests itself in the state of public opinion. At the same time, information and communication technologies for forming public opinion are also technologies for forming an image, and the specificity is determined by the object and subject of public opinion and image.

The formation of an image occurs in two ways: “spontaneous” and “artificial” (classification by Egorova E.V.). The “artificial” path implies the formation of a person’s image, which is carried out indirectly, purposefully and consciously by image makers, PR specialists (Public Relations) or by the person himself (who wants to purposefully create a certain opinion about himself in a group that is significant to him). The “spontaneous” path implies the “unconscious” formation of a personality image “in the head” of the perceiving subject, with the help of social-perceptual mechanisms of perception. The final “image” will always be the result of the work of the second path of formation, since the first path sets only the direction of work, the second fills it with content, images and colors.

The work of specialists and the entire service as a whole will become effective only when public service bodies, receiving complete information about public opinion, use it as an organically built-in part as in the adoption process government decision, and in the mechanism of activity of government bodies.

Pocheptsov G.G. notes the following components of personal image: past, family, sports, pets, hobbies, weaknesses. According to Pocheptsov, filling in these components is very important, as it makes the “image” more alive and brings it closer to the “population”. If, as the author notes, they are not filled, then they will be filled by the mass consciousness arbitrarily, and then it will be more difficult to introduce new information into the mass consciousness - it will be necessary to overcome the barrier of an already existing attitude.

The specificity of the activities of government authorities lies in constant communication with people. Therefore, one of the most important tasks is to learn to leave a good impression about yourself, to learn to form your own image.

Unlike images, image is a goal and, at the same time, a tool for managing public mood. Such management is carried out by throwing into public discussion a certain set of ideas about a particular subject of the political process.

When forming any image (of a businessman, politician, etc.), various components are taken into account. There are three following complexes:

1) natural qualities: sociability; empathy (the ability to empathize); reflexivity (the ability to understand another); eloquence (the ability to influence with words);

2) qualities instilled by education and upbringing: moral values; psychological health; set of communication technologies;

3) qualities acquired with life and professional experience.

The formation of an effective image of a public authority should begin with bringing it into line general requirements:

A. the political image must necessarily contain “traits of a winner”, “traits of a leader” (personal achievements in professional activities) and “traits of a father”. Z. Freud: “He will not give offense. He is strict, he can punish, but he will protect”;

b. openness, “visible accessibility”. People tend to trust someone who, in their opinion, is able to solve their problems, and for this he must be accessible, that is, you can contact him, write, talk about your problems;

V. effective communications. The image is broadcast in the process of numerous communications, in situations of various business and interpersonal communication. Experienced management leaders adhere to this rule in most cases and win. Neglecting it creates a negative attitude, anger and aggressiveness, which is not forgiven in the process of communication;

g. environment. If there are worthy, well-known and recognizable personalities next to a manager or leader, a positive attitude towards them is transferred to the leader himself. A psychological phenomenon of interpersonal relationships is triggered, which boils down to the catchphrase: “Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are”;

d. personal charm. It is necessary to develop the psychological components of charm: a sense of humor; attentive and friendly attitude towards others; emotional contagion; psychological security; communication skills; improving the “external image” (unusual appearance, memorability).

A person's ability to make a good impression is determined by great importance. No one will be interested and will not do business with a person who does not know how to express his thoughts, who is dressed incomprehensibly. One of the conditions for creating your own image is knowledge of the rules of etiquette and the ability to behave in accordance with them. Like morality, etiquette is a form of regulation of human behavior. The rules of etiquette simply need to be known and followed.

To create a positive image, a healthy human psyche, appearance and clothing are of no small importance. Clothing in business communication also plays a significant role, as it carries multidimensional information about its owner: about his economic capabilities, about aesthetic taste, about belonging to a certain social group, profession, about his attitude towards people around him.

In conditions of social tension, the images and categories that comprise them become even more distinct, stable and hostile. It is known that in most cases the initial impression of a person is formed by his appearance. Business attire also has its own norms and rules of business etiquette.

The business world, in its external appearance, rather adheres not to fashion, but to a certain level - dressing in such a way as not to ruin your reputation. In this sense, extravagance and sloppiness are perceived negatively. Clean and neat clothes and shoes are an important attribute to success.

A man should look respectable and self-confident, business-like and attractive, inspiring confidence, not without a pretense of grace and elegance. And a businesswoman should not allow the fashion industry to completely determine her clothing choices or allow her social background to influence the way she dresses.

The moral assessment of the individual is of great importance for the image. An impeccable image is the property of moral people who do not deviate from the moral, corporate and legal code of conduct.

Image becomes a real means of influencing mass consciousness. Working with mass consciousness is different in that we cannot convey the entire volume of information. It is impossible to present an absolutely complete account of any individual. And this makes you do next steps:

1. transform it in accordance with the requirements of the transmission channel (for TV - these are some possibilities, for radio - others, for newspapers - others);

2. select characteristics to convey, limiting yourself to only a small part of them, since it is impossible to convey the entire volume of characteristics. Only those characteristics that are “doomed to success” are used;

3. ensure the coincidence (harmonization) of characteristics with the requirements of the transmission channel. The ideal person in this regard is the one whose natural characteristics coincide with the norms of the channel.

Image is a subjective image of a person, perceived by others. Firstly, the image must be believable and reliable. Secondly, the image must be bright and specific. It works better and is quickly perceived when it focuses on certain features and highlights one or more characteristic features. Thirdly, the image should be simple. The most effective image is simple and quickly memorable.

The image does not at all provide a complete, strict analytical representation of public authorities; the image should become a separate value and be used at every opportunity. Image is the impression made by a public authority.

Formation and change of image is possible as a result of changes and combinations of the following components:

1. Objective external personality data (physiognomy, facial expressions, motor skills, voice timbre);

2. Behavioral characteristics (manner and style of speech, clothing style, gait);

3. Social and professional characteristics (education, social status, profession);

4. Self-perception (how a person perceives himself in the context of the environment);

5. Perception by reference groups, that is, groups with which a person interacts without intermediaries (mass media act as intermediaries);

6. Public image created with the help of intermediaries - mass media. The public image is usually focused on target groups with which the individual does not interact directly.

It should also be noted that it is impossible to create a positive image without well-structured communication. Communication is the basis of society and public relations, which are a field of interaction between various interest groups. This gives rise to the desire and practice of transforming communication processes into an institution of social control using an extensive system of mass media for effective communicative influence on the audience. Power structures in the information society must make maximum use of the entire resource potential of mass media in the process of forming both their positive image and reputation.

Mass communications, primarily for public authorities, become a mechanism for socialization and social management of mass consciousness, public opinion and its behavioral manifestation.

The starting point for the implementation of this mechanism is the implementation of the content-semantic side of mass communication, which consists in providing the population with information from its source, which is mainly press services and public relations units of government bodies. At the same time, the content of communication and its transmission through the mass communication system are built taking into account the orientation towards various social strata of the population.

If we talk about the image of public authorities, then its formation by means of mass communications (mainly through persuasion) can be defined as a necessary but not sufficient condition.

The main tool, in our opinion, that is truly capable of creating a positive image of power structures among the population is the so-called “policy of real affairs”, that is, the effective activities of the state bodies themselves, the full implementation of their power functions in the interests of the entire Russian population. It is a good reputation that leads to a fairly stable, high level of trust and corresponding actions of citizens supporting the authorities, which, to a certain extent, can be the key to the stability of the system government controlled and during crisis periods of social development.

A necessary element of the implementation of the mechanism for forming a positive image and reputation of public authorities in the process of mass communication is Feedback authorities and the population, constant monitoring of the situation and adjustment of their interaction.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the government mainly uses manipulative PR technologies to form its own image, often ignoring negative trends in the development of public administration and taking only its positive advantages as the basis for the modeled image. Creating a positive image of the authorities is possible only if the mechanism of social partnership between the authorities and society is used and a new state-ideological paradigm, where PR technologies are a tool for establishing relations of public trust and mutual understanding. However, it is too early to say that at the moment they have priority in application by the Russian authorities.




Dubovitskaya Valentina Nikolaevna,

Tambov, Russia

Dubovitskaya Valentina N.,

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

Scientific adviser:

Sirotkina Evgenia Viktorovna,

Candidate of Historical Sciences

Tambov branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and

civil service under the President Russian Federation,

Tambov, Russia

Scientific supervisor:

Sirotkina Evgenia V.,

Ph.D. in History

Tambov branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of

National Economy and Public Administration,

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

UDC 35

Annotation: The article examines the importance of image for the state civil service and current problems that arise during its formation. Ways to solve problems associated with the formation of a positive image of the state civil service are proposed.

Keywords: state civil service, image of the state civil service, prestige of the civil service.

Abstract: The article considers the importance of the image for the state civil service and the actual problems that arise in the course of its formation. The ways of solving problems connected with the formation of a positive image of the state civil service are suggested.

Key words: state civil service, image of the state civil service, prestige of the civil service.

The current stage of development of Russian society is characterized by fairly high demands on the state civil service system, the degree of efficiency of which largely determines the success of the reforms being carried out in the country. The effectiveness of the activities of public authorities and management, in turn, depends on the level of trust in it, the degree of its support from the population, which are mostly determined by the image of the public service formed in the mass consciousness. In relation to the state apparatus and civil servants, a positive image should be considered as a necessary condition for their effective functioning and development.

Many authors (Maslova E.L., Pocheptsov G.G., Perelygina E.B., Semenov A.K.) agree that image is a purposefully created or spontaneously arisen form of reflection of an object in the minds of people, and as The object reflected in the image is a person, a group of people, an organization, etc.

The image of the state civil service is a stable image that has developed in the mass consciousness, the so-called “calling card”, which presupposes a certain reaction, an impression regarding the civil service. The issue of studying the image of the state civil service in modern stage development of society is quite relevant due to the fact that, in essence, its activities are public. The publicity of the civil service implies that it is constantly in the spotlight of the public and is subject to constant evaluation and comparison.

According to E.V. Grigoriev, it is in the sphere of public service that there is a pronounced need for image structures, stable and long-term image strategies designed to strengthen and increase the efficiency of the entire system of socio-political communications as a whole. Hence the importance of analyzing the phenomenon of image becomes obvious, current mechanism its formation, forms, factors, as well as its influence on the activities of state civil servants. It is the image of the state civil service that ultimately creates in citizens an orientation towards cooperation with its representatives, or, on the contrary, provokes in their minds an attitude towards its rejection, which, in turn, becomes the reason for the lack of desire to enter into any relationships with government officials. structures.

Let us note that the institution of public opinion is considered the primary indicator of commitment to power structures, since it is the link between the people and the authorities, the state and civil society. Society's assessment of the government's activities is formed into public opinion, which, in turn, is the most important means of creating a positive image of the state civil service.

In general, the formation of a positive image of a civil servant is a complex and lengthy process, closely related to the image policy of the executive branch. At the same time, the formation of a positive image of the civil service is the primary stage in the development of the state civil service, determining the desire for creative cooperation between government bodies and society. However, in modern Russian society, when forming the image of the state civil service, a number of problems arise that impede the development and strengthening of its positive component.

Firstly, despite the importance of the influence of the existing image on the effectiveness of the activities of the state civil service, it is normative this question did not receive its clear consolidation. Thus, from the beginning of the civil service reform, the most important documents, starting with the Concept of reforming the civil service system of the Russian Federation in 2001 and ending with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 11, 2016 No. 403 “On the main directions of development of the state civil service of the Russian Federation for 2016-2018” , noted the increase in image and prestige as one of the most important areas of development of the public service. However, no attempts have been made to consolidate the image direction in regulatory legal acts in more detail. The lack of special legislation prevents the full use of mechanisms for forming a positive image, slowing down this process.

Secondly, the formation of a positive image of the state civil service is hampered by the so-called phenomenon of associative image. It manifests itself in the transfer in public opinion of established assessments, image ideas and their negative manifestations in the behavior of individual representatives of power structures to the activities of the public service as a whole. In this context, we are talking about corruption, abuse of power, rudeness, and lack of professionalism. In the domestic literature, the low efficiency of bureaucracy is explained by the lack of two of its components, namely public and administrative control, i.e. low wages and lack of effective control measures. Thus, reforms in the field of financing the state apparatus were unsystematic: the increase in wages affected mainly senior administrative positions, while the wages of civil servants in general remained several times lower than in the commercial sector, which gives rise to large-scale corruption. Let us note that according to Rosstat data as of March 2016, government staff receive the highest salaries - their average earnings decreased by 7% compared to 2014 and amounted to 232 thousand rubles; Salaries increased the most in the Federation Council (by 42.2% - to 173 thousand), the State Duma (by 30.7% - to 136 thousand); and in the Investigative Committee, salaries fell by 57.1% to 47 thousand. In the regions, salaries are more modest, the average salary of officials is about 35 thousand rubles.

Scientific works devoted to public service, a large number of, they differ in conceptual and/or disciplinary emphases, but their general content is summarized as follows: the ineffectiveness of the state apparatus and its inadequacy to public needs is the main obstacle to economic, political and social reforms. The result is ineffective interaction between the state and society and, as a consequence, low prestige and a negative image of civil servants.

Also, the problem of the population’s perception of the state civil service in general and its individual officials in particular has not disappeared. In this context, we are talking about cultural and historical traditions of perception of public service in Russian society. Thus, if you look at the development of the state civil service in historical retrospect, you can see that in almost all periods there were various machinations of civil servants and the reproduction of those typical negative traits that give rise to negative assessments. In this regard, the stereotype of distrust of government power already lies in the mass subconscious.

Disorder in some structures of the state apparatus, which has become the “norm” of perception for the majority of Russian citizens, as a result of which mistrust on the part of the population has increased. Let us note that a big problem in forming a positive image of the state civil service is the structure of government bodies, i.e. Constant changes in the number, subordination and functionality of different elements in the civil service system confuse the “consumers” of public services and give rise to ideas about its clannishness, closedness and concern only with self-reproduction.

Thus, the publicly released monitoring of the civil service by Rosstat by the end of 2016 shows an overwhelming number of officials in some regions. For example, in the Oryol region - the smallest among Russian regions, with a population of 759,143 people, 13,988 employees work in government bodies at all levels - state and municipal - i.e. the ratio of able-bodied Oryol residents to government officials is seven to one. For comparison: in 2000, the total number of service people in the region was 8,652 people (an increase of 1.6 times). The population decreased by 75 thousand people over the same period.

In the Tambov region, the number of state civil servants is also growing steadily. Thus, in 2010, the number of employees of state bodies and local self-government bodies of the Tambov region was 13.5 thousand people, and by the end of 2016 it was 17.1 thousand people, that is, it increased by almost 20%.

At the same time, a rather serious problem is the lack of qualifications and violation of professional ethics by civil servants, which, in turn, reduces the efficiency of the state civil service as a whole and, therefore, affects the image. In ordinary consciousness, first of all, the moral qualities of civil servants determine the assessment of the work of a state body of power and administration.

As defined in the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated August 12, 2002 No. 885 “On approval general principles official conduct of civil servants": a civil servant must be aware of his responsibility to the state, society, citizen and proceed from the fact that the recognition, observance and protection of human rights and freedoms determine the basic meaning and content of the activities of public authorities. But at the same time, in relation to government authorities, citizens who have experience communicating with officials have negative emotions: the population as a whole evaluates the attitude of civil servants towards visitors mainly negatively, focusing on their inherent indifference, the desire to quickly end the conversation when interacting with citizens . Of great importance in this context is the fact that modern Russian officials do not perceive their work as an activity aimed at satisfying the interests of the population: most of them perceive work in government bodies and management as an activity related to protecting the interests of the state, their ministries and departments , management, as well as their own interests.

It is worth noting that now the media have a special influence on the formation of the image of the state civil service in the eyes of the public. On the one hand, this is a plus when forming an image by promoting the positive traits of employees and publicizing them, but on the other hand, it turns out to be a big problem, since the media, in addition to a positive image, can also construct a negative one. At the same time, the quality, reliability and veracity of the information being replicated varies. Often the media willingly circulate negative information regarding government officials. And since the media are considered the primary and most widespread of all image-forming means, the population tends to trust such information.

In the process of forming a positive image, it is recommended to pay attention to the coverage in the media of objective successes achieved by civil servants and the positive results of the activities of the state civil service in general. Such events help to increase the awareness and interest of citizens, and as a result, increase the authority of the authorities and the public’s trust in them.

All these and a number of other problems have a direct impact and hinder the natural formation of a positive image of the state civil service, since without public trust in the authorities it is impossible to build effective system feedback from society. A stable positive image of the public service is a necessary component that ensures the sustainability of various spheres of public life, the efficiency of the entire system of government and the predictability of public administration.

Today, creating a positive image of the state civil service is a task also for specialized units of state public relations bodies. Therefore, it is necessary to develop public relations, increasing the openness of the activities of civil servants. It is important to note that all public relations services should use the consideration and coordination of interests as a mechanism for their activities (dialogue-parity type of public relations) and should not be a means of unilateral influence on the target audience (propaganda type of public relations).

graduate work

1.3 Mechanisms for forming a positive image

So, after the organization has captured a certain niche in the market and established itself in it, it is necessary to act further. Now she can afford to increase spending on publicity and on her image, which is finally beginning to be clearly defined.

Publicity is positive fame and recognition of the organization, its personnel and its activities in the external environment of the organization.

Publicity is formed by the main activities of the organization, reviews from clients and partners, as well as PR means. The terms “publicity” and “image” are often used interchangeably. However, publicity is to a greater extent external fame, for the general public, formed through the widespread use of the media. And the image may have a smaller audience of fame and rely less on the media.

Forming publicity or supporting an image using PR is somewhat different from advertising. Advertising has the following features: paid; control over what, where, how, to whom and how often is communicated. PR means - news releases, articles, reports, press conferences - are less controlled by the organization itself. The news editor and production editor decide whether to use all or part of the story, or not use it at all. However, PR tools have advantages over advertising: they have a significantly lower price for preparation and placement, and also enjoy greater trust, because are perceived as objective news, and not self-promotion in the market. Publicity is of particular importance for an organization in the following cases:

1. Strengthening and improving the organization’s reputation. It is a mistake to cover the implementation of, for example, a philanthropic event with the help of advertising.

2. When announcing a new product or service, generating positive publicity through PR should precede advertising. A product can be the subject of a press release while it is news, but after the advertisement is released, the product ceases to be news and is not the subject of a press release.

3. Once a product has been on the market for some time, it becomes more difficult to attract consumer attention. Then means of creating publicity - special events, sponsorship - can renew market interest in it.

4. Explaining a complex product or service may require time and space not available in advertising. The article may have more space to tell the story.

5. The limited budget for promotion may not allow advertising costs, but will allow you to publish an article.

6. Reaction in a crisis situation. In a crisis situation, PR tools to support the positive publicity of the organization are the fastest and most reliable means. Only after the crisis has been resolved is advertising appropriate.

Image is the image of an organization as perceived by public groups.

The image may be somewhat different for different public groups because the desired behavior of these groups towards the organization may differ. For the general public, a company's civic stance may be preferable. For partners, the company's position is highly competitive. In addition, there is an internal image of the organization - as the idea of ​​employees about their organization. Therefore, work on creating an image is carried out purposefully for each group and through various means. Image is a tool for achieving the strategic goals of the organization, i.e. affecting the main aspects of its activities, and oriented to the future. A positive image increases competitiveness commercial organization in the market, attracts consumers and partners, accelerates sales and increases their volume, facilitates the organization’s access to resources (financial, informational, human, material) and conduct of operations. A positive image, like publicity, is created by the company’s core activities, as well as targeted information work aimed at target groups of the public. For large organizations, working with the media is especially important when supporting their image. The wide scale of operations requires corresponding wide publicity, achievable primarily through the media. Creating an image in the market environment is carried out with the help of marketing communications, one of the elements of which is PR.

Rice. 3. The process of forming a corporate image

The image can be created anew (for a new organization) or changed. Image is the main goal of organizational (corporate) identity management. Corporate identity is a system of names, symbols, signs, logos, colors, myths, rituals that project the “personality” or “individuality” of the company. Corporate identity should reflect the mission, structure, business and aspirations of the company. Work on corporate identity so important that it often leads to structural changes, or repositioning of the organization, seeking to serve other markets. That is, the “personality” itself, or “individuality” of the organization changes (Fig. 3.).

A successful image formation process requires management (planning, organization, control). Activities to form an image are assessed qualitatively (goals, structure, content, performers, technologies) and quantitatively (costs, timing, results, economic efficiency). The image has its own structure, is described parametrically and modeled (for example, using a perception profile and the semantic differential method), as well as the process of its formation. The characteristics of the image are:

· perception group,

· a set of perceived and measurable properties of the organization, the weight and value of property assessments,

· duration of existence and stability of the image,

· level of positivity/negativity,

· optimality,

· activities,

· costs of creating and maintaining an image.

Today, imageology has an extensive arsenal of image-forming tools. Here are some of them:

1) Positioning. This technology is the most significant for imaging and represents the placement of an object in a favorable information environment.

2) Manipulation. A fairly common method of communicative influence, performing the function of a “legend” or “myth” that masks true intentions.

3) Mythologization. Associated with the construction of a double message that affects the level of consciousness and subconsciousness. Each person contains myths and archetypes at a deep level, and the task of the image maker is to activate this symbolism in a direction beneficial to oneself.

4) Emotionalization. This method is associated with the translation of any information from rational language into emotional language.

5) Format. It is understood as the processes of creating contexts specified for the formation of the necessary image.

6) Verbalization. This technique is based on the image maker’s ability to communicate in the language of the audience, to direct verbalization in the right direction when it is necessary to hide the real state of affairs.

7) Detailing. This technique increases the level of impact of information, since details, being reference signals, are stored in memory longer.

8) Distancing. This method is associated with the artificial removal of everything negative, negative, which destroys the positive image and reduces its rating.

9) Visualization. This technique involves influencing the audience through several channels of perception at once.

The technology of creating an image involves the active use of two directions: 1. Descriptive (or informational), representing the image; 2. Evaluative, existing as a stimulus for evaluations and emotions caused by information of varying intensity, carrying a certain emotional and psychological reaction.

The image is assessed using experience, value orientations, generally accepted norms, and principles. Evaluation and image have conditional conceptual differences and an inextricable connection.

Due to objective conditions, the image can be positive, negative, and unclear. The purpose of the structure is to create a positive image that increases competitiveness, attracts public attention, accelerates the process of acceptance and increases the number of supporters, which makes it possible to activate financial, informational, human and material resources. The concept of image formation involves the following stages of development for a successful movement: a) planning; b) organization; c) control. The main means of image formation include:

1) Corporate style is the basis of the image, the main means of its formation.

2) Visual aids - design techniques for image formation. 3) Verbal (verbal) means (using NLP) - specially selected stylistics, focused on the needs of the consumer, are successfully used to broadcast advertising on the radio. Advertising means are advertising means used in each specific case that contribute to the formation of a favorable attitude.

4) Representation on the Internet - creation of a website in the same style of the organization, which will present all the necessary information. Information on the website must always be up to date. It is also necessary that your website can be found by potential clients who do not know about the existence of your company. Creating, maintaining and promoting a website is a responsible matter, so it is better to entrust this work to professionals in this field.

5) PR events - thoughtful, planned, ongoing efforts to establish and strengthen mutual understanding between the enterprise and the public. These are exhibitions, presentations, press conferences, sponsorship events. The attitude of target groups to ongoing PR campaigns and the scale of the audience of the sponsored campaign are also important.

A. Organization of special events

Special events are events held by a company to attract public attention to the company itself, its activities and products. Special events are designed to disrupt the routine and usual course of life in the company itself and its environment, and become an event for target groups of the public.

A successful special event requires more preparation than is usually expected by spectators, participants and invitees. It is important to clearly define the purpose of the special event, agree on it with all interested parties and bring it to the attention of all participants in the preparation of the event. This helps to avoid multidirectional actions and achieve fundamental coordination of efforts. Preparing a special event involves determining the circle of participants and their roles, the composition of the guests, developing a detailed program and script, scheduled minute by minute. All possible options deviations from the scenario must be foreseen in advance. Events should not get out of control. Impromptu and surprises should not exist for the organizers of a special event; they should be left only for the public.

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Formation of a positive image of public authorities

Increasingly, we are faced with a contradiction when the image of an official created in the mass consciousness by the media, in particular the press, does not coincide with his real characteristics and ability to effectively solve the tasks assigned to him. There is obvious manipulation of the consciousness of the masses, a lowering of the threshold for rational understanding of political processes.

The image of government bodies, introduced into the consciousness of the masses, appears as a complex socio-psychological phenomenon, which reflects a set of his real personal qualities, formed by his activities, the media, political advertising against the background of corresponding stereotypes of mass consciousness.

The components of the image are contradictory, since they reflect the discrepancy between the personal qualities of governing bodies and the role requirements that society places on them, taking into account the socio-political and economic situation, between the real image and the “reference image” already formed in the public consciousness. Therefore, it becomes relevant to study the mechanisms and modern trends in the formation of the image of public authorities.

A positive perception of state power and its representatives, formed in society, simplifies the promotion of state ideology and contributes to faster implementation of state decisions.

The concept of “image” emerged in the West in the 1950s. and was originally used in advertising practice. Further, in the 1960s, this term reappears in the field of entrepreneurship as the main means of psychological influence on the consumer. Later, the concept of image became the main element of the theory and practice of public relations and became firmly established in political and public life.

Image management is a reflection of an event aimed at improving the image, intensive possession of information with a predictable reaction to it. In order to attract attention to an image, you need to show it from a new, never seen side, convince the audience, and hold the public’s attention.

As a result of the mind's fear of itself, a person has about a dozen psychological defenses, and all of them are somehow related to the image. Image allows you to hide your shortcomings by forming an appropriate system of impressions in other people.

The formation of an image occurs in two ways: “spontaneous” and “artificial” (classification by Egorova E.V.). The “artificial” path implies the formation of a person’s image, which is carried out indirectly, purposefully and consciously by image makers, PR specialists (Public Relations) or by the person himself (who wants to purposefully create a certain opinion about himself in a group that is significant to him). The “spontaneous” path implies the “unconscious” formation of a personality image “in the head” of the perceiving subject, with the help of social-perceptual mechanisms of perception. The final “image” will always be the result of the work of the second path of formation, since the first path sets only the direction of work, the second fills it with content, images and colors.

There are several approaches to considering the structure of the image. E.V. Egorova, analyzing the image of a political leader, identifies the following components:

1) personal characteristics: physical, psychophysical characteristics, character, personality type and individual decision-making style;

2) social characteristics: a) status, which includes status associated not only with the official position held, but also with origin and wealth; b) connection with various social groups: with those whose interests he represents, with those who support him and are allies, and with those who are his opponents and enemies; c) norms and values ​​of the individual;

3) symbolic characteristics: a certain constant set of qualities and traits that must be demonstrated by a person in order to actualize the “necessary” archetypes in people’s minds.

G.G. Pocheptsov notes the following components of personal image: past, family, sports, pets, hobbies, weaknesses. According to G.G. Pocheptsova, filling in these components is very important, as it makes the “image” more alive and brings it closer to the “population”. If, as the author notes, they are not filled, then they will be filled by the mass consciousness arbitrarily, and then it will be more difficult to introduce new information into the mass consciousness - it will be necessary to overcome the barrier of an already existing attitude.

The specificity of the activities of government authorities lies in constant communication with people. Therefore, one of the most important tasks is to learn to leave a good impression about yourself, to learn to form your own image.

The media are directly involved in image formation. They serve as conductors of the most stable ideas that take root both within the country and abroad. The language of domestic media is sometimes replete with ambiguous speech patterns that give rise to doubts, say, about the integrity and stability of the Russian political space.

Unlike images, image is a goal and, at the same time, a tool for managing public mood. Such management is carried out by throwing into public discussion a certain set of ideas about a particular subject of the political process.

When forming any image (of a businessman, politician, etc.), various components are taken into account. There are three following complexes:

1) natural qualities: sociability; empathy (the ability to empathize); reflexivity (the ability to understand another); eloquence (the ability to influence with words);

2) qualities instilled by education and upbringing: moral values; psychological health; set of communication technologies;

3) qualities acquired with life and professional experience.

Forming an effective image of a public authority should begin by bringing it into compliance with general requirements:

A. the political image must necessarily contain “traits of a winner”, “traits of a leader” (personal achievements in professional activities) and “traits of a father”. Z. Freud: “He will not give offense. He is strict, he can punish, but he will protect”;

b. openness, “visible accessibility”. People tend to trust someone who, in their opinion, is able to solve their problems, and for this he must be accessible, that is, you can contact him, write, talk about your problems;

V. effective communications. The image is broadcast in the process of numerous communications, in situations of various business and interpersonal communication. Experienced management leaders adhere to this rule in most cases and win. Neglecting it creates a negative attitude, anger and aggressiveness, which is not forgiven in the process of communication;

g. environment. If there are worthy, well-known and recognizable personalities next to a manager or leader, a positive attitude towards them is transferred to the leader himself. A psychological phenomenon of interpersonal relationships is triggered, which boils down to the catchphrase: “Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are”;

d. personal charm. It is necessary to develop the psychological components of charm: a sense of humor; attentive and friendly attitude towards others; emotional contagion; psychological security; communication skills; improving the “external image” (unusual appearance, memorability).

A person's ability to make a good impression is given great importance. No one will be interested and will not do business with a person who does not know how to express his thoughts, who is dressed incomprehensibly. One of the conditions for creating your own image is knowledge of the rules of etiquette and the ability to behave in accordance with them. Like morality, etiquette is a form of regulation of human behavior. The rules of etiquette simply need to be known and followed.

To create a positive image, a healthy human psyche, appearance and clothing are of no small importance. Clothing in business communication also plays a significant role, as it carries multidimensional information about its owner: about his economic capabilities, about aesthetic taste, about belonging to a certain social group, profession, about his attitude towards people around him.

In conditions of social tension, the images and categories that comprise them become even more distinct, stable and hostile. It is known that in most cases the initial impression of a person is formed by his appearance. Business attire also has its own norms and rules of business etiquette.

The business world, in its appearance, rather adheres not to fashion, but to a certain level - dressing in such a way as not to tarnish your reputation. In this sense, extravagance and sloppiness are perceived negatively. Clean and neat clothes and shoes are an important attribute to success.

A man should look respectable and self-confident, business-like and attractive, inspiring confidence, not without a pretense of grace and elegance. And a businesswoman should not allow the fashion industry to completely determine her clothing choices or allow her social background to influence the way she dresses.

The moral assessment of the individual is of great importance for the image. An impeccable image is the property of moral people who do not deviate from the moral, corporate and legal code of conduct.

Image becomes a real means of influencing mass consciousness. Working with mass consciousness is different in that we cannot convey the entire volume of information. It is impossible to present an absolutely complete report about a businessman or politician. And this forces you to take the following steps:

1. transform it in accordance with the requirements of the transmission channel (for TV these are some possibilities, for radio - others, for newspapers - others);

2. select characteristics to convey, limiting yourself to only a small part of them, since it is impossible to convey the entire volume of characteristics. Only those characteristics that are “doomed to success” are used;

3. ensure the coincidence (harmonization) of characteristics with the requirements of the transmission channel. The ideal politician in this regard is one whose natural characteristics coincide with the norms of the channel.

Image is a subjective image of a person, perceived by others. Firstly, the image must be believable, reliable, so that target audiences could trust the image of the governing bodies. Secondly, the image must be bright and specific. It works better and is quickly perceived when it focuses on certain features and highlights one or more characteristic features vividly. Thirdly, the image should be simple. The most effective image is simple and quickly memorable.

The image does not at all provide a complete, strict analytical representation of public authorities; the image should become a separate value and be used at every opportunity. Image is the impression made by a public authority.

Formation and change of image is possible as a result of changes and combinations of the following components:

1. Objective external personality data (physiognomy, facial expressions, motor skills, voice timbre);

2. Behavioral characteristics (manner and style of speech, clothing style, gait);

3. Social and professional characteristics (education, social status, profession);

4. Self-perception (how a person perceives himself in the context of the environment);

5. Perception by reference groups, that is, groups with which a person interacts without intermediaries (mass media act as intermediaries);

6. Public image created with the help of intermediaries - mass media. The public image is usually focused on target groups with which the individual does not interact directly.

Summarizing what has been said, we can propose the following definition of the concept “image of public authorities” - this is an image-representation that, through the method of associations, endows an object, which is the public administration authorities, with properties (social, psychological, aesthetic, and so on) that do not always have a basis in real properties of the object itself, but have social significance for the one who perceives such an image.

It should also be noted that it is impossible to create a positive image without well-structured communication. Communication is the basis of society and social relations, which are a field of interaction between various interest groups. This gives rise to the desire and practice of transforming communication processes into an institution of social control using an extensive system of mass media for effective communicative influence on the audience. Power structures in the information society must make maximum use of the entire resource potential of mass media in the process of forming both their positive image and reputation.

Mass communications (MC) are becoming an integral part of the political sphere in a post-industrial society, where the power of knowledge and information becomes decisive in the management of society, relegating the influence of money and direct state coercion to the background. As PR specialists note, politics, more than other types of social activities, needs special means of information exchange, establishing and maintaining permanent connections between its subjects. This is due to the very nature of politics as a collective, complexly organized, purposeful activity, a specialized form of communication between people for the implementation of group goals and interests that affect the whole of society. All this is usually impossible with direct, contact interaction between citizens and requires the use of special means of communication between various bearers of power, as well as between the state and citizens; special means of information transmission (mass media, mass media, mass media), ensuring unity of will, integrity and a single direction of actions of many people.

Thus, MK, first of all, for government authorities, becomes a mechanism for socialization and social management of mass consciousness, public opinion and its behavioral manifestation.

The means of mass communication are the basis for the formation of the reputation and positive image of public authorities, without which a high level of public trust in the authorities, free approval by citizens of public policy, and support of government structures by concrete actions of citizens are impossible in a democratic society.

In light of the above, it seems necessary to consider the mechanism for forming a positive image and reputation of public authorities in the process of mass communication.

The starting point for the implementation of this mechanism is the implementation of the substantive and semantic side of the Intergovernmental Committee, which consists in providing the population with information from its source, which is mainly the press services and public relations units of government bodies. At the same time, the content of communication and its transmission through the mass communication system are built taking into account the orientation towards various social strata of the population.

In this regard, it is necessary to identify the problem of the absence in Russia of a single subject of state PR, along with the fact that today it is hardly possible to talk about some kind of holistic information policy of the state, when power structures at various levels do “their own little PR”, which does not always correspond to the public actions of others participants in the political process and state interests in general.

The change in communication caused by purposefully provided information is aimed at changing the population’s perception and interpretation of government policies (implementation of the perceptual side of MC). It is at this stage of the implementation of mass communication, in my opinion, that the specificity in the processes of forming the image and reputation of public authorities by means of MK is manifested. It is associated with an essential distinction between the very concepts of “image” and “reputation”. Without dwelling in detail on their comparison, we will only point out the main essence of the difference. In most studies, image is characterized as manipulative mental image, designed to influence not the rational, but the emotional sphere and the level of the unconscious; This is an emotionally charged, often superficial image of something or someone that has developed in the mass or individual consciousness. Reputation is a rational category; it represents a more stable opinion, formed on the basis of a conscious, reasonable choice and containing more rational aspects and systemic assessments.

Thus, by means of MK (mainly through the use of mechanisms of suggestion acting on the emotional sphere of perception), it is possible to form a positive image of the authorities in the eyes of the population, which contributes to the changes in behavior necessary for the authorities.

At the same time, in the process of organizing interaction (implementation of the interactive side of MC), the population directly supports the policies pursued by the state authorities. However, it should be noted that such behavior of citizens, due to the very features of the image (such as, for example, a rather superficial, short-term nature), is quite unstable, which poses a serious danger to the authorities, especially during periods of crisis in society.

If we talk about the reputation of public authorities, then its formation by means of international communication (mainly through persuasion) can be defined as a necessary, but not sufficient condition.

The main tool, in my opinion, that is truly capable of creating a positive reputation among the population for government structures is the so-called “policy of real affairs,” that is, the effective activities of the government bodies themselves, the full implementation of their power functions in the interests of the entire Russian population. It is this reputation that leads to a fairly stable, high level of trust and corresponding actions of citizens’ support for the authorities, which, to a certain extent, can be the key to the stability of the public administration system in times of crisis of social development.

A necessary element of the implementation of the mechanism for forming a positive image and reputation of public authorities in the process of mass communication is feedback from the authorities and the population, constant monitoring of the situation and adjustment of their interaction.

So, in the conditions of the information society, power structures must make maximum use of the entire resource potential of mass media in the process of forming both their positive image and reputation. However, in my opinion, modern government policy today requires a much greater use of reputation management tools, maximizing the number of rational levers of influence on Russians for their conscious, free approval of government policies instead of image-based, manipulative ones aimed at the formation of social illusions and indoctrinated attitudes.

Thus, the image of public authorities, the ability to regulate, control and model their own life activities and professional behavior have a great influence on the formation of trust in them as subjects of activity. The main technologies for image formation are: PR (public relations), media, public opinion, reception areas in government agencies.

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