There is an opportunity to purchase related products. Why are additional products or services needed?

An excellent way to increase sales volumes are related products, which an experienced seller can offer so that the consumer simply has no choice, and he always says “Yes.” Statistics confirm that correctly selected follow-up products can increase profitability by tens and sometimes hundreds of percent.

What is a “related product”?

Remember when, for example, you buy cottage cheese in a store, and the seller also offers you very fresh, tasty sour cream? Moreover, he doesn’t ask: “Will you take more sour cream?”, he says: “What kind of sour cream should I add to the cottage cheese?” That is, he simply does not give you the opportunity to answer: “No, you don’t need sour cream,” although the illusion of choice still remains. He sold you an item that you did not plan to buy, but which you needed to complement the first item you purchased. These are related products - additional products offered by the seller that complement the main product, make it more attractive, smooth out its shortcomings, and the like. And so, for any product from your assortment, you can select accompanying ones, and there are no secrets in the technology of compiling a list of products to match; you yourself can create a list of the most suitable options that will definitely interest the consumer.

We help the client buy more than he planned

The main secret of selling related products the point is that the offer does not look like a “sale,” but is perceived by the buyer as caring about him, a desire to give more and better. Clients rarely refuse such offers and are even less likely to be offended by them. Moreover, the correct image of a seller or store is formed in the subconscious - you care about the buyer, he trusts you and starts buying only from you. Total benefit!

We create a healthy interest in products and the store

It is very important to offer the right and suitable related products that the consumer may actually need. If you offer a set of washcloths or toothpaste along with salad products, the client will not only not buy the product you offer, but may also be “offended” in some way. After all, you will get the feeling that you perceive him as an object to whom you can “push” something from the assortment that has a low sales level. Then you can forget about trust and creating the right image of the store.

Teach salespeople to evaluate the selected assortment that the buyer carries in a cart to the checkout, and only after that offer him the product he really needs. The whole process should not look like an inspection; everything should go easily, naturally, with a smile. There is a lot of interesting information about how to offer related products that it would be advisable for both the owners and the sellers to study.

What will we offer the buyer?

The range of related products depends on the range of the store itself, its activity profile, sales volumes and other factors. If this is a highly specialized store, then you can, in principle, make a small list of related products, which sellers should simply learn. This is the simplest method, which does not involve a lot of imagination and professionalism of the seller. Accordingly, sales levels will be slightly lower than, for example, in the case when the seller can evaluate the selected products himself and offer the most suitable accompanying products for them.

It is better, of course, to select related products individually each time for each individual customer, but this is not an option for large markets where the flow of customers is very large and the assortment is very diverse. For such cases, special programs have already been developed that analyze what the client brought in the cart to the checkout, and provide some “tips” for sellers in the form of a list of items that may be of interest to this particular buyer.

Are there any restrictions for matching products?

It is clear that you will not offer a washing machine “at a very high price” in addition to a curling iron or hairdryer that a consumer wants to buy. favorable price" But on the contrary - it’s quite real! Prices for related products should be lower than for the main product, that is, we offer small in addition to large ones. Or a good discount on another similar product. The main thing is that the buyer learns about such a great saving opportunity even before he approaches the checkout. Place such advertising information in the store itself near the products for which you are going to offer related products. And remind them about this great opportunity at the checkout. It is unlikely that anyone will refuse.

The main thing is not to be intrusive, smile a lot and treat your consumer’s decision with understanding, so that he is not afraid to come to you a second time just because he is always offered to buy something else. Be friendly, only then will the client go from being a “random visitor to your store” to becoming a “regular customer.”

You will be able to eliminate the main reasons why it does not grow average bill, use the “Golden Toilet” technique and break the buyer’s resistance, increase the average check using simple questions by reading this article.

Imagine the situation: a seller offers an additional product or service, works according to a script, behaves confidently, and competently talks about the merits of the product. But the client refuses the purchase. According to studies, this happens in 50% of cases. (drawing). Why does this happen, how to reduce customer resistance and easily sell additional products?

The seller cannot increase the purchase amount for two reasons

The seller pushes, not sells. Companies teach managers: they need to increase the average check amount. Therefore, they try to sell additional goods at any cost - they insist on buying, they become intrusive. But sellers forget that the buyer has the right to refuse the offer. The customer will not purchase the product under pressure and may leave the store without purchasing it at all.

Best article of the month

We have prepared an article that:

✩will show how tracking programs help protect a company from theft;

✩will tell you what managers actually do during working hours;

✩explains how to organize surveillance of employees so as not to break the law.

With the help of the proposed tools, you will be able to control managers without reducing motivation.

Instruct employees to offer three or four options and calmly respond to refusal. This attitude will reassure managers, allow them to communicate with clients without fear and overcome customer resistance.

The seller offers the product thoughtlessly. Often managers, in order to increase the average check, recommend obvious options: cream for shoes, a belt for a dress, an umbrella for a coat. This happens because salespeople do not try to find out about the client’s needs and give out memorized phrases.

For example, a buyer wants to purchase a backpack with large external pockets. The seller will ask at random: “Do you need a flashlight? Do you have a tent?" As a result, the client will think that the product is being forced on him, and the manager will decide that he did everything possible.

Teach your subordinates to work with the needs of customers. In each specific case, sellers must know what the client wants, why this particular product is needed, and what else is of interest. The manager must ask all questions before he begins to offer additional products. Only then will he choose from the assortment what is relevant for the client.

The manager should ask the buyer who comes for a backpack what it is for, where he will have to travel with it and when. Let’s say the client answers: “I’m going to the mountains with friends for the first time, we’ll live in tents. We’ve already bought the tents, but not the backpacks yet.” Based on this information, the seller may offer additional products. For example: “How will you sleep in tents? This season there is an unusual product - self-inflating mats. They are light and do not take up much space; sleeping on them is more comfortable and warmer than in a sleeping bag.”

What to do. Buyers quickly get bored with the same promotions, the same type of gifts and questions from sellers. Therefore, you need to periodically change techniques and add new elements. To get customers interested in additional products and eliminate doubts, teach salespeople five techniques that will increase the average check.

"Golden Toilet"

Show the client two products - a very expensive one and a cheaper one. The buyer will choose the option at a lower cost and will not think that its price is still too high.

Example. Do you sell household appliances. A customer comes to the store and asks to see a vacuum cleaner. Let the manager first lead the buyer to the most expensive product - say, for 200 thousand rubles. The customer will be put off by the price and will ask if there are other vacuum cleaners available. Then the seller must show the product at a lower price, but not the cheapest, for example for 50 thousand rubles. The visitor will think that compared to 200 thousand rubles. This is ridiculous money, although initially I was going to spend no more than 30 thousand.

"One Foot in the Door"

If you ask a person for a small favor, they are more likely to comply with the request. Next time, your friend will be more willing to take on a more complex task. This is the essence of the “One Foot in the Door” technique.

Example. If potential client During the first purchase he took advantage of the discount; during the next promotion he will want to repeat the order, but will purchase more. On the third purchase, he will listen to the manager’s tips, order additional goods and increase the purchase amount.

For the technique to work, you need to remind the client of his previous purchases and actions. The consumer will remember past experiences and want to repeat them. On the website, create a column in which people will see their orders. Or ask to evaluate the product a week after purchase. This way you will strengthen the client’s trust in the company.

If you don’t sell through the website, enter data about your purchasing history into the CRM system. Let managers remind the client what he purchased last time: “You bought bed linen from us. Did you like it? Then it’s better to also take covers to protect it from moths.”

"Peremptory questions"

To sell additional products, managers must have a competent conversation with the client. For example, asking questions that cannot be answered “no.” Many people psychologically cannot refuse, especially if the seller asks for small change.

Example. The cashier at the supermarket always asks: “Do you want a big bag or a small one?” This is a question that does not require the answer “The package is not needed.” And many buyers who did not plan to take this product will agree to at least a small package.

Another example. A salesperson in a store may ask: “You want the TV to serve you for a long time?” Any client will answer: “Of course.” Therefore, the manager will advise: “Then you need to take this TV - it is more expensive, but durable.”

"Depletion of Will"

Human willpower is similar in principle to a muscle: the more you strain it, the faster it gets tired. Willpower decreases when a person is tired, upset, or engaged in heavy mental work. If you force the client to constantly choose and make decisions during the purchasing process, his willpower is depleted, making a choice becomes more difficult and he agrees to everything.

Example. Before offering a product, the seller must ask questions that involve difficult choices. This will weaken the client’s self-control and the ability to make informed decisions will decrease.

For example, a person came to buy a smartphone. The seller should ask: “Do you need a smartphone for work or for entertainment?” The client is unlikely to have decided this in advance, so he will think about it before answering. Let's say he says: "For work." Then the seller asks: “In this case, how much memory is needed? Will you be downloading “heavy” files to your device, will you need space for a large phone book?” And so on. While the buyer answers these questions, his willpower will weaken, he will agree to that version of the smartphone and it will be possible to sell him additional related products.

"Selling Time"

For consumers, the time factor is very important. Therefore, 48% of successful advertising campaigns contain references to this concept. For example: “Time to drink Miller”, “There is a break - there is KitKat”, etc. The reason is that the mention of time evokes in the consumer a deeply personal attitude towards the advertised product. And this fact increases the number of sales. Therefore, the method of selling time sometimes works better than mentioning a favorable price for an item.

Use the timing factor in your marketing campaigns or instruct the salesperson to use this technique when talking to the buyer. For example, mention that the product will soon disappear from sale, so there is little time left to purchase it. Or say: “Buy this product, give yourself time, which is always not enough for personal needs.”

Example. Stanford Graduate School of Business professor Jennifer Aaker conducted an experiment. To advertise lemonade, priced from $1 to $3, three posters were printed with three different slogans: “Spend a little time to enjoy lemonade,” “Spend a little money to enjoy lemonade,” and “Enjoy lemonade.” The slogan, which mentioned time, attracted twice as many buyers as the other two, and also helped increase the average purchase amount. At the same time, lemonade, which “saves consumers time,” had the maximum price in the experiment - $3.

Additional products or services for customers may be paid or free. In any case, they perform two tasks:

  • attract customers to your company;
  • increase your company's profits (cross-selling).

What free additional products or services do customers value?

Additional products and services increase customer loyalty and differentiate the company from its competitors. For example, clients will appreciate:

  • provision of interest-free installment payments (this service is offered even when selling inexpensive goods, for example, shoes);
  • delivery of goods and production additional work related to it, such as installation and configuration;
  • free product testing, the opportunity to try the product;
  • trade-in service, when the company picks up the client’s old product for free and provides a discount on a new similar one;
  • ordering goods via the Internet and delivering them to the client’s home or office;
  • inexpensive gifts for the main product;
  • engraving on products;
  • increased guarantee period;
  • free product repair in case of breakdown.

How to understand what your customers will appreciate. Sometimes customers themselves suggest little things, so don’t be shy to ask what they’re missing. A simple way is to regularly go with your employees to competitors’ stores and look at their work through the eyes of ordinary consumers, try to buy something. Then have everyone write down what they would improve on their competitors. Compare these reports with the state of affairs in your company: you probably have similar problems. As a result of such campaigns, your employees will have many suggestions for improving the quality of service. More often, new ideas arise from employees who are in contact with clients. Encourage staff to come up with little things that improve service, and reward them for successful suggestions.

Example: sales managers of a company from the b2b sector suggested that management make delivery free for all clients without exception. As a result, the loyalty of customers who previously bought goods in small quantities and came to the office themselves to buy them has increased significantly. Some time later, these clients gave the company another idea. They asked if it was possible to pay for the goods without leaving the office. The same managers found a solution: they suggested hiring a forwarding driver who would carry cash machine and accept money from clients. As a result of innovations, the volume of purchases increased threefold.

Examples of additional goods and services that European companies practice

The above examples can be implemented by any Russian company, regardless of the field of activity.

1. Free consultation. Sellers of a network of photographic and video equipment stores in Germany and the Netherlands offered each client who bought a camera of a certain model a half-hour conversation with a consultant. He explained how best to use the camera. The office of a British company selling ready-made panel houses now has jobs for an interior designer and a florist specialist. They provide free consultations to home buyers who have entered into a deal on interior home improvement issues.

2. Free measurements. A German company selling finishing materials and carpets takes free measurements at the client’s home, and when purchasing material for a certain amount, delivers the order free of charge.

3. Product customization. In a small town in Switzerland, a local pastry chef began to provide new service: uses hot melted chocolate to write names, dates and wishes of customers on cakes and pastries.

4. Wedding gift. One of the European furniture stores decided to enlist the support of young families. When purchasing a set of upholstered furniture for the living room, newlyweds who present a marriage certificate receive a set of electrical appliances (coffee maker, kettle, toaster, mixer and vacuum cleaner) as a gift. Sellers are confident that satisfied newlyweds will return to them again and again.

How to increase sales through additional products and services

The method in which the client is offered to purchase additional products or services is called (cross-selling). The main mistake companies make is that sellers, as a rule, do not offer anything at all. The client asked something, the seller answered and fell silent. And the reason is not only the inexperience of the operators. Due to the lack of a system, employees simply do not know what to offer and how to do it correctly. To make your company make money on additional products, follow these steps:

1. Create an upsell matrix. Include popular products and additional accessories that can be offered with them. For example, you can offer a phone buyer a car charger, a holder, a screen protector, or an external battery.

2. In addition to the names of additional products and services, indicate in the matrix the main benefits for the client. Salespeople need to know the benefits by heart so they can make the right case. In addition, you can invite the seller to choose five favorite accessories for each product. This approach is better for two reasons:

  • It’s easier for a salesperson to sell what he himself believes in: the client feels confident in the employee’s voice;
  • Staff resistance to such changes will be minimal.

3. Immediately list to the client the goods and services that he can purchase in addition to the main product. Even if the customer does not buy immediately, he may return for additional goods after a while. If a client buys an expensive product, it is easier to sell him related services.

Tip: Offer clients a set of services for a fixed price.

To make money on additional services and not irritate the client, give him the opportunity to choose services from the list you have compiled. For example, a company provides 10 small services and seven large ones - invite the customer to mark any five small and two large ones among them. Moreover, any set of services should cost the same amount, which is quite acceptable for the client. Then the customer will not stock up on services, just in case, but will focus only on what he really needs. A similar option is to agree with the client that for a certain subscription fee, transferred monthly, you will solve his current problems.

Upselling is the stage where real selling begins. With a skillful approach at this stage, the Seller’s salary for an additional product can be several times higher than the salary for the main product.

The company has established how many accessories must be sold for each piece of equipment. This ratio is 1:3. However, in order for the Buyer to purchase 3 accessories, it is necessary to offer much more and therefore, for one main product (phone, camera, player, etc.) it is necessary to offer at least 5 accessories. Selling accessories brings not only good income company, but also gives the Seller the opportunity to receive a high salary, since the salary rate is 12% and 20% of the cost for original and non-original accessories, respectively.

In addition to accessories, you have the opportunity to make good money on services. For example, the salary rate for the Guarantee+ service is 16% of the cost of the service, and when the plan is fulfilled point of sale the salary will be even higher.

Having competently identified the Buyer’s needs and carried out good presentation, you have the opportunity to sell the Buyer some other equipment (for example, a telephone, a game console or an MP3 player).

Considering the range of our company, Yours wage will depend on your desire and ability to correctly offer additional goods.

How to competently offer additional accessories and services? You already know the answer. The main method is the “Property-Benefit” technique! Do you remember we already talked about it at the “presentation” stage?

So, p The offer of a product (accessories and services) should be based on voicing the benefits of its use, and not on “selling”. In order for the Buyer to make a decision to purchase a product, he needs to understand what benefits he can get from this product. When deciding to purchase a product, the Buyer correlates the value of the product with its price. If the value outweighs its price, then the Buyer will gladly part with the money and pay the set price, but if not, the Buyer refuses the purchase. The value of the product in the eyes of the Buyer is created by the Seller by voicing the benefits of its use. By offering a product through voicing benefits, we help the Buyer answer the question: “Why do I need this thing?”

Voicing the benefits when offering an accessory or service allows you to interest the Buyer and encourage him to make a purchase. When the Buyer hears a benefit, he compares it with his needs, and if the benefits coincide with his needs, he makes a purchase decision.

Never make this common mistake! Under no circumstances ask the Buyer: “Memory card for you Not do you need?", "A phone bag Not look?”, “Additional guarantee for you Not interested?", "Protective film for the display Not will you take it? You absolutely cannot do this, because your question already contains the answer! Which? That's right, "NO". Use the “Property-Benefit” technique!

  • I offer you a memory card for your phone, which will significantly expand the memory of your phone, and you will be able to store a large number of the information you need
  • We have a selection of excellent bags for your phone that will perfectly protect it from scratches and keep it in its original condition!
  • The “Guarantee+” certificate will extend the warranty period for your phone and you can be sure that in case of any breakdown we will always be happy to help you!
  • A protective film for your phone screen will keep it safe, protect it from scratches and make it easier to manage your phone.

Some managers or salespeople are hesitant to offer a client an additional product, believing that buyers will consider this a blatant “sale.” But in vain!

An additional sale or multi-sale, or the sale of several products to one buyer at once, occurs when the buyer is in high spirits after purchasing the main product. This means that he will perceive any other proposals more favorably.

The “trick” of additional sales is that correctly selected related products are perceived by the buyer as your help to him.

You reminded him that his new shoes just need shoe polish or a shoe brush. He is grateful to you for this, and you are happy that you sold more than you planned!

Another advantage of additional sales is that they can be used both in the field of simple products, where a one-time purchase is expected, and in the sale of complex products, where long-term relationships with customers are built. Of course, in the second case it will be a little more difficult to make such sales, but nevertheless, all successful companies use this opportunity.

How to teach additional selling to managers and salespeople?

It’s not enough to just tell them: “Offer something else!” It is good if sellers have a natural instinct or universal experience and can sense what and when to offer. And if not, and even the main product is complex in itself?

  • Create a product compatibility table.

    Enter the main products horizontally and additional products vertically. And of course, make sure that employees know this table by heart.

  • Make a list of phrases you can use when offering related products.

    Phrases should be ones that cannot be answered with no. For example, in fast food restaurants they will never say to you: “Do you want sauce?” You will be offered options that imply that you already agree on the sauce: “Do you want tomato or garlic?”

  • Motivate your employees.

    It is reasonable to assign a small reward, monetary or simply symbolic, to those employees who over a certain period (2 weeks, a month) sold more additional goods than others.

  • Total

    In our practice, there are cases when the average bill of a company increased due to additional sales by 5 times!!! Meanwhile, this method practically does not require material investments and is applicable in most cases.

    So, are you still not hitting your sales target?

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