Requirements of the Ministry of Labor for positions. How to use the qualification directory of positions of workers and employees

There are a huge number of fields, skills and positions in the world. Due to such diversity, employers often encounter difficulties both at the level of personnel management and at the level of personnel documentation. In such cases, unified reference books and classifiers come to the rescue. In the article we will discuss what the 2020 occupational classifier with the Russian Federation decoding is and the 2020 unified tariff and qualification reference book. Let's take a closer look at the reference book of qualification characteristics.

Basic Concepts

When working with unified forms, HR specialists often find themselves at a loss due to the abundance of terms and abbreviations related to job directories. Let's look at them.

Name Abbreviation Resolution Content Target
Unified tariff and qualification reference book for 2020 occupations of workers ETKS Ministry of Labor dated May 12, 1992 No. 15a Characteristics of the main types of work by worker professions Tariffication of work, assignment of categories
All-Russian classifier of professions and positions 2020 OKPDTR State Standard of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 1994 No. 367 Professions of workers, positions of employees Statistics (estimate of the number of workers, distribution of personnel, etc.)
Unified qualification directory
EKS Ministry of Labor dated 08/21/1998 No. 37 Job titles and qualification requirements Unification of labor regulation standards

These documents are interconnected. The general classification of positions and professions for 2020 is the basis of the EKS 2020. OKPDTR 2020, in turn, takes the first section of the ETKS 2020 blue-collar professions as the basis. There is no ETKS 2020 for managers and specialists as such, therefore the second section of OKPDTR is based on a unified nomenclature of employee positions.

What is a job qualification directory

The Unified Classification Directory of Positions of Specialists and Employees (USC) is a list of qualification characteristics (job responsibilities and requirements for the level of knowledge and qualifications) of managers, specialists and employees, depending on the field of activity. Additional sections of the CEN are introduced by relevant orders of the Ministry of Labor. To date, the latest is Order No. 225n dated May 10, 2016, approving “the qualification characteristics of employees of military units and organizations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.” The frequency of updates to the directory is not regulated by law. Thus, the document amended by the above Order is currently the qualification directory for the positions of workers and employees 2020.

What is it for?

The EKS, which is based on the All-Russian Classification of Occupations of White-collar Jobs, was compiled with the aim of developing universal standards for the organization of labor. In fact, this document helps the employer competently build the structure of the organization. The qualification characteristics optimize the following functions:

  • selection and placement of personnel;
  • professional training/retraining of personnel;
  • rational division of labor;
  • determination of job responsibilities and areas of responsibility of personnel.

A personnel employee relies on the 2020 Classification of Positions and Professions in working with documents such as staffing schedules, job descriptions, regulations on departments, etc. OKPDTR classifier (2020) with a search by name is posted on the website of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection.

How to use it

The EKS is applicable to any enterprise, regardless of their form of ownership or organizational and legal forms of activity. However, the law does not oblige, but only recommends that the employer be guided by this document in personnel work. The procedure for applying the CAS was approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor dated 02/09/2004 No. 9. In accordance with it, qualification characteristics form the basis of the job description and include three sections:

  • job responsibilities (list of job functions assigned in whole or in part);
  • must know (special knowledge, knowledge of regulations, methods and means to perform job duties);
  • qualification requirements (level of professional training and work experience).

It is allowed to distribute the responsibilities that make up the qualification characteristics among several employees. The assessment of an employee's compliance with qualification characteristics is carried out only by the certification commission.

What to use - a qualification reference book or a professional standard

As we found out, an employee’s qualifications consist of his knowledge, abilities, skills and experience. A professional standard is a narrower concept and is defined as “a characteristic of the qualifications necessary for an employee to carry out a certain type of professional activity, including the performance of a certain labor function” ( Art. 195.1 Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In addition, professional standards, unlike the CAS, can be mandatory. Corresponding amendments were made to the Labor Code by Federal Law dated May 2, 2015 No. 122-FZ. According to Article 195.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to operate with professional standards if the qualification requirements for an employee to perform job functions are dictated by the Labor Code, federal law or other regulations. In other cases, the application of professional standards is recommended, but not required.

    The essence and purpose of the tariff and qualification directory of works and professions of workers

    Structure of the tariff and qualification directory

    Sections of tariff and qualification characteristics

Tariff and qualification directory of works and professions RA barrels (TCS) is a normative document of federal significance containing a systematized list of jobs and professions.

Tariff and qualification characteristics of professions, based on a point analytical system for assessing the complexity of labor, are grouped into sections according to production And speciesworks The totality of these sections is Single Tariff and qualification directory of works and professions RA barrels (ETKS).

The first issue of the ETKS includes tariff and qualification characteristics for the professions of workers, common to all industries economics (more than 100 titles); subsequent issues - by specific industry professions.

Tariff and qualification characteristics workers' professions are developed in relation to eight-bit grouping of work according to complexity as the most optimal given the existing division of labor, the achieved level of equipment, technology, organization of labor and production. At the same time, categories 7 and 8 occur only in certain types of production.

3. Tariff and qualification characteristics of professions by category ladies given in the tariff and qualification directory, with consists of three sections :

Chapter "Characteristics of work" contains:

description of work, the most typical for a given profession that a worker must perform are preparatory and final actions; functions for maintaining the workplace, caring for equipment; operations for direct management of the technological process;

degree of independence worker when performing work;

Chapter "Must know " includes:

basic requirements for qualification level worker necessary to perform the work given in the first section of the characteristics. The worker is required to know the physical and chemical properties of objects of labor, design features of equipment and measuring instruments, stages of the technological process, rational operating modes of equipment, technical and technological documentation, etc.;

requirements for the level of professional education - for certain professions of workers performing work of increased complexity;

chapter "Work examples" includes a list of works that are most typical and representative for a given profession or category, which a worker must be able to perform and by analogy with which the category of other work can be quickly and accurately determined.

In cases where the section “Characteristics of work” provides a sufficiently complete description of the work performed, the section “Examples of work” is absent in the tariff and qualification characteristics. If necessary, enterprises, taking into account the specifics of production, can develop additional examples of work of one or another level of complexity.

Question 51. Qualification directory for positions of managers, specialists and other employees

    The role of the qualification reference book for positions of managers, specialists and other employees in the organization of remuneration

    Structure of the qualification directory for positions of managers, specialists and other employees

    Composition of qualification characteristics

1 . cialists and other employees is a normative document containing list of job responsibilitiesbotniks and the qualification requirements for them in. purposes.

    justification rational division and organization of labor;

    creating an effective mechanism demarcation functions, proper selection and placement of personnel;

    provision unity in defining job responsibilities.

The titles of positions that are included in the directory are established in accordance with All-Russian classification rum of worker professions, office positions and tariffs discharges.

Qualification characteristics of positions serve as direct action standards at enterprises, institutions and organizations.

Qualificationion directory of managerial positions, special cialists and other employees serves as the basis .

    for development job descriptions - documents regulating the rights, duties and responsibilities of an employee holding a particular position;-

    drawing up regulations on structural divisions enterprises;

    implementation selection and placement of personnel;

    conducting control for the correct use of personnel in accordance with their specialty and qualifications;

at carrying out certification administrative and managerial personnel.

. Qualification directory for managerial positions, specialization cialists and other employees consists of two sections :

in the first section - Qualification characteristics are given industry-wide positions managers, specialists and other employees common in enterprises, institutions and organizations, primarily production sectors of the economy (industry, construction, transport, etc.), including those receiving budgetary funding (197 positions);

second section - contains qualification characteristics of positions of employees employed in research, design, technological, design and survey organizations, as well as in editorial and publishing departments (46 job titles).

3.Qualification characteristics of each employee position includes three sections :

"Job Responsibilities" - reflected main laborfunctions taking into account the technological homogeneity and interconnectedness of work, allowing for the optimal implementation of the specialization of employees;

"Must know " - contained requirements:

    availability special knowledge employee;

    on the application of standards legislation, regulations and instructions, methods and tools;

"Qualification Requirements" - determined professional levelnal training employee in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, necessary to perform job duties, and experience requirements work that is a condition for occupying a particular position.

The qualification characteristics of specialist positions provide for within the same position intra-job qualification categorization (without changing the job title).

It is carried out according to the following scheme :


    specialist III categories;

    leading specialist (highest level).

Qualification characteristics of derivative positions (for example, labor economist II categories) are not included in the Qualification Directory and are determined based on the characteristics of basic positions.

Assignment of qualification categories carried out by the head of the enterprise taking into account:

    employee independence in performing job duties, his responsibility for decisions made;

    attitude towards work;

    labor efficiency;

    professional knowledge and practical work experience.

The degree of compliance of the duties actually performed by the employee and the level of his preparedness with the requirements of qualification characteristics is determined by the qualification commission of the enterprise, institution, or organization.

When applying for any position in the field of education, you must meet certain qualifications. This text will tell you about the main points of creating job descriptions for education workers, the nuances of obtaining a position in this field, and will also provide you with a complete list of positions with a brief description of their characteristics. Additionally, you can download the reference book “Qualification characteristics of positions for education workers” in full.

The sphere of education is one of the basic areas that form a unified society, common cultural, social, moral and ethical values. Naturally, the qualification requirements for workers in this field are quite high. They are enshrined in a special qualification directory of positions for education workers. In this article, you will learn the qualification requirements from the 2019 job classifier, what is included in these requirements, and also receive a list of teaching positions, with a brief description of each of them.

What is the Unified Qualification Directory of Positions?

Based on the provisions of Art. 143 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the assignment of tariff categories to employees and the tariffication of work is carried out taking into account the requirements of the unified qualification directory of positions for managers, specialists and employees (hereinafter referred to as the UKS).

The CEN includes qualification characteristics of positions, descriptions of job responsibilities and requirements for qualification levels and knowledge levels of managers, specialists and employees (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 31, 2002 No. 787).

The section of the CEN that interests us - Qualification characteristics of positions of workers in the field of education in 2019 (hereinafter referred to as QCD), which has a second name - Unified qualification directory of positions of education workers, was adopted by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated August 26, 2010 No. 761n. At the moment, QCD is used as amended by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated May 31, 2011 No. 448n.

Basic provisions of the QCD section

The current version of the QCD section of the qualification directory of positions can be downloaded.

The qualification directory of positions for employees of educational institutions, adopted by order No. 761n, is designed to help in resolving issues related to the regulation of labor relations, the creation of a current, effective system of leadership and personnel management of educational institutions and organizations, regardless of their form of ownership or organizational and legal form.

The QCD is the basic document for developing job descriptions, since it contains the main list of job responsibilities of education workers, it takes into account all the features of the organization of work and levels of competence. This section also sets out the rights and responsibilities for each specific position.

When drawing up job descriptions using QCD, it is possible to clarify the list of works for a specific educational institution, taking into account the characteristics and properties of each position, as well as the development of additional requirements for the special training of employees.

To increase labor efficiency, it is allowed to expand the employee’s job responsibilities in comparison with the qualification characteristics specified in the QCD. This expansion occurs through the addition of responsibilities from related positions. Their implementation should not require expanding the qualification level and undergoing special training.

In accordance with clause 9 of the QCD, persons who perform official duties with appropriate quality and in full, but do not have a sufficient level of training or work experience, can be appointed to the positions they actually occupy, as an exception, on the recommendations of the certification commissions.

What does the qualification characteristic consist of?

The qualification characteristics for each position include 3 sections:

  • Job responsibilities (DO) - contains a list of the main job functions fully or partially entrusted to the employee in his position. When combining responsibilities from different positions, it is necessary to be guided by the principle of homogeneity and interconnectedness of work;
  • Must know (DZ) - contains the requirements for the employee in terms of the amount of knowledge of methodology, legislation and special knowledge necessary for the effective implementation of job duties;
  • Qualification requirements (QR) – requirements for levels of professional training and work experience are determined.

List and brief description of positions for education workers 2019

The list of positions is divided into 3 levels:

  1. Manager positions;
  2. Positions of teaching staff;
  3. Positions of educational support staff.

Manager positions:

  • Head of an educational institution (director, head, chief).

DO: Directly manages the educational institution in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

  • Deputy Head.

DO: Organizes the current activities of the educational institution, as well as long-term planning of its future activities. Coordinates the work of teaching staff.

DZ: The most relevant and priority directions for the development of the Russian education system, the legislative framework relating to educational activities in the institution.

TK: Higher education in the areas of “Management”, “State and Municipal Administration”, “Human Resources Management”. At least 5 years of experience in the teaching field or in management positions.

  • Head of a structural unit.

DO: Manages a structural unit: section, laboratory, office, training and consulting center, and so on. Organizes the current activities of the unit, as well as long-term planning of its future activities, taking into account the target objectives for which it was created.

DZ: The most relevant and priority directions for the development of the Russian education system, the legislative framework relating to educational activities in the institution.

TK: Higher education in the specialty that corresponds to the profile of the department. Work experience in accordance with the department profile for at least 3 years.

  • Head master.

DO: Manages educational and production work on vocational training, practical classes, and takes part in career guidance for students.

DZ: The most relevant and priority directions for the development of the Russian education system, the legislative framework relating to educational activities in the institution.

TK: Higher education corresponding to the profile of study. Minimum 2 years of work experience in the field of study.

Positions of teaching staff:

  • Teacher.

DO: Trains and educates students, taking into account their psychological and physiological characteristics and the specifics of the subject being taught. Involved in the formation of personal culture and socialization of students.

DZ: The most relevant and priority directions for the development of the Russian education system, the legislative framework relating to educational activities in the institution.

  • Teacher. Does not include faculty members of universities.

DO: Provides training to students in accordance with federal state education standards. Monitors and organizes students’ independent work and applies individual educational programs.

DZ: The most relevant and priority directions for the development of the Russian education system, the legislative framework relating to educational activities in the institution.

TK: Higher or secondary education, direction “Education and Pedagogy”, or education corresponding to the specifics of the subject being taught. There are no experience requirements.

  • Teacher-organizer.

DO: Provides assistance in the development of personal qualities, individual abilities and talents of students. Promotes the expansion and formation of personal culture and socialization.

DZ: The most relevant and priority directions for the development of the Russian education system, the legislative framework relating to educational activities in the institution.

TK: Higher or secondary education, direction “Education and Pedagogy”, or education corresponding to the profile of activity. There are no experience requirements.

  • Social teacher.

DO: Organizes and implements programs for personality education, the general educational process, development and social protection of students in institutions, organizations and at their place of residence.

DZ: The most relevant and priority directions for the development of the Russian education system, the legislative framework relating to educational activities in the institution. Possession of skills in social and pedagogical correction and stress relief.

TK: Higher or secondary education, direction “Education and Pedagogy”, or “Social Pedagogy”. There are no experience requirements.

  • Teacher-defectologist, speech therapist. The position of “speech therapist” is used in social institutions and healthcare institutions.

DO: Carries out activities for the maximum correction of developmental deficiencies in students with developmental disorders, taking into account students in correctional educational institutions.

DZ: The most relevant and priority directions for the development of the Russian education system, the legislative framework relating to educational activities in the institution. Methodological documents on issues of professional activity.

TK: Higher education in defectology. There are no experience requirements.

  • Educational psychologist.

DO: Carries out activities for professional support, correction and preservation of the psychosomatic and social well-being of students in the process of their upbringing and training in educational institutions.

DZ: The most relevant and priority directions for the development of the Russian education system, the legislative framework relating to educational activities in the institution. Methodological documents in the field of psychology, psychotherapy, sexology and so on.

TK: Higher or secondary education, major in Pedagogy and Psychology. There are no experience requirements.

  • Teacher (senior).

DO: Provides education for children in educational institutions and their structural divisions. Promotes the development of the child’s personality and his moral formation.

DZ: The most relevant and priority directions for the development of the Russian education system, the legislative framework relating to educational activities in the institution. Methods of education, persuasion and argumentation of one’s own position.

TK: Higher or secondary education, direction “Education and Pedagogy”, or “Social Pedagogy”. There are no experience requirements. For a senior teacher, at least 2 years of experience is required.

  • Tutor. Exception: tutors working in the field of higher and professional education.

DO: Develops and carries out individual work with students to identify, develop and shape their cognitive interests. Organizes personal training on pre-profile preparation.

DZ: The most relevant and priority directions for the development of the Russian education system, the legislative framework relating to educational activities in the institution. Methodology of educational work and organization of student’s free time.

TK: Higher education, direction “Education and Pedagogy”, work experience as a teacher for at least 2 years.

  • Teacher-librarian.

DO: Participates in the implementation of basic level educational programs for all levels of general education, in accordance with state federal education standards.

DZ: The most relevant and priority directions for the development of the Russian education system, the legislative framework relating to educational activities in the institution. Methodological materials on the organization of library and information work.

TK: Higher education in the field of work. There are no experience requirements.

  • Senior counselor.

DO: Conducts activities to promote the development of children's public organizations and associations, helps develop and implement programs for their activities, guided by the principles of voluntariness, initiative, taking into account the initiative, interests and needs of students.

DZ: The most relevant and priority directions for the development of the Russian education system, the legislative framework relating to educational activities in the institution. Methodological materials on organizing leisure activities, identifying and selecting talents.

TK: Higher or secondary education. There are no experience requirements.

  • (Senior) Additional education teacher.

DO: Using specialized programs aimed at developing creative activity, provides additional education to students.

DZ: The most relevant and priority directions for the development of the Russian education system, the legislative framework relating to educational activities in the institution. Methodology for the activities of clubs, sections and the development of skills.

TK: Higher or secondary education corresponding to the work profile. There are no experience requirements. For senior teachers - higher education in the profession and work experience in the field of teaching for at least 2 years.

  • Musical director.

DO: Develops aesthetic taste and musical abilities, as well as the emotional sphere and creative activity of students.

DZ: The most relevant and priority directions for the development of the Russian education system, the legislative framework relating to educational activities in the institution. Methodology of musical education, physiology of children's motor skills and musical capabilities.

TK: Higher or secondary education, direction “Education and Pedagogy”, mastery of the technique of performing a musical instrument at the professional level. There are no experience requirements.

  • Accompanist.

DO: Participates in the development of major and special disciplines, thematic programs and plans.

DZ: The most relevant and priority directions for the development of the Russian education system, the legislative framework relating to educational activities in the institution. Methodology for rehearsals and ongoing classes.

TK: Higher or secondary musical education, proficiency in playing an instrument. There are no experience requirements.

  • Head of physical education.

DO: Plans, organizes and conducts physical education classes.

DZ: The most relevant and priority directions for the development of the Russian education system, the legislative framework relating to educational activities in the institution. Methods of working on sports equipment, rules for protecting life and health.

TK: Higher education in physical education. There are no experience requirements.

  • Physical education instructor.

BEFORE: Organizing active recreation for students during school and extracurricular hours.

DZ: The most relevant and priority directions for the development of the Russian education system, the legislative framework relating to educational activities in the institution. Methods of teaching team sports, rules for holding sporting events.

TK: Higher or secondary education in the field of sports. There are no experience requirements.

  • (Senior) Methodist.

DO: Conducts methodological activities in educational institutions: analysis of educational, methodological and educational work. Develops plans to improve its effectiveness.

DZ: The most relevant and priority directions for the development of the Russian education system, the legislative framework relating to educational activities in the institution. Methodology for systematizing methodological and information materials, effective methods of pedagogical work.

TK: Higher education in the field of work. At least 2 years of experience. For a senior methodologist – at least 2 years of experience as a methodologist.

  • (Senior) Instructor-methodologist.

DO: Carries out work on organizing the coordination and methodological support of educational institutions with a sports focus.

DZ: The most relevant and priority directions for the development of the Russian education system, the legislative framework relating to educational activities in the institution. A system for organizing work in sports education institutions, methods for implementing pedagogical work in the field of culture and sports.

TK: Higher education in the field of physical education and sports. There are no experience requirements. For a senior instructor-methodologist - at least 2 years of work experience as an instructor-methodologist, methodologist.

  • Labor instructor.

DO: Implements programs to develop students’ labor skills and abilities, prepares them for the practical application of acquired knowledge.

DZ: The most relevant and priority directions for the development of the Russian education system, the legislative framework relating to educational activities in the institution. Instructions and methodological materials concerning the organization of education and labor training. Techniques for developing skills.

TK: Higher or secondary education in the profession. There are no experience requirements.

  • Teacher-organizer of the basics of life safety.

DO: Trains and educates students, taking into account the specifics of conducting courses on the basics of life safety and pre-conscription training in an amount of no more than 9 hours per week (360 hours per year).

DZ: The most relevant and priority directions for the development of the Russian education system, the legislative framework relating to educational activities in the institution. Principles of protecting the population during various types of disasters, accidents and natural disasters. First aid methods.

TK: Higher or secondary education, direction “Education and Pedagogy”, Civil Defense. There are no experience requirements.

  • (Senior) Trainer-teacher.

DO: Recruits students who have a desire to engage in physical education and sports and have no health contraindications.

DZ: The most relevant and priority directions for the development of the education system of the Russian Federation, the legislative framework relating to educational activities in the field of physical culture, health and sports.

TK: Higher or secondary education in the field of physical education and sports. There are no experience requirements. For a senior trainer-teacher – at least 2 years of work experience in the specialty.

  • Master of Industrial Training.

DO: Conducts educational and production work and practical classes that are directly related to professional training.

DZ: The most relevant and priority directions for the development of the Russian education system, the legislative framework relating to educational activities in the institution. Production technologies according to the training profile, rules for operating technical equipment.

TK: Higher or secondary education in the field of work. There are no experience requirements.

Positions of educational support staff:

  • (Senior) Duty officer.

DO: Monitors the behavior of students with behavior that deviates from the norm in various educational institutions, as well as outside them.

DZ: The most relevant and priority directions for the development of the education system of the Russian Federation, the legislative framework relating to educational activities, the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Pedagogy. Psychology. Documents regulating the activities of educational institutions.

TK: Higher or secondary education, additional education according to an established program. There are no experience requirements.

  • Counselor.

DO: Participates in work on the development of children's teams in various institutions. Works with children of different ages, in health and educational institutions.

DZ: The legislative framework relating to educational activities, the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Fundamentals of psychology and pedagogy. Specifics of working with children.

  • Assistant teacher.

DO: Takes part in planning and organizing the life activities of pupils.

TK: Secondary complete (general) education, special training in the field of education and pedagogy. There are no experience requirements.

  • Junior teacher.

DO: Takes part in planning and organizing the life activities of pupils, implements educational programs organized by the teacher.

DZ: The legislative framework relating to educational activities, the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Fundamentals of psychology and pedagogy. Specifics of working with children. Age-related physiology.

TK: Secondary education by profession. There are no experience requirements.

  • Secretary of the educational department.

DO: Works with incoming correspondence, organizes its transfer to other structural units, conducts office work and prepares internal documentation.

DZ: The legislative framework relating to educational activities, methodological materials and instructions for record keeping, the structure of the institution and its personnel.

TK: Secondary education in the field of office management. There are no experience requirements.

  • Dispatcher of an educational institution.

DO: Participates in the development of the schedule of the educational process, as well as the operational regulation of the organization of the educational process.

DZ: The most relevant and priority directions for the development of the Russian education system, the legislative framework relating to educational activities in the institution. Methodological materials related to the position held.

TK: Secondary education in the field of labor organization. There are no experience requirements.

ETKS Issue 30

(No longer valid. Sections: "Hydrolysis production and processing of sulfite liquors. Acetone-butyl production. Production of citric and tartaric acids. Yeast production" moved to ETKS issue No. 29)

ETKS Issue 31

(No longer valid. Section: “Production of medicines, vitamins, medical, bacterial and biological preparations and materials” moved to ETKS issue No. 29)

ETKS Issue 38

(No longer valid. Section: "Production of asbestos technical products" moved to ETKS issue No. 36)

ETKS Issue 39

(No longer valid. Section: "Production of products from cork tree bark" moved to ETKS issue No. 37)

ETKS 2020 blue-collar occupations is a unified tariff and qualification reference book, it specifies qualification requirements. It is used for pricing, certification, when developing job descriptions and for other purposes, which will be discussed in the article.

Many personnel management tools of the Soviet era are still relevant today, although some of the regulatory documents are morally outdated, the principle of their construction and application can be used quite successfully, especially with regard to production and the national economy. Often in the speech of personnel officers there are phrases “ETKS-2018”, “directory of 2020 blue-collar professions”. Various lists, classifiers, lists of qualification requirements - a lot of work has been put into their compilation, this is extensive material and it deserves attention. Let's figure out what is meant by ETKS.

What is ETKS and why is it needed?

This document is a list of positions with qualification requirements for the workers who occupy them. ETKS 2020 blue-collar professions is used to determine worker qualifications, assign categories, and conduct certifications. The abbreviation stands for Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory.

This is a fairly voluminous document, the main parts of which were initially approved by Government resolutions back in Soviet times, in the 80s. Since then it has been revised and edited many times. The current version has 72 issues, which are divided into sections. In them, positions are combined according to some characteristic: type of activity, sector of the national economy where they are used.

What is it needed for:

  • for tariffing. That is, in accordance with it, it is possible to determine the complexity of the work performed by the employee and, among other things, to set the wage rate;
  • to conduct certification and determine whether the employee meets the position and qualification requirements. Typically, job descriptions are developed taking this document into account;
  • to determine the correct title for a specific position. This is often difficult for managers who do not have special knowledge;
  • to develop advanced training course programs.

How to use the directory

It is not difficult to understand how the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory for 2020 occupations of workers is structured and how to use it. Knowing the desired issue and section, you can select them from the list. You can also simply search by issue title, which gives a clear picture of the positions included and qualification requirements.

  • general characteristics of the duties performed by the worker, what functions are assigned to him;
  • description of the competencies of an employee holding a similar position.

For each profession, categories are indicated, that is, a specialist of the 1st category is more qualified and does more complex work.

If it is difficult to navigate the list of issues, use the search tool at the top of the page to find the desired classifier:

  1. Enter the job title.
  2. Click the Search button.

The search result will be a list of suitable professions, including the word entered in the search field.

Is it mandatory to use?

The question arises: is the tariff and qualification directory of works and professions of workers, 2020, now mandatory? The answer is given in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation: it defines the principles of the tariff system of remuneration. The general principle established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is this: the more complex the duties, the higher the pay. It has been established that tariffication and assignment of categories are carried out on the basis of the Unified Tariff Qualification Directory or taking into account professional standards.

ETKS or professional standard

As stated in Labor Code of the Russian Federation, The Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers is used along with professional standards. The employer has the right to decide for himself which of these documents to use.

When drawing up an employment contract and work book, other documents and certificates of employment, it is important to write down the name of the position held in strict accordance with the specified regulatory documents. This is important because if it is included in list 1 or 2 or any benefits are established for such employees, for example, upon retirement, the names must be applied exactly as in the reference book or professional standard, otherwise the Pension Fund may refuse this period of activity is included in special experience, and you will have to prove it in court.

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