Business plans: download a ready-made business plan with calculations. How a student can start his own business: ready-made business plans Mobile toys for children

Business plans: free examples according to banking standards (UNIDO, EBRD). All business plans can be downloaded and further modified to suit your needs.

27.07.2015 27.07.2015

The business plan of the meat processing plant is devoted to substantiating the effectiveness of organizing the meat processing complex of Siberian Products JSC (the second stage of the company’s development) in order to attract investors to finance acquisition costs technological equipment.

27.07.2015 27.07.2015

The business plan for ice cream production is dedicated to justifying the effectiveness of implementation production complex JSC "Morozko" (technological equipment, 4 industrial refrigerators, warehouses, production house, laboratory) and sales finished products through our own sales network.

25.07.2015 25.07.2015

A business plan for the production of plastic windows offers a project for creating structural unit enterprises for the production and installation of plastic windows for residential buildings, offices and industrial premises. The main types of products are: plastic window blocks from REHAU (Germany).

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Furniture production business plan is the foundation for the opening enterprise. The main activity planned by the company is the production of upholstered furniture for home and offices, provision of furniture repair services, assembly, delivery and provision of advice on the design of apartments and offices.

22.07.2015 22.07.2015

This business plan investment project involves the implementation of a project for the production of competitive special medical equipment.

The company's medical equipment is intended for use in emergency hospitals, treatment, preventive and rehabilitation institutions, hospitals, sanatoriums, including for the disabled, nursing homes, intensive care units, as well as for individual consumers.

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About business plans

Introducing ready-made samples business plans with calculations for various types of activities. On 95% of other sites you will find lengthy discussions on three pages, but here are business plans, which, when finalized, you can get loans and investments for yourself. Lenders need concrete steps and a clearly planned cash flow.

All business plans contain calculations (needs for personnel, equipment, goods, profitability, payback, break-even points, etc.)

We do not often update the section, since everything on the topic of business planning has long been invented. But! Our examples of business plans should be taken just as examples. You will have to do the calculations and market analysis yourself (using the template in the business plan), since each situation is unique. You have a different time, a different city, different competitors, different technologies in the end.

Can’t or don’t have time to finalize a business plan for yourself? .

Term business plan came from the English expression business plan. A business plan is a structured document describing the stages of development of a company, its main activities, its strategies and risks. At its core business plan- this is a road map designed to lead a business to a planned goal, following the planned routes, taking into account intermediate stages, and shows the results obtained as a result.

💡 Should I write a business plan or download a ready-made one?

Often, beginning entrepreneurs when starting a business are faced with the question of downloading a business plan or writing your own? Of course, if you have sufficient experience, it is better to write your own unique business plan. True, not many entrepreneurs who are thinking about starting a business for the first time have the skill to do such activities. In this case, it is better to keep in mind that you need to write a business plan if your business:

  • unique
  • requires a lot of calculations
  • implies non-standard stages of development
  • implies non-standard risks
  • there are non-standard format requirements, for example from a potential investor
In most cases, when opening a small business, it is quite possible to use a ready-made business plan from a trusted source, of course, with its modification according to your data.

💡 Where can I get a ready-made business plan?

There are a huge number of paid and free ones on the Internet. business plans. Despite the greater variety, we recommend using the business plans presented on our portal. All business plans are provided absolutely free of charge and contain detailed financial calculations and take risks into account. In addition, the portal presents a huge number of business ideas structured by areas of activity.

Why do you need a business plan? Most will probably answer - to get a loan from a bank. This statement is true, but only partly. First of all, the entrepreneur himself needs a plan in order to understand the size of the initial investment for starting, how long it will take to reach self-sufficiency and forecast revenue indicators, assess the level of profitability, payback period of investments and many other parameters.

Very often, a beginning businessman (and not only beginners) does all planning and calculations “by eye” on a napkin or in his head (and sometimes does not do it at all), forgetting about many costly items, which results in many mistakes and leads to bankruptcy.

Typical mistakes: when determining investments, the costs of financing activities before reaching self-sufficiency are not taken into account, the amount of inventory is incorrectly determined (the amount of goods and materials is set for one month, and based on the turnover period, reserves for 3 months are required), taxes and insurance contributions are not taken into account in the calculation of the wage fund , the need for personnel is incorrectly calculated and many others.

A correctly drawn up business plan with detailed calculations is the key to a successful start in any entrepreneurial activity, which will allow you to cut off unprofitable options at the forecasting stage and, as a result, protect yourself from losing your own investments or the funds of the investor (creditor).

Let's say you plan to install, the calculation shows that the full payback will be 5 years, it is obvious that this will not be the right investment, it is unlikely that the machine will work without breakdowns for such a period of time. (For reference: the optimal payback for this type of activity is 12-18 months.)

What's better - buy ready business-plan or make it yourself? If we are talking about a small business, then you definitely need to do it yourself. This will allow you to dive deeper into the project, understand its essence, and sort out the economics of future activities for yourself. Well, if you want to organize a production that requires multi-billion dollar investments, then you cannot do without the help of specialists.

On the site you will find samples of ready-made business models with all the calculations, which you can use as the basis for drawing up a feasibility study for your specific project.

Algorithm of actions

  1. Familiarization with the provided sample feasibility study.
  2. Collection of statistical data for a specific region where business activities will be carried out.
  3. Carrying out marketing research:, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the project ().
  4. Updating information on the economic part: searching for potential and raw materials, requesting commercial proposals, recalculating costs and determining the final price based on current market realities, as well as determining the level of profitability.
  5. Conducting a stress test of the figures reflected in the calculation (what will be the payback if the revenue is N percent less than planned). Based on the data obtained, drawing up several options for the development of the event: conservative, realistic and optimal.
  6. carrying out economic activities.
  7. Choosing the most profitable one (studying legal schemes to reduce the tax burden).

Based on the analysis and generalization of the information received, you create your own economic justification project with the help of which you can determine the feasibility of investing funds.

Please note that you can download any business plan you like for free. If there is no download form somewhere, you can ask a question via special form, and we will add this feature in a short time. Through this form, you can also clarify any point regarding the described model, and we will try to find a specialist to provide competent advice on the point that interests you.

The basis of any business is a ready-made business plan. It helps to avoid many mistakes when creating and developing a company, allows you to convince investors of the advisability of investing money, and assists in obtaining the necessary loans from banking institutions.

Such a document contains detailed calculations of the profitability of the future organization, the payback period of the project, and the risks to which the company is exposed.

You can create a business plan yourself, spending time and money. However, most modern entrepreneurs prefer to use ready-made financial products containing high-quality and useful information. Why?

Main functions of a business plan

This document is the most important tool for the company, allowing you to choose promising directions and decide on ways to implement them. It is a guide for execution and control, helping to manage the business. Competently composed financial solution with detailed calculations performs several functions:

  • strategic. It is used to develop business strategy. This is a key function when organizing an enterprise or when defining new directions for the company;
  • investment. It is used to attract funds. It is extremely difficult for modern companies to manage without credit resources. Therefore, this function allows you to determine the optimal sources of funds and find potential investors;
  • planning. It is used to give a comprehensive assessment of the development of the enterprise being created, as well as to manage intra-company processes or a new line of activity.

As a result, the business plan provides the opportunity to analyze, position, comprehensively evaluate and control the future activities of the company, implement marketing courses, and develop personnel policies.

What advantages do ready-made documents have? What are the benefits of purchasing a business plan from a company that develops and compiles business plans for different areas of business?


Business plan - business card organizations. Using a ready-made solution made by qualified specialists, future businessman saves time and cash, which would have to be spent on independently carrying out the activities, analyzes and calculations necessary for the preparation of this document.

Moreover, such research is not a guarantee of a successful start to the project. Among the advantages of using a full-fledged financial solution performed by professionals, it is worth noting:

  • time saving. Having a ready-made document in hand, an entrepreneur can get a clear idea of ​​the steps that need to be taken to achieve the goal. By purchasing a ready-made business plan, you can overcome all the difficulties of business with the support of professionals;
  • effective means of persuasion. For sponsors and investors, this document is the main proof of the validity of the idea of ​​the business being organized, the potential of the enterprise to achieve a certain amount of income;
  • competitor research. A well-drafted document will help evaluate competing companies, identify their strengths and weak sides, determine a free niche that at this moment in time can be occupied and firmly held, winning the favor of a potential audience;
  • direction of movement. An effectively and efficiently drawn up financial solution will help the company not only at the initial stage. At the right approach it will allow the organization to constantly maintain the planned direction, making the necessary adjustments.

High-quality business plans are drawn up by an experienced team of specialists with extensive experience in a wide variety of fields. All materials are adapted for use in conditions Russian economy in the current situation.

The documents contain all the necessary calculations: payback calculation, economic efficiency, profitability and other equally significant indicators. Applications presented in tabular form will help you independently determine the required values. For example, calculate the need for money for the purchase of specialized equipment until the period of time when these costs begin to pay off.

Features of use

A ready-made business plan is not only an opportunity to find an idea with calculations and recommendations for a wide variety of areas, but also advice on the main aspects of starting your own business.

In this case, we are talking about the most popular questions of novice entrepreneurs. What form of ownership to choose for the organization. What to consider when hiring specialists. Which taxation system should you prefer?

Today, many specialized organizations offer to purchase full-fledged ready-made business plans. Moreover, prices vary significantly. How to choose a provider of such a solution?

In this case, it is necessary that the proposed business plan contains not only general information, but also detailed calculations for all main areas of activity of the future enterprise. Competent suppliers ready-made business plans calculate expenses such as, for example, the cost of social contributions for employees, tax optimization, and transfer of taxes and fees to the state.

The more complete the business plan, the more effective and efficient the activities of the future entrepreneur will be. You should not skimp on purchasing this document. After all, he is the main assistant in conducting market analysis.

It is he who summarizes the analysis of opportunities for starting or expanding a business in modern conditions, contains a structured description of all areas of activity of the future company.

By purchasing a business plan, an entrepreneur receives not only a comprehensive analysis of the main problems that he may encounter when organizing his activities, but also ways to solve them. The benefits of using a ready-made document are obvious!

Where to download a ready-made business plan with calculations

You can choose the solution that suits you among large quantity directions proposed by our partner Biplane (

Studenthood is that period in a person’s life when the basis for all his subsequent life is formed. professional activity. Young people acquire a specialty, a circle of acquaintances, business connections and learn to manage all this independently. Creation and development during this period own business could be the start of something big. At the same time, huge amounts of money and complex business schemes are not always needed. It is enough to actively work on the development of a small business, and the results will not keep you waiting. Below we will take a closer look at several examples of ready-made business plans for students.

Business plan for a student

Before starting your own business, you should take it as an axiom that work without planning will not work. Yes, things can go well for a while, but a business has no future without clear goals and a detailed plan to achieve these goals.

And yet, business plans that can be found for free have little in common with the multi-page calculations that auditors and economists make when determining the main indicators for a future business. This work must be carried out when a business is organized on the basis of borrowed capital using expensive equipment and hired labor.

In the meantime, a novice entrepreneur gets by on his own and a few thousand dollars, then you can limit yourself to simple calculations, within which the following should be described:

  • all stages of the overall business process;
  • start-up and ongoing costs;
  • product cost;
  • markup;
  • distribution of income and profits;
  • formation of reserve funds and development funds.

It is advisable to work on drawing up your first business plan not alone, but with someone who has already practiced in business and knows about the possible pitfalls.

A commercial idea that is suitable for active students -. All about where to start such a business and how to find clients.

An idea for those who are planning to open a business online: .

The World of Business website team recommends that all readers take the Lazy Investor Course, where you will learn how to put things in order in your personal finances and learn how to earn passive income. No enticements, only high-quality information from a practicing investor (from real estate to cryptocurrency). The first week of training is free! Registration for a free week of training

Ideas for business with minimal investment

Almost all business ideas for students are designed for a minimum starting investments. – those that allow you to scroll through your initial investments as quickly as possible. The simplest and most trouble-free option is trading inexpensive goods through social networks.

Average trade margin– about 60% (entrepreneur’s income excluding delivery costs). By investing 10 thousand rubles in a business, you can get 6 thousand rubles in profit from one operation. If you do not take this money out of circulation and complete one business cycle every week (investment - purchase - sale - revenue), then in a month you can earn about 30 thousand rubles on 10 thousand rubles. It is useful to read how to create and promote.

Of course, in order to trade effectively, you need to have professional skills in promoting goods online. Therefore, if a student decides to master online trading, then he should not waste time and money on learning the basics of advertising on the Internet.

There's a lot in the video interesting ideas, for the implementation of which a minimum investment is sufficient:

Earnings from services

If trade is not attractive, then you can try to sell your labor or use. Experts advise developing your business in the field in which the student is studying. Teachers can organize independent provision of nanny services, doctors can earn extra money as massage therapists, engineers can repair small household appliances and gadgets for a fee.

It is worth considering examples in more detail. ready-made business projects for students in the specified directions.

Nanny services

To organize an agency providing nanny services, about fifty thousand rubles is enough. For this money, an entrepreneur will be able to:

  • conduct an advertising campaign;
  • rent an office by the hour (this service can be ordered at a coworking center).

You need to independently develop an agreement for the provision of intermediary services, which the businessman will conclude with nannies and clients. The cost of nanny services is about 400 rubles per hour, the intermediary’s commission percentage is 10%.

To earn about one thousand rubles a day at such prices, you need to sell about 25 hours of services. On average, a nanny is required for 5-6 hours. Based on these calculations, the entrepreneur will need to coordinate the work of at least five nannies.

Massage room

To open your own massage parlor, you will also need about fifty thousand rubles. This profitable business for students with minimal investment. To start you will need:

  • payment for a massage training course;
  • hourly rental of a massage room;
  • a set of aromatic oils;
  • advertising campaign.

The average cost of one massage session is about 500 rubles. Each client needs to spend 45 minutes – 1 hour. Accordingly, no more than three patients can be seen in a rented office per day. The cost of renting a massage room per hour is about 200 rubles. Having seen three patients, a student can earn about one thousand rubles a day.

Workshop of household appliances and gadgets

A small workshop for repairing small household items can be organized even in your own room. Fifty thousand rubles is also enough to get started. For this money you can buy a set of tools, a work desk with good lighting and advertise your services.

The average cost of repair work is about 400 rubles (excluding the cost of spare parts). Even by repairing two or three things a day, a master can earn approximately one thousand rubles daily.


By developing business skills from youth, a person gains big advantage on commercial market. At thirty, when many are just thinking about starting their own business, he will have ten years of practical experience working with clients and will be able to accurately guess their preferences and intentions. Therefore, it is worth studying the plans and starting to work right now.
