Review of charitable organizations in Europe and the USA. Charitable foundations of millionaires, where you can ask for financial help Charitable organizations of the world

Many Russian Internet users have a desire to engage in charitable activities and create thematic websites that can send money to citizens in need of financial support. Philanthropists who once began to provide such assistance place this activity at the first level, playing a more important role in their lives than everything else.

What is charity?

Love and compassion are the basis of charity.

Charity in Russia is a fairly common activity among financially wealthy citizens. It implies assistance (free of charge/preferential conditions) to persons in need of it. Each benefactor has the right to independently choose the type, time, place and type of the benefit itself.

The regulation of charitable activities is entrusted to Federal Law No. 135 of August 11, 1995, as well as Art. 39 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Civil Code.

Financially wealthy citizens who want to provide financial assistance on an ongoing basis create organizations to attract funds from outside. Thus, the founder of the “Give Life” fund is the famous actress Chulpan Khamatova.

Speaking about how many charitable foundations there are in Russia, it should be noted that information can only be approximate.

According to 2017 data and according to Rosstat, more than 9.6 thousand foundations and 1.7 thousand organizations engaged in charitable activities operated in Russia.

Funds to help people in need of money

The main fear of a potential donor to a charitable organization in Russia is considered to be interaction with scammers. To avoid meeting with adventurers, you should choose an open and transparent organization with an excellent reputation.

Funds to help citizens in need of money, as a rule, make publicly available reports on expenses (employee salaries, rent, etc.), which should not exceed 1/4 of the total amount of funds from philanthropists. All data about organizations is located on the website of the Ministry of Justice and is open access.

Large charitable organizations of the Russian Federation will never collect funds in the subway, at a bus stop, at a crossing, or on the street.

The allocation of funds involves the following areas:

  1. Financial or other assistance to citizens in need of support (children, elderly people, etc.) due to illness or situations that led to serious financial situation.
  2. Support for talented children and organizations involved in scientific activities, which can lead to a breakthrough in socially significant areas through the allocation of grants.

The transfer of funds to charitable organizations is carried out by:

  • volunteers (commercial firms and individuals);
  • local administration/federal authorities (subsidies, subsidies, etc.);
  • third-party organizations (targeted funding and grants);
  • legal commercial activity and its results;
  • dividends (deposit accounts, securities, etc.).

The transfer of finances to a citizen in need is made through a personal meeting (cash), transfer to bank details or to the account of the medical institution providing treatment.

Charitable foundations for children in Russia

The most sought-after support is assistance to children.

The largest charities Russia, dealing with children's problems:

  • “Ray of Childhood” was created to provide material, socio-psychological assistance to orphans who find themselves in an orphanage without parental care. Age category of wards – from 1 month to 4 years;
  • “Adeli” transfers funds for the treatment of children diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Provides information about treatment and rehabilitation methods, psychological support for relatives, training in rehabilitation actions at home, etc.;
  • “Luchik” assists children who find themselves in difficult living conditions or have limited health capabilities;
  • The Light Foundation provides support to children with disabilities;
  • "Renaissance". Action interregional organization based on helping children suffering from rheumatic diseases;
  • "Baby ". Treatment and rehabilitation of children with cancer;
  • "The world of childhood ". Intellectual, physical, mental and social rehabilitation, adaptation of children, improvement of their standard of living;
  • "Tide". Assistance to children with serious illnesses, as well as large families;
  • "Help the". Providing assistance to children with various serious illnesses;
  • "Thank you ". Support for children with diseases of the nervous system. Payment for treatment and rehabilitation, purchase of medicines, devices, consultations, etc.

Charities for adults

Often individual adults or entire families need financial support. Therefore, in Russia there are charitable assistance funds that help adults in difficult situations and the homeless.

  • ORBI. Treatment and rehabilitation of citizens who have suffered a stroke. Promoting a healthy lifestyle, preventing stroke;
  • "In the name of life." Providing assistance to people suffering from cystic fibrosis (qualified treatment, lifelong therapy, etc.);
  • “Living” - the foundation (located in Moscow) provides charitable assistance to adults (from adulthood to 60 years old) with serious illnesses;
  • "Larion". Support for single mothers and people with disabilities;
  • "Fair help from Doctor Lisa." Support for citizens with serious or fatal illnesses, people of retirement age and people with disabilities without a place to live;
  • "Gulf Stream". Support for children, adolescents and adults with diseases related to the musculoskeletal system, central nervous system, cerebral palsy and the circulatory system;
  • "Help.Org". Assistance to homeless people, stateless people, and people with serious illnesses;
  • "Nika ". Rehabilitation of drug addicts and people in difficult life circumstances;
  • "Blessing". Restoration of personality, acquisition of meaning in life, psychological assistance;
  • "Right choice ". Support for people with alcohol or drug addiction. Rehabilitation, addiction prevention.

How to get help from a charitable foundation?

To apply and get help, follow the instructions:

  1. Ensure that the support required is consistent with the focus of the chosen fund.
  2. Familiarize yourself with the terms of assistance of the selected organization and their compliance with the regulations of the Russian Federation.
  3. Submit an application for assistance using the standard form on the fund’s website, with a detailed description of the current situation and attaching the necessary documents.
  4. Interact with the fund when collecting the necessary funds (placing posts, attracting attention, etc.).
  5. Choose a method of transferring funds and receive financial support.

Charitable foundations reserve the right to refuse citizens seeking help. This usually occurs when there is a discrepancy with the current conditions of the organization or insufficient documentary support.

Video: How to get help from a charitable foundation.

Charity sites from rich people

In addition to assistance from foundations, it is possible to receive support from wealthy people who create personal charity sites. Such free assistance is in the nature of sponsorship.

To search for charity sites that can send money, you should use the Internet and the search bar of your browser.

Today, charity from rich people has become a part of our lives. Here are examples of the most famous wealthy citizens who are ready to provide material or other support to needy segments of the population:

  1. Bill and Melinda Gates. Financial assistance to the poor around the world and transfer of funds for the treatment of various diseases.
  2. Wood Johnson. The private foundation's activities are focused on healthcare and treatment.
  3. Howard Hughes. The scientist created an institute that provides the opportunity to study issues related to fundamental science.

How to raise money for charity online?

When raising money for charity, any amount is important.

Charity involves collecting money that will be used to meet the vital needs of someone in need.

A person collecting money and donations online that will go to charity must follow the following instructions:

  1. Find out the collection rules and regulations in your area of ​​residence. Certain types of charity are regulated by law. In addition, some philanthropists are required to pay taxes on the funds received.
  2. Study the actions of successful philanthropists. This will help achieve the desired result and raise funds in short time.
  3. Find people who can provide support in disseminating information about fundraising.
  4. Post an announcement about the start of the collection, making it publicly visible Required documents and details (bank account or medical institution account).

You can place advertisements on various thematic forums, in groups in in social networks, on online bulletin boards or create your own website on Tilda.

As a conclusion

To ask for financial assistance, you can use the form on our website. Remember that philanthropists, as a rule, help citizens who are not shy and describe the current situation in the most detail. Perhaps your cry for help will be read by a wealthy person who wants to help someone in need.

In addition, we draw the attention of sympathizers who can send certain funds to the account of a desperate person.

Request title

Millionaire Charities- organizations where possible ask for financial help every person in dire need of cash. Such structures have individual rules and requirements for recipients of money. Before applying, you need to familiarize yourself with the range of activities of the organization, find out the conditions for submitting an application and clearly formulate your request. Below we will look at foreign and domestic charitable foundations organized by rich people.

Russian charitable foundations of millionaires

To ask for financial help, you can contact one of the domestic charitable foundations, headed by millionaires:

  • Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation is an organization that has been operating for 14 years (since 2004). The main direction is investment in the scientific field, the artistic sector, theatrical projects, and so on. When created, the organization’s annual budget was equal to one million dollars, and as of 2018, the organization’s expenses amount to 300-400 million rubles annually.
  • Vladimir Potanin Foundation- a structure created to provide financial assistance in 1999. The organization’s “treasury” is formed from the profits of the Interros enterprise, as well as the personal savings of the millionaire. At the end of 2015, Vladimir Potanin was recognized as the richest person in the Russian Federation, and his fortune exceeds the $15 billion mark. Despite the large sums in the account, the charitable foundation receives only a small grain - about 300 million (in rubles).
  • Volnoye Delo Foundation is the brainchild of another Russian millionaire Oleg Deripaska. The organization began its activities 20 years ago (in 1998), and the source of the creation of the CF was the personal money of the oligarch, as well as the profit of the Basel enterprise. The purpose of the foundation is to develop the scientific sphere, provide material support to young people, restore monasteries and solve other problems. In terms of the amount of funds spent on charitable purposes, the millionaire's charitable foundation approaches the indicators of V. Potanin's institution. During its activity, the structure transferred more than 9 billion rubles for the implementation of various projects in different parts of Russia.

Foreign charities of millionaires

“Foreign” millionaires are considered wealthier and more generous, so many refuse local charitable foundations and immediately focus on foreign organizations. Let us highlight several charitable foundations that occupy leading positions in the world:

  • Gates Foundation (Bill and Melinda). The success of Microsoft allowed the creator not only to provide himself with a luxurious life, but also to direct part of his earnings to charitable purposes. Initially, more than $100 million was invested in the fund. The area of ​​activity is helping people with serious illnesses, developing medicine and the educational sector.
  • Foundation of the Hewlett couple (Flora and William). A family of millionaires opened an organization back in 1966, whose activities were aimed at raising funds to improve environment and problem solving in the public sector. Every year, money is transferred in the amount of $300 million.
  • Robert Bosch Foundation. This structure was founded by another famous millionaire, who became famous thanks to the opening of his own company, Robert Bosh GmbH. The Charitable Foundation has an authorized capital of about 7 billion dollars, and every year hundreds of millions are allocated for development educational sphere, organizing excavations, developing science and solving other problems. In addition, the Charitable Foundation manages a number of research centers in Germany.


The above is only a portion of the millionaires' charitable foundations where it is realistic to ask for financial assistance. But they all have a targeted focus and help solve global problems.. It provides full functionality that allows you to create a page for free and attract money from millionaires.

Introducing the elite club of the world's rich - 15 businessmen who have spent over $1 billion on charity.

On October 30, 2012, Walt Disney announced the purchase of Lucasfilms, created by billionaire director George Lucas. For his life's work, Lucas will receive approximately $4.05 billion in cash and Disney stock. Moreover, after the deal is closed, Lucas plans to donate most of the proceeds to charity. Lucas is an experienced philanthropist. Back in 2010, he signed a contract with Bill Gates and Warren Buffett's Giving Pledge, promising to donate at least half of his fortune to this charitable foundation after his death.

Donated: $28 billion.

Net worth: $66 billion

Gates previously gave money to Harvard research in the field computer technology, libraries, aerobatics school and a charitable foundation in Seattle.

In 1999, he founded a family charitable foundation (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation), donating $16 billion worth of Microsoft shares to it. Soon, thanks to the constant contributions of Gates and his friend Warren Buffett, the organization he created became the largest charitable foundation in the world. Among the organization's main plans for the next 10 years: vaccination programs against malaria and meningitis, which will cost $10 billion. In America, the Gates Foundation invests in the education and training of teachers. In April 2012, Gates' wife Melinda announced that she was going to spend $1.1 billion to make contraceptives available throughout the world.

Donated: $17.25 billion

Net worth: $46 billion

For years, Buffett insisted that he would give all his money to charity after his death, but not before.

However, acquaintance with Gates yielded “charitable” results: Buffett promised to invest more than $39 billion in the Gates foundation over 20 years. Moreover, in 2010, he and Gates founded the Giving Pledge, which encourages wealthy people in the United States to give the majority of their wealth to charity.

Donated: $8.5 billion

Net worth: $19 billion

Since 1979, Soros has given out $8.5 billion for completely different needs: from a needle sterilization program in a California hospital to scientific research in Russia and Eastern Europe (by the way, Vladimir Putin claimed that the leadership of Georgia under Mikheil Saakashvili received salaries “from Soros ") and helping the gypsies. His latest initiative is $150 million to promote transparency in governments around the world and $100 million to break down social barriers for African Americans.

Donated: $5 billion

Net worth: $4.8 billion

The Intel co-founder donated $5 billion worth of company stock to the Gordon and Betty Moore Family Charitable Foundation in 2000. The foundation invests in science, environmental protection and nursing education. The latter idea came from Moore's wife Betty, who once suffered from an incorrect injection (the wrong drug was given to her) by a nurse. Moore is also funding the construction of the world's largest telescope in Hawaii.

Donated: $4 billion

Net worth: $69 billion

The world's richest man has publicly stated that he feels more valued when he creates jobs than when he does charity work. However, he still donated $2 billion in 2006 and another $2 billion in 2010.

Much of this money was allocated to education and health programs. Together with the Gates Foundation and the Spanish government, Slim has spent $150 million on nutrition and disease prevention efforts in Central America.

Donated: $3.5 billion

Net worth: $6.3 billion

Broad, who made his fortune in the construction industry with Kaufman & Broad, has recently focused on philanthropy. He tried to reform education by giving awards to the best teachers.

In 2010, he received permission to build a new Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles, which is scheduled to open in 2014.

In 2007, Broad gave $26 million to fund an art museum at the University of Michigan. In October 2012, Brod donated 19 paintings from his collection to him. The foundation he created also helps fund medical research. Thus, he allocated more than half a billion dollars to Harvard and the University of Massachusetts for stem cell research.

Donated: $3.3 billion

Net worth: $10 billion

George Kaiser is an American businessman who inherited the Kaiser-Francis Oil Company from his father in 1969. In 1990, Keisner bought the Bank of Oklahoma, making him one of the 400 richest people in the world.

The foundation he created (George Kaiser Family Foundation, GKFF), based in Tulsa (Oklahoma), invests in early childhood education and medicine, building schools for the poor, issuing grants for education and treatment. Every year, GKFF allocates about $7.5 million for the needs of the poor: buying food, clothing, drug addiction treatment, etc.

Donated: $2.8 billion

Net worth: $25 billion

Bloomberg has invested in 850 different charities. He supports anti-smoking organizations, the National Gun Law Foundation, and the New York Institute of the Arts.

He also donated $200 million to his alma mater, Johns Hopkins University.

In 2011, he gave $330 million to the Sierra Club environmental protection, conservation, arts advocacy group Alliance for the Arts and suicide prevention group.

Donated: $2.1 billion

Net worth: $15.9 billion

The head of IT company Wipro, Azim Premji, founded the Azim Premji Charitable Foundation in 2001. The fund's initial investment was $125 million. In 2010, it contributed another $2 billion to build public schools, train teachers, and improve curriculum.

In 2011, the Azim Premji University of Education opened in India.

Donated: $2 billion

Net worth: $100 million

Founder investment company American Century Investments James Stowers has not been on the list of the 400 richest people since 2000, when he invested $1.2 billion of his personal funds into the Medical Research Institute in Kansas City.

Since then, he and his wife Virginia have given the institute millions for genetic research aimed at treating cancer, diabetes and heart disease.

Donated: $1.65 billion

Net worth: $25.5 billion

A Hong Kong billionaire (No. 11 on the Forbes global list), who today serves as chairman of the board of directors of one of Asia's largest conglomerates, Cheung Kong Holdings, Lee founded his own charitable foundation in 1980. In 2005, he sold his stake in CIBC Bank and gave $1 billion to charity. In 2006, Lee said that a third of his wealth would go to charity overall. Over the years, his money has helped children's centers and churches. He also helped patients with hepatitis and bird flu. He financed the construction of a new medical university building in California, which is named in his honor.

Donated: $1.5 billion

Net worth: $150 million

Sandler sold his lending company Golden West in 2006 before the crisis began and received $26 billion for it. Since then, Sandler has given most of his money to charity.

One of Sandler's most famous creations is the investigative journalism group ProPublica. ProPublica has won the Pulitzer Prize twice: in 2010 and 2011. The Sandler family also founded several groups fighting for the rights and freedoms of scientific research, especially in the area of ​​diseases that affect low-income people.

Donated: $1.5 billion

Net worth: $2 billion

Businessman and founder of the American television channel CNN Ted Turner was perhaps the first media personality to give $1 billion to charity. However, while building his television empire, Turner campaigned for millionaires not to give away money while they were young and full of ideas and energy.

In 1998, he announced that he would transfer $1 billion to the UN over several years. Currently, his annual contributions to this organization are $916 million.

Donated: $1.45 billion

Net worth: $15 billion

Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen's $26 million gift to Washington State University in 2011 earned Allen his spot on the list. For an article in Forbes magazine, he said that funding science has become a priority in his life.

Poll Alena is interested in neuroscience. He even created an entire institute for the study of the brain (Allen Institute for Brain Science), into which he invested about $500 million. He used his first charitable $100 million to create a computer model of how genes work in the mouse brain. The next $100 million is for a similar model of the human brain. Now a team of scientists hired by Allen is working to isolate the types of brain cells and understand how they develop.

Donated: $1.25 billion

Net worth: $5.5 billion

Together with four colleagues from IBM, Hopp founded the giant company software- SAP. In 1995, Hopp gave 70% of his shares to the non-profit organization he created, which is now one of the largest in Germany and Europe. Hopp's primary focus is youth sports, cancer research and the treatment of children's diseases.

Children of captains - Grants
Are you able to change the world, but your knowledge does not generate income? Take part in a competition to receive a grant - material support provided by various foreign charitable foundations.
The main condition of Western patrons of art sounds pathetic - your activities should benefit Russia...

It is difficult to say why Western entrepreneurs invest millions in Russian science and business. Perhaps someone really hopes for the discovery of a cancer vaccine and its international use. Some, apparently, really dream of popularizing their native language. And someone atones for the sins of his stormy youth. There are also those who never want to share with the tax authorities and, as a last resort, prefer to become philanthropists.
Among the most famous sponsors are American billionaires George Soros, Henry Ford and Andrew Carnegie, Senator MacArthur, King Albert of Belgium, the Queen of Great Britain and the Prince of Wales.
George Soros, creating the Central European branch of the Foundation in 1990 Open Society", stated: "I want to teach Russian government take care of your own people. For 1990, I allocated $12 million. In the second and third years I will invest half and a quarter of this amount, respectively. But only if the Russian side contributes the rest of the money."
Whether or not the Russian government fulfilled this condition is unknown. Another thing is important: to date, the Soros Foundation has allocated for the needs of Russian science more than $100 million. According to the employees of the International Science Foundation in Russia (another charitable organization created by Soros), Mr. Soros managed to stop the wave of emigration of Russian geneticists. Perhaps this is true.
According to the estimates of the Russian representative office of the International Science Foundation, greatest number Charitable donations in Russia come from American foundations (more than 80 of them), followed by English (about 55 institutions) and German (30).
They arose in different ways.
One such charitable organization, United Way, emerged after a giant fire in Delaware. Different religious leaders turned to the same moneybags for financial assistance 5-6 times. After several oddities, they decided to unite into a foundation. And, having received the support of local millionaires, they rebuilt the city. Today, United Way branches operate throughout the world, providing assistance to the hungry, homeless and refugees. In Russia alone, the cost of the fund's programs is 62 million ECU (about $79.1 million).
Several years ago, the German government established a fund to help Russian officers who served in the Western Group. With his participation, the military was trained in civilian professions even before the withdrawal of troops.
Even our Russian LUKoil also has its own charitable foundation, which solves social problems in the locations of its enterprises. In particular, in one of the oil towns near Tyumen there were queues at dental offices. The foundation purchased the necessary equipment, equipped additional offices, and the problem was resolved.
In principle, any large enterprise can sponsor solutions to pressing problems of a district or city. Or a single family.

Who is needed?
American charitable programs - the Carnegie Moscow Center, the Lindbergh Foundation, the Erhard Foundation - are intended, as a rule, to support the most promising research in the fields of exact science. Mostly foreign internships are offered to Russian prodigies as grants. Invited mainly are Russian mathematicians, doctors, physicists, biologists, psychologists who already have any academic degrees.
National Center Scientific Research of France invites for an internship none other than Russian Doctors of Technical Sciences.
Undergraduates and graduate students, with the assistance of American foundations, have the opportunity to complete their education at US universities and then get a prestigious job in foreign companies in Russia.
German foundations value humanities teachers German language, art critics, historians. Among the most popular are the programs of the German Research Society and the German Economic Exchange Service.
The sphere of interests of English foundations is quite diverse - from specialists in tropical medicine and anthropologists to businessmen.

Ms Simon Lees, British Council Industrial and Commercial Programs Officer:
— This year we are providing support to Russian entrepreneurs offering ideas for food processing and preparation. These are the so-called fast food technologies. Your food processing equipment is outdated. We are ready to help you get rid of food imports.
English Know How Fund employee:
— The inventor of some environmental program can count on the most generous grants. For example, who invented new way water purification or waste disposal.

What are they enough for?
Now about the grants themselves. Until 1990, they were allocated to scientists and inventors and were a kind of prize for development. Travel abroad was not widely practiced.
Now Western philanthropists accept laureates to work or study abroad. Grants can be either simple cash awards or targeted foreign internships (from 3-4 months to 2-3 years). In addition, there are travel grants that compensate travel expenses for Russian scientists participating in international scientific symposia.
The size of a standard short-term grant for graduate students does not exceed $2.2 thousand. As a rule, this money is barely enough to pay for food stamps and a bed in a hostel. There is no more than $100 per month left for pocket expenses.
It is typical that American funds usually cover all transportation costs. The Germans are not so generous. Grant holders must travel to local universities at their own expense. However, the conditions of each grant are specified separately.
Prestigious scholarships - $ 2 thousand per month (for example, FullBright, Erhard grants - are designed for a more dignified life: you can rent a small studio, eat well, move freely around the country and, finally, do not deny yourself the everyday joys of life.
Long-term grants are especially popular among pundits. According to their track record, the amount of grants increases to $16 thousand for dermatologists, up to $30 thousand for specialists researching radioactive waste disposal, and even up to $48 thousand for doctors researching the problem of diabetes. With this money, a researcher can buy himself necessary equipment, experimental animals and some consumables.
Senior Researcher at the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics Vladimir Gogvadze:
— Grants really help Russian scientists stay afloat and continue their research work.
Three times - in 1991, 1993 and 1994 - I was awarded a grant from the European Science Foundation. In all three cases, my foreign colleague Professor Christoph Richter from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and I submitted a grant application directly to the foundation's headquarters in Strasbourg. And participated in open competition on general terms.
My first internship took place in Sweden, the other two in Switzerland. In 1991 and 1993 I received two-month grants, and in 1994 - an annual one.
Christoph Richter and I have prepared four major papers in the field of biophysics (in particular, “The Role of Mitochondria in Cell Death”) and many scientific abstracts for conferences. I personally participated in one of them. In Menaggio, a city in northern Italy.
The short-term grants amounted to $1,500 per month, of which I had to pay for my own housing and food. True, the round trip was free for me. The trip to Italy did not require any additional expenses from me (everything was paid for by the inviting party), with the exception of an Italian visa. I got it in Switzerland for 40 Swiss francs (about $30). But equipment, reagents, scientific materials and everything that was necessary for my research I could use free of charge in unlimited quantities.
Unfortunately, there was only enough money for me alone. For some reason, I did not receive additional funding for my family members provided for by the terms of the grant. Due to the fact that Switzerland is an expensive country, the authorities refused the family a visa.
Despite everything, my impressions are the most positive.

Strictly speaking, grants should be awarded exclusively on a competitive basis. However, sometimes money is distributed without any competition. Some American foundations and even the US Embassy are guilty of this. They independently determine the laureates for monetary nominations. Among the lucky ones, as a rule, are scientists leading developments in the field of cancer. According to the US Embassy press service clerk, “America is interested in Russian heads...”

How to qualify for the competition
An application for participation in the competition must be submitted 3-4 months before the start of the semester or internship. To do this, you need to contact the Russian representative office of the fund or the embassy of the country that announced the competition. As a last resort, call abroad - to the central office of the fund.
The necessary addresses and telephone numbers can be found in the Library of Foreign Literature, where, by the way, representative offices of some foundations are located - in particular, the British Council and the French Cultural Center.
You will be given application forms, which must be filled out in the original language and sent to the address of one of the funds. You will indicate the standard facts of your biography (born, married, education, children, work experience).
Particularly inquisitive patrons may require recommendations from famous scientists who already have publications in your specialty. Entrepreneurs (also in writing) will have to convince fund specialists that your business is promising.
Next, you will write a short essay (again on foreign language) on the topic of your future work. Be sure to indicate why you need an internship abroad and what benefits you will bring to Russia after returning to your homeland.
"Take this seriously and sublimely. We are not kidding with such conditions," advised Ms. Sasha Edblad, a consultant at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
By the way, until recently, funds required proof that you do not have a real opportunity to go abroad with your own money. Now, fortunately, these “revelations” have been removed from the agenda.
After some time, you will be invited to a language exam. The requirements for language knowledge are quite strict: you must have an excellent command of at least colloquial vocabulary.
This will be followed by an interview with a fund specialist in the field of your development. And... the agonizing wait for the results of the competition.
As a result, either your ideas are truly recognized as brilliant, or you will receive an unmotivated refusal of a grant. Apparently, there will be many disappointed. According to a British Council employee, an average of 9-10 grants are allocated for 200 applicants.

Expats are asked not to worry
In order to weed out the wave of random grant hunters, all funds, without exception, have put forward a strict condition - persons who have ever applied for permanent residence in another country are not allowed to participate in the competition. “We are not investing money to help emigrants,” Mr. Soros once remarked.
Some foundations have additional prerequisites for receiving a grant. In particular, recipients of American sponsors must not participate in other programs for 2 years after returning home. The Norwegian Research Council increased this period to 5 years, German foundations slightly less - to 3 years.
Some foundations, for example, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, the French National Center for Scientific Research, the German Economic Exchange Service, the Central European University and others require the applicant to have a foreign partner with whom joint research will be carried out. Moreover, this partner must pay 25%-30% of the grant, thus confirming the real feasibility of the idea.

Director of the Russian office of the Charity Aid Foundation, Ms. Lena Young:
— You need to look for a partner in advance. Correspond, meet. The hype that starts 2-3 months before filing an application does not achieve results. When they call us and offer to be a partner in an organization dealing with diabetes, we answer: “That’s not our profile.”
“Well, please!..” They do not understand that a fictitious partnership is useless. We don’t know the specialists, the methods, or anything else.
As a representative of the UK, I can suggest that those who would like to find a partner contact the organization "Charity Know How", one of whose departments deals exclusively with searching for partners. London address: East West Link, 114/118 Southampton Row, London WC1B 5AA. Phone: 071 831-7798, fax: 071 831-0134.
Write what you do and what type of organization you would like to partner with.

What amount and for what program can Russians receive from Western charitable foundations?

Fund A country What does he do? Requirements for competitors duration of study (internship) grant size application deadline
Damon Foundation USA support the applicant must have a scientific degree 1, 2, 3 years $25k-$45k (1st March 15, 15
Runyen-Walter research in doctorate, master's degree year)*, $30 thousand-$46 August and 15
Winchell field of oncology thousand (2nd year), $33 December
thousand - $48 thousand (3rd year)
German Germany any scientific contestants must 3 months — 40 thousand German stamps not installed
research development submit your application via internship, 6
oh society German project participants months —
what kind of work
Erhard Foundation USA education only social and maximum $ 3250-$ 7000 no later than 120
humanitarian sciences term - 12 days before the start
(economics, philosophy, months work
international relationships,
political science)
carrying out the requirements are the same 12 months from $980 to $24 thousand, in 120 days
research average grant size -
$ 9680
East-West Center USA scholarships for people with specialists, recently 12 months $2500 monthly not installed
scientific degree received an academic degree
Research Center USA biomedicine oncologists with scientist 2 years, from $29 thousand to $32 not installed
cells in Fujisaki degree Maybe thousand
extension to 5
Program USA scholarships for scientists from history of art and related 4 months $10 thousand Nov. 1
grants countries of Central and region
Getty of Eastern Europe
Grasse Foundation USA support academic degree 2 years $30k per year + $700 Nov. 1
neuroscientists - for each member everyone
families + $3 thousand - for odd year
covering the costs of
and a trip for one
scientific conference
Japanese society Japan support short term program for from 14 to 60 18 thousand yen ($180) in May 31 and 30
promoting science theoretical and participation days day + 150 thousand yen September
applied sciences highly qualified ($1494)-- transport every year
specialists in discussions, domestic expenses +
lectures air ticket payment
long-term program for from 6 to 10 270-300 thousand yen September 30th
joint research months ($2690-$2988) per month every year
+ 40 thousand yen ($398) -
expenses for carrying out
Scholarships Norway studying in Norwegian Candidates age: 20-35 one training NOK 5700 CZK ($897) must
government universities years, knowledge of one is desirable year (9 months) — monthly + 4 thousand. fit under
Norway allocated to from Scandinavian languages norwegian CZK ($630) – autumn dates
cultural study tours and (from August 20
agreements materials until December 20)
and spring (from
January 15th to
June 15)
exchange of specialists the requirements are the same from 1 to 3 daily allowance in the amount of 360 not installed
weeks norwegian CZK ($57)


Overview of charities in Europe and the USA

In this article I would like to address various charitable organizations in Europe and the USA and briefly describe some of them.

1. Make a Wish Foundation International

http://worldwish. org/Wishes

Mission: Fulfill the wishes of children suffering from life-threatening diseases; to give hope, strength and joy to a seriously ill child.

The organization was founded in Phoenix, Arizona in 1980, and is now one of the leading international children's charities. In 1993, Make-A-Wish Foundation® International became international. The organization currently serves children from 47 countries on five continents. Since 1980, thanks to the generosity of donors and the help of 30,000 volunteers, the organization has granted more than 270,000 wishes to seriously ill children from around the world.

3. Ford Foundation

http://www. fordfoundation. org/

The global Ford Foundation supports outstanding leaders and organizations fighting for human rights, democratic change, educational opportunities and more.

4. Listen Charity

http://www. listencharity. org/

The goal of this international charity is to persuade the world community to listen to the rights and needs of children.

5. Charities Aid Foundation

www. cafonline. org

CAF is an international non-profit organization whose goal is to make philanthropy effective. The organization strives to increase the volume of donations, works to create favorable conditions for the development of charity, and provides assistance to charitable organizations and those who support them.

There is a branch in Russia: www. *****

6. Action for Children

www. actionforchildren. org. uk

Action for Children is one of the largest charities in the UK, dedicated to the care of vulnerable and vulnerable children, adoption, guardianship, return to school, special education and child support. The organization has been in existence since 1869, working in partnership with the Methodist Church for 140 years.

7. Rainbow Trust Children's Charity

www. rainbowtrust. org. uk

Rainbow Trust Children's Charity provides emotional and financial support to families with children in life-threatening or terminal stages. Founded in 1986, it supports around 1,000 families a year in their own homes across the UK. “We don’t we can cure, but we can help” - this is the motto of the organization.

8.Save the Children

www. savethechildren. org. uk

An international charitable organization that helps children in trouble as a result of disasters, natural disasters and wars in the United States and around the world (120 countries). The organization works in alliance with local communities, non-profits and others public organizations, remaining independent of religious beliefs and political views. Thanks to Save the Children's work, over 80 million children benefit every year.

9. Barnardo"s

www. barnardos. org. uk

Barnardo's is one of the leading children's charities in the UK. Its motto is: “Believe in children!” Its goal: “Give children their future back!”

· provides adoption of children, guardianship and support for orphans

Helps children and adolescents escape sexual exploitation

· supports those children and adolescents who are forced to care for sick family members

Helps children living in poverty

· supports children of alcoholics and drug addicts

· supports child victims of violence

10. VarietytheChildren"sCharity

www. varietychildrencharity. org

Variety the Children's Charity is dedicated to protecting and improving the health and well-being of children around the world. There are more than 43 chapters in 13 countries. Variety the Children's Charity offers financial support, services and training to children with special needs and organizations who serve children with similar problems.

11. OperationSmile

www. operationsmile. org

Operation Smile - international organization, which provides free surgery to correct cleft lips and other facial abnormalities, as well as rehabilitation and speech training for children around the world. The organization was founded in 1982; operates in 60 countries around the world. Thanks to this charity, over 200,000 surgeries have been performed free of charge to correct cleft lips in children and adolescents.

12. President" s Choice

www. presidentschoice. ca

President's Choice a special program from one of Canada's largest retailers to support the health and well-being of children across Canada. The program operates in the 4 largest provinces, providing special grants for the provision of healthy school breakfasts and lunches (especially for children with physical disabilities). The organization is the primary national sponsor of the Breakfast for Learn program because it believes that meaningful healthy eating children and adolescents are necessary for the full assimilation of school material. In addition, the organization provides special financial sponsorship programs to provide specialized equipment for children with disabilities, as well as rehabilitation activities that enable children with disabilities to regain independence, dignity and freedom.

13. The Children's Society

www. childrensociety. org. uk

The Children's Society includes more than 27 children's centers in the UK, working in partnership with 40 local authorities. The society was organized at the end of the 19th century together with the Church of England to help homeless and destitute children.

The organization runs 77 programs across the country that help children and adolescents cope with the difficulties of everyday life, and provides comprehensive support to children and families, including free legal assistance. In total, assistance was provided to more than 45,000 children.

14. Children"sCancerCenter

www. childrenscancercenter. org

Children's Cancer Center (CCC) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to help children suffering from cancer and malignant blood diseases. The organization provides educational and financial assistance, as well as emotional support needed to cope with diseases, threatening the lives of children. 25 programs have been developed, assistance is provided to 830 families (at the same time, assistance is provided not only to children, but to the entire family). While other organizations are looking for ways to find treatment, CCC aims to help families survive this day after day. painful and tragic time.

15. Local Independent Charities of America

http://www. lic. org

Local Independent Charities of America is a federation of more than 700 local nonprofit charities serving children, the poor, the disabled, the elderly, the homeless, and more in local communities.
