Description of the business process "search and selection of personnel." Recruitment Recruitment schemes in organizations

In modern conditions, most stable enterprises structure their business processes, including in the field of HR management: it is much easier to work according to a clearly described scheme.

After the reorganization at our enterprise was completed and it reached the “break-even point,” we decided to streamline the work of each specialist, including the activities of the recruiter.

Recruitment of employees is a key activity of the personnel management service (HR department), because the formation of a team begins with the search and selection of the people the company needs. Let us tell you in more detail how the recruiting process is streamlined at our company.

In order to improve the quality of human resource management and the efficiency of the internal recruiter, the Regulations “On the search, selection and hiring of personnel” were developed. This document describes the recruiting business process: it regulates the entire chain of actions of the recruiter, establishes the rules of interaction on recruitment issues between the HR department and other departments.

The business process of searching, selecting and hiring personnel at our enterprise consists of nine stages ( scheme):

Scheme of the business process “Search, selection and hiring of personnel”

Click image for a larger view

Stage 1. Submission by the customer to the HR department of an application for the selection of a candidate. The recruiting process begins with the customer (the head of the structural unit) filling out an application form for the selection of a candidate. We consider the main requirements: 1) work experience; 2) possession of the necessary skills; 3) knowledge of a foreign language (in some positions). The application also indicates preferences for the gender and age of the candidate. The completed application is endorsed by the director of the enterprise.

Stage 2. Search/selection of personnel. To ensure that all employees involved in personnel selection clearly understand the selection criteria, the recruiter analyzes the application and clarifies:

  • the name of the vacancy, in which structural unit it is open;
  • the reason for the vacancy;
  • to whom does the specialist in this position report/number of subordinates;
  • functional responsibilities;
  • basic requirements for candidates.

The customer is obliged to clearly justify the requirements for the applicant specified in the application:

  • age restrictions;
  • mandatory level of education (specialization, qualifications, availability of special training, etc.);
  • required work experience (areas of activity, title of position, department within which the specialist could previously work);
  • highly specialized professional skills (level of computer knowledge, knowledge of foreign languages, experience in driving vehicles, etc.).

The executive must know what professional skills for a given position are necessary, what are desirable, what business and personal qualities an employee should have. This is important in order to correctly analyze the job (position).

Having a clear understanding of the manager’s requirements for the future employee, the nuances of work, the peculiarities of the microclimate in the team of the structural unit and the corporate culture of the enterprise as a whole, the recruiter forms job profile, which includes the following information:

  • age restrictions (reasonable);
  • preferences based on marital status and the presence of children, their age (for example, family people do not always agree to frequent business trips);
  • educational requirements;
  • presence of bad habits (the company’s corporate culture does not accept them);
  • health status;
  • work experience requirements;
  • the required level of knowledge, skills and abilities;
  • personal characteristics.

An example of a job profile is given in table 1.

Table 1. Job profile “customer service specialist”


from 18 to 40 years old

Family status


Having children

acceptable over three years


preferably higher

Bad habits

smoking is undesirable

Health status

general diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system (disability group II–III), diabetes (initial stage) are acceptable


from three months

Knowledge, abilities, skills

Communication skills


A culture of speech

Ability to use intonation to color speech


Computer work

at user level

Print speed

over 120 characters per minute


above average

Language skills:





basic level (reading, business correspondence)

Ability to adhere to regulations and follow instructions


Personal characteristics



Communication skills

Motivation to achieve



Process orientation


Stress resistance


After creating a job profile, the recruiter develops and approves it with his immediate supervisor set of events on searching/selecting candidates (for example, see table 2), which includes:

  • formation of a position profile;
  • selection of sources of attraction;
  • writing an advertisement for a vacancy (for posting in the media, the Internet, etc.);
  • preparing questions for a structured interview (when filling highly specialized vacancies, for example, when selecting a computer network administrator).

Table 2. A set of measures for selecting an accountant (uncategorized)





Formation of a position profile



Preparing questions for a structured interview


Selection of testing methods


Posting a vacancy announcement in print media

“Evening Makeevka”, “Hello”, “Wanted for work”, “Proletarka”, “Kirovka”, “Kalinovka”


Searching for candidates using mini-resumes in print media

“Don and Bas Salon”, “Work plus Career”, “Theme”, “Assorted”


Posting job advertisements:
near large manufacturing enterprises;
in crowded places;
on the territory of the enterprise

Advertisements on the street


Search for a candidate in the personnel reserve (internal and external)

Personnel reserve


Contacting recruitment agencies

"Format", "Sirius", "Dialog-service", "Phoenix"


Using personal dating


Direct search (initiative appeals directly to potential candidates)

Personal contacts (established base)

During the vacancy closing period


Depending on the requirements for the vacancy, selection sources are selected:

  • existing employees (including personnel reserve);
  • young specialists who have successfully completed an internship (practice) at our enterprises;
  • external search;
  • a database of former employees of the enterprise who resigned of their own free will or were dismissed for reasons that do not call into question the professional and personal qualities of the employee (for example, due to staff reduction);
  • resume database accumulated by the recruiter;
  • cooperation with employment centers (Donetsk, Makeevka, Lugansk and Lugansk region);
  • cooperation with personnel and recruiting agencies;
  • cooperation with universities, secondary specialized educational institutions, vocational schools;
  • personnel leasing (for temporary work);
  • direct search.

To select candidates for vacant positions of department heads and for some other positions (auditor, assistant manager, etc.), psychological testing is carried out, which confirms the presence of the most important professional and personal qualities for a given position (its own set of tests for each vacancy) . To test candidates, the HR department psychologist uses:

  • Cattell's multifactorial personality research technique ( Raymond B. Cattell);
  • Keirsey questionnaire ( Joh# Keirsey);
  • G. Eysenck test ( Hans Eysenck, adaptation by A. Shmelev);
  • diagnostics of achievement motivation by A. Mehrabyan ( Albert Mehrabian),
  • interpersonal diagnosis T. Leary ( Timothy Leary) and etc.

Stage 3. Initial selection of personnel for the announced vacancy. Thanks to well-established work in accordance with the personnel attraction plan, we receive a daily flow of candidate resumes. All of them are analyzed, information about applicants is entered into the database. If the candidate meets the basic requirements of the position, the recruiter conducts a preliminary interview with him by phone.

Based on the results of the telephone interview, the applicant for the position is invited to a meeting. First, he fills out the “Candidate Application Form” ( Annex 1), then the recruiter conducts an interview, based on the results of which he concludes that the candidate meets the requirements of the position. If the assessment is positive, the applicant is allowed to proceed to the next stage of the selection procedure.

The recruiter coordinates the dates and times of all interviews (testing) with the customer and the psychologist (if necessary, with the head of the security service, manager or his first deputy).

Stage 4. Psychological testing(if provided). Based on the testing results, the psychologist of the personnel management department gives a conclusion that reflects the compliance of the candidate’s psychological characteristics with the requirements of the vacant position, his strengths and weaknesses, and possible difficulties in adapting to a new workplace.

An example of a psychologist's conclusion based on testing results is given in Appendix 2.

Stage 5. Interview with the line manager. The recruiter provides the customer with the following information about the candidate:

  • summary;
  • completed “Candidate Application Form”;
  • results of psychological testing (if conducted).

The head of the structural unit is obliged, within three working days from the moment of providing him with information about the candidate, to set a date and time for the interview, which must take place within seven working days. After the interview, the customer is obliged to provide the recruiter with conclusions about the professional level of the candidate and his compliance with the stated requirements within two working days. If the assessment is positive, the person moves on to the next stage of the selection procedure.

During an interview with a potential employee by the customer, the recruiter clarifies the requirements for the vacancy (noting what is more important for the customer: the ability to calculate costs, attentiveness, perseverance, etc.). If a candidate does not have the necessary professional knowledge and skills, the recruiter analyzes the reasons for the discrepancy, adjusts the job profile and selection methods.

Stage 6. Verification of information about the candidate by the company's security service. If the line manager makes a positive decision based on the results of the interview, the recruiter transfers information about the applicant (a copy of the “Candidate Application Form”) to the company’s security service. The security specialist is obliged to check this data within three working days and provide an opinion to the personnel management department. If the review is positive, the candidate is admitted to the next stage of the selection procedure.

Stage 7. Checking references. A specialist from the HR department collects (clarifies) recommendations from the applicant’s previous places of work: his position, functional responsibilities, professional level, references from former colleagues, reasons for dismissal, etc.

Stage 8. Deciding on accepting the candidate. At this stage, the recruiter submits a package of documents for consideration to the director of the enterprise:

  • “Candidate Application Form” form;
  • candidate's resume;
  • results of psychological testing (if conducted);
  • recommendations from the candidate’s previous places of work;
  • conclusion of the Security Council.

The director sets a date and time for an interview with the candidate (or decides to hire him without an interview). If the decision is positive, the recruiter sends the candidate to the HR department to complete the documents.

If a candidate does not meet the requirements of the position at any stage of the selection process, the recruiter thanks the person for responding to the vacancy announcement and politely refuses him. The profile details of the rejected candidate are entered into the database with notes that may later be useful when filling another vacancy.

Stage 9. Applying for a job. If the applicant meets all the requirements of the position, the head of the structural unit agrees with him on the date of actual return to work. In cases provided for by law, a future employee of the enterprise undergoes a medical examination.

To be employed, a candidate for a vacant position must provide the following package of documents to the HR department (data according to the Ukrainian Labor Code):

  • original work book;
  • passport;
  • tax identification number;
  • a copy of the education document (with inserts);
  • a copy of the certificate of compulsory state social insurance (pension insurance);
  • a copy of the military ID (all pages);
  • a copy of the marriage certificate;
  • a copy of the birth certificate of children under 18 years of age;
  • three photographs (3x4);
  • certificate of completion of a medical examination (if necessary);
  • if available: a copy of the first page of the international passport, a copy of the driver’s license, a copy of the pension certificate, a copy of the MSEC conclusion in case of disability.

Based on the employment application, endorsed by the head of the structural unit and the director of the enterprise, the personnel inspector formalizes the employment of the new employee and prepares the corresponding order. He is also obliged to familiarize the new employee with the following documents against signature:

  • employment order;
  • working conditions;
  • Collective agreement;
  • Internal labor regulations;
  • job description;
  • Regulations on trade secrets.

Having formalized the business process “Search and selection of personnel”, we obtained the following results:

  1. The loss of working time of specialists in the HR department decreased by 7% (there is now no need for repeated consultations with the heads of structural units where vacancies open).
  2. The average time to fill vacancies was reduced by 30%.
  3. Areas of responsibility for each stage of the process of searching, recruiting and hiring personnel are clearly distributed between the customer and the recruiter. Now, if the customer does not submit (or submits untimely) an application, or does not respond to the information provided about candidates in a timely manner, conflict situations do not arise.
  4. The business process of personnel selection has become “transparent”, which allows failures to be identified and eliminated in a timely manner.

We also expect that optimizing work with candidates will help improve the company’s image as an employer in the regional labor market.

  • Recruitment and selection, Labor market


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What are the most effective recruitment methods? What should you pay attention to when searching and selecting personnel? What employees and workers should you hire?

Hello, dear friend! With you again is one of the authors of the business magazine, Alexander Berezhnov.

Today we are pleased to invite you to an “open day” of a HR employee who will share with you all the secrets of searching and selecting employees who can bring success and prosperity to your company.

Our guest again is Ksenia Borodina, a specialist in personnel selection and hiring.

In one of the previous articles, Ksyusha already told our readers, and today she will help us cover the topic of high-quality personnel selection.

This article is filled with invaluable, practical tips that will help you understand and easily practice the art of finding the right people.

Enjoy reading!

1. Recruitment: basic concepts and terms

In order for the “personnel issue” in your company to be resolved effectively and competently, it is necessary to approach the matter of personnel selection consistently and professionally.

The phrase “cadres decide everything” belongs to I. Stalin: if we ignore the political aspect, one cannot help but appreciate the wisdom of this statement.

This expression became popularly loved and is widely used to this day.

As a recruiter with 5 years of experience, I can confirm: the well-being of the company, the atmosphere within the team, the development prospects of the company and much more depend on the personnel.

The company's HR department (the term comes from the English "Human Resource" - "human resources") is engaged in personnel selection, taking into account the long-term prospects of the organization's development. Sometimes companies resort to the help of head hunters, which literally translates as “head hunter.”

This is the name given today to professional recruiting agents who “lure” already working employees from one company to another at its request, offering better working conditions.

For a successful business, it is necessary that employees are not only talented in their fields, but also able to work effectively in a team.

Finding qualified personnel is the first thing the head of a new organization has to do.

Recruiting employees is also relevant for an already existing company if there is suddenly a stagnation in work or prospects for expanding the field of activity arise.

To begin with, let me remind you of the meaning of basic terms and concepts.

This will help you understand the terms better.

Recruitment is a targeted effort to attract candidates to the company who have the qualities and skills necessary for the current and long-term needs of the organization. In other words, this is the search, testing and hiring of people who can and want to work, have the competencies and knowledge required by the employer and share the company’s values.

Applicants– persons applying for a vacant position.

Job description– a document regulating the range of responsibilities and rights of employees, as well as the nature of their official relationships with other employees.

Recruitment agencies– professional organizations that act as intermediaries between a company that needs to find employees and job seekers.

High-quality selection of employees:

  • increases company profits;
  • increases labor productivity;
  • allows the company to develop.

An unprofessional approach to hiring employees is fraught with delays in completing work, a decrease in company income, and disruptions in business processes. Ultimately, you will have to return to the starting point - start searching and spend money and time recruiting new employees. System errors in the selection process - I have observed this in practice - significantly increase the company's costs.

2. Types of recruitment sources

There are two types of recruitment sources: external and internal.

In the first case, personnel are selected from among the employees of the company itself, in the second - at the expense of external resources. It is clear that internal sources are always limited, and it is impossible to completely solve personnel problems with their help.

The most common sources of hiring workers are external. Conventionally, they can be divided into 2 subtypes: budget and expensive.

Inexpensive sources include, for example, government employment services, contacts with universities and colleges. Expensive sources are professional recruitment agencies and media publications.

There are also completely free sources of personnel - Internet sites that publish vacancies and resumes of applicants, for example - HeadHunter, Job, SuperJob.

Even in every major city there are usually several such local sites. Even smaller cities often have their own city websites where you can post job openings.

In addition, organizations can always receive resumes directly from applicants without going through intermediaries.

Practice shows that even in conditions of crisis and unemployment, finding a qualified specialist in any field is not an easy task. Personally, I have repeatedly had to use expensive sources to find the best representatives of the most in-demand professions. However, for positions that do not require special knowledge, the cheapest methods of attracting personnel are usually used.

Types of external sources of personnel selection:

  1. By recommendation. Attracting candidates based on recommendations from relatives, friends and acquaintances of company employees. The oldest method, very effective and more suitable for small organizations. Statistics show that in organizations where the number does not exceed 50-60 people, 40% of new employees enter the service through acquaintances. This approach has a significant drawback - there is a risk of hiring an unqualified specialist.
  2. Direct work with potential employees. Working with “independent” candidates – people searching for work without contacting special services. Such candidates themselves call the company, send their resumes and inquire about vacancies. This is usually due to the firm's leading position in the market. Even if the organization does not currently need such a specialist, his data should be saved in order to be used if necessary.
  3. Advertising in the media. This is the most common way to attract applicants. Advertisements are given in newspapers, on Internet portals, on television, after which the candidates themselves call or come to the company. There are specialized publications and websites focused on a wide range of professions or specific industries. The use of online resources and printed publications is the most effective and popular tool for attracting candidates, however, in order for advertisements to hit the target, the requirements for applicants and their future job functions should be stated as accurately as possible.
  4. Contacts with universities. Many large corporations working for the future are focused on attracting graduates of educational institutions who do not have full-time practice. To this end, employers hold events at specialized universities or participate in job fairs. Since it is difficult to assess professional skills without work experience, personal characteristics, planning and analysis skills are assessed.
  5. Labor exchanges are state employment centers. A developed state is always interested in increasing the level of employment of citizens. For this purpose, special services are created that have their own databases and work with large companies. The method has a significant disadvantage: not all applicants apply to government agencies for the unemployed.
  6. Recruitment agencies. Over the past decades, recruiting has become an actively developing sector of the economy. Recruitment companies have constantly updated databases and independently search for candidates in accordance with the tasks of customers. Firms charge substantial remuneration for their work - sometimes up to 50% of the annual salary of the employee they find. There are companies specializing in mass recruitment or, conversely, engaged in “exclusive search” - the selection of executive employees.

The correct selection of external sources ensures success in recruiting competent employees who correspond to the profile of the company and its spirit.

The table shows comparative indicators of recruitment sources:

Personnel search methods Average time spent Total time
1 Through the mediaAn advertisement in the newspaper is published after 5-7 days. For electronic media, the period is reduced to the day the announcement is submitted. It takes 5-7 days to process resumes from candidates and preliminary interviews with applicants 6-14 days
2 Through friends and acquaintancesFor a full survey of your social circle, 3-5 days are enough 3-5 days
3 Among university graduatesCommunication and interaction with employees of relevant university services (5-7 days). Collecting resumes with subsequent processing – another week 2 weeks
4 Inside your own companyTo analyze possible candidates from among the employee, 1-2 days are enough 1-2 days
5 Through employment centersProviding information to responsible employees of Employment Centers – 7 days. Processing of applicants’ resumes – 5-7 days 2 weeks
6 Through free recruitment agenciesEstablishing relationships with agency employees – 3 days. Data processing – 7 days 10 days
7 Through recruiting companiesProviding information to company employees – 1 day. Search and selection of candidates for a position by a recruiting agency – 5-10 days 1-2 weeks

3. Basic methods of personnel search

Let's look at the classic and newfangled methods of finding employees. I’ll say right away that experienced HR specialists always combine methods of attracting personnel in their work.

In a number of situations, you can really “keep your head down” and use the recommendations of work colleagues who are looking for a position for their friend or relative. In other cases, a multi-day search for a narrow specialist through specialized recruitment agencies and other paid channels is required.

Let's look at the most effective search methods.

Method 1. Recruiting

Recruiting is a technique for selecting employees for common professions. Usually these are specialists at the so-called “line level” - sales agents, ordinary managers, executives, secretaries. Recruiting itself consists of drawing up a competent description of the vacancy and posting this description where potential applicants or websites engaged in personnel search will see it. The emphasis in this case is on people who are in the immediate process of searching for a job.

Method 2. Executive Search

Selection of management personnel - heads of departments, company directors, heads of regional divisions. This also includes the search for rare and unique specialists. Unlike recruiting, “exclusive search” involves active actions on the part of the interested company. Typically, this type of employee selection is carried out by specialized recruitment agencies.

Method 3. Headhunting

Literally - “headhunting”. A method of searching for or luring a specific specialist (a recognized master in his field) from one company to another. The methodology is based on the premise that top-level employees do not look for a job on their own and sometimes do not even think about changing one. The task of the “hunter” - an employee of a recruitment agency - is to interest the candidate with more favorable conditions or development prospects from a competing organization.

Method 4: Screening

Quick selection of candidates based on formal criteria. Psychological characteristics, motivation, and personality traits are not taken into account during screening: the main criterion for such a search for employees is speed. The screening period takes several days. The technique is used when recruiting secretaries, managers, and sales consultants.

Method 5. Preliminaring

Attracting candidates for positions through practical training of young specialists (graduates of specialized universities). The choice of a future employee presupposes that applicants meet certain psychological and personal qualities.

Preliminary work is aimed at the company's long-term business plan: it is the most promising way to create a strong and productive work community.

4. Recruitment companies - a list of reliable recruitment agencies, an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of using the services of recruiting companies

In my work, I have often had to resort to the services of personnel and recruiting agencies. The method is certainly expensive, but quite effective.

The list of main advantages of working with an intermediary includes:

  • Availability of a huge database. The average number of resumes in the archives of recruiting agencies is 100,000. True, with today’s Internet capabilities, collecting the required number of applicant profiles from job sites is not difficult. Of this number, only “researched” resumes are really useful - that is, those for which the recruiter contacted the applicant and received permission to use the questionnaire.
  • Professional and comprehensive approach to employee search.
  • The presence of a standard guarantee - a free replacement of the applicant if he was not suitable for the employer or refused employment. The warranty period is valid for up to six months.

As for such a service from recruitment agencies as an “evaluation interview”, in most cases you should not rely too much on the effectiveness and “exclusivity” of this offer. Recruiting agencies conduct such interviews mainly remotely, and without a personal meeting, a correct assessment of professional and personal qualities is impossible.

The cost of agency services is calculated depending on the complexity of the search and the speed of filling the vacancy. Usually it is a certain percentage of the annual salary of the selected specialist. The market average is 10-30%. Services are paid approximately a week from the date the employee returns to work.

Please pay attention to the fact that due to the wrong approach and lack of proper attention in the field of personnel recruitment, Russian companies are losing hundreds of billions of dollars a year.

Among the disadvantages of searching for employees through agencies is the risk of encountering an unfair approach by recruiting companies to their functions. The result is that the “wrong” employee who does not have the proper knowledge and qualifications comes to the workplace. And this negatively affects the activities of the enterprise and adds headaches and red tape for me, as a personnel officer, with paperwork.

To avoid this, I advise you to pay special attention to the choice of the company with which you want to cooperate. Be sure to study reliable client reviews about the agency’s work, check for guarantees, and evaluate the speed of feedback from company employees.

Here, for your convenience, we have already analyzed several reliable recruitment agencies that will help you find the best employees for your business:

  • Friendly family( - Moscow
  • StaffLine( - Moscow
  • Inter-HR( - Moscow
  • Gardarika( - St. Petersburg
  • ANT Group of Companies( - St. Petersburg

5. Process and stages of searching for company employees

The employee selection process consists of several stages that candidates for a position must go through. At each stage, some applicants are eliminated or they themselves refuse the vacancy, taking advantage of other offers or for other reasons.

Now we will look at the main stages of selection.

Stage 1. Preliminary conversation

The conversation is carried out using various methods. For some positions, it is preferable for the candidate to appear in person at the potential job site; in other cases, a telephone conversation with a representative of the personnel department is sufficient. The main goal of the preliminary conversation is to assess the applicant’s level of preparation, his communication skills, and basic personal qualities.

But here it should be remembered that only at the level of visual communication can one get the most accurate idea of ​​the personality of the job applicant. Therefore, now more and more often I conduct preliminary conversations via Skype.

Stage 2. Interview

The extended interview is conducted directly by the HR employee. During the conversation, it is important to obtain detailed information about the candidate and provide him with the opportunity to learn more about his future job responsibilities and the corporate culture of the environment where he will work.

Please note that at this stage it is very important not to make one mistake. You cannot attach importance to personal sympathy for a candidate for a position. You may like a person externally, his behavior and manners are close to you, and you also have common interests in life. Under the influence of emotions and feelings, you are without a doubt sure that a better candidate simply cannot be found and he, like no one else, will “fit” into the team in the best way. And therefore there is no point in “torturing” him and asking tricky questions.

It is necessary to conduct a full testing of a potential employee, and if on important technical points he does not meet the established requirements, then feel free to refuse him employment.

There are several types of interviews:

  • Biographical, during which the applicant’s past experience and various aspects of his professional qualities are revealed;
  • Situational: the applicant is asked to solve practical situations in order to determine his analytical abilities and other qualities;
  • Structured– the conversation is conducted according to a pre-compiled list of points;
  • Stressful– is carried out with the aim of testing the applicant’s resistance to stress and his ability to adequately behave in provocative and unusual situations.

Stage 3. Professional testing

Conducting tests and trials to obtain information about the professional skills and abilities of the future employee. The test results will allow you to evaluate the candidate’s current and potential capabilities and form an opinion about his work style.

It is important to ensure that professional testing issues are relevant and comply with legal requirements.

Step 4: Check your track record

To get a more complete picture of the employee, it is worth talking with his colleagues at his previous place of work. Many people have a bad “professional history”, although the reason for dismissal at work is “on their own”.

Therefore, if possible, it would be good to talk with the applicant’s immediate supervisor to find out the reasons for the employee leaving his previous job, this will improve the quality of personnel selection. It would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with the recommendations, characteristics, incentives and other points of the track record.

Stage 5. Decision making

Based on the results of comparing candidates, the one who best meets the professional requirements and fits into the team is determined. When the decision to enroll has been made, the candidate is informed of this either orally or in writing. The applicant must be thoroughly familiar with the nature of the upcoming activity, informed about working hours, vacations, days off, rules for calculating salaries and bonuses.

Step 6. Filling out the application form

Candidates who have successfully completed the first and second levels fill out an application, questionnaire and sign an employment contract. The number of points in the questionnaire should be minimal: information that clarifies the applicant’s performance and his main qualities is important. The information provided relates to the candidate’s past work, professional skills, and mindset.

Below you can download samples of these three documents relevant for 2016.

This is followed by the official assumption of office. Typically, this term refers to the first working day of a new employee, during which he directly becomes familiar with the procedures and rules of work and begins his job duties.

6. Non-traditional recruitment technologies

Non-traditional personnel selection methods are becoming increasingly relevant. I've compiled a list of the most effective non-traditional ways to hire employees:

  1. Stressful (or shock) interview. The point of such a conversation is to determine the candidate’s resistance to stress. During such an interview, various techniques are used, the purpose of which is to unbalance the interlocutor. For example, the person responsible for the conversation is, to begin with, late for the meeting - by 20-30 minutes or even more. Or you can be dismissive of the candidate’s titles, merits and academic degrees (“MSU is not an authority for us - our cleaning lady graduated from MSU”).
  2. Brainteaser interview. Applicants need to answer some intricate or tricky question or solve a complex logic puzzle within a certain time. Typically, such methods are used when selecting creatives, marketers, and programmers.
  3. Use of irritating factors. Such factors are: bright light in the eyes, like during an interrogation in the NKVD, indecent questions, a chair that is too high. The subject can be seated in the center of a circle, around the circumference of which are representatives of the employer.
  4. Personnel selection based on physiognomy. It involves determining a person’s character by his appearance and socionics.

Non-traditional methods allow you to assess the flexibility of a candidate’s thinking, test his intelligence, evaluate his creativity, and finally, test his ability to work under pressure, which is important in a competitive business environment. In some large corporations (in particular, at Microsoft), stress interviews are used mandatory and en masse.

Nesterov A.K. Recruitment of personnel in an organization // Encyclopedia of the Nesterovs

The personnel selection process in the organization is regulated by the personnel policy, formalized in the form of a specific document, for example, in the form of the Enterprise Standard in the quality management system - personnel management.

Personnel selection system in the organization

Personnel selection in an organization is carried out on the basis of determining the need for human resources for the following reasons:

  1. Changing the structure of the enterprise - the organization may need new employees with different qualification requirements for new departments, divisions, etc.
  2. Changing the structure of departments - selection of candidates will be carried out to staff departments according to the new staffing table;
  3. Reshuffling of personnel - this reason usually appears if specialists are transferred to other projects, to other departments, and the organization needs to replace their previous position;
  4. Change in the type and volume of work - when changing activities or increasing the workload, the organization will need to recruit personnel to fill positions due to a lack of human resources;
  5. Natural attrition of employees - when employees retire, the organization selects personnel to fill vacant positions;
  6. Personnel turnover – the organization continuously recruits personnel due to frequent changes of employees.

Personnel requirements are determined monthly.

The required number of workers and other personnel and their professional and qualification composition can be determined by:

  • manufacturing program;
  • production standards;
  • planned growth in labor productivity;
  • structure of work.

Having a database of available vacancies, employees of the Human Resources Department begin searching for applicants. The typical structure of personnel selection sources is shown in the figure.

The personnel policy of most enterprises is based on the internal selection of candidates from the personnel reserve and educational institutions. Most often, for searching within a large organization, bulletin boards are used, which provide information about vacant positions, search for required employees through those who already work at the enterprise, and also use a personnel reserve.

For departmental employee positions, especially for management positions in various areas and levels, preference is given to employees who have worked for some time and have proven themselves positively.

In some cases, a very effective option for recruiting personnel within an enterprise is rotation. It is believed that recruitment of management personnel, such as the transfer of managers, gives better results than inviting a manager from the outside.

This type of rotation, as a rule, leads to broadening one’s horizons, increasing managerial qualifications and, ultimately, is accompanied by career growth of the organization’s employees.

On average, recruitment within an enterprise meets the personnel requirement by 23%.

Advertisements in the media and the Internet. This method allows for a large-scale search, although it is a rather expensive option. However, not everyone who contacts the organization in response to an advertisement actually meets the formal requirements. Subsequent selection makes it possible to select from this number those workers who, in all basic parameters, suit the enterprise. This source accounts for an average of about 12%.

The share of candidates attracted through channels with educational institutions accounts for an average of 28%. Among young people, many young specialists work as deputy heads of workshops, heads of bureaus and laboratories, senior and shift foremen. The effectiveness of finding candidates through educational institutions is highest for industrial enterprises.

Choice among those who contacted the organization on their own. In addition to active recruitment techniques, potential applicants can send resumes to the company. As a rule, these are people actively looking for work. Through this search, staffing needs are satisfied by an average of 11%.

Those who are looking for work and have family and friends already working at the enterprise can also contact the organization. On average, approximately 5% of the enterprise's personnel needs are satisfied by candidates who apply through recommendations.

The public employment service and personnel agencies, as a rule, select personnel either for work that does not require high qualifications - for mass positions, or specialists - with clearly defined qualification requirements. On average, about 21% of staffing needs are satisfied through this source of personnel selection.

Participation in job fairs should be especially noted. As a rule, organizers of job fairs, specialized employer forums, etc. send their invitations or programs with an offer to take part in them. Representatives of the organization visit fairs, conduct conversations with applicants, and provide comprehensive information about the company, available vacancies and vacancies of interest.

Recruitment process in an organization

After an applicant’s request for employment, HR department employees carry out:

  • analysis of the documents presented by the applicant, in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (work book, educational documents, all available evidence of advanced training and additional training);
  • an interview in which they find out what the applicant is applying for, what job or position he would like to get, as well as some other questions.
  • selection of a job for the applicant according to available vacancies and in accordance with the professional and intellectual capabilities of the applicant.

After the location has been selected, the HR department employee invites a representative of the site or department where the candidate is sent for a more detailed interview with the head of the department. Here, the incoming candidate is told about his future job, responsibilities, salary, and shown his workplace. If both parties are satisfied with the negotiations, then the applicant writes a job application, it is endorsed by the manager, the head of the Human Resources Department, and the job application begins.

If future work requires the employee to have some special skills and knowledge, professional or intellectual abilities, then testing is carried out.

A prerequisite for entering a job is to undergo safety training, and each applicant signs in a special book that he is familiar with the safety rules and internal labor regulations existing at the enterprise.

After all mandatory formalities have been completed, the applicant is registered for work.

From the start date of work specified in the employment contract and in the hiring order, the new employee begins to perform his new duties. Within a week, all necessary procedures for the official employment of a new employee of the company are carried out.

During the probationary period of a newly hired employee, HR department employees monitor the organization of his workplace in accordance with established standards and the provision of work in accordance with the terms of the employment contract, monitor the adaptation process in a new place and in a new team. Subsequently, repeated monitoring is carried out to determine the degree of satisfaction with work at the enterprise.

Typical disadvantages of personnel selection in an organization

In most enterprises, the selection of candidates for vacant positions is not organized perfectly. The table shows typical disadvantages of this process.

The main problem with recruitment and selection technologies is that most organizations do not use modern HR technologies when selecting personnel. Instead, the main reliance is placed on the HR manager's intuition and trial and error. In modern conditions, this approach becomes not only ineffective from the point of view

Typical disadvantages of personnel selection in an organization

Problems of personnel selection in an organization


Lack of calculations and planning for personnel needs, requirements for the vacant position are not formulated

If divisional responsibilities are incorrectly distributed within the division, department heads may mistakenly decide that a new employee is needed, which will lead to additional and unjustified costs for the organization.

Incorrect application for recruitment

Often the form of such an application does not allow us to properly formulate and determine the requirements for a candidate to fill a vacant position.

The list of questions included in the application allows you to obtain a minimum of information.

As a result, there is an insufficient level and elaboration of the criteria by which a candidate for a position is assessed, since the job description and application for selection contain information exclusively about the responsibilities of personnel and biographical characteristics.

Insufficient use of internal reserves when recruiting personnel for a number of vacant positions

Often, recruitment sources through the channels of educational institutions and employment services win in terms of the number of candidates who responded, but most of them do not have the required qualities.

In this regard, the economic and time costs of processing resumes and received telephone requests increase significantly.

The assessment and comparison of the actual qualities of the applicant to the requirements of the position are formulated orally, which subsequently causes distortion of information.

The main reason for inaccuracies in determining the professional, social, personal and motivational suitability of a candidate is the methodology chosen to identify a person’s qualities. Therefore, when selecting personnel in an organization, it is necessary to use several assessment methods, or supplement them with your own criteria.

The main disadvantage is the subjectivity and, to a certain extent, unformalized selection process. Therefore, the organization needs to formalize the recruitment process as much as possible.

Improving personnel selection in the organization

The first is an analysis of staffing needs. Such an analysis will be effective if there is a clear idea of ​​what kind of employee is needed, what knowledge, skills and abilities he should have, and what production tasks the new employee will solve.

This is one of the typical problems of personnel selection. It is also possible that there is complete clarity about the required personnel, but the job requirements are formulated incorrectly or not carefully enough.

The optimal solution to this problem is a clear definition of the tasks and functions of workers, redistribution among employees and the totality of knowledge and skills necessary for effective work.

To assess the staffing needs of an organization, a recruitment test should be developed that precedes the search for candidates.

At the stage of forming requirements for a vacant position, the main condition for determining the correct requirements is the accuracy and possibility of an objective assessment of the requirements. It is necessary to avoid generalizations, for example, “good appearance”, “with work experience”, “above average level of education”, etc.

A candidate who meets the qualification requirements of the position in terms of his professional qualities must have sufficient skills, knowledge and experience to solve the problems facing management at this stage of its development. Personality traits will determine a person's ability to do the job and the candidate's fit with the organizational culture. Also, a person must be motivated to perform the work that is offered to him (for example, if he considers his level of compensation not high enough, the work uninteresting, or that his knowledge and skills will not be fully used, then expect from such an employee there is no need for full dedication to work). Therefore, by highlighting a set of priority characteristics of a candidate, one can further be guided by the determination of methods for assessing them at the stages of personnel selection for the applicant’s suitability for the position.

One useful approach to solving this problem is to critically examine existing employees in order to identify the personal and professional traits that make employees work successfully.

Improving the recruitment of personnel in an organization, as a common method, may include the development of an application form to find a candidate for a vacant position. This form of application for personnel selection is designed to eliminate the above-mentioned shortcomings at the initial stage of the personnel selection process. With more complete information about the required characteristics and skills of the candidate, and about the purposes and work for which personnel are recruited, we are able to reduce the time spent on the initial screening of candidates during resume reviews or telephone interviews.

The recruitment application must take into account not only the general characteristics, but also the individual characteristics of each applicant:

  • physical characteristics;
  • qualification;
  • intelligence;
  • special inclinations;
  • interests;
  • character;
  • motivation;
  • circumstances.

At the same time, for each of these points, the manager will have to decide for himself what is for him:

  1. Essential
  2. Desirable
  3. Contraindicated

The application for personnel selection is filled out by the head of the department. Be sure to sign and date it. After that, this document is agreed upon with the head of the HR department, who can immediately clarify the details of interest regarding the characteristics of the candidate, and is transferred for execution to the department that solves the problem of personnel selection. The person responsible for personnel selection must, as necessary, contact the customer who submitted the request to clarify the requirements specified in the application. After that, these clarifications are recorded in the comments column.

Using such an application for personnel selection at the exit allows you to systematize the information received to compile a profile of a candidate for a position, develop a strategy for attracting candidates taking into account deadlines, and also determine methods for selecting candidates for a position.

You should also, if possible, increase the share of personnel selection through internal search and personnel reserve.

Advantages of selecting existing employees of an organization for a higher position.

Recruitment, selection and hiring of personnel

One of the most pressing problems of any company is the problem of personnel selection: where to find adequate candidates with the necessary qualifications, experience and a responsible attitude to work? HR staff and the manager jointly search for candidates for the vacant position. Recruitment and search of personnel, as a rule, is always on the agenda of any manager. Proper organization of the candidate selection process can not only provide your business with the necessary personnel, but also increase productivity and reduce personnel costs. After all, you should always remember a simple truth - mistakes in the selection of employees are ultimately costly for both the company and the candidate.

Free Directory of Policies and Procedures for Recruiting, Recruiting, and Hiring

Recruitment of personnel in the organization

Professional personnel are the main resource of a company, necessary for its prosperity. No matter how strange it may sound, everything is decided not by money, not by technology, not by resources, but by people. The prosperity of your business depends on the quality of your human capital. Modern recruitment methods are the foundation of your HR system. Who you hire and where you hire will determine your corporate culture, level of productivity, and degree of creativity. Companies don't have great ideas, the people who work in the company have great ideas.

What is the difference between recruitment and personnel selection?

When a company has a vacant position, it can be filled by both internal and external candidates. This process is called personnel selection. Personnel selection is aimed at creating a reserve of personnel for specific positions, on the basis of which selection is made in favor of a person suitable for performing professional tasks.

Recruiting personnel from external sources is called recruitment. In other words, hiring personnel is all the actions of the manager and the management department aimed at finding and attracting specialists in the labor market who have the necessary experience, knowledge and qualifications, as well as preparing all documentation related to labor relations.

Both external and internal applicants undergo a personnel selection procedure. Personnel selection is the process of studying and assessing the compliance of a candidate's professional and psychological characteristics with job responsibilities in the workplace. As a result of the selection, one employee is selected from the set and an offer is made to fill the vacant position.

In large companies, the responsibility for recruiting may be divided between the recruiting department, which is responsible for recruiting, and the development and career development department, which deals with issues.

Recruitment and selection methods

The purpose of personnel selection is to assess candidates' compliance with job requirements. Additionally, many companies also evaluate the personal and behavioral qualities of candidates, their compliance with the characteristics of the workplace, the dynamics of team life and the corporate culture of the company. Here various methods of personnel selection and assessment are used:

  • Chronological interview - when a future employee is asked to tell the story of his professional activities in chronological order and describe his main responsibilities and achievements at previous places of work;
  • Structured interview - when all applicants are asked standard, pre-approved questions, asking them to provide examples of situations that would best illustrate their most important competencies. And then they compare the answers of each candidate and select the strongest applicant for the vacant position;
  • Business cases are a personnel selection technique where the applicant is asked to familiarize himself with a specific business situation and offer options for solving it. Thus, the employer simulates business reality and watches how the candidate will behave in this or that case;
  • Various psychological and sociometric tests;
  • Gamification in recruitment is a method of recruiting personnel using games;
  • Group interview - allows you to implement mass methods of personnel selection in an organization. In this situation, several candidates are invited to a panel interview and assigned team tasks. In this active recruitment method, the human resources department watches and evaluates the behavior of applicants while performing group tasks.

Some managers organize the personnel selection process within the company. The advantages of the internal method of recruiting employees for a job are that the person knows the corporate specifics, has the qualifications, education and skills to fulfill job requirements. In addition, it gives employees the opportunity to grow and move up the career ladder within the company.

Risks of the employee hiring process

Selection, search and recruitment procedures involve a number of risks. Managers and HR staff should consider the following:

  1. As they say, “we are all people, we are all human,” and therefore we tend to perceive reality through the prism of our beliefs and prejudices. Our biases can be especially pronounced during the candidate selection process. We all tend to project our understanding and previous experiences onto those around us and jump to conclusions. For example, if we previously had an employee who smoked and spent a lot of time on cigarette breaks, this does not mean that all smoking applicants suffer from laziness and low productivity. The threat of bias and stereotyping during the selection process can be significantly reduced by involving more interviewers in the assessment process and by making collective hiring decisions.
  2. The company's reputation plays an important role in the success of recruitment. If your company is highly rated in the labor market and has a reputation as a good employer with decent pay, it will not be difficult to attract the candidates you need, and you will have plenty to choose from.
  3. Recruitment timing will dictate which personnel selection methods you can use. If you are pressed for time and the vacant position needs to be filled urgently, most likely you will have to spend a larger budget on recruiting workers or offer a higher salary level.

You can get rid of the risks of personnel selection by attracting an experienced HR specialist, developing a personnel reserve and long-term personnel planning.

Personnel selection system in the organization

Modern personnel selection technology consists of coherent staffing planning processes, the use of modern recruitment methods, an effective adaptation system, a reasonable policy for the development and promotion of the personnel reserve and an adequate payment and motivation system. An integrated approach is important here: one will not work without the other. Every time you evaluate applicants, you should think about:

  • what are the long-term prospects for the demand for the candidate’s experience and knowledge in the company;
  • what growth potential does this candidate have;
  • what is his level of competence and how salary expectations correlate with the level of knowledge and experience of already recruited employees, as well as the company’s motivation and remuneration system;
  • what will be the level of adaptation of the new employee during the probationary period;
  • whether this person is ours, based on his values, way of thinking and behavior.

Only an integrated approach to personnel management and personnel selection criteria according to professional, business and personal characteristics will ensure high efficiency and sustainability of your company’s human capital.

Principles of personnel selection

There are two fundamental principles for recruiting and selecting personnel from a legal point of view:

  • objectivity;
  • absence of any forms of discrimination.

Everything else is determined in the company by its strategic and tactical priorities, personnel management system and type of activity. As a rule, a business seeks to select employees based on the following principles:

  • employee motivation and its compatibility with corporate philosophy;
  • level of professional knowledge and experience;
  • leadership skills;
  • assessment of hidden reserves, strengths of the applicant and forecasts for his future growth;
  • level - how quickly an employee can get up to speed and begin to establish connections with suppliers, colleagues, clients, and supervisor;
  • taking into account legislative standards and equal approach to applicants for vacant positions.

Recruitment stages

Best practices for the hiring process include a step-by-step selection process. The purpose of the procedure is to evaluate applicants and identify an employee who meets the requirements of the position. The practical implementation of the selection method is carried out as follows:

  1. Resume scanning or pre-sampling. This takes place in the mode of viewing all applicants’ applications for a vacancy and filtering according to basic criteria or over the telephone using a pre-prepared interview form. For mass vacancies, some companies use call center employees or an automatic calling service.
  2. Telephone interview. At this stage, HR employees seek to obtain information about the candidate’s experience and education, learn in more detail about his achievements and motives for searching for a new job.
  3. Personal interview. The purpose of this stage is to assess the candidate’s suitability for the vacant position, to better understand his personal qualities and motivation.
  4. Carrying out additional testing. This stage provides the manager and employee of the HR department with additional information about either the professional skills and intelligence, or the personal or leadership qualities of the applicant.
  5. Reference checking process. The HR department employee checks with the previous employer or former colleagues about the accuracy of the information provided by the applicant, and asks who and how could characterize the candidate.
  6. If necessary, a medical examination procedure. Catering workers, production workers, civil servants and a number of persons specified in Article 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation are required to undergo inspection.
  7. Hiring decision.
  8. Concluding an employment contract with the applicant and clarifying the period and conditions for the probationary period.

Basics of personnel selection in an organization

Analysis of the organization of recruitment and selection of personnel at an enterprise allows us to identify the level of efficiency of personnel processes and establish the reasons for turnover. Here are some examples of key performance indicators for recruitment, selection and staffing that companies use:

All this data allows you to constantly optimize the recruitment process, reduce the cost of searching for candidates and improve the company’s reputation in the labor market.

Improving the personnel selection system

The labor market does not stand still. The expectations of applicants are changing, new methods of assessing candidates are emerging, and businesses are changing their search priorities. Among the current trends in the field of recruitment and personnel assessment are the following:

  • Active involvement of social networks in the recruitment process. Some studies claim that nowadays up to 80% of job seekers use social media to find a job. And these numbers will only grow.
  • Personal recommendations continue to play a huge role. On the one hand, candidates try to find a job with the help of their circle of acquaintances, using the entire networking resource. On the other hand, many companies promote recruitment programs based on employee recommendations (referrals).
  • Gamification of recruitment methods. Many companies, especially in the technology industry, invite applicants to play games during the hiring process and, as a result, find a job based on their skills, qualities and leadership ability.

Techniques that allow the use of artificial intelligence to improve the quality of selection are becoming increasingly popular. For example, there are already programs on the market using AI (Arificial Intelligence), which with enviable accuracy not only evaluate the candidate’s profile, but also the behavioral model in social networks and predict the likelihood of the candidate being fired during the probationary period. And this is only a special case among the revolutionary changes awaiting the labor market with the advent of “Big Data”.

What will remain unchanged even in the age of global transparency, artificial intelligence and robotization is the fact that the quality of human capital will determine the viability and success of any business strategy. Therefore, the issue of effective recruitment, selection and selection of personnel will continue to be relevant in the list of leadership and management tasks of managers and human resource management departments.
