What is a workplace? Employee's workplace: types, accounting and certification. Stationary workplace New workplace definition

Each enterprise has a certain number of jobs assigned to specific performers in a given period of time. Workplace is a primary and necessary element in the organization of any production process. For each of them, there are a number of specific requirements that employers must take into account so that the subordinate’s working day is as productive and safe as possible.

The concept of an employee’s workplace, its regulatory framework

The definition of a workplace is as follows: it means a special area allocated for each employee, in which the tasks required for the person to perform are located. job responsibilities devices and mechanisms.

From a legal point of view, a workplace means a specific address where a person regularly works. For example, the address of a company, office or workshop. In conditions where the employee’s employment agreement involves traveling work, then the workplace is considered to be the address and name of the company. Thus, if the employer expresses the will of the employer, this information may be indicated in the employment contract.

The following characteristics of a workplace can be summarized:

  • it is located on the territory of the company or a certain part of it. Also, the place may be located on other areas if subjects of a particular organization work there (for example, separate units in other cities);
  • at the workplace there are all the necessary means of labor for the subject. The necessary equipment, office supplies, as well as other assets are assumed to ensure the work activity of a particular person.

“Place of work” and “workplace” are distinct concepts and have different meanings in a legal context.

So, based on Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, fixing the place of work with a citizen is a mandatory stage of concluding an agreement. The concept of “workplace” is specified in Art. 209 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which proves that the terms are not identical.

General classification of jobs

There is a fairly comprehensive classification of types of jobs. At the same time, the characteristics of various industries can complement it.

Thus, the classification of workplaces occurs on the basis of various characteristics inherent in each individual workspace, in particular:

Workplace and place of work - differences

The place of work is prerequisite the legality of the labor agreement, its necessary element, which regulates labor legislation.

In circumstances where the employer and subordinate did not specify the specified information when drawing up the main contract, it is necessary to draw up additional agreement. It will need to indicate the place of work ─ that is, the company that is the employer.

In turn, the workplace is not a required element of the employment agreement. Its designation in the text of the document is considered the will of the employer. However, it is nevertheless recommended to indicate it, as this will avoid some difficulties if any conflict situations with an employee.

Thus, the place of work is a concept with a number of restrictions. It includes only the name of the employer and the address of the company. This information may differ only if the enterprise has separate divisions.

A workplace is designated as a specific room, office or workshop. It must also be suitably equipped. The organization of the workplace is regulated by Art. 21 and Art. 119 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

It is important to note that workplaces in the company, among other things, are also characterized by regular certification to determine compliance real conditions labor of workers to established standards.

In addition, it is in the workplace that the presence of harmful factors is established that can have a negative impact on the subject’s health.

In circumstances where the workplace involves close contact with negative factors external environment, the employer undertakes to provide the subordinate with appropriate compensation amounts. This provision is approved in the contract.

If the manager ignores the need to provide additional payments, he will be brought to administrative responsibility.

Thus, we can summarize the main differences between a place of work and a workplace:

  • the place of work must be reflected in the text of the contract. The workplace is not a mandatory clause of the executed contract and is indicated in the document at the initiative of the employer;
  • place of work implies the manager’s right to adjust the employee’s location within work shift, sending it to different points of the city for production purposes. The workplace is a specific room where the subject must remain for the entire work shift, excluding the time of business trips and official assignments;
  • If the employer expresses a desire to make adjustments to the wording of the subordinate’s place of work, he must obtain the employee’s written consent to this operation. A change in the workplace, in turn, can be carried out based on the will of the manager. However, in such circumstances the employee must be warned in advance.

Ergonomic requirements for workplace organization

Organization of the workplace involves proper and provision of the premises with the equipment necessary for the employee’s work. All workplaces of office employees have standards, just like workplaces of chemists, doctors, builders, etc.

General ergonomic requirements for the place where the subject will work are given in the following standards:

  • GOST 12/2/032-78. This GOST assumes ergonomic requirements for the seats of those employees whose work duties are performed in a sitting position;
  • GOST 12/2/033-78. Contains ergonomic requirements for positions of workers performing standing duties.

These requirements include the following:

  • the arrangement of the workplace should take into account the anthropometric, physical and psychological characteristics of employees, as well as the direction production activities;
  • all objects necessary for the employee in progress professional activity, must be within reach;
  • those objects that are often used by the employee must be within easy reach, etc.

These standards do not set out the requirements for the workplaces of drivers, as well as other workers whose work is not stationary. Also included in these categories of the employed population are military personnel and persons undergoing practical training.

Sanitary and hygienic requirements for the organization of the workplace

Labor legislation imposes on the employer the obligation to provide jobs for subordinates, taking into account labor protection requirements. That is, the manager must monitor the compliance of subordinates with standards in order to avoid the influence of harmful production factors on people.

Thus, the company must be equipped with special premises for eating, providing medical care, as well as space for relaxation. That is, the employer creates first aid stations, canteens, and rest rooms.

To comply with sanitary and hygienic standards, it is necessary to monitor such parameters:

  • air temperature - should be from 22 to 24 degrees if it is less than 10 degrees Celsius outside. If the temperature outside the room is more than 10 degrees, then in the office it should be between 23 and 25 degrees. Based on SanPiN No. 81 dated June 21, 2016, if the temperature requirement is not met, the working day may be reduced;
  • safe use of computers. In particular, the room where the computer is located must be at least 4.5 sq.m., while if a kinescope monitor is installed, the area increases to 6 sq.m. The room must be ventilated every hour. Detailed requirements for the width of the desktop, its height, etc., as well as the position of the employee while working at the computer, are given in SanPiN dated May 30, 2003;
  • illumination in the workroom should be from 300 to 500 lux;
  • noise level - maximum rate is 80 decibels.

Based on SanPiN dated May 30, 2003, the location of equipment intended for copying and printing in basements is strictly prohibited.

Safety requirements for the workplace

Occupational safety protection at the enterprise is carried out by a specialized limbo division authorized person, in particular, a labor protection specialist. The manager must also comply with the requirements of these employees.

The main areas of labor protection, the strengthened monitoring of which allows to ensure safety work activity employees are:

Responsibility of the employer for failure to comply with requirements for organizing the workplaces of subordinates

An employee’s workplace is one of the main elements of a stable production activity of an enterprise. The goal of any employer is to ensure safe work for its subordinates. In circumstances where safety requirements are not met, the manager will be held accountable.

Violations are identified through regular certification. Thus, upon initial detection of their presence at the enterprise, the manager will be fined in the amount of 2 to 5 thousand rubles. The legal entity, in turn, will suffer losses in the amount of 50 to 80 thousand rubles. on the basis of Art. 5/27 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

The number of personnel of an enterprise is determined by the number of jobs.

Workplace- This a spatial zone assigned to an individual employee, equipped with the means of labor necessary to perform the required work.

Workplace organization- This a system of measures for its specialization, equipping it with the necessary means and objects of labor, their placement in the workplace, its external design and the creation of proper working conditions.

The workplace is characterized by the primary link in the organization of labor, where the elements of the labor process are connected: the object of labor, the means of labor and the living labor of the worker himself. The task of labor organization is to justify the appropriate functional placement of elements of the labor process to reduce labor costs, especially time loss.

The organization of the workplace should contribute to maximum efficiency of the labor process and be worthy of a person. It will largely determine the productivity and quality of the employee’s work. In addition, ensuring the safety of the location and equipment of the workplace is of no small importance.

Depending on the specifics of production, jobs can be classified according to different criteria:

By profession (for example, the workplace of a design engineer);

By the number of performers (individual or collective);

By specialization (specialized or universal);

By type of production (main or auxiliary);

By type of production (mass, serial, single);

By location (indoors, outdoors, underground);

By the number of work shifts (single shift, multi-shift);

According to the level of mechanization (workplaces self made, mechanized, automated, hardware);

By the amount of equipment that is serviced (single-machine, multi-machine);

According to the specifics of working conditions (stationary and mobile, underground high-rise, workplaces with harmful or dangerous working conditions, etc.).

Organization of workplaces - This a system of measures subordinated to production goals for equipping them with means and objects of labor, planning, placing them in a certain order, maintenance and certification. The specific content of these activities is determined by the nature and specialization of the workplace, its type and significance in the production process.

Equipment The workplace consists of a set of means of labor necessary to perform specific labor functions. This includes: main technological and auxiliary equipment; organizational equipment (office equipment, communication and alarm equipment, work furniture, containers, etc.); technological equipment (working and measuring tools, spare belts, etc.); working documentation; means of communication for supplying energy, information, materials, raw materials, etc. to the workplace.

Comprehensive equipment for the worker space is a necessary prerequisite effective organization labor process. However, an equally important condition is the rational spatial placement of equipment in the workplace so as to ensure ease of maintenance, free access to the mechanisms, economy of movements and movement of the worker, a comfortable working posture, good review working area, labor safety, saving production space, convenient relationship with adjacent workplaces, with subordinates and managers. Ensuring these conditions is achieved during planning workplaces, which we briefly define as the most rational spatial placement of the material elements of production that make up the equipment of the workplace, and the worker himself. .

The level of labor organization at a particular workplace also depends on the quality of its service.

Service workplace provides for the timely provision of everything necessary, including Maintenance(adjustment, regulation, repair); regular supply of necessary types of energy, information and consumable materials; quality control of equipment, transport and housekeeping services (cleaning, equipment cleaning, etc.).

Workplace maintenance carried out according to the following functions: preparatory, information, production, instrumental, adjustment, energy, control, etc. Progress in workplace maintenance systems consists of the transition from regular maintenance, that is, maintenance on calls from places where production is stopped, to a scientifically based standard planned preventive maintenance.

Finding effective solutions in the organization of workplaces and their maintenance systems is facilitated by the use of typical labor organization projects developed by scientists and tested by practice for the mass professions of workers, technical performers and specialists. As a rule, a typical project concentrates best practices in workplace organization, reflecting all components of this process (equipment, planning, maintenance, certification). However, when using typical projects, one should take into account the specifics of a particular production and individual characteristics employee.

For a comprehensive assessment quality of workplace organization, and to find and activate reserves for increasing labor efficiency, a mechanism is used certification and rationalization work places. During the certification, the technical and organizational condition of workplaces, working conditions and safety precautions are comprehensively assessed, opportunities for increasing capital productivity, and using the qualification potential of employees are considered.

Certification makes it possible to detect deviations from regulatory requirements or from the specific needs of the production process or performer and improve the organization of the workplace. As a result of certification for each workplace, one of next decisions: continue operation without changes; reload; rationalize; liquidate.

The organization of work requires that the employee matches the job he occupies. This correspondence can be verified by various definitions. Thus, the Geneva scheme of requirements for jobs (positions, employees) includes the following points.

1. Requirements for the spiritual qualities of an employee:

1.1. Special knowledge;

1.2. The ability to reflect.

2. Requirements for the physical qualities of the employee:

2.1. Mastery, skill;

2.2. Muscular strength;

2.3. Attentiveness.

3. Responsibility for:

3.1. Means of production and products;

3.2. Safety and health of others;

3.3. Labor process.

4. Working conditions.

Carrying out your job functions, employees are responsible for uninterrupted and high-quality work. To do this, they must have the appropriate rights and responsibilities enshrined in the relevant official documents. These documents are developed within the enterprise on the basis of centrally compiled recommendations called qualification reference books employee positions.

Job directories are intended to resolve issues related to the regulation of labor relations and ensuring an effective personnel management system. They are used to justify the rational division and organization of labor, the correct selection, placement and deployment of personnel, ensuring unity in determining the job responsibilities of workers and requirements for them. qualification requirements, as well as decisions made on compliance with positions held during certification.

The enterprise can use qualification characteristics of employees indicated in reference books, and can take them as a basis when developing internal organizational and administrative documents, which will contain an adjusted list of job responsibilities of employees, taking into account the characteristics of specific working conditions. If necessary, the responsibilities included in the characteristics of a particular position can be distributed among several performers.

Since the qualification characteristics apply to employees of enterprises of various industries and departmental subordination, they indicate only the most characteristic duties of the position.

Qualification characteristics Each post usually has three sections. In the first section“Job responsibilities” establish the main job functions that can be entrusted in whole or in part to the employee occupying this position, taking into account the technological homogeneity and interconnectedness of the work, allowing for optimal specialization of workers.

In the second section“Must know” contains the basic requirements for the employee in terms of special knowledge, as well as knowledge of legislative and regulatory legal acts* provisions and instructions that the employee must apply when performing his job duties.

The third section, “Qualification Requirements,” determines the level of professional training of the employee necessary to perform job duties and the requirements for work experience.

The need for security life and health of workers in the process the pile puts forward labor protection and environment among urgent social tasks. To solve them, each employee is obliged to comply with legislative and other regulatory legal acts on labor protection, environmental standards and regulations.

Therefore, officials characteristics include compliance with labor protection requirements at all workplaces, and for managers - ensuring healthy and safe working conditions and monitoring their compliance. Knowledge of labor safety standards, environmental legislation, norms, rules and instructions on labor protection, means of collective and individual protection from the effects of hazardous and harmful production factors is taken into account when appointing an employee - especially a manager - to a position.

Administration of the enterprise when justifying job functions the employee takes into account the requirements of qualification characteristics and, if necessary, based on them, develops relevant official documents of a local nature in relation to their operating conditions. Such documents include job descriptions, job descriptions, etc.

Job description - This document regulating professional features each position and containing the requirements for the employee holding this position. It is compiled on the basis of tariff and qualification characteristics (requirements) for industry-wide positions or based on standard requirements to positions of managers and specialists, adjusted to take into account changing socio-economic conditions.

Job description can be constructed as follows:

a) job characteristics;

b) knowledge requirements for the employee performing this work.

In the first section“Job characteristics”, similar to qualification characteristics, the main labor functions of the employee are indicated, set out, as a rule, sequentially, during the labor process. The second section, “Must Know,” contains the knowledge requirements of an employee performing specific work of a certain complexity. Moreover, an employee of higher qualifications must have the knowledge and skills required of employees with qualifications of previous levels.

Job description serves basis for identifying the range of professional duties of a particular employee, for the performance of which he receives wages. It is the document on which the learning programs, used in training, retraining or advanced training of a worker in a given profession.

The terms of reference usually do not include full list functions, but only the main ones.

It is assumed that the employee also must know:

Industry rules for the functioning of an enterprise;

Basic rules of work and features of a particular type of work;

Safety regulations and fire prevention measures;

Rules of sanitation and hygiene;

Equipment used and rules of its operation, etc.

Sometimes instead job description The enterprise uses a document such as "Description of the workplace." It contains the following sections: job title; employee subordination; Objective; direction and objectives of activity; information relationships; rights; responsibility.

The job description may include requirements for the employee’s personality, for example, preferred gender, age, appearance, etc.

The employee must meet the requirements of the workplace. However, achieving this in collective work can be a difficult condition.

Technological process– this is a part of the production process that contains targeted actions to change and (or) determine the state of the subject of labor.

A technological process may refer to a product, its component parts, or processing, shaping, and assembly methods.

Objects of labor include blanks and products. The technological process is divided into a part of technological operations.

Technological operation- This is a completed part of the technological process, performed at one workplace. The operation is associated with the implementation of a legitimate amount of work and is the main element of production planning and accounting.

A technological operation is divided into settings, positions and transitions. The main part of the operation is the transition, which is a set of processes for processing one or a set of parts, with the same tool or its set, with a constant mode.

The workplace is understood as an area, equipped with the necessary technical means, in which the labor activity of a performer or a group of performers is carried out, jointly performing one job or operation.

At the workplace, the main goal of labor is achieved - high-quality, economical and timely production of products or completion of the established amount of work.

To achieve this goal, technical, organizational, economic and ergonomic requirements are imposed on the workplace.

On the technical side, the workplace must be equipped with advanced equipment, the necessary technological and organizational equipment, tools, instrumentation provided by the technology, and lifting and transport vehicles.

From the organizational side, the equipment available at the workplace must be rationally located within the work area; an option was found for optimal maintenance of the workplace with raw materials, materials, workpieces, parts, tools, repair of equipment and accessories, and waste removal; Safe and healthy working conditions are provided for workers.

On the economic side, the organization of the workplace must ensure optimal employment of workers, the highest possible level of labor productivity and quality of work.

Ergonomic requirements take place when designing equipment, technological and organizational equipment, and workplace layout.

The labor process of an employee, regardless of what functions he performs, is characterized by inherent patterns that determine:

Placing an employee in the work area;

Position of the working area;

Sequence, number and spatial extent of components labor process labor movements;

The sequence of a person’s entry into work;

Appearance, increase and reduction of fatigue.

Workplace - spatial zone of labor activity:

Equipped with the necessary basic and auxiliary equipment; - determined on the basis of labor and other standards;

Assigned to one or a group of workers to perform specific production or management tasks.

Workplaces vary:

By the number of performers: individual and collective workplaces;

By type of production: main and auxiliary;

By type of production: mass, serial and single;

By degree of specialization: universal, specialized and special;

By level of mechanization: mechanized, automated, for manual work;

By the number of equipment: single-machine, multi-machine.

Work post- this is a section of a production area equipped with technological equipment to accommodate a car and intended to perform one or more similar jobs.

A post includes one or more jobs.

Workplace- this is the area of ​​​​work activity of the performer, equipped with technological equipment, devices and tools for performing specific work.

Workplaces in a diagnostic station are a system of inextricably linked links. This connection is determined by the unity of the production process, the proportional ratio of shift tasks at all workplaces, the communication of industrial connections supplying compressed air, electricity, coolant, lubricants, etc.

- this is the area where the employee and the means of applying his labor are located, which is determined on the basis of technical and ergonomic standards and is equipped with technical and other means necessary for the employee to perform the specific task assigned to him.

Types of jobs

Depending on the characteristics and nature of the work performed, there are:
  • simple workplace (maintenance of one unit by one employee);
  • multi-machine workplace (servicing several units simultaneously by one employee);
  • collective workplace (service of one unit by several workers);
  • stationary workplace (located on a fixed production area, equipped with stationary labor tools);
  • movable workplace (moves to the location of the objects of labor);
  • spatial workplace (determined by the nature of the work - the employee does not have a fixed workplace, but only a delineated space and a permanent place of appearance);
  • free workplace (to perform his duties, the employee uses any point on the territory of the enterprise).

Simple workplace— one worker services one unit. For example, one programmer services one set computer equipment or one universal lathe is serviced by one turner.

Multi-machine workstation involves servicing several units simultaneously by one worker. This type of jobs is widespread in the textile and mechanical engineering industries. For example, five automatic lathes are serviced by one operator operator.

Collective workplace typical for the chemical industry, petrochemical, metallurgical and a number of sub-sectors Food Industry, as well as for large Vehicle(aircraft, sea and river vessels, locomotives). In this case one unit is serviced not by one, but by several workers. For example, a large rolling mill at metallurgical plant serve up to 120 workers simultaneously.

Stationary workplaces are motionless, located on a fixed production area and equipped with stationary means of labor (machines, mechanisms, tools). Objects of labor are supplied directly to the workplace.

Mobile workstations They do not have production areas assigned to them, but they themselves move to the location of the objects of labor. For example, a drilling machine is moving towards a drilling site. Many workplaces move simultaneously with objects of labor - cars, trains and other vehicles.

Spatial workplaces are not associated with any sector of the economy, types of products or means of labor, but are determined by the nature of the work. This is, for example, geological exploration, cleaning premises, grazing livestock, etc. The worker does not have a fixed workplace, but only a delineated space. He is assigned only a permanent place of appearance - a special room or office where records are kept of the employee’s arrival and departure and his performance is monitored. The workplace of a number of production specialists and managers does not have clear regulations. They perform their immediate duties not only sitting at their desks, but also while on the premises of the company. To some extent, this is a free workplace in the understanding that this category of workers can freely use any point on the territory of the enterprise to perform their assigned duties.

Accounting and standardization of jobs

The number and professional composition of personnel are regulated by the number and nature of jobs at the enterprise. Availability of jobs is strictly taken into account and constantly regulated. There should be no more and no less than what is required by the technology and organization of production, as well as the established (service provision). Overestimation of the number of jobs entails additional irrational expenses for their arrangement, maintenance and depreciation, increases production costs and reduces income. Its decrease (compared to what is actually required) causes a disruption in the rhythm of production, a decrease in product quality, and a violation of the schedule of product deliveries to consumers, which also negatively affects economic indicators enterprises.

Accounting and standardization of jobs is carried out in actual service areas based on the volume and labor intensity of the work performed and the shifts in which workplaces are used. The number of jobs for managers, specialists and employees is determined on the basis of the established staffing table , A service personnel- based service standards. To identify redundant and ineffective workplaces, they are periodically re-registered and certified. Specialists develop programs, and modernize and replace outdated jobs with new ones, which ensure growth and improvement, improving the quality of work.

The conditions in which it occurs have a direct impact not only on its results, but also on human health. Therefore, experts are studying functionality people in order to create an optimal working environment, i.e. when achieving high productivity involves providing the necessary amenities and preserving the health of the employee.

Based on the availability and composition of jobs, the entire structure of the enterprise is built and its scale is determined. Several interconnected jobs form teams, work groups, which are often called a unit. The teams make up sections, sectors, which are then combined into workshops, departments, laboratories, from which, in turn, a complete object is formed - an enterprise.

Workplace passport

The passport (standard design) of the workplace of workers and employees includes the following sections:

  • purpose and general characteristics;
  • workplace layout;
  • furniture, equipment and technical means;
  • functional responsibilities (main elements of work);
  • labor methods and techniques;
  • working conditions;
  • salary;
  • service organization;
  • regulatory documentation;
  • workload (rationing);
  • occupational Safety and Health;
  • safety precautions.

The initial data for developing job passports are:

  • standard workplace passports;
  • employee workplace models;
  • staffing table of the enterprise;
  • wage regulations;
  • technical equipment installation diagram;
  • Operating Instructions;
  • management labor standards;
  • safety instructions;
  • working design of the building (office);
  • specification for furniture and equipment;
  • regulations on divisions;
  • job descriptions;
  • employee employment contracts;
  • standards of space per 1 employee.

Depending on the characteristics of the production process and the nature of the work performed, the workplace can be permanent or non-permanent.

Permanent workplace– the place where the worker spends most of his working time (more than 50% or more than 2 hours continuously). If work is carried out at different points in the work area, the entire work area is considered a permanent workplace ( GOST 12.1.005-88). Permanent workplaces are stationary, located on a fixed production area and equipped with stationary means of labor: machines, mechanisms, tools. Objects of labor are supplied directly to the workplace.

Non-permanent or non-stationary jobs– places with geographically varying work areas. The worker does not have a fixed workplace, but only a delineated space. He is assigned only a permanent place of appearance - a special room or office where records are kept of the employee’s arrival and departure and his performance is monitored.

Some work areas may be the same for different jobs. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out measurements first in the main departments, and then in auxiliary ones. This will avoid measuring repeated factors in the same place for different categories of workers.
