Remove the electronic bracelet. System of electronic monitoring of controlled persons (sample), as one of the forms of control of those sentenced to restriction of freedom

Speaking of filling legislative framework, we turn to Art. Art. 98, 107, 108 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, which designate measures of restriction of freedom practiced in Russia. In our case, this is house arrest (YES) and a taboo for those who, by the will of fate, have experienced such “hospitality”. Whether the “hero of the occasion” will be punished by serving his sentence in a robe and slippers, the court decides, after weighing all the pros and cons, but always in the manner prescribed by Art. 108.

Taking into account the age, presence of diseases, and family status of the prisoner, the court determines his “deprivations” and appoints a monitor for compliance with the conditions of arrest.

Who can count on “house punishment”?

It can be argued that the above-mentioned arrest is indicated for the suspect/accused/convicted in the absence of the possibility of applying a mitigation of detention to him and it is foolish to apply a prison sentence:

If the request to apply the DA to the suspect/accused is rejected, then the judge, at his own discretion, taking into account good reasons and all the circumstances of Art. 99, has the right to set bail.

The duration of “house punishment” is determined only by the court based on the arguments of the parties. When a person is accused of a minor violation, the maximum period of stay “under home lock and key” during the investigation is – no more than 0.5 year.

What prohibitions does house arrest provide?

Taking into account the personality of the prisoner, the severity of the act committed and the details of the case, the judge imposes various restrictions and taboos:

  • to unhindered movement outside the place of residence, but walks may be allowed at times determined by the court;

Changes in restrictions/prohibitions are carried out by a judge at the request of the prisoner himself, his legal representative or lawyer, as well as an investigator or interrogating officer.

House arrest is a rather specific measure of punishment for offenders, and therefore has a number of features that distinguish it from other types of deprivation:

  • The prisoner’s movement is monitored through an electronic bracelet, and the path is recorded on an electronic remote control at the police station.

How does a house arrest bracelet work?

The movements of the arrested person are monitored around the clock and displayed on a map at the police station. An electronic bracelet worn on the ankle and a stationary device installed in a living room or hospital ward transmit a signal that is output to the controller.

It is impossible to remove this bracelet yourself. But if the signal disappears, the FSIN inspector will promptly arrive or call to find out the reason.

What is considered a violation of a preventive measure?

There is no doubt that during such an arrest, all the specifics of the prohibitions and restrictions are explained to the prisoner in great detail. But there are cases when the conditions are violated, either accidentally or intentionally: most often this is the use of the telephone or the Internet, communication with prohibited persons, or violation of movement.

Pros and cons of arrest “in house slippers”

The prisoner begins to concentrate:

  • on household chores: cooking, cleaning, washing;

It’s clear that these are undeniable advantages: to do something for which there was not enough time in everyday life. The result is positive: improvement, getting used to self-care, raising the intellectual level, improving physical fitness. And of course, it helps a lot if the court does not prohibit communication with other people.

The presented video describes the procedure for placing the culprit of an accident under house arrest.

House arrest is a measure of criminal and administrative punishment that has been used in Russia for about 7 years. Reducing free movement and the “taboo” to meet the needs and requirements of the prisoner can become a worthy alternative to a standard prison cell. Isolation of the offender from society allows him to be morally “pressed down” and “pushed through”, which will ultimately lead to repentance and law-abidingness.

Electronic tracking system and bracelet device. Reference

Appeared in Russia the new kind criminal punishment - house arrest. This became possible after the introduction of electronic tracking systems for human movements, such as the “electronic bracelet”.

The electronic tracking system allows you to monitor a person’s movements 24 hours a day, which made it possible to use it to establish complete electronic control over the life of a convicted person during his stay under house arrest.

The system of remote monitoring of convicts in many countries has become a common punishment for petty robbers, hooligans, and car thieves. The use of electronic tracking devices is possible because the person himself is interested in using them, since he does not want to go to prison.

Several types of devices are used. The simplest and cheapest is usually used for juvenile offenders for whom the court has deemed it unnecessary to stay in prison. This is a small technical device that a teenager should carry with him. When leaving a certain area, a young person is required to call a certain phone number and report his location. The call is recorded by the computer. If 5 minutes pass and he does not call, the equipment will give a signal to the supervising inspector, who can go to court with a requirement to take action against the violator.

The remaining devices have a more complex configuration; they can be divided into three main types. The first is a control device via telephone line. This model consists of a base station and a lightweight electronic bracelet, thanks to which a person can move freely within a small radius from the station.

The receiving device is installed at the place of residence of the convicted person and requires periodic recharging. The purpose of the device is to record the time a person enters and leaves the premises and registers offenses committed by him related to non-compliance with the schedule or attempts to damage the device.

The principle of operation of an electronic device for monitoring a prisoner is simple. While within the range of the "base" field, the prisoner cannot leave these limits. As soon as he crosses the border, the device immediately sends a signal to the phone and computer of the supervising inspector.

The second is a similar control device via cellular communication. This system is good for the city, but it is not suitable for villages that are not covered by cellular communications.

The third type is a constant tracking device. It consists of a transmitter (bracelet), a portable GPS tracking device and a stationary transmitting device (it is installed at the place of serving the sentence, for example, in an apartment).

An electronic bracelet is no different in shape from a regular electronic watch and consists of a strap made of lightweight plastic or rubber with holes for adjusting its length, and a small box in which the electronics and a heat sensor are installed. The bracelet is put on the leg or arm, secured with a special device and launched electronic key. The thermal sensor obliges the person under control to wear the bracelet exclusively on the body, and not in the pocket of his trousers or shirt, and the radio transmitter detects any attempt to remove it.

The bracelet cannot be removed or reprogrammed; the device reacts to a rupture or to the cessation of heat from the body. When you try to remove the bracelet, a violation signal appears on the screen of the tracking monitor.

The device is designed for operation at temperatures up to 100 degrees Celsius; its tightness allows it to be immersed in fresh and salt water up to 5 meters for up to 15 minutes. This gives the convict the opportunity to visit the bathhouse and sauna.

The device operates in three modes - radio communication, satellite tracking and a combination of these two. If the convicted person is at home, a stationary radio transmitter operates, similar to a telephone without buttons. An operator can contact the convicted person at any time through it. As soon as you leave the house, the radio signal disappears and the one on your belt turns on - GPS. There are also modifications of the bracelet with a built-in satellite tracking system.

The bracelet is coded to a certain distance from the prisoner’s home - he is prohibited from going further than this border. In addition, time restrictions are established: the person under control must leave home for work and return exactly on schedule. If he gets sick, he will be given a special time slot to visit the doctor.

A portable GPS tracking device (it's similar to mobile phone) hung on the shoulder or worn on the belt. The receiver, through the GPS system, records the coordinates of the supervised person’s location and transmits them to the dispatcher’s server using regular GSM mobile communications. In normal mode, it does this automatically every four hours. If it happens an emergency situation, works instantly.

A specially trained operator controls the signal at his computer console.

The offender receives a message to the receiver: “You have exceeded the permissible distance. Come back immediately!” The supervised person is immediately obliged to confirm receipt of the information by pressing a button and eliminate the violation. If this does not happen, an alarm is sounded, a squad goes out to pick up the person, and the criminal executive inspector decides what sanctions to apply - up to replacing the suspended sentence with a real one.

Bracelets also have disadvantages: it is problematic to wash with a bracelet, since it shields from the cast-iron bathtub; It is impossible to play football with him. The technique regards any blow as an attempt to escape.

In recent years, this type of punishment has become increasingly popular. In the US, electronic monitoring is used in 49 out of 50 states.

In Europe, the first countries to use electronic “house arrest” were the Nordic countries. In Sweden, those citizens who are sentenced to up to 3 months can choose bracelets and total control at home instead of prison. This mainly applies to petty thieves and drivers who have committed accidents. In Germany, the decision to transfer prisoners under electronic “house arrest” is made by the prosecutor’s office, again mainly at the request of the convicts themselves. Moreover, not only those sentenced to short terms, but also anyone who can count on parole can choose bracelets. In Israel, a decision on electronic restraint, again at the request of lawyers, can be made by the court even in relation to suspects under investigation.

Recently, as an experiment, this type of punishment began to be used in France, Switzerland, South Korea. In Austria, since 2008, they decided to wear electronic ankle bracelets on those on parole who were sentenced to terms of up to 3 years.

In Estonia, since 2006, prisoners can be released from prison early by wearing electronic bracelets. They passed a law allowing the use of an electronic monitoring system for prisoners released on parole.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

Will something like this help reduce the crime rate in Russia? electronic bracelet? International application practice electronic bracelets shows that this means of restricting freedom is really effective.

What is an electronic bracelet?

In theory, almost the entire adult population of Russia knows what it is electronic bracelet and what it is intended for. However, due to the fact that such a means of restricting freedom in our country has a short history, the main knowledge about it is obtained from foreign sources - articles, news reports and even films. Such sources of information have led to the fact that many of the nuances of using this device remain behind the scenes.

For example, what electronic bracelet is only part of the electronic tracking system. Technically, this device is a transmitter that sends signals to a special device (stationary or portable) connected via communication channels to the control device. The latter is usually installed in the supervisory authority and allows you to record all the movements of the convicted person, as well as contact him as necessary.

The capabilities of the electronic tracking system more than compensate for its technical complexity. Using this system, it is possible to establish an individual regime for the convicted person, limiting the time spent on the street to certain (usually daytime) hours.

The system also records data about those places that are restricted for people to visit. These, for example, could be entertainment facilities, schools, kindergartens, as well as other places where its appearance is undesirable.

In this way, the inspector can trace the entire route of the ward, and if he deviates from the permitted path, he can send a signal about the need to return to the boundaries permitted for his stay. From this side, an electronic tracking system is a full-fledged means of restricting freedom - and this is exactly how the legislation interprets it.

Electronic tracking systems: legal framework

Electronic systems tracking appeared in the domestic list of penalties thanks to changes made in 2010 Federal law dated December 27, 2009 No. 377-FZ “On amendments to certain legislative acts Russian Federation in connection with the entry into force of the provisions of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation on punishment in the form of restriction of freedom.”

After amendments were made to the Criminal Code, along with deprivation of liberty, a type of punishment appeared, such as its limitation (Article 53). It provides for 3 main measures that apply to a convicted citizen throughout the entire period of punishment:

  1. Restriction of movement (establishing territorial and time limits).
  2. Limitation of communication (refusal to visit mass events, as well as events of a different nature).
  3. Limiting the choice of place of residence and work (study).

Electronic bracelet is designed to limit human freedom, but not completely deprive it, giving the citizen the opportunity to improve and lead an ordinary life without complete isolation from society. Therefore, punishment only in the form of restriction of freedom, by its specificity, is not applicable to citizens who have committed serious crimes.

Don't know your rights?

Who is an electronic bracelet for?

To restrict freedom and, accordingly, wearing electronic bracelet Citizens convicted of crimes of minor and medium gravity may be sentenced as the main type of punishment. In this case, restriction of freedom is established for a period of 2 months to 4 years.

However this type Punishment cannot be imposed on certain categories of citizens: military personnel, foreigners and stateless persons. Restriction of freedom is also not imposed on Russian citizens who do not have a permanent place of residence on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Serious crimes, the list of which is given in a special part of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, as already mentioned, cannot be punished only by restriction of freedom. However, restriction of freedom may be imposed as an additional punishment following the main one (deprivation of liberty or forced labor). The punishment in this case is provided for up to 2 years.

Thus, restriction of freedom can be both basic and additional view punishments. If the court decision does not initially provide for restriction of freedom, then convicted citizens have the right to petition for a transition to this type of punishment. Changing the type of punishment to restriction of freedom is possible only subject to good behavior and compliance of the remainder of the sentence with the standards established by law (Article 80 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Features of using an electronic bracelet

As already mentioned, practice electronic bracelets in Russia is quite new, so not all interested parties, including executors of punishment, have sufficient experience in their use. In practice, this leads to the presence of features that are not regulated in any way by law, and therefore must be decided by the courts. This is not always convenient, as it takes a long time.

Important! Quite often, convicts are unaware of the fact that, despite the presence of electronic tracking, they still need to visit supervisory authorities to register. According to the law, this must be done 1 to 4 times a month.

Due to the variability of the type of punishment in the process of serving it, the restriction of his freedom can be adjusted at the request of the supervisory authorities: tightened or, conversely, softened. For example, the length of time spent outside the home is reduced or increased.

In the same way, supervisory authorities, in the event of repeated failure to comply with the conditions of restriction of freedom, may petition for the application of another penalty against a citizen - imprisonment or the assignment of forced labor.

Is it possible to remove the electronic bracelet?

Electronic bracelet, usually worn on the ankle, is a fairly massive object. It is impossible to wear high boots with it; it can cause a lot of trouble for people with health problems; In addition, electronics often suffer from getting wet - long or even short - and sometimes break down. In other words, there are many reasons that may lead a person to seek removal of the device. They may well be considered justified by the court (or not).

First of all, it is worth noting that restriction of freedom in itself is a punishment and, in the general case, cannot be completely abolished - it can only be replaced with a more severe one, with a change in the term of punishment. For example, when replacing restriction of freedom with imprisonment or forced labor, the term of the unserved sentence is halved.

Nevertheless, the term of punishment by restriction of freedom, as well as any other type of punishment, can be reduced only with good behavior and the presence of facts conducive to early removal of the punishment. Such facts may include: health restrictions, the need for business trips, pregnancy, and so on.

Another way to legally withdraw electronic bracelet There may be an appeal of the verdict in cassation (subject to a previously filed appeal).

Separately, it is worth mentioning cases when an electronic device is damaged - intentionally or unintentionally. In this case, the convicted citizen will have to pay a fine for the damaged device (several tens of thousands of rubles), and the restriction of freedom may well be replaced by a more severe punishment.

- How to wash?

I was interested in bracelets
Sergey RUSOV

Currently, among the main tasks of the penal inspections (CII) is monitoring the functioning and effectiveness of the electronic monitoring system of controlled persons (SEMPL).

Audiovisual, electronic and other technical means of control can be used to monitor the presence of a suspect or accused at the place of execution of a preventive measure in the form of house arrest and their compliance with prohibitions and (or) restrictions imposed by the court, as well as to obtain the necessary information about the behavior of convicted persons to restrict freedom, monitor compliance with established restrictions (collection, accumulation, processing, storage and provision of information to the IUI). Over the 9 months of 2013, the Penitentiary Directorate used 8,897 control devices of the electronic monitoring system of controlled persons, of which 7,960 were applied to those sentenced to restriction of freedom and 937 were applied to suspects (accused), in respect of whom a preventive measure in the form of house arrest was chosen.

SAMPLE allows you to strengthen control over the behavior of those sentenced to restriction of freedom from a risk group who are prone to committing repeated crimes and offenses, evading the execution of restrictions imposed on them by the court; In addition, daily monitoring of the execution by convicted persons of the obligation imposed by the court on them to be at their place of residence at a certain time of day makes it possible to reduce the risk of committing administrative offenses by those sentenced to restriction of freedom (most administrative offenses are committed after 21:00), since they realize that they are under constant control and accordingly, as practitioners indicate, their behavior is undergoing changes. However, courts are often critical of the results of recording by technical means of supervision and control of violations of the conditions of serving a sentence in the form of restriction of freedom, which, of course, reduces the effectiveness of their use.

A survey of UII employees suggests that technical means of supervision in their department are not used effectively enough, in particular, in certain regions, according to Federal service execution of punishments (FSIN of Russia), the percentage of faulty equipment is more than 40. Moreover, on average in Russia only 53% of all working devices are used (in some regions it is less than 20%, in others - more than 80%).

When used in UII activities electronic means control and monitoring of those sentenced to restriction of freedom, organizational problems arise that are associated with insufficient organizational support for the implementation of some electronic means of monitoring those sentenced to restriction of freedom; compensation by convicted persons for material damage caused by their unlawful actions when using electronic means of surveillance; application to those sentenced to restriction of freedom SAMPL depending on the tasks being solved and the goals of electronic control.

According to the official data of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, when implementing electronic control institutes using SAMPL, there are the following disadvantages:

  • alarm messages in the regions are not removed in a timely manner;
  • in most territorial bodies of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, SAMPL terminal equipment runs on version 29 software, however, there remains a significant amount of equipment running on older versions of the software;
  • in the regions, security zones are not assigned;
  • in a number of regions a large number of control devices do not transmit data to the monitoring server for a long time;
  • there is no timely adjustment of the number of controlled persons in the SAMPLE-monitoring program;
  • overestimation of data on the number of devices used is revealed;
  • in the regions there is a formal withdrawal of SAMPL messages.

Among the reasons for the insufficiently effective use of SAMPL, in our opinion, are the following: lack of due attention of the heads of the FKU UII to the issues of system deployment; low level of training of employees performing the functions of system administrator and operator; problems associated with technical deficiencies in supervisory tools; a formal approach to the use of SAMPL, due to the presence of planned indicators; failure by the branches of the PKU UII to comply with the instructions of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia (not universally studied and guidelines, prepared and sent by FKU UII for study to branches).

It seems that at present there is a need to introduce into the structure of the UII an appropriate unit for the use of SAMPL, in which specialists of the relevant profile should work. In order to train qualified personnel of the Penitentiary Inspectorate with special professional competencies in the field of application of SAMPL, the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia decided to organize at the Samara Law Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia training for employees of the Penitentiary Inspectorate under the program “Organizational, legal and technical foundations of the activities of SAMPL operators” as part of advanced training courses . The “SAMPL Laboratory” was created, on the basis of which 158 employees of the Penitentiary Institute were trained during 2012, in 2013 - 16 employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, and currently 25 employees of the FKU Penitentiary Institute are being trained.

In addition, measures should be taken to ensure timely removal of alarm messages (at least three times a day) and to prevent formal removal of alarm messages; intensifying work on compensation for damage, since in some regions less than 1% of the damage has been compensated or it has not been compensated at all (in practice, difficulties arise with proving intentional damage to equipment); ensuring the safety of SAMPL terminal equipment (495 units of it were lost during the period of operation, primarily mobile control devices); organization by the heads of the FKU UII of attaching security zones, prohibited zones or regime restrictions to all controlled persons in accordance with the requirements of the sentences.

Source: Kazak B.B., Smirnova I.N. “Organizational support for the use of electronic monitoring systems for controlled persons in the activities of penal inspections”

Ankle bracelet - electronic watchman

Pyotr Melnik was put on the interstate wanted list by court decision. The relevant information about the former rector of the tax academy, who removed the electronic bracelet and escaped from house arrest, was entered into the databases of the CIS countries. While the police are figuring out how Melnik managed to remove the bracelet, criminologists say that this is not a problem for professionals.

The escape from house arrest of former MP and rector of the Tax Academy Petr Melnik sowed doubts about the reliability of electronic tracking bracelets. The police began an internal investigation, and human rights activists became concerned whether this would become a reason to limit the application of the norm of the new Criminal Procedure Code on keeping under house arrest at the stage of pre-trial investigation. However, the Ministry of Internal Affairs reassured them, saying that they were asking for 216 million hryvnia from the budget for tracking bracelets for 50,000 detainees.

“There have already been several cases when people tried to get rid of the bracelets, even ran away, but no one ran far. And they changed the rather comfortable conditions of being under house arrest to staying in custody in a pre-trial detention center. These are isolated cases. In general, about 50 such bracelets are now in use,” said a spokesman for the Ministry of Internal Affairs Sergei Burlakov.

As for the reliability of the “Melnik bracelet,” the police so far claim that there is no reason to consider it of poor quality, but it will apparently be necessary to involve third-party specialists in the official investigation.

“If according to the results official investigation It has been established that there is some kind of technical component, some problems in the operation of those devices or software, it is clear that we will involve in the work those specialists who supplied us with this equipment,” added Burlakov.

The supplier of electronic bracelets, Benish GP eS Ukraine LLC, declined to comment, but noted that they have no doubt about the quality of their products.

Opening a certain object is a matter of time

According to an engineer at a computer forensics laboratory at one of the private companies Mikhail Galchenko, Such bracelets are almost impossible to neutralize from a distance; they can only be removed using a magnetic key on the spot. However, according to the expert, even with a high level of protection it is impossible to give a 100% guarantee, because there are always specialists and devices that go even beyond the latest achievements.

An employee of one of the companies involved in automotive electronics said that it is not difficult to open any electronic lock if you have the necessary equipment.

“There are people who work with electronic locks, including the so-called GPS ones. There are people who do hacking. They can fake the key system... Anything is possible now. Any locks and any secrets can be opened. It all depends on how much time you need to spend to open a certain object,” says the expert.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs promises to publish the preliminary results of an internal investigation into the escape of Pyotr Melnik from house arrest this week. Melnik was under house arrest with an electronic monitoring bracelet due to suspicion of receiving 120 thousand hryvnia in bribes.

House arrest bracelet action

Under house arrest: how an electronic bracelet works

Under house arrest: how the electronic one works Your browser does not support this video format.

House arrest as a preventive measure

A person under house arrest will not disappear from the sight of law enforcement agencies.

A tracking system created specifically for the Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN) allows you to monitor the movements of a convicted person 24 hours a day.

The movement control system already used by the Federal Penitentiary Service consists of a stationary transmitting device, a portable tracking device and a lightweight plastic device.

Shackled by a wireless chain

The court sent her under house arrest, and in November 2014, she was fitted with an electronic bracelet, which she lived with for a whole year.

Better striped trousers than checkered sky Muscovite Anastasia was accused of an economic crime.

The court sent her under house arrest, and in November 2014 she was put on an ankle bracelet, which she lived with for a whole year.

What are the features of using an electronic bracelet?

Will something like an electronic bracelet help reduce the crime rate in Russia? International practice of using bracelets shows that this means of restricting freedom is really effective.

What are the features of using an electronic bracelet? Will something like an electronic bracelet help reduce the crime rate in Russia?

International practice of using electronic bracelets shows that this means of restricting freedom is really effective.

house arrest as a preventive measure
Speaking about filling the legislative framework, we turn to Art. 98, 107, 108 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, which designate measures of restriction of freedom practiced in Russia.

in our case, this is house arrest (yes) and a taboo for those who, by the will of fate, have experienced such “hospitality”. whether the “hero of the occasion” will be punished by serving his sentence in a robe and slippers, the court decides, after weighing all the pros and cons, but always in the manner prescribed by Art.

under house arrest: how an electronic bracelet works. Your browser does not support this video format.

a person under house arrest will not disappear from the sight of law enforcement agencies. an electronic tracking system created specifically for the Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN) allows you to monitor the movements of a convicted person 24 hours a day. The movement control system already used by the Federal Penitentiary Service consists of a stationary transmitting device, a portable tracking device and a lightweight electronic bracelet made of plastic.

house arrest bracelet

a person placed under house arrest does not have the right to use means of communication, such as telephone, Internet, mail.

the only exception is calling emergency services, police and ambulance. he also has no right to communicate with other people except his immediate family, as well as the investigator and the lawyer. He also cannot leave the premises without the permission of the investigator.

a person placed under house arrest does not have the right to use means of communication, such as telephone, Internet, mail. the only exception is calling emergency services, police and ambulance. he also does not have the right to communicate with other people except his immediate family, as well as the investigator and the lawyer.

He also cannot leave the premises without the permission of the investigator.

electronic tracking system and bracelet device

Information: a new type of criminal punishment has appeared in Russia - house arrest.

this became possible after the introduction of electronic tracking systems for human movements, such as the “electronic bracelet”. the electronic tracking system allows you to monitor a person’s movements 24 hours a day, which made it possible to use it to establish complete electronic control over the life of a convicted person during his stay under house arrest. Several types of devices are used.

the use of electronic bracelets for persons under house arrest may become mandatory

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What are the features of using an electronic bracelet?

Will something like an electronic bracelet help reduce the crime rate in Russia? International practice of using electronic bracelets shows that this means of restricting freedom is really effective.

Drey | 08/10/2012, 16:30

This is a punishment, not a reward. If you have already broken the law, wear it and follow the rules. No desire to comply? It's your business. No one has canceled the real conclusion. And regarding funerals, hospitals and other things, people also work in the Federal Penitentiary Service... they will understand..

Vyacheslav | 05/22/2012, 21:01

I would also like to add that in one of the advertisements on the use of electronic bracelets, they showed how the wearer of this device bathes in a river... sorry, in practice doing this is very problematic, the transmitter included with the bracelet is afraid of dampness, and moving away from it more than 5 meters...

Vyacheslav | 05/22/2012, 20:55

Yan seems to have sworn off prison......
“Only a court can force an offender to wear an electronic bracelet!”
AII refer to an article that gives them the opportunity to use electronic bracelets, but this article does not OBLIGATE them to do this.
In turn, the use of a bracelet often limits the convicted person to a greater extent than is determined by the sentence, in particular: you will not spend the night within the permitted region of stay if there is no 220 V network at the place of overnight stay, you will not be more than 5 meters away from the transmitter, i.e. .e. Even in the apartment where you live, there is no way to move freely (try running to the restroom while the transmitter is charging), etc. Not only the family of the convicted person suffers from this, but also colleagues, and, to some extent, just random people... Here I completely agree with Larisa! God forbid in the crowd, some Yan sees a bracelet on you - panic is guaranteed...
A very crude system...
Before the introduction of the “bracelet” system, punishments were served no worse than now, but those around him did not suffer from serving the sentence to the same extent...
Warning possible statements of future speakers - the statement: “next time you will think about what you are doing” - I regard it as a manifestation of cynicism!!!

Larisa | 03/26/2012, 14:29

For convicts, a bracelet is good. But no one asked the family itself where this convict would live. He can’t go anywhere, for example, outside the city to help at the dacha, he can’t go on vacation with his family to a nearby river or forest for an overnight stay, and it would be better not to leave him at home alone. And if someone close to you suddenly dies, he cannot help with burial in the cemetery. In general, it’s as if a small child or an old frail person appeared at home who cannot be left alone. What else can this probationer do besides work if his hobbies and healthy lifestyle involve traveling outside the city?

Correctional bracelet

Dmitry | 01/16/2012, 00:41

bracelets should be used for those who have been caught once or have doubtful that they don’t get caught up in jargon and worse.
Yan for those over 5, this is murder, they should be imprisoned immediately.

Yan | 01/07/2012, 11:18

Only the bracelet must be worn not for 4 years, but from 5 years and up to life and deprived of voting rights, etc. for this period. Crimes are committed by the same people, and if it gets to the point where you get caught, it means you’ve done such bad things before that the tower is shining.

Alexander Nikonorov is over fifty, and in this mature age he ended up in the dock. The court sentenced him to restriction of freedom for a year.
Alexander Sergeevich came to the Komsomolsk branch of the criminal-executive inspection, where he was informed that he would be wearing an electronic bracelet. This caused a storm of emotions in the convict:
- I don’t want to wear a bracelet! This goes against my religious beliefs!
“According to the current legislation, a convicted person does not have the right to refuse the electronic monitoring system,” the branch employees explained to him.
Nikonorov insisted on his own, and ultimately the issue was considered in court. It was a little strange to listen to the explanations of the convict; he was afraid that during confession his words might... be recorded electronically. That is, religion allows beating a woman, but does not recommend wearing a bracelet as punishment.
The court rejected Nikonorov's request. Then the convict declared for the second time that he would not wear a bracelet. He probably watched enough TV stories about Snowden.
The court considered his issue for the second time and decided to replace the restriction of freedom with stay in a colony settlement. The law allows such a replacement, and a day goes by two, that is, Nikonorov will spend not a year in a settlement colony, but six months.
It was this story that brought me to the Komsomolsk branch of the penal inspection, where they control different categories of convicts whose punishment is not associated with imprisonment.
“We have about four hundred such convicts, of which only eleven have limited freedom,” explained the head of the branch, Antonina Konstantinova.
- That is, 11 bracelets work.
- Yes. The first electronic monitoring system devices appeared in the city last year. Few even lawyers know about them, not to mention ordinary townspeople.
According to Antonina Vasilievna, they have two types of bracelets in their work - these are mobile and stationary control devices. Convicts initially consider restriction of freedom to be the easiest form of punishment. For example, a court verdict ordered a lover of other people's property to stay at home from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m., but he went out for a walk at that time. The bracelet will immediately send a signal to the inspector’s computer.
If he violates the regime, he is given a warning and the materials are sent to court, where a new duty is assigned. For example, they will be even more limited in time. The second violation - the procedure is repeated and a new ban is imposed, say, on attending public events. The third violation - restriction of freedom will be replaced by its deprivation.

Electronic bracelets for convicts have not proven their worth

If a convicted person breaks a bracelet in order to feel freer, a technical examination is carried out, after which the offender will receive a very unpleasant surprise. The cost of an electronic bracelet is more than 100 thousand rubles. Of course, breakdown is different from breakdown, but in any case you will have to fork out for it.
After these words, I wanted to see what the bracelet really was. At this time, senior inspector Dmitry Kolesov entered the chief’s office; with him was a man of about sixty.
“Please show me your bracelet,” Antonina Vasilievna turned to the man.
The convict began to puff—excess weight always makes it difficult to bend over—but he pulled up his trouser leg. A black bracelet was attached to the ankle, remarkably similar to a digital watch from the post-Soviet period.
- How is he not interfering? - I asked.
“It interferes, of course: the hard edges rub my leg, the place even swells,” the man complained.
- How to wash?
- You can stay under water for no more than five minutes. You cannot visit the sauna and, in principle, all places where the temperature is very high. The device is completely plastic, consists of two parts: an electronic filling and a strap, explained Dmitry Kolesov.
- Is the bracelet disposable or not?
- The strap is disposable, or rather, each convict has his own.
- Do the inspectorate have hand bracelets? It is still easier for men to wear the device on their feet than for women - it is not visible under trousers, and boots do not interfere in winter.
Lieutenant Colonel of the Internal Service Antonina Konstantinova smiled. It turns out that bracelets are not divided into hand and ankle bracelets, they are universal. It’s just that for some time now in the Samara region, devices have been attached only to the leg - it’s more reliable. As for women, they experience, of course, a certain discomfort when they walk around with such a device for a year. On the other hand, they themselves are to blame - there was no need to break the law.
It became interesting how inspectors track the routes of their “wards”. I was led to a computer where their location is clearly visible on the monitor, and if a convict, who is ordered not to leave the Tolyatti city district, unexpectedly goes to Zhigulevsk or Samara, this will immediately become known.
As for Nikonorov’s fears that he could be wiretapped via an electronic bracelet, these are the convict’s fantasies. And by and large: who is interested in a man who can raise his hand to a woman?

I was interested in bracelets
Sergey RUSOV

Experts from the Russian Research Institute of Space Instrumentation admitted that electronic bracelets for tracking prisoners, on the purchase of which, according to the Investigative Committee, at least 1.3 billion rubles were stolen from the Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN), do not actually perform their main function. Any prisoner can easily disassemble and remove devices designed for the prison department using ordinary scissors or pliers, and the FSIN officer supervising him will not even notice this.

As sources in the special services told Izvestia, even before the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case about billions of dollars in fraud in the FSIN during the purchase of special equipment at the Research Institute of Space Instrumentation and the leading scientific unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "Special Equipment and Communications" (STiS), two examinations of electronic bracelets were carried out, officially known as the system of electronic monitoring of supervised persons (SEMPL).

The results of the examinations turned out to be discouraging, a high-ranking interlocutor in the special services tells Izvestia. - It turned out that electronic bracelets are actually unsuitable for the purposes for which they were created. I don’t even understand how the Federal Penitentiary Service can somehow monitor the persons under supervision using these devices?

According to the documents, experts conducted a number of tests and almost immediately made a disappointing conclusion: “There is no objective control over the location.” We are talking about the lack of reception of signals from the GLONASS and GPS systems.

That is, SAMPLE operators from among the FSIN employees cannot determine the exact location of the “client,” the interlocutor explains.

Moreover, according to expert data, operators cannot even determine the state of charge of the electronic bracelet’s battery. They only have access to battery voltage data. But based on this, they cannot calculate when and at what point the battery will be completely discharged and the bracelet will turn off completely.

It is separately noted that alarm signals from an electronic bracelet or a stationary monitoring device - SKU (it is installed in the house of the supervised person) are sent to workplace operator with a delay of 8–10 minutes. At the same time, the device provides feedback from the “client” to his curators from the Federal Penitentiary Service. A person can call the inspectors of the Criminal Executive Inspectorate (CII) at any time by pressing the SOS button. However, as the inspectors found out, this requires holding the button for at least 5 seconds.

In an emergency situation, this may be impossible, experts categorically conclude.

Experts also concluded that the bracelet can be negatively affected environment. Moisture quickly oxidizes the contacts of the bracelet lock; the device interprets this as an attempt to unfasten the lock and gives a false alarm. That is, with this bracelet, the person under surveillance cannot even wash himself normally. In addition, the device begins to malfunction if the room temperature rises above room temperature.

The installation of the lock, according to experts, also does not stand up to criticism. It turns out that the bracelet is secured not with a special tool, but with ordinary pliers.

Moreover, for unauthorized disposal of the bracelet, no devices are needed; it is enough to cut the strap with ordinary scissors, experts explain. The designers planned that the device would signal if the integrity of the strap was broken, but the strap can be easily disassembled and the contacts can be re-soldered so as to lengthen the strap and remove the bracelet.

As soon as the “client” removes the bracelet and he remains motionless for a long time, the operator should, in theory, receive a signal. However, as experts emphasize, the equipment does not transmit such a signal. During the tests, the bracelet remained in place for almost three days, but not a single message about this came to the control panel on duty. This makes it impossible to understand whether the bracelet is on the person or whether it has long been removed, and the arrested person has gone on the run.

In addition, experts noted that the bracelet is very uncomfortable. It is attached to the ankle, but can only be worn with wide pants or shoes with low tops. This restriction primarily affects women who love tight trousers and narrow high boots.

Insufficient design reliability can lead, according to experts, to false alarms or damage to the bracelet without any malicious intent.

It is worth noting that the stationary monitoring device itself is virtually no different in principle from a cell phone; it contains a SIM card inside. However, as experts have found out, it is not fixed in the device and periodically falls out of the connector.

According to the Federal Penitentiary Service, 9,827 electronic bracelets are currently used in all departments of the prison department in Russia, including 177 bracelets in Moscow. Of these, 165 are for those sentenced by the court to restriction of freedom, and only 12 devices are worn by supervised persons under house arrest. The most famous of the owners of electronic bracelets are Evgenia Vasilyeva, a defendant in a criminal case involving multibillion-dollar thefts from the Ministry of Defense, and oppositionist Sergei Udaltsov, accused of organizing mass riots.

Lawyers for Evgenia Vasilyeva have already complained about the bracelet, which allegedly constantly gives a false alarm, linking this with the low quality of the device.

Let us remind you that electronic bracelets were produced at the departmental enterprise FSIN TsITOS. At the end of last year, 23.9 thousand devices were produced and delivered, but less than half of them were used. Now, regarding violations in the production of bracelets and inflated prices for them, the Investigative Committee is investigating a criminal case under Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Fraud”). It is possible that high-ranking employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service may become involved.

According to the department itself, the examination of the quality of electronic bracelets was carried out on the initiative of the Federal Penitentiary Service.

During the examinations, a number of inconsistencies with the stated requirements were identified, the FSIN press bureau explained to Izvestia. - The next batches will be purchased from other suppliers and manufacturers.

The prison department emphasizes that no one is going to abandon the use of electronic bracelets, and those that are currently in use work without failures.

The investigation is conducting fact-checks for those convicted.

The electronic tracking system monitors a person’s movements 24 hours a day, which makes it possible to use it to establish complete electronic control over the life of a convicted person during his stay under house arrest.
In 2010, in accordance with the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation, changes occurred in the penal system related to the appointment alternative types punishments. Using Western experience, Russia began to use electronic tracking bracelets.

Since 2009, an experiment has been conducted in three Russian regions on the use of electronic bracelets under the European Union program. Israeli-made equipment was purchased for the experiment.
In 2010, representatives of the Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN) stated that the implementation of a new method of control was very successful.

It is a complex of electronic devices, which includes an electronic bracelet and control devices that allow round-the-clock monitoring of all movements of the convicted person within the territory of the municipality.

The essence of the system is that, by a court decision, an electronic bracelet is put on the ankle of the person under control, and at the same time he is given a device similar to a TV remote control - a mobile control device.

A stationary monitoring device is located at the place of residence of the convicted person. It is this that allows you to monitor whether he leaves the house at a certain time of the day, whether he travels outside the designated territory, and so on. He always carries a mobile monitoring device with him. In this way, human movements can be controlled. These two devices provide continuous round-the-clock reception and processing of radio signals from an electronic bracelet. In this case, the mobile control device determines the location of the convicted person using GLONASS signals, and the stationary device provides information exchange via GSM channels. The entire process of monitoring the convict's compliance with the restrictions established for him is carried out automatically.

The electronic bracelet resembles ordinary ones wrist watch, only more massive. It is recommended to wear it on the leg, under clothes; experience has shown that, for example, it can be removed from a woman’s hand.

The bracelet is made of durable material, completely sealed and waterproof, designed for long-term wearing. Before putting on the electronic bracelet, the ankle is measured and the strap is adjusted to fit the leg so that there is room for the toe. Then, using a special tool, the lock clasp, which has special contacts, is compressed.

Each control device has an individual unique number, which is entered into the database and assigned to the person under control. This makes it possible to control what the convicted person does during the day.

The controlled person, however, is given a mandatory condition: the device must be located at a distance of no more than five meters from the owner of the bracelet (otherwise the signal connecting these two devices will disappear).

Control devices notify of all attempts to remove or damage the electronic bracelet, long-term absence of movement, leaving the security zone and other violations by the convicted person. Data about the location of the bracelet (and therefore about its owner) is sent online to the remote control of the FSIN department to which the convicted person is assigned. Even the smallest movements of the person under control are recorded by the computer and displayed on the monitor.

If the violator of the regime does not appear at the corrections department, this is equivalent to an escape with all the ensuing consequences.

The management of the penitentiary service believes that reprogramming or quietly removing the bracelet is an almost impossible task.

Electronic bracelets are intended for convicts whose punishment is not associated with imprisonment in colonies or prisons and whose movement control is required, for example, for persons under house arrest. The court orders some offenders to restrict their movement within a specific municipality for the entire term of their sentence, others - only at night, and still others are prohibited from approaching certain objects, for example, schools, kindergartens. For each convicted person, operators set their own movement radius, beyond which they cannot go.
