Newspaper “Dachnaya. Periodicals for gardeners and gardeners Dacha newspaper read online

This is a large genus, with more than 250 species of evergreen shrubs and subshrubs. The leaves of this violet are simple, dense, dark green, located opposite on the stems. The flowers are tubular, two-lipped, surrounded by bristly bracts, in short, peak-shaped inflorescences at the ends of the shoots or in the axils of the upper leaves. Barleria flowers, depending on the type and variety, are red, pink, yellow, lilac and white.

2. There are varieties with white flowers with purple stripes on the petals... Growing dahlias

3. ... I plant dahlias in mid-May, but this is if the buds have not sprouted very much on the cuttings. If the sprouts are already long, then you should wait until the threat of frost has passed. I take the cuttings out of storage at the beginning of April and keep them in a frost-free, cool room, where the temperature is from +8 to +12 degrees Celsius. As soon as the buds sprout, division can be carried out...... Slavic plant calendar

4. According to the Slavic plant calendar, the symbol of 2016 is turnip. I don’t know about you, but the Slavic calendar is closer to me than the Eastern one. I have been relying on it for a long time, and it almost never fails. So 2015 honey-hop year was no exception. It’s not for nothing that it also has another name – the year-top. A lot of tops have grown. The grass has risen early, I don’t want to mow it, but there’s no one to do it. In the old days, such a year was considered rich - they supplied a lot of hay to the cattle.... Long life to you, Dachnaya!

5. You are holding in your hands the best Russian newspaper in its class. I know what I’m talking about, because I myself had to hold in my hands more than three dozen gardening and dacha newspapers. And a rare one of them had its own, recognizable face. The truth is that most of these newspapers could be identified only by the title on the front page - tear it off, and no Sherlock Holmes would be able to determine what kind of paper it was in your hands. ... I grow my watermelons under a low film cover. In good, hot weather, I remove the film, giving the plants the opportunity to enjoy the warmth emanating from the sun, but in the evening I tighten the film again and calculate the time so that the soil under the watermelons warms up properly and accumulates so much heat that it is enough for the night, often very cold, which was especially the case last summer, when the night temperature sometimes dropped to critical levels

6. Anaphalis three-veined ... The plant is unpretentious, not capricious, frost-resistant. I didn’t notice any pests or diseases on it. The main thing is that the site is free of stagnant water; drier, sandy loam and even rocky soils are even better suited for it. It feels good and reproduces even in almost sandy areas. Some species of this plant are most often found on rocky soils, which are limited in nutrients, but are well blown by all winds.

7. Adenium from seeds ... I decided to have just such a handsome guy for myself. The seeds were sent to me from China by mail. They arrived very quickly, in the spring of 2012. While they were on the way, I carefully studied the information on how to sow them correctly and how to grow seedlings in the future.

8. Blue-eyed miracle of the northern garden. Honeysuckle has remained a favorite among berry crops in our gardens for the past twenty years. Indeed, this is the very first berry that we are looking forward to. Honeysuckle ripens before wild strawberries by a week and a half. Its berries have a unique, refreshing, sweet-sour taste; they are loved by both adults and children. Honeysuckle berries are a storehouse of vitamins. Breeder Leonid Petrovich Kuminov called it a rejuvenating berry. He believed that honeysuckle has a youth gene that prevents the body from aging.

9. Rowan Köhne. ... The bark of the tree is smooth, a pleasant reddish-brown shade with creamy beige lenticels. The leaves are imparipinnate with a total length of up to 25 cm, from 17-33 graceful, narrow, finely toothed leaflets no more than 3 cm long. Most of the leaves are crowded at the top of the tree, which gives the plant a unique appearance. The flowers are white, about 1 cm in diameter, collected in corymbose inflorescences with a diameter of 5-8 (up to 15) cm. The fruits that ripen at the end of summer give the plant a special color - berries the size of a pea, an unusual alabaster-white color, edible, sour in taste.. .

10. Rhododendrons, types and features of planting. ...If you consider a rose to be a flower of paradise, then you have not yet seen a rhododendron. Whoever gets to know him will begin to doubt whether the rose is really the queen of flowers...

Meet "Dachna"!

The Dachnaya newspaper is one of the oldest newspapers in Russia on gardening topics. Published since 1991, in January 2016 the newspaper's staff celebrated its 25th anniversary. Once upon a time it was published, like many others, in black and white, on 16 pages. Now the newspaper is full color, 36 pages.

The newspaper covers all issues of gardening activities. A larger number of pages are devoted to publications on growing vegetable and horticultural crops - these are the headings “Gardener's School” and “Gardener's School”. As well as materials sent by readers, and which the editors place in the headings: “What I know, I don’t hide”, “In everyday life - grains of experience”, “Teach - I will say thank you.”

We always publish extensive materials on growing garden and indoor flowers, ornamental trees and shrubs.

The section on medicinal plants (both wild and cultivated) is led by a hereditary herbalist. In these sections (“For medicine in the garden”, “Berendey’s generous gifts”) you will find recipes that you have never read about in any herbal reference book.

The current craze among summer residents and gardeners for the design of plots and various crafts on them has not been forgotten.

You can also learn about new products at the garden market, add recipes for future use and culinary recipes to your collections. For this, we have two sections: “Summer supplies” and “Dachnoy kitchen.”

Website of the publishing house “Northern Week”, which publishes the newspaper “Dachnaya”: www. vdvsn. ru

The publishing house publishes 15 newspapers: “Dachnaya”, “Travinka”, “Zavalinka”, “Winter Cherry”, “Woman’s Troubles”, “Woman’s Joy”, “Woman’s Kingdom”, “Little Tsarevna”, “Pensionerochka”, “Pensionerskaya Pravda” , “Oh, my mother-in-law!” etc. The newspapers themselves are at

In fact, articles from my website also appear in the Dachnaya newspaper. And naturally, I cannot ignore my benefactors. This is not the first year that I have been collaborating with the newspaper; there is a lot of interesting stuff there.
For those who do not have (or are not friends with) the Internet, the newspaper can become a serious assistant in gardening matters. And besides the Dachnaya newspaper itself, the publishing house offers a lot of useful things.

And now a real letter that came to the editorial office of the Dachnaya newspaper. The editors asked me to post it. I'm posting it.

Long life to you, Dachnaya!

Dear readers! You are holding in your hands the best Russian newspaper in its class. I know what I’m talking about, because I myself had to hold in my hands more than three dozen gardening and dacha newspapers. And a rare one of them had its own, recognizable face. The truth is that most of these newspapers could be identified only by the title on the front page - tear it off, and no Sherlock Holmes would be able to determine what kind of paper it was in your hands.

A newspaper with its own face

Of course, the success of a newspaper is determined by the personalities of its creators. If you look at the cover, it is not difficult to establish that the ship called “Dachnaya” left the slipway in 1991. And thus he has been sailing for exactly a quarter of a century. And there were two shipbuilders who built this “vessel” - German Barbolin and Vyacheslav Belousov. The first thing I would like to note is that it is not so important what your ship is called. But it is important who his captain, first mate, pilot and boatswain are. How experienced are they, do they know the pilotage well, will they be able to save when it gets stormy.

If we continue the “ship” theme, then it is quite obvious that they built their ship to be strong and stable (not losing balance when sailing), and led it like Pomeranian captains - boldly, but carefully. But this journey was fraught with many dangers. It was necessary not only to please the reader, but also to solve the darkness of prosaic issues associated with its distribution.

Publishing a newspaper for gardeners in a city located at latitude 65 seemed very bold from the very beginning. And, of course, the newspaper experienced all the deformations with which Russian reality was overloaded. Of course, there was a lot of drama in this voyage, how could it be otherwise, try it yourself - you’ll find out what it’s like to start such a thing from scratch!

Over the course of a quarter of a century, the newspaper has changed a lot and at the same time remained the same - this is how a person changes with age, remaining the same as he was in his inner essence. How is this possible? Very simply, the changes that the newspaper underwent were gradual, and did not concern the basics - its style and design. But there were also beneficial changes. First, the composition of the authors became stronger and stronger every year. How did a regional newspaper manage to attract the best writers? It seems that the “fault” for this is the kind attitude with which the newspaper staff greeted them.

As a result, the newspaper turned out to be both serious and simple, kind and competent. On the one hand, the articles in Dachnaya can be trusted almost like scientific dissertations, and on the other hand, they are written in accessible language and are not stuffed with abstruse terminology. And all this together makes up the integral signature of Dachnaya, its image, its corporate style.

Personally, I would recognize the newspaper even from a small piece of it. And if our supervisory authorities were fair, they would honor the newspaper with their awards year after year. However, isn’t it a reward for us—its readers and authors—the very fact of its 25th anniversary.

So let’s congratulate those who founded Dachnaya and worked in its team all these years! And let us wish that the newspaper, having overcome all difficulties, flourishes more than ever!

Let's support our favorite newspaper during this difficult time! Buy the newspaper at newsstands and subscribe to it! This is a newspaper that you can trust, a newspaper with its own face and traditions that can clearly be called long-standing. And this is now very rare.

"Dachnaya" is worth it! She is the best!

Alexander Smirnov, nurseryman,


From the editor

Thank you, Alexander Dmitrievich, for the high recognition of our newspaper. Over the years, we have tried to make “Dachnaya” simple and easy to read and understand for any summer resident and gardener. And we will try in the future. And many thanks to you for your wonderful articles, which for almost two decades have been helping Russian gardeners grow new plants that were previously unfamiliar to them, teaching them the basics of design, and allowing plants from your nursery to replenish their gardens.
