Presentation “Dymkovo toy. Russian folk crafts Dymkovo toy middle group


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Dymkovo toys

made in the city

From the high bank of the Vyatka River you can see the trans-river settlement of Dymkovo. In winter, when

The stoves were heated, in the summer, when there is fog, the whole settlement seemed to be in a haze. That's why

the name is like that. Here, in ancient times, the Dymkovo fishery industry was born.

G de de la Yu T yes m co V With ki e And G RU w ki ?

This is what Dymkovskaya Sloboda looks like today.

And the workshops in which toys were made moved to the center of Kirov.

Red clay for toys was usually collected in the spring after a flood on the Vyatka River and mixed with fine, clean river sand so that it would not crack during firing. The finished clay is rolled into balls, from which pancakes are made, and the basic shape of the desired toy is rolled using a well-known technique.

The pancake is rolled up and you get the bell of a skirt for the lady. The waist, arms, and head will be “adhered” to it.

Decorate with molded frills, twisted braids, kokoshnik, and hat. No matter how hard you try, you won’t notice the marks: with a sharp splinter the craftswoman deftly cuts off the extra pieces of clay, and with a damp rag she constantly “smoothes” the toy, and it turns out even, smooth, as if not made by hand, but cast in a mold.

The next stage of work is whitening. The toys were immersed in a solution of finely ground chalk diluted in milk.

The red clay toy turned into dazzling white and was ready for painting. The patterns on the toys were inspired by traditional ones that go back to ancient origins: cells, stripes, circles, ovals, dots.


What is Dymkovo famous for?

With his toy.

There is no smoky color in it,

And there is the love of people.

She has something of the rainbow in her,

From drops of dew.

There's something about her

Thundering like bass.

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Dymkovo toy

There is one amazing profession to which people devote their entire lives - toy makers, or simply toy makers.

Among Russian clay toys, the most famous are perhaps those from Dymkovo. This is one of the Russian folk clay art crafts, which is more than 400 years old.

Dymkovo toy is bright, cheerful, with character.

Where are Dymkovo toys made? From the high bank of the Vyatka River you can see the trans-river settlement of Dymkovo, near the city of Vyatka (now the territory of the city of Kirov). In winter, when the stoves were lit, in summer, when there was fog, the whole settlement seemed to be in a haze. That's why the name is like that. Here, in ancient times, the Dymkovo toy industry originated.

City of Kirov Kirov (Khlynov, Vyatka) is a large city in Russia, the administrative center of the Kirov region. The city is located on the Vyatka River, 896 km from Moscow.

Monument to the Dymkovo toy of the Vyatka river, view from Malaya Gora View of the city Museum of the Dymkovo toy

Vyatka was famous in the old days for its bazaars and holiday fairs, which were called “Svistoplaska”. The entertainment of the holiday was clay whistle toys.

These whistles had various animal shapes - deer, bear, ram, goat, etc., which were simple to make and intended to perform not a decorative, but a magical function.

After the holiday lost its magical meaning, clay whistles began to be made whiter, more elaborate and decorative. Along with totem animals, whistles have already appeared in the form of women dressed smartly, with birds, with babies in their arms, baskets with pies, with rocker arms...

And a little later, the toy began to be made according to city scenes - these are townspeople, ladies of fashion, officers, merchants' wives, buffoons.

Although Dymkovo toys are varied in their shape, they are always recognizable due to their simple ornament and unique elegant coloring. As a rule, the white background is painted with cheerful blue, blue, green, and crimson colors. The number of colors on one toy cannot be more than ten.

A simple design in the form of stripes, diamonds, cells, circles carries some information - a blue wavy stripe means water, a circle with an asterisk in the middle means the sun, crossed stripes mean a log house of a well.

The technique of sculpting a Dymkovo toy is very simple and there is no mass production for this craft, since it is a true handmade. Various figures are molded in parts, which are connected with liquid clay. The seams are smoothed with a wet rag. The toy is dried and burned.

Previously, toys were fired in a real Russian kiln, now they are fired in muffle kilns.

The fired Dymkovo toy has a red-brown color, common for clay. For whitewashing, a mixture of chalk and milk is used, into which the Dymkovo toy is dipped. In this case, the surface is covered with a dense white layer. For coloring, dry paints ground on eggs were used. Nowadays gouache diluted with egg is used.

Dymkovo toys

Today, any adult or child, even those without special education, can try to make a Dymkovo toy. All you need is clay, a brush, paints and your imagination.

Master Class. Manufacturing Dymkovo cockerel The elements from which everything is made: a ball, a sausage, a drop. What kind of clay should not be: too dry, too liquid.

Modeling a cockerel Making the body: the ball turns into a flat cake; a cup is formed from the flatbread, the edges of the cup are closed, and a “dumpling” is molded, hollow inside.

Modeling a leg A droplet is molded from a ball, the lower edge of the droplet (leg) is made concave for stability; the upper part of the leg is prepared as a cradle for the body, the edges of the cradle are sharpened.

Connecting the leg to the body Before connecting the parts, the joint is soaked with water using a brush and scratches are applied (to make it soak better). The body is connected to the leg and rubbed in with rotational movements. The pointed part of the leg is attached to the body so that the place where they connect is not visible.

Neck and head The neck is molded similarly to the leg, only a pointed cradle is made both at the bottom and at the top. The lower part of the neck is attached to the body, and the upper part is attached to the head. Making the head: the head is a ball whose diameter is slightly smaller than the diameter of the breast.

Making the tail A flat cake is molded from the ball, and a recess is plucked out in the lower part of the tail in a shape that matches the back of the body. The junction of the tail and body becomes sharper.

The tail is attached to the body. It is important that when viewed from the front, the tail and head are symmetrical.

Making wings They are made from 2 identical drops. The droplets are flattened into leaves, sharpened and smeared to the body.

Beak The beak is a pointed droplet. Apply to the middle of the front part of the head.

Decoration A head decoration can be simply a ball or a flat cake reminiscent of a beret. It may resemble a cock's comb. In a word, everything that your imagination suggests.

The chest and neck are decorated with a beard, which can be fashioned from droplets or ruffles. The wings and tail can also be decorated with droplets and ruffles.

Modeling a ruffle A thin long sausage is rolled out on a hard surface. It is covered with a damp cloth. Using smoothing movements, the sausage should be turned into a ribbon about 2 mm thick. The ribbon is removed from the rag. A ruffle is formed from it.

Presentation “Dymkovo Toys” for children 4 – 5 years old Portal “About Childhood” “Presentation Master” Author: Lyudmila Vladimirovna Motkova, teacher of a combined-type MBDOU “ Kindergarten 76 Yoshkar-Ola “Sun”, Republic of Mari El

Portal “About Childhood” “Presentation Master”

On the banks of the Vyatka River there is a village - Dymkovskaya Sloboda. Portal “About Childhood” “Presentation Master”

For a long time, skilled craftsmen have been making bright, elegant toys in this village. Yes, toys are not simple! They are made of clay. Portal “About Childhood” “Presentation Master”

The master takes a piece of clay and begins to sculpt a figurine from it. And the clay is soft! Softer than plasticine. Portal “About Childhood” “Presentation Master”

He molds the toy and goes straight into the oven! Portal “About Childhood” “Presentation Master”

From the fire and heat the figurine dries out and becomes hard as a pebble. Portal “About Childhood” “Presentation Master”

When the toy cools down after the oven, the master paints it all in White color. Portal “About Childhood” “Presentation Master”

When the white paint dries, the real magic begins!.. The master takes bright paints and begins to paint the toy with multi-colored patterns. Portal “About Childhood” “Presentation Master”

The patterns are very simple. These are straight and wavy lines, circles and ovals, peas and dots. Portal “About Childhood” “Presentation Master”

And the toys come out - just a sight for sore eyes! “Presentation Master” Portal “About Childhood” Deer - golden horns! There are stripes and polka dots on the chest.

Dymkovo turkey is good! You won't find anything better in the world! Red, blue, gold - that’s how painted everything is! Portal “About Childhood” “Presentation Master”

The horse will run to the carousel. Emelya jumped onto the horse. He smiled, whistled, whistled and galloped! Portal “About Childhood” “Presentation Master”

  • Dymkovo toy , Vyatka toy , Kirov toy- one of the Russian folk clay arts and crafts. Originated in the settlement beyond the river Dymkovo near the city of Vyatka (now on the territory of the city. Kirov).
  • There is no analogue of the Dymkovo toy. The bright, elegant Dymkovo toy has become a kind of symbol Vyatka land

  • History of the fishery
  • The Dymkovo toy is one of the oldest crafts in Rus', which has existed on Vyatka land for more than four hundred years. The appearance of the toy is associated with the spring holiday Whistler, to which the female population of the Dymkovo settlement sculpted clay whistles in the form of horses, rams, goats, and ducks. Later, when the holiday lost its significance, the fishery not only survived, but also received further development.

  • The revival of the craft occurred in Soviet times in the 30s of the 20th century and is associated with the name of A.I. Denshin, who managed to persuade hereditary craftswomen A. Mezrine, E. Penkin, E. Koshkin not to give up their craft and organize the “Vyatka Toy” artel.

Elena Dmitrieva
Presentation “Dymkovo toy”

Dymkovo toy- one of the oldest crafts in Russia, it has existed on Vyatka land for more than four hundred years.

Emergence toys associated with the spring holiday Svistunya, to which the female population of the settlement Dymkovo sculpted clay whistles in the shape of horses, rams, goats, and ducks. Later, when the holiday lost its significance, the fishery not only survived, but also received further development. Dymkovo toy is a decorative clay sculpture up to 25 centimeters high. Craftswomen sculpt red clay toy, they whiten it with chalk diluted in milk and paint it with paints. Heroes Dymkovo toys: Ladies, nurses, gentlemen, men, townswomen, merchant women, officers, buffoons, animals, birds. For painting use contrasting combinations of bright colors: red, crimson, yellow, orange, blue, green, indigo and black,

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