Features of labor regulation for management personnel. Labor standards for managers, specialists and employees Regulatory materials for labor standards

The effectiveness of managerial work largely depends on the correct determination of the labor intensity of individual types of work performed and, on this basis, establishing the number required to perform them. The management personnel of an enterprise is usually divided into three groups:



technical performers and other employees.

The work of each of these groups has its own characteristics, both in terms of its functional content and the nature of mental stress, and in terms of its influence on the results of the enterprise.

Currently, the following methods of rationing managerial work are used:

analogue method and – based on the experience of efficiently operating enterprises;

method of enlarged headcount standards– based on indirect measurement of the labor intensity of work and calculation of the number of engineers and managers for the entire production and by department;

direct standardization method(for constantly recurring work or work that can be broken down into repeating operations) - through division into operations and analysis of the time required to carry out operations.

For senior managers, the determining factors that are taken into account in the process of determining their number are: the number of subordinate employees or departments, the amount of working time spent on performing the functions (work) assigned to them.

Theory and practice for the head of an enterprise have determined the norm for the number of subordinate units of the management apparatus, ranging from 5 - 6 to 8 - 10 divisions, services, production, workshops, the work of which he can effectively manage. If this norm is exceeded, the need for substitutes is determined by calculation.

The highest standards of subordination exist among masters. The number of workers subordinate to one master varies within very wide limits - from 10 to 60 people or more, with an average of 25 people. Such differences are associated with the type of production, the complexity of the work performed and other indicators characterizing specific production conditions. In each specific case, the norm of subordination for shop foremen (N p) can be established according to the formula:

where k c is the specialization coefficient, expressing the ratio of the number of jobs in the workshop to the number of technological operations assigned to them;

Z – the largest value of the norm of subordination for a given group of workshops (ranges from 30 to 50 people);

C p – average level of work in the workshop;

x – fractional exponent at the value of the average specialization coefficient;

y – fractional exponent at the value of the average grade of work.

For functional managers, the number of employees subordinate to them is determined by the complexity and labor intensity of management processes. Therefore, the number of this category of workers is established according to controllability standards.

The calculation of such standards is based on obtaining fairly accurate empirical dependencies, established taking into account the nature of the given production, the level of management organization, the performance of management functions and other production factors and conditions. In the course of such work, the structure of the manager’s working time costs, the distribution of functional responsibilities in his subordinate department, etc. are studied.

For functional managers, the number of bureaus, groups, sectors, etc. subordinate to them should be in the range of 5 – 10. When specifying the norm, it is necessary to take into account the range of responsibilities of the manager (in the case when the manager combines the main functions of management with executive functions, then the minimum value of the norm is taken ).

For specialists who carry out economic, organizational, design and technological preparation of production, enlarged headcount standards have been developed, which make it possible to calculate the number of functional units. The standardization methodology developed by the Labor Research Institute is based on the use of actual data on the number of these categories of workers in functional departments at the best factories. With the help of correlation analysis of the dependence of numbers on the most important factors, calculation formulas have been developed.

The original formula looks like:

where K is a constant coefficient expressing the relationship of norms with the numerical value of factors;

X, Y, Z – numerical values ​​of factors;

a, b, c – exponents with numerical values ​​of factors, characterizing the degree of influence of the corresponding factor on the number of employees by management functions.

Further detailing of the standard number within each function is carried out using controllability standards: the number of structural units that can be created within one functional unit, as well as their number, are specified.

For categories of workers whose work cannot be standardized using centrally developed standards, an analytical and research method is used, which is based on the development of work procedures. By developing procedures, the rational content of the specialist’s labor process is designed, dividing it into individual elements. This allows you to use time observations and photographs of working hours to determine the time of their implementation. The standard time for a specialist and an employee is as follows:

where T pz – time for preparatory and final work;

T op – operational time;

T obs – workplace servicing time;

T department - time for rest and personal needs.

Expenses of preparatory and final time occur for specialists who perform unique creative work and therefore each time require a general understanding, study of the necessary literary sources, collective discussion of implementation methods, etc. Operating time is not divided into main and auxiliary.

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in the discipline "Organization, regulation and remuneration"

on the topic: Labor standards for managers, specialists and employees


1. Theoretical part

2. Practical part

2.2 Integrated production rate and decoupling

2.3 Number and productivity of workers at the production face and mining site

2.4 Calculation of costs and prime costs of coal mining

rationing labor manager specialist employee


For the effective operation of any enterprise, competently selected and qualified management personnel are required. The success of the organization largely depends on his work.

The effectiveness of managerial work largely depends on the correct determination of the labor intensity of individual types of work performed and, on this basis, establishing the number required to perform them.

This work examines the main methods of rationing the work of managers, specialists and employees.

1. Theoretical part

1.1 Concept of management personnel

The effectiveness of managerial work largely depends on the correct determination of the labor intensity of individual types of work performed and, on this basis, establishing the number required to perform them. The management personnel of an enterprise is usually divided into three groups:



technical performers.

The work of each of these groups has its own characteristics, both in terms of its functional content and the nature of mental stress, and in terms of its influence on the results of the enterprise.

The content of the labor of these categories of workers is determined by the essence of the isolated functions of coordination, planning, control, preparation, organization and production management. Therefore, the main object of standardization is management functions, each of which is characterized by a certain composition of work, united by the commonality of factors of the target direction in the management system and the complexity of execution.

Depending on the nature of the functions performed, the management personnel of an enterprise for rationing purposes can be divided into the following groups:

directors of the enterprise and their deputies;

line managers in workshops and areas;

heads of functional departments;

specialists carrying out design and technological preparation of production and engineering and technical support for its functioning;

specialists carrying out economic and organizational preparation of production, analysis and accounting;

employees engaged in office work, information and economic services of production.

The variety of work performed, the lack of uniform algorithms for their implementation, the subjective features of the thinking process when processing the necessary information and making decisions determine the use of various standardization methods and types of standards.

1.2 Labor standards for managers

For senior managers, the determining factors that are taken into account in the process of determining their number are: the number of subordinate employees or departments, the amount of working time spent on performing the functions (work) assigned to them.

Theory and practice for the head of an enterprise have determined the norm for the number of subordinate units of the management apparatus, ranging from 5-6 to 8-10 divisions, services, production, workshops, the work of which he can effectively manage. If this norm is exceeded, the need for substitutes is determined by calculation.

Rationing the work of managers also includes regulating the routine of their working day and working week: setting the time for meetings and their duration; receiving visitors; reviewing correspondence; visiting workshops, etc.

For line managers, when determining the norms for the number of subordinates, the degree of centralization of functional services is taken into account. If services are subordinated directly to the head of the workshop, their number is taken into account along with production areas. If the number of services exceeds the norm of subordination, positions of deputies for production preparation and shifts are introduced.

The highest standards of subordination exist among masters. The number of workers subordinate to one master varies within very wide limits - from 10 to 60 people or more, with an average norm of 25 people. Such differences are associated with the type of production, the complexity of the work performed and other indicators characterizing specific production conditions. In each specific case, the norm of subordination for shop foremen can be established according to the formula

where Kc is the specialization coefficient, expressing the ratio of the number of jobs in the workshop to the number of technological operations assigned to them;

The largest value of the norm of subordination for this group of workshops (is in the range of 30-50 people);

Cr - average level of work in the workshop;

x -- fractional exponent at the value of the average specialization coefficient;

y is a fractional exponent at the value of the average grade of work.

For functional managers, the number of employees subordinate to them is determined by the complexity and labor intensity of management processes. Therefore, the number of this category of workers is established according to controllability standards.

The calculation of such standards is based on obtaining fairly accurate empirical dependencies, established taking into account the nature of the given production, the level of management organization, the performance of management functions and other production factors and conditions. In the course of such work, the structure of the manager’s working time costs, the distribution of functional responsibilities in his subordinate department, etc. are studied.

For functional managers, the number of bureaus, groups, sectors, etc. subordinate to them should be in the range of 5-10. When specifying the norm, it is necessary to take into account the range of responsibilities of the manager. For example, if a manager combines the main functions of leadership with executive functions, then the minimum value of the norm is taken.

1.3 Labor standards for specialists

For specialists who carry out economic, organizational, design and technological preparation of production, enlarged headcount standards have been developed, which make it possible to calculate the number of functional units. The standardization methodology developed by the Labor Research Institute is based on the use of actual data on the number of these categories of workers in functional departments at the best factories. With the help of correlation analysis of the dependence of numbers on the most important factors, calculation formulas have been developed.

The original formula looks like:

Where: K is a constant coefficient expressing the relationship of norms with the numerical value of factors;

X, Y, Z - numerical values ​​of factors;

a, b, c are exponents for numerical values ​​of factors, characterizing the degree of influence of the corresponding factor on the number of employees in management functions.

Based on this formula, a table of calculation formulas has been compiled to determine the number of employees in the functional departments of the enterprise

Formulas for determining standards for the number of specialists in management functions for machine-building plants

General (linear) management of the main production

Number of production workers

Development and improvement of product designs

Part complexity factor

a -- number of names of original parts

Technological preparation of production

M -- number of jobs in primary production

T - number of technological operations in the main production

Providing production with technological equipment

Standardization and normalization

Organization of labor and wages

Number of industrial production personnel

Repair and energy services

Product quality control

Operational management of main production

C - number of independent divisions in the main production

Technical and economic planning

Accounting and financial activities

Number of items, standard sizes, articles, materials, semi-finished products, purchased products and manufactured products

Logistics and sales

Ro-- total number of workers

P -- number of suppliers

and consumers

Recruitment and training


Using the above formulas, it is possible to determine the number of personnel by management functions only approximately. This is due to the fact that the studies that established the dependencies in the formulas on a number of factors influencing the number of factors were carried out quite a long time ago and do not take into account the increased level of computerization and mechanization of engineering work in recent years, which has significantly reduced the labor intensity of technical and analytical work.

Further detailing of the standard number within each function is carried out using controllability standards: the number of structural units that can be created within one functional unit, as well as their number, are specified.

The optimal ratio of workers of the same specialty in each of these divisions, depending on their qualification level, is established according to ratio standards. These standards establish quantitative proportions between various categories and job groups necessary for the high-quality implementation of a certain amount of work. For example, in economic services there is a relationship between leading economists, economists of the first and second categories.

Existing standards for design, technological, drawing work, accounting, office work, economic services, etc. make it possible, using the analytical and calculation method, to standardize the work of a significant number of specialists and employees.

For categories of workers whose work cannot be standardized using centrally developed standards, an analytical and research method is used, which is based on the development of work procedures. This is essentially a route technology for performing work, containing a list of operations performed and their sequence, external and internal information communications, document forms, the use of technical means (personal computers, plotters, scanners, printers and other devices), application software and databases. By developing procedures, the rational content of the specialist’s labor process is designed, dividing it into individual elements. This allows you to use time observations and photographs of working hours to determine the time of their implementation. The standard time for a specialist and an employee is as follows:

Expenses of preparatory and final time occur for specialists who perform unique creative work and therefore each time require a general understanding, study of the necessary literary sources, collective discussion of implementation methods, etc. Operating time is not divided into main and auxiliary.

For work that is stable in content and relatively simple, consisting of a limited number of repeating operations that are easily regulated, time and production standards are established. In this way, the work of employees of sales departments, certain categories of specialists in economic services, etc. is standardized. In this case, centrally developed standards can be used with mandatory verification using methods for studying working time costs.

2. Practical part

2.1 Labor intensity of work, number of workers and labor productivity

To determine the number of workers at the mining site, calculate and schedule work in the production face, as well as determine the productivity of workers and other indicators for the mining site, it is necessary to establish a comprehensive production rate, and to calculate the cost of 1 ton of coal for the site - a comprehensive price

Integrated production rate and decoupling

To calculate these indicators, the production cycle of production at the production face is divided into its constituent work processes and operations, for each of which the volume of work is determined and, according to the current regulatory documents, shift production rates per worker or aggregate production rates per machine are established.

All this data, in the order of work execution, together with the intermediate calculation results, is compiled in the form of a table according to the given form (Table 1).

For each process of the cycle, the labor intensity of work (TR) is determined by dividing the established volume of work for this process by the production rate taken from the standardization book.

The individual production rate per worker is established by dividing by the service rate

where is the shift production of coal from a given production face per shift, t/cm.

The complexity of coal mining work must be reduced to one cycle, for which the cyclicity coefficient is determined

including the combine operator

longwall miners

The labor intensity for other types of work included in the cleaning cycle (maintenance of drifts, fastening of niches, delivery of materials, etc.) is determined by dividing the volume of work for the process by the production rate for this type of work established according to the standard guide.

When calculating the complex production rate and prices, daily maintenance and repair of equipment is taken into account, which is carried out during the repair and preparation shift by the GRZ unit and the operator of mining machines (combine).

The number of workers employed in a repair shift is determined according to the “Unified Standards for Time-Paid Workers” and can be used to perform calculations depending on the complexity of repairs and longwall mining: for up to 1000 tons - 5-6 people; 1200 -1600 t - 6-8 people; 1600 - 2000 t - 8-10 people; more than 2000 tons -10-12 people.

The labor intensity of work per repair shift, reduced to one cycle, will be:

for combine operator

where is the number of combine operators included in the repair shift. For small volumes of daily production, repair and maintenance - 1; with significant volumes of production (more than 2000 tons/day) and repairs, as well as when two combines are operating in the production face, two combine operators are assigned to the repair shift; - coal production per cycle, t; - conditional production, we plan to take regular shifts in the amount of 50 - 60% of the accepted daily production).

Labor intensity of miners at the working face of a repair shift (person shift)

where is the accepted number of GRAZ repair shifts (without taking into account the already accepted number of combine operators)

Total labor intensity (person-shifts) of all work per cycle

where is the labor intensity of non-accounting work; accepted in the amount of 5 - 8% of the total labor intensity.

Complex production rate, t/person cm

To calculate the complex price (rub/t), it is necessary to determine the total wage costs per cycle, which are determined for each process by multiplying the labor intensity of the first process by the hourly tariff rate of the corresponding category.

Number and productivity of workers at the production face and mining site

The size of the cleaning crew must be determined taking into account the planned overfulfillment of production standards. The turnout number of workers is usually accepted below the total number of man-shifts obtained according to production standards, so that production standards are met by 101-110.

Availability of the cleaning crew for the day.

where is the payroll coefficient

where is the number of working days per year; accepted from 300 to 305 days; , - respectively, the number of holidays, weekends and vacation days; - coefficient taking into account absence from work for valid reasons (= 0.95 - 0.97).

For calculations, you can take any calendar year. For working face workers, the payroll coefficient must be at least 1.4; if, when calculating, its value turns out to be less than the specified one, it should be taken equal to 1.4.

Approximate distribution of electric mechanics by shift: one to two electric mechanics on duty (depending on the complexity and number of machines and mechanisms being serviced) on each production shift; the rest of the electric mechanics (4-6 people) are included in the repair electric mechanics (in the repair and preparatory shift)

Daily turnout for a team of electricians

To service the loading point, one underground operator is hired per production shift. In addition, one or two (depending on the condition and length of the workings, etc.) fixer can be hired for a repair shift.

The number of workers at the excavation site for the day will be:

Labor productivity GROS per shift (per output T/out),

where is the monthly production from the production face, T.

Labor productivity of a mining site worker per month:

Calculation of costs and prime costs of coal mining

Cost calculation and planning of the cost of a ton of coal mined at an excavation site is carried out according to four elements:





Cost by element "Salaries"

The initial data for calculating the monthly wage fund are: monthly volume of coal production; complex price for 1 ton of coal; the number of auxiliary workers, their tariff rates; number of working days at the production face per month; salaries for site engineering and technical workers and the current workers' compensation systems.

The monthly wage fund for the production face includes piecework wages of GRZ, time-based wages of auxiliary workers, additional payments to wages and remuneration of engineering and technical workers (E&T) of the site at monthly salaries.

Direct piecework wages.

Direct time wages (RUB).

where k is the number of groups of workers of the same category; - tariff rate of the i-th category of workers with time wages, rubles; - turnout number of workers of the i-th category; - number of exits per month.

The payroll must take into account a number of existing additional payments and bonuses to direct wages. These are bonuses to workers with piecework wages for fulfilling the production plan by 100% in the amount of 40-60% of direct wages, depending on the amount of coal mined in excess of the plan; additional payment for leading a team (accepted according to actual mine standards), additional payment for leading a unit in the amount of 50% of the foreman’s salary and additional payment to the foreman of electric mechanics in the amount of 25% of the additional payment to the foreman; surcharge for night work in the amount of 40% of the hourly tariff rate for each hour of night work.

where - the number of hours of work at night; - the number of workers at night (by groups with the same tariff rate); - number of days with night operation.

Mining foremen also receive an additional payment for night work (taken into account in the salary of the engineering and technical personnel of the site)

where is the salary of a mining foreman, rubles/month; - duration of the mining foreman’s work shift, hour; - number of exits per month.

The basic salary of workers is equal to the sum of wages, bonuses and additional payments, which are entered in the table by profession and category of workers. 2 according to the given form, where by summing the final result is obtained for the cost item “Wages”.

Monthly salaries of site engineering and technical workers (specialists) are accepted according to the staffing table in accordance with existing regulations.

Wage fund for the excavation area

Social insurance contributions are set at 34.5% of wages for the mining area as a whole

Per ton of production


Bukhalkov M.I., Organization and rationing of labor: a textbook for universities. - M.: Infra-M, 2007.-400 p.

Genkin B.M., Organization, rationing and remuneration of labor at industrial enterprises: a textbook for universities. - M.: Norma, 2005.-464

Patusho V.P., Organization, rationing and remuneration at an enterprise: educational and practical manual. - M.: KNORUS, 2005.-320 p.

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Quantitative indicators of management activities of personnel of an industrial enterprise are characterized by labor standardization. If the standardization of labor in the production sector has been studied and improved for a fairly long period of time, then the standardization of management activities began to be developed quite recently. Among the unresolved problems in this area is the lack of a comprehensive system of methods and indicators for standardizing management work. Developments are known only for certain categories of specialists and employees (engineers and technical performers). However, scientific developments have shown that the share of creative labor in this work is significantly exaggerated.

The simplified observation method involves recording the time an employee spends processing a certain type of document. The standards are established through arithmetic operations, necessarily taking into account the complexity and working conditions, the type of documents and the characteristics of the employee;

The working time self-photography method is a variation of the simplified observation method. To establish how much time on average is spent processing a certain type of document or performing a certain type of work, it is necessary to obtain data over a sufficiently long period of time;

The method of momentary observations is the most accurate and widespread. The essence is to conduct random observations of the activities of personnel and record what is happening at the moment of observation. The specifics of using this method are determined mainly by the goals and objectives facing researchers;

The method of standardizing labor by element provides high accuracy of results in the field of standardization. The development of time standards using this method includes four stages:

─ Carrying out timing observations;

─ Assessment of the pace of work;

─Adding time for rest;

─Calculation of time standards;

A feature of most methods for quantitative assessment of managerial work is the analysis of staff working time costs. The pace of work is assessed subjectively by the observer. The accuracy of the estimates is determined by the level of qualification of the observer, i.e. these methods cannot be called scientific.

The method of correlation analysis of the influence of factors is more scientifically substantiated, although the choice of factors in the absence of strict methods for their selection also suffers from subjective assessment. It should be recognized that the specificity of managerial work makes some subjectivity in its assessment inevitable. This, however, does not remove the relevance of carrying out this type of work. The task is to select a method in relation to certain conditions.

Question 34. Peculiarities of remuneration for various enterprises in the industry.

This topic should begin with studying the application of types of remuneration:

    time-based wages are used in strictly regulated jobs where the employee does not influence the quantity of products produced (for example, a janitor, a cloakroom attendant, etc.);

    time-based bonus wages are used where there are labor cost standards (for example, technologist, designer, etc.);

    direct piecework wages are used where the employee’s earnings depend on the quantity of manufactured products and piecework rates;

    piece-rate progressive remuneration involves the use of two types of rates: one for the standard task, and the other (increased) for excess production;

    The lump sum system of remuneration is most often used in construction (a worker (team) receives a task to complete work within a certain period of time);

    in case of collective remuneration, the labor participation coefficient is applied;

    an indirect wage system is used for repair service personnel.

The contradiction in wages at the enterprise is further studied:

    the level of staff income must be high enough to attract qualified and conscientious workers;

    The company is interested in reducing personnel costs, which are included in the cost of production.

Remuneration of employees of an enterprise is the price of labor resources involved in the production process. It is mainly determined by the quantity and quality of labor expended, but it is also influenced by purely market factors, such as labor supply and demand, the current environment, territorial aspects, and legislative norms. The main state guarantees for wages are determined by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The state establishes the minimum wage and sets the minimum tariff rate (salary) for public sector organizations.

There are certain principles for organizing wages in enterprises:

    Funds for wages must be actually earned, i.e. their amount should directly depend on the results of the enterprise’s activities, on the income received, on the rational use of resources, and on saving current costs.

    Wages should perform a stimulating function.

    Low wages do not stimulate efficient work and turn wages into social benefits.

    Remuneration should be made taking into account differences in quantity, quality, intensity, complexity of work, working conditions and qualifications of workers.

Each employee must see the connection between wages and the results of their work and the work of the entire team.

These principles are implemented through the mechanism for generating funds for wages at enterprises, the tariff system, forms and systems of wages, and the organization of wages for various categories of workers.

The tariff system is designed to differentiate wages by industry and category of workers performing work of varying complexity. It consists of three elements: tariff rates; tariff schedules; tariff and qualification reference books.

Tariff rates determine the amount of wages per unit of time, for example, an hour, a day, a month. Tariff rates are set depending on the severity and harmfulness of labor and its intensity. The basis for determining tariff rates is the minimum wage level established by the state for a given period of time.

The tariff schedule is characterized by the number of tariff categories and the range of tariff coefficients. Tariff coefficient - the ratio of the tariff rate of a given category to the tariff rate of the first category. In the budgetary sector of the economy, by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On differentiation in the levels of remuneration of workers in the public sector on the basis of the Unified Tariff Schedule”, a single 18-bit tariff schedule was introduced for differentiation in the levels of remuneration of workers.

Tariffication of work and assignment of tariff categories (payment grades) to employees is carried out on the basis of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers, the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees. Directories and the procedure for their application are approved in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

With Russia's transition to diverse forms of ownership, enterprises and organizations began to use such a non-traditional wage system as the non-tariff system.

With a non-tariff wage system, an employee's wages, from manager to worker, represent his share in the collective wage fund, formed depending on the results of the enterprise's activities. Wages depend on the size of the wage fund, the qualification level assigned to each employee based on the results of work for the previous period, the labor participation rate and the amount of time worked.

The non-tariff system of remuneration makes the employee’s salary completely dependent on the final results of the work of the team to which the employee belongs. Under this system, no fixed salary or tariff rate is established. The use of such a system is advisable in cases where there is a real opportunity to take into account the results of an employee’s work with the general interest and responsibility of each member of the team. Remuneration for managers, specialists and employees is made, as a rule, on the basis of official salaries by agreement of the parties to the employment contract in proportion to the average salary of the organization's employees. Laws and other regulations may establish a different procedure for determining the amount of remuneration for managers, specialists and employees (as a percentage of revenue, as a share of profit, etc.). Official salaries are established by the enterprise administration in accordance with the position and qualifications of the employee.

These are measures to estimate the amount of labor that must be implemented within a given technology.

The activity of labor standardization in personnel management is complex; it makes it possible to solve related problems. The main goals of rationing are:

  • 1) production planning and determination of personnel requirements (quality and quantity);
  • 2) calculation of wage costs;
  • 3) assessment of changes in productivity, production efficiency.

To create an effective labor standardization system at an enterprise, it is necessary to:

  • 1) activity analysis;
  • 2) calculation and approval of basic standards;
  • 3) monitoring the technical level of production, planning the revision of standards depending on changes in the state of material and technical support;
  • 4) introduction of forms of material incentives for increasing productivity;
  • 5) monitoring of labor standards.
  • 1. Basic methods of labor standardization:
    • timing is a traditional method in which, through numerous measurements, the time to produce a unit of product is calculated;
    • assessment of the cost of labor1 - the cost of labor for 1 hour of work is determined by multiplying one point per hour (approved by management) by the sum of points for factors; level of qualifications, working conditions in the workplace, intensity of work, responsibility of work;

determination of a floating tariff. This method assumes that tariff rates and prices do not change for a long time (for one year or more), and the increase in wages is carried out from the organization’s income. In accordance with this method, the employee’s earnings (3) are determined by multiplying the tariff earnings (3.,.) by the wage increase coefficient (K y):

In turn, the wage increase coefficient (Kv) is determined by the formula

where payroll is the wage fund, defined as a percentage of the organization’s income.

In a market economy, a percentage of income can be negotiated between management and workers.

Tariff earnings will increase as tension in norms weakens (increasing time to complete an operation), since

where C is the hourly tariff rate; T piece - piece time standard; K - the number of completed works, products.

Thus, the weaker the time standard, the more Zt, the less Kv. Therefore, with an increase in the time norm, the Ku coefficient will decrease, and the payroll will remain unchanged.

2. Rationing of managerial work. Due to the lack of regulation and variability of the activities of engineering, technical and management personnel, traditional methods of standardization

their work may be ineffective. Currently, the following methods of rationing managerial work are used:

  • analogy method - based on the experience of efficiently operating enterprises;
  • method of enlarged headcount standards - based on indirect measurement of the labor intensity of work and calculation of the number of engineering and technical workers (E&T) and managers for the entire production and by department;
  • direct standardization method(for constantly recurring work or work that can be broken down into repeating operations) - through division into operations and analysis of the time required to carry out operations.
  • 3. A staff of characters involved in labor rationing. The calculation of the standardization staff is made taking into account the analysis of the time spent on standardization work during a certain period.

As the experience of Great Britain shows, on average, the time spent on developing new standards per worker is three; the time for reviewing and completing documentation can be roughly taken as 1.5 days2.

The analysis shows that as the size of enterprises increases, the number of standard setters per every 100 workers decreases rapidly (Table 7.1).

Table 7.1

Calculation of standardization staff

Enterprise size (number of workers)

Average number of standardization staff

Number of standardizers per 100 workers

Number of workers per standard setter

  • 1 Equipment, technology and production management personnel. M.: Economics, 1973.
  • 2 Filyev V.I. Organization, regulation and remuneration. Experience of foreign countries // Personnel Management. 1996. No. 9 (3).

Currently, the problem of labor standardization takes on a special meaning in the context of optimizing the activities of specific enterprises. Activities to assess standards within the industry have been minimized, but work is underway within organizations to assess the dynamics of the amount of milk produced per unit of time. That's why programs for assessing internal organizational norms become important for assessing the effectiveness of the quality of work of personnel services, monitoring the effectiveness of labor organization, technology and workplaces.

  • Problems of organization, regulation and labor productivity.