Employee reviews about Microsoft. ​Microsoft employees revealed their salaries to each other: here's what they learned What can be improved

Technical Specialist


First, if you work at Manpower for Microsoft, this does not mean that you work for Microsoft, and there is nothing to be surprised by the absence of the following. So this review is not about the position of secretary or operator. If you work full-time (FTE), then you are doing well. A good salary, which is indexed every year, a telephone, a laptop, a car (if your work involves face-to-face communication with customers) which is repaired, fueled at the company’s expense and updated every 4 years. Flexible work schedule and +3 days of vacation per year. You can work from home and only show up at the office to sign papers. Regular trips to study in America and Europe. Many departments work for Europe, and employees often stay in Europe and Asia on business trips. If you go on maternity leave for the first year, maternity benefits are paid in the amount of 100% of your salary. The bosses usually don’t meddle in your work process; they are only interested in the result. I have never encountered “orders from above” - everything is always discussed openly. A chic office - cozy, a lot of meetings, all around there is greenery. It's a bit far from the metro, but there are shuttles. There is always tea, coffee, juices and fruit in the kitchen. Since most people work from home, there are usually few people in the office and there are no behind-the-scenes discussions. Promotions at work are possible, but you need to understand that there are 10 people competing for any better position, so you really need to prove yourself in order to be promoted. There is practically no nepotism, since you are interviewed in turn by 5 people from different departments in the department, and anyone can reject your candidacy. Married couples in the company are allowed only if you cannot influence your friend’s work. If you get laid off, you get 6 salaries and 2 months to find a new job.

What can be improved:

If you are a specialist in outdated technologies, then you will most likely be laid off soon, since the business is dynamic. But this is difficult to classify as a disadvantage, since it allows you to keep yourself in good shape and constantly learn new things.

Is the review helpful? 1 2



A big name for the company.

What can be improved:

Conducted an interview via Skype with HR from Moscow. The worst aftertaste from the interview was the arrogant and boorish behavior of this very HR. She constantly interrupted, cut off words, did not listen, was tactless, showed her superiority, tried to humiliate. It’s just not clear why? I'm a man with good experience, and worked in similar international companies. It is absolutely incomprehensible how such a rude and ill-mannered person was accepted and kept in such a position that involves working with people. What can we expect from the rest then? In general, I concluded that I will not work with such an attitude towards myself, even if it is Microsoft. When I left the interview I was glad that I finally got out of there.

Is the review helpful? 4 0


Pros: No probationary period, white salary 42 on hand, official employment, working day until 5 pm.

Is the review helpful? 4 1

SalaryBoardsWorkplaceTeamCareer growth

Position not specified

Pros: good entry for a resume, flexible schedule, VHI, preferential loans in suspicious banks, normal salary

What can be improved: People regularly got poisoned in the canteen; there are no other places with food nearby - it’s a 30-40 minute walk to the metro station or drive through traffic jams, as long as you’re lucky. As written below, manpower are second-class people, FTE (high-class people) perceive them as stupid, poor and temporary people or, rather, things (in many internal bodies these people are in the same category as equipment). Other employees do not respect such people; they ignore letters, questions, suggestions, even invitations to meetings. Without knowing, you can easily become like this (the vacancy is something like at Microsoft) and then it is very difficult to get out. There is a terrible turnover - people perceive a company in the Russian Federation as a way to go to the USA and immediately run away to Google, Facebook, etc. Yes, as written below, even pregnant women and those on maternity leave are fired. Every quarter you are informed that an unexpectedly difficult political situation has developed, a crisis and a global internal reorganization is taking place and, most likely, you will be fired. Such hassle makes it very difficult to work, and even more so, to work well and fight for long-term promising projects. And, indeed, they fired even those who exceeded the plan. What you are doing is not needed by anyone, there just needs to be some kind of activity in the Russian Federation. No one, either in the Russian Federation or abroad, is particularly interested in what you are doing, will not be upset if nothing works out, but will never support any initiative and will not allow you to take part in any promising project. It is impossible to obtain information about global goals and plans and integrate into them, they are always “still in the process of discussion”, in the end you always do something of your own and it is very easy to be called unnecessary and fired at any moment (and also reorg, crisis, politics - a reason is always ready). People are very different, some are very competent and well-mannered, others are simply creepy and incompetent. Nepotism is rampant.

Is the review helpful? 11 2

SalaryBoardsWorkplaceTeamCareer growth

Worked in the company for 3 - 5 years

Position not specified

Pros: The office is quite comfortable. In the kitchen there are juices, drinks such as Sprite, cola, soda. On Mondays, all employees are provided with breakfast. Excellent equipment is provided for work, and the locker rooms on the floors are comfortable. Distributing products is generally easy. The brand is quite well known to everyone. Payments are completely transparent. It is clear how bonuses are calculated, and the salary itself. Trainings are constantly conducted with employees on sales, licensing, and products. Often with foreign teachers. Free transport is available from certain metro stations to the business park. Excellent social package - dentistry, voluntary health insurance.

What can be improved: It's pretty good to become an FTE employee, but if you end up with Manpower, consider yourself unlucky. If they don't hire you, it's practically impossible to become an FTE in any other way. Then it is no longer possible to pass the MS certification exams at the company’s expense. There is only a fixed-term contract in hand, which can easily be terminated at any time. Then the employee will be kicked out without much explanation. Even in case of pregnancy. At the same time, they will pay a few pennies. Even the general attitude of the rest of the employees towards you will be quite dismissive. Regarding the promotion, I can completely agree with the previous review. Indeed, career growth solely depends on relationships with management, on the ability to weave all kinds of intrigues, organize political games, and so on. You can be an excellent, brilliant, talented specialist, but no one will notice. The salary, by the way, is significantly lower than the market one. Often, superiors have much lower qualifications than their subordinates. They just got their warm place with the help of all sorts of connections, friendly relations with senior leaders. The corporate culture is completely rotten. In addition, if the iPhone is not Microsoft or some other product, then it is better to hide it away. Otherwise, you can easily get a reprimand.

Is the review helpful? 9 3

SalaryBoardsWorkplaceTeamCareer growth

Worked in the company for 5 - 10 years

Position not specified

Pros: The compensation package is excellent. The office is quite nice.

What can be improved: The work of the organization's employees is assessed in a completely inadequate way. This generally and completely ruins the company. The higher-ranking management from above issues orders on how many good and bad ratings should be given at the end of the year. There is no competition in the external market, and therefore it is filled with internal competition. So everyone in the organization is each other’s enemies. The only winners are the ones who get closer to the leadership and are on more friendly terms with them. No one cares what you really invest in the organization. So don’t overexert yourself, no one will notice it. Conflict situations arise almost every day. At the same time, HR employees not only do not help solve them, but often take direct part in them themselves. Only those who know how to promote themselves and suck up to the company take root in the company.

Is the review helpful? 9 0

SalaryBoardsWorkplaceTeamCareer growth

Works in the company for 5 - 10 years

Position not specified

Pros: The organization also has qualified employees who are worthy of personality, labor compensation is quite acceptable, and insurance is provided.

What can be improved: The level of leadership began to decline too rapidly. So lately, working in an organization has become less and less interesting. A lot of time is simply wasted on politics. There is no team cohesion to speak of. Everyone is for himself, results are often appropriated, and they end up in normal positions not on merit, but as a result of all sorts of intrigues.

Is the review helpful? 6 1

I’ve long wanted to write about my experience of applying for a job at Microsoft, but somehow it didn’t work out.
Gigabytes of text have been written on the Internet on the topic of devices in MSFT, but I hope my experience, like this post, will somehow help those who will get a job in the future. =)

After the launch of http://msstudent.ru/, information about a career at Microsoft became more accessible for students, but in any case, you should not limit yourself to this even if you are still a student. If you are interested in information about a career at Russian Microsoft, then we are exploring the updated website in Russian. Detailed description positions in Russian offices, starting with technical ones and ending with positions that are indirectly related to this.
In my opinion, there are many interesting positions in the Russian office that it would be a shame for a technical or business person to pass by.

I did it even simpler. Around December last year, I realized I wanted to change jobs and went to Microsoft's global careers site: http://www.microsoft.com/careers/. I decided that exotics were probably not worth choosing, and settled on the development center at headquarters. Although I was thinking about going to some wonderful country like India-China for a year, while I’m still young.
By keywords I found about 5 positions that were interesting to me and sent my resume to each of them (even though they write that you only need to send it once, and your resume will be in their search engine for a year, and they will find you). I sent it and forgot. Due to general preparations for the New Year, I decided to postpone the search new job until people return to the working rhythm of life, somewhere until the second half of January.

As a result... on the night before my departure to Moscow after the New Year's holiday (Jan 12), I received a letter from the recruiter " Kirill Tropin / Microsoft Wants To Talk To YOU!"with a description of the position, and a request to fill out a questionnaire (Prescreen) if I'm interested. They say you used to send CVs to positions in my department, but they closed a long time ago. Here is a position in Windows Server that may be of interest to you. If not interested, please write why in a nutshell.
The position and the team were quite interesting for me, which couldn’t help but make me happy. I was a little confused by the requirements for this position (the information was also on the Internet, so it is quite open):

  • A masters in computer science or related field (or equivalent).
  • At least 5 years of experience as a commercial software developer in C++ or C#.
  • Strong technical background in user interface development with either WinForms or WPF. Reasonable knowledge of systems management.
  • Deep understanding and passion for IT Professionals as customers.
  • Passion for quality. A core belief that all teams share the responsibility for the quality of the product.
  • Technical Leadership. Track record of building and leading product design and architecture.
  • Execution. Proven track record in contributing to project planning and delivering.
  • Can-do entrepreneurial attitude working in a team with a sense of purpose to delight our customers with industry leading, innovative, high quality releases.
If anything, at that time I had a bachelor’s degree in a field close to CS, and I had about a year and a half of experience in developing commercial software. I also didn’t have 100% of the other criteria. Already during a personal meeting with my recruiter, she said that if you don’t quite meet the requirements for a position, don’t worry, they can hire you for it anyway. This is a description of the person they would like to see and who would be ideal for this position.

It was Friday evening Pacific time, and they probably expected me to send the completed form on Monday, like I had time for work, etc. Even though I had a relatively long route, I spent Monday evening, gradually turning into the morning, filling out this questionnaire, and I sent it, it seems, even before the recruiter finished working that day. The completed questionnaire was only 10 A4 pages, font 12.

The questionnaire consisted of questions like full name, how much money to offer, so that I would start thinking about moving, when I first fell in love with Computer techologies etc. There was also a large section with purely technical questions on C++, C#, SQL, and testing, which non-testers did not have to fill out. The questions were not very difficult, some doubts arose only with the pluses, for which I had never written production code, but wrote some small thing a year ago. In the end, I delivered the pluses to my home studio, and everything was ok. I decided not to answer the SDET questions so as not to worsen the opinion of me, although I had a certain level of adequacy in testing.

In addition, the recruiter had a rather large signature in the letter, including several interesting links.
Check out the JobsBlog!
View MY World / Hear Our Stories! (Since then, of course, the content has been updated quite a bit)

After studying the links (I checked the Jobs blog before, but for a very long time), and given my love for the company and the Seattle Area, I decided that there was no other way in this life.

The next day (the night from Tuesday to Wednesday) I already received a letter that everything is OK with your questionnaire, an additional HR interview is also not required, we want Tech Screen. We started to save time and scheduled it for 22-00 Moscow time on Friday (the interviewer was available starting at 20-00 due to the 11-hour difference, but it was more convenient for me at ten). When setting up the meeting, they asked me for my phone number and sent me a link to the live meeting (yeah! That means they will show something and probably ask me to write something).

Hmm.. there are 2.5 days left, and I’m still working full time (then there was still a winter session, but it seems there were no exams these days). “Chief, everything is gone! The plaster is being removed, the client is leaving!” During this time, I obviously won’t have time to scroll through Knuth, and I won’t have time to become perfect in WPF/WinForms either. =))
As a result, I looked on the net for what they ask during interviews at Microsoft. I received a bunch of scary problems from the category “how to move Mount Fuji” with which, due to my childhood at the Olympics, I never had any problems. And a number of normal technical questions (mostly problems on algorithms and data structures).
I spent the evening on these tasks, another evening leafing through not very popular design patterns, studying the principles of software testing, grouping tests, etc. Well, thinking about what to say about each of the points in my resume.
I also thought about the answer to the question about the most difficult problem I had to face. In my case, it was a small optimization problem with last year's Imagine Cup. In order not to get too confused, I printed it on English language, because Almost everyone asks this question.
I decided not to renew technology knowledge in my memory, because... This is not a particularly profitable business in such a short period of time.

I also found a few on the internet useful tips which occurred quite often, and some of them were quite obvious. Here are the most important:

  • Thinking out loud (especially on the phone, it’s kind of bad to remain silent).
  • After writing the code, review it, tell how you will test it, and probably run a couple of tests out loud.
  • To ask questions. About the company, position, etc. If you don't have questions, it means you're not interested. Therefore, I have prepared 5 questions that are interesting to me, if nothing comes to mind along the way, and so as not to forget.
Did a good job on Friday. I printed out my resume so that it was handy. I put the phone on charge and waited for the call.

The best paid jobs in largest company IT industry.

Microsoft has remained a leader in the technology industry for decades. Whether you like it or not, the products of this company to some extent determine the lives of each of us.

The company is also known for paying very well. Almost 10 thousand employees of the first wave became millionaires, and the rest are working on it.

Today, Microsoft employs about 123,000 people, and although not all of them are millionaires, they are paid well and often given generous raises.

Using data from Glassdoor, we've compiled a list of the highest salaries you can earn working at Microsoft. Salaries are arranged in order from lowest to highest. We've also included a few jobs that aren't too high in rank but also pay very well.

Each average salary, included in the review, has at least six real confirmations. As is common in America, Glassdor users indicate their annual salary. For comparison, the average annual salary of a programmer with 3 years of experience in Moscow is about $35,000 (150 thousand rubles per month), in the regions - $18,000 (80 thousand rubles per month) at the current rate.

Service Engineer

Salary: $105,908

Total compensation, including bonuses, stock, etc.: $113,310

According to the job description, a Service Engineer works with customers to help them solve problems and install and/or use Microsoft technologies.

Software engineer category III

Salary: $102,036

Total compensation, including bonuses, stock, etc.: $114,585

A category III software engineer is a programmer with average experience.

Senior Engineer

Salary: $112,721

Total compensation, including bonuses, stock, etc.: $148,099

A senior engineer is an experienced customer support specialist who helps Microsoft customers identify and resolve problems.

Senior Software Engineer

Salary: $136,592

Total compensation, including bonuses, stock, etc.: $176,459

A senior software engineer is a programmer with extensive experience.

Senior Researcher

Salary: $184,640

Total compensation, including bonuses, stock, etc.: $282,710

Microsoft has huge research and development departments where employees study everything related to computers and technology. According to the job description, a senior researcher must have a minimum of five years of experience in the field of study.

Senior Director

Salary: $190,000

Total compensation, including bonuses, stock, etc.: $314,522

As the name implies, a senior director is a middle manager of top management. The job description for a senior director of brand development states that Microsoft is looking for someone with a minimum of eight years of experience in this field, and the job will involve developing strategies.

Creative director

Salary: $183,980

Total compensation, including bonuses, stock, etc.: $194,190

Creative Director is a leadership position within Microsoft's design department. According to the job description for the creative director Microsoft is looking to work on the new HoloLens 3D glasses, this person decides what the product will look like, the user interface, etc.

Head of HR

Salary: $176,008

Total compensation, including bonuses, stock, etc.: $237,934

Working with a staff of 123 thousand people requires an HR department. This is a senior manager who must have at least 10 years of experience in relevant positions in the field of human resources, according to the job description.

Software Architect Developer

Salary: $182,959

Total compensation, including bonuses, stock, etc.: $262,286

A software architect is one of many roles that a programmer can play in a company. This usually involves the development of large or complex systems, including product roadmaps as specified in the Microsoft Principal Software Architect job description.

Commercial Director

Salary: $175,642

Total compensation, including bonuses, stock, etc.: $268,639

Commercial Director - the role of a senior business analyst who helps plan and track all resources, necessary companies. According to the job description, it may include business development and finance.

Project Manager of the main group

Salary: $178,513

Total compensation, including bonuses, stock, etc.: $271,582

A project manager at Microsoft can perform different roles. These people control that the company creates what people come to buy. As stated in the job description, the Core Team Project Manager must have a minimum of five years of experience managing software projects.

Senior Marketing Director

Salary: $201,429

Total compensation, including bonuses, stock, etc.: $342,436

Microsoft has many levels of marketing managers. The Senior Director manages the team and is responsible for defining the product, marketing and launch strategy, according to HoloLens Senior Marketing Director Scott Erickson's profile on his LinkedIn page.

Technical Director

Salary: $197,357

Total compensation, including bonuses, stock, etc.: $347,210

Position technical director at Microsoft, this is another leadership position among many similar ones, and it involves working with products, customers and partners.

Director of Development

Salary: $207,111

Total compensation, including bonuses, stock, etc.: $432,961

Director of Development is somewhat of a director-of-everything position for a senior executive who manages a group of people who create new products for the company. For example, those applying for the position of director of advanced development are going to lead the design of a new Microsoft product - the Microsoft Surface Hub.


Salary: $224,990

Total compensation, including bonuses, stock, etc.: $457,382

A company with 123 thousand employees needs large quantities highly paid middle management positions. And although Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella is trying to reorganize the company to reduce the number of layers of management, there are still very many general directors, which are several steps below the CEO.

About 400 Microsoft employees decided to make their salaries public to assess whether they are paid fairly or if they could expect more. The idea originated in Facebook community Young Microsoft FTE, which consists of full-time, full-time employees of the company. Salary data is collected in a regular Google spreadsheet. The headline asks: “Share anonymous information so we can all get paid more.”

The table gives an idea of ​​what the salaries of some Microsoft employees are made up of and depend on. Column headings include total length of service, length of service with the company, salary and share of bonus payments, as well as bonuses in the form of cash payments and company shares. However, there is no data in the table about the employee field. It is worth noting that the total number of employees at Microsoft is about 144 thousand people.

According to one of OneZero's sources, Microsoft employees share information about their salaries with each other regularly, and every year at approximately the same time - when their salaries are increased.

At the largest tech companies, employees' salaries are supposedly based on their level: the higher the level, the more they are paid. For example, Microsoft employees range from level 59 to 80, Amazon employees range from L4 to L10, and Facebook employees range from E3 to E9. Data from the table in the Young Microsoft FTE group gives an idea of ​​the salaries of approximately level 62 employees working in Washington State. They have been with the company for about three years, and at their current level for about a year. They have a total of about five years of experience, and they have not received any promotions this year. The basic salary of such an employee is $150 thousand per year.

Salary level depending on employee level:

Salary level depending on length of service in the company:

The main criterion for the size of the salary turned out to be length of service in the company, and not the total length of service in the profession. The higher the level of the employee, the larger part of his remuneration comes from shares in the company.

Microsoft employees also told OneZero that a common tactic for them is to leave the company for a short time to work at, say, Amazon, and then return to Microsoft at a more senior level.

Among those who disclosed their salaries were several programmers from India. Based on their disclosures, they are paid significantly less than their Washington state counterparts. On average, a Microsoft programmer in India earns $50,000 a year, while in the US employees with the same experience earn three times as much.

It's either a company you've always wanted to be a part of, or it's New Product, which you just want to put all your creativity into. Whatever it is, there is always a certain type of job that is ideal for you.

However, it is easy to imagine your ideal post. The hardest thing is to get it. For those looking to start their career at a large technology company like Microsoft, the job search is made difficult by the sheer size of the company itself. Resumes can get lost in a sea of ​​applications, and finding the right person to approach can be like finding a needle in a haystack.

However, this doesn't mean you should give up on your dream of working for one of the most successful and dynamic corporations in the world. We will give you some tips and tricks on how to find a job at Microsoft, which were given by the recruiters and company employees themselves.


Since the company has many branches and products, the first place to start when looking for a job at Microsoft is to decide where you want to work and what you want to create. The Microsoft Careers website will help you answer these questions. There, on the navigation panel, you can search for the position you are interested in or select a country in the drop-down menu. The Find Your Fit page provides detailed information about the company's various careers and technologies.

Stand out

But how can you “display” your name and at the same time not be annoying? Mitchell simply made himself known as needed. He kept in touch with the recruiter after each screening interview and sent small thank-you notes only to the hiring manager he interviewed personally, not to everyone who interviewed him. According to Mitchell, the recruiter kept him in the loop, which solved the problem of over-communication.

Find what you need

At Microsoft, great attention is paid not only to professional suitability, but also to the ability to work in a team. Recruiters are looking for people who will give their all to the job, whether that means taking additional computer courses or working on outside projects, Ledgard says.

However, there is no proven way to find a job at Microsoft. Even if you feel that the position you are applying for is ideal for you, it may not be. Recruiters and hiring managers at Microsoft know exactly what kind of person will fit well into the company. What's the best thing to do here? Relax. If it has to happen, then it will happen.
