For more information about the settings for working with egais in configurations, see Working with egais in the “1c: public catering” and “1c: public catering corp” configurations. What you need to do before starting to work with egais


Instructions for setting up and working with EGAIS through the 1C Enterprise Accounting configuration

Setting up accounting and working with EGAIS in BP 3

Data exchange with EGAIS is possible if the enterprise keeps records of alcoholic products. Setting up accounting for alcoholic beverages is done in the form Functionality(chapter Trade).

After setting the flag, commands become available Setting up exchange with EGAIS, chapter Administration And EGAIS invoices, chapter Purchases. In the form of the Nomenclature directory element, links to information about the supplier and characteristics of alcoholic products become available.

Information about the supplier and characteristics of alcoholic products can be filled in manually or filled in automatically according to EGAIS data when downloading. To start working with EGAIS, you must also configure the connection of equipment to work with EGAIS (Universal Transport Module).

Setting up the connection of the Universal Transport Module in 1C "Enterprise Accounting"

The following details are specified in the form:

  • Organization, Warehouse - indicate the organization and warehouse from which the receipt/sale of alcoholic beverages is registered in the 1C: Accounting program;
  • Retail outlet code in EGAIS - indicates the code assigned to this outlet in the licensee’s account (in accordance with the specified code, the specified organization will be automatically compared with the organization in the EGAIS classifier);
  • UTM Address, UTM Port - local network parameters that provide connection to the Universal Transport Module;
  • Exchange on the 1C:Enterprise server - installed when working with the system in Web client mode.

Processing requests to EGAIS from 1C “Enterprise Accounting”

If the checkbox is checked in the exchange settings with EGAIS Exchange on the 1C:Enterprise server, then you can set up a routine task to automatically receive data from the EGAIS system. The setting is made in the form Support and maintenance - Routine and background tasks, chapter Administration. Scheduled task Processing EGAIS responses added manually. In the routine task form, check the box Included and configure Schedule fulfillment of a regulatory task.

Comparison of EGAIS nomenclature in 1C “Enterprise Accounting”

The names of the positions of alcoholic products used in the 1C:Accounting information base may differ from the names used by EGAIS. To automatically load EGAIS invoices into the 1C: Accounting information base, a comparison of EGAIS nomenclature is required.

The comparison is made directly in the process of loading the EGAIS consignment note into the document Receipts (acts, invoices). If the invoice contains previously unmatched items, the matching form opens automatically.

At the top of the window there is a hyperlink to the EGAIS system document, as well as a hyperlink through which you can set the default values ​​used when creating item items in automatic mode. Below is the tabular part of the comparison, which shows:

  • name of the supplier's nomenclature,
  • volume,
  • manufacturer (importer) and type of packaging from the EGAIS system document.

To specify a match, the user can select an existing item in the nomenclature directory, add a new element directly from the matching form (in this case, the details of the new directory element will be filled in with EGAIS data), or leave the field empty. Then, after clicking the “Compare” button, a new element of the Nomenclature directory will be created based on EGAIS data and the details specified for the new nomenclature.

It is also necessary to fill in the "Coefficient" field, in which you must indicate the conversion factor from the unit of measurement of the item in the Unified State Automated Information System (EGAIS) Bill of Lading specified in the field "Packaging" to the unit of measure of the item used in the configuration. If information about alcoholic products is not specified for the selected item, they will be filled in according to the data of the Unified State Automated Information System. Also, in the elements of the Nomenclature directory, details are filled in Manufacturer And Importer. Comparison of information about them is carried out using the TIN and KPP details of the Counterparties directory. If a counterparty with the same tax identification number and checkpoint is not found, it will be created automatically. No additional requests are issued.

Formation of documents for the receipt of alcoholic products

Receipt of documents from EGAIS is carried out in the list of EGAIS Consignment Notes (Section Purchases - EGAIS Invoices) by button Download TTN. Loading is carried out according to specific organizations and warehouses. If selection is set in the list, then the organization and warehouse from the selection will be used, otherwise they will need to be specified in an additional window.

The list of invoices displays the processing status:

  • processed;
  • waiting for confirmation;
  • confirmed;
  • rejected.

You can open the delivery note to view the details.

If such delivery is not expected and the TTN was issued incorrectly, then using the command Reject a notification is sent to the EGAIS system about the error. It should be noted that this action is irreversible, it is impossible to obtain it again from the EGAIS system, and further actions in the program based on this TTN are also blocked.

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Individual entrepreneurs and organizations engaged in the retail sale of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, must maintain a Logbook for the retail sale of alcoholic products. To create it in electronic format, a unified automated system is designed that collects data coming from sellers and automatically generates this log.

Thus, it is necessary to reflect the purchase and sale of alcohol using EGAIS funds. For failure to connect to the system, penalties are provided, such as administrative liability in the form of a fine, revocation of a license, and confiscation of goods.

In this article we will look at what preparatory procedures need to be performed in the 1C Retail 2.2 program. for the possibility of selling alcoholic beverages.

First, you need to enable the Alcohol products option, this will allow you to keep records of them in the 1C program.

The link Exchange settings with EGAIS takes you to the information register used to store settings for connecting to the Universal Transport Module (UTM) in the context of the organization of an enterprise and a retail warehouse. Here you can configure the exchange schedule with EGAIS in 1C Retail 2.2

The next step is a comparison procedure with EGAIS data in Retail 2.2. By comparison we mean synchronization of 1C and EGAIS directories to enable data transfer between these systems. Its execution is also available upon receipt of the goods, but pre-filling out the main part of the reference data will facilitate subsequent work upon receipt of the TTN, as well as avoid possible errors.

Initially, synchronization is performed for your organization, then for manufacturers, suppliers and importers.

To perform this procedure, the program provides a service Comparison of EGAIS organizations (Master data section).

This processing consists of two parts: on the left is a list of EGAIS organizations, on the right is a list of 1C counterparties. For the convenience of working with processing, options for viewing organizations and counterparties have been implemented: all values, all for which a comparison has been established, all for which it has not been established. Also functions to simplify the search for counterparties have been implemented: selection by tax identification number, checkpoint and search by name.

First you need to execute a request; for this purpose, use the request command by TIN or FSRAR, which opens from the Classifiers menu.

Here you need to enter the details of the organization/contractor you are looking for and send a request. After receiving the answer, a list of values ​​corresponding to the entered parameters will be displayed in the left list. It is necessary to assign a correspondence between these EGAIS data and 1c directories. In this case, one value in the Counterparties directory can correspond to several values ​​of organizations and the mapping must be established for each of them. To do this, select the corresponding positions in the left and right lists and click the Match button.

If suddenly the match was made by mistake, then the cancellation function is available using the Cancel connection button.

Matched entries are highlighted with a green background.

If the counterparty has not previously been added to the program, then you can create it using the downloaded data from EGAIS; to do this, select the desired one in the list of organizations and click Create counterparty. This will open a form for creating a new counterparty; here you will need to fill in the information: group, legal status and confirm the need for creation. The connection will be established automatically.

Next, it is also necessary to perform a comparison of nomenclature items; this can be done in the same processing Comparison of EGAIS organizations, or go to the Comparison of EGAIS Nomenclature service. Here on the left is a list of EGAIS products, in the right panel is a reference book of nomenclature. Also, for convenience, search and selection functions are implemented.

Please note the specifics of maintaining the Nomenclature for Alcohol directory. For such a product, the Type Product and the flag Alcohol (alcohol-containing) products must be set in the form of nomenclature; if the sale will be carried out by bottle, then this flag must also be included.

For all item items related to these types of items, an additional section appears for filling out information.

The connection is established by highlighting the corresponding positions in both lists and clicking the Match command. At the same time, if the manufacturer or importer of this product has not been identified previously (in the list such lines are indicated by an exclamation mark), the program will prompt you to perform it and open the corresponding window.

For an erroneously established connection, the Cancel connection function is intended.

To add new item items according to EGAIS data, use the Create items command, in this case you can use group input; to do this, you need to select several lines in the list of Alcoholic products and press the button. In the input window that opens, you need to fill in the information for the positions being created and confirm the creation. A comparison of the EGAIS nomenclature with these positions will be established automatically when they are created.

After setting the basic settings to be able to sell existing alcohol purchased before connecting to the unified system, you will need to set it to balance. For this purpose, the database contains the document Certificate of Balance Sheeting in Unified State Automated Information System (located in the Warehouse section).

In the document being created, you must indicate the reason for the entry and the place of placement on the balance sheet: Register No1 (store) or Register No2 (sales floor).

Filling out the list of goods is done using a scanner, by reading a barcode, or by selecting items from a reference book (Fill command).

The completion of the transfer and receipt of a response from EGAIS is controlled using the document status.

1C support of retail and wholesale alcohol stores by a team of 1C Programmer Expert programmers. We work on weekdays, weekends, 24 hours. We adapt to the operating hours of your stores.

40+ full-time programmers with 1C experience from 5 to 20 years.

Live communication through any messengers convenient for the client.

99% of tasks are performed via remote access (TeamViewer or RDP), which significantly reduces task completion time.

Official partners of the 1C company since 2006.

99% of clients are satisfied with the results, which is confirmed by letters of gratitude.

Module 1C - EGAIS. Wholesale comes in two editions: PROF And Basic.

PROF version has maximum functionality and is an add-on over standard 1C configurations (requires changes to the configuration, but does not affect the standard configuration).

Basic version module 1C - EGAIS is external processing and does not require configuration changes. At the same time, it has a number of limitations (see).

  • Working with EGAIS classifiers
    • Loading the classifier of alcoholic products from the Unified State Automated Information System and comparison with the reference book "Nomenclature"
    • Loading the classification of organizations from the Unified State Automated Information System and comparison with the directory "Counterparties"
    • Comparison based on the “one to many” principle - one position of the classifier of alcoholic beverages or EGAIS organizations corresponds to several positions of the nomenclature or counterparties.
  • Working with the remainder of the 1st register
    • Sending acts of registration to the Unified State Automated Information System
    • Sending debit statements to EGAIS
    • Only in the PRO version:
      • Accounting for EGAIS balances in a separate accumulation register
      • Report "Statement of batches of the Unified State Automated Information System" for monitoring the balances and movements of alcoholic products in the context of Certificates A and B
  • Work with purchases, wholesale sales and movements
    • Loading incoming CTN from UTM, creating on their basis the documents “Receipt of goods”, “Return from buyer” and only in the version of the PROF document “Movement of goods”
    • Sending acts of confirmation, refusal and acts of discrepancies according to received technical specifications
    • Creation and sending of outgoing TTN to EGAIS based on the documents “Sale of goods”, “Return of goods to supplier”
    • Filling out certificates A and B in the outgoing TTN lines for EGAIS balances
    • Uploading acts of confirmation, refusal and acts of discrepancies for sent TTNs
    • Sending confirmations and refusals based on received discrepancy reports from customers
    • Only in the PRO version:
      • Control of negative balances during the formation of outgoing TTNs
      • Filling out Certificates A and B in the lines of the outgoing TTN from the current balances of the Unified State Automated Information System using the FIFO method (according to the first bottling dates from Certificates A and the dates of the TTN from Certificates B)
      • Creation of a complete set of printed forms of shipping documents. TORG-12, S/F, UPD, TTN (1-T), Consignment note, Certificates B, scanned copies of Certificates A, Appendix to TTN
      • Creation and sending of outgoing TTN to EGAIS based on the documents “Movement of goods”
  • Work with production and import of up to 300,000 deciliters per year
    • Only in the PRO version:
      • Sending production reports to EGAIS
      • Generating production reports based on the documents "Production report for the shift" and "Receipt of goods"
      • Sending import reports to EGAIS
      • Generating import reports based on the “Customs Customs Declaration for Import” documents

Who is the basic version suitable for?

Basic version module "1C - EGAIS. Wholesale" is intended primarily for users basic versions of 1C programs. In the basic version of the module, all directories and documents can only be read and written in their entirety, which leads to a decrease in performance with large document flows and on client-server databases.

  • The basic version can be used:
    • for file versions of 1C information databases;
      we do not recommend using the basic version of the module in client-server databases due to reduced performance;
    • for wholesale trade organizations;
    • for organizations with a small document flow;
    • in the absence of the need to distribute already completed acts and technical specifications in the Unified State Automated Information System.

When is the PROF version needed?

The PROF version of the module "1C - EGAIS. Opt" can only work with PROF versions of 1C programs, and cannot work with basic versions of 1C. This version contains the most complete functionality, including requests for the distribution of documents in EGAIS, synchronization of EGAIS balances and information base, and so on.

  • PROF version required:
    • for organizations of producers and/or importers of alcoholic products;
    • for client-server databases 1C;
    • with large document flow;
    • if necessary, print a complete set of shipping documents for alcohol: Certificates A and B, Appendix to the TTN.

Loading and comparison of items and counterparties.

To download the classifier of alcoholic beverages and compare it with the nomenclature of the information base, a convenient form is used, developed taking into account many user requests. You can output the form fields as follows: all alcoholic products and nomenclature, and only compared , that's all not matched


It is possible to download a classifier of alcoholic products both by the manufacturer’s INN and by the alcoholic product code.
Comparison of EGAIS organizations and counterparties of the information base is very similar to comparison of nomenclature. New EGAIS organizations can be downloaded both by the organization’s INN and by the FSRAR Identifier.

Both alcohol products and EGAIS organizations can be compared with several elements of the “Nomenclature” and “Counterparties” directories.

Video demonstration:

It is possible to download a classifier of alcoholic products both by the manufacturer’s INN and by the alcoholic product code.
Comparison of items and counterparties. Module 1C - EGAIS PROF.

Loading incoming and unloading outgoing TTN EGAIS

Work with incoming and outgoing TTN EGAIS is carried out in one form.

Functional option name PROF version Basic version
Requests to EGAIS for downloading a classifier of alcoholic products
Requests to EGAIS to download the EGAIS organization classifier
Comparison of the classifier of alcoholic products and the reference book "Nomenclature"
Comparison of the EGAIS organization classifier and the "Counterparties" directory
The act of balancing
Act of debiting from the balance sheet
Creation of outgoing TTNs based on sales documents or returns to the supplier
Creation of outgoing TTNs based on data from goods movement documents
Accounting for EGAIS balances in a separate accumulation register
Sending production reports to EGAIS
Sending import reports to EGAIS

Documentation and instructions

  • User manual: Module 1C - EGAIS for UT 11
    pdf 1.3 Mb
  • User manual: Module 1C - EGAIS for BP 3.0
    pdf 2.44 Mb
  • Installation instructions for the PRO version
    pdf 1.0 Mb
Video materials on the basic version for UT11
Video materials on the basic version for UT 10.3

Technical support and updates

  • The cost of purchasing processing includes preferential technical support for a period of 3 months from the moment of purchase.
  • Further support is provided on a reimbursable basis in accordance with the tariff plan selected by the user. Tariff plan "BASIC"
  • designed for users who need regular updates, as well as prompt correction of critical errors in the runtime mode of the product in the developer's area of ​​responsibility. Tariff plan "MAXIMUM"

    includes a range of services:

    access to the automatic update system, remote consultation in the area of ​​application of the product (telephone, Skype, Viber, email), resolution of technical issues arising during the operation of the product, with the exception of issues that are the responsibility of the system administrator of the user’s company. Upon first purchase , product delivery under the “MAXIMUM” tariff plan includes technical support for a period of 3 months (90 days)

  • starting from the date of purchase of the product. If modifications are necessary for the individual characteristics of the client’s 1C configurations, the cost of work is. At the discretion of the developer, some part of the cost of improvements may be included in the purchase price through preferential technical support.
  • Program updates are carried out automatically. After the purchase, you will receive an email with information for registering on the update server. The cost of updates is included in all technical support plans.
  • These terms and conditions for the provision of technical support are valid from 05/03/2017. Subscriptions purchased earlier are serviced in accordance with the conditions in force on the date of purchase.


The program is licensed for a separate unit (at the checkpoint). Each additional separate division requires the purchase of a separate license. For individual entrepreneurs, the purchase of additional licenses is not required.

The program comes as open source. Changes in the program code are allowed, but in this case, at the discretion of the developer, the conditions for providing both preferential and paid technical support may be revised.

Money back guarantee

We grant 100% refund, if the program does not correspond to the declared functionality. Money can be returned in full, if you report this within 14 days from the date the money is received in our account. The program has been so proven to work that we can give such a guarantee with complete confidence. We want all our customers to be satisfied with their purchase. For a refund Just

To record alcohol in 1C 8.3, you need to configure the program in the Main - Functionality section. Next, on the Trade tab, check the Alcohol products box:

Important! If trade in imported alcohol is used in 1C 8.3, then you must also check the Imported goods checkbox on the Inventory tab.

Entering information about alcohol in 1C 8.3

Filling out the nomenclature

To reflect the nomenclature as alcoholic products in 1C 8.3, you must fill out the Alcoholic products section:

  • Item type – you can leave Products or create the Alcohol products type manually;
  • Manufacturer – producer of alcoholic beverages;
  • Importer – importer of alcoholic products;
  • If the alcohol is imported but produced on the territory of the Customs Union (EAEU), then the importer is indicated in the Manufacturer field;
  • If the goods arrive via a customs declaration, then you must indicate the customs declaration number and the country of manufacture:

Information about alcoholic products in 1C 8.3

Indicating the manufacturer or importer is not enough to record alcohol in 1C 8.3; it is necessary to enter information about the product in the information register Information about alcoholic products, which will be needed for reporting.

You can enter this information directly from the Nomenclature directory using the link Information about alcoholic products using the Create button:

When filling out please indicate:

  • Nomenclature – alcoholic products for which information is entered;
  • Type of product – a code is selected from the proposed type, and the type is filled in automatically;
  • License type – also selected from the proposed list of elements:
  • - Beer;
  • – Alcohol products;
  • – Alcohol-containing drinking products;
  • – Non-drinkable products containing alcohol;
  • Conversion factor to deciliters – conversion factor to deciliters of the unit of measurement of the selected nomenclature:

Vendor licenses

To report on alcoholic products in 1C 8.3, it is also necessary to enter information about the license of suppliers. This information is entered from the Contractors directory. In the directory, you need to use the More command, select Licenses for suppliers of alcoholic beverages and click on the Create button:

In a new window we indicate the data:

  • Period – license start date;
  • Supplier – supplier of alcoholic products for which data is entered;
  • License type – also selected from the proposed list;
  • Expiration date – the end of the license;
  • In the fields Series, number, Issued by, the registration data of the license is indicated:

Receipt, production and retail sale of alcohol

Accounting for the receipt, production and retail sale of alcohol, its and other disposals in the 1C 8.3 program is formed using standard methods and does not differ from the accounting of “regular” finished products or goods in retail trade.

How to capitalize alcohol in 1C 8.3 retail from EGAIS

When alcohol arrives at a retail store in 1C 8.3, you must download the supplier’s documents from EGAIS:

When confirmed in 1C 8.3, you can create receipt documents based on EGAIS documents.

Since January 2016, organizations are required to maintain a Logbook for recording the volume of retail sales of alcohol and alcohol-containing products: Sales - hereinafter Logbook for the retail sale of alcoholic products:

In 1C 8.3, a journal can be generated for a certain period by organization or by retail outlet. The data in the log is taken from the document:

How to make an alcohol declaration in 1C 8.3

To generate a declaration on alcohol in 1C 8.3, in the Reports – Regulated reports section, using the Create button, select the required report in the Declaration of production and turnover of alcoholic beverages section:

Filling out the alcohol declaration

The declaration on the volume of retail sales of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, as well as on the sale of beer and beer drinks, cider, poire, mead in 1C 8.3 are two different reports, but their filling is no different, they differ only in the content of the products.

Title page

It is necessary to check the taxpayer's information on the title page. If some data is not filled in automatically, then you need to check the completion of the Organization directory.

License details or location addresses

All licenses and addresses of places where alcohol is sold are indicated.

Section 1 and 2

To automatically fill out sections 1 and 2 in the program, click Fill. The amount is analyzed for account 41. Filling out indicators:

  • Admission:
  • From the manufacturer - by counterparty from the Manufacturer field of the Nomenclature directory;
  • From wholesalers - with any other counterparty other than the manufacturer;
  • By import;
  • Return from the buyer;
  • Other supply;
  • Consumption:
  • Retail sales;
  • Return to supplier;
  • Other expenses;

The remaining fields are filled in according to the contents of similar documents, except for others that display amounts that do not correspond to the documents stated above.

An example of filling out a declaration on the volume of retail sales of alcohol and alcohol-containing products:

An example of filling out a declaration on the volume of retail sales of beer and beer drinks:

By clicking the Check button in the 1C 8.3 program, you can check the completion of the report:

All found errors are displayed in the error navigation:

Printing and downloading the alcohol declaration from 1C

You can immediately print the alcohol declaration from the report or first view it electronically, using the appropriate options from the Print command.

You can also use 1C-Reporting to immediately send an alcohol declaration from 1C to regulatory authorities or use the Upload and send button using a third-party program.

Important! When uploading to 1C 8.3, the declaration is automatically checked for completion.

If you need help in mastering a wider range of operations in the 1C program, then we suggest you take our professional course “

The program “1C: Enterprise 8. Public catering” allows you to organize data exchange with EGAIS (Unified State Automated Information System for recording the volume of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products) regarding the supply of alcoholic products. Preparation for working with EGAIS consists of the following stages:

  • You must obtain a JaCarta PKI\GOST USB key for each outlet. It can be purchased at any certification center (for example, where digital signature keys for alcohol declarations were previously purchased), or obtained from the developer of these keys at.
  • After purchasing the key, you need to gain access to your personal account on the site. Detailed video instructions for registering a personal account, recording and obtaining a certificate, and installing the UTM (universal transport module) are available at.
  • After receiving and recording the certificate for the JaCarta key and installing the UTM, you can begin loading and unloading EGAIS waybills.

Configuring the universal transport module connection

To start working with EGAIS, you need to configure the connection of equipment to work with EGAIS (universal transport module). To do this, in the information register “EGAIS Transport Modules” (section Catering warehouses and production → EGAIS group → Exchange settings with EGAIS) data about the transport module used to synchronize data with EGAIS must be filled in.

The following details are specified in the register entry form:

  • Organization, Warehouse - indicate the organization and warehouse from which the receipt/sale of alcoholic beverages is registered in the 1C:Enterprise 8. Catering program.
  • The code in FSRAR is the identifier of its own organization in the Federal Service for Regulation of the Alcohol Market of the Russian Federation.
  • UTM Address, UTM Port - local network parameters that provide connection to the universal transport module.
  • Use the setting only for the current workplace - the details are displayed when using a file database, but are not required to be filled out.
  • Uploading incoming documents is a sign of loading new documents from EGAIS.

Processing requests in EGAIS

If you use a client-server database, the exchange settings form with EGAIS will look like this.

If the “Exchange on the 1C:Enterprise server” checkbox is selected in the exchange settings with EGAIS, then you can configure the routine task “Processing EGAIS responses” to automatically receive data from the EGAIS system. The settings are made in the “Routine and background tasks” form (section Administration → Program Settings group → Support and maintenance → Routine operations). In the routine task form, select the “Enabled” checkbox and configure the routine task execution schedule.

Comparison of EGAIS nomenclature

The names of the positions of alcoholic products used in the “Public Food” information base may differ from the names used by the Unified State Automated Information System. To automatically load EGAIS invoices into the “Public Catering” information base, you need to perform a comparison of EGAIS nomenclature.

The comparison is made directly in the process of loading the EGAIS consignment note into the document “Receipt (acts, invoices)”. If the invoice contains previously unmatched items, the matching form opens automatically.

At the top of the data mapping form there are two hyperlinks:

  • hyperlink to the document of the EGAIS system;
  • a hyperlink where you can set default values ​​used when creating item items automatically.

Below is the tabular part of the comparison, which contains data from the EGAIS system document:

  • name of the supplier's nomenclature;
  • volume;
  • manufacturer (importer);
  • type of packaging.

To specify a match, the user can select an existing item in the nomenclature directory, add a new element directly from the matching form (in this case, the details of the new directory element will be filled in with EGAIS data), or leave the field empty. Then, after clicking the “Transfer to document” button, a new directory element “Nomenclature” will be created based on the EGAIS data and the details specified for the new nomenclature.

In the settings of catering accounting parameters (Catering warehouses and production → Settings group → Catering accounting parameters) specify:

  • The unit of measurement for the new EGAIS nomenclature is the unit of measurement that will be substituted for the new nomenclature received from the EGAIS.
  • Group for new EGAIS nomenclature - a group of nomenclature into which the new nomenclature received from EGAIS will be placed.

Also in the data comparison form, you must fill in the Coefficient value, in which you must specify the conversion factor from the unit of measurement of the item in the EGAIS bill of lading specified in the “Packaging” field into the unit of measurement of the item used in the configuration.

In the elements of the “Nomenclature” directory for alcoholic products, fill in the details “Manufacturer” and “Importer”. Comparison of information about them is carried out using the TIN and KPP details of the “Counterparties” directory. Information about the supplier and characteristics of alcoholic products can be entered manually or filled out automatically according to the Unified State Automated Information System data when downloading.

Exchanges with EGAIS

Formation of documents for the receipt of alcoholic products

Receiving documents from EGAIS is carried out in the list of EGAIS consignment notes (incoming) (section “Catering warehouses and production” → EGAIS group → TTN EGAIS (incoming) by clicking on the button “Exchange with EGAIS” → download TTN.

The list of TTN EGAIS (incoming) displays the following states:

  • Adopted from EGAIS.
  • A confirmation certificate is sent.
  • The confirmation certificate has been submitted.
  • An act of refusal is submitted.
  • A certificate of refusal has been submitted.
  • The act of discrepancy is submitted.
  • The discrepancy report has been submitted.
  • Confirmation of the discrepancy report was accepted.
  • Accepted waiver of the act of discrepancy.
  • Error transferring to EGAIS.

Uploading documents to EGAIS is performed in the list of EGAIS invoices (outgoing) (section “Catering warehouses and production” → EGAIS group → TTN EGAIS (outgoing) by clicking the button “Exchange with EGAIS” → upload TTN.

The list of TTN EGAIS (outgoing) displays the following states:

  • New.
  • Submitted to EGAIS.
  • Transferred to EGAIS.
  • The confirmation act has been accepted.
  • The act of discrepancy was accepted.
  • Confirmation of the discrepancy report has been submitted.
  • A waiver of the discrepancy act has been submitted.
  • The act of refusal was accepted.
  • Error transferring to EGAIS.

You can open the delivery note to view the details.

The tabs of the TTN dialog box contain information from the Unified State Automated Information System about transported alcoholic beverages. From the downloaded TTN, data on goods and manufacturing organizations/importers or suppliers are automatically recorded in the reference books “EGAIS Classifier of Alcohol Products” (section “Catering Warehouses and Production” → EGAIS Group → EGAIS Classifier of Alcohol Products) and “EGAIS Classifier of Organizations” (section “ Public catering warehouses and production" → EGAIS group → EGAIS Classifier of organizations) respectively.

The EGAIS organization classifier stores information about organizations registered in the FSRAR that exchange data in the EGAIS system. Elements of this directory may include:

  • Manufacturers of alcoholic beverages.
  • Importers of alcoholic beverages.
  • Wholesale organizations.
  • Retail Stores.

By the button " Request organizations» you can obtain data from the EGAIS organization classifier by first specifying the EGAIS transport module used.

The EGAIS classifier of alcoholic products stores information about alcoholic products downloaded from EGAIS. The directory is filled in automatically. Data on alcoholic products can be downloaded from the Unified State Automated Information System using the TIN of the manufacturer or importer by sending a corresponding request to UTM using the button " Request alcohol products».

To send a refusal of a bill of lading (for example, if such a delivery is not expected and the TTN was issued incorrectly), using the command “Exchange with EGAIS” → “Refuse TTN of the EGAIS TTN list form (incoming)” a notification is sent to the EGAIS system about error. It should be noted that this action is irreversible, it is impossible to obtain it again from the EGAIS system, and further actions in the program based on this TTN are also blocked.

If everything is in order, then the user can send confirmation to the system by executing the command “Exchange with EGAIS” → “Confirm TTN”.

After confirmation of the TTN, an “Receipt” document (acts, invoices) is automatically created, filled out on the basis of receipt in the EGAIS system. Moreover, if the information base does not contain a counterparty with such INN and KPP, it will be created automatically at the time of filling out the document. If there is previously unmatched nomenclature, a form opens in which you can set the correspondence between the positions of the EGAIS TTN document and the elements of the “Nomenclature” directory (see comparison of EGAIS nomenclature).

Accounting for discrepancies upon admission

If, during the recalculation of goods, discrepancies between the actual availability of goods and the invoice are revealed, the user makes changes in the “Quantity (actual)” column in the EGAIS TTN (incoming) on ​​the “Goods” tab.

At the same time, results are generated based on the fact and according to the supplier’s data. When executing the “Confirm TTN” command with discrepancies, the discrepancy data will be transferred to the EGAIS system for confirmation by the supplier. In this case, only shortages will be sent to the supplier. For any excess found, you must request an additional invoice from the supplier, for example by calling the supplier or sending an email.

Returning goods to the supplier

The return of alcoholic products to the supplier based on receipt is formed in the same way as for any other goods. In the “Create” menu, based on the required document “Receipt (act, invoice)”, you must select the “Return of goods to supplier” item and in the form that opens, adjust the tabular part: change the quantity or delete lines.

After posting the “Return of goods to supplier” document, you should execute the “Upload to EGAIS” command.

After clicking the “Upload to EGAIS” button, the document status will change to “Transferred to EGAIS”. In this case, the EGAIS TTN (outgoing) is generated with the type of operation “Return to supplier”.

Balancing in EGAIS

Alcohol products that arrived before connecting to EGAIS, as well as any surplus found, must be placed on the balance sheet in EGAIS.

To do this, in the list “Acts of balancing” (section “Public services warehouses and production” → EGAIS group → acts of balancing in EGAIS), you need to create a new act of balancing.

The user can choose one of the options for setting the balance:

  • According to reference "1".
  • According to reference "2".
  • To the trading floor.

When placing goods on balance in warehouses, you must use a barcode scanner to fill out the tabular part, since placing on balance requires reading the brand code (the “Add by barcode” button). If the user uses the manual selection of products from the directory, the system will check for the presence of barcodes for the entered products and warn the user if the barcode of the product is not entered into the information system. Using the “Specify excise stamp” button, you can manually fill in the excise stamp code.

For each product item, several excise stamp codes can be read, and the quantity in the line will be set equal to the number of stamps read. Bottles from the same production batch can be combined in one line.

After comparing the nomenclature and alcoholic products, for each line of the document you will need to enter the data from certificate “1” that accompanied its delivery:

  • The quantity of products produced, recorded in certificate “1”.
  • Number and date of the TTN indicated in certificate “1”.
  • The date of bottling.
  • Number and date of confirmation by the Unified State Automated Information System (USAIS) regarding data recording.

After filling out the tabular part and completing the statement of statement on the balance sheet, the data is sent using the “Send to EGAIS” button. After receiving confirmation of the act, the column of the tabular part of the certificate “2” is filled with the values ​​​​assigned to this batch in the Unified State Automated Information System.

When registering on the trading floor, scanning of excise stamps is not required. There is also no need to enter information from certificates “1” and “2”.

Mechanism for balancing product balances on EGAIS registers when balances in the accounting database exceed

In order to consolidate accounting balances and EGAIS balances for alcoholic products that arrived before connecting to EGAIS, it is necessary to balance these products, which are still listed as balances in the accounting system. To do this, use the document “Act of placing on the balance sheet” with the option of placing “To the trading floor”. This option for balancing is simpler, since register No. 2 in the Unified State Automated Information System (EGAIS) system does not have analytics certificates “1” and “2” and the alcohol nomenclature is stored only in the context of alcohol codes. As the reason for placing on the balance sheet, you should select the option “Products received before 01/01/2016.”


This option is possible if there are no returns to the supplier or transfers between separate licensee divisions.

In this case, at the bottom of the form of the statement of registration on the balance sheet, two information lines are displayed, characterizing the need to update information about the balances of the Unified State Automated Information System in the warehouse and on the sales floor. Information is considered current if, after creating the document “Remaining EGAIS”, not a single EGAIS document was generated that affects these balances (about the document “Remaining EGAIS”, see below). If it is necessary to update information about EGAIS balances, hyperlinks are displayed in red. Updating data on balances in the warehouse (register No. 1 of the Unified State Automated Information System) and in the trading floor (register No. 2 of the Unified State Automated Information System) is done by clicking on the hyperlinks Update warehouse balances and Update balances in the trading floor, respectively. As a result, a document “EGAIS balances” is created with the form “Request for balances” or “Request for balances on the trading floor”. The document is intended for requesting the remains of alcoholic beverages according to the Unified State Automated Information System (USAIS) in the context of certificates. In the future, certificates for each product item will be required for write-offs and returns. Based on the data obtained, the residues of alcoholic products are monitored.

After updating the EGAIS balances in the warehouse and on the sales floor in this way, the color of the information lines about balances in the document “Act of Balance Sheeting” will change from red to green. Information about the relevance of balances in registers No. 1 and No. 2 in the EGAIS system will also be displayed.

Automatic filling of the tabular part “Excise stamp code” can be performed using a 2D scanner (the “Add by barcode” button). You can also enter excise stamp codes manually using the “Specify excise stamp” button.

Then you need to save the document “Act of Balance Sheeting” and click the “Send to EGAIS” button.

After these steps, you should again update the balances of the Unified State Automated Information System (USAIS) and compare them with the balances on 41 accounts of the accounting system. By this point they should be brought into compliance.


This method of balancing product balances is applicable in the case when for each position of the EGAIS Classifier of Alcohol Products there is a clear correspondence with an element of the Nomenclature directory.

Transfer to the sales area and return from the EGAIS sales area

In accordance with the methodology for accounting for inventory balances of alcoholic beverages at retail, all goods intended for retail sale must be transferred to the register for inventory balances of goods No. 2 in the EGAIS system. This can be done using the documents “Transfer to the EGAIS trading floor”. The list of documents opens by following the link “Public warehouses and production” → EGAIS group → Transfers to the sales floor.

A new document can be added using the New button in the list command bar. The document “Transfer to the EGAIS trading floor” can also be created on the basis of the TTN EGAIS (incoming) and on the basis of the document “Remaining EGAIS”.

The selection of goods in the tabular part “Goods” is made from the “EGAIS Classifier of Alcohol Products” using the “Add” command. In the created document, “Certificates “2”” are filled in based on information about the receipt of alcoholic beverages.

After posting the document, you must use the Send to EGAIS command. At the same time, in the EGAIS system, warehouse balances on register No. 1 of goods in the warehouse decrease, and on register No. 2 they increase, but they are stored without the “Certificate “2” section.” If in a store the premises of the receiving warehouse and the sales area are separated by accounting, the transfer to the EGAIS sales area can be issued on the basis of the document “Movement of Goods”.

Returns from the sales floor to the warehouse, for example, to process a return to the supplier or return movement to the distribution center, are processed using the document “Return from the EGAIS sales floor” (“Catering warehouses and production” → EGAIS group → returns from the sales floor).

Write-off of alcoholic beverages from the EGAIS balance sheet

In some cases, it may be necessary to write off alcoholic beverages on the balance sheet of EGAIS. For example, during a fight while unloading goods or on the sales floor. To transfer information about written-off goods to EGAIS, the document “USAIS Write-off Act” is provided (section “Catering warehouses and production” → EGAIS group → write-off acts). It is recommended to create the document “United State Automated Information System Write-off Act” on the basis of the document “Write-off of Goods”. When creating a new document, as well as when placing it on the balance sheet, you can choose one of the write-off options: “From warehouse” or “From the sales floor”. For the “From warehouse” option, the certificate data “2” is indicated.

In the “Reason for write-off” field, you must select a value from the list established in the EGAIS information system:

  • Re-grading.
  • Shortage.
  • Markdown.
  • Damage.
  • Losses.
  • Checks.
  • Arrest.
  • Other purposes (only for write-off from the trading floor).
  • Sales (only for write-off from the trading floor).

The tabular part of the document can be filled in with goods sold per day using the “Fill in sales per day” button.

The document “Write-off act” with the write-off option “From the trading floor” can be filled in with all balances in the Unified State Automated Information System for the trading floor by clicking the “Fill in with all balances in the Unified State Automated Information System” button.

After completing the formation of the tabular part of the goods, you need to post the document and send the data using the “Send to EGAIS” command.

Mechanism for balancing product balances on EGAIS registers when balances on EGAIS registers exceed

Since for catering establishments confirmation of all receipts, returns to the supplier and movements of alcoholic products between separate divisions became mandatory from January 1, 2016, and the need to report on the sale of alcoholic products arose from July 1, 2016, this resulted in discrepancies between accounting data and EGAIS data. A significant part of the products entered into the balance sheet of the Unified State Automated Information System were not written off after sale. To bring together accounting balances and EGAIS balances, it is necessary to write off alcoholic beverages that are still listed on EGAIS balances, but are no longer in the accounting system.

Similar to balancing product balances on the EGAIS registers when the balances in the accounting database exceed the balances, to simplify the write-off process, it is recommended to move alcoholic beverages from the inventory register of goods balances No. 1 to register No. 2 in the EGAIS system. This is justified by the fact that register No. 2 does not have analytics certificates “1” and “2” and the alcohol nomenclature is stored only in the context of alcohol codes.

To reduce balances, in the case under consideration, you need to create a document “Write-off act” with the write-off option “From the sales floor” and the reason for write-off “Sales”.

At the bottom of the document form, information lines are displayed about the relevance of information about the balances of the Unified State Automated Information System for the warehouse and sales area (similar to the document “Act of Balance Sheeting”):

  • red color - the balances are not relevant, an update is required;
  • green - balances are current, no update required.

After filling out the header of the document, you should make sure that the balances in the Unified State Automated Information System are current.

The figure above shows that it is necessary to update the balances in the warehouse and on the sales floor. To update information, you need to use the hyperlinks “Update stock in the warehouse” and “Update stock in the sales area”. As a result, documents “USA IS balances” are created with the document types “Request for balances” and “Request for balances on the trading floor”, respectively.

The document must be recorded and information about balances in EGAIS must be requested by clicking the “Request from EGAIS” button. You can verify that a response has been received from EGAIS by opening the document “EGAIS Exchange Protocol” from the document form.

After updating the EGAIS balances in the warehouse and on the sales floor in this way, the color of the information lines about balances will change from red to green. Information about the relevance of balances in registers No. 1 and No. 2 in the EGAIS system will also be displayed.

Now, in order to equalize the balances in the accounting database and in the Unified State Automated Information System, it is necessary to move all alcoholic beverages from the warehouse to the sales floor. To do this, use the “Move everything to the trading floor” hyperlink. Thus, the system creates a document “Transfer to the EGAIS trading floor”. The document is automatically filled in with all positions of the alcoholic nomenclature listed in the warehouse (all remnants of register No. 1 of the Unified State Automated Information System).

After the movement is completed, all balances will be listed in the sales area (register No. 2 of the Unified State Automated Information System). Receipts for recording and posting will be received from EGAIS, which can be seen by opening the “EGAIS Exchange Protocol” from the document “Transfer to the EGAIS trading floor.”

After updating the EGAIS balances, the tabular part of the document “Write-off Act” must be filled out according to the discrepancies between the balances in the EGAIS and the balances of the accounting base listed on 41 accounts. Filling is done by clicking the “Fill with surplus in the EGAIS trading floor” button. These surpluses must be written off and sent to EGAIS.

As a result of all the actions discussed above, the excess balances on the EGAIS registers will be consolidated.

Balancing EGAIS balances using the inventory method

The balance balancing mechanisms discussed in clause 2.4.1 on page 27 and clause 2.6.1 on page 35 are applicable in the case when for each position “ EGAIS Classifier of Alcohol Products" there is a one-to-one correspondence with the directory element " Nomenclature" If such correspondence is not established, you can reduce the balances using the so-called inventory method.

In this case, all alcoholic products in the accounting database are scanned, and then the data obtained is compared with the data of the Unified State Automated Information System.

When applying such a mechanism for balancing EGAIS balances, the document “ Remains of EGAIS" The newly created document should be recorded and the button “ Request from EGAIS».

After receiving a response from EGAIS column “ Quantity» is filled in with EGAIS data. Next, you should scan the alcoholic goods of the accounting database - in the column “ Accounting quantity» displays the credentials obtained as a result of the scan.

According to the data received based on the document “ Remains of EGAIS» documents are created « Certificate of write-off of goods EGAIS" or "". IN " Certificate of registration on the balance sheet of the Unified State Automated Information System"Items, the accounting quantity of which exceeds the Unified State Automated Information System data, will be automatically entered into the " Certificate of write-off of goods EGAIS» goods will be entered whose quantity in the Unified State Automated Information System exceeds the data in the accounting database.

Thus, as a result of the completed inventory of the balances of alcoholic products in the warehouse and on the sales floor, the balances of the Unified State Automated Information System and the accounting database will be consolidated.

About working with documents " Certificate of registration on the balance sheet of the Unified State Automated Information System" And " Certificate of write-off of goods EGAIS» see page 25 and page 33 respectively.

Daily summary of sales data

The system provides the ability to daily update EGAIS balances using the document “ EGAIS write-off act" About working with the document " EGAIS write-off act» see page 33.

Automatically filling out a document " EGAIS write-off act» data on daily sales of alcoholic beverages is performed by clicking the « Fill in daily sales».

For automatic filling " EGAIS write-off act» data on daily sales of alcoholic beverages is influenced by the parameter « Use only certificates in the alcohol product log", set in the catering accounting parameters settings.

In the first case, with the parameter set, " EGAIS write-off act" is filled out only according to documents " " without taking into account movements.

Acts of opening containers can be created either manually, in the absence of a front office, or automatically, in the case of using front office solutions.

In the case of using front-line solutions, the basis for drawing up the document is “ EGAIS write-off act"are the documents" Alcohol autopsy report", issued on the front side, since in the Unified State Automated Information System the bottle is considered written off after it has been opened.

After exchanging front-line decisions with “Obschepit” based on documents “ Catering checks" with the type of operation " Alcohol accounting» documents are generated in the system « Acts of opening containers of alcoholic beverages».

In the future, on the basis of "" daily in the system you can automatically fill out the document " EGAIS write-off act».

In the second case, if the parameter is not set, “ Acts of opening containers of alcoholic beverages" are used according to the settings specified in the "" register. For the rest of the nomenclature, document lines are calculated by movements (if the user wants to use only movements, he does not fill in the register). Go to register " Alcohol products subject to opening certificate» is carried out using the corresponding hyperlink on the form for setting up catering accounting parameters.

In the register entries " Alcohol products subject to opening certificate" indicates the company's warehouse and product range, which is filled in only from " Acts of opening containers of alcoholic beverages" The rest of the items in this warehouse will be filled by calculation.

There are three ways to fill in the value " Nomenclature»:

  • Field " Nomenclature" is left blank - in this case from " Acts of opening containers of alcoholic beverages» information on the entire product range for the specified warehouse will be added to the document.
  • In field " Nomenclature" indicates the item group - from " Acts of opening containers of alcoholic beverages» information will be added to the document on all items included in the specified item group for the specified warehouse.
  • In field " Nomenclature" indicates the nomenclature position - from " Acts of opening containers of alcoholic beverages"Only the specified items for a given warehouse will be added to the document.

Movement of alcoholic beverages between points of sale of separate divisions (restaurants)

The movement of goods is allowed within separate divisions of organizations. At the same time, control is carried out using the tax identification number and checkpoint. The elements of the “Organizations” directory that have the same TIN value, but different checkpoints, should be selected as the sending and receiving organization. Each restaurant must correspond to a separate organization with an appropriate checkpoint.

Moving is possible either in one common information base, or using the RIB for the restaurant. Moving between two unrelated infobases is not provided.

When using RIB, the exchange settings with EGAIS in each node should contain a record only of those UTMs that are installed in a given restaurant. There may be several UTMs if sales of alcoholic products are made on behalf of several organizations.

If the settings for exchanges with EGAIS are performed directly in the information databases of restaurants, then after completing the setup it is necessary to perform an exchange of RIB in order to synchronize the settings data with EGAIS in the central Catering node and in all restaurants.

The movement of alcoholic beverages from one separate division to another in one accounting system is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • The system creates two EGAIS exchange settings for each organization. In these settings, different FSRARs and, accordingly, UTM addresses will be specified.
  • A document “Movement of goods” is created, in which the corresponding warehouses of the organizations are indicated as the sender and recipient.

  • The shipping organization, on the basis of the movement document, clicks the “Upload to EGAIS” button or separately manually generates the EGAIS TTN (outgoing). In the EGAIS TTN (outgoing) you need to indicate the data of certificate “2” for the alcohol nomenclature from the classifier. TTN is sent to EGAIS. The status of the TTN EGAIS (outgoing) changes to sent.
  • The EGAIS TTN (incoming) arrives at the consignee organization, the receipt of which should be confirmed. In this case, the status of the TTN EGAIS (outgoing), created in clause 3, will change to “Transferred to EGAIS”.

If the recipient restaurant sends a refusal to move to EGAIS or the sending restaurant refuses the EGAIS TTN confirmation act, then the document “Movement of Goods” will be automatically posted. The process of registering the move will have to start all over again.

*In the configuration interface, instead of the values ​​“Help “1” and “Help “2””, the values ​​“Help “A”” and “Help “B”” can be used.
