Scenario for a fun birthday party. Scenarios and skits for birthdays

Spend your holiday in an unusual way, not like everyone else’s, be it a birthday, New Year, or any other holiday! To do this, organize entertaining competitions. First, buy a dozen inexpensive things, for example: souvenirs, keychains, jewelry, in a word, everything that can serve as a prize for winning a competition. When the guests are already tipsy, have an awesome party with fun competitions and don’t forget to film it!

A newspaper is taken, placed on the floor, several young couples are invited and they are told to dance on it while the song plays. They must never stand up for the newspaper; if they do, they are out. After a short dance, the music stops and the newspaper is folded in half. This continues until there is only one couple left, tired on a rolled-up newspaper and at the same time dancing.

Guess! Who?
The player's task is to guess, blindfolded, by touch, who is standing in front of him. To make this as difficult as possible, you can change clothes.

Several participants are called, the presenter shows them the positions:
1 - the right hand holds the left earlobe, and the left hand holds the tip of the nose;
2 - right hand - tip of the nose, left hand - right earlobe.
At the leader's command "clap!" everyone must change position to another. The tempo of the "claps" is gradually increasing. The winner is the one who performs the movements correctly the longest. Laughter among spectators and participants is guaranteed

Players are given cards with certain letters. The participants’ task is to attach (and hold) all the cards to those parts of the body whose names begin with the indicated letters. The winner is the one who can place the most without dropping.

Two teams are formed: one is men, the other is women. At the signal, the players of each team begin to take off their clothes (whatever they want) and lay them out in a line. Each team has its own line. The team that makes the longest line of clothing wins.

Participants are divided into two teams and line up behind each other.
Each team is given a stack of paper, and two baskets are placed at a distance of 20 m.
At the leader’s command, the first team members take a sheet of paper, crumple it into a “snow” ball, throw it into the basket and run to the end of their line. The turn to throw the snowball goes to the next participant. The winner is the team that throws the fastest and most “snowballs” into the basket.

The players are divided into teams, but it is possible without this. Players are given two cardboard cards (or plain paper). The task is to move along these cardboard “bumps”, moving from one to another, to get across the “swamp” as quickly as possible.

Quatrains are selected in advance and the first two lines are read. The participants’ task is to continue the quatrain by composing the second two lines. Then the originals are read and compared. It is not uncommon that as a result of this competition, a poet is unexpectedly found in the team.

You will need: tennis balls.
Several pairs are called, each pair is given a tennis ball. Girls should roll this ball through their partner's pants (for example, put it in the left pant leg, roll it up and pull it out through the right pant leg). Boys should then do the same through the girls' blouse.
The first couple to complete the task wins.

Participants stand in a line, bottles are placed 10 meters from them.
Participants use a homemade lasso to catch bottles.
Whoever catches the most and faster wins.

An old children's game, but adults also play it fun :) Take 10 pieces of paper, on each of which you write where the next one is. Then almost all the notes are hidden in different places, and one is given to the players. Their task is to find and collect all the notes. This game is good to play at a birthday party, when the last one says where the gift itself is hidden.

A purely table game. Depending on what is poured, it can be called “general vodka”, “general whiskey”, general “amaretto” and so on. Competitors must pronounce the text without error, accompanying it with certain actions. “The General of Moonshine drinks moonshine once.” Take one sip, wipe the imaginary or actual mustache with your finger once (hussar gesture!), tap the glass on the table once, stamp your foot once. “The General drinks moonshine, drinks - say twice! - moonshine for the second time.” Take two sips, wipe your mustache with your finger twice, tap your glass on the table twice, stamp your foot twice.
“The general of moonshine drinks, drinks, drinks moonshine for the third time.” Take three sips, wipe your mustache with your finger three times, tap your glass on the table three times, stamp your foot three times! Ugh! All!
Whoever makes a mistake gives way to the next one. Few people manage to fulfill all the conditions the first time. Let's also take into account that the one who was closest to success was the most intoxicated. And that means it will be more difficult for him to concentrate next time.

Future singers are given cards with the names of political leaders written on them. different years(Gorbachev, Lenin, Stalin, Brezhnev, Yeltsin, Zhirinovsky, etc.). The players' task is to perform the song in the image indicated on the card. The lyrics of the songs that are offered for performance should be familiar, and even better, printed on the cards on the back.

Competitors receive boxing gloves. They are given the task of bursting a certain number of balloons as quickly as possible within the time allotted by the presenter.

There are two or four participants in the game. The entire auditorium will help them. Players are given one card each - an ace of any suit. The remaining cards are dealt in the hall. The task of the “aces” is to collect all the cards of their suit from “six” to “king” as quickly as possible. Holders of cards - spectators - can run to the “ace” only after the previous card is already next to it.

Brown bear
Two players compete. Necessary props: Coca-Cola, vodka, 2 glasses. Cola is poured into the players' glasses. This is a brown bear. He needs to be turned white. This is done as follows. The player takes a sip, and the liquid in the glass is topped up with vodka to the previous level. The player takes a sip again - the level returns to the original level again by pouring in vodka. This is repeated until the liquid in the glass becomes white. If the players are still able to continue the game, then it goes in reverse order. He takes a sip of vodka and tops up with cola until the glass turns completely brown. The winner... The “Lucky” one is told that he won only the next morning after a difficult awakening. Attention: you should not play this game if you are not confident in your own abilities and do not know your norm. Be aware of the possibility of alcohol poisoning.

Competitions, scripts and entertainment for birthdays

King of the glass
Two people participate. On two chairs there is a bowl of water and one spoon each. A few steps away there are two more chairs, and on them an empty glass. Whoever fills the empty glass first wins.

The players stand in a line, shoulder to shoulder, away from fragile and sharp objects, so as not to injure themselves or spoil the situation. The leader stands at the beginning of the line. Everyone repeats his movements and words. The leader extends his hand forward and says “I see a bear!”, waits until the last participant repeats this, then squats down with his hand outstretched and asks “where?”, again waits until the ritual is completed, and then, shouting “there!”, pushes his neighbor with such force that the entire line fell down. The game ends with a friendly fight. It is recommended to place the weakest players at the end of the line.

Spoon with orange
The game involves two people. Everyone holds a spoon with an orange or potato in their teeth. Hands behind your back. The task is to drop your opponent's orange with your spoon and not let him drop yours. For the bravest owners, use an egg instead of an orange.

There are two sundresses and two scarves on the chair. Whoever puts on a sundress and ties a scarf faster is the winner.

Step on the ball
Two people are given one inflatable ball, which they tie to their left leg. With your right foot you need to crush your opponent’s ball.

Baba Yaga
Relay game. A simple bucket is used as a stupa, and a mop is used as a broom. The participant stands with one foot in the bucket, the other remains on the ground. With one hand he holds the bucket by the handle, and in the other hand he holds a mop. In this position, you need to walk the entire distance and pass the mortar and broom to the next one.

Before sitting down at the table, each invitee cuts out from paper what he would like to give or wish to the hero of the occasion. For example, a car, a key to a new apartment, a baby, a banknote, a new dress. All “gifts” are attached with threads to a rope or fishing line, which is stretched approximately at chest level.
The birthday boy is blindfolded and given scissors. Under the approving cries of those present, he must approach the rope and cut off the “souvenir”. What was in the hands of the birthday boy will definitely appear before the end of the year.
To involve the guests, you can invite the hero of the occasion to guess whose wish it is. If he succeeds, the guest performs some kind of trick: sings a song, tells a joke.

The guests are sitting at the table. At the command of the host, one of the guests places a button on his index finger and, turning to his neighbor, invites him to move the button to his index finger. You are not allowed to use other fingers. And so on in a circle. The one who drops is eliminated from the game, and so the last players have to stretch across the entire table. The last two participants win and receive a prize.

Fairy tale characters
When a person gets a job, he usually writes an autobiography. Imagine what she might look like and write their autobiographies on behalf of some famous people. Among these celebrities: Baba Yaga, Carlson, Old Man Hottabych, Baron Munchausen, Koschey the Immortal.

Two teams participate: an even number. The team lines up in a column: man - woman - man - woman - man, etc. Each player is given a match. Task: at the command of the leader, the players take a match with their lips, and the first participants in the team have a ring hung on their back. After the signal, you need to transfer this ring from one participant to another, back and forth without using your hands, from match to match.

Two guys sit at a table opposite each other. An egg is placed in front of them. The guys are asked to blow the egg onto the opponent's side with their eyes closed. The eyes are blindfolded, and instead of the egg, a plate of flour is quietly placed. On command, the participants begin to blow hard, with good fans this is the effect! Everyone is happy, and often the participants are too. Why guys and not girls? As a rule, girls look too good at holidays

Open bottle
Several couples (male-female) participate simultaneously or in turns, depending on the number of open bottles. The man is given a bottle, the lady is given a container (glass, glass, etc.). The players hold these objects between their legs, and the man tries to pour the lady a drink, and she helps him. Everything happens hands-free. One “but”: it is better not to use red wine for this game, as sometimes the contents of the bottle end up on the clothes of the players.

Unnecessary clothes
The game requires two or more volunteers (but no less spectators) and one presenter. The latter makes the players sit cross-legged on the floor and throws a blanket or blanket over everyone’s shoulders, demanding that they wrap themselves up so that nothing is visible except their heads. Then each player is given the condition to remove the most unnecessary thing in this position and put it on the floor. As a rule, they start with the clock, and only then... Rarely do they quickly think of throwing off the blanket. A prize can be given to the most resourceful person.

To play, you will need a large box or bag (opaque) into which various items of clothing are placed: size 56 panties, caps, size 10 bras, glasses with a nose, etc. funny things.
The presenter invites those present to update their wardrobe by taking something out of the box, with the condition not to take it off for the next half hour.
At the host’s signal, the guests pass the box to the music. As soon as the music stops, the player holding the box opens it and, without looking, takes out the first thing he comes across and puts it on himself. The view is amazing!

To play you need a large basin of water. Several apples are thrown into the basin, and then the player kneels in front of the basin, holding his hands behind his back, and tries to catch the apple with his teeth and remove it from the water.

Chicken paw
You must write the given word - “like a chicken with its paw.” Participants have markers attached to their feet; Whoever wrote it faster and more clearly wins the game.

This is a team game. Participants are divided into pairs.
Each couple chooses a pre-prepared package containing a set of clothes (the number and complexity of items must be the same). All participants in the game are blindfolded. On command, one of the pair must put clothes on the other from the package he received by touch in one minute. The winner is the couple that “dresses” faster and more correctly than others. It's fun when there are two men in a couple and they get a bag of purely women's clothing!

In secret from the hero (or culprit) of the holiday, make a full-length silhouette of a human figure from cardboard. Glue a photo of the birthday boy or girl in place of the face. Put on this mannequin all possible items of clothing: from panties to a hat. They can be either real or made of paper. Just pin the paper ones to the mannequin. Then the host asks the guests questions about the hero of the day: when he was born, favorite dish, etc. If the guest makes a mistake, he must remove any item of clothing from the mannequin. The most intimate parts can be covered with fig leaves made of green paper. And, if you are sure that the birthday person will not be offended, you can write humorous wishes on these pieces of paper.

Body parts
They write pieces of paper with the names of body parts and fold them so that they cannot be read and put them in some kind of bag. Then the first two people each take a piece of paper. And they press together with those parts of the body that are indicated on the papers. Then the second person pulls out a second piece of paper, where it is written which place the third person should touch. Next, the third one pulls out his piece of paper (or rather, two, but one at a time). And in this way along the chain until all participants in the game are finished, then everything begins in the second circle, without disengaging. The first one grabs the last one, the second one grabs the first one, and until the papers run out or until there is enough flexibility. The funniest thing is for the presenter who sees this gobbledygook

Two glasses
You will need: two glasses and a straw for each participant.
Two glasses are placed on a hard surface in front of each player - empty and filled with some liquid (water, vodka, wine, etc.). Each person is given a straw (or a straw for cocktails). The task of the competitors is to use this straw to pour the contents from one glass to another as quickly as possible, preferably without losing a drop of precious liquid. The one who does it earlier and better wins.

You will need: transparent glasses or glasses, drinking straws.
Everyone is invited to attend. Each person is given a glass with liquid poured into it and a straw. It is announced that all glasses except one contain water. Vodka is poured into one. Players must drink all the liquid through a straw so that no one can guess what is in their glass. Spectators are invited to guess which of those present got a glass of vodka. The secret of the game is that vodka is poured into all glasses.

At the signal from the leader, all women in the hall are dragged by men (two or three competitors) to their territory.
The one who has more women in his “harem” wins.

Participants are asked to create a story from the titles of newspaper articles cut out and attached to cards. The participant who writes the most interesting story wins.

You will need: several pairs of boxing gloves, wrapped candies (according to the number of participants).
Men are called up who want to fight for the glory of the Beautiful Lady. Everyone puts on boxing gloves. Then everyone is given a piece of candy. At the presenter’s signal, the contestants must, whoever is fastest, unwrap the candy and feed it to their lady.

2-3 people play. The presenter reads the text: I’ll tell you a story in one and a half dozen phrases. As soon as I say the number 3, take the prize immediately. “Once we caught a pike, gutted it, and inside we saw small fish, not just one, but seven.” When you want to memorize poems, don’t cram them until late at night. Take it and repeat it once at night - twice, or better yet 10 times." "A seasoned guy dreams of becoming an Olympic champion. Look, don’t be tricky at the start, but wait for the command: one, two, march! “Once I had to wait for a train at the station for 3 hours...” (if they don’t have time to take the prize, the presenter takes it). “Well, friends, you didn’t take the prize when you had the opportunity to take it.”

Along the edges of the site, 6-8 triangles are drawn - “rocket launch sites”. Inside each of them they draw circles - “rockets”, but always several circles less than the players. All participants stand in a circle in the center of the site. At the command of the leader, they walk in a circle, holding hands, saying the words: “Fast rockets for walking around the planets are waiting for us. We’ll fly to whichever one we want! But there’s one secret in the game: there’s no room for latecomers!” After that, everyone runs to the “rocket launch site” and takes their places in the “rocket”. Those who do not have time to take a place are eliminated from the game.

To play you need 6 people, 3 guys and 3 girls. Each player receives his own number. The first player rolls a dice with numbers from 1 to 6. The number that appears shows what he will do if the number is 1 - kiss, 2 - suck, 3 - chew, 4 - plant, 5 - bite, 6 - lick. The same player rolls the die a second time. The number drawn shows which part of the body he will do this with: 1 - lips, 2 - nose, 3 - right ear, 4 - cheek, 5 - right ear, 6 - left ear. The player rolls the dice a third time. The number drawn shows which person he is doing this with - the number corresponds to the player's number. When the first player has done everything, the second player takes the die, etc.

The presenter invites everyone playing in turn to name five objects of the same color (blue, yellow, red, etc.) - So he will go through different colors. Anyone who cannot remember five objects of the named color in one minute leaves the game. It is not allowed to repeat items already named. The presenter randomly selects an object, for example a table. Now the players must take turns saying how it can be used. You can't repeat yourself! Since the standard options (“you can sit at it,” “do your homework,” “have lunch,” etc.) quickly run out, participants have to be creative. The one who could not answer leaves the game. The one remaining wins. The application of the subject does not have to be good, correct from the point of view of common sense, the main thing is that it is theoretically possible. The game can be complicated; in this case, the leader sets not one, but two objects, and the participants must come up with options for how they can be used together.

There are two slits for hands on a piece of whatman paper. Participants take each sheet of paper, insert their hands into the slots, and draw a self-portrait with a brush without looking. Whoever has the most successful “masterpiece” takes the prize.

The point is that everyone becomes a train and begins to move forward to the music. The presenter turns the music on and off. The presenter abruptly turns off the music, everyone must stop. The one who “sticks” his nose into the back of the person in front (for the first one, breaks away from everyone else) is eliminated. The music also suddenly turns on - whoever breaks the chain flies out. For convenience, there can be two presenters: the one who plays the music, and the one who is the actual “locomotive”. The more people, the better. It cannot be done without landfills. The main thing is to choose the right music and not make even intervals on/off

Mountain of shoes
Guests are divided into two teams. Each one has a captain selected. Teams sit opposite each other, take off one shoe or shoe at a time and throw it in the center on one pile; You can put extra shoes. The captains don't see this. The captain's task is to quickly put on his team's shoes.
The first team to wear shoes wins.

To play you need a bar, i.e. some kind of long stick under which the players will walk. The point is this: two people hold the bar, quite low, and the players must walk under it on their feet without falling. Gradually the bar drops lower and lower. It's especially good to play after drinking. They say that if a girl in a skirt starts walking under the bar, you can see her... I won’t tell you, play and see for yourself :)))

A line of wallpaper is placed on the floor. 3-4 girls in skirts are selected. A 1-2 meter long mat is placed on the floor. Women are asked to walk with their legs wide apart, without stepping on it. After the first attempt, they are asked to repeat, but blindfolded. Having completed this not a tricky task A blindfolded woman discovers that a man is lying on the path. The man stands up and declares the winner to be the one who blushed the most.

Almost childish, but very fun when adults play too. Two participants. Two chairs with their backs facing each other in the middle of the room. There are 10 things scattered throughout the room (slippers, toys, etc.). The task is to pick up as many things as possible and put them on YOURS! chair. It's a lot of fun to watch from the sidelines! Yes and play too

We take several bottles and pens or pencils with pieces of thread tied to them. The second end is tied to those who want to play for the belt. The task is to get into the bottle by squatting with a pencil. Whoever is first wins.

Participants in the game are given plasticine or clay. The presenter shows or names a letter, and the players must, as quickly as possible, create an object whose name begins with this letter.

Obstacle table run
To play, you will need cocktail straws and tennis balls (if you don’t have it, you can crumple up napkins) according to the number of participants in the race. Preparation: courses are prepared on the table according to the number of participants, i.e. glasses, bottles, etc. are placed in a row at a distance of 30-50 cm from each other. Players with a straw in their mouth and a ball are ready to start. At the leader’s signal, the participants must, blowing through a tube onto the ball, lead it along the entire distance, bending around oncoming objects. The first player to reach the finish line wins.

Lady's legs
In the room, ladies sit on chairs, 4-5 people. the man is shown that his wife (friend, acquaintance) is sitting among them, and he is taken to another room, where he is tightly blindfolded. At this moment, all the women change seats, and a couple of men sit next to them. Everyone bares one leg (just above the knees) and lets in a man with a bandage. He is on his haunches, touching everyone’s bare leg with his hands in turn, and must recognize his other half. Men wear stockings on their legs for camouflage.

The “Hero of the Evening” scenario is suitable for celebrating the birthday of a married middle-aged man and is designed for a large number of guests.

A cool congratulation from friends, a portrait from his wife, performances by a gypsy and a pop star are just a small part of what awaits the birthday boy on this day.

Guests will be able to see what the birthday boy was like as a child, what happened to him as a teenager, and what kind of man he grew up to be.

The entertainment program is designed in such a way that each of the guests can take part.

Hall decoration

To decorate the hall, you can use any festive attributes: balloons, garlands, confetti, photographs and even unusual dishes. The decoration of the room depends on its size. If the holiday is taking place in an apartment, then it is enough to add a few balloons, posters with wishes and garlands. If a restaurant is ordered, then the chairs and tables are decorated with beautiful capes, and balls and lights are also added.


  1. A sheet with a “baby”.
  2. Crosswords.
  3. Collections of recipes for dishes made from carrots or vegetables.
  4. Easel or sketchbook with markers/felt-tip pens.
  5. Soap set.
  6. Black wig and long dress.
  7. Tablets with words.
  8. Gypsy clothes.
  9. Bottle of alcohol.
  10. Three squirrel tails.
  11. Contents for the secret package: hat, pacifier, socks, thong, bra, negligee, hair clip, gloves, glasses, family pants, beads, wig, false bunny ears.
  12. Bunny tails.
  13. Hat.

Musical arrangement

For background music, light compositions are chosen, most often without words, leaving only the melody. Thematic compositions can be staged for the entrance of specially invited guests. So, for the gypsy's entrance - a song about a camp, for Conchita Wurst - the beginning of the song that she performed at Eurovision.

During breaks between competitions and games, you can invite guests to dance. In this case, you should also consider a dance playlist. It will depend on the age of the invited guests and the tastes of the birthday person. Cheerful, fiery and energetic songs have always been popular on holidays such as birthdays.

Cool scenario for a man’s birthday “Hero of the evening”

Leading: Welcome to (birthday person's name)! I greet each of you and congratulate the birthday boy on the holiday! I invite the other guests to keep up and join in my congratulations. And here are the first comers - friends of the birthday boy.

Congratulations from friends:
We came to congratulate you
Happy wonderful holiday to you.
We would like to wish you good health
Be strong, brave, fighting,
So that the liver never fails
And the rest of the organs held on.

May you always have
The table is set,
The currency multiplied in my pocket.
Let your beautiful wife be by your side
Giving you my love
To make the blood boil in your veins
From a stormy night in your bedroom.

And don't forget about your friends,
Call, write, invite to visit more often.
We are always ready for you
Stand upright, lie flat.
My friend, know that you are our pride!
Happy birthday! Hooray!
(the last words are pronounced loudly by everyone together)

Leading: What faithful friends you have, I propose to drink to your friendship. May she always be as strong! Here's to you, friends!

(guests raise glasses for friendship)

Leading: We see you as you are: strong, courageous, impressive. Who remembers the birthday boy when he was just a baby? I invite the birthday boy and someone to join me for a support group.

(the birthday boy approaches the presenter, and his wife, mother or sister is chosen as his assistant)

Entertainment "Little Miracle":
The birthday boy sticks his head into the previously prepared “body”. Two assistants hold a sheet with a hole cut in the middle for the head. Sewn below is a children's blouse with mittens and rompers.

Where the sleeves of the blouse end are also made so that the assistant can insert her hands there. And the birthday boy puts his hands in his pants. Thus, the following picture is obtained: the audience sees the head of the birthday boy, the hands of his assistant and dangling legs, which are controlled by the birthday boy himself.

The funny thing is that the assistant does not see everything that is happening, and the birthday boy himself will not be able to do what is usually convenient to do with his hands. The presenter reads the text, and the participants perform all the movements that they hear. The assistant gives him all the necessary details.

Leading: N years ago little (name of the birthday boy) was born. He stretched sweetly, rubbed his eyes and sneezed loudly. So he tried milk for the first time. (the assistant’s hands give him a baby bottle of milk) Oh, he ate so well that he already wanted to go to bed. Opening his mouth wide, he yawns for a long, long time, covering his mouth with his palm. Suddenly he wanted to poop. He pushes, pushes hard, and it works. He took a piece of paper and began to wipe his butt. Satisfied (name of the birthday boy), dances, moves his legs. So he found a pacifier somewhere, put it in his mouth, and smiled. (then the pacifier is removed)

But our (name of the birthday boy) is growing up. He learned to brush his teeth, so he took a brush and started brushing his teeth vigorously. He took a comb to comb his hair and, handsome, quickly ran to the kitchen, opening the door with his heel. There he finds a sandwich and boldly throws it into his mouth. He washes everything down with compote and hurries into the yard to play. But first he puts on a hat, scarf, and gloves. And with a confident gait he went down the stairs. (energetic music plays while walking)

Leading: Applause to the birthday boy and his assistant! And so that (name of the birthday boy) grows up healthy, let’s raise a glass and say a few nice words to him. I propose to say a toast to the parents of the birthday boy.

(parents congratulate their son)

Leading: In the meantime, we smoothly move on to the already matured (name of the birthday boy). Now he has become a teenager, which means bad habits are starting to appear. That's how he tried vodka for the first time. Yes, he overdid it a little that it was difficult for him to find words. Our only hope is for you, dear guests. I invite two teams of nine people.

Competition "Guess the word":
Each participant is glued or put on a piece of A4 paper on their chest, on which one letter is written. The presenter reads the riddles, and the participants must quickly line up in a row, thus writing the answer. The team that solves the most riddles wins and receives a prize - a crossword puzzle for each. Each team is given an equal number of letters: d, y, w, a, r, b m, i, h.

Riddles from the presenter:

  • Either lying down or standing. Sometimes cold, sometimes hot. (Shower)
  • It is round and transparent, like glass. It is quite easy to see the future in it. (Ball)
  • Strong, slender and strong, because he is the ruler of the forest. (Oak)
  • Jumps loudly in the hands of a child. (Ball)

Leading: Our (name of the birthday boy) is growing up quickly. He becomes a man and new needs appear. For the next competition I need three male-female pairs. Who's brave? Do not be shy! It won't hurt, I promise.

Competition "Adult Needs":
For this competition you will need a grater and carrots. Men press the carrot between their legs, holding it with their hands if necessary. Girls also hold a grater between their legs, but in such a way that a man, coming up from behind, can reach the grater with a tied carrot.

On command, pairs must quickly grate the carrot. As soon as the allotted time is over, the guests look: whose carrot has worn off more than the rest, wins. The winner receives a prize - a collection of dishes made from carrots or vegetables.

Leading: We have identified a winning couple and they receive their trophy - a book of recipes for carrot dishes so that you can use the vegetables for their intended purpose. And I give the floor for congratulations to the wife of the birthday boy - (name of wife).

(wife makes a toast to the birthday boy)

Leading: What kind words were heard for you (name of the birthday boy) from your beloved and charming wife. It’s immediately obvious how much she loves you, but what about words, I suggest you actually see how a wife sees her husband. (Wife's name), I will ask you to come to me.

Portrait of the birthday boy:
The birthday boy's wife is blindfolded and given a marker or felt-tip pen. In front of her is an easel or a regular sketchbook.

She must draw a portrait of her husband with her eyes closed. For variety, you can put several markers. The host will comment on which body part she needs to move to and which marker she wants to use.

Leading: The guests are not bored, but support the aspiring artist with applause. (Wife's name) is probably very worried.

(to the music, the wife draws a portrait, and the guests support her)

Leading: Look what Picasso has awakened in you (wife’s name). Our dear (name of the birthday boy), accept from the bottom of your heart the best picture in the entire history of mankind - your portrait from your beloved wife. She tried really hard.

(the birthday boy is presented with his portrait)

Leading: And the gifts don’t end there, there’s still more to come. In the meantime, I invite seven people for the next competition.

Competition “At the command of the pike...”:
Seven chairs are placed in a row. The leader gives everyone a command of what they need to bring. When the participants go in search of a hidden object, the leader removes one chair and the one who came last and did not have enough chair is eliminated.

Each item is then returned to the owner, and only after that the host names the next wish. The winner is the one who reaches the end, fulfilling all the wishes of the presenter. The prize is a small soap set. Participants will need to bring the following:

  • A bottle of vodka.
  • Someone else's, not your own, man's shoe.
  • Women's earring.
  • Ketchup or sauce.
  • Any item from the birthday boy.

Leading: Applause to all participants, and we reward the winner with a soap set and ask you to say a few words to the birthday boy.

(the winner makes a toast)

Leading: We'll play a little, and for this I'll need five people.

Game “Simple questions - funny answers”:
Participants stand with their backs to the guests. They put a certain word on their back, none of the guests tells them what word they got. The participants themselves should also not spy on others. The host asks each player a question, and he must answer it creatively. And the places for participants can be the following: “maternity hospital”, “bushes”, “sex-shop”, “sobering-up station”, “work”.


  1. How did you first come to this place?
  2. What were your impressions of this place?
  3. What do you usually do there?
  4. What attracts you there so much?
  5. How do your loved ones feel about this?
  6. When are you going there next time?

Leading: Ladies and gentlemen, please have a moment's attention. Now I will announce the name of the celebrity who came here to personally congratulate the birthday boy on his holiday. Meet the incredible and stunning Conchita Wurst.

Conchita's performance:
Make an agreement in advance with a bearded man from the guests or draw a beard with black eyeliner. The participant must wear a dress and have long hair, so a wig is required. The guest performs a song to the soundtrack “Rise like a Phoenix”, and at the end of his performance congratulates the birthday boy.

You can approach him, hug him, kiss him. In a word, completely improvise and amuse all the guests, especially the birthday boy.

Leading: Thank you, Conchita, you were inimitable! We send off the pop star with thunderous applause. And you, dear guests, do not forget to raise a toast to the birthday boy.

(everyone congratulates the birthday boy)

Leading: And I'm announcing another competition. I will ask as many beautiful ladies to come out here as there are letters in the full name of our birthday boy.

Game "Erotic Spelling":
The required number of girls come out to the presenter. They are given bunny tails, which they must put on in the right place. And at the command of the presenter and to the music, all the girls unanimously write the full name of the birthday boy with their buttocks.

Leading: This is an unusual and slightly erotic performance that the representatives of the fair sex put on for you (name of the birthday boy). Let's clap for them, friends, and in the meantime we continue to surprise the birthday boy with congratulations. To your loud applause, I invite a special guest - the gypsy Zara.
(guests greet the gypsy)

Leading: Zara not only came to congratulate (the name of the birthday boy) on his birthday, but also to predict the fate of everyone.

Predictions of the gypsy Zara:
This time they choose any woman from the guests, with whom they also agree in advance. She approaches any guest and, looking into the palm of her hand, says what awaits this person in the near future. The birthday boy will be the last one she approaches.

Prediction 1:
I see you're not getting enough sleep,
But be sad, you'll get some sleep soon.
You will sleep long and softly,
Until the salad is taken out from under you.

Prediction 2:
Wow, have a fun weekend ahead of you.
A handsome man will pester you.
Don't give in!
Five minutes of work -
Nine months of care.

Prediction 3:
Your path of life is successful,
It leads uphill.
You'll buy a car soon
But I just can’t figure out which one:
Either a white BMW or a green Muscovite.

Prediction 4:
Oh, hand of pearl,
I have never seen such a happy fate.
And the family is strong, and friends are faithful,
I see long and happy life waiting for you.
You will live a long time until you die.
Happiness is ahead of you
And when you bend over, it’s from behind.

Leading: I want to invite seven people for the next competition. Everyone remember the competition with chairs? Music plays, participants dance around chairs, and as soon as the music ends, you need to have time to sit on an empty chair. Whoever doesn't have enough chairs is eliminated. We'll change the rules a little of this competition. Since our people are adults, we will replace the chairs with glasses of vodka.

Competition “Be the first to grab it”:
Six glasses are placed on a table, preferably round. Participants surround the table and begin to move around it to the music. The music ends, you need to be the first to grab the glass. The one who doesn't get it is eliminated. The competition continues until there is only one glass left on the table. The winner receives a prize - a bottle of any alcohol.

Leading: But we have a winner and receives a well-deserved prize - a bottle of good alcohol. But we don’t recommend getting too carried away with strong drinks, otherwise one day these squirrels might visit you.

Squirrel performance:
Three women are selected to perform a dance to the song “Single Ladies” from the movie “Alvin and the Chipmunks.” They have false squirrel tails tied to their belts, and they must give the birthday boy a fiery dance.

Leading: And now I invite everyone to join me. Absolutely everyone who is brave, come to me.

(people start coming out to the presenter)

Leading: We stand in a circle so that everyone can stand comfortably and freely. I have this package with a secret. Your task is to pass it on to each other as long as the song is playing, and I’ll tell you what to do next later. Go!

Game “Pass it to someone else”:
The package contains various things and objects. To the music, all participants pass the package to each other without looking inside. As soon as the music stops, the person who has the bag takes one thing out of it and puts it on himself. The game continues until the last thing is taken out of the bag. The contents of the package may vary, for example: hat, pacifier, socks, thong, bra, negligee, hair clip, gloves, glasses, family panties, beads, wig, false bunny ears. After all the items have found their owners, they will need to be removed. Separate music is played for each player.

Leading: What diversity immediately appeared. But, unfortunately, now all this beauty needs to be filmed and, as usual, to the music. Let's start with the last player.

(music turns on and the first guest begins to take off his recently worn item)

Leading: But the surprises don't end there. Right now I want to see three brave participants near me for our next fun music competition.

“Minute of Fame” competition:
The presenter offers each participant a song to perform. For example, “The wind was blowing from the sea,” “And someone came down from the hill,” “I got drunk and drunk.” Participants can choose their own song, the main thing is that their repertoire is not very similar. When it’s their turn to mix their songs, the participants play the minus of any remix.

Leading: Friends, you now have a unique opportunity to become famous throughout the world. Each of you needs to perform your song as loud as possible from the rest of the participants. Now, without music, each of you, as much as you can, will try to sing your own song. Ready? Let's start!

(everyone sings their song loudly, trying to outsing their rivals)

Leading: Wonderful - wonderful! And now we will slightly remake your songs in a more modern way.

(each participant now not only sings his own song, but mixes to the music, using words such as “eu”, “uiva-uiva” and so on)

Leading: Let's give a round of applause to our up-and-coming but already promising stars.

Leading: And now our holiday is gradually coming to an end and I want to ask you a question, dear guests: did you like today’s holiday, did you regret coming?

(guests answer that they liked it)

Leading: That you liked it is good, but you just say something quietly about it. I have such a magic hat, (takes out the hat) that will reveal the whole truth about your thoughts. So, let's go!

Game "Magic Hat":
The host puts on a hat to any guest and at this moment the chorus of a certain song sounds:

  • “I’m all so sudden” A. Semenovich.
  • "I'm tired, I want love" Quest Pistols.
  • “Look at the woman” by Shan-hai group.
  • “For a week before the second I will go to Komarovo” Vitas.
  • “I want to drink” What a pussy.
  • “Buy me a crucian carp” A. Kozlovsky.
  • “Take me to marry” group Breasts.
  • “What a wonderful day” cheerful Mouse.

Leading: Overall not bad, now I can believe that you really enjoyed the holiday. Let's thank the wonderful organizer of this evening (name of the birthday boy) and once again congratulate him on his birthday! Let your life be full of bright events and pleasant memories! Good luck to you! Happy birthday!
(everyone congratulates the birthday boy, and the disco begins)

Cool scenario, active guests, fun competitions, resourceful presenter - the main criteria have a fun day birth. Remember: the best gift is emotion! Arrange an unforgettable holiday for the birthday boy, make him happy comic congratulations and gifts, and he will never forget your efforts.

Do you want your birthday party to be fun, interesting and not boring? Then the birthday entertainment program we offer you will help you with this. In our entertainment program we offer ideas of what you and your guests might enjoy. Look and choose the best.

And the first thing we offer you is a game of forfeits. If you think that this game is outdated and not interesting, then you are mistaken. It is played and constantly improved. For example, like this: make a chamomile whose petals will come off. There are as many petals as there are guests at your party. You put a chamomile on the birthday boy. On each petal there are inscriptions, that is, tasks that will need to be completed. Guests take turns approaching the birthday boy and pulling one petal. And they do what is written there. It turns out to be a kind of fortune-telling from the birthday boy, and the fulfillment of his wish. For example, these:
- I want you to sing me a birthday song!
- tell me three compliments.
- you see, I’m a chamomile, give me some water.
- kiss each guest on the cheek from me and say hello.
- tell me something sweet.
- feed me delicious food.
- take a selfie with me.
And so on, any desires and tasks.

Next you need to prepare four tablets. They say: bushes, herb station, striptease, sauna. Call any four guests. They come out and turn their backs to the guests. And you stick signs on their backs. It turns out that the participants themselves do not see the signs. And they don’t know what’s written there. And everyone else sees. Then the presenter takes turns asking the participants questions, which the participants answer. And the guests laugh because they know what is written on their backs. For example, questions:
- do you go there often?
- who do you go there with?
- what do you take with you there?
- what are you doing there?
- when will you go there again?
The answers to such questions cause laughter, and the guests rejoice, except for those who participate in the competition, because they understand that they were set up.

Now the game is called - now I’ll tell you the whole truth. This game can also be called - I’ll tell you a secret.
The essence of the game is that guests also take turns listening to one card at a time and reading out what is written there.
Examples of cards:

Now I'll tell you the whole truth,
I can't live without songs!
I've been singing since the morning,
I keep whistling, screaming, aru!

I'll tell you a secret,
Sometimes I go to the striptease.
I look at the girls
I won’t look away!

Now I'll tell you the whole truth,
I love lying in the bath!
I'll lie down, I'll lie down, I'll lie down,
I'm not in a hurry!

I'll tell you a secret,
I don't like vodka at all!
But I can't live without her
After all, I go on holidays!

Now I'll tell you the whole truth,
I keep the money in the bank!
Interest always drips
I don’t worry about living on them!

I'll tell you a secret,
I don't watch TV!
I go outside
I'll find out the news there!

Also, don’t forget to play a game called “Who am I?” The essence of the game is that guests put masks on their faces. At the same time, they do not see their mask and do not know. Who are they. But they see everyone else. Guests take turns asking questions to themselves and receiving answers. And so on until someone guesses their mask. Here are examples of masks that will help you have fun:

A birthday or anniversary is a wonderful occasion to gather friends, family and colleagues around the festive table, however, it is not always possible or desirable to invite a professional toastmaster; in this case, someone close to you, enterprising people capable of Taking on the role of a leader can also be found in any company. We offer scenario for a birthday (anniversary) without a toastmaster “Congratulations quest”, which is easy to organize and conduct on your own in a cafe or even at home. This will set a good tone for the holiday, unite all the guests and will be a wonderful surprise for the birthday boy (thanks to the author of the idea, T. Efimova). Although the “Congratulatory Quest” is stated as a version of the scenario “without a toastmaster,” any presenter can take its idea as a basis for conducting his own program.

To hold a family holiday according to this scenario you will need:

2 sheets of whatman paper, tape, photographs of relatives (including the person being congratulated), 3 envelopes, paper (A4 sheets), printed images, or cut out from magazines and pasted on paper (you can also draw them). And also, at least 2 dozen balloons, a couple of scarves or chiffon scarves, 300 grams of sweets in candy wrappers, 2 large T-shirts, 2 hats or boxes, a roll of paper towel and most importantly - felt-tip pens, pencils or paints.

All necessary preparations and props You can easily make it yourself or buy it in a store. So, in order.

First- This is a greeting card, almost a poster. You can buy ready-made ones in the store, but you need to choose a large one. But it will be more interesting and fun if you do it yourself, for example, by placing photographs of the congratulated person with humorous comments on a postcard. Or, if you have some talent, a specially drawn poster on which the congratulation itself will appear closer to the end of the celebration. Don't know how to draw beautifully? It's okay: you can make an applique postcard or collage. For this you will need colored paper, fabric, wallpaper, newspaper clippings, etc. (Collages in the form of a combination of photographs and magazine clippings have worked well. This is troublesome, but inexpensive and the result is worth the effort. For example, you can “photoshop” a photo of the hero of the occasion or glue her head to the figure of some celebrity. However, for a decent level of image you need to have a good command of the relevant computer programs, but many people can do this these days).

Second- you need a bright envelope, purchased ready-made or made with your own hands, from foil, cardboard, colored paper. Cards with images of different things of the same format are placed there. Fruits, vegetables, cars, toys, etc. are suitable. There is one indispensable condition: that the picture is clearly visible and the object in it is easily identifiable. By the way, you can use words or quotes instead of images.

Third- come up with something pleasant for the hero of the occasion and divide it into parts, which will be collected throughout the holiday into a single whole. The text in the script is provided as an example; it is better to replace it with your own.

Scenario for birthday (anniversary) "Congratulations quest"

Leading begins in poetry or prose, your choice.

On this wonderful day, everyone’s beloved and respected... (Name).

I'll tell you one secret:

There is no more wonderful day in the world!

Today is a holiday: birthday!

…(Name), so accept congratulations!

And he immediately begins to demonstratively look for something in his pockets, but of course he doesn’t find it. After the phrase “I brought the postcard here - it disappeared, that’s the problem!” slaps himself on the forehead as if he remembered something, turns to the wall where the poster was previously hung. And he recites:

- Where did the congratulations go?

And birthday wishes?

My friends, it’s really trouble!

Apparently I was in such a hurry to get here,

That I lost everything in the world.

Sorry - there was an emergency.

I ask you, dear guests, help,

Find congratulations for the birthday boy!

Warm-up game "Magic envelope"

Leading: Dear ladies and gentlemen, before we begin the search and set off together on our congratulatory quest, I suggest, as is customary in Rus', to sit down for a while and at the same time get to know each other better, don’t you agree? Carrying out a common task is much easier and more fun if you know your partners not only by sight. I have an envelope filled with cards in my hands. I will approach each guest and ask various questions. The guest’s task: say your name and answer the question, but not with words, but with a picture that you take out of this envelope.

The presenter shows how everything will happen using the example of one of the guests. For example, a question could be: “What would you like to be called throughout the holiday?” And the guest takes out the picture, studies it and announces the answer to the other guests: “Fluff.”

Warm-up game - 2 "Secrets of grapes"

The essence of the game the same as the game "Magic Envelope". It allows people to get to know each other and leads to more relaxed communication.

People sitting at the same table pass a bunch of grapes around. Everyone picks off as many grapes as he wants - the more, the better. When everyone has grapes, the Host talks about the rules of the game: guests tell as many facts about themselves as there are berries they picked.

Leading: So, my dears, now we know each other. We know a lot of interesting things about everyone, we tasted culinary delights and strong drinks, we became braver, filled with positivity and courage. It's time to start looking for congratulations. To carry out such an important undertaking, I need two brave men with “golden” hands: Sir and Madam. Anyone who is excellent with their hands and has grippy and nimble fingers, please come to me.

Competition "Secret Mission"

Two people take part in this competition.

The players grab each other with their right hands, and with their left hands they take the envelope from the toastmaster, hide it behind their backs and try to open it. The envelope must be opened delicately so as not to spoil the contents. Inside there is a piece of paper with the first lines of congratulations: "On your beautiful day." This sentence is written (or a fragment with these words is attached) in a greeting card attached to the wall.

Leading: Hurray, the first phrase of the holiday letter of congratulations has been found. Our nerves and ears will help us find the next part. It is important not to flinch from ten loud shots and see as many extraordinary performances. I will ask the bravest and most creative people to come forward.

Pantomime with balloons

Leading or his assistant brings balloons, inside of which there are notes containing words on a festive theme, for example, “restaurant”, “fun”, “gift”, “holiday”, “champagne”, etc. Hidden in one of the balloons is another phrase from the greeting card: "birth" Participants pass the first ball in a circle to the music until the music stops (the DJ must be warned in advance that the music needs to be stopped). The one who has the ball in his hands stands in the center. The player must pop the ball, read the contents of the note, and use gestures to show this word so that others understand what is being said. Pointing to the hidden object is prohibited. As soon as the word from the card is found, the game stops. The word is written (attached) to the greeting card.

Leading: Can there be a birthday without music and songs? The next line of congratulations can only be learned by participating in a music competition. I am sure that everyone present has sung at least once in their life. Therefore, everyone is automatically enrolled in music teams. I suggest you unwind your soul in singing and listen to a live performance.

Song Contest


First option:"Rehash"

Guests are divided into two groups and take turns singing excerpts from songs on a given topic, for example, “a bouquet of flowers,” “holiday,” etc. The loser is the one who runs out of songs faster, i.e., who cannot quickly figure out what song to sing.

Second option:"Sign language translation"

Players are given a choice of a song to sing, accompanied by movements, as in sign language translation. It is better to sing the song in a choir, and the sign language interpreter can be one or more players.

Third option:"Remade Songs"

Guests are given hit songs with already altered lyrics (pre-printed on A4 sheets in accordance with the number of people present). Remade hits are performed in honor of the birthday person and tell about his personality, interests and hobbies.

One of the sheets with songs contains the following phrase of congratulations: "we wish you surprise!" . The words are written down by one of the competition participants on a postcard.

Leading: For the next competition I need two brave men, vigilant, with keen eyes. Are there any? So, you constantly look at charming young ladies and don’t take your eyes off. Surely, you remembered all the details and curves. It's clear that you have a sharp eye.

Leading invites two people to check which of the participants is more observant. The prize for winning is a bottle of champagne.

Competition for attention “What has changed?”

Participants leave the room for a few seconds. Before leaving, they should remember as best as possible: what the guests look like, what they are wearing, what positions they were sitting in before they left. After returning, players must tell what has changed. The presenter makes changes in the appearance of the invitees. For example, you can tie a scarf around your neck, put on a ring, put a fork in your pocket (the items should be a little eye-catching). One of the participants is given an envelope with a note containing the following line of congratulatory text: "Dreams to come true!"

The players return to the room and begin to look for changes. The winner is the one who notices the most changes. During the action itself, participants discover an envelope with a note and copy the phrase into a greeting card.

Leading: It turns out that among the guests there are brave and fast people, creators and singers, scouts and detectives. What about brush virtuosos? Now we will find out, and at the same time we will find the next phrase for the postcard. So, the competition for artists can be considered open.

Competition "Unknown Animal"

The competition participants are divided into two equal teams. The participants of each team are given a sheet of whatman paper and given the task: draw a funny animal. The first participant draws only the head of the future “masterpiece” and folds the sheet of paper so that the next player cannot understand what is drawn on top. Now is the time to exchange your “creations” with your opponents and give them the opportunity to continue the drawing. Having drawn the neck, the teams change again, having first folded the sheets again. Next, draw the upper half of the body, the lower half, the tail and the paws.

In the end, you need to blindly come up with a name for a new type of animal, exchange sheets of paper and unfold it, demonstrating it to everyone around you. Whoever has fewer “breaks” and smoother transitions between parts is the winner.

"Good health" - this part of the phrase is awarded to the winning participants, and they can immediately write it into the already prepared postcard.

Leading: It's time to sweeten life a little! Therefore, the participants in the next competition will be offered candy, but with a surprise that can help in finding the next part of the congratulations and the final victory.

Competition "Sweet Problem"

Each participant pulls out a candy from the package; on the wrapper of one of them there is a simple code that must be deciphered. It is represented by a sequence of numbers; whoever guesses first to replace them with the corresponding letters of the alphabet wins.

Correctly solving a cryptography problem allows you to receive another part of the congratulations, which sounds like this: “and great happiness has befallen you,” It’s better not to rely on memory and immediately write the phrase into the postcard.

The riddle itself looks like this:

"10 19 25 1 19 20 30 6 →

2 16 13 30 26 16 6 → 20 6 2 6 →

17 18 10 3 1 13 10 13 16"

Game "Telephonists"

Leading: Throughout the pleasant evening we will have to say many more congratulations and listen to many toasts from wonderful guests. So let's practice our ability to speak beautifully.

10 people are selected for both teams, who are planted in two chains, both teams face to face. The host of the event approaches the first participants in each group and whispers a tongue twister into their ears - the more complex the better. The task, as in the “damaged telephone”, is to pass the phrase along the entire chain as quickly and accurately as possible, and the last participant must stand up and clearly repeat the tongue twister. Bonus for winners: “tons, that way, for two hundred,” , should help with compiling a complete congratulations.

"Theatrical production competition"

Leading: And only your imagination and love for the theater will help you get the next part of the phrase. Each of you can participate not only in writing, but also play the intended roles on our small stage. The audience will perceive you favorably, especially if you decide to include someone from those present in the action. But you shouldn’t limit the flight of your imagination; the main roles can be any characters - mythical, fairy-tale, famous personalities. The future of the heroes you create depends only on you!

Each player receives a piece of paper and a writing pen. Answers the presenter’s questions, folds what was written so that it is not visible and passes his piece of paper to any other participant. And so on until the questions end.

A list of questions:

Who is the main character?

Time and place of the events unfolding?

Did the main character love someone and be friends with someone?

Where did he like to spend his mornings with friends?

What did the comrades do with the gift?

What did they see in the middle of the road?

Who did they happen to meet?

What did they do after that?

How did the story end?

All sheets are collected and each story is read aloud. The most comical plot is chosen and played out. Roles are distributed between the participants, and the audience enjoys the action.

The winners receive the following part of the phrase: “and maybe more!” , don't forget to write it in the postcard.

Competition "Fat Men"

Leading: Our competition is coming to an end. There is only one final part of the congratulations left, and to get it we will need two participants who love to dress up.

The two volunteer guests are led out of the crowd by assistants, given two T-shirts, much larger than they should be, and helped to put them on.

Leading: Show off your outfit. Look at it carefully and evaluate it. And your friends will now help you become even more beautiful and attractive with the help of the most ordinary things.

Guests are invited to inflate and scatter balloons around.

Leading: Dear participants, and now, your task, at the signal, will be the first notes of music, collect as many balloons as possible and stuff their T-shirts with them. Remember: “There must be many good people!”

After the music starts, both participants try to fill their oversized T-shirts as quickly as possible. The last chord announces the end of the competition, and the “diet therapy” regime begins. The balls are drawn, counted, and the winner is declared. His team gets the right to insert (write in) the last part of the congratulation: “May you stay happy longer!”

The final part of the "Congratulations quest" scenario

All collected parts of the phrases are included in a card, which is given to the birthday person after the entire congratulation is read out loud.. In this case, the collected congratulations sound like this: "On your wonderful birthday, we We wish you surprise. Let your dreams come true! May you have good health and great happiness, about two hundred tons, maybe more. May you remain happy longer!” (But each company or organizer can come up with their own and divide it into parts for a congratulatory quest)

Leading: Many, but not so many years ago, our hero of the occasion was born. His path in life was not always easy and cloudless, but despite everything he fell in love, worked, created and fought. On his life's path he met completely different people, with someone he walked hand in hand for decades, with someone he came into contact only for a few hours. But all the really important people are here in this room now. So let's raise our glasses and say everything that has accumulated during this time. Let only the most sincere and warm congratulations sound today.

Then the holiday continues with the pronouncement of individual congratulations, dance entertainment, presentation of gifts to the birthday boy, loaf of bread, etc.

- You can also arrange collective toast (The most active one starts, stops in the middle of the phrase and then his neighbor continues. So, until a full circle has passed and everyone says at least something pleasant).

Or entertain guests a comic forecast for a year

Take two boxes - in one the names of the event participants, and in the other - predictions. They can be prepared by guests or the host himself. Fashionable and interesting option will be the use of "Chinese fortune cookies". The name of the guest is drawn out and one of the “prophecies” is read out:

- You should be wary of the same day, exactly a year from now - you will have to give gifts again;

- Are anyone in for surprises this year - will they find children in the cabbage?

- If a friend is nearby, no one can escape the fun around.

Script “Fifty dollars” for a man’s anniversary (50 years). The script is interesting, festive, unique and kind.

The ceremonial theme sounds.


Hello, dear guests!

Stop making complexes, stop being shy,

And get ready to congratulate

And hug and kiss,

And don’t skimp on gifts,

Have fun with all your heart!

Good evening friends! Today is a big holiday for everyone present here. We will congratulate a person who is very dear to us. Our wonderful friend, relative and colleague Oleg (name of the hero of the day) celebrates a beautiful round date - fifty years.

An excerpt from the song “This holiday is a birthday” (from the repertoire of Tatyana Bulanova) is played.


Someone smart once came up with:

Anniversary is a very important date,

It should be celebrated with fun

Treats and complete idleness,

We need to dress in the best things,

There is no escape from tradition!

We will certainly try

To celebrate the holiday... excellent!

So, fifty. Is it a lot or a little? The ancient numerical horoscope speaks of the number “50” as very good, it is the number of renewal! It favors good changes, the desire to “refresh” relationships with loved ones, and bring some new impressions into life. But this does not mean that everything needs to be changed completely: family, home, work! Because your loved ones are your support!

After these words, the presenter passes the floor for congratulations to the wife of the hero of the day. The wife says her prepared words.

Leading(after congratulations): And we raise a toast to these wonderful words!

After all, when a man has such a reliable “rear”, his life is much more pleasant... Thank you, and we continue to congratulate our hero of the evening.

Once upon a time there lived a hero of the day,

Not young, but not old either.

Once upon a time in a wonderful moment

He reached fifty dollars

And I decided for the anniversary

Invite guests.

The social circle is very diverse:

Moms, dads, brothers, sisters,

Both colleagues and friends,

And matchmakers and godfathers,

Aunt Masha, Uncle Vanya,

Their spouses, children, nannies...

I haven't forgotten anyone

Invited everyone to the holiday!

Hasn't stopped talking since then

Congratulations friendly choir!

The presenter gives the floor to the relatives and friends of the hero of the day for congratulations.

Poems for gifts

Mobile phone

It's not the ringing of bells

And not the sound of an alarm clock,

New mobile phone!

Then the wife will call,

That management is strict,

With a new tube in hand

You will have time for a lot!


Everyone in the world loves money

Adults and children love it.

Profit will double

With this new wallet!


The artist lived a long time ago,

He painted a canvas.

May it bring you joy

Hanging on the wall, it!


There are a thousand problems in life,

But don't get angry, my friend,

Pour some tea and drink with us,

Problems will resolve themselves!


Solemn toasts sound

And mine, friends, is extremely simple:

Receive a new toaster as a gift

And raise a toast to it!


Modern lifestyle

Makes us rush.

Not a minute, not a moment

You can't live without a watch!

Camera/video camera

The years fly by like birds,

The past will never come back.

The best moments of life

Your camera will “grab” it!


Everyone who is invited to the holiday,

Must be both full and drunk.

The hero of the day is not a newcomer,

Pouring cognac!


The main thing in a man is his mind

And, of course, perfume!

With this subtle aroma

Girls will like you!

CD with songs

You speak, there is no hearing,

Did a bear step on your ear?

There's no reason to mourn

The “stars” can howl!


The gift is small in size,

But with all my heart,

Documents like a boss

Sign with this pen!


To travel around countries,

No need to think for a whole year:

Get a suitcase

He himself will invite you on vacation!


You lacked warmth

Cold winter times?

This blanket will warm you up

Like a warm woman's hand!


Eh, autumn weather,

Rain is falling from the sky...

It will be this time of year

Better with an umbrella than without!


In this small envelope -

Things that are important, believe me:

There is a car, a dacha, a house,

Don't refuse anything!

Leading: Look how many good friends and loving relatives our hero of the day has! They are ready to do anything for him, even sing songs of their own composition!

A song is being performed. It would be great if someone knows how to play the guitar and can accompany you. You can get by with karaoke.

Song of the friends of the hero of the day (to the tune of the song from the film “It Happened in Penkovo” “You can’t hide from people in the village”)

The hero of the day will not hide from his friends,

Will not go to Antarctica on foot,

It won't close with four locks.

We will still come on the anniversary!

Repeat last two lines.

We will sit down at the tables in a crowd,

“Pour it!” - let's shout by chance,

When you turn fifty,

Be kind, treat your friends!

Repeat last two lines.

We wrote this song for you

Listen to us and drink to the bottom,

May your life be nice and fun,

You only have one life!

Repeat last two lines.

Leading: What a wonderful song and what a professional performance! What does true friends mean? But, as you know, first of all, a man in his Life must build a house, plant a tree and raise a child. Did our hero of the day succeed in all this?

Let's check...

The presenter calls the hero of the day to his place and sits him on a chair.

Several pictures are drawn in advance on large sheets of whatman paper (it is better to attach it to cardboard so that the whatman paper does not curl up); you need to draw a sketch: a house, the hero of the day with his wife, the hero of the day with children, a car, the hero of the day with a tree. Cutouts are made for the face in the pictures.

During the story, the presenter, with the help of an assistant (one of the guests), changes the pictures. The hero of the day’s task is to just look through the hole.

These “pictures” can be used for photography later in the evening.

Art miniature

"The house that

built by Oleg (name of the hero of the day)"

This is the house that Oleg built.

The house has a laid dining table,

Vodka, snacks, solid pickles,

This is Oleg with his wife,

In the house that Oleg built.

Next to Oleg are Oleg’s children,

The best children in the world

Those who were raised by a good wife,

Loving, sweet, beautiful,

The one who set the dinner table,

The one with all the pickle on it,

In the house that Oleg built.

This is a family class car

The one that is more passable on the road than KAMAZ.

Oleg’s children will get into Oleg’s car,

The best children in the world

Oleg sits down with his wife,

Loving, sweet, beautiful,

The one who set the dinner table,

The one with all the pickle on it,

In the house that Oleg built.

This is the dacha, Oleg’s joy,

Reason to meet more often, guys.

We're driving in a family class car,

Of course, Oleg’s children are coming,

The best children in the world

Oleg is traveling with his wife,

Loving, sweet, beautiful,

The one who set the dinner table,

The one with all the pickle on it,

In the house that Oleg built.

This is a group of cheerful guests

(the host points to the guests),

The one who came for the anniversary,

The one who walked with Oleg at the dacha,

The one who went everywhere with Oleg,

Sitting in a family class car,

The one that is more passable on the road than KAMAZ.

Here, of course, are Oleg’s children,

The best children in the world

Here is Oleg with his wife,

Loving, sweet, beautiful,

The one who set the dinner table,

The one with all the pickle on it,

In the house that Oleg built!

Leading: As you can see, Oleg has succeeded in everything and confirms the title of a real man! So let's raise a toast to this and wish happiness and further prosperity to his wonderful family!

An excerpt from the song “Happy Birthday” (from the repertoire of Irina Allegrova) is played.

After this, you can take a break, then games and competitions begin.

Games and competitions for birthdays, anniversaries

Game "Get to know her"

This is a comic test for the hero of the occasion. The presenter invites several women, including the wife of the hero of the day. Then he calls the hero of the day himself and blindfolds him. Then he explains that it’s the birthday boy’s birthday. will be tested: whether he recognizes his soulmate from all those called by the kiss. In fact, only his “half” will kiss the birthday boy - several times and in different ways. Let the birthday boy choose!

Competition “Object for Thought”

The players are divided into teams. The presenter gives each team the same object, for example, a bucket, and asks them to come up with and depict as many as possible different ways its use. The team whose imagination is richer wins.

Game "Treat"

The host goes around the guests with a tray of sweets and treats them. But these candies are not simple, each of them contains a task for the guest under the wrapper.

shake hands with the hero of the day:


dance for him;

dance with him;

sing for him;

sing with him;

tell a joke;

tell a story about the hero of the day;

have a drink with him; tell a poem.

Game "Errands"

Relay game for two teams. Participants run to the finish line in pairs (the front one is held by the waist by the back one). On the way you need to run around the placed bottles of alcohol. If any pair gets separated or drops the bottle, the team receives a penalty point. Five penalty points take away the victory from the team, even if it was faster.

Game "Confusion"

Male-female couples are invited to play. The presenter names the parts of the body that the man and woman in a couple should touch, for example: right hand - left leg, head - head, etc. When taking each new pose, you cannot disconnect the previous “connection”. The pair that makes a mistake (or doesn't stay on their feet) is eliminated. The winners receive prizes.

Then the presenter offers a little rest from noisy games and announces the ceremonial presentation of an unusual gift to the hero of the day.

Anniversary "fifty dollars"

Leading: You know, friends, in honor of the fiftieth anniversary of our hero of the day, celebrations and folk festivals were held throughout the country. And the state even ordered the minting of special anniversary coins in denominations of fifty dollars! The fifty-kopeck piece is cast from pure gold and has a portrait of the hero of the day engraved on it.

You need to draw and cut out of cardboard a large “coin” of 50 rubles, which is given to the hero of the occasion.

Leading: Let this fifty-kopeck piece decorate your piggy bank and let it attract other, real ones. After all, although they say that money doesn’t buy happiness, it’s much more fun with it! And I propose to raise a toast to this - to financial well-being the hero of the day and his family, for new successes, so that he does not stop there and continues to enjoy doing what he likes and what he can do.
