Feedback form.

The business card website is aimed at raising the reputation of a business, as well as increasing it profitability by attracting new customers. Once created, it will continuously work for the benefit of the company or the promotion of a personal brand. Investing time and money into creating a business card pays off very quickly.

In general terms, we have figured out the purpose of a business card website. To get this powerful marketing tool at your disposal, you will have to order its creation from a third-party developer or work hard on your own. Which is more profitable? Now let's put everything into pieces.

1. Order or make it yourself?

A simple business card can be bought very inexpensively. But, well made, it is definitely will cost a pretty penny . Individual design, well-written texts and additional non-standard functionality will cost more than the average solution.

If you have the funds and no time, you can order from specialists. Besides the cost, there is only one minus: you won’t really know how your site works. For every little detail you will have to go to the developer and pay extra. Or pay a flat rate for website maintenance. You can, of course, figure out how to edit/publish materials and so on, but you still have to spend time and delve into it. Isn't it easier to do all the work yourself? It's not as difficult as it might seem. And it will cost much less.

2. Which designer to choose for a business card website?

There are a lot of website builders suitable for creating business cards. But, as in any area, among them there are more and less acceptable solutions based on a combination of characteristics. As an example we chose 3 proven services , which will help you easily and effectively cope with the task. At the same time, they all have an affordable price. Price/quality in its class.

2.1 Business card website builder uKit → detailed review

uCoz - the most famous and powerful site builder in RuNet. Built using a modular system. Before you start using the engine, you can independently choose a set of functions for your future site. In Yukoz the user has access to source code almost anything and everything. With knowledge, you can work with this engine no less effectively than with an advanced CMS. But you can do without special skills. Beginners will also not be confused, systematically increasing their level from the basics. From the start, the system does not require any transcendental knowledge from you to use it.

uCoz is quite easy to learn. The administrative panel is well structured, attractive, and has many settings. You'll have to take the time to understand at least some of them. But don’t worry: creating a good business card will require you to master at most 20% of the platform’s capabilities. At the same time, you can use it for free without significant functionality limitations.

For paid tariffs There is a permanent 50% discount for all new accounts. The “Optimal” tariff with a gift domain and premium template will cost $48/year. Quite a bit for such a set. Get everything at once without overpayments and unnecessary fuss.

Another advantage when creating non-commercial websites is the possibility of fully functional free use of the engine. Also, when creating, for example, a business card for a state administration or a hospital, you can activate the version of the site for the visually impaired in one click. According to current legislation, any government website must have it. You can meet this requirement in a much simpler way than with most other systems.

A solid selection of free templates and advanced editing capabilities will allow you to create a design of any complexity. If you wish, you can buy a premium design in a company store for $15-20, dressing your business card in beautiful clothes without any extra effort. Next, you will need to sketch out the necessary pages, assigning them to menu items, add a text part, photos/videos, prices, offers. Most likely, this will not cause any particular difficulties for anyone. You can do it without any help in a couple of evenings, even as a beginner.

3. What should be on a business card website?

So, the main page should immediately form a person’s idea of ​​where he ended up: name, type of activity (for example, “Foreman, construction company”), next to it in the header there may be a phone number, address and other contact information. You can put slides with illustrations of areas of activity - a picture plus text or just a picture. You can put the video in the background if it is appropriate. One way or another, the visitor needs to be helped to quickly identify the theme of the site and understand what he can get from interacting with it.

You can make the news section in the form of a blog, which will clearly indicate that the site is alive: at least you are updating it, following the process. By the way, in the description of the company you should avoid the words “best”, “leading”, etc. This looks cheap and contradictory in most cases. Just write down numbers and facts that will give potential clients an idea about you. If there are certificates, awards, medals and other achievements, then you need to display scanned copies or photographs of them. Such things will speak in your favor better than any boasting.

You can also post customer reviews on the home page if this is appropriate for your business. We recommend that you handle this point carefully. Ideally, these should be real customer reviews with real photos, if they, of course, allow you to publish them. The fact is that reviews are quite rarely real. Most often, these are fakes with enthusiastic opinions from “clients”, which are often compiled in the form of answers to frequently asked questions (how to buy, what about delivery, quality, is it fast, service, etc.). Reading laudatory odes with photographs of models in makeup without a normal caption causes skepticism among many conscious people. If you publish something like this, it’s better not to do it at all; you can kill trust before the start of a business relationship. If necessary, make the FAQ a separate page.

If you need partners, make a separate page for them. Describe possible options for cooperation with you and the benefits that this could bring. There, tell us about promotions, wholesale discounts, all sorts of special offers, if you have them. If not, then come up with them and implement them. That's how it's supposed to be. By the way, it is desirable to have a company logo. The domain name should be as short as possible and reflect the name of the company or type of activity. By the way, the site must be responsive, because at least half of the visitors will find you from their phones.

Typically, a business card is a small website without a blog, complex forms, service calculators, reference materials, links to partners and related offers. It simply shows who you are, what you offer and under what conditions. Well, contacts must be provided for all this: social networks, Skype, Viber, telephone numbers, addresses, etc. You can add the ability to order a call back for the lazy. Business card most often consists of the following sections:

  • Information about the company;
  • Information about services or goods;
  • Price lists;
  • Portfolio;
  • Contact details.

This is a classic reference list and can be expanded or contracted as needed. The content of the menu and pages depends on the nature of your business. A business card should interest people who are not familiar with your business, as well as inform existing customers about changes in the range of goods/services, prices, promotions, etc. In general, serve as an advertising educational program for those who have not yet understood why it is necessary to cooperate with you.

4. How much does a business card website cost?

Different prices. The cost of creating a business card website depends on its volume, design complexity and the presence of individual wishes. Developers usually take from 5000 rubles for a moderately simple option, not taking into account filling and maintenance.

If you decide to do it yourself , you have 2 ways: use CMS or a website builder. In the first case, you need to pay for hosting rent, a domain, and possibly buy the engine script itself. Many CMS are free, but one or two evenings are not 100% enough for an unprepared user to master any of them. You need to know at least the basics of programming, the intricacies of setting up hosting, the selected engine and other technical nuances. It’s easier then to order a ready-made website than to spend a lot of time and effort studying tons of material on the topic.

Website builders - this is a much more acceptable option for beginners. If you do not plan to make website creation your main business, then you need to look in their direction. Most of the tricks needed to work with a CMS are missing from them. They provide much more comfortable conditions: hosting is included, you don’t need to pay for it separately and don’t need to configure it; The domain can be connected from the administrative panel - this is already easier; Design templates are also included in the starter kit. Convenient and simple. Even the simplest CMS is more complex than most website builders.

Using cloud site builders will save you from a lot of headaches. Their cost varies, the approach to website creation, capabilities and specialization also vary. We will discuss all this further.

Creating a business card website yourself is a completely feasible task for the vast majority of people. Only those who are very far from using a PC will not be able to cope. The rest will cope without problems and quickly, using any of the designers described above.

Each of them is good in its own way. It is difficult to determine the best engine for you. Wix beautiful and very comfortable. Visually, it is the most attractive option from our selection and will allow you to achieve a result that can cause a wow effect among the site’s audience. The possibility of receiving a 50% discount makes using the system very cost-effective, given its overall high level. uKit very easy to learn and pleasant to use. Business cards on it are modern, technically and visually advanced. Contains a complete set of tools for launching a good business website. The cost is minimal. uCoz it is very powerful, moderately simple, and sites on it are easy to scale. Functionally, it is the leader of our selection, but it is a little more difficult to use than other services.

Which platform to choose? The optimal approach to solving the problem is to register in all three systems and test their usability/capabilities. A small investment of time will pay off with the right choice. Agree, spending an evening to create a simple and cost-effective website is worth it.

As a result, you will get a result that is at least no worse than if you contacted specialists. At the same time, you will spend less money and will be able to independently make any changes to the project if necessary. And your nerves will be more intact, and your wallet won’t start a riot. Profitable and simple.

Most often, a business card consists of 10-15 pages. This is due to the narrow specialization of this type of site. Usually it contains a showcase of product samples, all sorts of certificates, news/information about the company and reviews from satisfied customers. A business card provides a number of marketing advantages:

  • Helps find new partners/clients;
  • Saves money. Regular advertising will cost more;
  • You can leave the address of your website on any advertising platforms (including paper business cards) to attract/inform the target audience;
  • Continuous availability. The office is not open 24 hours a day, but the website is;
  • Graphics look more beautiful on the screen (logos, price lists, forms, certificates, etc.) than in paper form. Or, moreover, in the form of a photocopier;
  • Allows you to quickly edit information on your pages without material costs, unlike the same paper booklets, business cards, and advertisements.

There are undoubtedly benefits from business card websites. Now let's talk about the process of creating them.

How to make a business card website yourself?

If you have never created a website, you will quickly get to the point where you have two options: 1) standard bunch CMS+hosting or 2) online website builder. To choose, you need to understand the features that await you after making a decision.

Here's what choosing a CMS promises:

  • In most cases, you will get a powerful tool, but you will have to tinker with the settings;
  • You choose the platform and hosting on which you will install the engine. The best free cms for a business card website are Wordpress or Joomla. You can also use Drupal, it is powerful, although it can seem overly complex;
  • Set up hosting, buy a domain, create a database, install the engine distribution;
  • You independently monitor the operation of the engine and security, administer the hosting and control panel of the domain registrar, periodically make backups, clear the cache, etc.

CMS for a business card website does not impose any restrictions on you - you are free to do what you want. Edit anything and everything. But the consequences can be negative. You need to approach the matter carefully, with knowledge, the acquisition of which will take you a couple of months. Have to learn HTML/CSS, if you are not familiar yet, it will be difficult to work without it. Most CMS have little functionality out of the box. You will be forced to turn to third-party modules for additional functionality (at a minimum, these will be social buttons and a comment system). There is nothing wrong with this, the main thing is to use high-quality components. There are paid and free ones. Read reviews, choose, download and install.

It's the same with templates. There are standard ones, but they exist for show - they are usually primitive and hackneyed. You need to buy a prominent template, the cost of which ranges up to $100. The idea itself is as follows: free CMS will not allow you to create a business card without investments. At a minimum, you will have to pay for hosting and domain.

Website builders in this regard, more honest. You will immediately find out how much the annual maintenance of the site will cost. Free plans are not suitable - they usually have unpleasant functionality limitations (ads are displayed, it is impossible to connect a domain, there is not enough disk space) or they are simply not available on some platforms. Free tariffs on constructors are intended only for initial testing of the service’s capabilities. What will you get if you pay for any of the middle packages? Something like this:

  • Hosting, free subdomain and, possibly, a gift second-level domain (like and/or a premium template;
  • Enough free disk space;
  • Automatic backups and hosting maintenance/setup without your participation;
  • Access to paid tools for a specific designer;
  • No headaches - just make a website without delving into organizational issues.
  • Technical support and assistance.

We know from experience: it is generally impossible to get a business card website for free. Unless you have personal hosting and write an engine with all the functionality yourself. Which is unlikely. Therefore, we will start from reality. You will still have to pay for something. How much does a business card website cost? Approximately $30-$100 per year (+/-). All that remains is to choose where to spend this modest amount in our times.

By investing in a website on a CMS, you will receive a powerful solution that will require you to invest time and effort. Having chosen a designer, for about the same money (or even less) you will be given a boxed, completely ready-to-use product with similar functionality and final results. Why complicate your life? A person who makes himself a business card for his business, as a rule, does not set the goal of becoming a programmer. He needs a good result achieved with minimal effort.

If the above is your case, use the designer from our selection below. It's easier, faster and more efficient in the long run. In a few days you will get the result that you will take months to achieve by choosing a CMS.

The best designers for creating a business card website

I hope you found the above arguments convincing. All that remains is to choose the appropriate engine for the business card website. So that you don’t rack your brains, we will offer 3 time-tested, high-quality options. Let's take a closer look at them.

uCoz is the most functional constructor on the RuNet. Designed for a serious audience. After the update, the admin panel became quite beautiful, without losing any of its logic and functionality. All website builder capabilities are presented in a modular system. At the very beginning, you need to select the modules that will be needed to implement your task. For a business card, we recommend choosing: website news, photo albums, mail forms, social network posting.

Otherwise, the principle of creating a business card is the same:

  • Create a menu structure (“Design” – “menu designer”);
  • Add pages (“Page Editor”);
  • Choose a template and domain. Disclaimer: on the “Optimal” tariff ( $48/year) they will give you both for free. That is, a second-level domain of your choice and 1 premium template;
  • Filling with content and setting up elements of social networks;
  • You work with the SEO module, add a favicon, logo, fill out general site settings (meta tags, etc.), connect analytics.

As you can see, it’s not difficult at all. It will take a little more time than when working in the two previous systems, but the result will live up to expectations. It is quite possible to use uCoz for free, without receiving any functional restrictions when creating a business card. But there is one “but”: in this case, the banner will hang in the upper right corner, which is undignified for the reputation of the company promoted on the site.

The cost of paid packages at uCoz is very modest, especially considering the guaranteed 50% discount as a system bonus for beginners. All you have to do is pay $48/year and you will receive reliable hosting, a free 2nd level domain and some other nice things.


Creating a business card almost always has a commercial purpose. Investing as much as you can in your own business is normal. A few dollars a month in favor of future prosperity is not the amount that can stop you from achieving your goal. Designers relieve you of the need to constantly monitor the operation of your hosting, domain registrar panel and monitor security. In addition to a good result, you will receive comfort in the process of achieving it.

We hope the question “How to create a business card yourself?” is now closed for you. We have described 3 suitable platforms for this. Which one to choose? Depends on your tastes and skills. Better watch all three. This will take no more than half an hour. There are no mediocrities on this list - you can't go wrong. The only caveat is that if you plan to create a large store or attach a forum in the future, then it’s better to go to uCoz right away, so as not to have to relearn it later. Otherwise, the choice based on the liking and capabilities of the wallet will be the best.

This Personal Information Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as the Policy) applies to all information that Sitemarket LLC (hereinafter referred to as the Supplier) can obtain about the user while using any of the Supplier’s websites (hereinafter referred to as the Sites). Use of the Sites means the user’s unconditional consent to this Policy and the conditions for processing his personal information specified therein. If you do not agree with these terms, the user must refrain from using the Sites.

1. Within the framework of this Policy, “user’s personal information” means personal information that the user provides about himself independently during registration (creating an account) or in the process of using the Site, including the user’s personal data.

2. The supplier collects and stores only those personal data that are necessary for the provision of services (execution of agreements and contracts with the user).

3. The Provider may use the user’s personal information for the purposes of: identifying parties under agreements and contracts, providing the user with personalized services, as well as communicating with the user, including sending emails, SMS and other notifications, requests and information regarding the provision of services.

4. The user’s personal information is kept confidential. The Provider has the right to transfer the user’s personal information to third parties only to improve the provision of services to the user.

5. When processing personal data of users, the Supplier is guided by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Personal Data”.

6. The user can at any time delete the personal information provided by him within a particular account. However, deleting your account may make it impossible to use some features of the Sites.

7. To delete his account, the user can use the “Unsubscribe” function contained in each email sent by the Supplier to the user, or send a request to the Supplier’s email support@site. The user must also clear cookies and browser cache.

8. The Supplier takes necessary and sufficient organizational measures to protect the user’s personal information from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other unlawful actions of third parties.

9. The Supplier has the right to make changes to this Policy. When changes are made to the current edition, the date of the last update is indicated. The new version of the Policy comes into force from the moment it is posted. The current edition is always located on the page at https://www..

What is a business card for?

A business card provides the interlocutor with some information about you and your occupation; it is a necessary tool for a business person and an integral part of your image.

Business cards are not only a beautiful attribute, but also a rule of good manners. Moreover, now it’s not at all difficult, as there are many convenient online services for creating business cards, for example,.

Using business cards is convenient: share your contacts with other people without unnecessary steps.

In addition to all of the above, a business card has advertising properties, it is understood that it should also have some effect on the recipient, so when creating it, it is worth considering every detail.

Business cards are also an integral element of corporate identity.

Functions of business cards

Business cards serve to perform the following basic functions:

Informative— the specified data on the business card provides some information about you and your activities: your name, position, contacts, so that a person can contact you or your office.

Image- such a small piece of thick paper as a business card, depending on the design, be it cheerful or elegant, bulky or laconic design can say a lot about you not only as a person, but also as a businessman. A high-quality and tasteful business card creates a positive image of you or your company in the eyes of the recipient.

Promotion function- most likely, a satisfied client will remember that he has your business card and will gladly, if necessary, pass on your contact information to his friends and comrades. A business card also helps spread your logo and slogan, making them more recognizable and memorable.

Types of business cards

In the modern business world, the following types are distinguished:

Personal business cards You may need them during normal acquaintance and communication in friendly companies. Performed in a completely free style. Most often you will see a last name, first name, mobile phone or email address on them. Job title and company name are usually not indicated, but the person's area of ​​activity may be noted.

Business cards an integral attribute of an entrepreneur, their presence is necessary to comply with the basic rules of business etiquette. They are given to potential partners and provide information about the owner. They indicate your first and last name, the name of the organization you represent, as well as contact information. In addition, it is generally accepted to place the company logo and a list of services offered on it. When making such a business card, do not forget to adhere to the corporate style.

Corporate business cards Unlike business ones, they do not represent a specific person, but the company and the services it provides as a whole. During registration, they provide information about the company, field of activity, list of services provided, contact information, website address, and often include a location map.

How to properly design a business card?

When creating a business card, it is desirable that the design include the following elements:

  • company name and logo (in the case of corporate business cards);
  • name and position;
  • postal address, telephone number (possibly several);
  • E-mail address;
  • website address (URL).

In addition, pay attention to the following requirements for business cards:

1. An overabundance and clutter of information creates a negative impression of the cardholder, while a large amount of empty space on business cards in most cases creates the impression of neatness.

2. Check the text seven times for errors. Handwritten corrections are not acceptable as they create a negative impression.

3. Pay attention to whether the color scheme is RGB or CMYK. Color images on screen and on paper do not always look the same. RGB colors are used for display on the screen. The CMYK color scheme is used for typographic printing, so layout elements must be made in this color model.

4. Make sure the resolution is at least 300 dpi.

5. Standard sizes are 90x50 mm, less commonly used are 90x55 or 85x55 mm.

6. Make sure there are indentations to avoid errors during cutting.

7. If you create not only business cards, but also other printed materials, make sure that they are all in the same color.

8. As your business contacts expand, you should think about creating a business card in a foreign language. If you do business in a specific region, it is worth making business cards in the local language. In addition, it is advisable to make business cards in English, which is the language of international business communication.

How to create a business card?

You can resort to several options for creating business cards. You can always order business cards from a designer or a printing agency.
However, to create a business card, it is not necessary to resort to the services of printing salons. If you're wondering how to create a business card yourself, you have two options:

  1. Draw in a graphics editor, for example, Photoshop, Inkscape.
  2. Use one of the many online editors and online generators, on whose websites you will find modern business card layouts. It's easy to add and edit personal information into the layouts.

Having created business cards yourself, all you have to do is find a printing house and order printing.
But here, too, modern services have gone far; with their help, in just a few clicks you can order printing of business cards and their delivery without leaving your home.

Creating business cards using the Logaster online service

The advantage of the Logaster service is the ability to create the above business cards in a matter of minutes. However, before you move on to creating a business card, you need to create your logo.

Below you will find step-by-step instructions on how to make a logo and then a business card.

1. Select the “Create Logo” option, enter your company name or words that will be associated with your business. Below you can add a slogan that you want to convey to your customers. Below, select your area of ​​activity. Click the “Next” button.

2. Choose a suitable logo. The choice of icon for your logo usually depends on your field of activity.

3. Now you can edit the logo: choose the color, font. To cancel an action, there is a “Reset element” button at the bottom. If you are satisfied with the design, click on the “Next” button.

4. If you like everything, then click on the “Save” button.

5. After creating the logo, Logaster will generate a large number of business card layouts in the colors of your logo. To do this, go to the logo page and click on the triangle in the edit menu above the logo. Click "Create a business card with this logo." Choose your favorite design and save.

6. Next, using the editing options, you need to enter personal data or data of your employee.


Subject create a business card website for free- this is a real bestseller! A huge number of novice webmasters are in search of such a freebie. In fact, everyone is concerned with a more general question: " how to create a website for free?" or " Where to download the site for free"But later it turns out that without a deep knowledge of programming, or without purchasing a paid CMS (content management system), without paid hosting, it is not possible to create, for example, a full-fledged online store. Therefore, after “rummaging around” in Yandex, wandering through the forums , an inexperienced user comes to the idea of ​​​​creating at least a “business card website” for free - as the simplest form among all types of sites. By the way, do not get discouraged for a long time - a business card website is quite enough to implement many commercial and other ideas.

What capabilities does it have? website business card?

  • A business card website can have the coolest design. It all depends on the ability of the web designer.
  • A normal business card website can contain an unlimited number of pages with any necessary information. With headings, text, tables, lists, images, all sorts of bells and whistles, etc.
  • A business card website may have a sufficient number of developed menus for navigating the site. Menus can be multi-level, beautifully sliding.
  • You can even organize a simple online store on a business card website. Unfortunately, such a store will be difficult to manage if there is a large variety of products. It will not have a shopping cart, but any product or service can be ordered by phone.

Let’s say that you, as a novice webmaster, don’t care about all the difficulties. But you are burdened by the lack of sufficient start-up capital to order a paid website, and you want to create a free website. What to do?

What should you do to get the coveted, free website of your own?

Surely you have heard the wise saying many times:
"free cheese is in a mousetrap!"
Don't expect freebies from others.
As a rule, no outsider will give you their work.
Labor costs money.

You can create your own website!
On your own.

We will help you
with fast creation
free business card website!

(even if you have no knowledge of HTML and PHP)

How to create a free business card website on your own

Why go far for examples? For example, we created this one for free and without any management system in a few hours. Moreover, most of this time was spent on creating the design, and the site itself was produced and posted on the Internet in about 15 minutes.

Creating a business card website will take you
from 15 minutes of pure time!!!

Of course, record deadlines are declared here, and you will need a little more time. But if you follow our instructions, you will definitely cope with the task.

To meet approximately the specified deadlines, you will need to agree to the site design we propose (see the image below) and have an already installed program for uploading files to the server (our instructions use the Dreamviewer program - an editor and at the same time an ftp file uploader).

By the way, if you know Photoshop or any other editor that can cut a picture to a given size, you can replace the picture in the site header in a few minutes and thus get your own personalized design.

So, here you could start creating, but finally decide: what if you are satisfied with a free website builder like or (

Let us immediately express our opinion on this matter. Be aware that these construction kits are far from the most successful way to realize your desires. This is exactly the same notorious “cheese” that is “in the mousetrap”. Those who are looking for information on the topic " how to make a free business card website on Yandex“, I’ll immediately disappoint: this service is no longer available on Yandex! Yandex sold the uCoz website builder. Well, for those who have not abandoned the desire to create a free website using the uCoz website builder, we address our article: Disadvantages of the free uCoz website builder. Read it - and come back to us on this page.

Now, you can calmly follow our explanations of how to make a website on your own. Without any special bells and whistles, of course, but your own, with your own hands. By the way, the site will have a spectacular smoothly expanding and collapsing left menu (an “accordion” type menu), so there will still be one “bells and whistles”.

In our example, your future site will look like this (the image is a link to the test site):

You can see and click on the final result of creation

Our instructions below explain how to modify the site to suit your needs: how to change the header image, text and template colors.


  • If you already have space on the server for your future business card website,
  • if you have a website domain name,
  • if you know how to send site folders and files from your computer to the server,
  • if you have an html and php code editor and know how to use this editor, say, to create new website pages,
  • if you are satisfied with the finished design of the site offered here,

In this case, you can ignore the following preliminary preparation and the steps described below.

Just download this one

Unpack and place it on the server - and your site will be up and running in an instant! And it will look like .

If you do not have the appropriate knowledge, skills and technical means, then carefully follow our instructions, and you will succeed. Don't be intimidated by new terminology, words like domain name, server, hosting, "dreamviewer", etc. Everything is not as scary as it might seem.

Preliminary preparation:

    Since in our case we will need hosting that allows PHP programming, we will probably need to pay a little money for such hosting. No matter how funny it may seem, to build a free website you will have to pay for both hosting and domain name registration for the site. (It is best to purchase a 1st level domain name. Such a name will not look like three segments separated by dots: " site_domain_name. people ru", and in two segments: " site_domain_name. ru").

    In the depths of the Internet you can also find free PHP hosting, but here we return you to the popular saying: “free cheese is only in...”. In this case, you will most likely have to face a lot of inconveniences and limitations, similar to those we cited in the article “Disadvantages of the uCoz website builder.”

    Good hosting Nowadays it is inexpensive - only 1500-3000 rubles per YEAR (one “Bigtasty” per month).
    Domain name costs about 500 rubles per YEAR (on other hosting, the first year is free).
    If you look hard enough, you can find it cheaper.

    In total, you will spend about 2000-3000 rubles in the first year.

    To rent space on a server and purchase a domain name, just call one of the hosting companies, which you can simply find in Yandex.Search by making the request “hosting”. Your hosting manager will tell you all the necessary steps. You can place an order remotely by providing your passport details by email and paying a receipt, say, at Sberbank.

    You will be pleased to own a unique website domain name

    The advantages of paid hosting and your own website domain name are as follows:

    1. Having your own first-level domain name is prestigious and respectable (unlike a second-level domain name, which is provided when creating a website using a free service).
    2. Having a first-level domain name is necessary to achieve a certain level of trust from your potential partners or clients. (Well, how can a business trust a partner who doesn’t have enough money for a simple and cheap hosting rental?)
    3. Availability of the PHP programming language, which is needed to build a more or less good website.
    4. Speed ​​(the site will not slow down, as on free hosting (as a rule)).
    5. Independence (for example: you can always move to another hosting with your website without consequences; without problems for you, your visitors and search engines).
    6. Absence of other people's advertising on your site (you are the owner; no one can force anything on you).
    7. Complete freedom of action (you can develop your site at your discretion in any direction, up to a site of high complexity).
    8. It will be much easier to “promote” your site in Yandex and Google.

    If you find it difficult to choose a hoster yourself, order hosting and a domain name from them, contact us. We will help you do this at no additional cost to you.

    It will be easier if you install such a wonderful FTP client and editor on your computer as Adobe Dreamweaver (in Russian: "Adobe Dreamviewer").

    An FTP client is a program that is capable (via the FTP protocol (don’t be alarmed by this word)) to upload files and folders to the server and vice versa - download them from there to your personal computer. Adobe Dreamweaver is not only an FTP client, but also an excellent website code editor.

    Dreamweaver will allow you in the future to conveniently layout (edit) your articles and website pages directly on your computer and send them to the server.

    If you can’t find Dreamweaver online, install some free html code editor with a file manager for sharing with the server, for example, RJ TextEd

    Their operating principle is quite simple. In Dreamviewer, for example, you can create, edit and send any files to the server (to the hosting space you rent).

    There are two large synchronized windows for editing files. In one you can edit as simply as in MS Word: write text, divide it into paragraphs, change the font, color, etc., insert images, tables, lists - all these corrections are immediately displayed in the synchronized code with it the second window. Advanced users can make corrections directly to the code in the second window - the result will immediately be displayed in the first window.

    A separate window displays a tree of folders and files. You select the desired file with the mouse, click on the blue arrow - the file is sent to the server. You click on the green arrow - the files come from the server to your computer.

    But if you don’t want to deal with this for now, then you will have access to the file manager through your personal service on the hosting. Or install some simple free ftp client on your computer, for example, WinSCP ()

  • If you want your website to have a cool design, then you have three options: draw it yourself, order it from a specialist, or use our ready-made template.

So, we come to the main point of our article, step-by-step instructions:

Create a business card website for free (step by step instructions)

Let's say your name is Ivanov Alexander, and you decided to make a business card website on a science fiction theme, as in our example.

Let’s assume that you have followed all our recommendations: you paid for hosting (renting space on a server for your website), received all access and passwords to it, installed Adobe Dreamweaver and decided to build the website yourself using our template.

Then let's start!


    The first step of our instructions clearly demonstrates the steps to initiate a new site in the Adobe Dreamweaver environment. (Reminder: Adobe Dreamweaver is a code editor and FTP client rolled into one). An FTP connection is established with the remote server. (FTP is a communication protocol. FTP communication allows you to exchange folders and site files between the server and your computer in just one click). Communication is configured on the computer side and on the remote server side.

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