To be a human on earth. Reasoning the role of man on earth (School essays) The future belongs to professionals

You are a Man!

And as you go through life, you must always remain that way. And no matter what circumstances life puts you in,

Always remember this.

Sometimes these life circumstances become a wall in your path, sometimes they hurt like an acute

Dagger blade.

But you always remember that you are a Human. And always remain Human!

I decided to structure my essay as a reflection and conversation about myself. That's why I started it with an epigraph that I wrote myself.

Man... Everyone puts their own meaning into this concept. But for me, not everyone can be a Human. I can't call everyone that. For me, a Man is, first of all, one who can understand another, for whom the misfortune and pain of another becomes his own pain. Such a Person will be able to make the lives of others more joyful and happy, and he himself will never get tired of this life.

I don't like fatal outcomes

I never get tired of life.

I don't like any time of year

In which I don’t sing songs!

And the one who lives only for himself, only for his narrow interests, for whom there are no problems other than his own, I cannot call him a Man. For me it's just a creature. And such a person really does not live, but exists because he does not receive real joy from life. Only such people are capable of causing pain to another, only such people, in my opinion, are capable of baseness and meanness.

I don't like open cynicism!

I still don’t believe in enthusiasm,

When a stranger reads my letters,

Looking over my shoulder!

For each of us there is a difficult path ahead, a difficult road. And this road is life. And life will show who is who. The main thing is to walk this road and not let yourself be broken, not to succumb to the obstacles and difficulties that we have to face. As they say, it’s easy to fall into mud, but to wash yourself off from this mud... And not everyone who falls manages to wash themselves off. Not everyone remains Human to the end. And from those who do not remain, one can most often expect, as Vladimir wrote, a shot in the back.

I don't like it when it's half

Or when the conversation was interrupted /

I don't like being shot in the back!

I am also against shooting at point blank range!

Personally, I don’t like four qualities in people: lying, greed, cowardice and, most importantly, the ability to cause mental pain to others or, as Vysotsky said, to get into the soul and spit on it.

I don't like myself when I'm afraid!

It annoys me when innocent people are beaten!

I don't like it when people get into my soul!

Especially when they spit on her!

I don't like arenas and arenas!

They exchange a million for a ruble

May there be big changes ahead.

I will never love this!

And indeed, you need to go through life as a real Person! You need to remain a Man with a capital “H” to the end! It is real, good people who leave their mark on Earth. And only real people have good memories. And what kind of memory remains of us will be judged by how we go through our life’s path and what mark we leave on Earth.

Temerbolatova B. M.

KSU "Karatal Basic School"

Shal akyna district


In our difficult times, when everything is developing so rapidly that it is sometimes difficult to keep track of the changes taking place in the life of society, you often ask questions: what should a person be like, have his views on life changed, should he adapt to the frantic pace of life?

Yes, our time is a difficult, turbulent time of new technologies, but every person needs to find his calling, because establishing himself in it is a source of happiness. What is the highest pleasure of life? In my opinion, in creative work, something approaching art. If a person is in love with his work, he strives for something beautiful to be in both the process of work and its results. As proof, we can cite the words of K. Stanislavsky, who said this: “...what is happiness on earth? In knowledge. You get to know nature, the life of the world, the meaning of life, you get to know the soul-talent! There is no higher happiness than this!”

And no matter what times there are, no matter how life changes, the main qualities for a person have always been and remain love of life, kindness to people, a sense of justice, camaraderie and honesty. These are the fundamental qualities with which a person goes through life. For me, an example has always been Leo Tolstoy, who loved not only people, but also his literary heroes, and lived his book life with them. One day he left his office in tears. When asked what happened, he answered with a wave of his hand: “Prince Bolkonsky just died.”

Not all people become famous or geniuses. But I believe that simply being human, creating a strong family, raising children is also not easy, this is also a feat.

A person in the world is just a small grain of sand, but if he was born, if he lives on Earth, then the Earth needs him. A person must live and create in such a way as to be aware of every moment, to appreciate every minute allotted to him. And it depends on the person himself what kind of memory he will leave of himself - if not nationwide, then among his relatives.

And how can one not recall N. Ostrovsky’s statement that “Life is given to a person only once, and one must live it in such a way that it does not cause excruciating pain for the years spent aimlessly…”.

The introductory part begins with questions that the author tries to answer in the main part of his work.

In the main part, compositional integrity can be traced, the parts of the statement are logically connected, the thought develops sequentially. The author expressed his individual position, arguing with an example from the life of L.N. Tolstoy and the statement of N. Ostrovsky.

The future belongs to professionals

Kovaleva O.S.

Shal akyna district

A person should do his business in such a way that

as if he had nowhere to look for help.

Halifax D.

Who is a professional? This is probably the person who knows his business perfectly and at the same time is sure that he knows absolutely nothing about it. I think that a professional should not only be well versed in his field, but also understand the importance of the work he does. After all, if there are many smart, qualified specialists in our society, then humanity will only move forward and progress...

Of course, every country wants to see its population smart, promising, purposeful, and knowledgeable in all spheres of life. For example, we can see the desire for this in the example of free education that our state provides. And I think this is right, because the future of the whole world lies on the shoulders of smart and educated people who can be called professionals in their field. After all, if you just imagine the opposite picture: a doctor who has little or no understanding of his business, an incompetent teacher, a narrow-minded engineer or an unprofessional police officer - the actions of these people can cause enormous harm to society, to people... Personally, one conclusion suggests itself to me: it is impossible to do without knowledge and without the desire to acquire knowledge.

But what does a person still need to do to be a professional? I firmly believe that it is necessary to have a clearly defined goal and achieve it, no matter how difficult it may be. Of course, you need to read a lot (no matter how trivial it may sound), communicate with intelligent people, attend cultural events: exhibitions, museums, theater, cinema. After all, all this contributes to broadening one’s horizons, intellectual development, and acquiring communication skills.

So, in order for a person to call himself a professional in the future, he must set a specific goal and achieve it by any means. Work daily and fight laziness, develop the best human qualities in yourself. Then we won’t have to worry about our future...


The essay was written by an 11th grade student on the topic “The future belongs to professionals.” The student coped with the volume. However, the topic is covered superficially; there are not enough arguments to prove the theses put forward. The work lacks sufficient logical connection, lacks originality and imagery. However, from a literacy point of view, the work is written correctly: there are no spelling or punctuation errors.

At a literary reading lesson after studying the story of V.A. Sukhomlinsky. "An Ordinary Man" in 4th grade, children are asked to write an essay - an argument "What does it mean to be human?"

Let's give sample texts for short essays which can also be used as essay on the topic "what does it mean to be human"

What does it mean to be human? We very often hear:

"Man - that sounds proud"

"A man with a capital letter".

And what does it mean? For me, the word "man" is manifested in his actions. After all, a real person should always come to the aid of those who need it, without thinking about himself or his life. And there are a lot of such people in our country.

These are ordinary passers-by who were not at a loss and saved a drowning man and Heroes who save people’s lives every day, children who carry their brothers and sisters out of the fire. I really want there to be more people like this, so that every person has responsibility not only for themselves, but also for other people.

Be kind to each other. And you will rightfully be called a “man with a capital M!”

A real person is a person who is ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of another. This is a person who has a heart and soul. Even if someone makes mistakes in life, a real person will definitely understand them and correct them. To be human means to be ready to help anyone.

To be human means to be kind, sympathetic, and help people. Be calm and not greedy, attentive and honest.

For example, a real person will never pass by a grandmother whose bag was torn and food spilled out of it. Everyone should be ready to help even a stranger, because each of us wants only good people to be around.

To be human means to do humane things. Think not only about yourself, but also about the world that surrounds you. Even if you are in trouble, you should not think that everyone should run to your aid, only selfish people do this. But an egoist is not a person. People, be kind to the world around you, think not only about yourself, help others, and then they will definitely help you too!

Everyone puts their own meaning into the concept of “being human.” This is what influences actions and actions.

In my understanding, “being human” means, first of all, being an individual with your own opinion, your own interests, your own meaning in life. Personality becomes in the process of learning, education, in the process of communicating with other people. It is not enough for a person to be smart and well-mannered; he must be hardworking, honest, compassionate, and ready to help. He must treat all living things with respect. A person must love his country and take care of it.

Only everyone can decide for themselves to be a person or to be a creature similar to him.

A person is not a position or a profession. To be human is to deserve to exist in this world. Do good to people and never deceive them. Be polite and kind. A real person is a friend who can come to the rescue, free you from trouble and not envy. A good person will be an example for children. A person should help not only his family, but also take care of other people.

To be human means to be educated, responsible, decent. Each person has his own rules, principles and norms of behavior. But a real person knows how to keep his promise, which means he is responsible. To be educated means to know how to behave in society, to know what can be done and what cannot be done. That is, to be decent. Many people consider themselves responsible, well-mannered and decent, but in reality this is not the case. A person must have knowledge about these qualities, which means he must also be smart.

The concept of “person” has a deep meaning. Being human is not only about eating, sleeping, walking, lying down. I think that a real person is a good friend who can always come to the rescue.

A real person should treat not only himself well, but also other people. I really like the statement of the famous teacher V. Sukhomlinsky: “You are born a human, but you must become a Human.” Becoming a real human is not easy, because we live in a difficult world where money and concern for one’s well-being make people cruel and indifferent.

I think. that to be human is to fight evil, to be hardworking, to be responsible for everything, to be able to love and forgive.

Essay "What does it mean to be human"

Man belongs to the order of mammals, but unlike animals he has a conscience, he is smart, kind, sympathetic, and respects his ancestors.

To be a human means to be sad, to be happy, to study and work, to be kind, sympathetic, to get tired, and then to rest, to walk and run, to raise and take care of children, to build houses, to plant trees to make life better.

People often say to a craftsman who has done his job well: “Your hands are simply golden! Thank you very much.” Surely they don't mean that his hands are made of gold. But then why? Every person has an interest and talent in something. By developing it, he can do something better than others, but to achieve true mastery, you need to put in a lot of effort. Then people will know that if they need help, they can turn to him for it, and the master will do it best. This means they value it like gold... A person who has at least a mountain of this precious metal, but does not know how to do anything, cannot be useful to others, since he lives only for his own benefit. They say you can look at 3 things forever. One of them is how the master works. And it really is! After all, watching him, you cannot tear yourself away from the deft movements of your hands, in which the outlines of his work appear. This is worthy of being called "golden hands"

Evgenia Shcherbakova
Essay “Everything good on earth comes from the sun, and everything good comes from the hands of man”

"All good things on earth come from the sun, and all good - from the hands of man»

« The heart is lit by the sun.

Sun- to the eternal swiftness.

The sun is an eternal window

Into golden dazzling.

There is a lot of evil in the poor heart

Burnt and ground.

Our souls are mirrors

Reflecting gold."

(A. Bely)

The words that I read somewhere on the Internet sunk into my soul; I can’t quote them word for word, but the meaning such: the best people are the people who come into your life and make you see the sun is there, where before you only saw clouds and clouds. In life we ​​are surrounded by different People: gloomy, always dissatisfied with everyone and friendly and positive, responsive to any misfortune of others, always ready to help. Of course, we would like all doctors to be attentive and feel our pain as if it were their own. Of course, we would like the salesperson in the store to smile when handing us the goods, and not throw them on the counter. Where do people who are always dissatisfied with everything come from? Every Human wants to be happy and, not feeling that way, takes out his anger on others. It is very important to realize that happiness is not a series of positive events, not travel, not money, not a prestigious job. Happiness is the ability to be happy from what you live, see, feel, from what you have today and now. Happiness is being able to love such a person, what he is. Happiness is being able to be merciful, giving, sharing. Happiness is being able to love and forgive. You need to be able to do this - to be happy. It's raining - what a blessing! It will water the plants, and you don’t need to wash your car today! It's hot - what a blessing! I’ll dry the blankets, and you can finally sunbathe! People who know how to enjoy what they have and who feel the short duration of our earthly existence usually know the value of every day and know how to be happy. Such people make excellent professionals, no matter who they are were: teachers, janitors, doctors or judges. The sullen and arrogant saleswoman who ruined your mood today was once a little girl, had parents and went to some kind of kindergarten. This girl was not taught to be happy person, this is our problem and ours. We are adults, we must understand that the future of our country is in our hands. How without affectionate sunshine Not every grain will sprout, so without good, understanding, loving and friendly environment, a child, even with great abilities, will not always grow up to be happy and successful Human, citizen of his Fatherland. A man came into this world to make the surrounding reality at least a little better. In my opinion, a person is only then a person when he is able to feel someone else’s pain, when he can give, share, when he is capable of mercy. Not every one of my students will be a successful doctor, engineer or influential politician - oligarch in the future, but I really want each of them to be kind and learned to be happy from the awareness of his usefulness in this world. After all, you don’t have to make huge donations to the homeless fund and give your apartment to those in need to be kind. You can and should start with small: make some positive transformations within yourself. Our future directly depends on our current students. They will serve us in the store, treat our teeth, teach our grandchildren at school, vote for the budget of our city and country. They are the heirs of our culture and traditions. And the future of our entire huge country and each individual depends on how and what we teach our students today. person. No wonder it says: "Children is our future".

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