How to become one of the people without education. How to realize yourself in a society that has overtaken you in development? See what “Get out among the people” is in other dictionaries

The era of consumption that has covered the younger generation fanned out its cards on the playing table of life-casino. Suddenly I wanted, by investing a penny and without straining too much, to get a car, a yacht, a house, and an apartment... The wild 1990s were over, but in the “zero” years this mood only intensified, and casinos turned into educational establishments and corporations. As a result, active youth were divided into several social groups:

1. Romantics- representatives of the anti-bourgeois “no” generation. Carriers of various subcultures: goths, political radicals, Internet freaks, the hardcore youth underground in art, and so on.

2. Cynics- they strive to get into the elevator in the United Russia building and fly up to the floor where they distribute money as quickly as possible, quickly skipping everything lower and where they need to work. One department head in the regional administration was very surprised when, upon coming to his office on the third floor, young specialists who had worked for three months asked him in surprise: where is the money? “On the sixth...” the boss answered sadly. Well, you understand who was sitting in sixth...

3. Market cynics- are ready to walk over corpses in order to ascend in the elevator, but not of United Russia, but of the megacorporations from Our Russia. The main dream is to fly around the world on the wings of a corporate or private jet.

4. Self made guys, striving for self-realization, to be successful, but at the same time soar freely on the wings of dreams. Nothing is alien to them, they want to provide for themselves and their future family, have a decent apartment, a car, and make a business career. But these bonuses for them are not a goal, but just a tool that allows them to find themselves in big world and do something great.

One day, young, highly educated people came to me and said that they envied our generation. I was surprised: you have everything - super education, a lot foreign languages, trips abroad, Internet. The whole world is at your feet! “No, not like that,” my interlocutors answered. - You lived in an era of change and, as best you could, built a new world. But we either have nothing to build, everything has already been done, or a reinforced concrete wall with only one door on which is written: “Loyalty to the authorities, no outsiders allowed in” is written. It’s not you, but we who are the lost generation, and we really want to turn the world upside down!”

5. And finally the same self made, but not striving for an independent risky flight. Not entrepreneurs, not innovators in spirit, but managers. Accordingly, they dream of becoming top managers, working not in the sticky Russian business system, but in transparent, prestigious Western corporations. Correct, corporate excellent students. They don’t grab stars from the sky and hope, if possible, to rise to the rank of business “general”, starting as a “soldier”. They hope that with their professionalism and work they will be able to defeat thieves and sycophants in a fierce competition.

Of course, there are many other strata, but the listed groups are distinguished by more or less specific motivated behavior. At the same time, chronic infantilism became a common disease of the “zero” generation:

∙ or low self-esteem, lack of will;

∙ or excessive demands not supported by appropriate professional skills.

Chicks, instead of growing into powerful birds, until old age remain more like lightweight midges flying into the light of the sun and burning when they collide with an electric light bulb.

So how to avoid deadly mistakes and learn to fly on your own stronger wings?

Philosophy began

First of all, you need to classify yourself into one of the above groups and remember that: you have to pay for everything, including compliance or non-compliance with moral and ethical standards. Those who refuse them will be given a sad life, and those who do not will be given a winding, unstable career.

There is a choice! And he is definitely behind you. If you choose the last two groups, then I can somehow help. With everyone else - not to me, since they do not organically grow together with me.

So, the basic principles:

1. Move towards your dream without haste. There is a time for everything, including dreams. But in any case, we must try to do something...

2. By receiving education, expand consciousness and communication.

3. Grow up faster by throwing stupid things like:

∙ “give me money and I’ll start my own business”;

I once made the mistake of getting my student son a part-time job at a large company. Russian company. He worked from bell to bell, but for a salary two times lower than that of a cleaner. This went on for a year. Then he received his diploma and after about six months he hinted at a promotion. And I received the answer: with such a mother, you don’t need money.

This is where we ended our joint actions. Then, naturally, after resigning from that company, he moved on his own. Luckily his last name is different.

4. Do not confuse a dream and “daydreaming”. Let me remind you: not only history, but also self-realization does not tolerate the subjunctive mood.

5. Get rid of “parents will help if something happens.” This thing greatly slows down the reaction and dulls the sense of life.

P.S. Parents! Don’t be tormented by the problem of “Raising children in wealthy families.” Just give your child a fishing rod (education) and send him fishing on his own.

6. Do not confuse pride and arrogance, ambition and vanity. If you can’t work in the specialty indicated in your diploma, you still need to work. Work brings connections, and they bring other work. Sometimes secondary education provides more opportunities for self-realization than a prestigious diploma. I know losers with diplomas from Moscow State University and MGIMO and business stars with a good secondary technical education.

The tremendous success of the famous restaurateur Arkady Novikov is explained, in particular, by the fact that he was an excellent cook. It happens, of course, that there is not enough education for the next level. But you can always finish your studies, as long as this great idea comes to you in time.

Today, all companies have come to the same conclusion: young personnel, that is, newfangled graduates - marketers, political consultants, specialists in the field of business administration, PR technologies and advertising - are only capable of performing secretarial work.

Believe me, what kind of political scientists and press secretaries has life thrown at me! Requests - oh-ho-ho! Skills - zero! Everyone, if they came straight after college, had to be taught again.

What to do?

1. Already from the third year, combine work with studies. I love it. Then skills will appear, the ability to get along with people.

When we started the stock exchange, a MADI student came to us to be hired as a cleaner. A month later he asked... no, not for a promotion, but to clean the women's restroom. A year later, a specialist in the stock department fell ill, and the cleaner successfully replaced him. Six months later, he bought an apartment, a Mercedes, and went on vacation to his grandmother in Canada. The boy was just scrubbing the floors and listening attentively.

2. If you are not going to go into science, then it is better that the bachelor's and master's degrees have slightly different profiles - this will expand your opportunities. If you have already started working successfully, then you can forget about the master’s degree.

3. Know how to identify your exclusive quality and present it beautifully in your resume. No need for cliches: diligent, sociable, languages, computer. You need to be creative with your resume.

4. Conduct the interview wisely.

5. Be mobile and easy-going. But! If your list includes more than one job change during the year, this is a minus. Nobody likes “runners”.

6. You are young, and therefore the main thing for you should not be salary, but creative experience and the pleasure you get from work.

Unreasonable greed is the path of an eternal loser. Money comes after professionalism, and not vice versa. That is why I “dump” with the salary of a presenter on television and radio, but I compensate for this when conducting master classes.

The editors of the site would like to thank Alpina Publishers for the provided excerpt.

You can be born in a remote village and make your way into the people. You can run a big business and have the habits of a poor man. How to get rid of poor habits and start thinking like a successful, accomplished person? Read our new article.

Does being determine consciousness?

Undoubtedly yes. Let's not delve into the philosophical jungle, let's give a simple example. An intelligent person, by the will of fate, ends up in a marginal environment, starts drinking and gradually slides to the social bottom. A poor boy from the provinces comes to Moscow, goes to college, becomes a professor, then an academician... A logical result? This is because everyday life, the life around them and the people around them determined their consciousness. When you move around alcoholics, you don’t see anything bad in this way of life. But you find yourself among intellectuals, and after a while you can’t even imagine that there is another life in the world.

It's the same with success. Even if you are a complete beggar and a loser, you just have to start thinking like a millionaire - and your life will begin to change for the better. Try to implement these few rules and see for yourself.

The main difference between a poor person and a successful person is that the former is confident in himself only if he actually succeeds in something. The second one is always confident - both in case of success and if failure occurs. Yes, yes, a truly successful person is so confident in his coolness, intelligence and intelligence - and simply that he will succeed! - that even if he loses everything, he gets up, dusts himself off and moves on.

It is clear that not everyone achieves this level of confidence. Its main condition is self-love. Only a person who loves himself is able to justify himself in any case and be absolutely satisfied with his actions.

How it works?It's simple: even if something doesn't work out, you are determined to succeed and KNOW that in the end everything will definitely be fine. This attitude will definitely lead to real results.

How to achieve?Try to remember the moments when you were proud of yourself. Pride, satisfaction, euphoria from victory - all these feelings accompany a successful person constantly. Love yourself - write down yours good qualities and repeat it like a mantra every day. Please yourself more often - because you deserve it! If it doesn’t work out, go to a good psychologist who can restore your self-confidence.

2. Don't work for your uncle

While the poor are afraid to leave the job they hate, they scold their bosses, the president and the “damned bourgeoisie,” successful people open own business and live comfortably.

How it works?Alas, the mentality of the Soviet person is deeply ingrained in us - even in those who were born after the collapse of the Union. For how many years were our ancestors taught that money is evil? more money- more evil, capitalists eat small children for breakfast, and with a cute one there is heaven in a hut. This is the same beggar psychology. It is not surprising that people with such attitudes are afraid to start their own business and are bored at a hated job when they call, coming up with ridiculous excuses (but it is stable, but the pension is accumulating, but the length of service is growing, and in general, everyone lives like that!)

How to achieve?Allow yourself to be different. Let your parents, neighbors and Princess Marya Aleksevna live like this - this is their life. You deserve more than a pittance salary and inadequate bosses. Register an individual entrepreneur, open your own business - even if it’s a small one, but let the best pension be a bank account!


Doubt is for the weak. I have a friend who can’t even choose wallpaper for his apartment without the advice of family and friends. A generally trivial matter turns into a whole quest; wallpaper has not yet been purchased and repairs have not been made. What can we say about more serious things?

How it works?If you endlessly doubt, you may never take action. Of course, you can’t not think at all - otherwise you risk becoming the living embodiment of the “dementia and courage” meme. And within the limits of reason, you can and should doubt - but only about the timing or method of action, and not about the final result. If in doubt, remember rule No. 1.

How to achieve?Give yourself a limit - a week or a couple of days, weigh the pros and cons - and then make a choice. We wrote about this in detail in the article

4. Forget about higher education

No, the “tower” itself is good, and if you graduated from college, honor and praise to you, it certainly won’t get any worse. But here is a guarantee of a well-fed life and a comfortable old age higher education is not at all.

How it works?A simple life example. Remember, how many excellent students in your class became successful people? And how many smart C grade students have become people without remembering either Lermontov’s poems or integrals with sines and cosines? That's it. At every meeting of classmates, such savvy C-grade students make excellent students with one left, forcing them to quietly bleat about stability and experience - as in point number 2.

How to achieve?Understand that life wisdom, the so-called social intelligence, is much more important than grades in a certificate and diploma. Who, at the age of 40 - the prime of life - remembers how he studied at school and college? Who cares? Except for poor losers whose only merit is a gold medal.

5. Don't be afraid to take risks

Each of us risks our lives and health every day (what if a car hits us or a brick falls on our head), financial well-being(they may be fired from work, deprived of bonuses, etc.). Can you imagine how much businessmen risk? And yet they are not afraid and boldly step forward towards something new.

How it works?There is no development without risk - any millionaire will tell you this. If you work according to established rules, without coming up with new ideas and new ways to make money, you will stay afloat for some time, and then you will inevitably be surpassed by bolder competitors.

How to achieve?

Just let go and do it. It will turn out great. No - that’s also good, we need to draw conclusions from the sad experience and act differently next time. And next time it will be much easier to take risks.

It is in vain to think that all rich people were born with a golden spoon in their teeth, sleep on feather beds and relieve themselves exclusively into a golden toilet. Remember Lomonosov, who came to Moscow on foot. Or simply, who worked in a car service and construction site to achieve his goal - to become an entrepreneur.

How it works?Business is a risky thing; you can lose everything overnight, and tomorrow you can rise higher than before. There were difficult times when the creator of .Alexey Molchanov was forced to sell his car and take the gold to a pawnshop. It was these difficulties that prompted him to solve the problem and come up with a successful brainchild - the Callbackkiller company.

How to achieve?To endure difficulties patiently and know that they are temporary. Work tirelessly, look for ways to solve the problem. Know and believe that the difficult period will end. It’s not in vain that they say it. that there is always a dark night before the dawn.

7. Take not in quantity. but quality

The average poor person is sure that in order to earn a decent living, one must work long and hard. A successful person does not think linearly: he knows: to really make good money, you need to come up with a brilliant idea and promote it.

How it works?Elementary. Let a simple worker take a part-time job and fulfill double the quota. A copywriter will write twice as many texts a day, a website developer will go freelance and work at night. Will they earn more? Yes, but exactly twice, and that will be their ceiling - you can’t jump above your head. And a successful mechanic, copywriter and programmer will come up with their own feature that will set them apart from hundreds of others, and make money from this feature.

How to achieve?Think creatively, abstract from the framework, look for the second, fifth, tenth solution to the problem. The more original your solution is, the higher the chance that it will be noticed and offered good money for it.

Ordinary people live here and now, spending money on immediate needs. The maximum goals they set are to fly to Turkey next summer and replace their boss. Successful people always set a global goal - or rather, even a mission. This could be improving the quality of life of people, making the work of employees easier, world peace, and so on.

How it works?If a person has a clear goal and the main steps on the path to it are outlined, he will walk without deviating from the path, without wasting his time on his own whims and pleasures. It’s better to suffer now, but achieve your goal in the future, than to live for your own pleasure now, and then let’s see how it goes.

How to achieve?Set goals, describe tasks, think through the stages of achieving them and resources with the help of which the goal will become closer. Don't dwell on the past, when the grass was greener and people were kinder, but move forward and don't look back. Do not stop there, set new and new goals, make your wildest dreams come true. Even if the ultimate goal is to conquer the whole world - why not?

9. Spend wisely

Have you ever met people who, with a small salary, bought the latest iPhone or SUV, and then spent years on unemployment to pay off the loan? Meet: these are the real rogues, for whom incomprehensible show-off is more valuable than common sense. Truly rich people do not waste money left and right - in fact, that’s why they are rich.

How it works?According to the law of conservation of energy. If you save and then invest profitably, your capital will increase. And it doesn’t matter what this capital is - 10 thousand rubles or millions of dollars. If you thoughtlessly spend your salary on cheap show-offs, there will be no money left even for the most necessary things. Believe me, successful people don’t care about all this fluff with fashionable gadgets and other attributes of a luxurious life - they calmly walk around with push-button phones and ride a bicycle to the office.

How to achieve?Introduce an iron rule: spend less than you earn, save at least a tithe from each salary. Raise your standard of living and spend in proportion to your income (an eighth iPhone with a salary of 30 thousand is stupidity, not an indicator of wealth). Invest your savings in your own business, partnership, any profitable business and live off the interest - why not an option?

Successful people do not make friends with just anyone; it is difficult to get into their circle of chosen ones. There are all self-made men there - those who made themselves, influential people, oligarchs and big fish. To the common man It’s extremely difficult to get there—and is it even necessary? As popular wisdom says, a well-fed man is no friend to a hungry man.

How it works?Money sticks to money, and successful people stick to their own kind. What can a poor loser who scolds Putin and his bosses and a tough businessman who made himself have in common? These two simply will not understand each other.

How to achieve?Meet the right people, constantly partner, communicate - it is unknown how a new acquaintance will help you. Eliminate losers from your life, even if you feel sorry for them - these people, like drowning people, can drag you down to their bottom. Take a breath of air and finally swim to the shore.

11. Rely on yourself and blame yourself

Who is to blame for the problems of the average loser? Of course, everyone is around except him. They didn’t help, they didn’t appreciate it. not understood. A successful person analyzes the situation, admits his mistakes, draws a conclusion and moves on.

How to achieve?Understand once and for all that no one owes you anything. If you want to be rich and successful - be it!

Well, to start thinking like a successful person, you need to fundamentally reshape your thinking and lifestyle. Some people come to a new way of thinking on their own, while others need a push from the outside. Let this article be such an impetus. Kill the beggar in yourself, your world is in your hands!

Treat yourself to a hot vacation

There was a time at school when I was terribly tired. I came home and sat on the sofa. Or “relaxed” on the Internet. Then I realized: all the problems are in the head. I stopped feeling sorry for myself and took a make-up course. Sooner or later, education bears fruit. The employer hires the one who knows more. You can easily take courses during the summer holidays. By the time you graduate from school, it is better to have several specialties confirmed by a certificate.

Party aside

After tenth grade, my friend and I worked in a restaurant all summer. Information found at the labor exchange. And in the fall they began to hold presentations of cosmetics. Getting such a job in a large store is not a problem. To do this, it’s enough to listen carefully to the female consultant, politely ask her for the manager’s phone number, call him and arrange a meeting. Pleasant appearance, sociability, knowledge of languages ​​- and consider the issue resolved. The money they pay is small, lats and a half per hour, but for a start this is not bad. The most important thing is that an epiphany suddenly dawns on us: how many unnecessary parties there were! Three things remain: study, work and you.

Don't be shy to be first

Soon I grew out of presentations and left this business. But three days later I was invited to work as a full-time consultant on decorative cosmetics in a reputable company. That's where a makeup artist's degree comes in handy! I took a marketing course and today I serve several stores. The other day, I once again received a salary increase and was offered first-hand rights to the schedule: I choose the opening hours and store “out of turn,” and the rest line up behind me.

Commitment is a must!

My character is influenced by Japanese culture, which I studied since childhood. In Japan, it is believed that if you didn’t fulfill your promise, it means you insulted yourself. A sense of responsibility is directly proportional to a sense of self-esteem. They trust me and I grow in my own eyes.

Why do I want to become a lawyer?

Legal education is always useful: a person needs to know his rights and responsibilities. In the master's program, you can choose a suitable specialization. A lawyer is a lawyer, a prosecutor, any other court employee, or a legal adviser.

Should I leave my mother?

From the 11th grade, I began to slowly move away from my beloved parents, and by spring we separated completely. At first my mother was shocked, then she calmed down. After all, I provide for myself, pay for everything except the apartment: school, clothes, food. I don’t want to sit on anyone’s neck - this is a feature of my character. Although I understand: leaving your mother early into adulthood is not good for everyone. And it’s still more convenient to live as a family today.

About the benefits of health and savings

Gradually I steeled myself. In the third year of independent living it became very easy. Now I don’t get tired and have time everywhere. I restore my energy through sports. I run, jump, I prefer heavy loads. Every evening before bed I walk for 15 minutes. I regularly take vitamin C. I do without chocolate, chips, packaged soups, store-bought dumplings, alcohol and fatty foods. Much healthier and cheaper is simple Spartan food - potatoes from the garden, milk, cottage cheese. I learned to save. Stocks are running up penny after penny. We need to watch them more closely. I never load the refrigerator, which means I don’t throw away food - this is both stupid and sinful...

Toward your dream

I travel a lot. I choose routes with discounts and have already traveled all over Europe. Relaxes, inspires. I return home with a feeling of pride for our women! In Latvia, every third person is a beauty, every second person is a fashionista, every first person simply takes care of herself. Most likely, in seven years, our ladies will walk around without makeup, in wide pants and huge blue-gray T-shirts. After all, we have joined the EU... Cosmetics will not be in demand. But by that time I will already be a lawyer and will probably leave Latvia. I have a main dream, which I won’t say anything about. I'm going to meet her. In the meantime... I'm loading myself up to my ears.

The corruption-clan system is not a unique phenomenon for Russia, but in the republics North Caucasus it is acquiring a particularly wide scope.

Dear brothers

For example, in Chechnya, family ties are wide (a cousin’s husband, for example, is considered a close relative) and are considered an element of control, influence and social guarantees. If a family member occupies a good position and has the opportunity to appoint employees, then first of all he tries to improve his relatives, as required by the specifics of society.

The most striking example of this behavior is Ramzan Kadyrov, who over the past year has appointed several of his relatives to important positions. Last fall, a relative of the head of the republic, Khas-Magomed Kadyrov, became the head of the Grozny police. And the post of head of drug control was taken by Gairbek Delimkhanov, a relative of the State Duma deputy from Chechnya Adam Delimkhanov, who, in turn, is Ramzan Kadyrov’s cousin.

The former head of Dagestan, Ramazan Abdulatipov, demonstrated the same approach. Coming from the Tlyaratina region, he appointed his fellow countrymen and relatives to most of the high positions. Thus, his son Jamal became the deputy head of Kaspiysk, and the head of the Dagestan network company(local subsidiary of Rosseti) Magdi Gitinov, the husband of Abdulatipov’s niece, was appointed.

The clan politics of Kadyrov and Abdulatipov is not something surprising for the Caucasus - such a system also works at a lower level, affecting not only the budgetary, but also the commercial spheres. The unwritten rules for employing relatives leave the “unprivileged” part of society behind, but not everything is determined solely by family ties; another “social elevator” – money – also plays a huge role.

How much does it cost to work?

Selling positions has become such a widespread practice in the Caucasus that the costs of “buying a job” have even begun to be included in family budgets. In 2014, experts on the North Caucasus Irina Starodubovskaya and Konstantin Kazenin recorded this in their report.

Sociologists noted that the family budget includes “corruption costs for education and employment of children, measured in hundreds of thousands of rubles.”

The cost of employment in government agencies is no longer measured in rubles. On the Politcom website, for example, the following figures were given regarding Dagestan: “The position of the head of a district administration costs 150 thousand dollars. The chair of a minister costs from 450 to 500 thousand dollars. The post of head of a branch of a federal body (customs, tax service, etc.) ) - from 500 thousand to a million." The latter indicates that corruption schemes extend far beyond the borders of Dagestan.

Now the market for trade in positions has been “frozen,” a source in Dagestan told Kavkaz.Realii. The temporary suspension is connected with the coming to power of Vladimir Vasiliev. It is not yet known what it will be personnel policy official, including in relation to such a “business” as trading in positions.

Not only bureaucratic positions are for sale, but also much smaller positions in a variety of fields.

The most popular area for the North Caucasus is law enforcement. Next comes the healthcare and education sectors. Moreover, we are not talking about one-time “deals” - according to informed sources, it is almost impossible to get a more or less respectable position in these areas for free.

There is a known case when in 2013, two employees of the investigative department of the Nalchik Ministry of Internal Affairs were convicted of accepting bribes from persons wishing to find a job. The amounts involved were considerable - 500-600 thousand rubles for one vacancy.

A Kavkaz.Realii source in Chechnya familiar with the situation said that the cost of a school director’s position is about 700 thousand rubles. As for the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the Investigative Committee, the indicated amount is also the lower limit. The prosecutor's office is asking 1.8-2 million and more for seats, the source said.

However, the issue is not always solved by money. “They may not take a bribe, but they will ask you to build, repair or buy something. Not for yourself personally, but for an organization or department,” he explains.

GET OUT INTO THE PEOPLE. Razg. Express With great effort and effort to achieve a good, strong position in life and society. - This “factory son” had to go through a very difficult school until he became a popular person, that is, he achieved a certain independence (Mamin-Sibiryak. Bread). In the fall, Natasha entered the construction institute. On the last day they organized a send-off. “You, Natka, when you become one of the people, don’t forget about us,” carpenter Ivlev said. And with these words it seemed to shake everyone up. Jokes rained down from different sides (V. Amirgulova. This strange Ivan). -“Tatiana will be a scientist,” said Lizka. - This one is going to become one of the people. Moscow girl!

F. Abramov. Two winters and three summers). Russian phraseological dictionary literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST


    A. I. Fedorov. 2008. See what “Get out among the people” is in other dictionaries:

    get out into the crowd- go far, go uphill, achieve success, make your way, break through, succeed, advance, curry favor, make your way, get on the road, climb the career ladder, make your way into people, get out into people, make a career Dictionary... ... Synonym dictionary Get out into the crowd - FIGHT, I fight, I fight; fight; fight owls

    A. I. Fedorov.- Break out (break through, get out) among people, trad. adv. After much effort to achieve a strong or high position in society, in life... Dictionary of many expressions

    GET OUT- GET OUT, I’ll break out, you’ll break out, led. get out, sir. 1. from what. To get out, to get out of somewhere with difficulty (colloquial). Get out of the mud. Stand out from the crowd. || To get rid of something with difficulty (colloquial). Get out of debt. 2. without additional With difficulties… … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    GET OUT- FIGHT, I fight, I fight; fight; fight Sovereign 1. from what. It’s hard to get out of nowhere, to free yourself. V. from the crowd. V. out of need. V. from debts. 2. (1st person and 2nd person not used). Come out, show up. Hair came out from under the cap. Get exhausted... - FIGHT, I fight, I fight; fight; fight owls

    PEOPLE Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    PEOPLE- 1. PEOPLE1, people, people, people, about people, units. No. 1. pl. to the person. “We have determined people, dozens of hotheads.” Griboyedov. “The earth shook like our breasts, horses and people mingled in a heap, and volleys of thousands of guns merged into a drawn-out howl...” Lermontov... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    break out- I fight, I fight; you/fight; St. see also break out 1) colloquial It’s difficult to get out of something, to overcome something. You / fight from the environment. You/fight out of poverty. You/fight out of debt. 2) Get out, make your way up, out (oh... Dictionary of many expressions

    People- I people/th, people/dyam, people/, about people/dyah; pl. see also human 1) a) to people There are a lot of people on the street. All people are mortal. Liu... Dictionary of many expressions

    PEOPLE- PEOPLE, people, people, people, about people. 1. pl. from people (in 1 digit). People of planet Earth. A wounded animal goes to people. Primitive people. 2. usually with a definition. Persons belonging to which no. social environment, group, having some n. general… … - FIGHT, I fight, I fight; fight; fight owls


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