Presentation on the topic of young voters. Young Voter's Day "Citizen and Elections" elections - democratic institute of the Ivangorod Central Library - presentation

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December 12, 1993 – Constitution Day The Constitution introduced a new system for organizing the political power of the state. Organizationally, state power and local self-government were separated. There are three independent branches of government: legislative, executive and judicial.

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We cannot control the state like the wind, but we can teach you how to control the sails of our state

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Electoral law is a system of legal norms contained in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, in legislative and other normative legal acts that regulate social relations, the activities of subjects of the electoral process, establish rights and responsibilities in the implementation of democracy - during elections to state authorities and local authorities self-government.

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Local self-government Article 12 of the Constitution: Local self-government is independent within the limits of its powers. Local governments are not included in the system of state authorities.

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Levels of Elections The highest expression of people's power is ELECTION or REFERENDUM. Federal elections: the head of state and the representative legislative body - the Federal Assembly - are elected. Regional elections: legislative and executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are elected. Local (municipal) elections: Head of the municipality and Council of Deputies or Duma.

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Types of elections Direct elections - when elected officials are elected directly by the population (deputies of the State Duma, the President of the Russian Federation, representative bodies of constituent entities and local self-government. Indirect elections - the population elects electors, and they elect the appropriate persons. (election of the President of the United States). Regular elections - are held in connection with the expiration of the term of office of an elected body or official. Early elections - in case of early termination of powers. Repeated elections are held if the main elections are declared invalid. Additional elections are called in the event of early termination of powers of a deputy elected in a given district.

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The electoral system is a political institution associated with the organization of elections, the method of determining the results of voting and the distribution of mandates between parties. Majoritarian system (one deputy from each district) Relative Absolute majority majority Winner The winner is the one who gets the most votes 50% + 1 vote Proportional system (according to party lists) each party in parliament or in a representative body will receive a proportional number of seats number of votes cast for this party

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Mixed system Majoritarian - proportional Some of the deputies are elected according to the majoritarian system in single-member districts, the other - according to the proportional system in a single multi-member district according to lists of candidates nominated by political parties. (elections to the legislative bodies of the Russian Federation - the State Duma, representative bodies of the constituent entities of the federation).

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The principle of universal suffrage means that every citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached a certain age, regardless of gender, race, nationality, religion, education, social origin, property status, etc. has the right to vote (that is, enjoys active suffrage); and be elected (using passive suffrage) to the relevant government bodies.

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ABSENTISM This is one of the forms of deliberate boycott of elections by voters, refusal to participate in them; passive protest of the population against the existing form of government, political regime, manifestation of indifference to the exercise by a person of his rights and responsibilities.

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Types of election commissions Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation Election Commission of the Subjects of the Russian Federation Precinct Election Commission (PEC)

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Members of the election commission cannot be: Deputies of representative bodies Elected officials Judges, prosecutors Candidates, their proxies Spouses and relatives of candidates Subordinate persons Removed from the commission by a court decision

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Citizens declared incompetent by a court (due to a mental disorder) Citizens held in prison by a court sentence do not have the right to vote or be elected.

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Business game “Voter School”. Developed by Nekrasova G.A. Municipal educational institution "Popovskaya secondary school".

DEMOCRACY - democracy by the people. This form of political regime originated in Ancient Greece.

Democracy (democracy) Direct (citizens directly influence state affairs) Representative (citizens influence state policy through their representatives.

Representative democracy Elections Referendum

FILL IN THE BLANKS IN THE TEXT. All citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached ___ years of age and have _________ have the right to vote. There are two types of suffrage - ________ (all capable citizens over 18 years of age have it) and ________ (the right to be elected to government bodies). A capable citizen who has reached ___ years of age can be elected to the self-government bodies, and a person at least ___ years old, capable, who is a citizen of the Russian Federation and has lived on its territory for at least ___ years, can be elected to the position of president.

CORRECT ANSWERS: All citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 18 and have legal capacity have the right to vote. There are two types of suffrage - active (all capable citizens over 18 years of age have it) and passive (the right to be elected to government bodies). A capable citizen who has reached the age of 21 can be elected to self-government bodies, and a person at least 35 years old, capable, a citizen of the Russian Federation and residing on its territory for at least 10 years can be elected to the position of president.

1. Who in the Russian Federation has active voting rights?

2. Name the principles
democratic elections

3. What electoral systems
are used in elections in the Russian Federation?

4. Name the existing qualifications
(age and residence)
provided for
legislation when implementing
passive suffrage?

5. What is the percentage of votes called?
giving grounds for receiving
parliamentary mandates?

6. What is a person’s reluctance called?
participate in elections?

7. What kind of ballot papers
Are they considered damaged?

8. What is the name of the ceremony
entry of the President of the Russian Federation into
job title?

9. To be elected as a deputy in
The State Duma needs
reach the age...?

10. What day is called “day

11. Person nominated in the prescribed manner
law order as
candidate for replacement
through direct elections
job title

12. Voting of citizens on the most
important issues of state

13........ - highest legislative
representative body of government
or another state

14. How long is he elected for?
State Duma of the Russian
Federation, President of the Russian

15. Name the number of deputies
State Duma

16. When does the election campaign begin?
propaganda in the media?

17. By what principle are they placed?
political parties in the electoral

18. Name the main source
voting rights

19.When in our country there were
first elections held
to the State Duma?

20. When was it introduced in our country
Institute of Presidency?

21. What is the name of the territorial
unit from which members are elected
elected representative bodies

22. Is the statement true?
“During elections to the State
Duma and the President of the Russian Federation federal
the district includes the entire territory

23. Is the statement true?
"Members of the election commission
can participate in the election campaign
campaigning at one's own request"

24. List those officials
persons who are elected in the Russian Federation
(1 minute for discussion)

25. What was the list of candidates for
Presidents of Russia in elections

1. Citizens of the Russian Federation over 18 years of age who have legal capacity and are not in prison.
2. Universal, equal, direct by secret ballot
3. Majoritarian, proportional and mixed.
4. 18 years when elected as a deputy of a local government body, 21 when elected as a deputy of the Legislative Assembly and the State Duma, 35
for a presidential candidate and 10 years of residence in the Russian Federation
Answer 5. Electoral threshold
Answer 6. Absenteeism
Answer 7. Ballots that do not contain marks in the squares located
to the right of information about registered candidates, from the position “For” or “Against”, or in which the sign(s) is affixed
(marked) in more than one square. ...
Answer 8. Inauguration
Answer 9. 21 years old
Answer 10. Last before voting
Answer 11. Candidate.
Answer 12. Referendum
Answer 13. Parliament
Answer 14. State Duma for 5 years; President of the Russian Federation for 6 years
Answer 15. 450 deputies
Answer 16. 28 days before the elections
Answer 17. The order is determined by drawing lots.
Answer 18. Constitution of the Russian Federation
Answer 19. For the first time, voting rights to Russian citizens were granted in 1906 during the first Russian revolution. IN
In pre-revolutionary Russia, more than half of the citizens did not have voting rights - women, military personnel, youth under 25, residents
national outskirts. For many years universal suffrage was the main goal of political struggle
Answer 20. In 1990
Answer 21. District
Answer 22. Yes
Answer 23. No. In accordance with the Federal Law “On Basic Guarantees...” (Clause 5, Article 37), they cannot
voting members of election commissions, state bodies, local government bodies,
charitable organizations, religious associations, as well as persons holding state and municipal positions,
state and municipal employees, military personnel in the performance of their official duties or with
using the advantages of official or official position.
Answer 24. The President of the Russian Federation, deputies of the State Duma, deputies of representative and legislative authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation
and deputies of local governments
Answer 25. Electronic voting ballot Elections of the President of the Russian Federation
The quiz was prepared by N.V. Kharlamova.

What are elections? Elections are an integral element of democracy - they are a way of forming bodies of state power and local self-government, as well as occupying individual government positions that ensure the representative nature of the relevant bodies. And this choice is made by citizens.

Types of electoral systems MAJORITY ELECTORAL SYSTEM - a system for determining election results, according to which the candidate who receives the statutory majority of votes is considered elected in the electoral district. For example, this system is used in the elections of the President of the Russian Federation. PROPORTIONAL ELECTORAL SYSTEM - a system of proportional representation of parties in parliament, based on the fact that each party receives in parliament or another representative body a number of mandates proportional to the number of votes cast for their candidates in the elections. For example, this system is used in the elections of deputies to the State Duma of the Russian Federation. MIXED ELECTORAL SYSTEM is an electoral system used in elections of a legislative (representative) body of power that combines elements of the majoritarian and proportional systems. Recently it has begun to be used much more often.

A) universal, B) equal, C) direct, D) with secret ballot, Universal - everyone has the right to vote Equal - no one voting has an advantage Direct - voters vote for or against directly With secret ballot - some kind of control over voters not allowed

Types of electoral rights Active suffrage (The right of citizens to participate in elections of the head of state and representative bodies of government (parliament, local governments). Passive suffrage (The right of a citizen to be elected to representative bodies of state power and local self-government)

Age limit According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993 (Article 32), active electoral rights are granted to all citizens from the age of 18. The right to be elected to the post of President of the Russian Federation is vested in a citizen of the Russian Federation who is at least 35 years old and has permanently resided on the territory of the Russian Federation for at least 10 years (Article .81). A citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of 21 can be elected as a deputy of the State Duma. a deputy of a representative body of local self-government is a citizen who has reached the age of 18.

Electoral process 1) in the broad sense of the word, a set of decisions, acts and actions of government bodies, public associations and citizens regulated by law regarding the exercise of electoral rights. Participants (subjects) of the electoral process are citizens of the Russian Federation, endowed with active and passive electoral rights, election commissions, electoral associations, candidates for elective positions, candidates' proxies, public observers, etc.; 2) in the narrow sense of the word, the electoral process is the procedures for performing certain electoral actions regulated by law: calling elections, compiling voter lists, nominating candidates and their registration, determining voting results, etc.

Stages of the electoral process 1. Appointment of elections. 2. Compilation of voter lists. 3. Formation and approval of electoral districts and polling stations. 4. Formation of election commissions. 5. Nomination, registration of candidates. 6.Election campaigning. 7.Voting. 8.Counting of votes and establishment of election results.
19 This is Important! Participation in elections is a manifestation of an active civic position and an indicator of a person’s high political culture. Making a choice means taking responsibility. It depends on our choice to whom we entrust our future, the future of our country.
