Where to find a master. Where to find a rune master Where to find a rune master

Where to find (on the map):

If you cannot make any armor because the other blacksmiths do not have enough skill, then this task is what you need, because after completing it you will be able find an armor master, which is capable of producing armor of any complexity.

To begin this task, you need to go to Vronnitsa Castle, where, not far from the baron’s estate, you can find a dwarf who makes and sells armor named Fergus Graham.

It is to him that you can ask a question about the armor master. The dwarf will immediately begin to boast about his successes in his profession, but unfortunately he is not capable of producing what you need.

Suddenly, Fergus’ assistant will intervene in the conversation and disagree with her partner. By telling you about certain instruments owned by the Tordarroch clan on the island of Undvik. From her words you will learn that the island was ravaged by a giant who appeared out of nowhere, and the entire population fled, leaving their belongings. Most likely, their instruments remained there. Having learned about the location of the forge, you will have to go to Skellige, that is, complete the task of the same name first.

I advise you to complete this task in parallel with the quest, since along the way you can immediately pick up the tools and find the path leading to the forge.

Under other circumstances, you will have to travel the entire path yourself.

First you need to find a broken house, with a bunch of corpses and blood inside.

Forge With tools located here ( on the map):

In order to find it, you need to turn right from the sign.

Inside you will be greeted by a hostile ice troll.

Hidden behind his back is a chest in which those very tools will be found.

All that remains is to return to Velen and report on the work done. As soon as you give the tools to the dwarf and his assistant, the Nilfgaardians will appear, led by General Garmon aep Grenekan. The dwarf will immediately begin courting a high-ranking client. The general needed very strong armor that could withstand a crossbow shot, which is why he decided to turn to Fergus, whose forge is famous for its good armor. An assistant will intervene in their conversation, assuring the general that they will be able to cope with the order with the help of new tools brought from Skellige by Geralt. Surprised by the impudence of the blacksmith's assistant, the general will express his dissatisfaction. To which the dwarf, trying to hush up what happened, will take the customer aside, explaining her lack of professionalism by the fact that now it is difficult to find a good assistant.

You will be left alone with a woman who will tell you that she is the main blacksmith, but since no one will believe this, as a result of which they will lose all their clients, she has to pretend to be only an assistant, which Fergus uses, although he himself is only able to make nails and horseshoes. Joanna started her own game, in which she decided to make armor for the nilf herself; in her plan, Fergus would have to make his own, then everyone would know who was the master of the forge. But for that armor she will need one more thing, namely the acid of the archgriffin to harden the armor. One of these just showed up near Vronnitsy, you can find an order for it on the notice board and at the same time receive a reward for completing it ().

Having dealt with the Griffin while searching the corpse, you will find the very acid that is needed to produce armor.

Having received the necessary ingredient, Joanna, who has already made the armor, will begin to harden it. After some time, you will be able to see the armor she made.

At this time, the general will appear, coming to look at the armor produced by the dwarf.

Joanna will intervene again, asking permission to test her armor, to which the general will decide to arrange a competition in which you will have to participate. Their essence is that the nilf will fire a crossbow shot at each of the armor. Joanna does not have someone who can risk his life, so she will ask Geralt about it. Feel free to agree, nothing threatens you here.

Fergus's armor will not withstand the test, unlike Joanna's armor, from which the arrow will simply fly off without leaving visible damage.

The general will appoint Ioanna to the post of chief in the forge, who, in turn, seeing the upset face of the dwarf, will leave him as an assistant.

She will promise you do individual armor, for which he will ask you to return after a day. You can only equip the armor at level 27, but it's worth it. Also, upon completion of the quest you will have the opportunity to create high quality armor. (Including blueprints for improved armor Schools Bear, Kota And Griffin). which are impossible craft from other blacksmiths.

The Witcher 3 - Blacksmiths, employees, herbalists and others (map). See where you can find artisans, vendors and hairdressers.

In The Witcher 3 you will find a lot craftsmen and sellers, with which you can stock up on various things - from weapons, armor, through alchemical ingredients, to manuscript recipes for potions or fireworks. At the blacksmith and gunsmith you will also repair weapons and make your own mechanism.

Mainly in game world you will encounter:

  • Kovala- sells weapons (swords, crossbows), diagrams and components, repairs equipment, manufactures weapons according to the diagram, dismantles objects into parts;
  • Armorer- he sells armor, patterns and components, makes armor based on patterns, just like blacksmith repair equipment, and dismantles items into parts;
  • Herbalist- sells plants, also contains alchemical ingredients and recipes;
  • Alchemist(labeled Alchemist) - Like an herbalist, he has plants, alchemical ingredients, and recipes for potions or firecrackers;
  • Salesman scattered throughout the world for everyone and nothing, most of them only have basic products, but every now and then you'll find a vendor with a unique schematic or recipe (some even have a Potion of Purification, resetting spent skill points);
  • Master hotels- as the name suggests, he is the owner of the inn, so you buy alcohol from him, useful for replenishing potions during meditation;
  • Balwierz- in other words, a barber who helps Jeralt shave and correctly learns that a witcher can kill monsters with a class.

We also marked on our maps Master Blacksmith And Payment Master, with which we also have additional tasks. Thanks to the masters you will make the best swords and armor.

When near a salesman or salesperson you will see an icon on the mini-map in the game.

Some sellers are still on the move; you cannot meet others in a certain place at different times. Then use meditation to wait for the person.

White Garden - blacksmith, gunsmith, herbalist

Already during the mission you will visit your first tavern; in one of the tasks you will also meet an herbalist, a gunsmith and a merchant. We have also marked the blacksmith on the map, which you will find in the residence of the Governor of Nilfgaard in the western part of the map.

Advice. Some people will appear in the place indicated on our map only after securing it (people will leave the abandoned place when you defeat the beast or bandits).

Velen - blacksmith, gunsmith, herbalist, hairdresser

Expansive Velen, with numerous villages and small settlements (be sure to clear abandoned areas of bandits and beasts, which will give you access to additional traders), is a great shopping opportunity. There aren't many sellers here, but Payment Master in the Bloody Baron's Castle is more important (ask the local armorer to make armor to complete the side quest). For this you will find Velen herbalists and blacksmiths and hairdressers.

Novigrad, Oxenfurt and surroundings - artisans and sellers

The Novigrad agglomeration, together with distant Oxenfurt, is cradle of trade. It's no surprise that cities are swarming with vendors. However, you will also find cutters and blacksmiths here. In Novigrad you will also encounter a side mission related to the master blacksmith Hittori (you will soon find his description in our guide). Remember that rich merchants give better prices.

In Novigrad - in the northern part of the city - you will also find a seller offering Potion of Cleansing- Thanks to it, you will reset all the skill points you spent and can spend them again.

Below you will find a map of the area around Novigrad and Oxenfurt, with icons attached.Vendors in the north of the map are still on the move, moving between designated points.

Skellige - artisans and sellers

The frozen islands are inhabited by people who have no interest in trade, alchemy or crafts. In the main fortress of Skellige you will encounter a weaponsmith and a blacksmith who hasbigstock cash and buy equipment from you at very competitive prices. You'll also gain access to herbalists while island hopping, so if you don't like collecting flowers, you can shop with them (they also have plenty of recipes for upgraded potions and fireworks!).

The maps above contain most of the artisans and herbalists available in the game, however, during the game you may still encounter those who only offer their items after completing a quest.An example is Skellige, where, near the druid camp, you will find one of the druids with whom a certain quest is associated.Either way, it's worth it - the druid will sell one of the ship components needed to craft the Bear's Master Gear.

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Addition Stone Hearts, brought to us from the distant lands of Ophir Rune Masters , a person who can make your weapons stronger and your armor more effective.
Follow the link for a complete list , and also learn about the features of their application.

Where to find a rune master

In order to find it, you won’t need a lot of effort, you will need it later. On the notice board where the beginning of the main quest "hearts" is located, there is an announcement that “Master Rune has arrived, come and visit”.

From the advertisement it appears that Rune Master worth looking near the village Bronovitsy . This village is located quite far to the east from Novigrad , on the shore of a small lake.

Myself Master Rune lives in a white tent next to the mill on the eastern shore of this lake. Next to the mill there is also Ophir merchant . Don't forget to talk to him too.

How to unlock Runewords

Arriving at To the Ophir Rune Master and after talking, it turns out that all his belongings were lost at the bottom of the sea in a shipwreck, so he sits idle. A Geralt runes Oh how they are needed, so he decides to help the poor guy and invest in the business.

To get started you will need 5000 gold, for new instruments, in the future the laboratory can be improved, but it will cost more, 10000 and 15000 gold respectively. The master will also send you for nephrite, he will be lying in a cave with huge level 34 spiders, so be careful there, right?

The achievement “Geralt: The Professional” in The Witcher 3 is unlocked after completing 25 witcher orders posted on notice boards in Velen, Novigrad and Skellige. Some tasks can be found by chance while exploring the area and talking with residents or soldiers. Witcher contracts differ from each other in complexity; if the witcher is too weak, you should level up Geralt and take on completing the order later. To receive a trophy, it is not necessary to kill all key opponents in orders; peaceful resolution of conflicts also leads to a positive result. Completing contracts is a great opportunity to collect a lot of trophies and rare ingredients for making various oils, decoctions and elixirs.

List of tasks for obtaining the “Master Witcher” trophy in “The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt”

  • Witcher orders in the White Garden:
    1. Dashing at the well/ Devil by the Well (level 2) - the order hangs on the notice board, opposite the dwarf’s forge, in the central part of the village of White Garden. The order is fulfilled in an abandoned village south of the tavern, where the midday appears during the daytime. The task was removed from the mandatory ones after the release of patch 1.07.
  • Witcher orders in Velen:
    1. Forest monster/ Woodland Beast (level 6) - the order hangs on the notice board in the refugee camp near the Border Post in the northern part of Velen.
    2. Missing Patrol/ Patrol Gone Missing (level 7) - the order hangs on the notice board in the Nilfgaardian army camp “Center” in the southwestern part of Velen.
    3. Screaming/ Shrieker (level 8) - the order hangs on the notice board in the castle of the Bloody Baron Vronitsa in the central part of Velen. The task is associated with obtaining the achievement of the same name "".
    4. Leshachikha/ Jenny O’ the Woods (level 10) - the order hangs on the notice board in the village of Podlesie in the western part of Velen.
    5. The gravedigger's worries/ The Merry Widow (level 10) - the order hangs on the notice board in the village of Zalipie, east of Vronitz Castle, in the central part of Velen.
    6. Monster from the swamps/ Swamp Thing (lvl. 12) - the order hangs on the notice board in the village of Steigers, not far from the Shelter on Crooked-Ear Marshes, in the southwestern part of Velen. To complete the witcher's order, you need the Eye of Nehalena (given by Keira Metz at the end of the quest “By the Touch”) to remove the stone illusion at the entrance to the caves.
    7. Mysterious footprints/ Mysterious Tracks (level 20) - the order hangs on the notice board in the village of Zalipie, east of Vronitz Castle, in the central part of Velen.
    8. The secret of the village Styozhki/ The Mystery of the Byways Murders (level 22) - the order hangs on the notice board in the village of Rudnik, not far from the tower on Lake Kolomnitsy, in the southern part of Velen. The task is associated with obtaining the achievement "".
    9. Ghost of the Tract/ Phantom of the Trade Route (level 23) - the order is issued by a peasant from the village of Benkovoe in the eastern part of Velen.
    10. Griffin in the hills/ The Griffen from the Highlands (level 24) - the order is issued by Ioanna, assistant to the dwarf Fergus, in the forge in the courtyard of the castle of the Bloody Baron Vronitsa during the task “Master Armorer”.
    11. Lost Brother/ Missing Brother (level 33) - the order hangs on the notice board in the village of At the Crossroads, north of the castle of the Bloody Baron Vronitsa, in the northern part of Velen.
  • Witcher orders in Novigrad:
    1. Elusive thief/ An Elusive Thief (level 13) - the order hangs on the notice board in the market on Hierarch Square in the central part of Novigrad. The task is associated with obtaining the achievement "". The mission will fail if the Doppler manages to escape, so you should save before completing it. If you kill the Doppler, the achievement will not be obtained.
    2. Honey Ghost/ The Apiarian Phantom (level 14) - the order hangs on the notice board in the village of Yantra northeast of Novigrad.
    3. Dangerous entertainment/ Deadly Delights (level 15) - the order is hanging on the notice board near the Golden Sturgeon tavern in the western part of Novigrad.
    4. White Lady/ The White Lady (level 16) - the order hangs on the notice board near the Port Gate of Novigrad, on the southern side of the city.
    5. House with the ghosts/ Doors Slamming Shut (level 24) - the order hangs on the notice board in the market on Hierarch Square in the central part of Novigrad.
    6. Forest dashing/ Lord of the Wood (level 25) - the order hangs on the notice board at the Goose Tail tavern southeast of Novigrad.
    7. Oxenfurt bloodsucker/ The Oxenfurt Drunk (level 26) - the order hangs on the notice board in the market of the city of Oxenfurt, located between Velen and Novigrad.
    8. Beast from the Oxenfurt Thicket/ The Creature of the Oxenfurt Forest (level 35) - the order hangs on the notice board in the market of the city of Oxenfurt, located between Velen and Novigrad. The Archgriffin appears in the nest after 19:00. If you examine the bodies of torn people before taking the witcher's order, the markers in the task will stop updating, in which case you can find the nest yourself.
  • Witcher orders on Skellige:
    1. Bestia/ Strange Beast (level 16) - the order hangs on the notice board in the village of Larvik on the island of Hindarsfjall, located in the eastern part of the Skellige archipelago.
    2. The Ghost of Eldberg/ The Phantom of Eldberg (level 17) - the order hangs on the notice board in the village of Arinbjorn on the west coast of the main island of Ard Skellig.
    3. Sea Devils/ Muire D'Yaeblen (level 18) - the order hangs on the notice board in the port near Kaer Trolde in the northern part of the main island of Ard Skellig.
    4. Missing Groom/ Here Comes the Groom (level 19) - the order hangs on the notice board in the village of Svorlag on the island of Spikeroog, located in the northwestern part of Skellige.
    5. The Dragon/ Dragon (level 28) - the order hangs on the notice board in the village of Firsdal, located on the southern coast of the main island of Ard Skellig.
    6. Lost son/ Missing Son (level 29) - the order hangs on the notice board in the village of Rannveig, located in the central part of the main island of Ard Skellig. The task is associated with obtaining the achievement "

In the castle of Vronitsa you can meet Fergus, a dwarven blacksmith known not only in Velen, but also among other masters of Novigrad and Skellige as a master blacksmith. It is the master level that is required to forge master armor.

Go to Vronitsa Castle, where the bloody Baron rules. Find Fergus and ask him about the witcher armor. He will laugh, but his apprentice Jonah will tell you about the master tools that can be found in the forge of the Thordarrach clan on the island of Undvik.

You can get into the forge after and during the quest, but I don’t recommend going there ahead of time. There may be problems with the plot.

Defeat the cave troll who has settled in the forge and take the tools.

Return to Fergus, give him the tools. At this point, an officer of the Nilfgaardian army will approach the blacksmith and begin ordering armor that can withstand a crossbow bolt. Yona will not stand it and will say that she makes all the armor, because she surpassed the masters of her clan, but all the glory and merit goes to Fergus.

We stand up for Yona, communicate with the nilf and help Yona make armor.

We take the order Griffin in the hills on the notice board, go to the place and find traces of the griffin that lead to the hill.

We kill the Arch-Gryphon. Keep in mind that you need protection from bleeding and poisoning. And also use the Aard sign. Take the trophy and the acid that Yona needs so much. The order should be submitted to the Quartermaster, who is located opposite the forge of Yona and Fergus.

Fergus also made armor, not the same as Yona’s, of course, but still. Converter