Symptoms and treatment of various diseases in turkeys. Histomoniasis (enterohepatitis, "black head") of birds

Kira Stoletova

Turkeys are considered the undisputed favorites for the amount of meat among poultry... However, despite their physical parameters, turkeys are also leaders in various diseases and infections. Small violations of sanitary standards lead to serious diseases in birds, due to which the meat becomes unusable. Among such diseases, histomoniasis can be distinguished. This ailment manifests itself with poor bird maintenance and is epidemic in nature. Histomonosis in turkey poults is especially dangerous, since the infection can destroy the entire brood from one clutch.

Causative agents of the disease and causes of occurrence

Histomoniasis of poultry refers to diseases, the main cause of which is violation of sanitary standards and lack of prevention.

Bacterial pathogens are called Heterakis gallinarum. They are microscopic nematodes that actively spread in the body of an adult or eggs.

In the amoeba form, the bacteria are thirty micromillimeters in size, and the flagellate - up to 100 micromillimeters. Once in the body of a turkey, bacteria infect the liver and mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

Histomoniasis has two forms that affect the incubation period of the infection:

  1. Acute form. The ripening period lasts a week, after which death occurs within two to three days. The meat of turkeys that have had an acute form should be disposed of.
  2. Chronic form. The incubation period is one month. With this form of the disease, the bird is treatable if the individual has good immunity. Proper processing of the carcass allows the meat of sick individuals to be consumed, but the liver and kidneys should still be disposed of.

Histomoniasis of turkeys is especially dangerous among young animals, since they do not have a strong immune system, and the disease often passes in them. acute form.

There are many sources of this disease. The most common are:

  1. Infected feed.
  2. Keeping several species of birds in one room. Remember that chickens can also develop histomoniasis, but they tolerate it more easily than turkeys.
  3. Dirty feeders and drinkers.
  4. Failure to comply with the rules for transporting poultry.
  5. Keeping individuals of different age groups in one turkey house.
  6. A large number of birds in a tight enclosure.

In addition to improper transportation or housing conditions, there are also living vectors of diseases. Among them, one can especially distinguish:

  1. Adults who have had histomonosis.
  2. Harmful insects.
  3. Earthworms or common beetles that a turkey can eat while walking.

In addition, histomonads can inhabit the inventory that was used to clean the infected poultry house. After such cleaning, all instruments should be thoroughly disinfected.

Chickens can become carriers of the disease, and therefore turkeys should be protected from these birds for walking. Remember that histomoniasis in chickens and ducklings goes away more easily due to strong immunity, while young turkeys may die.

Symptoms of the disease

The problem with infection is that histomoniasis has symptoms that are typical for. Therefore, in many cases, the disease is established using laboratory analysis. However, the disease still has certain symptoms.

With a disease with such an infection, the general well-being of the bird first of all worsens.

Turkeys stop eating and move actively, feathers take on a disheveled look, the animal often drinks a lot. Turkey poults may voice their voices in an effort to attract attention.

The next characteristic feature for histomonosis in turkeys is. The litter is greenish or brown in color, the plumage under the tail sticks together from secretions. The body temperature drops by a couple of degrees.

These symptoms last two weeks, after which the turkey may get better.

If there are turkeys on the farm with similar problems, then you should immediately contact a specialized clinic. At an early stage, histomonosis in birds is easily treated, but in a neglected state, the turkey can only be slaughtered. In addition, this infection spreads very quickly throughout the farm - in one week, histomonosis can affect all poultry.

When carcasses are opened, an enlargement of the cecum with the affected mucosa can be detected. Also, the disease affects the liver - the organ looks enlarged and has gray foci of necrosis. The body of a dead turkey is usually emaciated and the scalp is dark in color. Because of this feature, the common people call the disease "Black Head". The plumage of the bird loses its brightness and often breaks off.

Methods for the treatment of histomonosis

Histomoniasis in turkeys requires surgical treatment, since it quickly captures all the poultry on the farm. If the foci of the disease are not destroyed in time, then most of the young animals may die. First of all, infected individuals should be deposited in a separate enclosure and preventive treatment should be carried out in all healthy birds.

At the first symptoms of the disease, medications should be used. Veterinary specialists distinguish among effective drugs for histomonosis and. These drugs are aimed at removing infectious bacteria from the turkey's body. Metronidazole excretes histomonads for several days, after which the bird is given special care to recover from the effects of the infection. Turkeys are usually given special preparations to restore the stomach and liver.

Some doctors prescribe medications such as osarsol. This agent is added to turkey feed within a week. It is also used as a prophylaxis against histomoniasis.

There are several more drugs that will help in the fight against this disease:

  1. - mix with feed in a ratio of five hundred grams to one ton.
  2. Dimetridazole - one hundred grams per ton of feed.
  3. Emtril - one hundred twenty-five grams per ton of feed.
  4. Nitazol - one percent of the feed volume. The treatment lasts five days.
  5. Emgal - one gram for one turkey.
  6. Histolgon - two tenths of a percent of the feed volume.

A veterinarian should be consulted before using medications. Avian histomoniasis disrupts the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, during the period of illness, turkeys should be given the following complementary foods:

  • curdled milk;
  • alfalfa;
  • nettle;
  • serum;
  • green onions.

This will help remove most of the bacteria and restore the liver, stomach lining and intestines. Remember that drugs only affect the causative agent of the disease and will not help to restore the internal organs.

In parallel with the treatment of histomonosis in birds, a set of disinfecting measures should be carried out, otherwise the infection will continue to infect turkeys:

  1. , inventory and walking enclosure should be thoroughly treated with a solution of soda ash or special disinfectants.
  2. The droppings of infected turkeys are burned. It cannot be used as fertilizer.
  3. A walk for turkeys must be dug up, then covered with lime and treated with a carbonate solution.

If you do not follow a number of these steps, then the treatment of birds will be useless - the turkeys will again become infected with bacteria in their own poultry house. To avoid histomoniasis of turkeys and expensive treatment, prevention of the disease should be carried out.

Preventive actions

To avoid this unpleasant infection, you should adhere to the basic rules for keeping poultry and take complex measures. Prevention of histomonosis includes:

  1. Compliance with the poultry feeding regime and sanitary standards for keeping.
  2. Separation of chicks from adults and separate keeping of young.
  3. The turkey house should be built on the basis of a calculation of three square meters per bird.
  4. The turkey house should have a stable temperature and humidity level;
  5. They will not allow turkeys to communicate with other poultry, since chickens and ducks can carry histomonosis.
  6. In winter, the house should be equipped with additional light sources.
  7. The diet of turkeys should include vitamin mineral supplements, as well as everything.
  8. Once every three months, osarsol and histolgon are given to the entire livestock along with feed.

Contagious diseases of domestic turkeys

Such diseases are transmitted from one turkey to another, therefore, when they are detected, patients should be treated, but also prevention on the entire population of turkeys that have been in contact with the sick.

For the prevention of most infectious diseases of turkeys, for example, paratyphoid fever, histomonosis, pullorosis, turkeys drink water with dissolved furazolidone 2 tablets per 10 liters of water. Furazolidone can also be added to turkey feed at 0.22 g per 1 kg of feed. Specialized compound feed for growing domestic turkeys usually contains this medicine in the composition.

Sinusitis (respiratory mycoplasmosis / contagious rhinitis)

Sinus inflammation is a highly contagious disease that often occurs in turkey poults, less often in adult turkeys. It is easily cured in the early stages. If untreated, lethal outcome.

Infected by airborne droplets, through contaminated equipment, bedding or feed. The disease often manifests itself with hypothermia of turkey poults, with high air humidity, and stress.


Snorting, transparent, and then cloudy discharge from the nose and eyes appear at an early stage of the disease. Drying crusts interfere with normal breathing, and those that form on the eyes irritate the eyelids, leading to swelling. The sinuses are dilated by the fluid filling and look like bags around the turkey's eyes.


Appetite usually remains normal as long as the bird can see.

Often accompanied by wheezing and dry coughing.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of sinusitis in domestic turkeys begins immediately when the first symptoms are found. The sick bird is isolated, and preventive measures are taken for the rest of the livestock. Sinusitis is treated with antibiotics, with a focus on boosting immunity.

Turkeys with sinusitis are soldered with a solution of the drug pharmacin500 at a dosage of 1 heaped teaspoon per 1 liter of water. The treatment lasts 5 days and during this time the bird is not given clean water. For prophylaxis, all livestock that have been in contact with the sick bird are soldered. You can also use the antibiotic Tilan 10%, 0.5 g per 1 liter of water.

A turkey with severe symptoms of respiratory mycoplasmosis should rinse the nose with the same solution of pharmacin500, tilan (0.25 mg every 10 days) or hydrogen peroxide using a syringe without a needle. The crusts from the eyes and beak are removed with peroxide or chlorhexidine.

If bags of liquid are still visible on the turkeys' heads for 2-3 days, then it should be removed. To do this, take a syringe with a thick needle and make a longitudinal puncture in the direction from the nose to the eye and pump out the thickened mucus. The resulting cavity is washed with chlorhexidine, or dioxidine (the contents of the ampoule are pumped into the cavity and pumped out back). Usually one procedure is enough, rarely repeating the next day is required.

The whole livestock is fed a course of vitamins, for example, Chiktonik, at a dosage of 1 ml per 1 liter of water for 5 days.

Sinusitis can be cured if symptoms are noticed in time. It is important to consider that turkeys whose eggs are used for food cannot be treated with pharmacin. Also, you can not use turkey meat for food earlier than 5 days after the end of treatment.

For prophylaxis, a solution of pharmacin is drunk for turkeys from 1 to 3 and from 28 to 30 days of life.


The carriers of the disease are poultry and animals, but turkeys of any age suffer from histomonosis. This is one of the diseases that is easier to prevent than to cure.

Prevention of histomonosis

  • Separate keeping of turkeys from other species of birds and animals;
  • Separate keeping of turkeys of different ages;
  • Cleanliness indoors and outdoors
  • Elimination of mixing of droppings with feed and water;
  • Compliance with the norms of the density of the content
  • Use of the drug metronidazole for 5 days every 4 weeks while growing turkey poults;
  • Timely helminthization of the entire livestock

Symptoms of the disease

The main symptoms of turkey histomonosis are lethargy, lack of appetite, and disheveledness. The feces are liquid with an unpleasant odor at first yellow-green, then brown. Some have noticeable darkening of the head, the second name of the disease is "black head".

A sick turkey will quickly lose weight to the point of exhaustion. Autopsy clearly shows liver damage in the form of light spots.

Treatment of the disease

The main treatment is to prevent histomoniasis in turkeys.

The sick bird is isolated from the livestock and a solution of metronidazole is fed to it for 10 days, 2 tablets per 1 liter of water. Improvement occurs already on the second day.

For prophylaxis, the rest of the livestock should be fed once a day for 5 days with feed with metronidazole, 6 tablets (250 mg) per 1 kg of feed.

Metronidazole can be replaced with Trichopolum in the same dosages.


Paratyphoid fever of turkeys is a disease with a high mortality rate, sometimes up to 80% of the population. The most susceptible are turkeys up to three weeks of age.

Symptoms of the disease

Apathetic state and wobbly gait. Diarrhea, staining the fluff around the cloaca, often clogging it. Lack of appetite, but evident thirst. Discharge from the eyes often sticks together the eyelids.

Treatment of the disease

Birds with paratyphoid symptoms are isolated from the general population. Sick turkey poults drink water with the addition of 10 g of the drug Mepatatar per 5 liters of water. Impurities from the eyelids and cloaca are washed off or cleaned off. Prevention of paratyphoid fever in turkeys is the regular administration of furazolidone.


In young turkeys, it occurs in an acute form with a high mortality rate, and in adult birds it is chronic. Infection of turkeys occurs from adult turkeys or through an egg.

Symptoms of turkey disease

The chronic form is determined by laboratory, tk. is asymptomatic.

With pullorosis, turkey poults lose their appetite, grovel, squeak pitifully, stand with their legs wide apart, their eyes are half-closed, breathing is heavy. Before death, there are convulsions, the chicks throw their heads on their backs and turn over.

Blocked cloaca can be fatal!

Diarrhea is white and has an unpleasant odor. Stool contaminates the fluff and causes cloacal closure. Pullorosis is also called "white diarrhea".

It is based on the use of water-soluble antibiotics. poults are thirsty. Tilan or Baytril 10% is diluted with 0.5 ml per 1 liter of water and drunk for 5 days.

Cured turkey poults remain carriers of pullorosis, eggs for incubation from them are not used.

Helminthiasis (helminthic invasions)

Symptoms of the disease

Light degrees of infection with helminths are practically invisible, but in the absence of regular helminthization, the symptoms are vivid. Adult turkeys lose weight and become lethargic. Young animals abruptly stop gaining weight, growth slows down. A sharp weight loss is clearly visible on the legs - they become very thin, as if dried out.

Treatment of the disease

For treatment, drugs of a wide spectrum of action are used, and when certain types of worms are identified, special ones. The widespread broad-acting drug Alben is introduced into turkey feed at the rate of 1 tablet per 35-40 kg of weight or 10 μg of active ingredient per 1 kg of bird weight.


A highly contagious disease of all bird species, transmitted by contact with sick individuals, through infected equipment and blood-sucking insects.

Symptoms of the disease

At an early stage, lethargy, lack of appetite. The plumage is disheveled, and the wings are drooping. The bird tries to stay in a dark corner, tilts its head. Spots appear on the mucous membranes and bare skin, then scabs or sores form in place.

Treatment of the disease

There is no known effective treatment for smallpox in turkeys, so the affected individuals are killed and burned. All attempts to cure the disease are based on hiding the symptoms, while the bird remains a carrier of smallpox and can infect others.

Prevention won't hurt!

For prophylaxis, turkey poults are given a smallpox vaccine at 6 weeks.

Non-infectious diseases of turkeys

Such diseases most often occur due to problems with maintenance or feeding. They can be individual (hard goiter), as well as be common to more birds (hypovitaminosis).

Hard goiter

In turkeys, hard goiter occurs when not properly fed. Especially when there is a large amount of grain in the diet, but no shell rock or coarse sand. It often happens with a limited time feeding, when a hungry bird fills a crop after a long fast. Sometimes, due to thirst in the heat, turkeys overwhelm their goiter with water, and a saggy goiter forms.

Symptoms of the disease

The turkeys sit crumpled, without interest in what is happening, refuse to feed. When probing turkeys, a swollen goiter is noticeable, tightly packed with food or filled with water. When pressed, there may be discharge with a sour odor.

There is no cure for hard goiter, mortality rate is 100%. Sick turkeys are immediately slaughtered for meat. But there is a chance to save a turkey with a saggy goiter. The first day on a starvation diet should also be left calm. On the following days, gradually bring the amount of feed to the norm and organize constant access to water.

Hypovitaminosis of turkeys, perverted appetite, vitamin deficiency

These diseases are the consequences of unbalanced feeding of turkeys. Most often, symptoms appear first in individual individuals, and then in the entire livestock.


  • Dull protruding plumage
  • When molting, the feather looks like a rod for a long time, bare skin instead of a feather
  • Turkeys are always hungry and bite on non-edible items such as bedding
  • The appearance of rickets
  • Swollen eyelids, watery eyes
  • Diarrhea
  • Pecking eggs, pecking out feathers
  • Uneven growth and development among chicks of the same age
  • Inflammation of the cloaca

With the timely normalization of feeding, these diseases are treatable. Additional vitamin and mineral supplements should be introduced into the diet. Vitamins are administered individually to each bird in the form of injections or drops into the beak, and for the prevention of the entire livestock, vitamins are added to feed or water. The drug Chiktonik is diluted at the rate of 1 ml per 1 liter of water and fed to the turkeys for 5 days. After 3-4 weeks, the course should be repeated. Providing turkey poults with walking in the sun, greens and grated carrots in feed also helps to avoid vitamin deficiencies and hypovitaminosis.

Lack of vitamins!

Pecking of eggs and pecking of feathers indicates a lack of protein in the feed, especially animal protein. Therefore, meat and bone or fish meal should be added to the diet.

The appearance of small ulcers, purulent crusts and protrusion of the cloaca in turkeys indicate a large lack of vitamins A and E. Inflamed areas are washed with chlorhexidine and lubricated with an anti-inflammatory ointment, for example, levomekol. This vitamin deficiency in turkeys is treated with Trivit, giving a drop on the tongue of each bird. For prophylaxis, trivit is introduced into the feed at 13 ml per 10 kg of feed for a month.

Poultry diseases: histomonosis

histomonads are introduced into the mucous membranes of the cecum, but can also affect the glandular stomach and liver.

Clinical signs of histomoniasis. The disease manifests itself in young birds. The sick bird is sluggish, sits more with lowered wings and head. Diarrhea with gas bubbles appears. The skin on the head becomes bluish in color. The body temperature drops by 1.5-4 ° C in comparison with the norm. The illness lasts 1-2 weeks or longer.

Pathological changes. Emaciated corpses, dark scalp. Feathers without gloss, matte, dirty at the cloaca. The caecum is thickened with damage to the inner surface of the mucous membranes. The liver is enlarged, with dark gray lesions ranging in size from a hemp seed to a nut, surrounded by a roller-like, reddened rim around the perimeter.

Diagnosis of histomonosis put on the basis of clinical signs of life and postmortem pathological changes.

To clarify the diagnosis in dead birds, scrapings from the mucous membranes of the cecum are examined and examined in a hanging drop in the dark field of a microscope. The microscope slide is heated to a temperature of 37-41 ° C.

Control measures and prevention. In the prevention of the disease, planned treatment and prophylactic deworming of turkeys is carried out. The first deworming is carried out in the fall after the staffing of the parent flocks

(October-November), the second - 3 weeks after the first, the third - in the spring (end of April).

For deworming, phenothiosin is used at the rate of 1 g / kg of bird weight with wet feed for 2-3 days, piperazine sulfate - 500 mg / kg of bird weight.

For prophylaxis and treatment, it is good to use nitazol: for prophylactic purposes - 0.05% to feed for two weeks, with therapeutic - 0.1% for 8 days. In the next two weeks, the dose is reduced to 0.05%. Avimetronide is also used at the rate of 3 g per 1 liter of water for 9 days. In the next 10 days, the dose is reduced to 1 g. Histamon is given with feed throughout the entire period of possible infection at a dose of 100 mg / kg, for therapeutic purposes, the dose is increased to 200 mg / kg for 10 days, after which the dose is reduced to

100 mg / kg. Nifulin, enteroseptol, furazolidone are also used.

The causative agent of the disease is histomonas, which first develop in the form of flagella, and then take an amoeba-like shape. These protozoa unicellular organisms penetrate the intestines and liver of poultry, starting to actively reproduce. The disease leads to purulent inflammation of the mucous membranes and contributes to the formation of necrotic areas. The pathogens are excreted in the faeces. One sick bird can infect all the inhabitants of the house. Young animals are most susceptible to this infectious disease - with untimely treatment, its mortality can be about 70%.

Histomoniasis is not dangerous for humans; in birds, it can occur in both chronic and acute forms. The chronic form can be observed throughout the life of the bird, it does not lead to death, but its carriers can infect the chicks. The acute form occurs in young birds and causes mortality of young birds.

The causes of the disease include:

  • non-compliance with sanitary standards (dirty bedding, infected drinkers and feeders);
  • improper feeding (unsanitary storage conditions for grain feed, unwashed root crops);
  • violation of growing technology;
  • high crowding;
  • keeping different types of birds in one room.

Carriers of histomonosis can be earthworms, flies and fleas, which poultry like to eat.

Symptoms of the disease

The incubation period lasts about three weeks. In the acute form of histomonosis, the following symptoms appear:

  • activity decreases and wings drop;
  • loss of appetite;
  • diarrhea begins (feces have an unpleasant odor and brown-green color);
  • in young animals, the skin on the head becomes black, and in adults it acquires a dark blue tint;
  • body temperature drops by several degrees.

The birds huddle together and hide their heads under their wings. A week after infection, young animals begin to be exhausted, the birds become lethargic and stagger when walking. Young chickens tolerate histomonosis more easily than turkey poults. The disease can last 1-3 weeks.

Symptoms of the chronic form include:

  • dull plumage;
  • decreased appetite;
  • weakness.

This form of the disease can appear at any time of the year, but most often it occurs in the summer. Histomoniasis spreads quickly and can affect an entire herd in just a few days.

Pathological signs of the disease

The following changes can be found in the carcasses of dead turkeys and chickens:

  • The spleen is enlarged several times.
  • The intestinal lumen is filled with dark fluid.
  • The intestines are enlarged, their walls are thickened and covered with tubercles.
  • There are ulcers on the mucous membranes.
  • In the cavity of the cecum there is a curd mass with an admixture of blood.
  • The liver is enlarged and covered with necrotic nodules.
  • The intestines can be fused both with the peritoneum and between themselves.

Treatment of histomonosis

Treatment of the disease should be started after the diagnosis has been made. The veterinarian should examine the herd and determine the cause of the disease. Samples of tissues of mucous membranes, sections of the liver are taken from dead birds, and they are sent to a laboratory to identify the pathogen.

It is possible to treat histomonosis with various effective drugs, the main thing is to timely identify the disease. It is almost impossible to save young birds that ate poor-quality food and were kept in inappropriate conditions, since they are initially weakened.

After determining the diagnosis, the infected poultry is transferred to a separate room. Emaciated birds are slaughtered because their treatment will not give positive results.

After slaughter, the meat of adult or grown-up chickens can be eaten after thorough heat treatment. The insides of dead birds should be burned to destroy the pathogen of histominosis.

The most common drug is Metronidazole... It is used for one week. The medicine is dissolved in warm water and given to the birds three times a day. If they refuse to drink the solution, it should be poured into the beaks with a pipette. The dosage is 0.1 mg per 1 kg of body weight. Tablets can be crushed and added to feed, dosage is 1.5 g per 1 kg of feed. Metronidazole can be used prophylactically, its dosage is reduced, it is applied once a day. After antibiotic treatment, probiotics should be added to the birds' food.

Other medications are also used to treat the disease:

  1. 1. Trichopolis.
  2. 2. Osarsol.
  3. 3. Nitazol.
  4. 4. Furazolidone.

These drugs should be used according to the instructions, small doses will have no effect, and large doses can negatively affect the condition of the birds.

After recovery, the poultry house should be disinfected, the droppings should be burned, and the walking area should be dug up and covered with quicklime.

Treatment of turkey histomoniasis is in most cases impossible. This infectious disease usually leads to the death of the bird. Histomoniasis primarily affects the liver and cecum of turkeys. The causative agents of this life-threatening disease in turkeys can be transmitted through droppings, food and water.

Like most infectious diseases in poultry, histomonosis occurs due to a violation of the rules for disinfection when keeping turkeys. In general, turkeys are highly susceptible to various diseases, including infectious ones, therefore timely preventive measures and basic hygiene when growing them are simply necessary.

The reasons for the appearance of histomonads may well be poorly disinfected feeders and drinkers, poor-quality feed, maintenance without proper treatment in the poultry house, where other birds were previously located, and transport.

Sources of invasion can also be:

  • sick with histomonosis or previously ill birds;
  • flies, fleas and other insects;
  • common inventory with other birds.

The disease often arises and develops when the conditions for feeding and keeping turkeys are violated, overcrowding of young stock, and the joint keeping of birds of different ages.

Even one diseased individual is capable of causing significant damage to the turkey population. Most often, turkey poults become infected with histomonosis after 14-90 days. Both older chicks and adult turkeys are susceptible to infection. The latter, by the way, are the main distributors of histomonads, which are present in large numbers in their feces. The chronic course of histomonosis can continue in turkeys throughout life.


In turkey poults with histomonosis, there is a complete or partial loss of appetite, an increased need for water (thirst), lethargy, depression, trembling. The plumage takes on an unkempt and disheveled appearance. Chicks emit a loud mournful squeak.

The feces of sick birds have a yellow-greenish or brown tint and a rare consistency (diarrhea). Part of the plumage in the area of ​​the cloaca has traces of droppings. The temperature drops by 1.5-4 degrees.

The duration of the disease is approximately 1-2 weeks, after which either the birds are improved or the birds are slaughtered.

If your pets fit such a clinical picture, you should not hesitate to go to veterinary medicine. A disease detected in the early stages can be cured or stopped in time for its development among the turkey population.

The corpses of the dead as a result of infection of turkeys are very emaciated, the skin of the head is dark in color (another name for histomonosis is "black head"). The plumage is devoid of gloss, matte. The cecum has thickenings with visible lesions of the inner surfaces of the mucous membrane. The liver is markedly enlarged and has gray lesions.

Treatment methods

A very effective drug for the treatment of turkey histomoniasis is the drug metronidazole. After entering the body of a bird, the substance is almost completely absorbed from the digestive system of turkey poults into other organs, accumulating in the liver. Complete elimination of metronidazole from the body of birds occurs after one to two days.

A sick bird should be treated immediately after the onset of the symptoms described above. The infection can spread extremely quickly, so it is imperative to isolate sick turkeys and thoroughly disinfect the premises.

Furazolidone and osarsol, preparations added to bird feed, can be very effective means in suppressing histomonads. Additionally, piperazine sulfate, nitazole, phenothiazine and histamon are used for deworming. The concentration and dose of drugs are usually indicated in the instructions, but it will not be superfluous to consult a veterinarian.

In addition to drugs that act directly on pathogens, for the normal functioning of the food tract of birds, it is very useful for them to give whey, yogurt, reverse, alfalfa, nettle and green onions together with feed.

However, treatment alone is not enough. At the same time, you need to thoroughly clean and disinfect the poultry house, equipment and walking area. The collected droppings must be burned and never used for fertilization.

If the turkey poults are planned to be kept in an open-air cage or on a walking area, then before placing the young there, it is necessary to dig up all the ground as deep as possible and fill it with lime or spill it thoroughly with hot soda ash solution or 3% carbolic acid.

In a word, the fight against histomonosis in turkeys is a troublesome business. Therefore, it is better for yourself and for the bird to prevent infection than to treat it later.


In order to prevent histomonosis, it is important:

  1. strictly adhere to the veterinary and sanitary rules for feeding and keeping turkeys;
  2. timely separate turkey poults from adult birds (potential carriers of infection);
  3. do not exceed the permissible density of turkeys in a confined space;
  4. ensure the temperature and humidity in the room appropriate for the age and breed of turkeys;
  5. to fully include in the diet protein and green feeds rich in vitamins, trace elements and mineral supplements.

In farmlands, where there is an unfavorable picture of histomonosis, preventive deworming should be carried out regularly.

Efficient preventive measures include the planned universal deworming of turkeys. For the first time, it is done in the fall, when the parent flocks are fully staffed.

If histomoniasis is detected, the sick bird is isolated and various antihistomonas drugs are used to treat it. Weak individuals are slaughtered, the carcasses are gutted and sent for sale without restrictions. The insides are burned.

Video "Prevention of turkey diseases"

The video talks about the importance from the point of view of economic viability.
