What is editorial policy and why is it needed? Information technology security Advantages of editorial policy

The concept of “editorial policy” is based on several concepts: on the one hand, it is “the entire complex of actions to manage and organize all elements and connections of the editorial system, ensuring its effective development and functioning,” on the other hand, “the activities of the subject of editorial management to create conditions for providing the corresponding region or a certain group of the population with the opportunities to obtain the necessary information and exercise their rights to express opinions through the media” Dzyaloshinsky I. M. Editorial policy as a factor in the successful operation of the media. / I. M. Dzyaloshinsky. - Moscow: SRPP.

The editorial policy of any publication is based on goals and principles that can be either specified or simply assumed.

According to Dzyaloshinsky, the editorial policy of the media should be aimed at achieving certain goals. The researcher defines the following goals: “providing the citizens and peoples of Russia with the most favorable conditions for the implementation of the constitutional right to receive information and express opinions; creating opportunities for the mass media to satisfy the diverse information needs of social institutions and individual citizens of Russia, information support for the intellectual and social development of society, protection of democracy and freedom, public control over the activities of all social institutions of society and the state; protecting citizens, society, the state from abuse of freedom of the press, ensuring information security” Ibid.

The principles on which the editorial policy is based are the most important values ​​that must be voiced at all levels of the creation and dissemination of the editorial policy. The principles are as follows: the principle of autonomy, according to which the media is an independent social institution, the activities of which are not subject to restrictions (except for those provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation); the principle of legal regulation, according to which journalists must unconditionally comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as respect internationally recognized human rights and fundamental freedoms (including the right to information and expression of opinion, regardless of the social status and territory of residence of the citizen); the principle of social partnership, which assumes that media policy is based on cooperation with organizations (public organizations, political and social movements, etc.) that express the interests of different social groups of the population; the principle of openness - according to it, the media are open to public control, and also make attempts to create a transparent information environment not only within a single publication, but throughout the entire field of journalism.

Since editorial policy regulates not only the creative process, but also the organization of management activities within the editorial office, let us turn to the founder of the classical administrative school of management, Henri Fayol, who derived fourteen principles that should ensure effective management.

According to Fayol, for an organization to operate effectively, it needs a distribution of responsibilities that helps increase productivity through more effective use of the abilities of team members. It is also necessary to empower someone, which will allow them to manage other employees and competently organize the organization’s activities. But along with authority, the employee must be responsible for his actions. In any team, to work effectively, there must be discipline, without which the organization simply cannot exist. Discipline implies not only obedience, but also mutual respect among employees.

Also, for work to be effective, a subordinate must have one boss, and only from him should he receive instructions - otherwise this will lead not only to confusion, but also to conflicts. In addition, people united by one goal must have one plan of action, and one person must lead this group. The personal interests of team members must be subordinated to common interests. The team needs to be rewarded for their efforts - this will create additional motivation to work. It is necessary to find a balance of “centralization” - a balance between increasing and decreasing the subordinate role of the employee. To work effectively, there must be a so-called “chain of subordination” - from senior to junior, a hierarchical system of subordination. During work, order must be maintained, everyone must be in their place. Team management must always be fair to their subordinates. Also, whenever possible, staff turnover should be reduced, which helps to achieve high performance with less effort. Initiative must be offered and encouraged. And the last principle is that managers should try to create and maintain harmony and unity among their employees.

The editorial policy of the media has several functions:

  • 1. Planning - Management must develop long and short term plans based on the creativity and resources of journalists.
  • 2. Management - management must set tasks, make decisions, and delegate authority to its subordinates.
  • 3. Control - monitoring the work of subordinates.
  • 4. Organization - organizing the work of the media is one of the most important functions of editorial policy.
  • 5. Work with personnel - management is responsible for attracting, selecting and training new media employees.

When planning actions that are part of the editorial policy, the manager is not much different from the ordinary journalist: he must ask himself questions similar to those that a journalist asks himself when describing this or that event: “what?”, “where?”, “when?”, “how?”, “why?”.

He must clearly understand what the final goal is, where this or that activity needs to be deployed, when the plan must be implemented, how to divide the work plan into stages in order to carry it out more efficiently and why this is necessary in general.

In editorial activities, planning cannot be done without planning, because it ensures the work of the newspaper for the short and long term, and also contributes to a more fruitful use of resources.

I. M. Dzyaloshinsky, in his work on editorial policy, formulates the following rules that must be taken into account when planning editorial activities:

  • 1. Plans must be realistic.
  • 2. Plans must be specific.
  • 3. Plans indicate deadlines for implementation.
  • 4. Other team members must be involved in planning.

The editorial policy of the media should be based on a holistic system of accepted and declared values, principles and strategic goals. Also, the editorial policy of the publication must recognize that each individual person in the editorial office has the right to his own views. Editorial policy cannot declare anyone's views to be the only correct ones.

Editorial policy must be based on the legal system.

The editorial policy of the media is a direction, ideological and creative concept, according to which the publication follows problem-thematic lines. The fundamentals of editorial policy are determined by the founders of the media.

Editorial policy can be carried out in three ways. Prokhorov E.P. Introduction to the theory of journalism. Textbook for university students / E. P. Prokhorov - 3rd ed., revised. - Moscow: Aspect Press, 2012: when the editorial staff suppresses any manifestations of a creative approach, focuses only on a certain information policy - everything that goes beyond its scope is not allowed; when the publication contains pluralism of opinions; and when, within the framework of a certain editorial policy, journalists can reveal their position, cover diverse opinions, sometimes even those that do not coincide with the policy of the publication.

E.P. Prokhorov, in order to be viable, the publication must try to avoid both too extensive pluralism and the rigid implementation of a once adopted policy that does not change depending on changes in the situation around it. In the first case, the publication risks receiving the status of unprincipled; in the second, it risks being completely divorced from reality.

The classroom is also important for the editorial policy of the media: you need to imagine at least an approximate portrait of your audience and interact with it.

It is also very important how the publication interacts with other media - whether it ignores them or tries to build a dialogue.

The implementation of editorial policy occurs through the formation of the “face” of the media - external signs, content, as well as creative forms of expression. External signs are manifested by the fact that the publication develops certain problematic and thematic lines in accordance with the accepted ideological foundations. Constant sections and materials are devoted to the main problems. Based on the set of headings characteristic of a publication, one can judge the main areas of interest for the publication and the ways in which the publication develops and develops these areas.

Another way to manifest editorial policy is to organize thematic campaigns, that is, maintaining a current topic determined by current external events (historical dates, large-scale events, etc.). The purpose of such campaigns is often related to achieving certain editorial goals, so the campaigns are well thought out.

Individual large and well-researched materials appear in publications that are of fundamental importance for the media - they show the editorial policy in relation to a particular event.

In addition, the editorial policy of the publication is manifested through the publication’s columnists, as well as frequent and essentially similar statements by the publication’s journalists regarding any topic.

The editorial policy of the media is expressed in the management of problem-thematic lines by a set of multidirectional texts. According to Prokhorov, “a positive affirmative orientation is characteristic of those works of journalists in which a generally positive assessment is formed in relation to a particular phenomenon, although certain aspects of it may be subject to criticism,” “the critical orientation of journalistic creativity presupposes an open rejection of everything that in accordance with the social position of the media, it has a negative impact on the movement of society forward, which creates resistance on the way to the “desired future.” At the same time, criticism should not be unsubstantiated, offensive, loud and scandalous.”

Purpose of the magazine:

  • To contribute to the establishment of Russia's leading world position in the field of theory and practice of radiation hygiene, ensuring radiation safety of the population under various types of exposure.
  • Create a widely accessible information field for all specialists related to radiation hygiene and ensuring radiation safety of the population, expand the scope of professional dialogue for Russian researchers working in these and related fields of science.
  • To attract promising young specialists to scientific work on projects in the field of radiation hygiene and radiation safety of the population.
  • Create a communication platform to expand cooperation between Russian and foreign professional communities.
  • Familiarize readers with the best global experience in implementing scientific developments in these areas of knowledge.
Objectives of the magazine:
  • providing scientists with the opportunity to publish the results of their research;
  • achieving an international level of scientific publications;
  • attracting attention to the most relevant, promising and interesting areas of scientific research on the subject of the journal;
  • attracting authoritative domestic and foreign authors to the journal who are specialists of the highest level;
  • ensuring the exchange of opinions between researchers from different regions of Russia and states;
  • expansion of the editorial board and reviewers with the involvement of well-known Russian and foreign specialists;
  • providing full-text access to scientific articles, increasing the accessibility and openness of the journal in Russia and abroad;
  • inclusion in international databases;
  • increasing the journal's impact factor;
  • promotion of the magazine on the international and Russian markets.

Magazine sections


4 times a year, quarterly

Free access policy

Currently, the journal “Radiation Hygiene” is distributed throughout the Russian Federation through the Rospechat catalog, as well as by sending legal deposits through the Russian Book Chamber (ITAR-TASS). Subscription is possible through the editorial office of the magazine. All issues of the journal are freely available and accessible either through the bilingual website of the journal () or through the electronic library http://elibrary.ru/. The journal “Radiation Hygiene” is included in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI). Thus, the journal's articles are available to everyone, since free open access to research results contributes to the increase of general knowledge.


  • Russian State Library
  • National Electronic Information Consortium


1.1. All manuscripts are sent to the editorial office of the Journal “Radiation Hygiene” in electronic form at [email protected] and by mail to the editorial office: 197101, st. Mira, 8 (printed copy of the manuscript, signed by the authors and the original cover letter). Rules for submitting manuscripts have been established and strictly observed for authors, with mandatory indication of the place of work of all authors and contact information for correspondence in accordance with the rules for authors, which are published in each issue of the Journal “Radiation Hygiene” and posted on the Journal’s website http://site.

1.2. All manuscripts of articles submitted to the Journal of Radiation Hygiene and prepared according to the rules for publication in the Journal are sent for review to two specialists (doctors and candidates of science) in the area to which the article is devoted. If the article is carried out at the intersection of various scientific disciplines, the manuscript of the article may be sent to several reviewers.

1.3. The decision to select a particular reviewer for the examination of an article is made by the editor-in-chief or deputy editor-in-chief of the Journal.

1.4. The Editorial Board of the Journal "Radiation Hygiene" approved a list of reviewers (Minutes of the meeting of the Editorial Board No. 1 dated March 10, 2008) from among the members of the Editorial Board, the Editorial Board and other leading scientists and specialists in the field of radiation hygiene and radiation safety, radiobiology, radioecology of Russia and foreign countries.

1.5. Each reviewer has the right to refuse a review if there is a clear conflict of interest that affects the perception and interpretation of the manuscript materials.

1.6. The procedure for accepting materials for publication and reviewing is posted on the Journal’s website on the Internet.

1.7. Reviewing is carried out confidentially in the form of an expert questionnaire according to the form approved at the meeting of the Editorial Board (Minutes of the meeting of the Editorial Board No. 1 of March 10, 2008) and a detailed review. Preference is given to two-way anonymous “blind” reviewing - the author is not informed of the reviewer's last name, and the reviewer is not informed of the author's name. The author of the manuscript is given the opportunity to read the text of the review and receive a copy of it.

1.8. The review covers the following issues:
- does the content of the article correspond to the topic stated in the title;
- whether the article contains elements of scientific novelty, whether it corresponds to modern achievements of scientific and theoretical thought;
- whether the author’s observations, assessments and conclusions are justified;
- whether the article has scientific and practical significance;
- is the article accessible to the readers for whom it is intended, in terms of language, style, arrangement of material, clarity of tables, diagrams, drawings and formulas (if any);
- is it advisable to publish an article taking into account previously published literature on this issue;
- what exactly are the positive aspects, as well as the shortcomings of the article, what corrections and additions should be made by the author;
- conclusion about the possibility of publishing an article in the Journal of Radiation Hygiene.

1.9. Based on the results of consideration of the manuscript, the reviewer makes recommendations on the further fate of the article (each reviewer’s decision is justified):
- the article is recommended for publication in its present form4
- the article is recommended for publication after correction of the shortcomings noted by the reviewer;
- the article needs additional review by another specialist;
- the article cannot be published in the Journal.

1.10. Reviewers are notified that the manuscripts of articles sent to them are the intellectual property of the authors and are classified as information that is not subject to disclosure. Reviewers are not permitted to make copies of articles for their own needs.

1.11. The period for reviewing articles is determined taking into account the creation of conditions for the fastest possible publication of the article, but at the request of the reviewer it can be extended.

1.12. The original reviews, certified by the signatures of the reviewers, are stored in the editorial office of the Journal for five years and are provided only at the request of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Higher Attestation Commission.

1.13. An article accepted for publication, but in need of revision, is sent to the author with the text of the review with a proposal to take into account her comments when preparing a new version of the article or to refute them with reason (partially or completely). Revision of the article should not take more than a month from the date of sending an email to the authors about the need to make changes. Failure to comply with the deadlines for finalizing the article changes the date of its publication. If the authors refuse to revise the material, they must notify the editors in writing of their refusal to publish.

1.14. If the author does not return the article from revision for more than six months, even in the absence of information from the authors refusing to revise the article, the editors remove it from consideration. In such situations, the authors are sent a corresponding notification about the removal of the manuscript from registration due to the expiration of the period allotted for revision.

1.15. The article revised by the author is re-submitted for review along with the author’s response to each point of comment. In case of disagreement with the reviewer's opinion, the author of the article has the right to provide a reasoned justification to the editors of the Journal. By decision of the Editorial Board of the Journal, the article may be accepted for publication, sent for re-review to another specialist, or rejected. If the editorial board cannot make a decision on the advisability of publishing the article, the final decision is made by the editor-in-chief of the Journal at a meeting of the editorial board.

1.16. If a manuscript is rejected, the editor-in-chief or deputy editor-in-chief, on behalf of the editorial board, must inform the author of a reasoned justification for the refusal or send a copy of the review. The reviewer's name may be disclosed to the author only with the consent of the reviewer.

1.17. An article that is not recommended for publication by the reviewer will not be accepted for re-review in its original form. The text of a negative review is sent to the author by e-mail, fax or regular mail. An article rejected by the reviewer and the editorial board can be considered again only if it is substantially revised by the author as newly submitted to the Journal.

1.18. The presence of a positive review is not a sufficient basis for publishing an article. The final decision on the advisability of publication is made by the Editorial Board of the Journal through open voting. The author is informed about the admission of the article for publication and is given the deadline for publication.
Materials sent to the Journal are not returned to authors.

1.19. If the editorial board does not share the views of the author of the published manuscript, it has the right to make a footnote about this in the Journal.

1.20. The fact that the author sent an article for intended publication in the Journal is a fact of recognition by the author of the conditions of review, consideration by the editorial board, publication of the text of the article in the Journal, including translation and other processing, as well as from the moment of publication in the Journal - the fact of granting the Journal the right to use the article at its discretion for the purpose of bringing to public attention, reproduction, distribution and placement of the text of the article and links to it in information and other databases.

1.21. All articles are published in the Journal free of charge.


Publications in the magazine " Radiation hygiene» are included in the systems for calculating citation indices of authors and journals. “Citation index” is a numerical indicator that characterizes the significance of a given article and is calculated on the basis of subsequent publications that refer to this work.

The journal is indexed in the following systems:

  • Russian Science Citation Index- bibliographic and abstract index, implemented in the form of a database, accumulating information about the publications of Russian scientists in Russian and foreign scientific publications. The RSCI project has been developed since 2005 by the Scientific Electronic Library company (elibrary.ru). By 2012, the elibrary platform hosted more than 2,400 domestic journals.
  • Google Scholar(Google Scholar) is a freely accessible search engine that indexes the full text of scientific publications of all formats and disciplines. The Google Scholar Index includes the majority of peer-reviewed online journals from Europe and America's largest scientific publishers.


Federal Budgetary Institution of Science "St. Petersburg Research Institute of Radiation Hygiene named after Professor P.V. Ramzaev"

Publication fee

Disclosure Policy and Conflicts of Interest

Unpublished data obtained from manuscripts submitted for consideration cannot be used in personal research without the written consent of the Author.
Information or ideas obtained during the review process related to possible benefits must be kept confidential and not used for personal gain.

Reviewers should not participate in the review of manuscripts in the event of conflicts of interest due to competitive, joint or other interactions and relationships with any of the Authors, companies or other organizations associated with
with the submitted work.

Borrowings and plagiarism

Editorial Board of the magazine« Radiation hygiene» when reviewing an article, it can check the material using the system Anti-plagiarism . If numerous borrowings are detected, the editors act in accordance with the rules COPE.

Preprint and Postprint Policy

During the article submission process, the author must confirm that the article has not been published or accepted for publication in another scientific journal. When referring to something published in a journal « Radiation hygiene» The publishing house requests that the article be posted with a link (full URL of the material) to the official website of the journal.

Articles previously posted by the authors on personal or public websites that are not affiliated with other publishing houses are allowed for consideration.

Editorial policy of the magazine

Principled Policy editorial staff of the journal - open access to scientific information, free publications, constant work to improve the quality of scientific content.

The editorial board of the journal constantly attracts new authors with analytical materials, scientific articles, and reviews. The journal publishes scientific articles, scientific analytical reviews, short communications, articles devoted to the practice of sanitary and epidemiological supervision of radiation safety of the population, reviews.

One of the main points of the journal’s policy is a thorough review of materials published in the publication. To optimize the selection process, all articles are first checked through the Antiplagiat system and only after that are sent for review.

The editorial board of the journal reviews and edits all incoming manuscripts in accordance with the established review procedure.

Basic principles

The author submitting an article to the journal thereby expresses his consent to its publication in the journal, posting in the public domain on the journal’s website on the Internet and transferring the text of the article (including links, bibliographic information, etc.) to third parties, providing to whom this information is mandatory, or to other persons in order to ensure the possibility of citing the publication and increasing the citation index of the author and the journal.

The authors are responsible for the factual materials and data presented in the articles.

The materials published in the journal reflect the personal point of view of the authors, which may differ from the point of view of the editors.

The decision to publish or reject materials is made by the editorial board.

The editors have the right to reject materials that are improperly designed or not related to the subject of the journal.

The editors reserve the right to make shortening and editorial changes to the manuscript.

Manuscripts are not returned.

Reproduction, posting or distribution of materials published and/or posted on the official website without the prior written consent of the journal’s editors is not permitted. Violation of the exclusive rights of the editors to use materials submitted for publication and processed by the editors is punishable by law.


1. The general management of the Journal and determination of the directions of its development are carried out by the Editorial Board of the Journal.

2. The Editorial Council of the Journal includes the Chairman and members of the Editorial Council. The composition and number of members of the Editorial Board is approved by order of the Director of the Federal Budgetary Institution of Scientific Research Institute of Radiation Hygiene named after Professor P.V. Ramzaev. The composition of the Editorial Council is formed on the principle of maximum representation of various areas of radiation hygiene and radiation safety, radiobiology, radioecology from among leading scientists and specialists at the Federal Budgetary Institution of Scientific Research Institute of Radiation Hygiene named after Professor P.V. Ramzaev, other institutions in Russia and foreign countries.

3. In the absence of the Chairman, the acting Chairman of the Editorial Board is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal.

4. Meetings of the Editorial Council of the Journal are held as necessary. You can take part in the meetings in absentia (via video conference or by sending your proposals and comments by e-mail).

5. Members of the Editorial Board of the Journal can make proposals to improve the activities of the Journal, increase its scientific and theoretical significance and citation.


1. The direct management body of the Journal is the editorial board (editorial board). The editorial board is formed from a number of famous scientists, leading specialists from the Federal Budgetary Institution of Scientific Research Institute of Radiation Hygiene named after Professor P.V. Ramzaev and other Russian and foreign institutions, research institutes and organizations. Members of the editorial board (except for the executive secretary of the Journal) must represent branches of knowledge corresponding to the sections of the Journal and have scientific degrees of doctors or candidates in the relevant branches of science. The list of members of the editorial board is indicated on the second page of the Journal.

2. The editorial board is headed by the editor-in-chief of the journal.

3. The composition of the editorial board is approved by order of the Director of the Federal Budgetary Institution of Scientific Research Institute of Radiation Hygiene named after Professor P.V. Ramzaev at the proposal of members of the Editorial Board, the Editorial Board and the Scientific Council of the Institute. The editorial board includes the editor-in-chief of the Journal, his deputy (deputies), the executive secretary and members of the editorial board.

4. Editorial Board of the Journal:

Conducts work to ensure that the Journal meets the criteria set by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (HAC) for periodical scientific publications in which the main scientific results of a dissertation for the degree of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences must be published;

Provides general scientific and direct organizational management of the Journal;

Establishes and, if necessary, changes the frequency of publication of the Journal;

Promotes the high-quality formation of an “editorial portfolio”;

Makes decisions on issues of acceptance and rejection of materials submitted for publication in the Journal;

Together with the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal, he is responsible for the scientific level of the Journal and its information content.

5. Authors send manuscripts designed in strict accordance with the established requirements set out in each issue of the Journal and on the Journal’s website to the editor-in-chief of the Journal. Articles that do not correspond to the scope of the Journal or are written in violation of the rules for formatting manuscripts are rejected by the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal without consideration.

6. Manuscripts accepted for consideration are sent for review. Reviewers provide a reasoned opinion on the advisability of publishing the material in the Journal.

7. The final decision on the publication of the article is made at a meeting of the editorial board by open voting by a simple majority of votes from those present.

8. Refusal to publish an article must be motivated. The grounds for refusal are: inconsistency of the presented material with the subject matter of the Journal; non-compliance with the requirements for materials submitted for publication; negative review of the presented material; failure by the author of the material to comply with the current legislation on copyright and related rights and other reasons.

9. Editor-in-Chief of the Journal:

Determines the main directions and develops a development strategy for the Journal;

Convenes meetings of the editorial board and presides over them;

Provides general management of the work of the editorial board;

Promotes the involvement of leading scientists and highly qualified specialists in the editorial board of the Journal;

Ensures the publication of articles by famous scientists, conference materials, round tables and other materials in the Journal;

Responsible for the content of the Journal, its scientific level, for compliance of the topics of publications with the profile of the journal;

Delegates part of his powers to his deputies or members of the editorial board;

In case of disagreements between members of the editorial board, makes the final decision on issues of publishing the Journal

10. Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Journal:

Participates in meetings of the editorial board;

Replaces the editor-in-chief in case of illness, business trip or other force majeure circumstances;

Provides coordination of the entire cycle of work on completing each issue of the Journal;

Performs an initial assessment of submitted materials;

Sends manuscripts of articles for review to leading scientists and specialists from the list of reviewers approved by the editorial board meeting;

Bears responsibility for the timely placement of materials on the Journal’s website, for compliance with the requirements of these Regulations for the Journal, regulatory documents and the current legislation of the Russian Federation;

Makes proposals on issues related to the translation of the necessary texts of the Journal into a foreign language, is responsible for compliance with the provisions of the legislation on copyright and related rights relating to the rights of authors of publications and the rights of members of the editorial board (compilers) of the Journal;

Develops requirements for the content and design of the Journal’s website in accordance with the documents of the Higher Attestation Commission and the requirements of GOSTs, technical specifications and other regulatory documents;

Makes proposals for determining the requirements for original manuscripts submitted for publication and is responsible for posting these requirements on the Journal’s website, as well as for revising these requirements if necessary;

Responsible for posting the electronic version of the Journal in information and library systems, Russian and foreign databases;

Performs other assignments of the editor-in-chief.

11. Executive secretary:

Accepts scientific articles for the Journal and processes them;

Registers materials received by the Journal;

Provides a process for timely review of articles;

Organizes verification of the originality of texts submitted to the Journal in the Anti-Plagiarism system;

Organizes subscription to the Journal through the editorial office and is responsible for the timely conclusion of agreements with Rospechat;

Performs other assignments of the editor-in-chief and his deputy.

12. Members of the Editorial Board of the Journal:

Participate in meetings of the Editorial Board of the Journal, draw up long-term work plans for the Journal and discuss the content of each issue, make proposals for improving the Journal and increasing work efficiency;

Participate in organizing the process of reviewing and scientific editing of articles, monitor the quality of reviews in certain areas (sections) of the Journal;

At the meeting of the editorial board, decisions are made on the publication of articles in the Journal based on the conclusions of the reviewers and other information submitted for consideration.

ISSN 1998-426X (Print)
ISSN 2409-9082 (Online)

The journal provides immediate open access to its content based on the following principle: free open access to research results increases the global exchange of knowledge.

Journal materials are available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.

Free reproduction of the Journal's materials for personal purposes and free use for informational, scientific, educational and cultural purposes is permitted in accordance with Art. 1273 and 1274 ch. 70 part IV of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. When quoting, a link to the Journal is required. Other types of use are possible only after concluding appropriate written agreements with the copyright holder.

The data storage policy is aimed at selecting, storing and providing access to the Journal’s archives and includes the following goals: compliance of archiving materials with state archiving standards; registration and publication of articles in accordance with professional standards; ensuring wide access to archived material provided for by publishing practice.

The magazine is distributed by subscription, applications from higher educational institutions, scientific institutions and individuals.

The policy of the Editorial Board of the Journal is based on modern legal requirements regarding copyright, supports the Code of Ethics for Scientific Publications formulated by the Committee on Ethics in Scientific Publications (COPE), takes into account the Sarajevo Declaration on the Integrity and Visibility of Scientific Publications and the Declaration of “Ethical Principles of Scientific Publications”, adopted by the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers (ANRI). The requirements for compliance with publication ethics during the preparation and publication of the Journal apply to all participants in the editorial and publishing process - authors, editors, reviewers, members of the editorial board, founder and publisher.

The Editorial Board of the Journal is responsible for making a decision on publication, ensuring the validity of its decision by involving leading scientists from Moscow State University in the discussion of the articles received by the editor. N.P. Ogarev" and third-party specialists as reviewers, collaboration with relevant scientific societies as collective experts.

The decision to publish is based on the originality, reliability, scientific significance and relevance of the work under consideration.

Responsibility of the Journal editors

1. The editors of the Journal are responsible to the authors, reviewers, readers and the scientific community, to the founder and publisher, as well as to the general public for making the final decision on publication, the content of published materials and acknowledge this responsibility.
2. Editors make objective decisions independent of commercial considerations and ensure a fair and efficient peer review process.
3. Editors evaluate the intellectual content of manuscripts without regard to the race, gender, sexual orientation, religious views, origin, citizenship, or political preferences of the authors.
4. The editor should not disclose information about the accepted manuscript before its publication, with the exception of participants in the editorial and publishing process.
5. Editors do not work with articles in relation to which they have a conflict of interest.
6. The editors of the Journal make every effort to resolve a conflict situation that arises during the work.
7. The editors of the Journal publish information about corrections, refutations and retractions of articles if such a need arises.
8. The editors of the Journal do not publish the final version of the article without its agreement with the authors.

Responsibility of the Journal reviewers

1. The reviewer evaluates his/her availability before agreeing to review the manuscript and agrees to review only if there is sufficient time for quality work.
2. The reviewer warns the editors about the presence of a conflict of interest before starting to work with the article.
3. The reviewer does not transfer information about the article and the data it contains to third parties.
4. The reviewer does not use information obtained from the article for personal or commercial purposes.
5. The reviewer does not draw conclusions about the quality of the article based on subjective data: personal attitude towards the author, his gender, age, religion.
6. The reviewer uses only correct expressions and explanations regarding the article, and does not get personal.

1. The author submits for consideration an article whose materials have not been previously published. If the article is based on previously published non-article materials or materials presented on the Internet, the Editorial Board of the Journal should be notified about this.
2. The author does not submit one article for consideration to different journals.
3. All co-authors agree to submit the article to the Journal.
4. The author notifies the Editorial Board of a potential conflict of interest.
5. The author takes the necessary measures to ensure that the citations presented in the article are correct.
6. The list of authors includes only persons who have made a significant contribution to the research.
7. The author correctly cites his previous works, avoids self-plagiarism in the manuscript and artificially increasing the volume of publications (salami-slicing).
8. The contact author notifies his co-authors about changes and proposals from the Editorial Board of the Journal and does not make decisions regarding the article alone, without the written consent of all co-authors.
9. The author correctly corresponds with the reviewer through the editor and responds to comments and remarks if they arise.
10. If necessary, the authors correct the data presented in the article or refute them.

Responsibility of the Journal Publisher

1. The publisher supports scientific communications, invests in the publication process, and is also responsible for compliance with all modern recommendations in the published work.
2. The publisher does not influence the editorial policy of the Journal.
3. The Publisher provides legal support to the Editorial Board of the Journal if necessary.
4. The publisher ensures the timely release of the next issues of the Journal.
5. The publisher publishes corrections, clarifications and retracts articles in which violations of scientific ethics or critical errors have been identified.

Editorial policy determines what content you produce and when. The main tool of your editorial policy is the editorial calendar.

An editorial calendar isn't just a journal where you track, coordinate, and share your new content, it's a strategic tool that helps your team implement complex programs that include your content. Maintaining an editorial calendar ensures that you release your content at the best time and that your entire team is on track with release dates.

Your calendar doesn't have to be anything fancy—it could be a shared Excel sheet, a dynamic planner, or even a simple chalkboard. The most important requirement for it is that all interested parties have access to it, and that it gives you a complete picture. In order to really see the trends and drive the main line, you need to be able to plan your content releases for at least the next few months, if not the whole year.

The main benefits of creating such a calendar are:

  • Visibility and balance
  • Responsibility
  • Organization

Visibility and balance

Visibility is a content marketer's best friend: it promotes collaboration among your team, supports cross-channel campaigns, and (most importantly), is guaranteed to cut your daily email in half.

Here's what you should balance when creating your calendar, and the questions you should ask to guide your team's work:

  • Demand Generation: Does your content create new interest? What content generates the most leads?
  • Product Marketing: Do you have the content to support each product line?
  • PR: How is your content packaged into press releases/announcements/advertising?
  • Social Media: What content is most engaging on social media?
  • SEO: What kind of content should you create to rank high in search results? How well is your current content optimized for search?
  • Customer Marketing: How active is your content in supporting comprehensive customer support and engagement programs?
  • Affiliate Marketing: How can your content strategy best leverage the thought leadership and activity of your affiliates?
  • PPC: What content works best in PPC ads? How does your contextual advertising affect your content?

“I have a hard time understanding how any content team can function without an editorial calendar. We plan for the year ahead, but pay particular attention to quarterly calendars.”

Joe Pulizzi, founder of Content Marketing Institute


Content is the fuel that powers your marketing teams, which means it's critical that you agree, publish, and meet your content release deadlines. If your demand generation team plans to use your new eBook in next month's email offer, or the events team needs additional collateral for a future conference, you need to be responsible and get it done on time.

Your editorial calendar—which includes expected completion dates—ensures that expectations are reasonable and met. Here are a few additional best practices to keep in mind:

  • Give yourself some wiggle room. Don't promise that something can be done very soon - set a deadline that allows for unforeseen circumstances.
  • Demand accountability from your suppliers. If you're working with a third-party writer or designer, set clear deadlines in advance—and make sure they stick to them.
  • Review your deadlines. Check your upcoming deadlines every few days to see if everything is going according to plan?
  • Keep stakeholders informed. If you cannot complete the work on time, immediately notify all concerned.


Last but not least, a calendar forces you to be organized. A calendar isn't just for scheduling your future content and social media posts—it's also a journal of all your past posts. It's not always easy to keep track of the progress of an eBook, whether you've already tweeted about something, or what event you've already advertised on Facebook, especially if you have a lot of people on your team.

An editorial calendar will also help you stay organized during the initial discussion process. We recommend filling out your calendar with the following information, even before you brainstorm:

— Release / update of the future product
— Company events
— Industry events
- Ads
- Holidays
– National/international events (e.g. Oscar ceremony, international industrial exhibition, etc.)

You can also schedule your content quarterly or semi-annually, which will help you focus your strategy. Include your focus areas in your initial content plans and work to complete them within a set period of time.

The editorial policy of the journal “Vestnik RGMU” stipulates the requirements for manuscripts and the responsibility of all participants in the process of preparing a manuscript for publication for their violation. We understand that the editorial policy cannot provide answers to all questions, so if there is anything unclear, please write to.

1 Conditions for consideration and publication of manuscripts

The editors of the journal consider only original articles, including methods, clinical cases and opinions, on clinical medicine and biomedical sciences in Russian and English. We publish no more than one review per issue, and the review is written by the initiator of the issue's topic or by invited researchers at the request of the journal's editors. Priority areas of research are oncology, neurobiology, allergy and immunology, medical genetics, medical microbiology and infectious diseases. Issues are thematic and, as a rule, topics correspond to priority areas of research. The collection of manuscripts for the next issue is announced in advance. We accept off-topic manuscripts for thematic issues, but their number is limited and the requirements for them are higher.

The manuscript is considered by the editors only if it is formatted in accordance with the requirements of the journal. If the author has doubts that the manuscript may be of interest to the journal, we recommend using the pre-submission of the manuscript: you should send to the editor a free-form brief description of the purpose and design of the study and its key results with the values ​​of statistical indicators. This will save time.

The “Vestnik RGMU” operates a system of online publications: After completing work on the manuscript, it is published on the journal’s website and assigned a DOI. After online publication, changes to the manuscript are not possible. Once every two months, all manuscripts published during this period on the site are combined into an issue, assigning them page numbers and preserving the previously assigned DOI. Before creating an issue, authors can print out articles published on the site, and the generated files will contain the necessary output data.

The amount of the publishing fee when indicating the source of funding for the work is 46 thousand rubles, without indicating the source of funding - 25 thousand rubles.

“Vestnik RGMU” is published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY 4.0). The license provides for the preservation and observance of copyright for the free non-commercial and commercial use of materials, in this case, scientific articles. More information about licensing terms can be found on the Creative Commons website. Using a CC BY 4.0 license allows you to post the journal on convenient resources for storing and retrieving scientific information, for example, CyberLeninka, from where publications are included in scientific search engines.

Free access to publications increases their citation rate.

Key criteria for manuscript quality

  • What is described in the manuscript is new scientific knowledge published for the first time.
  • What is described in the manuscript is of interest to researchers of various specializations.
  • The methodology is presented fully and convincingly, the results are presented in sufficient volume, they are compared with the results of other researchers, and the conclusions are well-reasoned.
  • The ethical requirements of the journal are met.

Main reasons for refusal to publish

  • The manuscript does not correspond to the topic of the journal.
  • Reporting results that do not contain new scientific knowledge.
  • Gross methodological errors indicating unprofessionalism, and not an experimental failure of the researchers.
  • Lack of correct statistical analysis of the results.
  • Failure to respect authorship, plagiarism, self-plagiarism, falsification of data.

2 Submission of manuscripts for consideration

Manuscripts are submitted for consideration through the journal's website. The author must register on the site and use the “Submit manuscript” tab in your personal account. Detailed instructions for working with the electronic manuscript submission system are available on the journal’s website in the “For Authors” section. Technical support is provided by e-mail: .

3 Payment for publications

The amount of the publishing fee when indicating the source of funding for the work is 46 thousand rubles, without indicating the source of funding - 25 thousand rubles. The publishing fee is paid through the journal’s website - the online payment tool is located in the “Authors” section. If this payment method does not suit you, please write to .

4 Contents and design of manuscripts

The title of the manuscript should not be longer than 10 words.

Requirements for research quality

A good scientific article can only be the result of good scientific research. We recommend careful planning of the study, guided by international standards. The necessary manuals can be found on the EQUATOR Network website. Guidance for planning biological and biomedical research is also available on BioSharing. The journal's scientific editors check studies for compliance with international standards.

Research involving human participants must be approved by the local ethics committee, and in the absence of one, must comply with the requirements of the 2013 Declaration of Helsinki. Any deviation from the norms of the Declaration must be justified by the authors, discussed and approved by the scientific council of the research organization on the basis of which the study is being conducted.

A clinical trial should be registered before the start of the selection of study participants in Roszdravnadzor or in one of the WHO accredited registries. The registration number must be indicated in the “Patients and Methods” section of the article. If a study is not registered, the author must explain the reason to the scientific editor.

Study participants have the right to keep personal data confidential - their public use is possible only with the written consent of each participant. Obtaining consent implies preliminary familiarization of the participant with the text of the article and photographs. When children participate in the study, consent is given by their parents. Written consents are kept by the authors and must be submitted to the editorial office upon request. Reference to obtaining written consents should be included in the Patients and Methods section of the article.

Research involving animals must be approved by the local ethics committee. We recommend that researchers adhere to the recommendations of the ARRIVE (Animal Research: Reporting In Vivo Experiments) guideline prepared by the National Center for the Replacement, Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research (NC3Rs). If an experiment uses animals of a species for which ethical requirements are not specified, the authors should explain their choice.

Requirements for the language of the manuscript

The article should be written in simple language, understandable even to non-specialists. You cannot use terms that are not generally accepted or scientific jargon: the “scientific” nature of an article is determined not by the complexity of its language, but by the quality and value of the research it describes. Literary editing, which is accepted in the journal, is aimed at eliminating obvious language errors in the text of the manuscript and simplifying the language.

Manuscript structure

The main structural elements of a research article are:

  • title page (information about authors, title, abstract, keywords),
  • introduction,
  • section “Patients and methods” (“Materials and methods”),
  • section “Research results”,
  • section “Discussion of results”,
  • section “Conclusions”,
  • list of references in two languages ​​(“Literature” and References).

For articles of other types, the structuring and naming of sections can be free (opinion). Requirements for the content of sections are in the manuscript template.

Manuscript formatting

The article is submitted for consideration in .doc format, and only in this format. The format of the text is determined by the manuscript template. Tables, figures and captions are sent as separate files.

Tables are sent in .xls format (Microsoft Excel). All tables should be placed in one file, but on different sheets of the file. The names of tables and captions (explanations) for them are sent as a separate file in .doc format (for all tables - in one file). All columns and rows of tables must have names, and units of measurement must be indicated for all parameters. Bulleted lists cannot be used. The text of the article must contain links to all tables in the format: (Table 1), (Table 1, 2), (Table 1–3)

Drawings are sent in .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .tif, .eps format. The resolution must be at least 300 dpi. The image must be clear and contrasting - both in color and black and white. If the drawing is a graph, then they send the table from which it was constructed, in .xls format. The names of the figures and captions (explanations) for them are sent as a separate file in .doc format (for all figures - in one file). The text of the article must contain links to all figures in the format: (Fig. 1), (Fig. 1, 2), (Fig. 1–3).

When preparing a list of references, the Sample References standard is used, recommended by the ICMJE and accepted with some modifications by the PubMed abstract database. The journal does not use Russian GOST R 7.0.5 – 2008. In the text, references are formatted as a serial number in square brackets: , , . In the bibliography, sources are listed in the order in which they are mentioned in the text. This means that a link cannot be mentioned before a link in the text. A list of references is prepared not only in Russian, but also in English - References. If a Russian-language article has a translated version, then References provides a link to it. Otherwise, provide the translation of the title of the work in square brackets or transliterate it. In the latter case, you need to use the “Translit in Russian” service, and select BGN in the “Options” menu. Examples of reference formatting are provided in the manuscript template.

General requirements for articles:

Article type Sections Volume of the article
(without title page and links), sign. no samples
Number of tables and figures Number of links
Research article, method Title page
Patients (materials) and methods
Research results
The discussion of the results
Literature (References)
up to 20 thousand no more than 6 up to 30
Clinical case Title page
Description of a clinical case
Discussion of a clinical case
Literature (References)
up to 10 thousand no more than 10 up to 15
Opinion Title page
Sections (free)
Literature (References)
up to 10 thousand no more than 2 up to 15

5 Agreements and documents

The author's agreement determines the terms of cooperation between the authors and the journal.

In the agreement, the authors confirm that each of them meets the authorship criteria; indicate what contribution each of them made to the research and preparation of the article; disclose sources of research funding; confirm the compliance of the study with ethical requirements; agree to distribute the published article under the terms of the CC BY 4.0 license, etc.

Attention: an agreement signed by all authors must be sent to the editorial office of the journal immediately after the decision to publish the article is made. To avoid wasting time, we recommend preparing a signed agreement before making such a decision.

Declaration of Conflicts of Interest

A conflict of interest arises when the professional opinion of researchers is influenced by secondary interests: financial relationships, family ties, scientific competition or opposition of scientific views. To enable journal readers to assess the potential bias of an article, authors are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest.

Attention: Each author must fill out a declaration of conflicts of interest (if any), all declarations are attached to the author's agreement.

A copy of the expert opinion of the ethical committee

Research involving humans or animals must be approved by the local ethics committee. If there is no active committee in the region where the study is being conducted, when conducting research with human participants, the authors must follow the standards of the 2013 Declaration of Helsinki. Any deviation from these standards must be justified by the authors, and the scientific council of the research organization on the basis of which the study was conducted must approve. In this case, the authors send to the editor a copy of an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the academic council.

6 Responsibility of participants in the process of publishing a manuscript

  • made significant contributions to the design of the study or the acquisition, analysis, and interpretation of data within the study;
  • participated in the preparation of the draft manuscript or made corrections;
  • participated in the preparation of the final version of the article;
  • agrees to be responsible for all aspects of the study.

Anyone who does not meet at least one of the criteria cannot be considered the author of the article and should be mentioned in the “Acknowledgments” section. Establishing authorship is the prerogative of the group of authors. The editors are not involved in resolving conflicts that arise between authors.

Attention: If, after submitting the manuscript for consideration, new researchers are included among the authors or, conversely, some of the authors are excluded, written consent to the changes must be sent to the editor on behalf of all authors, including those excluded and included.

Attention: All individuals and organizations mentioned in the Acknowledgments section must give the authors written consent to be mentioned because it associates them with the study and its results. Such consent is not required to be sent to the editor, but must be provided at any time at the editor’s request.

One of the authors is a correspondent and takes responsibility for interaction with the editors. The corresponding author must respond to requests and messages from the editors within no more than 3 days. Otherwise, the article may be rejected.

Reviewers' responsibilities

Reviewers undertake to be impartial, honest and polite in their assessments, and to formulate constructive comments. They guarantee confidentiality: manuscripts cannot be discussed with third parties without notifying the editor-in-chief of the journal; ideas for articles cannot be appropriated or used, including for personal purposes, before publication. If there is a conflict of interest, the reviewer must withdraw from the review. The review must be prepared in the journal format within the prescribed period. The reviewer must answer any questions related to the review he has prepared.

Editorial Responsibility

The editors must ensure the confidentiality of the process of preparing manuscripts for publication. None of the editorial staff can make public the ideas presented in manuscripts submitted for consideration. The editors are obliged to convey the requirement of confidentiality to reviewers.

If a manuscript is rejected before being sent for review, it is deleted from the journal's electronic archive. If an article is rejected based on the results of peer review, it is stored in the journal archive along with reviews for 5 years.

The editors must ensure timely review of the manuscript. If a decision is made to publish it, the editors must strive to ensure that the article appears in print within the agreed time frame. Any delay must be agreed with the authors. In case of refusal to publish, the editors must notify the authors as soon as possible.

The editors must ensure that the review of manuscripts submitted for review is organized in accordance with the developed review rules and the designated criteria for selecting reviewers.

Attention: Responsibility for the publication of articles and the content of the journal lies solely with the editor-in-chief. By decision of the editor-in-chief, for one reason or another, even an article for which negative expert opinions have been received may be published.

Unintentional errors are an integral part of the publication process, and the editors undertake to publish information about factual inaccuracies in articles as soon as they are identified. The procedure for refusing publication or part of publication is determined by the ethical regulations of the journal.

7 Ethical requirements

The journal's ethical requirements are based on the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics. The requirements are not exhaustive, and in controversial situations the editors are guided by the relevant COPE instructions.

“Vestnik RGMU” follows the authorship criteria established by the ICMJE and specified in Section 4 of the Editorial Policy. Authors should remember that any researcher who participated in the design of the study or the collection, analysis and interpretation of information within the study has the right to participate in the preparation of the draft and final version of the manuscript and cannot be excluded from the list of authors on a formal basis.

Originality of submitted materials

The editors of the journal "Vestnik RGMU" accept for consideration manuscripts that have not been published previously, including partially and/or in another language, and are also not under consideration in other journals. If the manuscript presents results used in the preparation of other manuscripts in which the authors were co-authors, the authors should warn about this and provide links to such articles. If the manuscript largely repeats the content of articles previously published by the authors, the authors should warn about this and provide links to such articles.

Re-publication of a manuscript previously published in another language is possible, provided that the article contains extremely important results that need to be disseminated as widely as possible, and the consent of the journal that first published the manuscript has been obtained. Such a publication must contain an unambiguous reference to the original source.

Manuscripts that are re-analyses of previously published data must contain a reference to the original source.

Scientific misconduct

Violation of research planning rules

Deviation from international standards for research planning or the use of methods that are not widely used in practice may lead to distortion of research results and cause gross manipulation of experimental data or statistical analysis data. The editors of the journal "Vestnik RGMU" insist on the use by researchers of international standards for planning research of various types and on timely warning of deviations from these standards with a detailed explanation of why this was done.

A violation of authorship is considered to be the groundless exclusion of someone from the list of authors, or, conversely, the groundless inclusion of someone among the authors, or the submission of an article for consideration without the consent of at least one of the authors. Establishing authorship is the prerogative of the group of authors. The editors do not determine who actually is the author of the article and do not participate in resolving conflicts that arise between authors. However, if such dishonest behavior by authors is detected, the editor-in-chief has the right to refuse publication.

Plagiarism is the use of someone else's published or unpublished ideas, statements (oral or written) or other intellectual property without permission and/or attribution and presenting them as new and original rather than borrowed. If plagiarism is detected, the manuscript is not subject to re-examination with a warning addressed to the research organization in which the authors work.

Self-plagiarism is the presentation of one's own previously published data as new and original. The most common violations are: modification of the text of an article without changing its content in comparison with a previously published work; preparation of a manuscript with results presented at conferences more than 1 year ago; preparation of a manuscript with the results presented in a dissertation defended more than 1 year ago. Such works do not have scientific novelty and cannot be published.

Self-citation is the use by the author of the texts of his previous publications in other publications on the same topic without formal citation. Self-citation is not considered plagiarism, but is also unacceptable. If a significant proportion of self-citation is detected, the article is not rejected, but is not considered further until the necessary corrections are made.

Data falsification

Data falsification is considered complete fabrication or deliberate distortion of part of the data and deliberate concealment of data that contradicts the hypothesis or conclusions of the authors. In case of fabrication or deliberate distortion of data, the manuscript is rejected without the right to re-examine with a warning issued to the research organization in which the authors work. In case of concealment of part of the data, the manuscript is rejected, but can be reconsidered if the authors present the data in full, correcting the conclusions about the results obtained.

Conflict of interest

A conflict of interest arises when the professional opinion of researchers is influenced by secondary interests: financial relationships, family ties, scientific competition or opposition of scientific views. To enable journal readers to assess the potential bias of an article, authors are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest. If there is a conflict of interest, information about it will be published along with the article. If a conflict of interest is discovered after the publication of an article, the journal will publish the information obtained separately, and the authors will be required to submit an explanatory letter to the editor.

Complete or partial refusal to publish

If the editors have doubts about the ethical purity of a publication or part of it, the editor-in-chief can contact the research organization in which the study was conducted with a request to clarify all the circumstances. If doubts are confirmed, the journal will publish a refusal to publish or part of it, and, if necessary, a review of all previously published articles by the authors will begin. If the alleged misconduct of the authors cannot be proven, the journal may nevertheless publish a notice of ethical concerns about the publication, calling on the scientific community to debate.

8 Editorial team

The editor-in-chief is responsible for the content and quality of the journal. However, in order for the decisions he makes to be as objective as possible and to take into account the specifics of various fields of knowledge, the editor-in-chief forms an Editorial Board.

Members of the Editorial Board may be researchers with a scientific degree of candidate or doctor of science, who regularly publish works in Russian and foreign scientific journals in the field of their scientific interest (at least 3 publications per year) and have not been found to violate publication ethics. If a member of the Editorial Board is convicted of dishonest authorial behavior, he is immediately expelled from the Board without the right to be re-invited.

The responsibilities of the members of the Editorial Board are to review articles submitted for consideration, express an expert opinion on articles of controversial quality, provide feedback to the editor-in-chief after the publication of the next issue of the journal, and recommend current topics for issues. Reviewing and expert assessment of articles of controversial quality are carried out only at the request of the editor-in-chief.

The composition of the Editorial Board is revised as necessary by the decision of the editor-in-chief; there is no limit on the number of members. Resignation from the Editorial Board at your own request is free. Serving on the Editorial Board is not paid.

Anyone wishing to join the Editorial Board of the journal “Vestnik RGMU” can write to , indicating “Editorial Board” in the subject line of the letter and reporting in the letter about their area of ​​interest and the most important, in the writer’s opinion, scientific achievements.

9 Review rules

All manuscripts submitted for consideration undergo peer review. The editor-in-chief determines the reviewers and their number for each manuscript.

The journal adopts blind reviewing: the reviewer and the authors do not know each other’s names. Authors have the right to review reviews. To improve the quality of reviewing, the editor-in-chief may forward the review of one reviewer to other reviewers, but in this case the review is anonymous. Copies of reviews can also be sent to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation upon request.

The review is prepared in journal form. It must be compiled by the reviewer and sent from an email address that allows the reviewer to be identified, along with the original editable .doc file. The signature and seal of the research organization in which the reviewer works is not required. The review must be provided within the agreed period, but no later than within 10 days from the date of receipt of the article by the reviewer. Subsequently, the reviewer must promptly respond to questions from the authors and editor, explaining their comments and recommendations.

Based on the results of the review, the article may be rejected, published as submitted, or revised (with or without re-review - at the discretion of the editor-in-chief). The final decision on publication of the article is made by the editor-in-chief.

Reviews are stored in the electronic archive of the journal for 5 years.

How we select reviewers

Reviewers can only be researchers who have published in Russian and foreign journals on the topic of the article being reviewed over the past 3 years. The selection of the editor-in-chief is based on many factors, including the reputation of the potential reviewer, recommendations of the authors and members of the Editorial Board, experience of previously interacting with the reviewer, etc.

Having received notification of the decision to send an article for review, the author can recommend someone as a reviewer or, conversely, indicate those researchers to whom the article should not be sent. The wishes of the authors can be taken into account by the editor-in-chief, but he makes the final decision independently, and it may not coincide with the wishes of the authors.

How to become a reviewer

Write to us about your scientific interests and achievements, indicating “Become a reviewer” in the subject line.
