Organic rabbit fertilizers. Rabbit manure as a fertilizer: reviews

Pet droppings are often used on farms. Rabbit manure as a fertilizer is the most effective because it has a valuable composition. It is used on an industrial scale. It has many advantages over other types of fertilizers prepared from cow, horse and chicken excrement.


Rabbit droppings contain useful trace elements. Unlike the manure of other animals, their proportions are approximately equal. For 1 kg of substance there are:

  • magnesium oxide – 7 g;
  • nitrogen – 6 g;
  • potassium oxide – 6 g;
  • calcium oxide – 4 g.

The composition also includes zinc, copper, manganese, iron, and rare earth elements. Their number depends on the diet and region in which the rabbits are raised. Water no more than 56%.

For example, in horse droppings this figure reaches 70%. The composition of the substance is almost identical to brown hare manure.

Advantages and disadvantages

Using rabbit droppings has the following advantages:

  • usefulness – creates a nutrient medium for plants;
  • ease of transportation, storage and collection - has a dense consistency, the substance is dry;
  • ease of absorption - thanks to the secretion of the rabbits’ body and a unique diet;
  • profitability - the high concentration of nutrients allows you to replace even mineral supplements;
  • there is no risk of introducing weed seeds into the ground - they are completely processed during the digestion process;
  • no strong odor;
  • naturalness.

Rabbit manure has such positive properties as loosening and warming the soil. Can lighten even heavy clay soils. During the debate it gives off a lot of heat. Does not contain worm eggs.

The disadvantages of fertilizer include its toxicity. If the substance is used in its pure form, the plants will be burned. The soil will become oversaturated with nitrogen and methane will be released.

How to collect and store

Animals weighing 3.5 kg produce 150 kg of litter per year. Rabbits are often kept in cages. It is worth installing a tray underneath them, from which it will be convenient to collect fertilizer. This must be done every day.

In a large farm, it is better to place the pallets at an angle. Rabbit manure will then go into special containers. The advantages of this method are increased animal hygiene and reduced labor costs.

The following methods of storing litter are provided:

  • in dry form - the sun should hit the raw materials as little as possible;
  • in a compost pit;
  • in diluted form;
  • in warm beds.

Scope of application

You can use rabbit manure as fertilizer in the following areas:

  • in greenhouses and in the garden for feeding cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkins, potatoes, zucchini;
  • in floriculture;
  • for growing different types of mushrooms;
  • for feeding fruit bushes;
  • for fertilizing berries;
  • for making humus;
  • as mulch along with straw.

Suitable for growing fodder crops. Effective for feeding seedlings.

Types of fertilizers

The litter is prepared according to the purpose of use. It could be:

  • land structuring;
  • improving its composition;
  • regular fertilizers.

You can use fresh rabbit manure only after harvesting. It is scattered around the site. During the winter it will freeze and the decay products will go away. When the snow melts, nutrients along with water will saturate the deeper layers of the soil.


To prepare the fertilizer, use fresh or dry rabbit droppings.

They operate according to the following scheme:

  • take 1-1.5 parts of raw materials;
  • pour 10 parts of water;
  • leave for 7-10 days.

Fresh before use, dilute in a ratio of 1:10. Water is not added to the infusion of dry excrement, because it contains 2 times less nutrients.


Rabbit manure is placed in a hole, in a prepared box or in a fenced off pile. First, the bottom is covered with fallen leaves or hay. The layers are alternated using different types of organic matter - plant residues, straw, sawdust, food waste, fruits, vegetables from the garden. Sometimes droppings from other animals are added. Provide air access and limit sun exposure. The raw material matures naturally for about a year.

Rabbit droppings should account for about 10% of the total mass of raw materials for compost. If it is difficult to provide such an amount of organic matter, then manure is applied in its pure form. But before use, take into account the increased concentration.

To speed up the process of rotting, you should water the pile periodically. Often a solution of active bacteria is used for this purpose. The layers are turned and compacted. You can prevent the leaching of nutrients by covering the hole with waterproof material. In winter, sawdust is poured on top in a layer of at least 35 cm. Readiness is checked with a shovel.

If the mass is homogeneous and crumbly, the compost is ready.

Dry feeding

Rabbit manure is used in dry form. To do this, it is dried. Grind into powder. The waste products of other animals are not used in this way.


Obtained as a result of processing rabbit manure and soil by earthworms and microorganisms. In this form, the fertilizer has almost no unpleasant odor. Increases soil fertility significantly.

Rules of application

It is worth using rabbit manure as a top dressing according to strictly defined recommendations. Otherwise, you can harm the plants.


Used for root and foliar feeding. In the second case, the infusion of rabbit manure should be carefully filtered. First, only part of the planting is sprayed to check the reaction of the crop.

If the result is positive, the entire bed is treated.

Feeding at the root should be about 0.5 liters of infusion per bush. But it is worth considering that there should not be more than 2 liters of liquid per 1 m2.


For heavy soils, fertilizer is used in the fall, for sandy loam or sandy soils - in the spring. Distribute over the area before digging. Consumption – 4 kg per 5 m².

If the compost has not had time to rot, it is scattered around the garden in winter. By spring, the aggressive substances will go away. Fertilizing is applied once every 3 years.

Dry feeding

The powder is mixed with soil - 1 tbsp. l. per 3 kg of soil. Can be added to holes before planting different crops. The expense is the same.

Dry fertilizer is used for indoor plants. It promotes rapid growth and healthy flowers. It is worth fertilizing before planting or during transplantation.


Decomposed rabbit manure becomes of high quality after the raw materials are processed by worms. Humus is used by spreading it over the beds. Then the soil is dug up or cultivated.

Rabbit droppings. Disposal of a 2-month supply.

Mining for rabbit gold/Living in the countryside

Garden with rabbit manure.


Farmers also call rabbit manure gold. Useful for the garden in rotted, dried and liquid form. Great for warm beds. They are even used for breeding fishing baits.

Fertilizer should not be exposed to high or low temperatures. When watering with boiling water, most of the microelements and acids are washed away.

Freezing destroys the nitrogen necessary for plants to grow green mass.

Rabbit manure is very valuable as a fertilizer. Breeders often say that this is the “gold of rabbits.” Fertilizing with rabbit manure is widespread. The composition of rabbit droppings is superior to that of cows or horses. Its consistency is dry and dense, so it is convenient to transport. Using rabbit manure on the beds increases plant nutrition.

Is rabbit manure good for you? Yes, it contains a lot of potassium, nitrogen, magnesium, water and organic matter. All these components contribute to the active growth of plants. If we take into account the feedback from experienced farmers, the manure can be used without composting. The composition does not include seeds, since pets only consume the stem and leaves of the grass. The main condition is how to use and properly store raw materials. To prevent bacteria from multiplying, you need to constantly clean the cells. Germs harm pets when feces remain in the cage for too long. It is important for rabbits that their home is always clean.

Rabbit manure is used as fertilizer in the garden, simply a storehouse of useful elements. The use of manure is well suited for the garden as a top dressing for various plantings. To do this, rabbit feces are turned into fertilizer useful for the soil and crops. To make a nutritious feed, manure is mixed with various organic matter. Experienced farmers advise adding any food waste, such as potato peelings, to this mass. Rabbit manure fertilizer can be mixed in your backyard. It is recommended to build a compost heap and throw worms into it. In this case, you will have to monitor the worms so that they do not process all the raw materials. After 50 days, the pile is stirred and the worms on the lower layers are removed. This is how humus fertilizer comes out.

Please note that manure is toxic if it is thrown into the ground without diluting it. Without preparation, the substrate “burns out” the plantings, as it produces methane and huge doses of nitrogen.

How else can you use rabbit manure to help your plants grow better? You can make a liquid mixture. To do this, you will need 1 kg of litter per bucket of water. Leave the mixture for 12 hours, stirring occasionally. Liquid fertilizer is calculated at 1-2 liters per 1 sq. meter of land. To prevent the liquid mass from spilling, you need to prepare deep holes in the soil in advance. Fertilizing with manure can be done several times a year.

Pros of rabbit manure compared to other fertilizers

  • minimum costs
  • Rabbit droppings are suitable for many plants and vegetables
  • manure can be easily converted into fertilizer


The uses of rabbit manure are varied. The finished fertilizer is applied to the soil in dry form, as humus, compost or in a liquid mass. You can feed flowers, fruit bushes and vegetable plantings. Suitable for cucumbers or potatoes.

If you are going to make a nutritious fertilizer for tomatoes, then it is recommended to apply fertilizing to the soil before planting the young, and not under the bush. Tomatoes are very sensitive to nitrogen fertilizer and can spoil if used incorrectly. If the litter is not prepared, it will begin to release methane and ammonia. Such elements do not allow young plants to grow.

Dry or as humus

Humus is a product of processing manure and soil with the help of earthworms. It is believed that if the worms have processed the rabbit waste, then the unpleasant odor will be minimal. The more humus in the soil, the more nutritious it is. When the humus is ready, the mixture should be scattered in the garden and you can fertilize the entire area with it. If everything is done correctly, then all the land will be highly fertile for planting.


Composting is considered an ancient, but the most practical method for making plants grow. The use of such fertilizer has a beneficial effect on plantings. Making compost is quite easy. This will require any amount of manure, plant waste and soil. All components are mixed. You can also add rotten leaves or vegetable waste (not moldy).

Moisturizing the compost heap should be done with water or mineral supplements. After 1.5 months, mix the compost and compact it. It is optimal to infuse the mixture in a dark place; cover the top with a thick cloth. In winter, the compost is covered with a thick layer of sawdust. In winter, compost is spread around the site so that with the arrival of spring, the soil is saturated with vitamins and useful minerals. This method is very convenient, since with the onset of spring you only need to plow the ground and you can start sowing. If this method is applied in practice for several seasons in a row, the soil becomes softer and more saturated. After spreading rabbit fertilizer, much fewer weeds will grow compared to cow or horse fertilizers. Farmers who use rabbit manure say that many crops yield more.

Of all the types of manure that come from domestic animals, Rabbit droppings are considered the most valuable. Its composition is several times higher than the amount of useful substances obtained from horse, bird or cow manure.

Rabbit manure as a fertilizer, composition and beneficial properties

Rabbit manure is rich in various organic compounds and microelements, and due to the special secretion of the eared organism and the special diet, these substances are easily absorbed.

One kilogram of litter contains:

  • nitrogen 6 g;
  • calcium oxide 4 g;
  • magnesium oxide 7 g;
  • potassium oxide 6 g.
If in the manure of other animals there is a predominance of any one element (either nitrogen or potassium), then in rabbit droppings these substances are contained in almost equal proportions. Thanks to the above elements, phosphoric acids and other compounds, rabbit manure can replace three packages mineral fertilizers 3 kg each: ammonium sulfate, superphosphate and potassium salt.

Rabbit manure as a fertilizer is also useful because it is more capable than others of softening, loosening, warming and saturating the soil. In some cases, it can be used without prior composting, since the substrate does not contain plant seeds capable of vital activity. Even heavy clay soils after three years of treatment with this raw material become loose and lighter.

How to use rabbit manure, types of fertilizer

The use of rabbit droppings as fertilizer has a wide range on an industrial scale. Raw materials are used:

  • in greenhouses ( during mass cultivation of different crops);
  • in floriculture ( including at home);
  • when growing champignons and other mushrooms;
  • when growing feed crops;
  • in the production of humus and the breeding of worms and other fishing baits.

Rabbit droppings contain less moisture than, for example, cow droppings, so they are easier to transport.

Fresh look

Fresh manure from rabbits is used as fertilizer in rare cases. Immediately after harvesting before winter, you can scatter fresh manure over the site (field) to replenish depleted or poorly saturated soil with nutrients.

During the winter period, the manure will have time to freeze and decompose, while losing decomposition products. In the spring, when the snow melts, the water will dissolve and deeply saturate the soil with useful elements. If you cover the soil along with the bedding, the hay after spring plowing will work as mulch and, decomposing even more, will “feed” the soil.

Important!It is not advisable to fertilize plantings with untreated manure: its decay products - ammonia and methane - will burn the young shoots.

Composting manure

If you started composting in early spring, then by next winter you can use the prepared rabbit droppings as fertilizer. Compost is spread over the soil and dug up, thus, before spring sowing and planting, the soil is saturated with nutrients and becomes looser.

Compost is diluted with water to fertilize fruit and berry crops and root crops. Often used as mulch to prevent soil drying out and weeds from appearing. Garlic planted before winter is “covered” with compost, thus protecting it from freezing.

Dry look

Rabbit manure is the only type of organic matter used in dry form. Balls of droppings are either burned out or well dried in the sun, ground into powder and mixed with soil. Add a tablespoon of powder to three kilograms of soil. Using dry powder, liquid fertilizers are prepared for indoor or garden tender plants. In floriculture, slightly different proportions are observed. For an earthen mixture, take a teaspoon of powder; for a liquid mixture, also mix it with water (3 liters).


Humus is a decomposed compost and manure heap, loose and homogeneous, with a consistency reminiscent of fertile black soil. High-quality humusThis is, first of all, a product of processing by earthworms; these invertebrates significantly improve the looseness of any soil. Many farmers claim that humus from rabbit droppings has virtually no unpleasant odor when used. To saturate the soil, humus is scattered around the site and dug up.

Did you know?One day, a girl from the Aztec tribe noticed that a rabbit, having eaten agave, was running strangely across the field. This is how the fluffy rodent helped discover the “magical” effect of alcohol. Until now, in Mexico, before drinking alcoholic beverages, indigenous people throw some of the contents from a glass onto the floor as a sacrifice to a rabbit.

How to use rabbit manure

Having purchased rabbit manure, you need to know how to use it correctly. Let's start with compost:

  • in the fall, when digging, add to the soil to prepare for spring planting;
  • placed directly in the holes before planting (once every 2-3 years);
  • used as mulch, mixed with straw;
  • Used as a top dressing, diluted with water.

Attention!Liquid fertilizers with compost should be used with extreme caution, no more than twice a year, no more than two liters per square meter.

Let's figure out how else rabbit droppings are used. In dry form, they are used by adding powder to the soil for fertilizer before planting. The powder is used diluted with water (floriculture) as a fertilizer. Humus is very popular when planting winter crops. Liquid fertilizers are applied during plowing and feeding of various crops. Rabbit droppings significantly enrich depleted soils before planting legumes, potatoes and other root crops, berries and nightshades.

Preparation and storage of manure

Let's consider two main types of rabbit manure collection:composting and feeding.

To compost rabbit manure, other organic matter is added to this substrate in a compost pit: manure from other animals, food waste (without mold), dry fallen leaves. From time to time, the pile in the pit is turned over with a shovel so that it rots evenly. To ensure that the worms do not eat the compost, but rather process it to the desired consistency, they must be removed.

When you transfer compost in a hole, remove the bottom layer (in it greatest number worms) and remove it. The manure pit should be in the shade; in addition to “mixing,” the compost must be moistened. For the winter, the pit is covered with sawdust and tarpaulin.

The bait is prepared as follows: for 12 liters of water, give 2 kilograms of fresh manure. The mixture should brew, stir the solution periodically. The solution will be ready when the mass becomes completely homogeneous. Dry version of the preparation: dried dung balls are ground into powder in a mortar. The powder is stored in a dry, dark place. When storing unprocessed litter, care must be taken to ensure that it does not dry out. If this does happen, use it in liquid solutions.

Interesting!Some of the achievements of furry pets are listed in the Guinness Book of Records. A rabbit named Nippers Geronimo is known as the owner of the longest ears - 79.05 cm; the most well-fed rabbit weighs 12 kilograms; The long-eared North American rabbit is considered the smallest, weighing only 350 grams.

To obtain environmentally friendly products, it is customary to use organic fertilizers in the care of vegetable and garden crops. They are considered as safe as possible for health and do not require special costs or skills to use.

Rabbit droppings are considered the most effective; they are also jokingly called rabbit gold. In terms of quality, it is several times superior to cow and horse manure and bird droppings. Organic fertilizer obtained during the life of rabbits is rich in multiple microelements and beneficial bacteria. Thanks to the special secretion secreted by furry animals, this substance is easily absorbed by plants when applied.

With its help, the soil softens, warms up, loosens and warms up. Due to the lack of plant seeds capable of germinating, manure is sometimes used without prior composting. After 2-3 years of regular use in areas with heavy soils, you can achieve the most loose and fertile consistency, rich in nutrients.

Composition of rabbit manure

Given the small size of rodents, it is almost impossible to obtain large volumes of droppings from them. The exception is large farms where rodents are bred on an industrial scale. However, with good care, on private farms an adult individual produces on average 100 to 200 kg of complete fertilizer per year.

IN chemical composition includes:

  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • nitrogen;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • iron.

Can rabbit droppings be used as fertilizer?

Thanks to high concentration organic elements, rabbit droppings are recommended to be used as a natural fertilizer in vegetable growing, horticulture, and floriculture. It is rarely used fresh, during the autumn preparation of the soil for future harvests.

Manure is spread on the plots before the onset of cold weather. During the winter period, it disintegrates and after the snow melts, it is easily absorbed into the soil.

Advice! Fresh use is contraindicated for feeding seedlings: high ammonia content can destroy young plants.

Making compost after a year ensures excellent quality substrate. It is used as mulch, for feeding plants and seedlings, and preparing a fertile soil mixture. Dry compost is used as mulch to protect beds from frost.

Dried rabbit droppings are thoroughly crushed and added to complex fertilizers, used in fertilizing flowers and vegetable crops, and indoor plants. Rabbit manure as a fertilizer for the garden has no analogues. To increase efficiency, it is mixed with cow or horse milk.

In greenhouses, to feed seedlings, droppings are placed in barrels, filled with water and left to infuse for at least a month. The resulting composition is diluted with water 1:10 and plants are fed at the stage of true leaves. Re-feed after diving to eliminate stress and strengthen the seedlings. It is recommended to use this solution for sick and damaged plants.

How to Apply Rabbit Manure

“Rabbit gold” is used in various spheres of life. It is used:

  • in growing early products (greenhouses and greenhouses);
  • in floriculture;
  • for the production of humus;
  • in gardening (for growing fodder and fruit crops);
  • in gardening.

High-quality humus is a substrate processed by earthworms. Rabbit humus is added to improve soil fertility and looseness. Rabbit droppings are very popular among fishermen, who use them to obtain large quantities of worms.

IN agriculture It is used for plowing for growing grains and legumes. The yield increases during agrotechnical work with potatoes, root crops, berries and nightshade crops. In gardens, droppings are laid out in wet and dry form in circles around the trunk in the fall. Weakened plants affected by diseases or pests are fertilized with additional liquid solutions. Repeat periodically as necessary, but no more than 3 times during the growing season.

Processing rabbit manure into pellets has recently become a practice industrial enterprises. Such products are in demand: granular fertilizers are easy to transport and store, and can be used simply and quickly. Dry granules are stored for a long time and are easy to use. Just fill them with water and leave for several hours.

To use in liquid form, add water in the ratio: 100 liters of water per 1 kg of granules, leave to infuse. They are used dry, adding 1 kg per 1 sq.m. to the soil. This procedure is performed in the fall, before the onset of cold weather.

Reference! Rabbit droppings are successfully produced fuel briquettes and granules.

The trend of multiple business projects based on the sale of rabbit droppings and its processing is gaining momentum. Rabbit farming, as a promising industry today, provides large volumes of animal waste.

Compost is prepared for long-term use. For this purpose, special boxes (collars) are built and laid chicken droppings layers, placing leaves and plant debris. For the winter period, cover with sawdust, hay or straw, cover with film or tarpaulin. It is worth considering that such compost cannot be obtained in one season. Therefore, vegetable growers practice the construction of several such compost structures at the same time.

The use of rabbit manure as fertilizer ensures the active growth of vegetable and garden crops. It improves metabolic processes, ensures the strengthening and growth of green mass, the formation of fruits and roots. Reviews about this fertilizer are only positive.

With the help of rabbit manure, “warm” beds are prepared in the fall.” To do this, trenches of the required length are dug, with a depth of 20 to 40 cm, depending on the climatic characteristics of the region. The top is covered with straw, sawdust, leaves and film. Sometimes roofing felt or tarpaulin is used. As the weather gets warmer, the bed is opened and a greenhouse is installed. Vegetables receive organic feeding and natural heating during the rotting of the droppings.

What grows in rabbit manure

Excellent for fertilizing trees, shrubs, vegetables, and ornamental plants.

  1. Cucumbers. Fresh manure is poured with water in a ratio of 1:10 and infused for 10-14 days. Dilute with water: 1 liter of prepared infusion per 10 liters of water. Water at the roots of plants at the rate of 1 liter per plant. To enhance the effect, add wood ash. Feeding is carried out 2-3 times per season.
  2. Strawberry. Berry bushes are fertilized 2 times: in the spring to increase immunity and strengthen the plants, and after fruiting, in the fall. Prepare an infusion in the following proportion: 1 part of litter per 20 liters of water. The mixture is infused for 1-2 weeks. Dilute the composition with water at the rate of 1:10, water 1 liter per 1 square meter. The soil is loosened after processing. To reduce the unpleasant odor, humate “Baikal” is added.
  3. Potato. Dry rabbit droppings are scattered in the fall onto the area where potato beds are supposed to be placed in the spring. For effectiveness, superphosphate and potassium sulfate are added. The liquid mixture is fertilized during the period of active flowering and tuber formation. To do this, pour the infusion into the rows and after 2-3 days thoroughly loosen the soil.
  4. Raspberries. Before the onset of cold weather, rotted manure is scattered between the bushes. This provides shelter for the garden crop from frost and enriches the soil with essential microelements. Slurry is watered between rows in raspberry fields after fruiting. This way the bushes are restored and the risk of being damaged during severe frosts is reduced. Next season the harvest will be large and abundant.
  5. Grape. Grape feeding is carried out in early spring, with the onset of stable warmth. Rabbit manure is infused with water 1:10 for at least 2 weeks. The prepared solution is fed 2-3 times per season. In autumn, compost manure is mixed with leaves or sawdust and the plantings are protected from frost.

Rabbit manure for roses is applied when digging the ground in the fall, in the process of preparing future planting holes. Used as foliar feeding in the phase of active growth and bud formation. You can fertilize flowers throughout the growing season, until August. The bushes are mulched with composted manure, leaving some distance from the stems to avoid burns. This method also allows you to control pests. A plot of 1 square meter requires up to 3 kg of rotted manure.

Reference! The amount of litter is calculated depending on the grade of roses. Climbing, park, ground cover and grown on trunks require more feeding volume than indoor decorative varieties of roses.

For tomatoes, liquid solutions are used. The fermented droppings are diluted with water and watered under each bush or between the rows. Complex fertilizers are added to guarantee a good harvest. Tomatoes set more intensively, the fruits become larger, and the taste improves.

Everyone wants to eat healthy food. As you know, truly healthy food grows on naturally fertilized soil. Therefore, gardeners who are thinking about proper fertilizing are wondering: is it possible and how to properly use rabbit manure as fertilizer in their garden plot? Let's take a closer look at what types of rabbit droppings are used, as well as when, how often and under what plants to apply them for proper feeding.

Rabbit droppings are considered effective organic fertilizers. And for good reason, because it contains the following substances:

  • 2.3% nitrogen;
  • 1.9% phosphoric acid;
  • 1.5% potassium.

It also contains the following microelements: cobalt, iron, zinc, manganese. This type of manure is in no way inferior to others in value. On the contrary, due to the equal content of nutrients, it is almost the obvious choice of a gardener. 100 kg of fertilizer can easily be replaced by 3 kg of superphosphate, 2.6 kg of ammonium sulfate and 1.3 kg of 40% potassium salt. Also, a special secret secreted by the animals contributes to the rapid dissolution of droppings in the soil.

Due to the structure of the rabbit’s gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract) being different from other animals, the animal’s excrement contains almost no weeds, fungal spores, or undigested food particles. This means that sometimes, droppings are used as fertilizer in the garden without composting.

One of the main properties of manure obtained from rabbits is the ability to constantly fertilize the soil. After 3-4 years from the beginning of its use, even once loamy soils become soft, light, and loose.

However, rabbit manure should be handled with care because this type droppings are classified as so-called “hot” fertilizers. This means that it contains a large amount of nitrogen, which, in case of an overdose, stimulates the rapid growth of the plant with an abundant increase in vegetative mass. Moreover, reproductive organs and fruits will not form on the plant.

What types of fertilizer can you use rabbit manure for?

Rabbit manure used as fertilizer is divided into 4 types:

  1. Fresh.
  2. Composted.
  3. Dry.
  4. Humus (humus).

Each of them has its own requirements for use. In order not to destroy the plantings, certain rules must be followed.


This type is used the least. The only period of time when using a fresh type of manure in the garden is advisable is late autumn after harvesting. It is applied in the fall, lightly covered with a rake, mixed with mulch, directly into the soil. Over the winter, the manure will freeze and begin to decompose, losing harmful products formed during decomposition - ammonia and methane (it is because of these substances that no amount of fresh rabbit droppings can be used for planting). In spring, water will dissolve it, saturating the soil with nutrients and microelements.

Fresh rabbit manure cannot be poured into the same place every year. You need to take a break from 2 to 3 years.

In spring and summer, liquid fertilizer is prepared. 1-2 kg of fresh rabbit droppings are diluted and dissolved, stirring occasionally, in a 10 liter bucket of water. The resulting liquid is injected into shallow grooves or pits at a rate of 1.5 l/m2. After this, the depressions are filled with soil.

Composting manure

Making compost most often begins by mixing food scraps, straw, cow, sheep or horse manure with rabbit manure. Afterwards, the future compost is either transferred to a dark place or covered with a tarpaulin.

The pile is compacted in the compost pit after 45 days. Using this method, you can compost in the spring and use rabbit manure as fertilizer in the garden by the beginning of winter.

To use compost, you need to spread it on the surface of the soil and dig it up. So during the winter the soil loosens and is enriched with nutrients.


Rabbit droppings are the only type of organic fertilizer that is used in dry form. For fertilizer prepared from rabbit droppings, the main component is thoroughly dried under the sun, then ground to powder and mixed with soil. For 3 kg of soil there is 1 tbsp. l. powder, which is applied in an even thin layer.

Using crushed dry manure, liquid root fertilizers are also prepared for delicate garden or indoor plants and flowers. To do this, pour a teaspoon of powder for every 3 liters of water and leave for 24 hours, stirring occasionally. Apply the resulting liquid to moist soil at a rate of 2 l/m2.


Rabbit manure humus is a decomposed, loose, homogeneous compost heap that looks like black soil. High-quality humus is the final product of processing compost with worms, which improves the looseness of any type of soil.

Humus is used after the harvest is harvested, a week before planting winter crops. This fertilizer is easy to use. To fertilize the soil, you need to scatter humus around the area, after digging up the ground.

Rules for applying fertilizer in the garden

Knowing all the rules for using fertilizers does not mean that plantings cannot be destroyed. After all, different plants do not need the same feeding conditions.

Under trees and bushes

In order to feed fruit and berry trees, you need to dig a groove 3 to 5 cm deep at a distance of 1 to 1.5 m from the trunk. Next, you need to water the hole with the expectation that each tree needs 10-12 liters of solution (to prepare it, 1.5 kg of manure is mixed with 10-12 liters of water and infused for 24 hours, stirring occasionally). After the solution is poured, you need to bury the groove.

Absolutely the same actions must be done with individual bushes (rose bushes are best suited).

For vegetable crops

Before planting vegetables, you need to fertilize the garden with rabbit manure using any of the previously suggested methods. This will increase productivity and resistance to diseases. Particular attention should be paid to the area for plants that quickly deplete the soil (cabbage, celery, cucumbers, potatoes).

Under strawberries and wild strawberries

You should be as careful as possible when feeding these berries. If you overfeed strawberries (especially in early spring), the harvest will be poor. The berries will be smaller in size and quantity, and the bush will be sick. It is important to choose the right time for feeding. It should take place in the fall.

In the first year after planting the bush, its earliest feeding should occur in the fall. Even if the plant is very young, it will be exhausted after abundant fruiting. Yield in next year will depend on the correctness and quality of the previous feeding. The excrement will rot in the winter and become a rich source of nitrogen in the spring.

Fertilization occurs with compost in the proportion: 2 kg/m2 of land. After applying fertilizer to the soil, dig it up. It is also recommended to fertilize the soil before planting the bushes for a fruitful first harvest. To do this, humus is added to the holes and mixed with soil.

In greenhouses

Plants can be grown in greenhouses almost all year round. Rabbit droppings are sprinkled as fertilizer under all types of vegetables. In terms of beneficial properties, quality, and growth rate, they will not differ in any way from plants grown with the same fertilizers outside the greenhouse.

Before planting seedlings, the soil must be carefully prepared - mixed with humus. For cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkins, zucchini, the rules are similar. After introducing the fertilizer using grooves, the soil is dug up and covered with film. After two weeks, you need to dig up the bed again and then plant the vegetables.

Features of using rabbit manure

For maximum effect, fertilizer is introduced into the ground according to the following rules:

  1. The plant should be fertilized only on cloudy days to avoid excessive evaporation of water and an increase in the concentration of the resulting solution.
  2. If the soil is dry, it must first be thoroughly moistened to transfer nutrients to a larger area and to avoid burning the root system.
  3. When watering a plant with water or fertilizer, you must avoid getting moisture on the leaves and stems.
  4. The container storing the infused solution must be closed with a lid with a mesh to prevent unwanted seeds from getting inside.
  5. It is necessary to protect the droppings from drying out. Of course, dried manure can be used to make liquid fertilizer from rabbit droppings, but we must remember that dry fertilizer loses half its beneficial properties.
  6. The container in which manure is infused must be non-metallic. Otherwise, the characteristics of manure under the influence of metal will change or disappear altogether.

Manure storage

Rabbit manure is rich in microelements, so in order not to destroy them, you need to know the rules for storing fertilizer:

  1. Rabbit manure does not tolerate too high temperatures. Many gardeners mistakenly believe that steaming or boiling water will kill harmful bacteria, when in fact this process will destroy and remove beneficial substances.
  2. To prevent drying out, store manure in a dark, moist, cool (not cold) place to prevent excess moisture evaporation.
  3. The quality of manure depends on the health of the rabbits and the quality of their food:
  • food must be complete and balanced, containing all the microelements the animal needs. Only in this way will the quality of the litter be high and the harvest greater;
  • manure also needs to be collected correctly. To prevent rabbits from getting sick, droppings should not be stored and accumulated inside the cage, but should go into special slots at the bottom or into a tray separated from the main part of the cage by a lattice.