General Director Ponomarenko Alexander Mikhailovich. Life from the tap

Clean water is the main thing, without which a person cannot live and a city cannot exist. The general director of the Mosvodokanal company, Alexander Ponomarenko, told RG how to quench the thirst of the capital's metropolis without harming the environment.

Modern wastewater treatment plants do not spoil urban environment unpleasant odors. Photo: Press service of the Mosvodokanal company

Alexander Mikhailovich, in recent years Moscow has been actively growing and being built. The capital demands more and more clean water, and wastewater is increasing accordingly. The pressure on nature is increasing. Is her capabilities already at the limit or is the situation under control?

Alexander Ponomarenko: To give you an idea of ​​the scale of our work, I will give you some numbers unknown to the general public. Moscow receives 3 million cubic meters of drinking water per day. Mosvodokanal services are used by 15 million consumers. The efficiency of drinking water preparation at all technological stages meets strict international standards. However, more than 3.5 thousand polluting facilities in the Moscow region sometimes simply dump their waste into reservoirs: the volume of discharges in the Moscow region is more than 200 thousand cubic meters per day, streams and small rivers are especially hard hit. Rainwater collection systems make their contribution settlements, petroleum products from parking lots and highways, waste from poultry farms and farms. And, of course, the “human factor”. When I see mountains of garbage after citizens’ vacations or cottages with sewer pipes going straight into the river, I’m amazed, when will we finally cultivate a real environmental culture? So far, Mosvodokanal annually removes hundreds of cubic meters of garbage from water areas and coastal strips. We try to respond to any violation of environmental legislation. In 2016 alone, we appealed to supervisory authorities and the prosecutor’s office more than 100 times, and participated in more than 250 court hearings on issues of illegal allocation of land and construction in the water protection zone. But this is a fight against the consequences, and not against the cause - a disregard for nature, the irresponsibility of citizens and business owners. It is becoming increasingly difficult to prevent environmental emergencies and provide the city with clean water. We are succeeding, and we cannot talk about a crisis. However, now we have to take even more active and decisive measures. Environmental requirements have become stricter. In accordance with the Federal Law "On Amendments to the Federal Law "On the Protection environment"and certain legislative acts Russian Federation"(219-FZ) all water utilities will have to switch to the best available technologies by 2025. We will do this earlier, by 2020. And in the near future we will develop according to a new scheme approved by the Moscow government last fall.

Alexander Ponomarenko: 2017 in Russia has been declared the Year of Ecology. But we have our own countdown - the moment of ecological truth comes for us every day, when samples are taken for analysis from more than 70 points located in the catchment area. We analyze a number of indicators (186 in total) at intervals of one hour, day, two weeks, month or quarter. But the main thing is to purify the water, and for this we have used the best available systems. This is ozonation with sorption on activated carbon, membrane filtration on ultrafiltration modules, etc. The multi-barrier complex method helps to increase the reliability of water purification. At the same time, classical technologies are used - reagent treatment, sedimentation and filtration. This combination allows, despite all the difficulties, to still drink Moscow water straight from the tap. It contains no organic impurities or by-products, it is pure and transparent, harmless to health and no worse than in London, New York or Sydney. I’ll be honest: we’re proud of it.

Why are membrane ultrafiltration and ozonation better than “good old” chlorine?

Alexander Ponomarenko: These methods allow you to remove all bacteria and viruses, even if the source is heavily polluted, but maintain the salt composition of the water. At the end of 2017, another block of drinking water treatment facilities with a capacity of more than 300 thousand cubic meters per day will be launched. As a result, about 60 percent of drinking water in the capital will be prepared using the latest technologies. We cannot refuse chlorination due to the extensive urban distribution network. It is this method of disinfection that guarantees the safety of drinking water. However, back in 2012, Mosvodokanal switched to using a less dangerous compound containing active chlorine - sodium hypochlorite. Since 2015, instead of outsourcing, we have produced this high-quality reagent, which complies with the European standard EN 901, in own factory in Nekrasovka. The production is based on the membrane method, which is considered the best in the world.

Moscow “drinks” water from rivers, and a significant part of the Moscow region drinks water from wells, which are not in the best condition. What work in TiNAO had to be carried out on an emergency basis and what is next in line now?

Alexander Ponomarenko: Until 2012, we did not use wells for drinking water supply, so the purification of underground water in the TiNAO became a new direction for us in water treatment. It was necessary to urgently reconstruct 16 water intake units (WSU), which were in critical condition. They were equipped with modern systems that make it possible to soften the water, remove excess iron from it, remove heavy metal salts and other harmful impurities, deodorize and disinfect. At another five water treatment plants, water quality has now been brought up to the requirements of state standards. In 2017, we will modernize two water intake units and reconstruct treatment facilities in the villages of Kurilovo, Shchapovo, Marushkino, followed by Rogovo, Ptichnoye and Rassudovo. Over the course of several years, we managed to ensure the supply of Moscow water to five Novomoskovsk facilities. 82 percent of water supply networks in TiNAO have exhausted their service life. We need global reconstruction, and we are already doing it.

Tap water in Moscow is clean, transparent and no worse in quality than in London, New York or Sydney

Global reconstruction of water pipelines - does this mean that everything everywhere will be dug up and fenced off for several years?

Alexander Ponomarenko: I can please you: now in 90 percent of cases we carry out work using the trenchless method, using the “pipe-in-pipe” technology. Polyethylene pipes and polymer hoses are pulled into an existing pipeline, and an anti-corrosion coating is applied to its internal part. As a result, the service life is extended by at least 50 years, and most importantly, it is preserved high quality transported water. Every year we diagnose old pipes made of gray cast iron and steel (this is our long-standing headache), and repair shut-off and control valves. New pipes are made of high-strength nodular cast iron (ductile iron) and can last 80-100 years. By the way, Mosvodokanal actively participates in the Moscow program “My Street”.

Alexander Ponomarenko: We use the best available systems to purify water. Photo: Press service of the Mosvodokanal company

The most terrible curse for Moscow new settlers was the expression “we will be evicted to the fields of aeration.” Is it even possible to make such places pleasing to the eye and smell?

Alexander Ponomarenko: We have introduced strict global standards for wastewater treatment plants of the ISO 14001 series, and we have achieved compliance with them at all stages technological process. Urban wastewater undergo a full cycle of treatment at the Kuryanovsky and Lyubertsy treatment plants. This is a reliable barrier that annually traps up to a million tons of pollutants. They are then rendered harmless and sent for disposal. For example, biosoil is obtained from sludge and organic sediments for the restoration of quarries and landfills. There are many others innovative technologies. But our main goal was to modernize the technologies and equipment that were designed at the treatment plants according to the standards of the 50s of the last century. In recent years, we have reconstructed the first block of the Novo-Kuryanovsky Treatment Plant (NKOS), and at the end of 2017 we will complete work on the second block - each of them is designed to handle 600 thousand cubic meters of water per day. After settling and biological treatment, we disinfect the treated wastewater with ultraviolet irradiation, and then discharge it into the Moscow River. Residents often complained about unpleasant odors from sewerage facilities. To solve this problem, Russian engineers proposed unique development- floating floors, which all primary settling tanks are equipped with today. The channels through which wastewater flows were blocked, outdated filter presses, which were a source of unpleasant odors, were taken out of service - we replaced them with modern decanters. Domestic installations for purifying ventilation emissions were installed at the structures, and air monitoring was organized. As a result, the content of unpleasant-smelling substances in the atmosphere was reduced by 98 percent. The smell has practically disappeared, and the number of complaints about sewerage facilities from the population has decreased by 77 percent.

The Moscow agglomeration continues to grow, and the environment needs to be protected for many years to come. What are your plans in this direction?

Alexander Ponomarenko: We work in accordance with the programs adopted by the Moscow government and the already mentioned federal law. At the end of 2016, we approved our program of environmental measures for 2017-2019, it was approved by Rosprirodnadzor. We will introduce energy and resource-saving technologies and eliminate all bottlenecks. For example, we intend to invest 18 billion rubles in the further reconstruction of treatment facilities. Our priority is the TiNAO, where 12 sewage treatment plants will be reconstructed in stages until 2030. The reconstruction of treatment facilities in Kuryanovo and Lyubertsy will also continue. We have a special responsibility: the city cannot live without clean water. This means that this is exactly the type of Moscow water we will preserve.

On September 13, 2012, in connection with the retirement of Stanislav Vladimirovich Khramenkov, Alexander Mikhailovich Ponomarenko, who previously worked as the general director of OJSC Moscow Heating Network Company, was appointed new general director of MGUP Mosvodokanal in accordance with the order of the Moscow Government No. 548-RP. The new manager was introduced to the enterprise team by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government for housing, communal services and improvement, Petr Pavlovich Biryukov.

Alexander Mikhailovich Ponomarenko born in 1961, graduated from the Moscow Energy Institute. He began his career at the Mosenergo Heating Network, where he worked his way up from duty engineer, chief engineer, head of the operational area to general director OJSC "Moscow Heating Network Company".

Under his leadership, modern energy-saving technologies and equipment were developed, introduced in Moscow, such as laying pipelines in polyurethane foam insulation with a control system, reliable ball shut-off and shut-off and control valves, non-destructive methods for pipeline diagnostics.

As a member of the Coordination Council on the interaction of the Moscow City Municipal Services Complex with the system self-regulatory organizations in the municipal economy of Moscow, A.M. Ponomarenko made a practical contribution to their formation, to the development of new approaches to the implementation of construction and project activities, as well as in the field of energy saving and energy audit.

For his services in the development of the urban economy, Alexander Mikhailovich Ponomarenko was awarded the Highest Russian Public Award, the Badge of the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky “For Labor and the Fatherland,” the title “Honorary Power Engineer” of the Russian Federation, and was awarded the badge “Honored Worker of RAO UES of Russia” and other awards.

Speaking to the team, Alexander Mikhailovich Ponomarenko announced his readiness to make every effort for the further development of Mosvodokanal, to continue the best traditions of the oldest enterprise in the water industry, and to preserve its personnel potential.

Latest Moscow news on the topic:
Alexander Mikhailovich Ponomarenko was appointed General Director of MGUP Mosvodokanal


The general director of MGUP Mosvodokanal Stanislav Khramenkov was dismissed, the new head of the enterprise will be the general director of Moscow Heating Network Company (MTK) Alexander Ponomarenko,
18:18 13.09.2012 MosDay.Ru

General Director of State Unitary Enterprise "Mosvodokanal", former General Director of OJSC "Moscow Heating Network Company"

"Connections / Partners"



State Unitary Enterprise "Mosvodokanal" was headed by A. Ponomarenko.

Alexander Ponomarenko was appointed General Director of the State Unitary Enterprise Mosvodokanal. As RBC was told in the administration of the State Unitary Enterprise, the former head, Stanislav Khramenkov, was dismissed. S. Khramenkov has headed the company since 1987.
link: 20120913121435.shtml

The general director of Mosvodokanal was dismissed, he was replaced by the head of MTK

General Director of MTK OJSC Alexander Ponomarenko tells Interfax about current state heating networks and the situation in the heat supply market

The city authorities intend to reduce the wear and tear of heating networks from 40% to 10% in five years. Alexander Ponomarenko, General Director of Moscow Heating Network Company OJSC, spoke about the current state of the industry, new pipe laying technologies, and the situation on the heat supply market in an interview with Interfax.

We bring warmth to people!

The general director of the company, Alexander PONOMARENKO, talks about the results of the past year, preparations for the heating season and the use of innovative technologies when laying heating mains in a conversation with our correspondent.
– Alexander Mikhailovich, allow me to congratulate you and the entire team of MTK OJSC on the anniversary. What achievements do you, as a leader, consider to be the main ones and how would you characterize the main results of the outgoing year?

It's warm in our houses

On Power Engineers Day, the staff of OJSC MTK and its General Director Alexander Mikhailovich Ponomarenko cordially congratulate all their colleagues working in the energy industry on their professional holiday and wish everyone health, family well-being, and success in their work.

MTK shareholders elected a new board of directors

At the same time, the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the capital government for housing, communal services and improvement Pyotr Biryukov, the head of the Department of Fuel and Energy of Moscow Evgeny Sklyarov, representatives of the mayor's office Mikhail Balabanov, Andrey Berezin and Vladimir Pogrebenko, and the general director of MTK Alexander Ponomarenko retained their places on the board of directors. and his first deputy Yakov Rotmistrov.
link: 59

Metropolitan example

Secondly, the team at all its levels contributed. The company's management is helped by the professionalism of all employees. It is not without reason that the General Director of MTK OJSC Alexander Mikhailovich Ponomarenko says: “Our people are the golden resource of the enterprise.” MTK personnel are distinguished by high qualifications, an invariably creative attitude to work, and impeccable execution job responsibilities. The success of the enterprise is largely determined by the specialists’ knowledge of the features of operating urban engineering structures in winter conditions.

The Board of Directors of MTK approved the decision to conduct an additional issue in the amount of 41.3% of capital in favor of the Moscow government

In February of this year, MTK General Director Alexander Ponomarenko stated that the company intends to place an additional share issue in June 2010. According to him, as a result of the placement of an additional issue, the Moscow government will become the direct owner of 27% of the company's shares. As Ponomarenko said, the property that is supposed to be contributed to pay for the additional share issue is formally on the balance sheet of Mosenergo, but in fact it is the property of the Moscow authorities.
link: news/document15681.phtml

Sergey Fedotov: “Reliable operation of heating networks requires real professionals”

— To be specific, the company has developed a practice of caring, but at the same time demanding attitude towards personnel. We are pursuing an optimal balance between hiring young promising employees and retaining experienced, highly qualified personnel.

By the way, the average age of MTC workers is 45 years. And, perhaps, most importantly, the enterprise places emphasis on ensuring that the heads of leading production divisions come from Heating Networks, and practice has confirmed the optimality and feasibility of this approach. For example, since 2008, the general director of MTK OJSC has been Alexander Mikhailovich Ponomarenko, who graduated from the specialized Moscow Energy Institute. Over the course of 27 years of work at Teploseti, he went from being an engineer on duty, to being the head of an operational area, to being the head of the company. He is “Honored Power Engineer of the City of Moscow”, “Honored Worker of the Fuel and Energy Complex”.
link: sergej

Change, but don't dig

As Alexander Ponomarenko, General Director of Moscow Heating Network Company OJSC, reported to the mayor, all work on the construction of a passage channel has now been completed on the heating pipeline in the area of ​​Sadovaya-Chernogryazskaya Street and 595 of 693 linear meters of the pipeline have been installed. The cost of the work amounted to 132.8 million rubles. They must be completed by August 15. In general, throughout the city, the length of heating networks included in the reconstruction and overhaul program has almost doubled this year compared to 2008 and is now 180 kilometers. By 2012, it is planned to expand the program by another 20 percent and ultimately, over the next five years, reduce the wear and tear of heating networks from the current 40 percent to 10.

According to open sources, in 2016 Mosvodokanal paid tens of millions of rubles for “PR support.” This formulation actually means blocking negative mentions combined with formal positive mentions.

Through companies like Mosvodokanal, the Moscow City Hall carries out various dubious contracts that cannot be implemented directly. In particular, it is believed that advertising for PR in the media of the Moscow City Hall is paid not only from official funds allocated by regional authorities, but also budgetary organizations and institutions.

In addition to the fact that the reputation of big bosses is straightened out through such offices, various dubious purchases are made through them, and a kind of “common fund of officials” (the so-called “black cash fund”) is formed. By organizing dubious purchases, money can be withdrawn from such enterprises and then cashed out. Sometimes even under a plausible pretext (for example, “bribing voters in the interests of the party in power”), and sometimes a plausible pretext is not even needed - it is difficult to set a price tag for the same information services, and it can be difficult even for professionals to estimate their real cost.

In total, Mosvodokanal made deliveries under almost 32 thousand government contracts (exactly: 31,846), the total amount was 41,470,325,945.46 rubles. But she also acted as a customer - in a total of 4,357 contracts worth 105,635,262,580.64 rubles.

In 2016, Mosvodokanal purchased products worth 105.6 billion (!) rubles. Among the main suppliers there are quite interesting companies:

For example, LLC "Vector-F" ("Vector" is the most popular name of fly-by-night companies in Russia), LLC "Unistroy", known from other publications "" LLC "VIK", LLC "Aurat-VV", LLC Arsenal Plus...

It is not at all surprising that with such management the company is actively accumulating debt. For example, several years ago the company had no short-term debt obligations at all, but now they exceed several billion rubles. At the same time, the fact that the volume of long-term liabilities is decreasing, but the overall increase in short-term liabilities at the same time indicates ineffective financial management. After all, short-term loans cost a company more than long-term ones.

Short-term borrowings now amount to almost 21 billion rubles, while four years earlier they amounted to only 10 billion. Over the course of four years, the budget-funded enterprise has accumulated expensive loans, and it is interesting to wonder who the water utility was borrowing from so actively, and whether the creditors were affiliated with the inner circle of the Moscow leadership?

As for its core activities, at the end of 2014 Mosvodokanal had developed to the point that it had a loss on sales of 170 million rubles.

Over the past three years, since 2015, Mosvodokanal JSC has carried out 91 inspections, of which sixty (!) were unscheduled. And let us immediately note that it was not in vain that the company was inspected so often and diligently - in three years they found 667 violations, in 2017 the number of violations was 48 out of 30 inspections, of which only three were planned. That is, more than one violation per inspection, and judging by the planned ones, then almost 13 violations per inspection.

However, for now we are talking about JSC Mosvodokanal, an enterprise that is now at the stage of reorganization. The legal predecessor is MGUP Mosvodokanal.

There are also very funny violations in the activities of Mosvodokanal, such as unpaid enforcement proceedings in the amount of 25 thousand rubles.

As for the suppliers of Mosvodokanal, one of them is Vector-F LLC (Director Dmitry Ivanovich Vasilchikov), for which the contract with Mosvodokanal is the most important - the contract amount is almost five billion rubles, and the company’s other customers are the Moscow Construction Department, GBK " Car roads" and JSC "Center-invest". In fact, the main customer of "Vector-F" is the budget of the city of Moscow.

At the same time, the activities of Vector-F are questionable due to the fact that with a turnover of billions, the company’s profit is somehow suspiciously low... the “profit from sales” at Vector-F is 46 million rubles. Well, the final cumulative financial results only 29 million rubles. For a company with a government order worth six billion rubles, it looks as if the company exists on the brink of break-even... or, perhaps, under the guise of expenses, funds are withdrawn to the previously indicated addresses of persons close to the Moscow mayor's office...

Companies with “Geninvest” in their name and registered at the same address as “Vector” are associated with Vector-F.

VIK LLC (general director Natalya Vladimirovna Dyakova) is a supplier for Mosvodokanal worth two billion rubles. Instroyproekt-M LLC is registered at the same address, which is a service provider for organizations related to the Moscow budget (Mosinzhproekt and Mospromproekt). A very successful address (Moscow, Slavyansky Boulevard, building 9, building 1, floor 1, room II room 51), at which companies manage to receive contracts from budget sources.

At the same time, Instroyproekt-M LLC is associated with Topaz LLC and Maxim LLC, the director of which (including Instroyproekt) is Andrei Mikhailovich Maksimov. Is it possible that in the end, budget funds go directly to Maksimov’s companies, and Instroyproekt, as well as JSC Mosvodokanal, act only as a “layer” in the budget flow between the management of the mayor’s office and a specific businessman?

It is also interesting that some of the companies associated with Mosvodokanal are registered in Yaroslavl. For example, “Aurat-VV” (owned by the Getmantsev family, who run the company), which dramatically improved its well-being just in 2016 by concluding a contract with Moskovodokanal. Similarly, Elektromekhanika LLC, owned by a certain Dzheparidze, who is the founder of many other companies, and received 2.5 billion rubles from Mosvodokanal JSC.

Also similar to Vector is the organization JSC GC EKS, which is a supplier for structural divisions executive power of the Moscow region.

Why so many details about Mosvodokanal customers and contractors?

The fact is that the members of the board of directors of the enterprise actually feed from it through a chain of companies that are affiliated with them.

Among them is Artem Olegovich Diordienko, who holds the post of secretary of the board of directors and is the deputy general director of Moskvodokanal for legal and corporate issues. In other words, one of the heads of the company was previously the director of Dio LLC in the Yaroslavl region.

It was liquidated in 2013, and then the companies from Yaroslavl already mentioned in the article appeared, which recently managed to make good money at Mosvodokanal. Or the recently registered Dior LLC, also located in Yaroslavl... business is going well for the management of companies from Yaroslavl, and in his free time a certain Artem Diordienko (very similar to the secretary of the board of directors of Mosovodkanal) likes to spend his free time in yacht clubs.. .

Is Alexander Anatolyevich Andreev, Deputy General Director for Economic Security of Mosvodokanal, aware of the current situation? Most likely yes, because Andreev is actively involved in the work of the enterprise, for example, complaints are often written against him and other company managers from the heads of organizations that participated in competitions organized by Mosvodokanal:

Thus, we can conclude that the majority of managers, under the patronage of the Moscow mayor’s office, have been profiting from Mosvodokanal for many years, which has become a source of cash flows into the pockets of their closest relatives and affiliated companies.

In such a situation, you need to ask not about “is the director of Mosvodokanal aware of the ongoing schemes”, but about “does he have a share?”

Mosvodokanal money flowed to England through Ukraine

The management of Mosvodokanal has been skillfully transferring budget billions allocated by Moscow through its own channels for several decades now. This one was discovered in Crimea, and it was discovered quite unexpectedly - in 2015 All-Russian competition Among four-star hotels, Palmira Palace Hotel, located on the southern coast of the peninsula, was named “Best Hotel in Russia.” The residence of the Romanov family was previously located in these places.

The hotelier not only did not express his joy at the victory in any way, but they even tried to hide from it as far as possible, and this is not surprising. If seven years ago the co-owner of the hotel, Maxim Ponomarenko, widely celebrated the title of “Best Hotel in Ukraine,” then in today’s realities, the son of the head of Mosvodokanal, Alexander Ponomarenko, can no longer afford a holiday with PR and journalists. This information was also heard in the telegram channel “Ustinov trolls”.

Simply because for 20 years, money from the Moscow budget was pumped to controlled companies and to Moscow Deputy Mayor Pyotr Biryukov, who, apparently, took a direct part in these schemes and their organization. Using the drained budget money, Ponomarenko purchased real estate in Ukraine and Europe, but now it has become somehow awkward - the assets have “moved” to Russia, and Ponomarenko is trying to distance himself from them, because there they are not far from the sanctions lists.

Perhaps Ponomarenko Sr.’s attraction to Ukraine is due to the fact that he himself is in Ukraine in the city of Dzhankoy. He completed his studies at the Moscow Energy Institute and went to work at Mosenergo as a heating network engineer on duty. He worked hard and within ten years rose to become the head of the second operational area of ​​Mosenergo.

Most likely, he would have remained an excellent engineer if not for a bad example, which, as we know, is contagious: having met the prefect of the South-Eastern Administrative District Vladimir Zotov (in office from 1991 to 2015), and the sub-prefect of Vykhino Pyotr Biryukov, Ponomarenko saw how officials They skillfully steal budget money through affiliated companies. So that you understand the scope: all the companies receiving funds from the Moscow treasury in the zone of interests of Biryukov-Zotov went to their own companies.

Various types of contractors were forced to work according to the same scheme, otherwise they could not hand over the work to the district leaders. Alexander Ponomarenko quickly made friends with officials, and even more quickly entered into corruption schemes at Heat Networks. Biryukov and the company not only formalized their schemes, but also delayed them for many years - by 2007, he had completely risen to the rank of Deputy Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, and from this chair he oversaw the Moscow Heating Network Company.

Alexander Ponomarenko continued to follow closely, and received the position of deputy director for general issues in heating networks. Naturally, not without the support of Biryukov. Ponomarenko’s schemes were a classic “family contract”: the repair and maintenance of heating mains went to the companies “Liniya+” and the management company “VESTA-SF”, which included 15 companies, successfully distributed among Ponomarenko’s relatives. His wife Nina and brother Vitaly were the main owners of most companies; sometimes the companies were run by relatives of the head of the networks, Urusbiya Balikoev, who worked with money in a similar way. This is how the Balikoev and Ponomarenko clans became friends, who were always at the “cut” hand in hand (many companies with a telling name like “Crystal-Aqua” are registered with the Balikoevs).

Ponomarenko's entire empire was built under the patronage of Biryukov. Alexander Ponomarenko’s relatives, or rather their companies, received contracts worth several billion rubles every year, and this strategy was a winning one - already in 2008 he headed MTK. The appointment changed little in the corruption schemes and contractors like Balikoev; everything continued as before.

He served in this post for four years, and in 2012, through Pyotr Biryukov, he headed the State Unitary Enterprise Mosvodokanal. This reshuffle is connected with the plans of the city authorities to allocate huge budgets worth tens of billions of rubles to repair the sewer network. Only Ponomerenko could “master” them better than anyone else.

State Unitary Enterprise "Mosvodokanal" was transformed into an OJSC, the money withdrawal schemes were preserved, having undergone minimal changes - the owners of the contracting companies were taken offshore and safely hidden behind nominal directors. Melo of what has become more money, so more companies began to receive them, mainly foreign (read, offshore), behind which are the Balikoevs and Ponomarenko under the name of Maxim Makeev.

The company Stroy-Kontrakt LLC, controlled by Mr. Makeev, alone is carrying out work on the reconstruction of the Novo-Lyubertsy Canal for an amount of almost a billion rubles.

Vitaly Ponomarenko also drank from the budget flow...

In the nineties, business with Alexander Ponomarenko was done by his brother Vitaly, who at one time migrated from Ukraine to Russia to manage his brother’s affiliated companies. Surprisingly, just by running pocket desks, it is possible to rise to the rank of mayor of a city in the Moscow region, and he was headed by Dzherzhinsky.

The brothers started in this city in the nineties, after Vitaly Panamorenko (allegedly his real name) hastily left Ukraine, where he had problems with the law. Some sources recall Vitaly Panamorenko having a fatal accident, and to avoid problems, he changed his last name and started living again in Russia.

And so in Dzerzhinsky they began to register companies, starting to work closely with both local authorities and local criminals. The brothers diverged along these two lines - through the power structures, Alexander followed the leadership line, but Vitaly Panamorenko became close to Dzerzhinsky’s criminals and led family business with them.

His company "Rivit" served the city in every possible way and received all kinds of orders through criminal circles, and in 2014 the criminals realized that it was time to make Vitaly the mayor of the city. The company was re-registered to the wife of the newly appointed mayor, and she, the company, still receives contracts for landscaping and construction.

The bulk of the money of the Ponomarenko brothers, or Panamorenko, cannot be sorted out - it goes to the purchase of foreign real estate. For example, for the same prestigious hotel - by the way, the son of Alexander Ponomarenko Maxim was called to manage the Crimean hotel from London, where he studied at City University, and where the family buys real estate.

Now, as we said earlier, they are trying with all their might not to advertise their Crimean business, and it’s not just about the hotel - they also have the Ecosad company, which refused to participate in competitive events, and other companies that are also hiding, like maybe, all because of the risk of being included in the sanctions lists. Then all purchases of foreign real estate will go to waste. When Crimea became part of Russia, even more questions may arise - initially, the calculation was based on the fact that the business would be outside the jurisdiction of Russia... which means that Ponomarenko is interested in ensuring that, throughout, “Crimea is not ours”...

At the same time, departmental, budgetary and budgetary organizations of the Moscow City Hall are doing their best to ensure that people like Ponomarenko live such a luxurious life. These departments make the capital's treasury a kind of feeding trough for officials who enjoy patronage at the highest level. District prosecutors' offices treat such organizations as inviolable, since behind any effective check the shadow of the political authority of the Moscow mayor begins to loom.

According to open sources, in 2016 Mosvodokanal paid tens of millions of rubles for “PR support.” This formulation actually means blocking negative mentions combined with formal positive mentions.

Through companies like Mosvodokanal, the Moscow City Hall carries out various dubious contracts that cannot be implemented directly. In particular, it is believed that PR advertising in the media of the Moscow City Hall is paid not only from official funds allocated by regional authorities, but also from budgetary organizations and institutions.

In addition to the fact that the reputation of big bosses is straightened out through such offices, various dubious purchases are made through them, and a kind of “common fund of officials” (the so-called “black cash fund”) is formed. By organizing dubious purchases, money can be withdrawn from such enterprises and then cashed out. Sometimes even under a plausible pretext (for example, “bribing voters in the interests of the party in power”), and sometimes a plausible pretext is not even needed - it is difficult to set a price tag for the same information services, and it can be difficult even for professionals to estimate their real cost.

In total, Mosvodokanal made deliveries under almost 32 thousand government contracts (exactly: 31,846), the total amount was 41,470,325,945.46 rubles. But she also acted as a customer - in a total of 4,357 contracts worth 105,635,262,580.64 rubles.

In 2016, Mosvodokanal purchased products worth 105.6 billion (!) rubles. Among the main suppliers there are quite interesting companies:

For example, LLC "Vector-F" ("Vector" is the most popular name of fly-by-night companies in Russia), LLC "Unistroy", known from other publications "" LLC "VIK", LLC "Aurat-VV", LLC Arsenal Plus...

It is not at all surprising that with such management the company is actively accumulating debt. For example, several years ago the company had no short-term debt obligations at all, but now they exceed several billion rubles. At the same time, it is alarming that the volume of long-term liabilities is decreasing, but the overall increase in short-term liabilities indicates ineffective financial management. After all, short-term loans cost a company more than long-term ones.

Short-term borrowings now amount to almost 21 billion rubles, while four years earlier they amounted to only 10 billion. Over the course of four years, the budget-funded enterprise has accumulated expensive loans, and it is interesting to wonder who the water utility was borrowing from so actively, and whether the creditors were affiliated with the inner circle of the Moscow leadership?

As for its core activities, at the end of 2014 Mosvodokanal had developed to the point that it had a loss on sales of 170 million rubles.

Over the past three years, since 2015, Mosvodokanal JSC has carried out 91 inspections, of which sixty (!) were unscheduled. And let us immediately note that it was not in vain that the company was inspected so often and diligently - in three years they found 667 violations, in 2017 the number of violations was 48 out of 30 inspections, of which only three were planned. That is, more than one violation per inspection, and judging by the planned ones, then almost 13 violations per inspection.

However, for now we are talking about JSC Mosvodokanal, an enterprise that is now at the stage of reorganization. The legal predecessor is MGUP Mosvodokanal.

There are also very funny violations in the activities of Mosvodokanal, such as unpaid enforcement proceedings in the amount of 25 thousand rubles.

As for the suppliers of Mosvodokanal, one of them is Vector-F LLC (Director Dmitry Ivanovich Vasilchikov), for which the contract with Mosvodokanal is the most important - the contract amount is almost five billion rubles, and the company’s other customers are the Moscow Construction Department, GBK "Highways" and JSC "Center-invest". In fact, the main customer of Vector-F is the budget of the city of Moscow.

At the same time, the activities of Vector-F are questionable due to the fact that with a turnover of billions, the company’s profit is somehow suspiciously low... the “profit from sales” at Vector-F is 46 million rubles. Well, the final cumulative financial result is only 29 million rubles. For a company with a government order worth six billion rubles, it looks as if the company exists on the brink of break-even... or, perhaps, under the guise of expenses, funds are withdrawn to the previously indicated addresses of persons close to the Moscow mayor's office...

Companies with “Geninvest” in their name and registered at the same address as “Vector” are associated with Vector-F.

VIK LLC (general director Natalya Vladimirovna Dyakova) is a supplier for Mosvodokanal worth two billion rubles. Instroyproekt-M LLC is registered at the same address, which is a service provider for organizations related to the Moscow budget (Mosinzhproekt and Mospromproekt). A very successful address (Moscow, Slavyansky Boulevard, building 9, building 1, floor 1, room II room 51), at which companies manage to receive contracts from budget sources.

At the same time, Instroyproekt-M LLC is associated with Topaz LLC and Maxim LLC, the director of which (including Instroyproekt) is Andrei Mikhailovich Maksimov. Is it possible that in the end, budget funds go directly to Maksimov’s companies, and Instroyproekt, as well as JSC Mosvodokanal, act only as a “layer” in the budget flow between the management of the mayor’s office and a specific businessman?

It is also interesting that some of the companies associated with Mosvodokanal are registered in Yaroslavl. For example, “Aurat-VV” (owned by the Getmantsev family, who run the company), which dramatically improved its well-being just in 2016 by concluding a contract with Moskovodokanal. Similarly, Elektromekhanika LLC, owned by a certain Dzheparidze, who is the founder of many other companies, and received 2.5 billion rubles from Mosvodokanal JSC.

The organization JSC GC EKS, which is a supplier for structural divisions of the executive power of the Moscow region, is also similar to Vector.

Why so many details about Mosvodokanal customers and contractors?

The fact is that the members of the board of directors of the enterprise actually feed from it through a chain of companies that are affiliated with them.

Among them is Artem Olegovich Diordienko, who holds the post of secretary of the board of directors and is the deputy general director of Moskvodokanal for legal and corporate issues. In other words, one of the heads of the company was previously the director of Dio LLC in the Yaroslavl region.

It was liquidated in 2013, and then the companies from Yaroslavl already mentioned in the article appeared, which recently managed to make good money at Mosvodokanal. Or the recently registered Dior LLC, also located in Yaroslavl... business is going well for the management of companies from Yaroslavl, and in his free time a certain Artem Diordienko (very similar to the secretary of the board of directors of Mosovodkanal) likes to spend his free time in yacht clubs.. .

Is Alexander Anatolyevich Andreev, Deputy General Director for Economic Security of Mosvodokanal, aware of the current situation? Most likely yes, because Andreev is actively involved in the work of the enterprise, for example, complaints are often written against him and other company managers from the heads of organizations that participated in competitions organized by Mosvodokanal:

Thus, we can conclude that the majority of managers, under the patronage of the Moscow mayor’s office, have been profiting from Mosvodokanal for many years, which has become a source of cash flows into the pockets of their closest relatives and affiliated companies.

In such a situation, you need to ask not about “is the director of Mosvodokanal aware of the ongoing schemes”, but about “does he have a share?”

Mosvodokanal money flowed to England through Ukraine

The management of Mosvodokanal has been skillfully transferring budget billions allocated by Moscow through its own channels for several decades now. This one was discovered in Crimea, and it was discovered quite unexpectedly - in 2015, the All-Russian competition for “Best Hotel in Russia” among four-star hotels was won by the Palmyra Palace Hotel, located on the southern coast of the peninsula. The residence of the Romanov family was previously located in these places.

The hotelier not only did not express his joy at the victory in any way, but they even tried to hide from it as far as possible, and this is not surprising. If seven years ago the co-owner of the hotel, Maxim Ponomarenko, widely celebrated the title of “Best Hotel in Ukraine,” then in today’s realities, the son of the head of Mosvodokanal, Alexander Ponomarenko, can no longer afford a holiday with PR and journalists. This information was also heard in the telegram channel “Ustinov trolls”.

Simply because for 20 years, money from the Moscow budget was pumped to controlled companies and to Moscow Deputy Mayor Pyotr Biryukov, who, apparently, took a direct part in these schemes and their organization. Using the drained budget money, Ponomarenko purchased real estate in Ukraine and Europe, but now it has become somehow awkward - the assets have “moved” to Russia, and Ponomarenko is trying to distance himself from them, because there they are not far from the sanctions lists.

Perhaps Ponomarenko Sr.’s attraction to Ukraine is due to the fact that he himself is in Ukraine in the city of Dzhankoy. He completed his studies at the Moscow Energy Institute and went to work at Mosenergo as a heating network engineer on duty. He worked hard and within ten years rose to become the head of the second operational area of ​​Mosenergo.

Most likely, he would have remained an excellent engineer if not for a bad example, which, as we know, is contagious: having met the prefect of the South-Eastern Administrative District Vladimir Zotov (in office from 1991 to 2015), and the sub-prefect of Vykhino Pyotr Biryukov, Ponomarenko saw how officials They skillfully steal budget money through affiliated companies. So that you understand the scope: all the companies receiving funds from the Moscow treasury in the zone of interests of Biryukov-Zotov went to their own companies.

Various types of contractors were forced to work according to the same scheme, otherwise they could not hand over the work to the district leaders. Alexander Ponomarenko quickly made friends with officials, and even more quickly entered into corruption schemes at Heat Networks. Biryukov and the company not only formalized their schemes, but also delayed them for many years - by 2007, he had completely risen to the rank of Deputy Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, and from this chair he oversaw the Moscow Heating Network Company.

Alexander Ponomarenko continued to follow closely, and received the position of deputy director for general issues in heating networks. Naturally, not without the support of Biryukov. Ponomarenko’s schemes were a classic “family contract”: the repair and maintenance of heating mains went to the companies “Liniya+” and the management company “VESTA-SF”, which included 15 companies, successfully distributed among Ponomarenko’s relatives. His wife Nina and brother Vitaly were the main owners of most companies; sometimes the companies were run by relatives of the head of the networks, Urusbiya Balikoev, who worked with money in a similar way. This is how the Balikoev and Ponomarenko clans became friends, who were always at the “cut” hand in hand (many companies with a telling name like “Crystal-Aqua” are registered with the Balikoevs).

Ponomarenko's entire empire was built under the patronage of Biryukov. Alexander Ponomarenko’s relatives, or rather their companies, received contracts worth several billion rubles every year, and this strategy was a winning one - already in 2008 he headed MTK. The appointment changed little in the corruption schemes and contractors like Balikoev; everything continued as before.

He served in this post for four years, and in 2012, through Pyotr Biryukov, he headed the State Unitary Enterprise Mosvodokanal. This reshuffle is connected with the plans of the city authorities to allocate huge budgets worth tens of billions of rubles to repair the sewer network. Only Ponomerenko could “master” them better than anyone else.

State Unitary Enterprise "Mosvodokanal" was transformed into an OJSC, the money withdrawal schemes were preserved, having undergone minimal changes - the owners of the contracting companies were taken offshore and safely hidden behind nominal directors. Not only did there become more money, but more companies began to receive it, mainly foreign (read, offshore), behind which are the Balikoevs and Ponomarenko under the name of Maxim Makeev.

The company Stroy-Kontrakt LLC, controlled by Mr. Makeev, alone is carrying out work on the reconstruction of the Novo-Lyubertsy Canal for an amount of almost a billion rubles.

Vitaly Ponomarenko also drank from the budget flow...

In the nineties, business with Alexander Ponomarenko was done by his brother Vitaly, who at one time migrated from Ukraine to Russia to manage his brother’s affiliated companies. Surprisingly, just by running pocket desks, it is possible to rise to the rank of mayor of a city in the Moscow region, and he was headed by Dzherzhinsky.

The brothers started in this city in the nineties, after Vitaly Panamorenko (allegedly his real name) hastily left Ukraine, where he had problems with the law. Some sources recall Vitaly Panamorenko having a fatal accident, and to avoid problems, he changed his last name and started living again in Russia.

And so in Dzerzhinsky they began to register companies, starting to work closely with both local authorities and local criminals. The brothers diverged along these two lines - Alexander followed the leadership line through the power structures, but Vitaly Panamorenko became close to Dzerzhinsky’s criminals and ran a family business with them.

His company "Rivit" served the city in every possible way and received all kinds of orders through criminal circles, and in 2014 the criminals realized that it was time to make Vitaly the mayor of the city. The company was re-registered to the wife of the newly appointed mayor, and she, the company, still receives contracts for landscaping and construction.

The bulk of the money of the Ponomarenko brothers, or Panamorenko, cannot be sorted out - it goes to the purchase of foreign real estate. For example, for the same prestigious hotel - by the way, the son of Alexander Ponomarenko Maxim was called to manage the Crimean hotel from London, where he studied at City University, and where the family buys real estate.

Now, as we said earlier, they are trying with all their might not to advertise their Crimean business, and it’s not just about the hotel - they also have the Ecosad company, which refused to participate in competitive events, and other companies that are also hiding, like maybe, all because of the risk of being included in the sanctions lists. Then all purchases of foreign real estate will go to waste. When Crimea became part of Russia, even more questions may arise - initially, the calculation was based on the fact that the business would be outside the jurisdiction of Russia... which means that Ponomarenko is interested in ensuring that, throughout, “Crimea is not ours”...

At the same time, departmental, budgetary and budgetary organizations of the Moscow City Hall are doing their best to ensure that people like Ponomarenko live such a luxurious life. These departments make the capital's treasury a kind of feeding trough for officials who enjoy patronage at the highest level. District prosecutors' offices treat such organizations as inviolable, since behind any effective check the shadow of the political authority of the Moscow mayor begins to loom.
