Legal status of a general hygiene doctor. Job description of a doctor for general hygiene of the department of occupational health and physical factors


[Job title]



[Name of company]


_______________________/[FULL NAME.]/

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General hygiene doctor

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines and regulates the powers, functional and job responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of a doctor in general hygiene [Name of the organization in the genitive case] (hereinafter referred to as the Medical Organization).

1.2. A general hygiene doctor is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by current labor legislation by order of the head of the Medical organization.

1.3. A general hygiene doctor belongs to the category of specialists and is subordinate to [names of subordinate positions in the dative case].

1.4. The general hygiene doctor reports directly to [name of the position of the immediate supervisor in the dative case] of the Medical Organization.

1.5. A person with a higher professional education in the specialty “Medical and Preventive Care” and postgraduate professional education (internship and (or) residency) in the specialty “General Hygiene”, a certificate of a specialist in the specialty “General Hygiene”, is appointed to the position of a general hygiene doctor; without any work experience requirements.

1.6. The general hygiene doctor is responsible for:

  • effective performance of the work assigned to him;
  • compliance with the requirements of performance, labor and technological discipline;
  • the safety of documents (information) in his custody (that have become known to him) containing (constituting) the commercial secret of the Medical Organization.

1.7. A general hygiene doctor should know:

  • Constitution of the Russian Federation;
  • laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of healthcare;
  • international treaties of the Russian Federation;
  • basics of labor organization and labor legislation;
  • rules of business conduct and psychology of professional communication;
  • forms and methods of hygienic education and the formation of a healthy lifestyle;
  • medical ethics and dentistry;
  • internal labor regulations on labor protection and fire safety.

1.8. A general hygiene doctor in his activities is guided by:

  • local acts and organizational and administrative documents of the Medical Organization;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • rules of labor protection and safety, ensuring industrial sanitation and fire protection;
  • instructions, orders, decisions and instructions from the immediate supervisor;
  • this job description.

1.9. During the period of temporary absence of a general hygiene doctor, his duties are assigned to [name of the deputy position].

2. Job responsibilities

A general hygiene doctor is required to perform the following job functions:

2.1. Ensures that the Federal Service for Surveillance in the Sphere of Protection of Consumer Rights and Human Welfare fulfills the state function of carrying out, in the prescribed manner, verification of the activities of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and citizens in meeting the requirements of sanitary legislation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation governing relations in the field of protection consumer rights, and compliance with the rules for the sale of certain types of goods provided for by law, performance of work, and provision of services.

2.2. Organizes sanitary and epidemiological examinations, investigations, examinations, studies, tests, as well as toxicological, hygienic and other types of assessments.

2.3. Organizes professional hygienic training and certification of officials and employees of organizations whose activities are related to the production, storage, transportation and sale of food products and drinking water, education and training of children, public utilities and consumer services.

2.4. Participates in the preparation of proposals for draft programs for the socio-economic development of the territory in the field of ensuring sanitary and epidemiological well-being; carrying out social and hygienic monitoring.

2.5. Provides advisory assistance to specialists from other departments in their specialty.

2.6. Supervises the work of the personnel subordinate to him (if any), assists in the performance of his official duties.

2.7. Systematically improves his skills.

In case of official necessity, a general hygiene doctor may be involved in the performance of his official duties overtime, in the manner prescribed by the provisions of federal labor legislation.

3. Rights

A general hygiene doctor has the right:

3.1. Give instructions and tasks to his subordinate employees and services on a range of issues included in his functional responsibilities.

3.2. Monitor the implementation of production tasks, timely completion of individual orders and tasks by the services subordinate to him.

3.3. Request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to the activities of the general hygiene doctor and his subordinate services and departments.

3.4. Interact with other enterprises, organizations and institutions on production and other issues related to the competence of the general hygiene doctor.

3.5. Sign and endorse documents within your competence.

3.6. Submit proposals on the appointment, transfer and dismissal of employees of subordinate departments for consideration by the head of the Medical Organization; proposals to encourage them or to impose penalties on them.

3.7. Use other rights established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

4. Responsibility and performance evaluation

4.1. The general hygiene doctor bears administrative, disciplinary and material (and in some cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, criminal) responsibility for:

4.1.1. Failure to carry out or improperly carry out official instructions from the immediate supervisor.

4.1.2. Failure to perform or improper performance of one's job functions and assigned tasks.

4.1.3. Illegal use of granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

4.1.4. Inaccurate information about the status of the work assigned to him.

4.1.5. Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.

4.1.6. Failure to ensure compliance with labor discipline.

4.2. The assessment of a doctor’s work in general hygiene is carried out:

4.2.1. By the immediate supervisor - regularly, in the course of the employee’s daily performance of his labor functions.

4.2.2. By the certification commission of the enterprise - periodically, but at least once every two years, based on documented results of work for the evaluation period.

4.3. The main criterion for assessing the work of a doctor in general hygiene is the quality, completeness and timeliness of his performance of the tasks provided for in these instructions.

5. Working conditions

5.1. The doctor’s work schedule for general hygiene is determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established in the Medical Organization.

6. Signature right

6.1. To ensure his activities, the general hygiene doctor is given the right to sign organizational and administrative documents on issues within his competence by this job description.

I have read the instructions ___________/___________/ “____” _______ 20__

I APPROVED_________________

Chief physician of the branch

"Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology"

" ___ " ______________ 2010


doctor for general hygiene of the department of occupational health and physical factors

branch of the Federal State Institution "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology"


1. General Provisions.

1.1. A general hygiene doctor is an employee of the department of occupational hygiene and physical factors (hereinafter referred to as the doctor) of the branch of the Federal State Institution "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology".

1.2. This job description defines the job duties, rights and responsibilities of a doctor.

1.3. A person with a higher education in a medical and preventive profile is appointed to the position of department doctor without presenting any work experience requirements.

1.4. The doctor carries out his activities under the direct supervision of the head of the department of occupational health and physical factors (hereinafter - the head of the department), the chief physician, his deputy, who supervises the work of the department of occupational health and physical factors (hereinafter - the deputy chief physician).

1.5.The doctor is directly subordinate to the head of the department, the chief physician of the branch, and deputy chief physicians.

1.6. Documentation prepared by a doctor based on the results of work performed independently or with the involvement of physician assistants and department technicians is subject to mandatory approval by the head of the department before submitting it for signature and approval by the branch managers.

1.7. The doctor in his work is guided by:

  • The Constitution of the Russian Federation;
  • Federal Laws, incl. dated March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population”;
  • Regulatory acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • Regulations on the Federal Service for Surveillance in the Sphere of Protection of Consumer Rights and Human Welfare, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2004 N 322 (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 08.08.2009 N 649);
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 15, 2005 N 569 “On the regulations on the implementation of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision”;
  • Regulatory acts of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation;
  • resolutions, orders, instructions of Rospotrebnadzor of the Russian Federation, the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation, the Chief State Sanitary Doctor, the Chief State Sanitary Doctor;
  • Charter and Regulations of the Federal State Institution “Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology”;
  • orders, instructions of the chief physician of the Federal State Health Institution "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology", the chief physician of the branch and his deputy;
  • Regulations on the branch, regulations on the department of occupational health and physical factors;
  • this job description.

2. Responsibilities of a doctor.

2.1. Carry out activities in accordance with action plans to ensure state sanitary and epidemiological supervision - annual and quarterly branch plans and quarterly department plans (hereinafter referred to as work plans), including:

2.1.1. Conduct sanitary and epidemiological examinations (hereinafter referred to as examinations), examinations, studies, measurements, hygienic and other types of assessments at the facilities assigned by the head of the department and the heads of the branch.

2.1.2. Participate in the implementation of activities for the implementation of departmental target programs according to the profile of the department.

2.1.3. Independently and jointly with the laboratory divisions of the branch, organize, participate in, and manage the conduct of laboratory and instrumental research and measurements in the area of ​​the department’s activities with the execution in a timely manner of acts, protocols, conclusions and (or) other, incl. accompanying documentation.

2.1.4. Independently carry out measurements of noise and sound pressure levels, vibration, electric and magnetic field strength, microclimate indicators, artificial light levels, studies of the aeroionic composition of air with the preparation of research protocols, expert opinions, and draft accompanying documentation in a timely manner based on their results.

2.1.5. Participate in carrying out social and hygienic monitoring activities within the competence of the department, incl. on the formation of the Moscow City Information Fund and ensuring the formation of a database of the federal information fund of social and hygienic monitoring, on conducting assessments of the impact of harmful environmental factors on public health in accordance with methodological and other documents.

2.1.6. Participate in the development of priority measures to ensure the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, prevent or reduce the intensity of the harmful effects of physical factors on humans, prevent occupational diseases, mass non-infectious diseases, incl. together with TOU.

2.1.7. Participate in civil defense and emergency activities within the competence of the department.

2.1.8.Participate in the implementation of other activities in accordance with work plans.

2.2. Carry out measures to ensure state sanitary and epidemiological supervision on an unscheduled basis, including carrying out work at night on instructions from Rospotrebnadzor.

2.3. Carry out work and provide services at the request of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and citizens, incl. on a contractual basis, in accordance with the regulations on the branch and the regulations on the department.

2.4. Keep records and reports on your work in accordance with approved forms, incl. fill out the route log.

2.5. Ensure the safety, accounting and order of paperwork in all areas of their work in accordance with the nomenclature of the department.

2.6. Monitor the timeliness of execution of work on documents, instructions with deadlines and promptly inform the head of the department in cases of possible non-fulfillment with justification of the reasons.

2.7. Submit reports and other information at the request of the head of the department, the chief physician of the branch, or his deputy.

2.8.Improve your professional level, incl. as part of completing courses, cycles, etc. at least once every 5 years. forms of postgraduate education, have a certificate of a specialist in the field of activity.

2.9. Know the methods and normative documents for conducting laboratory research and instrumental measurements in the area of ​​the department’s activities.

2.10. Possess skills in working with basic computer programs and office applications.

2.11. Participate in the formation of work plans for the branch and department.

2.12. Participate in statistical processing of sanitary inspection materials and preparation of reports for the required period, incl. preparation of forms of state and departmental statistical reporting for the branch within the competence of the department.

2.13. Prepare analytical and other materials and data requested by the head of the department for the preparation of information and analytical reports, materials and other documents.

2.14. Participate in the promotion of hygienic knowledge in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the working population when performing work activities, and promoting a healthy lifestyle.

2.15. Participate in scientific and practical work with the involvement of the department in accordance with the topics approved by the chief physician of the branch and his deputy.

2.16. Carry out, within the limits of their competence, the instructions and instructions of the head of the department, the chief physician of the branch, and his deputy.

2.17. If, on behalf of the head of the department, the chief physician of the branch, or his deputy, department technicians are involved in performing assigned work, supervise their work and monitor their activities.

2.18. During the long absence of other doctors of the department, perform their duties to the extent determined by the head of the department, the chief physician of the branch, and his deputy.

2.19. During the long absence of the head of the department, on the basis of an order from the chief physician or his deputy, perform his duties in accordance with the Regulations on the department.

2.20. Comply with internal labor regulations, labor protection, safety and fire protection rules of the branch.

2.21. Observe state, medical and other secrets protected by law in relation to information that has become known in the performance of one’s official duties, and comply with the requirements of medical ethics.

2.22. Ensure the safety, serviceability and readiness for operation of the measuring instruments and equipment used.

Keep logs:

On accounting for the operation of measuring instruments in the hygiene department of the Institute;

Registration of instrument calibration acts.

2.23. Inform the manager in a timely manner. department about malfunctions of measuring instruments and equipment.

2.24. Maintain a file cabinet of regulatory and technical documentation on the hygiene of sources of non-ionizing radiation in the field of department accreditation.

2.25. Conduct medical examinations for employees in accordance with the procedure established by law.

3. Rights.

A general hygiene doctor has the following rights:

3.1. Visit the territories and premises of facilities to carry out work on a budgetary and extra-budgetary basis in accordance with this job description on the basis of duly executed instructions from the head of the department, the chief physician of the branch, and his deputy.

3.2. Make decisions within your competence.

3.3. On behalf of the chief physician of the branch, his deputy, represent the branch in other organizations.

3.4.Take part in scientific and practical conferences and meetings at which issues related to the work of the department are discussed.

3.5. Pass certification in the prescribed manner with the right to receive (confirm the existing) corresponding qualification category.

3.6. Enter into relationships with specialists from other departments of the branch, managers and specialists of enterprises, institutions and organizations, citizens as part of the performance of the official duties assigned to the doctor.

3.7. Be present during discussions of your work and give the necessary explanations.

3.8. Submit proposals for improving the work of the department for consideration by the head of the department.

3.9. Apply to the head of the department to apply incentives or penalties to medical assistants and department technicians involved in joint work on the hygiene of institutes.

3.10. Participate in the distribution of funds, incl. extra-budgetary, allocated for the remuneration of department employees.

4. Responsibility.

The general hygiene doctor is responsible for:

4.1. For the completeness, quality and timeliness of fulfillment of the duties assigned by this instruction.

4.2. For the accuracy of the documents and information prepared and presented by him within the framework of fulfilling the duties assigned to him by this job description.

4.3. For the safety of the branch’s property used to perform their official duties.

4.4. For using the branch’s property to perform work and provide services without permission from management and not in the interests of the branch, incl. for transferring it to third parties.

4.5. For compliance with internal labor regulations, labor protection, safety and fire protection rules of the branch.

Head of Occupational Health Department

and physical factors,

occupational health doctor

"____" _________ 2010


Legal Advisor



and one copy received___________________________


The referral is available to people with higher medical education in the specialty of medical and preventive care.

Modern medicine is a whole complex of sciences that can be divided into two areas. One includes all specialties that treat diseases. The second broad group is professions aimed at preventing any illnesses and pathological conditions.

You don't need to be a doctor to understand that instead of treating a disease that can be debilitating and long-lasting, it is better to take measures to prevent it. To achieve this, responsible citizens constantly maintain their health. Specialty 08/32/07 “General Hygiene” plays a vital role in this. Because it deals with ensuring optimal conditions for the life of any human body. When studying the environment, a specialist in this profile takes into account harmful factors. Based on the results of the study, he proposes effective preventive measures to prevent the increase in morbidity among the population.

Admission conditions

In this course, the future professional is equipped with a set of knowledge and practical skills that he will need to assess the environment and predict the state of public health, as well as develop effective preventive measures. The direction is available to people with higher medical education: you need to obtain a diploma from any Moscow university in the specialty “Medical and Preventive Care”.

Future profession

Such a specialist is a comprehensively savvy professional who puts into practice deep knowledge of medicine and related sciences. Its main task is to create an environment in which the human body feels as comfortable as possible. Since today there are many factors that can negatively affect health, a doctor of this profile needs to make forecasts on how the sanitary and epidemiological situation will develop. He can offer effective preventive measures and deal with issues of improving the health of the population. The specialty requires constant development. Along with the advent of new technologies, including Internet communications and mobile networks, hygiene problems also arise.

Where to apply

Today it is possible to obtain a doctor’s certificate in general hygiene after studying at the following universities:

  • Northwestern State honey. Mechnikov University;
  • Samara State honey. university;
  • Irkutsk State honey. university;
  • Dagestan state honey. academy;
  • South Ural State honey. university.

Training period

State standards require training for 2 years.

Disciplines included in the course of study

Professionals master the following subjects in the course:

A graduate of the major will be able to apply the following skills in professional activities:

Job prospects by profession

Today there is a shortage of such labor in the labor market. They can realize themselves in medical, sanatorium and resort institutions, and in the bodies of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Control. The specialist will also find himself in educational institutions, in production, in research centers and companies involved in examination.

What does a graduate of this direction do:

  • general hygiene doctor.

The average salary after residency is 18-25 thousand in domestic currency. But an experienced specialist already receives a large salary.

Benefits of Professional Development

For domestic science, many problems in the field of general hygiene remain unresolved. Therefore, the industry needs not only practical, but also scientific workers. Postgraduate studies in this field open up broad prospects. After it, you can do research, work as a teacher at a university, or return to practical work.

This job description has been automatically translated. Please note that automatic translation is not 100% accurate, so there may be minor translation errors in the text.

Instructions for the position " General hygiene doctor", presented on the website, meets the requirements of the document - "DIRECTORY OF Qualification Characteristics of Workers' Professions. Issue 78. Healthcare. (As amended in accordance with orders of the Ministry of Health No. 131-O dated June 18, 2003, No. 277 dated May 25, 2007, No. 153 dated March 21, 2011, No. 121 dated February 14, 2012)", which was approved by order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine of March 29, 2002 N 117. Agreed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of Ukraine.
The document status is "valid".

Preface to the job description

0.1. The document comes into force from the moment of approval.

0.2. Document developer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.3. The document has been approved: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.4. Periodic verification of this document is carried out at intervals not exceeding 3 years.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The position "General Hygiene Doctor" belongs to the "Professionals" category.

1.2. Qualification requirements - complete higher education (specialist, master's degree) in the field of training "Medicine", specialty "Medical and Preventive Care". Specialization in "General Hygiene" (internship, specialization courses). Availability of a medical specialist certificate. No work experience requirements.

1.3. Knows and applies in practice:
- current legislation on health protection and regulatory documents regulating the activities of government bodies and healthcare institutions, the fundamentals of law in medicine;
- organization of sanitary and epidemiological service;
- rights, duties and responsibilities of a doctor in general hygiene;
- hygienic requirements for environmental factors, buildings, pesticides, polymer, synthetic materials, household chemicals and more;
- hygiene-specific methods of research and control of environmental factors and public health;
- methodological approaches to identifying the relationship between health status and environmental factors;
- medical statistics, general and special hygiene and related disciplines;
- rules for processing medical documentation;
- modern literature on the specialty and methods of its generalization.

1.4. A general hygiene doctor is appointed and dismissed by order of the organization (enterprise/institution).

1.5. The general hygiene doctor reports directly to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.6. The general hygiene doctor supervises the work of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.7. During absence, the general hygiene doctor is replaced by a person appointed in accordance with the established procedure, who acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Characteristics of work, tasks and job responsibilities

2.1. Guided by the current legislation of Ukraine on health protection and regulations that determine the activities of governing bodies and healthcare institutions, the organization of the sanitary and epidemiological service; sanitary legislation.

2.2. Analyzes the sanitary and epidemiological situation, identifies priority factors for adverse health impacts and implements effective measures.

2.3. Organizes laboratory and instrumental control over national economic facilities.

2.4. Develops and implements hygienic standards for harmful substances and methods for controlling them.

2.5. Conducts sanitary inspections of public utilities, trade, public catering, food industry, industrial facilities, children's and medical institutions in the form of preventive and ongoing sanitary supervision.

2.6. Analyzes the results of sanitary inspections, laboratory tests, investigations of outbreaks of acute intestinal diseases and food poisoning, and draws qualified conclusions.

2.8. Plans work and analyzes its results.

2.9. Maintains medical documentation.

2.10. Supervises the work of nursing staff.

2.11. Takes an active part in disseminating medical knowledge among the population.

2.12. Constantly improves his professional level.

2.13. Knows, understands and applies current regulations relating to his activities.

2.14. Knows and complies with the requirements of regulations on labor protection and environmental protection, complies with the norms, methods and techniques for the safe performance of work.

3. Rights

3.1. The general hygiene physician has the right to take action to prevent and eliminate cases of any violations or inconsistencies.

3.2. A general hygiene doctor has the right to receive all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.3. A general hygiene doctor has the right to demand assistance in the performance of his official duties and the exercise of his rights.

3.4. The general hygiene doctor has the right to demand the creation of organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties and the provision of the necessary equipment and supplies.

3.5. A general hygiene doctor has the right to familiarize himself with draft documents relating to his activities.

3.6. The general hygiene doctor has the right to request and receive documents, materials and information necessary to perform his job duties and management orders.

3.7. A general hygiene doctor has the right to improve his professional qualifications.

3.8. The general hygiene doctor has the right to report all violations and inconsistencies identified in the course of his activities and make proposals for their elimination.

3.9. A general hygiene doctor has the right to familiarize himself with documents defining the rights and responsibilities of his position, and criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The general hygiene doctor is responsible for failure to fulfill or untimely fulfillment of the duties assigned by this job description and (or) failure to use the granted rights.

4.2. The general hygiene doctor is responsible for failure to comply with internal labor regulations, labor protection, safety regulations, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4.3. The general hygiene doctor is responsible for disclosing information about the organization (enterprise/institution) that is a trade secret.

4.4. The general hygiene doctor is responsible for failure to comply or improper fulfillment of the requirements of internal regulatory documents of the organization (enterprise/institution) and legal orders of management.

4.5. The general hygiene doctor is responsible for offenses committed in the course of his activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.6. The general hygiene doctor is responsible for causing material damage to the organization (enterprise/institution) within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.7. The general hygiene doctor is responsible for the unlawful use of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

  • 1.3. Legal status of a doctor at the federal budgetary healthcare institution Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare
  • 1.4. Legal status of a general hygiene doctor
  • 1.5. Legal status of an epidemiologist
  • Bibliography
  • Lecture 2
  • 2.1. Legal basis for federal state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance
  • 2.2. Protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the exercise of state control (supervision) and municipal control
  • 2.3. Optimization of administrative procedures and improvement of the notification principle for carrying out business activities
  • 2.4. Administrative forms of state regulation (licensing, registration)
  • Bibliography
  • Lecture 3
  • 3.1. Control (supervision) over compliance with the requirements of legislation in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population
  • 3.2. Control (supervision) over the production and circulation of tobacco and alcohol products in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation
  • 3.3. Control (supervision) over ensuring the safety of food products and drinking water
  • 3.4. Control (supervision) in the field of radiation safety of the population and recording of individual radiation doses of citizens
  • Bibliography
  • Lecture 4
  • The effectiveness of epidemiological surveillance of infectious and parasitic diseases is largely determined by the implementation of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures.
  • 4.2. Ensuring epidemiological surveillance of the organization and conduct of immunization of the population
  • 4.3. Organization of events to ensure sanitary protection of the territory of the Russian Federation
  • 4.4. Ensuring sanitary and quarantine control at checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation
  • 4.5. Ensuring biological safety of the population of the Russian Federation
  • Bibliography
  • Lecture 5
  • 5.1. An integrated approach to the issue of choosing forms and methods of protecting consumer rights
  • 5.2. Interaction between territorial bodies of Rospotrebnadzor and public consumer associations. Advisory Council for the Protection of Consumer Rights and other interdepartmental advisory bodies
  • 5.3. Participation in judicial protection of consumer rights
  • 5.4. Introduction of new technologies to educate the population on issues of law enforcement in the field of consumer protection
  • 5.5. State report on the protection of consumer rights in the Russian Federation"
  • Bibliography
  • Lecture 6 provision of public services and execution of government functions of Rospotrebnadzor in electronic form Plan
  • 6.1. Introduction of information and communication technologies into the activities of Rospotrebnadzor. Official website of Rospotrebnadzor
  • 6.2. Improving activities to inform about the sanitary and epidemiological situation
  • 6.3. Providing public services of Rospotrebnadzor in electronic form
  • 6.4. Exchange of information with federal executive authorities, regional authorities and local governments through the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction
  • 6.5. Electronic document management of Rospotrebnadzor
  • Bibliography
  • Lecture 7
  • 7.2. Legal acts regulating the application of sanitary measures in the territory of the Customs Union and the Common Economic Space
  • 7.3. Documents regulating the safety of products for human health, international standards, risk assessment of the use of various products and the environment
  • 7.4. Introduction of international standards in the development of sanitary measures
  • 7.5. Application of modern international standards and measures in the field of consumer protection
  • Bibliography
  • 1.4. Legal status of a general hygiene doctor

    In accordance with the federal state educational standard, a graduate of the Faculty of Preventive Medicine is awarded the qualification “doctor” in the specialty “medical and preventive care.” In the future, in accordance with Article 76 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 273-FZ), under the program of additional professional education, a graduate can obtain the qualification of a “doctor in general hygiene" and then, through a professional retraining program, it is possible for them to obtain new competencies necessary for specialization in the main areas of hygiene.

    The Nomenclature of Positions of Medical Workers and Pharmaceutical Workers, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated December 20, 2012 No. 1183n, along with a general hygiene doctor, includes:

    food hygiene doctor;

    municipal hygiene doctor;

    child and adolescent hygiene doctor;

    occupational health doctor;

    radiation hygiene doctor;

    doctor for sanitary and hygienic research methods;

    doctor for hygienic education.

    In the qualification characteristics of a doctor in general hygiene, determined by Order No. 541n, it is noted:

    « Job responsibilities.

      Ensures that the Federal Service for Surveillance in the Sphere of Protection of Consumer Rights and Human Welfare fulfills the state function of carrying out, in the prescribed manner, verification of the activities of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and citizens in meeting the requirements of sanitary legislation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation governing relations in the field of protection consumer rights, and compliance with the rules for the sale of certain types of goods provided for by law, performance of work, and provision of services.

      Organizes sanitary and epidemiological examinations, investigations, examinations, studies, tests, as well as toxicological, hygienic and other types of assessments.

      Organizes professional hygienic training and certification of officials and employees of organizations whose activities are related to the production, storage, transportation and sale of food products and drinking water, education and training of children, public utilities and consumer services.

      Participates in the preparation of proposals for draft programs for the socio-economic development of the territory in the field of ensuring sanitary and epidemiological well-being; carrying out social and hygienic monitoring.

      Provides advisory assistance to specialists from other departments in their specialty.

      Supervises the work of the personnel subordinate to him (if any), assists in the performance of his official duties.

      Systematically improves his skills.

    Must know:

      Constitution of the Russian Federation;

      laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of healthcare;

      international treaties of the Russian Federation;

      basics of labor organization and labor legislation; rules of business conduct and psychology of professional communication;

      forms and methods of hygienic education and the formation of a healthy lifestyle;

    medical ethics and dentistry; internal labor regulations on labor protection and fire safety. Qualification Requirements

    . Higher professional education in the specialty “Medical and Preventive Care”, and postgraduate professional education (internship and (or) residency) in the specialty “General Hygiene”, a specialist certificate in the specialty “General Hygiene”; without presenting requirements for work experience.”

    From the qualification characteristics of a doctor in general hygiene follows his responsibility to organize sanitary and epidemiological examinations, investigations, examinations, studies, tests, as well as toxicological, hygienic and other types of assessments.

    In this regard, it is necessary to pay attention to the order of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare dated July 19, 2007 No. 224 “On sanitary and epidemiological examinations, surveys, research, testing and toxicological, hygienic and other types of assessments”, in particular, the Procedure for organizing and conducting sanitary and epidemiological examinations, examinations, studies, tests and toxicological, hygienic and other types of assessments and the Procedure for issuing sanitary and epidemiological reports approved by it.

    Thus, according to clause 4, the grounds for carrying out sanitary and epidemiological examinations, examinations, research, tests and toxicological, hygienic and other types of assessments may be:

    Determinations made by officials in accordance with the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses;

    Applications from citizens, individual entrepreneurs, legal entities for sanitary and epidemiological examinations.

    Sanitary and epidemiological examinations, examinations, studies, tests and toxicological, hygienic and other types of assessments for the purposes of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision, licensing, social and hygienic monitoring are carried out free of charge on the basis of the regulations and definitions specified in clause 4 of this Procedure.

    In other cases, sanitary and epidemiological examinations, examinations, studies, tests and toxicological, hygienic and other types of assessments may be carried out upon applications from citizens, individual entrepreneurs, legal entities, government bodies to conduct sanitary and epidemiological examinations on a contractual basis.

    The period for carrying out sanitary and epidemiological examinations at the request of a citizen, individual entrepreneur, or legal entity is determined depending on the type and volume of research of a specific type of product, type of activity, work, service and cannot exceed two months (clause 6).

    When carrying out sanitary and epidemiological examinations, surveys, research, testing and toxicological, hygienic and other types of assessments, it is necessary to be guided by technical regulations, state sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations and use methods, measurement techniques and types of measuring instruments approved in the prescribed manner (p .7).

    Based on clause 8, the results of sanitary and epidemiological examinations, examinations, studies, tests and toxicological, hygienic and other types of assessments are formalized in the form of an expert opinion, an examination report, a research (test) protocol.

    Clause 9 states that the sanitary and epidemiological examination includes:

    Conducting an examination of submitted documents;

    Conducting laboratory and instrumental research and testing;

    Inspection of the facility (during sanitary and epidemiological examination of facilities).

    By virtue of clause 10, the following documents are submitted for sanitary and epidemiological examination of products:

    For domestic products:

    Regulatory and/or technical documents (technical specifications, technological instructions, recipes, organizational standards, etc.) for products, approved in the prescribed manner, or regulatory and/or technical documents (technical specifications, technological instructions, recipes, etc.), previously not agreed upon, according to which the products are supposed to be manufactured;

    Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the compliance of technical documents with the requirements of state sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations (if any);

    Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the compliance of production conditions with the requirements of state sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations (in cases provided for by legislation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population);

    Protocols of research (testing) of products (if available);

    Product samples required for sanitary and epidemiological examination;

    Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

    For imported products:

    Documents of the manufacturing organization, according to which the manufacture of imported products is carried out;

    Documents issued by authorized bodies of the country of origin of the product, confirming its safety for humans;

    Test (research) protocols for products (if available);

    Product samples in the quantities required for sanitary and epidemiological examination;

    The act of selecting samples of products submitted for sanitary and epidemiological examination;

    Consumer (or container) labels or their layouts;

    Technical description of the product indicating the conditions of application (use), other regulatory and technical documents on the composition and conditions of use;

    Contract (agreement) or information about the contract (agreement) for the supply of products (if necessary).

    Documents in foreign languages ​​provided for the purpose of conducting a sanitary and epidemiological examination must be translated into Russian, copies of documents and their translations must be certified in the prescribed manner (clause 11).

    12. To conduct a sanitary and epidemiological examination of project documentation, an application and project documentation with its justification are submitted (clause 12).

    To conduct a sanitary-epidemiological examination of activities (works, services), an application for a sanitary-epidemiological examination or other grounds specified in clause 4 of this Procedure, title documents or copies thereof (clause 13) are submitted.

    Actions (inaction) of officials when drawing up sanitary and epidemiological conclusions can be appealed to a higher body of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision, the chief state sanitary doctor or to the court.

    Complaints regarding sanitary and epidemiological examinations, examinations, studies, tests and toxicological, hygienic and other types of assessments are resolved in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation (clause 14).
