State register of cash registers for a year. Online cash register models and fiscal data operators became known

New sample cash registers

Register of online cash registers - new cash registers from 2019

After the new application procedure comes into force cash register equipment in 54-FZ and its amendments in 290-FZ for many trading enterprises There was a need to purchase a new model of cash registers in 2017. The main difference between such devices and conventional cash registers consists in having a built-in fiscal drive that transmits information about each sale and receipt to the Federal Tax Service immediately after the consumer purchases a product or service.

The leaders in the production of devices that meet the requirements of 54-FZ and 290-FZ are such suppliers as ATOL, DREAMKASS, EVOTOR, SHTRIKH-M. Immediately after the release of new editions of the laws, each of the above-mentioned manufacturers announced that they had begun developing new or improving models already in their portfolio.

Is it necessary to change the device?

If the device that you use in your store is not subject to modifications, during which it will be brought into full compliance with the new rules for the use of cash register equipment in accordance with 54-FZ, then you need to stop using it within the time limits established by law and purchase new ones that will comply requirements of recently entered into force regulations.

You can see whether it is legal to use the device you have in the 2017 register of online cash registers.

Varieties and popular models

According to the register of online cash registers, which almost all trade enterprises will be required to start using in 2017, belong to one of three types:

  1. Fiscal registrar;
  2. Autonomous cash register;
  3. Tablet device (is a set powered by smartphones or tablets).

According to our sales statistics, the most popular new cash registers since 2017 include the following models:

  • ATOL 30F; 25F (fiscal registrars);
  • SHTRIH-ON-LINE (fiscal registrar);
  • ATOL 90F (autonomous cash register);
  • ELVES MF (autonomous cash register with built-in fiscal storage).

Also included in the list of online cash registers is a smart terminal from the EVOTOR company, which is a completely new type of trading devices and is intended for small and medium-level trading enterprises. Having a compact size and a large number of built-in functions, it allows you to quickly monitor product balances in the store, analyze sales, and implement customer loyalty programs by accruing bonus points for purchases and offering discounts.

In addition, the EVOTOR terminal has its own database in the cloud, which includes more than one and a half million products with a name and photo. The seller can instantly load any of the products available in the database into the device and create a new item in a matter of seconds! This option allows you not only to increase the efficiency of sales staff, reduce the time required to receive goods, but also to reduce the number of errors caused by human factors and errors due to manual input. Moreover, EVOTOR allows you to obtain visual analytical data necessary for analysis and optimization assortment policy point of sale.

With the onset of 2017, businessmen faced a difficult question regarding the choice of cash register equipment that would meet all legal requirements.

We’ll tell you what cash registers should be like, what their advantages are, which models have already been approved and entered into the State Register, and we’ll also determine what equipment can be modernized.


Center Maintenance"META" is official service center of the company "Evotor" and carries out warranty repairs and maintenance of Evotor cash terminals.

New generation cash registers connected to the Internet, according to 54-FZ - features and advantages

Undoubtedly, online cash registers will allow you to reach a new level of doing business. They not only simplify the work of the specialists interacting with them, but also benefit customers during service.

Their main features and significant advantages are that:

  1. Their work uses cloud technologies. Devices connected to the Internet transmit information over the network to the tax service about completed transactions, for example, purchases in a store.
  2. They simplify the work of specialists . Check receipts will now no longer need to be printed on a printer, since the system itself will send it to in electronic format to the client/buyer. If at the time of the purchase and sale transaction the cash register was not connected to the Internet, it does not matter - the saved information will be sent to the client later in the form of, for example, an SMS on the phone or email. The client will be able to check the accuracy of the data.
  3. CCP facilitates the reporting procedure. Now you will not need to send a fiscal report, since the information will flow directly through the OFD to the tax authorities. You can also track your revenue through an online cash register connected to the Internet.
  4. Online devices simplify the registration and registration procedure. The entrepreneur will not need to visit the tax office. All you need to do is also remotely re-register equipment and deregister cash registers.
  5. They do not require mandatory maintenance. Clients can reduce their costs by doing this. But every manager knows that cash registers should be serviced annually and the ECLZ unit should be replaced. New cash desks do not have this block, but they do so once every 13 months, for small businesses - once every 36 months. You can contact . Specialists will carry out the work quickly and efficiently.
  6. Online technology is universal. You can use tablets that are connected to the Internet, and also use other programs and applications that ensure stable, efficient operation of the cash register. For example, such as .
  7. Fraud and errors are excluded. If there is a theft at a checkout point or an error occurs during the calculation, the manager will definitely know about it. The system will inform him about this. Representatives of the tax inspectorate may also come to check if they receive false information. Of course, this is a minus only for those who have something to hide.
  8. Online cash registers have a simple system. Any specialist can operate the equipment. An employee who worked with old, not updated equipment will also be able to master the new cash register model.

As you have seen, cash registers will now be more advanced and modern. Installed software on many devices it can be combined with different programs for running a business - for example, or with the “My Warehouse” applications and others. Together, they create ideal conditions for quality and efficient work any organization.






SHTRIH-950K version 01

BAR-COMBO-FR-K version 01



Mercury - 111K version 01





AMS-110K version 01, 02


GARANT-K version 01


ORION 100K version 01, 02, 03






From among this technology you can. Our specialists will advise you on all questions and help you choose the right and most effective device.

Models of cash registers for modification under 54 Federal Laws, which are included in the State Register

Let's list the CCP that can be modernized, updated and made like this:

Manufacturer's name

Model of the device that can be remade




The register of cash register equipment is a list of information about each copy of the cash register model, authorized for use, taking into account the changes made to the law of May 22, 2003 No. 54-FZ.

The main document containing all models of cash register equipment currently approved for use is the cash register register. Federal Law 54 of May 22, 2003 (taking into account the amendments introduced by the law of July 3, 2016 N 290-FZ) establishes the obligation to switch to online cash register most entrepreneurs and organizations. One of the main requirements of the law is the inclusion of an online cash register in the list approved by the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.

The Federal Tax Service also maintains registers of fiscal storage units (hereinafter FN) and fiscal data operators (hereinafter FDO). All current cash register registers for the year of transition to new cash register equipment are published in the public domain on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

Table No. 1. Registers of online cash registers, fiscal drives and OFD

Register maintained by the Federal Tax Service Last change made to the document
Online cash register

Please note that conducting business without a cash register when there is an established obligation to use it entails quite serious penalties, in particular, the fine for officials will be from ¼ to ½ of the purchase amount, but not less than 10,000 rubles, and for legal entities– from ¾ to 1 size of the settlement amount, but not less than 30,000 rubles.

For CCP manufacturers selling models not included in the list approved by the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, the fine will be from 10,000 rubles. up to 25,000 rubles and for legal entities – from 100,000 rubles. up to 200,000 rub.

How many models are included in the CCP register

The state register for the year of transition to new cash registers, approved by the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, contains data on 80 cash register models and their manufacturers.

Table No. 2. Manufacturers of cash registers and the number of cash register models registered by them

Manufacturer's name and tax identification number Number of CCP models Model names
"SHTRIKH-M 5024046846 12 SHTRIKH-M:



"ATOL" 5010051677 11 ATOL:

FPrint-22PTK, 11F, 15F, 25F, 30F, 52F, 55F, 60F, 77F, 90F, 42FS,

"Dreamkas" 7802870820 6 WIKI


Viki Tower F


“Special design department computer technology “ISKRA” 7804067632 5 NOTE

07-F, 21-FA, 08-F, 88-F

MK 35-F

"ASTOR TRADE" 7708501582 5 Mercury

115F, 119-F, 130-F, 180-F, 185-F,

"RR-Electro" 7725788470 4 RR

01F, 02F, 03F, 04F

"Service Plus" 7724892904 4 JV

402-F, 101-F, 802-F


"NTC Alfa-Project" 7705446559 4 PTK


"Crystal Service Integration" 7813230814 3 PYRITE
"STC "Izmeritel" 5024054445 3 ELVES


"Yarus Ltd" 7725688517 2 TIER
"Pay Kiosk" 7705721283 2 PAY


"SCCHETMASH" 4632126284 2 EKR 2102K-F


"PILOT Firm" 7713796596 2 POSprint

FP510-F, FP410-F

"EVOTOR" 9715225506 2 EVOTOR


"Pioneer Engineering" 7726739926 1 Pioneer-114F
"ARKUS-ST" 7727295254 1 AMS-100F
"Computer cash systems" 7705721283 1 SPARK-115-F
"ORION UTAH TRADE" 7720675560 1 ORION-100F
"Vinkor Nixdorf" 7707635872 1 WNJI-003F
"ISKRA Service" 1 MICRO 35G-F
"MICROTECH Enterprise" 7729196202 1 PCTF
Trinity 7721733600 1 RETAIL-01F
"CUSTOM" 7722380481 1 CUSTOM Q3X-F
"RP System" 6164279384 1 RP System 1FA
"KIT INVEST" 4004007928 1 Terminal-FA
Kaluga Telegraph Equipment Plant 4027106731 1 Kasbi-02F

How else can you check whether the online cash register model is included in the allowed list?

To facilitate the search for the desired model of cash register equipment approved for use, as well as to clarify the possibility, the Federal Tax Service has created several services that allow you to obtain the necessary information online:

  • Service for checking manufactured copies of cash registers using the serial number of the cash register model;
  • Check page, which includes three lists at once: a list of new cash registers included in the list, a list of models of old equipment that are subject to modernization, and a list of physical functions approved for use in new generation cash registers.

You can learn more about the procedure for switching to new cash registers from the following video:

From July of this year, most entrepreneurs and legal entities will have to start carrying out their activities using online cash registers. Not all models of such devices comply with legal requirements and are therefore not suitable for use. In order to find out which models are suitable for use and which are not, there is a special one. online cash register.

According to the Russian tax service, online cash registers are special. electronic computer technology, as well as complexes and individual computer devices that allow, when making calculations, to record, save, and also transmit information about calculations to the tax authority in real time through the FD operator. Also, such machines must print paper receipts.

As of February of this year, it is no longer possible to register old-style devices. However, until July, such devices can still be used if they were registered earlier. To separate old models from new ones, a special one was developed. register of online cash registers 2017. It is a list of cash register equipment that can be used by entrepreneurs and legal entities. This list is constantly updated with new models. You can view it on the official website of the tax service.

Information specified in the register of online cash register devices

The register of cash register online cash desks under 54-FZ contains the following information:

  • Full name and tax identification number of the organization that manufactured the device;
  • Device model name and number;
  • Information about the possibility of using the device only for calculations in automatic devices; only for payments via the Internet; only as an automated system for strict reporting forms;
  • The serial number and date of the conclusion on the compliance of the characteristics of the device with the legally established requirements and the inclusion of the model in this register;
  • The serial number and date of the decision to exclude a specific model from the register.

It is worth noting that it is not necessary to purchase a new device model. The registry also includes older models that can be upgraded for an online cash register.

Register of FD operators and fiscal memory storage devices

To carry out your activities in full compliance with the new legislative requirements, having a modern device included in the 2017 register of online cash registers and suitable software is not enough.

In addition to the cash registers themselves, the tax service is responsible for registering fiscal memory drives, which store information about all calculations made. Depending on the model, such drives have different service life. There is a separate special for them. registry. The drive used must be included in this register.

Online cash register devices do not have a direct connection with the tax service; information is transmitted through special services. operators. These are accredited companies with which entrepreneurs and legal entities must enter into contracts and pay for their services. To account for such operators, the Federal Tax Service has provided a separate special. registry. Currently, there are only 5 FD operators with whom entrepreneurs and firms have the right to work.

CCP register online

CCP register online

Since February of this year, updated requirements for organizing the work of enterprises that pay customers using cash registers will come into force. The changes will affect, among other things:

  • Sellers of excise goods;
  • Organizations providing services to the public;
  • eCommerce.

To prepare for upcoming changes in trading conditions, you need to familiarize yourself with the new register of cash registers that meet the requirements of 54-FZ.

What information does the new cash register register contain?

According to regulations (54-FZ and its supplementary 290-FZ), all trading enterprises are required to start using devices, the functionality of which allows you to automatically send data on all sales of goods and services to the tax office immediately after a receipt has been punched.

Most manufacturers of cash register equipment almost immediately after the first publication of Law 54 stated that:

  • We started developing new devices;
  • Some old models will be modified.

First of all, the newly created online cash register register includes equipment from such specialized market giants as ATOL, EVOTOR, SHTRIKH-M and DREAMKASS.

There are three main types of CCP:

  1. Fiscal registrar;
  2. Autonomous cash register;
  3. Tablet cash register.

If your company is still using one of them, then contact us to find out if it is possible to upgrade the model to full compliance with current legislation. If not, then you need to select another device, the full list of which is presented in the new CCP registry.

The most popular models from the KKT online registry

We analyzed consumer demand for various devices that are included in the list of the new cash register register. As a result, we can highlight the following models that are most popular among our customers:

  • ATOL 30F and 25F, SHTRIKH-ON-LINE, belonging to the category of fiscal registrars equipped with a fiscal storage device;
  • ATOL 90F (belongs to the category of cash register terminals).

New items in the online cash register register

The current list of cash registers approved for use includes smart terminals from EVOTOR, which are representatives of a new generation of devices for trading. Such a device will be appreciated by small and medium-sized businesses, because it has a compact size that allows it to be used even in very small retail outlets.

But this is not the most important advantage of EVOTOR. This device provides not only standard cash register functionality, but also a number of additional options that will allow you to optimize your internal processes and thereby increase the efficiency of the company as a whole.

With the new smart terminal you can:

  • Monitor product residues;
  • Build sales charts based on historical data;
  • Create and implement loyalty programs for regular customers (bonus points, discount policy).

Another advantage of EVOTOR, which will help you take business automation to a new level, is the presence of a unique database in the cloud. It contains descriptions of more than 1.5 million products with names and photographs. With a stable Internet connection, you will be able to quickly download them from there and not waste time on creating item items manually.

This may be useful!

  • Check whether the operation of your cash register in a special
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