How to repair a digital camera with your own hands. Camera circuits and disassembly

The most common causes of breakdowns of digital cameras are: moisture or sand getting inside, mechanical damage, failure software. In any of the above cases, you should contact a service center and not try to do it yourself. camera repair. Trying to fix the problem yourself may increase the cost later. camera repair, because unqualified intervention often leads to additional costs.To determine the exact camera breakdown It will take not only time, but also the professional skills of a camera repairman. After diagnostics, a professional technician will know exactly what broke and why it happened. Well, now we will tell you about the main breakdowns of cameras.

Main types of camera breakdowns

Moisture gets on the camera

Many repairs occur due to a problem such as moisture getting inside the camera. If such a problem occurs and you accidentally drop the camera into water or get it wet, you should immediately remove the batteries and take it to a service center. If moisture gets inside, it threatens to oxidize almost all parts, and if it has also been in sea water, then the salt can corrode small connections or other mechanical damage, as a result of which the lens mechanism almost always fails. In most cases, the lens can be repaired without costly replacement.

Problems with the memory card in the camera

The most common malfunction in which it may not turn on is the memory card. More precisely, not in the card itself, but in the camera socket into which it is inserted. Be careful how you insert and remove your flash media. You should not use force - perhaps you are simply inserting the memory card incorrectly.

The camera does not turn on or does not respond to control buttons for a long time

There are problems controlling camera functions. Often the camera simply does not turn on or does not respond to control buttons. The cause of such problems may be a defective control board. In some cases, repairs are possible, but much more often it is necessary to replace the board.

The camera's Zoom function does not work

There is poor focusing. The problem was related to moisture getting inside the camera, due to which some elements of the lens became unusable. These elements needed to be replaced. The same can be said about the problem with “blurry” images. Most likely, the reason for the lack of focus was an incorrectly set option in the camera mode itself. IN winter time When shooting outdoors, the lenses may become coated with moisture. The appearance of condensation is a common occurrence. Turn off the camera and leave it in a warm place for a couple of hours.

Display damage

You can understand that the screen has failed by the following signs: it does not light up, there are cracks, the display is leaking, it does not react at all when turned on, it shows an image that is too dark, or there is no image at all. It is impossible to restore the screen; in most cases, the display needs to be replaced.

Damage to the matrix of digital cameras is a common case requiring camera repair.

Internal damage to cameras occurs, in most cases, as a result of improper use, be it moisture or dust, shock or direct sunlight. The matrix of a digital camera or video camera suffers the most and needs repair.
The main signs of failure of the CCD matrix there are uneven stripes and a blurred image - if this appears, take the camera for repair. It also happens that in shooting mode the image is completely absent, although previously captured frames are viewed normally. In all these cases, qualified and high-quality repairs are required with the replacement or restoration of the damaged matrix. Due to the complex structure and principle of operation, you should not entrust the repair of a camera or video camera to amateurs in working with electronics.

The camera does not turn on

In this case, there can be many reasons: a power problem, with the controller, board, battery, cables, etc. With such a breakdown, you need to carry out diagnostics and then you can understand the cause of the malfunction.

Flash doesn't work

It should be taken into account that in the vast majority of models, technical wear of the lamp occurs after 2-3 thousand flashes. Remedy: replacing the lamp or flash unit.
Almost all modern cameras are equipped with a built-in flash that can illuminate the foreground. Flash malfunctions are among the most common problems with photographic and video equipment, without causing any particular difficulties during the repair process.

Photos blurry when shooting at night

When shooting at night or in a dark place, the camera’s automation sets a long shutter speed. In this case, to take a clear picture, you need to firmly fix the camera; (use a tripod) the picture comes out blurry due to the vibration of your hands. You can turn on the forced flash (if there is a stabilizer) or install the camera on any other stable surface.
Often the retractable lens mechanism in digital cameras breaks down. This problem very often appears after a trip to the sea. For the retractable mechanism, a few grains of sand are enough to jam it. The lens begins to move out poorly, an extraneous crunch may appear, it may move out and jam. Only cleaning this mechanism will help, and this should not be delayed in order to avoid more serious consequences.

Repairing external damage to the camera body

As a result of physical impact, including accidental falls,
impacts on a hard surface; harm caused by children and animals, as well as a whole list of other incredible stories, scratches and abrasions appear on the visible surface of the camera or video camera. The plastic body of an amateur camera may even crack. Problems with external damage to the device body are not insoluble if the internal components of the digital camera or video camera are not damaged.

Microphone not working

Most cameras of different models, manufacturers and price categories today have a built-in microphone, which, like other electronic and mechanical elements of the camera, tends to break. To prevent such a malfunction, it is enough to replace the faulty element (repair the camera microphone), in our case it is the camera microphone, and enjoy the happy moments of life.

Overheating in the sun can also lead to the need for digital camera repair.

Violation of the thermal operating conditions can seriously affect the performance of your digital camera. The internal elements of the camera overheat and even melt at very high temperatures, so repairs due to overheating cannot be avoided. So, as a result of careless handling of the camera (forgotten on the beach, left in direct sunlight), you get a completely non-functional camera that requires serious repairs, professional equipment and a qualified specialist. Please keep in mind that moisture, dust, or
overheating, and as a result of the need for repairs, you can be protected by simply following the instructions for use.

Malfunction of the power supply circuit or power connectors of the camera and its repair

Most modern digital cameras are equipped with reusable batteries, allowing you to use the device for a long time without additional power. Over time, they either wear out or become unusable as a result of the owner's carelessness. As a result, the camera's power system may require technical diagnostics.

Caring for your camera

In addition to visible damage, the camera may need basic cleaning. The thing is that during the “life” of the camera, dust, grease, etc. get under the body, which leads to a deterioration in its performance. Dust on the surface of the matrix in SLR cameras leads to the appearance of spots and black dots on photographs, usually in the most important areas of the frame. If there are a lot of pictures, editing (removing defects) photographs using special programs will be quite a difficult and expensive task.

If you would comply simple recommendations, Your camera will live much longer:

  • Be careful, protect against falls, sand and moisture getting inside, and you should also pay special attention to the lens;
  • There is no need to wipe the lens too often; only do this if the lens is really dirty. First try to blow away dust or dirt from the glass surface and only if this does not work, wipe with a special cleaning agent strictly following the instructions on the package;
  • Wipe in one motion, pressing lightly on the fabric. Remember that even a small speck of dust on the surface can make a scratch, which will then significantly affect the quality of the pictures.
How to repair a camera yourself

Here’s a quote that caught my eye (from a dialogue between a client and a workshop master):

- “How much does it cost to repair or replace the lens of a Power Shot SX 10IS camera (minimum and maximum cost) - post-warranty camera.
The camera did not fall. It just gave me a lens error. What is the repair time?"

-"Good afternoon, Marina.
The cost of repairing the SX10 lens is 4800 rubles; lens replacement is most likely not required. The period is usually 1-2 weeks, depending on the complexity of the problem. All this is preliminary information; the final answer to your questions will be given by diagnostics, which we offer free of charge.
Regards, Alexey..."

But here is the material that I found on the Internet... Maybe it’s not worth shelling out money right away? Need to try....

Lens failure - This has to be the most common failure of digital cameras. Some common error messages that may appear on the display of cameras with this problem include “E18 lens” (“E18 lens error” in older Canon models), “ACCESS” (Sony), “Zoom Error” zoom) (Fuji), "LensObstructed" (Kodak), “lens>error, restartcamera” or simply “lens error” (almost all camera manufacturers have been using this option lately). Some cameras may not show anything on the display at all, but only emit a beep, the lens retracts and the camera turns off. Sometimes the lens won't even extend.

The problem is actually quite common in all models of digital cameras. This is usually sand or other small particles that get into the lens extension mechanism and autofocus mechanism. Or the camera was dropped with the lens extended. Perhaps the camera was turned on, but the lens was prevented from extending (for example, accidentally turned on in a bag). It happens that after extending the lens, the batteries are discharged and the camera turns off with the lens extended. Believe it or not, one of the causes of lens malfunctions is the use of cases and bags. Sand, dirt, fibers, etc. accumulate in the lower part of the body. These materials like to cling to the camera body due to electrostatic charge during friction (especially in cases where the case is soft and fleecy). Once these particles find their way inside the lens mechanism, malfunction messages occur. I have many Canon cameras and I never use cases for this very reason.

For the owner of a camera with this problem, there may be no point in contacting the warranty workshop. Many camera manufacturers will not fix this problem under warranty. According to them, this is due to damage to the camera due to an impact or sand or debris getting into the lens extension mechanism (neither case is covered by the warranty). The repair cost is usually close to or more than what the camera is actually worth. Since warranty workshops in most cases replace a faulty lens with a new one, the cost of which as a spare part is high.

Fortunately, about half of the cameras that suffer from this problem can be easily fixed using one of the following methods. None of these methods require disassembling the camera, although some of them can cause other damage if overdone and careless. If your camera is still under warranty, before applying any of these, please visit your camera manufacturer's warranty shop to find out whether the repair will be covered under warranty or to determine how much they will charge for a paid repair. Who knows, maybe you'll get lucky. But if they quote an amount that is higher than the value of your camera, you may want to consider the following methods. Here is a video description of each method for resolving the problem, followed by a detailed description of them.

The methods are listed in order of risk of damaging your camera. Therefore, you should try them in the order listed. And remember that these methods (in particular, No. 6 and 7) should only be considered for cameras for which the warranty has expired; the indicated repair costs would be excessive. If these methods do not correct the error, you can contact a paid service, the cost of repairs in which is lower than under warranty.

Method 1: Remove the batteries from the camera, wait a few minutes. Insert a fresh set of batteries (preferably rechargeable NiMH 2500 mAh or higher) and turn on the camera. If you have been using batteries for more than a year, consider purchasing new batteries as they may not provide enough power to run the camera.

Method 1a: If new batteries do not work, try pressing and holding the Menu, Function, Set, or OK button while turning on the camera. This along with Method 1 and Method 2 sometimes works to eliminate lens errors that occur due to the batteries being drained when the lens is extended.

Method 1b: For those of you who were able to access the camera menu with this error, try searching for and selecting "reset" to reset the camera to its original position. On some Canon cameras, this requires holding down the menu button with the power button for up to 10 seconds. However, please note that a lens error may sometimes prevent the reset option and thus the option may not be displayed.

Method 2: If the camera's batteries are completely drained and its lens was still open, the camera may show a lens error or may not start up correctly when new batteries are installed. Remove the memory card from the camera and then install new batteries. When you turn on the camera without a card it may come back to life as this causes a reset on some models. Error E30 (for older Canons) means that you do not have a card installed, so you should turn off the camera, insert the card and turn it on again.

Method 3: Insert the camera's audio/video (AV) cable and turn on the camera. Connecting the cable ensures that the camera's LCD screen remains off while the process is starting. This will ensure that additional battery power is available to the camera lens motor during startup. This extra power can be helpful in overcoming dust or sand that may interfere with the lens. If the AV cable does not correct the lens error on its own, I consider keeping this cable installed useful when attempting fixes 4, 5, and 7 as a means to provide additional power to aid in the process of those attempts. But note that I do not recommend keeping the cable installed during the Fix 6 process as this may damage the AV port when trying to turn on the camera.

Method 4: Place the camera supine on a table with the lens pointing toward the ceiling. Press and hold the shutter button and at the same time press the power button. The idea is that the camera will attempt to autofocus while the lens is extending. We hope that while the lens extends and the autofocus lens moves, the guide pins will fall into place.

Method 5: Using a rubber blower, blow compressed air into the gaps between the lens cups. The idea is to blow out sand or other debris stuck in the lens mechanism. Other blowing options are using a hair dryer on low heat or sucking air out of the lens gaps (be careful with this!). Some people use a vacuum cleaner for this.

We are now entering the realm of potentially dangerous methods for rescuing a camera. There is, of course, some risk, so be careful when doing the following:

Method 5a: If you actually notice sand particles in the cavity around the lens barrel and airflow is not helping to dislodge them, consider using tissue paper or a sewing needle to help remove them. Pay special attention to avoid scratching the lens barrel with the needle. Also, I don't recommend probing too deeply around the lens barrel with paper (don't go deeper than 1cm). I especially don't recommend deep probing around the outermost (largest) part of the lens barrel, as you may dislodge the anti-dust gasket, which is located just inside this gap.

Method 6: Repeatedly tap the rubber USB socket cap to dislodge any particles that may be interfering with the lens. It is also possible to tap the camera body with your palm. Many people report success with this method. However, there are also some obvious possibilities for internal components being damaged or dislodged using this method, such as cables falling out of connectors, or the LCD screen cracking.

Method 6a: This is a variation of Method 6, and is applicable if the lens barrels are straight (not bent by impact). In other words, try this unless there is obvious mechanical damage to the barrels that is causing the problem itself. With the lens pointing down, try tapping the lens "softly" on all sides with a small object such as a pen or pencil. The idea is to try to dislodge sand particles that may be interfering with the movement of the lens barrels. At the same time, try turning the camera on and off while you do this.


Method 7a: Please note that this correction method is only intended for cameras in which the lens extends, then stops part of the way, and then returns to its original position. Try to grab and hold the smallest front lens cup at its most extended position without allowing the lens to return. Inspect and clean the area around the lens cups from dust and sand. Turn the camera off and on again. If the lens extends further, grab the front glass again, preventing it from returning. Repeat cleaning again. Turn off the camera and turn it on again to see if the problem goes away.

Method 7b: the most extreme way to fix it. Just keep in mind that this is the absolute last resort before throwing away your camera, and there is an obvious potential for further damage to the camera using this method. You may consider this technique if the lens is noticeably and obviously damaged, bent, or bent, such as from being dropped. In this case, try to think of the lens as a dislocated shoulder. Try to force the lens to straighten and return to its place. In this case, the pins of the lens cups will fit into their guides. Your goal is to try to replant them by straightening the lens. Listen for a “click” to confirm that the pins have jumped into the guides and immediately stop further efforts at that point. More and more people are reporting success with this method compared to any other method.

Variations on Method 7b: Gently pull, rotate, and/or twist the lens barrel while pressing the power button. Check the lens for any hint of tilt or unevenness. Again, the goal is to try to straighten or straighten the barrels if they are warped or twisted. Another option is to look for uneven gaps around the lens barrel and then push down on the side of the lens barrel that has the most gap (note that pushing the lens barrel all the way down is not recommended as it can get stuck there). Again, with all of the above, you should listen for a “click”, which means the pins of the glasses have fallen into the guide grooves. If you hear this sound, stop immediately and try turning on the camera.

Our service center professionally repairs digital cameras (video cameras) under the manufacturer's warranty: CASIO, and also provides paid service for products from the following manufacturers: Canon, Casio, Fujifilm, HP, Leica, Nikon, Olympus, Panasonic, Samsung, Sigma, Sony, Kodak, Pentax etc. and with qualified service we guarantee not only reasonable prices and short deadlines, but also high-quality service.

Our service center employs only highly qualified service engineers who can carefully and carefully deal with the breakdown of your camera and perform quick and high-quality repairs.

Repair of such complex equipment as a digital camera should be carried out by an experienced specialist who identifies the product’s malfunction after carrying out comprehensive diagnostic work. At the same time, the Client receives all the necessary information to make a decision on the advisability of repairing his camera or video camera. Free diagnostics are performed without printed details. After diagnostic work, if necessary, replacement of failed parts is carried out. Our Service Center has the necessary components that require replacement.

List of works performed:

  • Lens repair cameras of any complexity, including SLR cameras;
  • Standard repair, elimination of non-critical defects without installing new spare parts;
  • Complex repair. This procedure includes comprehensive diagnostics with the replacement of various components, electronic elements, optics and mechanisms; Replacement of components - microphone, optical parts, cables, connectors, LCD displays, speakers, electronic boards and control buttons;
  • Technical restoration after exposure to water, dust, sand, including reassembly of the lens mechanism;
  • Preventive actions– testing, cleaning, lubrication, setting options;
  • Electronics repair at the component level;
  • Software replacement.

Malfunctions of digital cameras

The main reasons for repairs and malfunctions of digital cameras.

Camera repair becomes necessary after improper or careless handling of a high-tech device. High-quality repairs are only possible if the cause of the malfunction is accurately identified and then eliminated using professional equipment. In general, we can identify a number of main reasons for the repair and breakdown of digital cameras, characteristic of any brands and models of this type of electronics. Let's look at the main reasons for repairs.

Physical impact is the main reason for camera repairs.

Due to the portable nature of the device and the high degree of mobility, the likelihood of mechanical damage to the device increases, and this in turn leads to the need for professional repairs. Mechanical damage due to physical impact is the main reason for repair of most digital cameras. The most common repair case in this regard is a fall. An impact with a hard surface can seriously damage the internal components of a digital camera, as well as cause significant damage to its appearance. Scratches and cracks on the body are not as bad as malfunctions in the Zoom or display - without them, the camera will not be able to work properly. You will certainly understand if your LCD screen breaks due to an impact or fall. The situation is more difficult when determining whether the motherboard or camera matrix is ​​damaged. These elements are located inside the camera body, and only a specialist can accurately diagnose their malfunction and repair it. In any of the above cases, repairs are possible, in some of them, with the replacement of damaged elements.

Water ingress is a common reason for camera repairs.

Water ingress

The second most popular reason for contacting service centers is moisture getting inside the case, which leads to serious internal damage. electronic device and urgent camera repair is required. Even at the slightest contact of liquid with the electronic elements of a digital camera, a process of electrochemical corrosion occurs and repairs cannot be avoided. Salt in the water is deposited on the internal elements of a digital camera, which in turn leads to serious damage and the need for urgent repairs. If you suspect that the camera might have gotten wet or you see that nothing happens when you press the control buttons, then this definitely indicates that moisture or heavy condensation has penetrated inside the camera, you should urgently seek professional help. In this case, it is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid serious repairs in a specialized service center. The only thing you can do to help your camera is to quickly turn off the device, remove the battery and take the camera to us.

Sand ingress is a very common reason that requires camera repair.

This reason for repair is also widespread, since the camera is usually widely used during the summer holidays, and these are beaches, nature and dusty roads. Even the smallest particles of dust or sand can render your digital camera inoperable and require repair. First of all, the camera lens suffers from this, the movement mechanism of which becomes clogged and stops working; if this happens, urgently seek qualified help from a service center. Thus, sand ingress requires immediate repair. Do not try to use such a camera for photography, clean it yourself, or even try to repair it. Seek professional repairs.

Overheating in the sun can also lead to the need to repair a digital camera.

Violation of the thermal operating conditions can seriously affect the performance of your digital camera. The internal elements of the camera overheat and even melt at very high temperatures, so repairs due to overheating cannot be avoided. So, as a result of careless handling of the camera (forgotten on the beach, left in direct sunlight), you get a completely non-functional camera that requires serious repairs, professional equipment and a qualified specialist. Remember that you can be protected from moisture, dust or overheating getting inside the camera, and as a result the need for repairs, by simply following the instructions for use.

Lens damage

The main reason for calls to camera repair centers for many years is damage to the camera lens. As a result of a fall, impact, moisture or dust, the lens of your digital camera stops working normally. This manifests itself most often in incorrect operation zoom and poor image focusing. As a result, professional intervention by a specialist may be required, and in severe cases, its complete replacement. At times, it is enough to replace only individual components of the camera lens and not have to make expensive repairs to the entire camera. Failed lens gears responsible for its movement may also require urgent repairs. This can happen as a result of breakage of gear teeth, which are highly fragile. The smallest grains of sand getting between the teeth of the drive gears of the zoom lens mechanism can lead to its clogging and failure. Not to mention the physical impact on the gear teeth and lens pins. Do not try to “help” the lens move; you will only harm and damage one of the fragile mechanisms that will then have to be repaired along with the camera. In this case, it is easy to break some other part of the camera and then expensive repairs definitely cannot be avoided. Repairing a damaged zoom requires more skill than simply replacing it. Many services do not even try to repair damaged camera lenses, offering to replace them with new ones. Which ultimately costs a pretty penny, and sometimes even becomes unprofitable.

Lens in a digital camera is a complex optical-mechanical device that requires proper care. The quality of the resulting image depends on the performance of the lens - clarity, sharpness, absence of distortion, etc. Camera lens repairs make up the majority of all calls to digital camera repair shops. The cause of damage, in most cases, is improper operation or neglect of the device. The camera has been dropped, something has been spilled on it, something has been stepped on, or a child has been allowed to play with it - all of this will eventually lead to serious damage to the camera lens and will require professional repairs. A complete diagnosis and repair of the camera lens is required.

Lens malfunctions are typical for almost all manufacturers of this type of electronics, which is why it is important to take your camera to a service center if such a breakdown occurs. Digital cameras of the Canon and Nikon brands are especially often sent to us for repair with damage to the retractable lens mechanism. This is due to the extremely complex assembly (mechanics, electronics, optics) of cameras from these manufacturers.

Damage to the camera display.

Display damage

A common case of mechanical impact on a digital camera is damage to the camera display. If dropped or hit, the LCD display may crack or break, which will undoubtedly require professional repair or replacement. Those most at risk for display damage and repairs are digital cameras that do not have protective glass. A slight external influence (for example, light pressure) is enough for you to urgently seek the help of qualified specialists. Display repair without protective coating– this phenomenon is quite common.

Here are a few characteristic features Malfunctions of digital camera displays: cracks or spreading of liquid crystals, display of only part of the information on the display monitor or its complete absence. In any case, you need high-quality repairs, which is impossible without the use of high-precision equipment.

Camera flash repair.

Almost all modern cameras are equipped with a built-in flash that can illuminate the foreground. Flash malfunctions are among the most common problems with photographic equipment, but do not cause any particular difficulties in the repair process, provided that it is performed by a qualified specialist using modern equipment and using the latest technologies. Only if all these conditions are met, you are guaranteed high-quality repair of camera flashes of any modification.

Most flashes today come with additional features, including red-eye reduction. Professional and semi-professional cameras have a contact for connecting an external flash, the so-called hot shoe, which also often needs repair. Damage to this seemingly insignificant element can lead to a complete failure of the digital camera flash. It is the malfunction of the shoe that is the most common problem in flash operation. This can happen due to simple negligence or careless use.

To maintain the full operation of your digital camera, it is necessary from time to time to visit specialized service centers, where experienced specialists will carry out general preventive maintenance and check the flash lamps and the flash mounting mechanism, that is, the shoe.

Repair of camera interfaces.

In addition to the varieties described above, there are also frequent problems with the interfaces of this electronic device, which include the USB connector (Universal Serial Bus), audio outputs and video outputs of cameras. Damage to at least one of these elements, which are important for external access, can seriously ruin the mood at the most exciting moment. The operation of the camera interfaces can be damaged by careless use of the device, regular impacts, falls, and frequent use of connectors, which contribute to rapid wear of the elements. Repairing the camera interface in this case consists of replacing a loose connector and does not present any particular difficulties with the necessary skills and abilities. Following the manufacturer's recommendations for the care, storage and use of the camera will help prevent unexpected breakdowns, save on repairs and extend the life of your camera. Caring for your camera includes several basic rules: taking care of the device, protecting it from falls and shocks, and preventing sand or moisture from getting inside.

Control board repair

This problem is not one of the most popular, it accounts for only a small percentage of the total number of all works, but, nevertheless, it does exist. This type of damage occurs when the control panel is exposed to liquid or hits a hard surface. The consequences can be quite disastrous, because it is with the help of the board’s mechanisms that all the numerous functions of the software of any digital camera are controlled. Lack of response when pressing the camera control buttons or their inadequate operation most likely indicates a malfunction of the control board caused by moisture or heavy condensation getting inside the camera body. Individual panel buttons may fail, or the camera does not turn on completely and does not respond to any actions of the owner; you must contact a service center. In this case, you simply need the help of a qualified specialist who, as a result of a complete diagnosis of the camera, will be able to accurately determine the cause of the malfunction and repair it. If it turns out that the problem is a faulty control board, the service center technicians will eliminate the damage by component repair of this element, or replace it with a new one.

Malfunction of the power supply circuit or power connectors of the camera and its repair.

Most modern digital cameras are equipped with reusable batteries, allowing you to use the device for a long time without additional power. Over time, they either wear out or become unusable as a result of the owner's carelessness. As a result, the camera's power system may require technical diagnostics. We carry out all types of work on repairing cameras and replacing power connectors and other circuit components.

The reason for repairing the camera was a broken microphone.

Modern digital cameras have all the features of a real video camera, capable of long-term recording, in the amount allowed by a memory card, and at the same time recording sounds. Most cameras of different models, manufacturers and price categories today have a built-in microphone, which, like other electronic and mechanical elements of the camera, tends to break. And, instead of children's voices, watching the recording of the New Year's party, you hear hissing at best, and depressing silence at worst. To prevent such a malfunction, it is enough to replace the faulty element (repair the camera microphone), in our case it is the camera microphone, and enjoy the happy moments of life.

Repairing a Kodak cx7300 digital camera step by step instructions.

If water gets into your camera, you need to disassemble it as quickly as possible and wash the places where the water got in with alcohol.

We disassemble the camera in the following sequence:

3. Open the flash card compartment cover;

4. Take out the flash card;

5. Unscrew the three lower screws;

6. Unscrew the two screws in the flash card compartment. Note that they are longer than the bottom screws;

7. Unscrew two screws from the left side of the camera;

8. Slightly move both halves of the camera body at the bottom and...

9. ... separating them using a plastic card;

10. Remove the front half of the camera body;

11. Unscrew the bottom screw securing the rear half of the case to the board;

12. Unscrew the top screw securing the rear half of the case to the board. Please note that both screws are in recesses and are therefore difficult to notice;

13. Use a screwdriver to pry up the protrusion of the rear half of the case and...

14. Remove it;

15. Unscrew the screw securing the start button board;

16. We remove the fee. It is connected to the large board using a plug that can be easily disconnected.

After I disassembled the camera, I discovered that some of the tracks on this small board had been eaten away by sea water (the camera fell into the sea, which is why it became necessary to disassemble it). Very carefully, using a soldering iron and thin wire, I managed to restore these tracks. This is the look this board took (soldering spots are visible);

Due to the fact that the part was small, and there was no camera to photograph it, a computer technician I knew helped me photograph it. That's why she's so pale. My camera (and I used a video recorder in photo mode) turned out like this (top view);

17. Remove the power compartment cover. It goes towards the display;

18. Unscrew the two screws securing the diagnostic block;

19. Remove the block. It is connected to both boards with plugs, which are disconnected with some effort;

20. Carefully unsolder two wires (red and black) from the display. I used a regular 25 W soldering iron and an alcohol solution of rosin (as a flux). Wires must be marked before soldering to prevent confusion later;

21. Unscrew the screw securing the display;

22. Lift the display (it fits into the board with pinches) and move it to the left. Below it is a cable with which it connects to the board;

23. Raise the bar and..

24. Disconnect the cable;

25. Remove the display;

26. Unscrew the three screws securing the viewfinder;

27. Remove the viewfinder. To do this, you need to slightly tilt and lift it;

28. Unsolder the two wires (red and black) going to the descent delay warning lamp. These wires also need to be marked first. They, like the display wiring, do not need to be unsoldered, but you need to constantly monitor the disconnected parts. But this is inconvenient and, moreover, they can be damaged.

29. Remove the board with the lens. The wires that go from the lens to the board do not need to be soldered;

30. Remove the protective film on the flash lamp;

31. Unsolder the two wires going to the flash lamp;

32. Unsolder the third terminal of the flash lamp from the transformer;

33. Lifting the bottom edge of the board...

... squeezing out the contacts and ...

... by drowning the capacitor, ...

...separate the board from the case;

34. The camera is disassembled.

Assembly is carried out in reverse order.

Digital cameras have become an absolutely integral part of modern life. They are an excellent way to forever capture important points. However, while being as expensive as they are useful, cameras are also notoriously fragile. Problems with a digital camera lens can occur for a variety of reasons. And the exact repair approach will depend on the specific camera model, but sometimes getting the lens to work properly again can only take some critical analysis of the problem and a gentle tap in the right place.


Part 1

Troubleshooting Camera Lens Problems

    Check to see if a lens error message appears on the camera screen. Lens problems can have many different causes. If you are having this problem, first check if the camera is telling you on its screen that there is any error with the lens. If so, this means that the camera itself has identified the specific cause of the problem. If there is no message, then the problem may be external (the lens is very dirty) or it may be caused by a temporary failure of the firmware.

    Think about some recent incidents involving your camera. Most lens performance problems digital cameras occurs due to falls. There are many potential circumstances in which a camera could fall. And if you spill something on it or put it in an inappropriate place (for example, on beach sand), you can also damage the lens and the device's firmware. Understanding the causes of the problem does not guarantee that you will be able to fix it, but it will make it easier for you to choose the right approach to further actions.

    Read the user manual supplied with the camera. The user manual usually contains a special section devoted to possible problems with the operation of a specific camera model. However, for the most part, the operating principle of digital cameras is the same.

    Part 2

    DIY repair

    Remove the battery and memory card from the camera. A common solution to problems with most devices (including cameras and cell phones) is to turn off the power for a few minutes. This allows you to reboot your device. If the problem with the lens is due to a firmware failure, you can remove the battery and memory card for 15 minutes. Perhaps this will resolve the error with the lens.

    Slap the side of the camera. You might see this as a last resort - it doesn't sound like a repair at all - but many people have been able to fix camera problems by slapping the side of the device with the palm of their hand. If the camera problem is that the lens lenses are stuck somewhere, a slap can free up the stuck camera hardware and solve your problem.

    Clean the lens barrel. A spray with compressed air for blowing dust will be able to penetrate into all the cracks of the lens tube and expel accumulated dirt from there. Blow air evenly through all cracks and areas where excess dirt may accumulate. Then turn off and restart the device to check whether the lens cleaning procedure was successful or unsuccessful.

    Connect the AV cable to the camera. There is a possibility that the camera needs a little more power to cope with dust particles clogging its lens. Connecting an AV cable to the camera for five minutes will turn off its display and provide the device with additional power to operate the lens. If the problem lies precisely in the lack of energy, then the camera will be in perfect order after 5 minutes.

    Move the stuck lens manually. Sometimes a problem with a camera lens can be purely mechanical in nature. If the lens doesn't come out, only comes out partially, or comes out and then goes right back out, gently rotating the lens by hand can help it stop sticking. You can gently push or pull the lens to help it overcome whatever problem is preventing it from working properly. If the lens does not extend out of the camera body at all, turn the camera upside down and tap the front of the camera on your cupped palm.

    • You should hear a click when the lens lenses snap into place.
  1. Use forced autofocus. When digital cameras extend the lens and attempt to autofocus at the same time, this action can correct a problem with the camera's lens. First, press the shutter button with the camera turned off to force the camera to focus. Then, while still holding the shutter button, press the device's power button.

    Part 3

    Seeking Professional Help
    1. Contact your digital camera manufacturer. If you've eliminated easily solvable issues from the list of possible causes, it might be a good idea to contact the device manufacturer. Call the hotline of the company that manufactured your camera. When you contact a company representative, describe the problems you encountered. If this is a fairly common problem with your camera, your technician may be able to offer you specific solutions specifically for your camera model.

      • Digital camera manufacturers usually have hotline information for various countries on their websites.
    2. Have your camera repaired. If you're unlucky enough to fix a camera problem yourself, it might be wise to seek professional help. Camera and electronics repair shops can take your camera and repair it for a price. It is recommended to take your equipment in for repair only when you have exhausted all possible ways to fix it yourself. You will be charged a lot of money for repairs, even if the entire repair procedure only takes a couple of minutes, so you need to be sure that asking for repairs will be worth the money.

    3. Buy a new lens for your camera. Many digital cameras have detachable interchangeable lenses. At the same time, it is very likely that your camera is a fairly common brand. Otherwise, we can absolutely say that you are not the first and not the last person whose lens fails. If your camera otherwise works perfectly, you can try buying a new lens for it. Lenses can usually be purchased either at photographic equipment stores or ordered directly from the manufacturer.

      • Only change lenses yourself if you know exactly what you are doing. Your camera's user manual should contain: special instructions regarding this procedure.
    4. Consider purchasing a new camera. Unfortunately, it may happen that you have no choice but to count your losses and simply throw the broken camera in the trash. Buying a new camera will save you the hassle of repairing your old camera, and will likely force you to shell out a pretty penny to get a more advanced camera than what you previously had. If you've been using an old camera for quite some time, you may even come to the conclusion that upgrading to a newer device with better picture clarity would be a worthwhile move for you.

      • Most modern smartphones have built-in cameras. This fact can save you from the urgent need to replace the camera with a new one if you have such a phone.
    • The best way to keep your camera lens in good condition is to never expose it to potential danger. Properly maintain and handle your equipment with care each time you use it. Keep your camera in a safe and secure place.


    • The need for even the most high-end digital cameras is beginning to disappear with the development and spread of telephone technology with cameras. Smartphones offer people almost the same functions that digital cameras have. Keep this in mind when deciding whether to pay for professional repairs for your old camera.
    • Resort to the methods specified in the article for solving problems with the lens only if the camera has already expired guarantee period. If it is still under warranty, contact the manufacturer's authorized service center for further service.
    • Use extreme caution when disassembling the camera yourself to avoid electric shock.
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