Download the presentation on speech therapy massage. Presentation on the topic "speech therapy massage"

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an active method of mechanical action that changes the condition of muscles, nerves, blood vessels and tissues of the peripheral speech apparatus. Logomassage is one of the speech therapy techniques that helps normalize speech function.

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Logomassage is part of a comprehensive medical and pedagogical system of rehabilitation of children, adolescents and adults suffering from speech disorders: Dysarthria, dyslalia, alalia, aphasia, Rhinolalia; Stuttering Voice impairment, etc.

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L.m. can be carried out at all stages of speech therapy correction; When overcoming articulatory disorders l.m. carried out along with passive, passive-active and active articulatory gymnastics; When developing speech breathing, voice, and normalizing the emotional state, m. can be used in combination with traditional speech therapy or relaxation exercises.

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Speech therapist; defectologist; Medical worker; Those who have undergone special training and are certified in speech therapy massage.

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Has a beneficial physiological effect on the organs of articulation; General nervous excitability changes, lost/decreased reflexes are revived; The secretory function of the skin improves, its lymph and blood circulation are activated, i.e. its nutrition improves and metabolic processes increase; Favorable changes in the entire vascular system; Improves the function of lymphatic vessels; Has a beneficial effect on the muscular system; Increases the mobility and elasticity of the vocal ligaments.

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With light, slow stroking, the excitability of the massaged tissues decreases (this has a calming effect); With energetic, fast movements, the irritability of the massaged tissues increases.

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Normalization of muscle tone of general, facial and articulatory muscles; Reducing the manifestation of paresis and paralysis of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus; Reduction of pathological motor manifestations of the muscles of the speech apparatus (syncinesia, hyperkinesis, convulsions, etc.); Stimulation of proprioceptive sensations; Increasing the volume and amplitude of articulatory movements; Activation of those muscle groups of the peripheral speech apparatus that had insufficient contractile activity; Formation of voluntary, coordinated movements of the organs of articulation.

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Before performing l/m. a conclusion from a neurologist and/or pediatrician is required regarding the absence of contraindications. Before starting correctional work, the speech therapist must determine the shape and structure of the speech defect, and also conduct an independent diagnosis of the condition of the muscles: The upper half of the body; Necks; Mimic; Articulatory.

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Inspection; Palpation; Observations when performing dynamic and static exercises during tests.

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1.Inspection. Note!!! On the position of the head in relation to the body (are there any usual asymmetrical poses); When examining the face - the possibility of asymmetry in the form of smoothness of the nasolabial fold, drooping corner of the mouth, widened/narrowed palpebral fissure, the presence of a constantly slightly open mouth, drooling; Examination of the skin: color of the skin and mucous membranes, presence of venous networks on the face. Mimic activity.

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2. Palpation. Note! On the elasticity of the skin and muscles; Skin turgor; Conditions of the lymph nodes; Condition of the speech muscles of the tongue, cheeks, lips; .

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3.Features of art samples Evaluated: Volume; Speed; Dynamics; Exhaustibility; Strength and coordination of movements; The presence of synkinesis, tremor, hyperkinesis;

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Types of speech therapy massage: Differentiated (strengthening/relaxing) massage, based on the techniques of classical massage; BAT massage; Massage using special devices (probes, spatulas, probe substitutes, vibrating massagers, etc.; 4. Hardware massage.

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Contraindications for massage! Somatic/infectious diseases in the acute period; Acute and chronic skin diseases, conjunctivitis; Gingivitis, stomatitis, oral infections, enlarged lymph glands, pronounced pulsation of the carotid arteries; Epilepsy, oncopathology, cysts of the mucous membrane of the tongue! Before performing l/m. a conclusion from a neurologist and/or pediatrician is required regarding the absence of contraindications.

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General recommendations for performing L/m massage. is carried out in a separate clean, warm, well-ventilated room with water supply, disinfection. lamps, manipulation table, massage couch/chair, etc. 2-3 procedures are carried out per week (in a row/every other day); cycle – 10-20 procedures (break from 2 weeks to 2 months); the initial duration of the procedure is 5-7 minutes, the final duration is 20-25 minutes; During the massage, the child should not experience pain; it is necessary to establish psychological contact;

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Preparing for a massage When conducting a massage, the speech therapist must have a trace. materials: 1. Protective gauze mask, “shields”, gown, cap, disposable medical rubber gloves, finger pads, etc.; 2. Sterile gauze wipes, medical alcohol; 3. Speech therapy probes, disposable spatulas, probe substitutes; 4. Hexoral (for rinsing the mouth); ammonia (for first aid); hydrogen peroxide (for topical use); 5.3% hydrogen peroxide; alaminol and other disinfectants. Wed (for processing tools) ; 6.Individual headrests, disposable diapers, sheets, etc.; 7.Individual logomassage appointment cards; The speech therapist’s hands should be clean, warm, without abrasions, scratches, or areas of inflammation; with short-cropped nails, without jewelry.

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Body positions during massage 1. Lying on your back, arms along the body, legs lying freely, socks slightly apart. Under the head is a small pillow that reaches the upper edge of the shoulder blades. The speech therapist is to the right of the chair. Palm of the left hand l. serves to fix the position of the tongue, with the hand l. carries out massage movements. Used to massage the tongue, lips, cheeks, chewing muscles (from the outer and inner surfaces); 2. The position of the person being massaged is similar to point 1. The specialist is at the head of the head. Palm of the left hand l. to fix the position of the head, it is placed on its parietal area, with the hand of the l. carries out massage movements. Used to massage the face, neck, cheeks, chewing muscles; 3. Half-sitting in a chair with a high headrest. L. behind the patient's head. Used to massage the face, neck, cheeks, chewing muscles;

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Basic massage techniques Stroking: (superficial, deep grasping, rake-like); Trituration; Kneading; Vibration and effleurage; Firm pressure.

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Selection of massage techniques For decreased tone: Stroking; Trituration; Kneading; Strong vibration; Effleurage. With increased tone: Stroking; Light vibration.+

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Massage is combined with gymnastics Passive Active Movements of the head, facial, articulatory muscles (after or during the massage). The movements are performed with the help of a speech therapist. P.u. needed if r. cannot fulfill them independently or not in full. Execution of exercise must be visually controlled by the child. Perform in series of 3-5 movements. In the process it is important to give r. kinesthetic sensations (smile, proboscis, opening and closing of the mouth, various movements of the tongue, etc.). Conducted r. independently, after massage and passive gymnastics. Goal: development of full-fledged movements (complete range of movement, its accuracy, intensity of execution, differentiated inclusion of certain muscles in the movement, etc.). Incl.: movements of the muscles of the neck, shoulder girdle, facial and articulatory muscles.

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Instructions for a relaxing massage 1. Performed at a slow pace; 2. Techniques: stroking, light vibration; 3M. must call from R. feelings of warmth and peace; 4. Hands l. – warm; 5. The sound of quiet music with a smooth rhythm or pronouncing l. Calm formulas for autogenic training. Formulas aimed at local relaxation of the muscles of the speech apparatus are also used; 6.To enhance the effect, apply a warm compress to the face before the massage; 7. Sequence of influence: - muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle; - facial muscles; - lip muscles; - muscles of the tongue.

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Calmness Local relaxation of the muscles of the speech apparatus “I’m calming down. Resting. Breathing is even, calm, rhythmic. Feeling of calm and relaxation. Eyes closed. Breathe easily and freely. All muscles are completely relaxed and pleasantly heavy. I don't want to move. I feel good and calm..." "My chest and shoulders are relaxed. The neck muscles are relaxed. The lower jaw hangs sluggishly. The lips are relaxed, limp, barely touching. The teeth are open. The tongue is relaxed and heavy. All facial muscles are relaxed..."

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Instructions for performing an energizing massage 1. Used for low tone; 2. The movements of the speech therapist should be rhythmic; 3.The main technique is stroking, it alternates with rubbing, kneading, and strong vibration; 4.The force of influence should increase gradually; 5. Vigorous impacts are prohibited on the front surface of the neck; 6.If done correctly, the child’s breathing is even; 7.Massage should not cause pain; 8. Sequence of influence: - facial muscles; - lip muscles; - muscles of the tongue; - muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle.

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1.Massage of the shoulder girdle and neck Relaxing Activating Expands the physiological capabilities of breathing. apparatus, while reflexively toning the root of the tongue, which contributes to the activation of the lower jaw. The person being massaged should be naked up to half the chest. They use bottom-up movements, stroking and rubbing techniques. Active tapping and vibration are contraindicated!

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A set of relaxing massage movements Slowly stroke the front of the neck with the palms of both hands from top to bottom along the lateral areas of the throat. The movement begins from the edge of the lower jaw to the sternum; M.p. the lateral surface of the neck alternately with right and left. sides. Place the palm of one hand on the side of the neck so that the thumb is at the corner of the lower jaw. The palm moves from top to bottom to the jugular fossa, and then parallel to the collarbone along the shoulder or down to the armpit (this technique removes tone from the sternocleidomastoid muscle; place both hands on the back of the neck, to the back of the head, hands slide along the back and sides neck down towards the collarbones along the shoulder or to the armpit (relieves tone from the trapezius muscle).

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Exercises to relax the neck muscles 1. The child lies on his back, his head is not supported and hangs back. L. supports R’s head with one hand. behind, the other places on the fronto-parietal region, carrying out: Circular movements of the head p. clockwise and then counterclockwise; Tilts the head forward and backward, left and right. 2. The same movements, but in a sitting position. All movements should be slow and relaxed. 1. Drop your head forward - “fell asleep”; 2. Throw your head back, swing it left and right, lower it down; 3. Lower your head forward and then “drop it.”

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A set of activating massage movements. The movements are carried out simultaneously/alternately with both hands. The palm moves from the collarbone, or from the armpits, up the side of the neck to the corners of the lower jaw; The movement begins from the area of ​​the shoulder blades along the posterolateral surface of the neck up to the back of the head.

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Exercises to activate and strengthen the neck muscles R. is sitting. The specialist’s right hand is located at the back of the head. The child is asked to tilt his head back, while the adult’s hand provides resistance, counteracting this movement (selectively activates the occipital muscles); R. is sitting. Hand L. located on the forehead. The child is asked to tilt his head forward, while the adult’s hand resists the movement (selectively activates the left sternocleidomastoid muscle); R. is sitting. Hand L. located on the temporal part of the head on the left. R. is asked to turn his head to the left, and L. resists this movement (selectively activates the left sternocleidomastoid muscle); R. is sitting. Hand L. located on the temporal part of the head on the right. R. is asked to turn his head to the right, and L. counteracts movement (selectively activates the right sternocleidomastoid muscle).

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This type of massage is recommended for voice disorders. Carefully grasp the larynx with the thumb on one side and the index and middle fingers on the other, making light rhythmic movements in the transverse direction. During the massage, you can instruct the child to sing vowel sounds.

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3. Massage of the facial muscles This type of massage is recommended to be carried out with two hands, with all fingers at once (except the thumb), or with the pad of the thumb or middle finger, or with two fingers - the middle and ring fingers. Movements are symmetrical and rhythmic. Directions of massage lines: From the middle of the forehead to the temple; From the inner corner of the eye along the upper eyelid and in the opposite direction to the lower; From the root of the nose to the temporal region; From the corner of the mouth to the tragus of the auricle.

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Massage in the forehead area (affects the frontal and temporal muscles) Relaxing Activating 1. Stroking the palmar surface of all fingers in the direction: a) from the middle of the forehead to the temporal areas. On the temples – stroking in the form of a spiral; b) from the middle of the forehead to the tragus of the auricle, ending with light pressure. 2. Stroking from bottom to top, from the brow ridges to the scalp. 1. Rubbing, i.e. semicircular or spiral movements from the midline of the forehead to the temples; 2.Kneading, i.e. compression of a fold of skin with 2 fingers (b. and y.) or intermittent pressure; 3. Intermittent vibration (punctuation), with index pads and cf. fingers alternately at a fast pace.

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Massage in the area of ​​the cheeks and chin Affects the zygomatic, buccal, chewing, chin muscles and muscles that change the position of the lips (m. laughter, m. raising the corner of the mouth, m. lowering the corner of the mouth, lowering the lower lip). Particularly important is the effect on the masticatory, pterygoid, and temporal muscles, because the quality of movement of the lower jaw, the position of the mouth at rest, and the function of chewing depend on them.

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Cheek and chin massage. Relaxing. 1.The index fingers are located under the lower lip, and the rest are under the chin. The fingers slide from the middle of the chin to the temporal cavities, with fixation in the recesses at the tragus and earlobe; 2.U. p. hands are located above the upper lip, middle - under the lower lip, the rest - under the chin. Movement - from the middle of the lips to the temporal sockets with fixation in the recesses at the tragus and earlobe; 3. Movement of all fingers (except b.) starts from the back of the nose, passes through the zygomatic arch to the auricles, fixing the fingers in the recesses of the tragus and earlobe; 4. The movement is carried out with 3 fingers (index, middle, ring) of the hands from the midline of the forehead down through the temporal cavities to the middle of the chin; 5.D. implementation 3 fingers (index, middle, ring) hands. Starts from ser. chin to the sides to the corners of the lips, and then up along the nasolabial folds, the side surfaces of the nose across the bridge of the nose to the middle of the forehead and along the forehead to the temporal hollows, and then down through the cheeks to the middle of the chin; 6. Light shaking of the cheeks.

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Cheek and chin massage. Activating. 1. Circular rubbing in the cheek area is carried out with the dorsal surface of the terminal and middle phalanges of 4 fingers in the direction from the edge of the lower jaw to the edge of the zygomatic bone; 2. Similarly, circular rubbing is carried out from the middle of the chin up to the nose; 3. In the area of ​​the masticatory muscle, knead with spiral movements and circular rubbing; 4. The back surface of the middle phalanges, clenched into a fist, shakes the cheeks in the longitudinal and transverse directions; 5. Grab the skin of the cheeks into a fold with the thumb and forefinger, lightly squeeze and release, pinching movement; 6. Grasping the skin of the cheeks along with the subcutaneous muscles of the m/s with the thumb and forefinger, knead in the longitudinal/transverse/circular directions; 7. Tapping with the fingertips is carried out continuously with the hands along the massage lines.

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Massage of the inner surface of the cheek Massage of the chewing, cheek, zygomatic, and pterygoid muscles is carried out with the speech therapist’s fingers positioned inside the child’s mouth. When massaging the left cheek, the speech therapist places the thumb of the right hand in the mouth, the rest remain outside. Massage movements are carried out with the thumb on the inner surface, and with the remaining fingers on the outer surface of the cheek. When massaging the right cheek, the index and middle fingers are inserted into the oral cavity, the thumb is on the outer surface of the cheek, performing the basic massage movements. Internal massage The surface of the cheek can be carried out in different positions of the mouth: open and wide open - with closed jaws. Basic techniques: rubbing and kneading.

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Massage techniques 1. Circular movements along the cheek from the periphery to the center and vice versa; 2. Spiral rubbing and kneading with fingertips in a circle; 3.Kneading in a circular motion and rubbing in the area of ​​the masticatory muscle; 4. Rubbing movements from the cheekbone down to the corner of the mouth. The fingers are located at the edge of the cheek bone. Thumb - on the inside of the cheek; 5. Rubbing movements. All fingers, except the thumb, are located in the area of ​​the tragus and earlobe, heading towards the corner of the mouth; 6. Spiral rubbing of the area of ​​the temporomandibular (zygomatic) joint. In an open mouth position, find the “hole” at the earlobe. Massage the pit area. The movement is carried out with the index and middle fingers. The thumb serves as a support on the inside of the cheek. +

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Gymnastics techniques PASSIVE ACTIVE Slightly tilt the child’s head forward, which leads to involuntary closing of the mouth; Throw your head back, which causes your mouth to open slightly. Involuntary “yawning”, which is caused by imitation and then imitated by verbal instructions.

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Massage affects the orbicularis oris muscle, as well as the muscles that change the position of the mouth: - the laughter muscle; - the levator anguli oris muscle; - the depressor oris muscle; -the muscle that lowers the lower lip. The massage is carried out using the palmar surface and fingertips.

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Lip muscle massage Relaxing Activating 1. Stroking movements along the upper lip from the corners of the mouth to the middle; 2.Also on the lower lip; 3. Alternate movements with the right/left hand, from the tragus of the auricle, along the cheek, then around the lips. In this case, the index finger slides along the skin of the upper lip, middle - along the skin of the lower lip, coming together at the opposite corner of the mouth; 4. Stroking the nasolabial folds, moving from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth; 5. Lightly tap around the lips in a clockwise direction. Massage movements in different positions of the mouth: closed/slightly open. 1. Movement along the upper lip from the corners of the mouth to the middle. Also on the lower lip; 2. Using the fingers of both hands, move from the middle of the upper lip to the corners of the mouth and slightly down, then from the middle of the lower lip to the corners of the mouth and slightly up. The movements alternate; 3.Stroke the nasolabial folds; 4. Using your fingers, grab the upper/lower lip into a vertical fold, squeeze it and rub it with your fingers. Capture - to the center. parts of the lip. The nasolabial folds are also rubbed; 5. Grab the skin around the lips and perform a pinching technique; 6.Tap intensively around the lips, etc.

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Violation of muscle tone is always more pronounced in the muscles of the tongue. Increased tone is more common. There may also be cases of uneven distribution of tone. Tongue massage requires the speech therapist to have extreme precision of movements, accuracy and correction. Methodical instructions: 1. Massage of the tongue muscles is carried out using rubber gloves; 2.Various devices are used: probes, spatulas, toothbrushes; 3. Tongue massage is usually carried out with the tongue positioned outside the oral cavity; 4.Massage movements should be carried out in three directions: horizontal, transverse, vertical; 5. If the tongue deviates to the side when sticking it forward, then the emphasis should be placed on the side in which the tongue deviates.

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1. Relaxation of the tongue muscles should be carried out only after relaxing other muscles (neck, shoulder girdle, muscles that provide movement of the lower jaw, etc.); 2. Movements in a relaxing massage are mainly directed from the tip to the root of the tongue; 3. Before starting the massage, the “border” of the velopharyngeal reflex is established; 4.In case of severe spasticity, before starting the massage, hold a warm infusion of herbs (St. John’s wort, chamomile) in your mouth; 5. With severe muscle spasticity, tongue massage begins outside the oral cavity; 6. Before a relaxing massage, it is advisable to carry out special exercises to relax the root of the tongue; 7.Massage and vibrate points located at both angles of the lower jaw; 8.Make light vibrating movements in the area of ​​the submandibular fossa; 9.Grab the tip of your tongue with your right hand. Make light rocking movements from side to side; 10.Grab the tip of your tongue with your right hand. Movement back and forth.

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1. With the pointing finger of the other hand, make stroking movements on one side, then on the other, from tip to root and back; 2. Stroking movements with the thumb and forefinger from side to side, from tip to root; 3.B. and decree The fingers are located on the lateral surfaces of the tongue - right and left. Stroking from tip to root; 4.Easy kneading of the muscles in a horizontal direction, from tip to root, without pressure; 5. Without pressure, make circular rubbing movements; 6. Grasping the tip of the tongue with your other hand, lightly shake it; 7. Apply light patting of the tongue and light rhythmic pressure with a spatula; 8.Turn your tongue to the right and pull it slightly, as if pulling the root part of the tongue outward. Also to the left; 9.Pull your tongue forward, as if slightly “twisting” it onto your index finger, and then carefully make the opposite movement. Perform slowly, with small amplitude.

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Note!!! 1. Movements should be active, intense, directed from the root to the tip of the tongue; 2. Techniques – kneading and grinding; 3. Active movements even in the area of ​​the root of the tongue; 4.Massage movements are performed on the affected side; 5.Before and during the massage, ask the child to swallow saliva, due to hypersalivation.

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1. Grinding in a horizontal direction, from root to tip on both sides; 2. Spiral rubbing of the tongue, the pressure force increases, movements from root to tip; 3. Rubbing the muscles of the tongue in the transverse direction on both sides; 4. Squeeze the tongue from the side surfaces and hold for 1-2 s, move your fingers a little and repeat the movement; 5. Ave. Use your hand to squeeze the tongue from the side surfaces, carry out rubbing movements, moving from the root to the tip of the tongue; 6. Pinching movements along the edge of the tongue; 7. Patting the tongue muscles with a spatula; 8.Vibrate the tongue using a wooden spatula, which is applied to the tip of the tongue for a period of time. 10-15 s.

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Aimed at activating the muscle tone of the soft palate and increasing the velopharyngeal reflex. The main indicator for this massage is the nasal tone of the voice. These movements are used only when the muscle tone of the soft palate is reduced. General recommendations: 1. The massage effect is also aimed at the lingual-palatal and pharyngeal-palatal arches; 2.Massage must be combined with passive and active gymnastics to stimulate the palatine and pharyngeal muscles; 3.Massage movements are performed with the thumb or index finger of the right hand.

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“SPEECH PEDIC MASSAGE” Prepared by students of the MSPU ISOiKR correspondence department of the Department of Speech Therapy of group 35: Frolova A., Vukotich M., Molokanova E., Ermakova A.

Speech therapy massage: An active method of mechanical action that changes the condition of muscles, nerves, blood vessels and tissues of the peripheral speech apparatus. Helps normalize the pronunciation side of speech and the emotional state of people suffering from speech disorders.

The problem of speech therapy massage was dealt with by: I. I. Panchenko, 1979; E. M. Mastyukova, M. V. Ippolitova, 1985; HER. Shevtsova, 1993; E.P. Nedorezova, 1995; I. V. Blysina, V. A. Kovshikov, 1995; O.G. Prikhodko, 1999; E.V. Novikova, 2000; Dyakova E.A., 2005.

Anatomical and physiological effect: improves the secretory function of the skin, activates its lymph and blood circulation. improves her nutrition, increases metabolic processes. capillaries expand, gas exchange between blood and tissues increases (oxygen therapy of tissues). the function of lymphatic vessels improves. the state of the muscular system changes significantly. (the elasticity of muscle fibers, the strength and volume of their contractile function, muscle performance are increased, their activity is restored after exercise) massage allows you to reduce tone in case of muscle spasticity, and increase it in case of flaccid paresis of articulatory muscles. has a general positive effect on the body as a whole, causing beneficial changes in the nervous and muscular systems, which play a major role in the speech-motor process.

Areas of influence during massage: Speech therapy massage is performed mainly in the area of: muscles of the head, neck, upper shoulder girdle. Particular attention in the process of speech therapy massage is paid to the muscles of the peripheral speech apparatus (muscles of the tongue, lips, cheeks, soft palate)

Anatomical structure of massage zones: The mouth area is limited: in front - by the lips, on the sides - by the cheeks, above - by the palate (hard and soft), below - by the tongue and the muscles that form the floor of the mouth. Posteriorly, through the isthmus of the pharynx, the oral cavity communicates with the pharynx and nasopharynx.

LIPS: The lips are two muscular folds that define the mouth. The ends of the oral fissure are called the corners of the mouth. The visible surface of the lips is covered with skin, which turns into a mucous membrane on their inner surface. The thickness of the lips is formed mainly by the orbicularis oris muscle, loose connective tissue, skin and mucous membrane.

Cheeks: - Formed by the buccal and masticatory muscles and are covered on the outside with skin and on the inside with mucous membrane. - Between the buccal and masticatory muscles there is subcutaneous fatty tissue. - In the mucous membrane of the cheeks there are several ducts of the salivary glands.

Tongue: - A muscular organ covered on top, sides and partly below by a mucous membrane. - There are two parts in the tongue: the front - free part (the body of the tongue) and the back part (the root of the tongue). - The body of the tongue ends at the rounded tip of the tongue, or tip. - The upper surface of the tongue is called the dorsum of the tongue. - On it in the longitudinal direction there is a median groove of the tongue, which divides the body of the tongue into right and left parts. - According to this groove, the entire musculature of the tongue is divided into two halves by means of a fibrous (connective tissue) plate, or septum, of the tongue, which is located in the thickness of the tongue.

The palate is soft and hard: Its anterior part - the hard palate - has a bony base. The back part - the soft palate - is mainly formed by muscles and mucous membrane, in which the palatine glands are located.

Tongue frenulum: From the lower surface of the tongue to the gums there is a fold of mucous membrane.

Objectives of speech therapy massage: normalization of muscle tone of the articulatory apparatus; activation of those muscle groups of the peripheral speech apparatus in which there was insufficient contractility (or inclusion in the process of articulation of new muscle groups that were previously inactive); stimulation of proprioceptive sensations; preparing conditions for the formation of voluntary, coordinated movements of the organs of articulation; reduction of hypersalivation; strengthening the pharyngeal reflex; afferentation into the speech zones of the cerebral cortex (to stimulate speech development with delayed speech formation).

METHODS: TECHNIQUES: Differentiated speech therapy massage; Probe massage; Brush; Passive and active articulatory gymnastics; Voice and breathing exercises; Artificial local contrastothermy. Stroking: - superficial; - deep grasping; -rake-shaped. 2. Rubbing. 3. Kneading. 4. Vibration and effleurage. 5. Press firmly.

Stroking - mainly three stroking techniques are used. This is a superficial, deep grasping and, as an auxiliary technique, rake-like stroking. A. Superficial stroking. Used to reduce muscle tone in the facial and articulatory muscles. Technique: the brush (palm), as if with a caressing movement, glides over the surface of the skin, lightly touching it. The contact of the hand with the skin should be soft and gentle, the person being massaged barely feels this movement, its implementation should not cause a skin-vascular reaction in the form of redness of the skin. Superficial stroking must be done slowly and rhythmically. B. Deep grasping stroking. This is a more intense technique used to influence the receptors of deep-lying muscles and blood vessels. It has some stimulating effects on the central nervous system. Technique: the palm of the hand fits tightly and evenly to the massaged part of the face or neck and slides over the surface in strict accordance with all their anatomical contours. The stroking movement should be continuous and slow.

Rake-like stroking. The technique is mainly used for massaging the scalp. Execution technique: when performing this movement, the fingers are spread wide apart. The greater the angle between the fingers performing the stroking and the surface of the body part being massaged, the more energetic the effect of the rake-like technique. The technique is performed with the fingertips in the longitudinal, transverse, zigzag and circular directions.

RUBBING: Performed by applying a certain force of pressure on the massaged area, which causes displacement and some stretching of the massaged tissues. At the same time, blood circulation significantly increases, metabolic processes in tissues improve, and muscle tone increases. Technique: rubbing can be done with the pads of the index and middle fingers or one thumb, the edge of the palm or the entire palmar surface, as well as the back surface of the fingers bent into a fist. Movement is carried out in straight and spiral directions.

KNEWING: Kneading maximizes muscle function. It consists of grasping, sliding, pulling, squeezing, squeezing, pinching and rubbing tissue. When kneading, muscle tone increases to the greatest extent, and their contractile function increases. This technique is actually passive gymnastics for the muscles, so it is used for functional muscle insufficiency and reduced tone. Technique: kneading is performed with the pad of the thumb, or the thumb and index finger, or the thumb and all other fingers. - When squeezing and rubbing, the muscles are compressed between the pads of the thumb and the other four fingers. - Rubbing movements of the fingers are carried out in various directions: longitudinal, transverse, semicircular and spiral. - The pincer-like kneading technique is that the tissue being massaged is deeply grasped, slightly pulled upward and passed between the fingers. - When pinching, the tissue is grasped superficially between the thumb and forefinger and pinching movements are carried out.

VIBRATION and EATING: Vibration changes interstitial metabolism, improves tissue trophism. Strong, hard vibration increases muscle tone, and light, weak vibration reduces their tone. Affection is used on the face, especially in places where nerves exit, as well as where there is little fatty tissue (forehead, cheekbones, lower jaw). Technique: Reception of vibration is carried out with one, two or all fingers, while the tissues are given oscillatory movements of various frequencies and amplitudes. Tapping, or puncturing, is done with the tips of the index and middle fingers; the movement looks like intense tapping. Movements are carried out with one hand, two hands simultaneously or alternately.

TIGHT PRESS: Improves blood circulation, lymph circulation, metabolic processes, is used in places where bundles of nerve endings exit. Firmly pressing these places, as a rule, ends any stroking.

METHODS OF EXECUTION: __Probe___ __Finger__ __Tooth____ __brushes___ ___ Spatulas___

Equipment for speech therapy massage:

Relaxing massage of articulatory muscles Movements from the periphery to the center; Movements - light, sliding, slightly pressing (not stretching); We perform each movement 5-8 times. Cycles of 10-20 sessions. Session from 2 to 6 minutes. The maximum session time is 20 minutes.

Relaxing articulation massage. Stroking: From forehead to temples; From eyebrows to scalp; From the forehead line down the cheeks, chin, neck; From the earlobe to the wings of the nose; Light pinching movements along the edge of the lower jaw; Pressure massage from the hair roots down; Relaxation of the labial muscles: stroking: - the upper and lower lips from the corners of the mouth to the center; upper lip from top to bottom; lower lip from bottom to top; nasolabial folds; acupressure of the lips (along the orbicularis oris muscle); tapping.

Stimulating massage of articulatory muscles Movements from the center to the periphery: Stroking; Rubbing; Kneading; Tingling; Vibration. After 4-5 light movements, the strength increases. The movements are pressing (not painful). Each movement is repeated 5-8 times.

Strengthening the facial muscles: stroking the forehead from the middle to the temples, stroking the forehead from the eyebrows to the hair, stroking the eyebrows, stroking the eyelids from the inner to the outer corners of the eyes and to the sides, stroking the cheeks from the nose to the ears and from the chin to the ears, squeezing the chin with rhythmic movements, kneading the zygomatic and cheek muscles (spiral movements along the zygomatic and cheek muscles) rubbing the cheek muscle (index finger in the mouth, the rest outside) pinching the cheeks. Strengthening the labial muscles: stroking from the middle of the upper lip to the corners; stroking from the middle of the lower lip to the corners; stroking the nasolabial folds from the corners of the lips to the wings of the nose; tingling lips; tingling lips.

Massage of the lingual muscles: probe, finger, brush. Before starting the massage, determine the degree and boundary of the pharyngeal reflex. The speech therapist first massages in the oral cavity, then outside the oral cavity, holding the tongue with a gauze napkin. For tongue spasticity, a relaxing massage. For hypotension - a strengthening massage. GOALS: Normalization of tone; Inclusion of new muscle groups in the activity; Increasing the intensity of work of previously included muscle groups; Increasing the volume and amplitude of articulatory movements; Reducing salivation; Afferentation into speech zones kgm.

Techniques for massaging the lingual muscles: stroking the tongue in different directions - from the root of the tongue to the tip (impact on the longitudinal muscles) - from the center of the tongue to the lateral edges (transverse muscles) - circular, spiral movements patting the tongue starting from the tip, moving gradually to the root and back (rhythmic pressure affects the vertical muscles) “PUMPING” - light vibrating movements transmitted to the tongue through a probe massage of the upper elevation of the tongue, stretching the frenulum (movements from bottom to top under the tongue) tingling of the tongue (with a needle probe) “rubbing” the tongue with a gauze napkin or a clean handkerchief spreading the tongue with a small enema - a syringe (folded twice, most of the enema is in the mouth, the tip is outside)

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Speech therapy massage for dysarthria Compiled by: teacher-speech therapist, Elena Gennadievna Chernikova MBOU "Oktyabrskaya school-gymnasium"

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Massage in speech therapy practice is used to correct various disorders: dysarthria, rhinolalia, aphasia, stuttering, alalia. The correct selection of massage complexes helps to normalize the muscle tone of the organs of articulation, improves motor skills, which contributes to the correction of the pronunciation side of speech.

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Contraindications to massage 1. skin diseases: fungal, pustular, herpes, cracks, as well as hematomas, cancer. 2. infectious tonsillitis, acute febrile conditions, childhood infections, and other infectious diseases. 3. dental any surgical interventions.

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In a comprehensive system of corrective measures, speech therapy massage precedes articulation, breathing and voice exercises.

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The role of speech therapy massage Speech therapy massage is an active method of mechanical action that changes the condition of muscles, nerves, blood vessels and tissues of the peripheral speech apparatus. Speech therapy massage is one of the speech therapy techniques that helps normalize the pronunciation side of speech and the emotional state of people suffering from speech disorders.

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The main objectives of speech therapy massage are: normalization of muscle tone, overcoming hypohypertonicity in facial and articulatory muscles; preparing conditions for the formation of voluntary, coordinated movements of the organs of articulation; reduction of hypersalivation; normalization of muscle tone, overcoming hypohypertonicity in facial and articulatory muscles; elimination of pathological symptoms such as hyperkinesis, synkinesis, deviation, etc.; stimulation of positive kinesthesia; improving the quality of articulatory movements (accuracy, volume, switchability, etc.); increased strength of muscle contractions; activation of subtle differentiated movements of the articulation organs necessary for correcting sound pronunciation

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Main types of speech therapy massage: Classic manual massage. Therapeutic classical massage is used without taking into account reflex effects and is carried out near the damaged area of ​​​​the body or directly on it. The main techniques of manual classic massage are: stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration. To perform these techniques when massaging the tongue, speech therapists often use soft-bristled toothbrushes, spatulas, pacifiers, etc.

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Acupressure is a type of therapeutic massage, when locally a relaxing or stimulating effect is applied to biologically active points (zones) according to the indications for a disease or dysfunction.

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Probe massage (according to the method of Novikova E.V.). Novikova E.V. created her own set of probes and developed a special massage of the tongue, lips, cheeks, cheekbones, and soft palate with their help. The purpose of probe massage is to normalize speech motor skills. The method is simple and effective. It makes it possible to purposefully influence the affected areas of the articulatory organs, activating and restoring their activity. Normalization of sound pronunciation is faster. Due to its advantages, the technique received a patent and was included in the international register of complementary medicine.

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Self-massage. The definition of massage follows from its name. The child does the massage himself. This can be either a facial massage with your hands, or, for example, a tongue massage with the help of your teeth (the articulation exercise “Combing the tongue”, when the child forcefully pushes the tongue through closed teeth).

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Self-massage of the facial muscles Relaxation of the facial muscles: stroking from the middle of the forehead to the temples; stroking from the eyebrows to the scalp; stroking from the forehead line around the eyes; stroking the eyebrows from the bridge of the nose to the sides to the edge of the hair, continuing the eyebrow line; stroking from the forehead line down across the entire face along the cheeks, chin and neck; stroking from the lower edge of the auricle (from the earlobes) along the cheeks to the wings of the nose; light pinching movements along the edge of the lower jaw; pressure massage of the face from the hair roots down. Relaxation of the lip muscles: stroking the upper lip from the corners of the mouth to the center; stroking the lower lip from the corners of the mouth to the center; stroking the upper lip (movement from top to bottom); stroking the lower lip (movement from bottom to top); stroking the nasolabial folds from the wings of the nose to the corners of the lips; acupressure of the lips (light rotational movements clockwise); lightly tapping your lips with your fingers.

Slide 13

Speech therapy massage in a comprehensive system for overcoming speech disorders. Workshop “Master Class” on speech therapy massage for Dysarthria Seminar May 2014, Chelyabinsk Arkhipova Elena Filippovna – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of Moscow State Pedagogical University and Moscow State Humanitarian University named after Sholokhov

Seminar "Master Class" 1. Methodological recommendations for speech therapy massage - Arkhipova E. 2. Differentiated massage for Dysarthria - the author's position of Arkhipova E. 3. Massage for cerebral palsy - the author's position of Arkhipova E., Dedyukhina G. 4. Self-massage - Dyakova E. 5. Acupressure massage for stuttering - Meshcherskaya L., Shevtsova E. 6. Massage for rhinolalia and voice disorders 7. Innovative technologies of speech therapy massage. 8. Workshop “Master Class” - differentiated massage for Dysarthria.


1 t - at the beginning of each procedure 2 t - at the beginning of each procedure 15 points-BAT 3 t - every day 4 t - every day 5 t - every other day 6 t - every other day 7 t - every other day 8 t - every other day 9 t - every other day day 10 t- every other day 11 t- every other day 12 t- every other day 13 t- every other day 14 t- every other day 15 t- every other day

If after the second or third course of acupressure you do not notice any improvement, do not despair, be patient. Keep in mind that during the break between courses it may even worsen - stuttering intensifies. In this case, start a second course of massage without waiting for 6 months to expire.

When stuttering, the so-called calming method is used. It is necessary to press on the point of influence of acupuncture - BAP - with the pad of the thumb, middle or index finger smoothly and slowly, with a clockwise rotational movement, for about half a minute, increasing the force of pressure.


Hydromassage mat for stuttering

Review from a mother of two children with stuttering, 5-7 years old. At the very beginning we got: - relaxing massage + acupressure 10 procedures, - then we rested for 10 days and - then every other day 5 salt and 5 simple hydromassage baths before bed (not hot) The stuttering stopped in 3-4 weeks, that is, just in time for the end of the course

Shevtsova E. E., Articulatory massage for stuttering, Moscow, 2006 Massage is a therapeutic method that uses mechanical energy transmitted to organs and tissues in the form of stroking, rubbing, vibration, effleurage. From our book you will learn about the positive effect that is achieved in the correction of many speech disorders, including stuttering, as a result of the use of articulatory massage.

The publication presents the author's comprehensive method for correcting speech and accompanying pathologies in children from 2 to 7 years old. The published materials are the result of more than 20 years of experience in the successful use of speech therapy massage and other non-traditional methods of influence in working with preschoolers, schoolchildren and adults with speech impairments.

Professor Auglin's massage A child psychologist from Switzerland, Fritz R. Auglin, developed and put into practice a special massage for children with MMD: This massage is recommended for children from birth. Gradually teach your child to independently perform the following exercises:

2. Using the index and middle fingers of both hands, simultaneously “draw” circles (massage in a circular motion) along the contour of the cheeks. 3. Using your index and middle fingers, “draw” circles along the contour of your forehead and chin. The movements should be performed with both hands simultaneously, but in opposite directions.

5. Using the pads of the index fingers of both hands, press firmly on the points (Fig. 1) on each one in turn: point 1 is located on the bridge of the nose, at the level of the inner corners of the eye; point 2 in the middle of the nasal bone; point 3 at the edge of the nasal bone (corresponds to the Yin-Xiang point); the point corresponds to the He-liao point.

Craniopuncture = scalp therapy A new method of influencing the human body. Treatment using this method consists of massaging the tissues covering the skull. Impact zones are represented not by points, but by lines, which manifest themselves only under certain pathological conditions.

Rice. 2. Craniopuncture zones: 1 motor zone; 2 sensitive zone; 3 second speech zone; 4 third speech zone; 5 visual zone; 6 zone of the nose and throat; 7 center point; 8 parietal tubercle; 9 point in the middle of the distance between the eyebrows; 10 point in the middle of the lower edge of the external occipital protuberance

Here is a description of only those zones, the influence of which contributes to the development of speech (and, consequently, intelligence) and mental functions. 1. Motor zone is a line that begins 0.5 cm posterior to the central point and ends at the intersection of the horizontal line with the center of the temporal bone.

Following the massage, the child learns to independently wrinkle his forehead, nose, frown, move his eyebrows, puff out his cheeks, and smile. All these exercises improve the color of the voice, its strength and timbre, since, according to physiology, the work of facial muscles and irritation of the facial skin increase the tone of the vocal muscles.

I.I. Ermakova CORRECTION OF SPEECH FOR RHINOLALIA IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS Massage helps restore sensitivity of the palate after surgery. Kneading scars causes a rush of blood to the area of ​​the wound surface, which improves tissue nutrition. The scars become softer, the palate becomes plastic and becomes sensitive.

Massage the palate Then make pressing movements in the area of ​​the scars. The massage begins with 15 minutes once a day (the palate is stroked and kneaded once) and increased to 10 times a day for 3 minutes (10 times a day with an interval of one hour, the palate is stroked and kneaded 3 times in a row).

Speech therapy massage A87 Arkhipova E. F. Correctional work with children with cerebral palsy: Pre-speech period: Book. for a speech therapist. M.: Enlightenment, pp.:il The book gives a general description of the development of children in the first two years of life suffering from cerebral palsy, and the methodology of correctional and educational work with them. The author describes speech therapy massage and specific techniques for correcting deviations in pre-speech development in order to prevent severe speech defects.

Arkhipova E.F., Speech therapy massage for dysarthria, Vladimir, Characteristics of disorders in children with dysarthria are given, and also a technique for conducting acupressure, probe and manual massage is presented. For the first time in practice, differentiated massage techniques are offered depending on the pathological symptoms in the muscular system for various speech disorders.

Miklyaeva Yu.V. Speech therapy massage and gymnastics. Working on pronunciation. - M.: Iris-press, The book presents the author’s effective method for correcting sound pronunciation disorders in children, providing an individual approach to each child. It allows you to significantly speed up the process of correcting speech disorders and effectively strengthen the skills of correct sound pronunciation.
. Prikhodko O. G., Speech therapy massage for the correction of dysarthric speech disorders in children of early and preschool age, St. Petersburg, KARO, 2008 Differentiated speech therapy massage is part of a comprehensive medical, psychological and pedagogical work aimed at correcting various speech disorders. Massage is used in speech therapy work with children with dysarthria, rhinolalia, stuttering and voice disorders. With these forms of speech pathology (especially with dysarthria), massage is a necessary condition for the effectiveness of speech therapy. Speech therapy massage is one of the speech therapy technologies, an active method of mechanical influence. Massage is used in cases where there are disturbances in the tone of the articulatory muscles.

Massage Krupenchuk O.I. A new method of speech therapy massage has been proposed - massage with spoons. Advantages: Firstly, it helps to avoid a negative reaction to probe massage, secondly, interested parents can easily master it and use it at home, thirdly, the massage movements are quite simple, which allows you to teach children self-massage. All actions with spoons are performed accompanied by poems, which not only set the rhythm of the movement and determine the sequence of actions, but also describe the movements themselves, which is very useful for children with speech underdevelopment.

Slide 2

Speech therapy massage is an active method of mechanical action that changes the condition of muscles, nerves, blood vessels and tissues of the peripheral speech apparatus. Speech therapy massage is one of the speech therapy techniques that helps normalize the pronunciation aspect of speech and the emotional state of people suffering from speech disorders.

The place of massage in a complex system of correctional and pedagogical influence.

Speech therapy massage is part of a comprehensive psychological and pedagogical work aimed at correcting speech disorders. It can be carried out at all stages of corrective action, but its use in the initial stages of work is especially significant.

Often massage is a necessary condition for the effectiveness of speech therapy.

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Physiological effect of massage.

Massage has a beneficial physiological effect on the body. During massage, the effect is not only on the structural layers of the skin, its vessels and glandular apparatus, but also on the central nervous system. The state of the muscular system changes significantly under the influence of massage. The differentiated use of various massage techniques makes it possible to reduce tone in case of muscle spasticity and, on the contrary, increase it in case of flaccid paresis of articulatory muscles.

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The main goals of speech therapy massage: normalization of muscle tone of general, facial and articulatory muscles; reducing the manifestation of paresis and paralysis of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus; reduction of pathological motor manifestations of the muscles of the speech apparatus (syncinesia, hyperkinesis, convulsions, etc.); stimulation of proprioceptive sensations; increasing the volume and amplitude of articulatory movements; activation of those muscle groups of the peripheral speech apparatus that had insufficient contractile activity; the formation of voluntary, coordinated movements of the organs of articulation.

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Brief anatomical and physiological information.

Speech therapy massage is performed mainly in the area of ​​the muscles of the head, neck, and shoulder girdle. Particular attention in the process of speech therapy massage is paid to the muscles of the peripheral speech apparatus, which include the muscles of the tongue, lips, cheeks, and soft palate. The speech therapist must have a good understanding of the structure and functions of the muscles in the area of ​​which speech therapy massage will be performed.

Slide 7

  • Muscles of the head.

    Slide 8

  • Neck muscles.

    Slide 9

  • Muscles of the mouth circumference.

    Slide 10

  • Oral cavity.

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  • Section of the oral and nasal cavity.

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  • Muscles of the tongue (bottom view).

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  • Oral cavity. Muscles of the pharynx and tongue.

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    Nerves of the head and neck

    1 – facial nerve; 2 – branches of the frontal nerve; 3 – infraorbital nerve (from the second branch of the trigeminal nerve); 4 – mental nerve (from the third branch of the trigeminal nerve)

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    The appointment of speech therapy massage should be preceded by a medical diagnosis carried out by a doctor. The medical report contains an indication of the presence of neurological symptoms, including an indication of the form of paresis (or paralysis), local disorders of muscle innervation, etc. Even with a medical report, the speech therapist must independently diagnose the condition of the muscles (by inspection, palpation, observation when performing dynamic exercises). and static movements). This will help determine massage tactics in each specific case.

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    Indications for the use of massage in speech therapy practice. Speech therapy massage is part of a comprehensive medical and pedagogical system of rehabilitation for children, adolescents and adults suffering from speech disorders.

    Massage is used in speech therapy work with persons diagnosed with speech disorders such as dysarthria, including its erased forms, rhinolalia, stuttering, and voice disorders.

    In general, massage is used in corrective pedagogical work in all cases where there are disorders of muscle tone.

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    Contraindications for massage.

    Any somatic or infectious disease in the acute period. Conjunctivitis. Acute and chronic diseases of the skin. Gingivitis. Stomatitis. Having herpes on the lips or other oral infections. The presence of enlarged lymph glands. Sharply expressed pulsation of the carotid arteries. Before conducting a massage course, it is necessary to obtain a conclusion from a neurologist and pediatrician about the absence of contraindications.

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    Speech therapy massage is carried out in a clean, comfortable, warm and well-ventilated room. On average, two or three procedures per week, performed in a row or every other day, may be sufficient. Typically, massage is carried out in a cycle of 10-20 procedures. These cycles can be repeated at intervals of two weeks to two months. In case of severe disorders of muscle tone, massage can be carried out for a year or more. The duration of one procedure may vary depending on the extent of the lesion and the age of the patient. The initial duration of the procedure is usually 5-7 minutes, and the final duration is 20-25 minutes.

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    Basic massage techniques.

    Stroking is a mandatory technique with which every procedure begins. It is alternated with other techniques and ends each massage complex. Light stroking prepares the muscles for a stronger impact. Muscle tone decreases. Diaphragmatic breathing is established. Superficial stroking is the softest, most gentle technique.

    The whole hand (palm) works, the contact is barely noticeable. This massage does not cause redness. The movements must be performed: slowly (1,2,3 – 4 hands removed); rhythmically (has a sedative effect + a form of autogenic training, the rhythm of speech and movements coincides). Deep, enveloping stroking. This technique has a relaxing and regulating effect (slight arousal).

    The palms fit tightly and evenly to the contour of the face and neck (“flow around” all contours). The stroking is continuous, slow, rhythmic. Rake-like stroking. This is an additional method of influence for general relaxation.

    Fingers spread wide apart, we stroke with the pads of the fingers under the hair (along the tendon helmet) in different directions: from the back of the head to the front. The larger the angle, the stronger the impact.

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    Trituration. This technique is carried out, as a rule, in small, limited areas, in the area of ​​individual muscle groups. Kneading. This technique is performed in the same way as rubbing in small, limited areas, in the area of ​​individual muscle groups. Kneading maximizes muscle function. Vibration (light.) Reduces muscle tone. Improves interstitial metabolism. Strong, harsh vibration increases muscle tone, and light, weak vibration reduces their tone.

    Affection is used on the face, especially in places where nerves exit, as well as where there is little fatty tissue (forehead, cheekbones, lower jaw). Firm pressure.

    Work and education