New business in crisis. Business in crisis: are there any special features? Health and beauty are an eternal topic for making money

New phenomena of the economic situation, those that just a few years ago frightened entrepreneurs with the loud word “crisis” are now nothing more than the usual state of affairs. Business has adapted to the crisis and made such an element an integral part of comprehensive development.

The entrepreneurial market a priori notes future instability, limited resources and large differences in demand for manufactured goods and services. Credit institutions have become much more careful with issuing loan obligations, and investors have lost their calm confidence and stopped investing their money in any more or less interesting project.

Doing business during a crisis

A break-even enterprise is profitable business in times of crisis. Minimizing liquidity losses will allow you to survive an unfavorable period without major problems and stay afloat without approaching the zone of discomfort - the bankruptcy zone.

There are many ways to keep a business profitable. Large consulting companies offer various services for anti-crisis policy, but most of them do not work and are a waste of financial resources.

To maintain the buoyancy of your business, you should not be nervous; it is better to carefully develop an enterprise policy that allows you to minimize third-party costs. To do this, you should follow four simple rules:

Preserving the possibility of business compression

At their core, the risks of new projects are almost identical to the same risks to which enterprises on the market are exposed. The most significant risk is the lack of the required level of liquidity. A decrease in demand is not as dangerous as the lack of financial resources for the minimum development of an enterprise. The decline in customer purchasing power will be most dangerous for those businesses that are unable to shrink in direct proportion to the changes. To avoid unnecessary risks, retail businesses should refrain from long-term obligations and unreasonable expenses. Statistics show that for small businesses, about 80% of the cost structure is attributed to rent and staff salaries. Retail business is characterized by high staff turnover (up to 60% of staff). For a more thorough “compression” of the enterprise, it is planned to suspend the hiring of new personnel and stop indexing wages. In any case, optimal compression will only occur when using a flexible business model.

Maintaining liquidity

Lack of sufficient liquidity can ultimately lead to major troubles. A striking example is the real estate business (development). During the 2008 crisis, most of these projects died out due to the lack of Money, allowing you to complete the job.

Profitable business during a crisis is due to the manager’s ability to support the enterprise’s policy in a position of at least minimal development. Otherwise, the liquidity ratio will tend to decline.

Search and development of new economic niches

A crisis is a time of opportunity. Year after year, adhering to this principle, many entrepreneurs have taken their business to a qualitatively new level. In cases of a crisis period, you can always open the way for your business to develop in a new area.

A good option for expanding activities would be to work in a parallel direction. If a company sells stationery, then why not deal with books? However, a big step by business in the other direction will not be a disaster. Crazy ideas can bring fabulous profits even during a crisis. Do you sell books? So let customers have the opportunity to start making purchases in your own cafe.

Improvement and the ability to change

A business and its organizer should not be like a small child who needs to be forced to do something. The development of the enterprise should always come first. Already when writing a business plan, many points should be laid down that take into account the comprehensive improvement of the enterprise.

The onset of critical times, with stable and positive business development, will only become a fly in the ointment. Enterprises that are actively growing during a crisis lose development topics, while, with proper business management, the possibility of business degradation is reduced to nothing.

Profitable business in a crisis

When creating a business at a time when the economic situation is experiencing a crisis, clear planning for future investments is necessary. The cost of each mistake is comparatively higher than the same mistake in normal times.

The formation of a business plan involves many aspects - development time frames, envisaged investments, planned costs and income, number of employees, etc. To get a more complete picture of the profitability of certain areas of business, an in-depth market analysis is carried out. He will identify the most floating enterprises, by analogy with which you should conduct your business policy.

To create a profitable business during a crisis, an entrepreneur must consider:

  • market trends in which he plans to open his business;
  • the cost of introducing and promoting the goods or services produced;
  • the likelihood of risks, both large and small;
  • the likelihood of losing your investment.

The funds initially allocated for the development of the enterprise will become the foundation for an excellent breakthrough during the crisis. Optimally selected advertising services will allow you to spin the engine of progress at good speed. Calculating the profit brought by an enterprise in difficult times will provide a complete picture: does it make sense to maintain the enterprise or should you use the bankruptcy procedure, getting rid of the hassle and loss of financial resources on an industrial scale.

Having analyzed what was proposed and calculated the long-term business policy, you can begin to create your “brainchild”. Size does not matter, especially in a crisis, as long as constant profits flow into the bank account.

Business that is profitable amid the crisis

The benefit lies in the absence of losses. Based on this, we can conclude that the most profitable business during a crisis does not require large financial investments. Many niches in the business market fall under this criterion.

Many companies providing financial consulting services consider service providers to be the most profitable and cheapest business during a crisis. At the initial stage, the main cost column in the balance sheet will be rent. You can refrain from hiring workers by providing services yourself.

One type of business that is practically independent of the state of the economy is creating a website or blog. If you are unable to make a website yourself, you can turn to web developers. Development costs start from $100 for a simple website on a popular platform.

Another way of entrepreneurship is making money from resale. Business automatically adapts to the surrounding financial situation. Buying cheaper and selling more expensive is an ancient method of increasing funds. This also leads to another way to conduct such a business using Internet technologies. To attract customers and increase sales, you can open an online store. The main costs of such a business will go to advertising and purchasing products.

Do you have any ideas what you will sell in your online store? We took care of this and prepared a list of 50 products that don’t care about the crisis.

Current business

The profitability of a business is based on its relevance. The main criterion of relevance is the purchasing power of the consumer. The crisis forces not only businesses to tighten their belts, but also the average person. As a result, each person becomes more selective and does not spend their money left and right. When forming a business idea, you should conduct an in-depth study of the market conditions of consumer needs.

Western countries have a large percentage of small businesses, which allows domestic entrepreneurs to focus on enterprises on the European market. It is there that they are formed promising ideas business and clever ways to get out of a crisis.

Everyone is familiar with the word crisis.

The risk of depreciation of everything accumulated frightens ordinary people.

It would seem that then what can be said about entrepreneurs.

The danger of investing money in a period when not today or tomorrow everything could collapse stops many.

And this is a rational fear, rather even caution.

But, as we know, only those who are not afraid to take risks achieve success.

Therefore, it is worth putting aside the prejudice that business in crisis– this is something that should not be considered.

Contrary to this popular belief, even a beginner can implement some business ideas that will successfully exist in a crisis.

The main thing is to rely on services and goods that are in demand and accessible to the population (whose pockets have become significantly thinner).

You can study a selection of the best ideas below, after delving into the theory under which a business operates in a crisis.

Many companies really have to “curb their appetite” or stop work altogether, fire employees, or sell off assets.

At the same time, especially favorable conditions unfold for others, which allow them to successfully start and gain momentum.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that in modern Russian realities one can say that the crisis has become something absolutely familiar.

Now entrepreneurs are not just thinking about a plan of action in the event of a crisis, many are starting from this particular economic situation!

In any case, the business sector is fraught with many risks.

It is better to get to know the enemy “by sight” as much as possible in order to minimize losses.

Business during a crisis: 4 rules for success

A profitable business in a crisis means no losses.

An entrepreneur must do everything possible to move the business as far as possible from the brink of bankruptcy.

The main key to success is a careful and calm approach, as well as reducing any third-party expenses.

There are still some ideas that will allow you to maintain profitability at the level.

1) Anti-crisis business: just forward!

The business will exist as long as it develops.

The crisis undoubtedly ruins many plans.

But it should not hinder the development of the company.

Management just needs to show flexibility and be able to adapt to new circumstances.

Then it will be possible to talk about this important factor as liquidity.

2) The importance of liquidity in times of crisis

The liquidity indicator of a company in times of crisis is more relevant than ever.

Remember those troubled times when, during the 2008-09 crisis, construction was frozen due to a lack of funding for these projects.

The lack of the required level of liquidity is the highest risk that affects the existence and functioning of an enterprise in changed conditions.

To maintain the desired indicator, it is important not to stop the development of the enterprise.

Let the slightest steps be taken, but still in the direction of new ideas, methods, experiments.

3) Start experimenting

Types of business are different, but business as a system remains the same, regardless of its scale and structure, products, technologies and markets.
Peter Drucker

For many this will sound completely unexpected.

How can you organize experiments when, due to a crisis, even the calm daily existence of a business is under threat?

However, times of crisis are an excellent opportunity to implement new ideas.

If you do not want to change the direction of movement radically, you can take a closer look at adjacent directions.

Writing it is a separate science.

But it is worth highlighting the following points in particular detail:

  • a deep and detailed analysis of the current situation on the market, which should also include a forecast for the development of the sector;
  • it is also worth assessing all possible risks and providing ways to minimize them, which will add confidence in your abilities and become a “guide” in the event of difficult circumstances;
  • potential development options and how much money they will require also need to be assessed at the time of creating a business plan.

The funds that you could use to start developing an enterprise under normal circumstances can be used as a powerful launching pad in the event of a crisis.

After all, if an undertaking is obviously unprofitable, it is better to declare the company bankrupt and avoid unnecessary waste of money and time.

9 ideas for business during a crisis for beginners in business

What business should you start during a crisis if you do not yet have experience in entrepreneurship?

It is believed that keeping a company afloat at such a time is difficult even for experienced workers, and opening one is completely stupid. But there are certain areas that are either independent of changing conditions, or, on the contrary, function more profitably in such conditions.

In times of crisis, when investing becomes too risky and finances are slipping through their fingers, many people need advice from a specialist who will help regain control over the situation.

if you have financial education and work experience, the business of providing consultations to the public will be especially in demand.

2. Home staging.

This word, unfamiliar to many, hides a rather simple explanation.

Experts in this field are those people who help give a favorable image to real estate for its successful sale, which will be as profitable as possible.

If you have ever rented an apartment, you know that many realtors display some decorative or household items for photographs to make the shots more attractive.

Home staging is something similar, but on a much more impressive scale.

Specialists carry out furniture rearrangement, design planning, and engage in various types of landscape work.

This is a relevant business during a crisis, because it is the sale of real estate that suffers greatly from the lack of clients in such conditions. You can attract people this way, and many actively use it.

3. Repair of equipment and cars.

Another one potentially successful business in times of crisis - this is repair household appliances or cars.

When people have financial difficulties, buying new equipment and vehicles is rarely possible. But without these items, a comfortable life is simply impossible.

Therefore, in the event of a breakdown, the path will most likely be to a repair service, and not to a household appliance store or car dealership.

Thanks to this, you can open a business that will definitely be in demand.

You can attract new customers in less expensive ways - advertising via the Internet, social media, newspapers.

In the automotive sector, there is interesting idea for future entrepreneurs.

You can buy one of the failed car stores (and in times of crisis there are many of them).

And on this “base” open a workshop, sell available spare parts and provide maintenance services.

4. Cosmetic sector.

But the idea of ​​starting your own business in the beauty industry will be especially welcomed by girls.

Even in the darkest times, the fair sex continues to take care of itself, pamper itself with small gifts, and become more and more beautiful. And all thanks to the purchased cosmetics, care products, and perfumes.

Thanks to this, you can find a job even without starting capital and in times of crisis.

For example, thanks to sales of products from network marketing companies (Oriflame, Avon).

From a small part-time job, with due diligence, everything can develop into a serious business.

5. .

What kind of business should you open during a crisis, given that the population has much less money?

An idea worth considering is how to open a store with especially low prices.

Since the advent of various second-hand stores and the Fix Price network, their popularity has only been growing. And even more so in a crisis.

Therefore, this business option will definitely be in demand.


Whatever they are external factors, people will always need these products.

And if the pharmaceutical sector is an idea exclusively for entrepreneurs with large capital, then even a novice entrepreneur can open a grocery store.

The only factor that needs to be taken into account when implementing this business idea during a crisis is a decrease in purchasing power.

People cannot afford to buy expensive products.

But at the same time, they do not always want to purchase only low-quality goods.

We need to rely on this, and focus mainly on pensioners and families.

7. A profitable business in a crisis is work under government orders.

If you decide to look for ideas for business during the crisis of 98-99, you will notice that enterprises working under government orders turned out to be especially resilient. This trend remains relevant today.

Road repair and construction, geological exploration, housing and communal services - all this is worthy of attention and has great potential for development.

But not everyone has the opportunity to invest the necessary funds in this direction.

In this case, it is worth considering purchasing shares of various state-owned enterprises.

It is also possible to implement an idea with the purchase of a business in related sectors (building materials, machinery, various equipment).

8. The best business in a crisis is security companies and safes.

People are not only obsessed with how to make money and save money. But also the issue of preserving their capital during a crisis.

This makes the business of security systems and the production of safes particularly relevant. After all, trust in banks is falling, which means that the majority prefer to keep their money at home.

This area of ​​entrepreneurship is not only surviving the crisis, but has even gained significant momentum.

Affording to start a business producing security equipment for a beginner or medium-sized entrepreneur often turns out to be unfeasible.

But the corresponding direction in trade is accessible and promising.

It is difficult to predict the future development of the industry.

According to experts, in the worst case, revenue will continue to remain at the same level.

9. Current business during a crisis – lawyers and debt collectors.

Another option for what kind of business to start during a crisis is to organize services for “knocking out” debts.

Not all businesses stop paying their debts because they have no funds.

Many simply use the crisis as an excuse not to pay.

This makes collection services especially in demand in times of crisis.

Sometimes even “dirty” methods of collecting debt funds can be used.

But in this area you can achieve great success and profit with legal activities.

Another interesting idea for a business during a crisis

presented in the video:

The options above are just a few of the ideas what business to open in a crisis.

Anything is possible if you maintain clarity of mind, do not succumb to general panic, and know how to turn existing conditions to your advantage.

It is also worth considering the fact that costs should become more careful.

Analyze all planned expenses for their importance and be more attentive to hiring.

Many specialists lost their jobs due to the crisis, which is why their level of requirements has dropped significantly.

If you take the necessary precautions, your business will survive and even grow.

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During periods of crisis, business activity decreases noticeably. Create new business units are solved. It is extremely difficult to predict the development of the market situation, and the risk of losing investments is very high. But experienced businessmen and outstanding economists are confident that the crisis is best time to create a new business. The reason is a decrease in competition due to mass bankruptcy. It is important to minimize the costs of organizing your business and operating costs.

If you focus on these criteria, then the most viable option is a home business. We bring to your attention 15 business ideas that are in demand even in the most difficult periods and do not require significant investment.

1. Food

This area is only partially affected by the crisis - the demand for expensive products is decreasing. The need for everyday goods - bread, cereals, pasta, vegetables and fruits, inexpensive meat remains and even increases due to the reduction in the number of delicacies. Oddly enough, the demand for chocolate is not falling either. Most likely, the desire to please children and sweeten life at least a little during stressful periods is too high.

Explore your needs locality and choose the most popular direction. A significant part of the products can be grown in the country house or garden, or cooked in the home kitchen. Register as an individual entrepreneur and start working.

2. Car repair

Sales of new and expensive cars are falling. But the demand for maintenance and repair Vehicle growing. That is why auto repair is recognized as one of the anti-crisis business areas.

You can even start in your personal garage, the only requirement is professionalism.

3. Virtual assistant

During a crisis, businesses face a vital need to cut costs on non-essential tasks that do not bring immediate profit. Permanent employees are laid off and some of their work is outsourced. Freelancers who work on the Internet can perform many tasks.

Such specialists are needed large companies, individual entrepreneurs. This direction is very promising and is not subject to economic cataclysms.

4. Home staging

During the crisis, the real estate market suffers seriously. Finding buyers for housing is becoming very difficult. One of the ways to help sell real estate is to increase its attractiveness. That is why the need for the services of designers, including landscapers, repairmen and other home staging specialists, is growing.

5. Green business

The world community is seriously thinking about preserving the ecology of the planet. Manufacturing products from clean raw materials, recycling waste, and growing organic products are very popular areas. This trend will strengthen; now is the best time to occupy a new and promising niche. It's worth considering how possible variant and the scope of consulting on waste recycling optimization.

6. Help for the older generation

The aging of humanity does not stop. Helping people of retirement age and people with disabilities is becoming an increasingly important area. Caring for them is not limited to medical care. Help with everyday life, organizing leisure time, traveling, and even organizing feasible options for earning money are in demand.

7. Cosmetics

In any, even the most difficult times, women need to look well-groomed and elegant. Lovely ladies are ready to give up a trip to a restaurant, a trip to a resort, or new jewelry. But they will definitely buy the necessary minimum of cosmetics. It is worth paying attention to the production of natural soap - it is very promising area, which can be mastered at home.

8. Online video

Even regardless of the crisis, interest in the entertainment offered by the Internet is growing at an impressive pace. It is not necessary to make high-quality films and videos - an interesting plot is important. Funny situations from real life, videos with animals, and video blogs are extremely popular. You can shoot and sell your videos to special channels or create own resource and earn money from views and advertising.

9. Sales consultant

IN modern conditions this profession has acquired new features. In search of affordable goods, Russian consumers began to become interested in the world-famous platforms eBay and Craigslist. They hold auctions where quality items are offered at very low prices. Not everyone can understand the intricacies of how these online stores work. You can offer your services. Ample opportunities are offered by special programs for participating in an auction on behalf of another person. You can help the client purchase the right item and receive a pre-agreed percentage of the transaction.

10. Sites about discounts and sales

Another opportunity to make money on the massive desire to save. You can create a special website that will offer network users information about all planned or current discounts and sales. Your earnings are a commission from stores whose products are advertised on the site.

11. Direct sales

Work in network marketing relevant again. Most people are familiar with cosmetics companies. But a similar method of product distribution is used by manufacturers of kitchen utensils, household appliances and chemicals, innovative products and natural health products. Look for a direction close to your preferences, be sure to check the availability of certificates and start a new business.

12. Blog

To manage and earn money own blog or an information site, writing talent is not required. It is important to find a topic that is in demand and interesting to you, and regularly update the resource with new articles. You can hire a specialist to write articles. When you reach the required number of visitors, you can make money by advertising.

13. Franchise

Popular brands offer their developments, experience and trademark budding entrepreneurs. Among the franchises there are also attractive options for home or family businesses.

14. Educational courses

During periods of crisis, learning new and in-demand professions begins to be in great demand. Don’t forget about your children – parents don’t skimp on their education and harmonious development even in the most difficult times.

This area is not suitable for everyone; in-depth knowledge of the field is required. financial sector. The crisis period is characterized by a sharp increase in debts and a decrease in interest in investing. Many are simply afraid of losing their funds.

The need for advice from an experienced professional on safe investments and ways to get out of difficult situations is very high at this time.

Any person at least once in his life has thought about the possibility of opening own business. However, it so happened that the future entrepreneur had already accumulated the required amount of funds, and at that moment the country was struck by a financial crisis. You should not despair and give up the idea of ​​starting your own business. It is known that many of today's millionaires won precisely because they started their business during the crisis years. In this matter, the main thing is to choose the right direction of activity.

Main features of business during crisis years

During times of economic instability, many companies close. This scares off novice entrepreneurs, who reason like this: if the market has thrown even experienced players overboard, then what can we say about novice businessmen. However, this point of view is wrong. Even during the most severe crises, people continue to buy certain goods and use services.

In this light, aspiring entrepreneurs should only take into account the main features of business in a crisis:

Experienced entrepreneurs also advise starting their own business in small developing cities. In this case, the company will have more opportunities to successfully continue its activities after the crisis.

What areas of activity can bring profit during a crisis?

During crisis years, consumers begin to monitor their spending very carefully. The entrepreneur’s task is to help them in this difficult matter, and at the same time make money from it. The types of businesses listed below have already proven their efficiency and profitability in 1998 and 2008.

Repair shops

During a crisis, people try not to make large purchases. Instead, they resort to repair services for household appliances, cars, phones, shoes, watches and other goods.

Canteens and fast food outlets

Restaurants and expensive cafes are being replaced by the most ordinary self-service canteens and fast food outlets. It is better to organize such points near large enterprises or universities.

Stores selling cheap goods

This applies mainly to clothing, shoes and accessories. Second-hand stores, consignment stores, and “100-all” stores will attract a significant number of shoppers. On their basis, after the crisis, it will be possible to create full-fledged stores of quality clothing from well-known brands.

Collection companies

Persons with a legal or economic education and experience in the relevant field can try to form an bureau to provide collection services. In times of crisis, there will certainly be many people who will not be able to pay off their debts. In this case, any creditor will begin to look for a suitable debt collector. In the post-crisis period, a regular law office can be created on the base.

Bicycle sales

In warmer times, such a business will come in handy. Many citizens, wanting to save on gasoline, public transport and at the same time improve their health, are starting to purchase bicycles.

Photo salons

Oddly enough, these jobs are also considered essential. Citizens need the services of a photographer not only in the form of expensive photo sessions. When applying for a job, obtaining important documents, enrolling in studies, or traveling abroad, people will also need photographs.

Budget hairdressers

During crisis years, people stop frequenting expensive beauty salons. They are being replaced by ordinary hairdressing salons.

Inexpensive consumer goods store

Job loss and a decline in real income are forcing many families to avoid visiting supermarkets and shopping centers, where predominantly branded goods are traded at fairly high prices. In this light, it makes sense for a novice entrepreneur to open a small store in a residential area of ​​the city with inexpensive food, detergents and other necessary household items.

Thus, a crisis can make adjustments to the development of a business, but not destroy it completely. There are areas that experience a sharp rise in years of financial instability. This is something that budding entrepreneurs should take advantage of.

The structure of demand is changing, consumer interests are being redistributed: hence the fall in demand for some middle-class items and the increasing priority of durability over prestige. Some even remember that there is such a thing as Avito.

And, yes, we have all heard that the business that feels best during a crisis is the one that is always relevant. Food, medicine, funeral homes, essential goods. A business that is more than traditional and therefore no less resistant to any fluctuations and surprises of fate.

And also, the demand for debt collection services, anti-crisis consultations and safes is growing. Too boring? Then we offer you some interesting ideas for an anti-crisis business that takes place and will help both you and your clients successfully survive the crisis.

“Actually, the ideas themselves”

  • Credit to people from people.

Alternative methods of lending always bloom and flourish during a crisis: the people have no money, the people are over-credited, and the people are no longer very welcome in the banks. But if the idea of ​​opening your own express loans does not appeal to you, what about trust loans? Its most traditional incarnation: an online platform that allows people to take money from people. The platform itself makes money on commissions for organizing transactions and, accordingly, should not have free millions and bear credit risks. Look at the example of market leaders - Lending Club has already issued $6 billion in loans and recently successfully launched an IPO.

  • Selling old iPhones.

The average lifespan of a smartphone today is only 18 months. After this, emotions take their toll and it seems that your junk has long been outdated. But what is a three-day cupcake for one, is almost a cake for another. There are many options: in India and Africa there is a thriving second-hand market, and in developed countries there are industries in need of valuable metals. You can go further and open your own store: in order to restore the phone to its original appearance, in most cases it is enough to simply update the case and change the battery. There are more people willing to buy last year's top-end smartphone at an attractive price than you might think. For example, you can take a look at the Sprint website.

  • Subscription for panties.

Shopaholism is both adrenaline in the blood and hormones of happiness, in general, everything is complicated. But it is nothing but losses. Therefore, anti-crisis businesses for shopaholics are becoming increasingly popular abroad, which focus on the stylistic preferences of the user (or rather, the user) and send him (or rather, her) a certain number of things every month. This, in theory, helps to avoid going to the store, and therefore limit impulse purchases. In Russia, too, you can already subscribe to both panties and tights. Well, for food: the “At Home Tastier” service, for example, brings you a set of groceries and a list of recipes for preparing dinners for the week ahead. The number of products is strictly calculated, so you won’t even have an extra half of an onion left.

  • Rental of dresses from Zuhair Murad.

There is an even more radical way to combat shopaholism - renting clothes. Most often, however, we are talking about fancy dress costumes, costumes for children's parties, as well as evening and wedding dresses, both cheaper and from the most famous designers, which, in fact, most could not afford even before the crisis. Such a business is interesting, relevant, easy to organize during a crisis, can be done at home, and at the same time will allow you to earn almost passive income. Although there are rumors that something similar is very popular in Spain today.

  • A seat at the dinner table.

If a loving wife is not waiting for you for dinner, then you are going to a cafe or restaurant - to expensive dishes that are not prepared from the heart and in which worms are occasionally found. And if the issue of sincerity plays a decisive role, then how about hiring hospitable housewives and helping them make money from their talent? You can invite people to family dinners at your “home restaurant”, surprise them with masterpieces of original cooking, or just cook food to take away. You don't have to go that far for an example - look at how it's organized in the SupperKing app.

  • Taxi on the way.

Traveling alone is good, but with good company it is much better. And if we are talking about a taxi, it is also much more economical. Well, add a little of the heartiness mentioned above... so why not give someone a lift along the way, especially if you often drive along a certain route or out of town? However, don’t worry: someone else will do this, but in the meantime you can think about what interesting things to borrow from SideCar and BlaBlaCar so that your interesting idea for an anti-crisis business will work successfully and bring you nice commissions.

  • Many books at once.

Reading lovers are in a real financial crisis: constantly borrowing real books for 500 rubles, when you have a good reading speed, is somehow too expensive. For those who plan to read just as much, but turn their nose up at simple books that cannot be touched and felt, there are several options: a national bookcrossing service or a subscription. However, whether you are going to offer printed books or offer unlimited e-books, you will have to take care of a smart recommendation system: imitating the experience of people walking along bookshelves is not so easy. They say Oyster succeeded.

  • Virtual assistant.

History is silent about who was so annoyed by the girls from HR and accounting that he came up with outsourcing accounting services. But it’s time to send there other tasks that do not directly affect production. Marketing, SMM, maintaining a catalog on the website... you never know what else worries businessmen at night, besides non-payment of taxes. A comprehensive outsourcing service is an excellent anti-crisis business idea that will help individual entrepreneurs and small companies reduce the cost of maintaining employees and renting premises, and help you make good money.

  • Sales site.

It’s hard to imagine that a crisis came and all people immediately stopped buying something. Another thing is that many of them began to look at prices, monitor promotions and sales. And if coupon services are already half dead, then making a website covering sales in your city and online is a great idea. good idea. You can make money from advertising, notify people about various discounts... and, of course, be aware of what, where and when, yourself.

  • Car repair.

The car sales boom remained in December. Many car dealerships have already taken a break, and some have closed completely. But we are in no hurry to take their place: while they are on a timeout, the services of selling auto parts, as well as direct maintenance, service and repair, are in much greater demand. Too many car owners can no longer imagine life without their iron horse, and for them getting on the bus is like going through the seven circles of Hell. Take advantage of this.

Open interesting and current business in a crisis – quite possible. So you can at least sell safes. And what? The less public confidence in banks and the worse the situation in the country, the more people prefer to keep their savings in safes: in difficult times, their sales increase by 50%. The main thing is to decide to take the first step - and act!
