Presentation - Professions with an environmental orientation “Eco-debates. Presentation on the topic "profession ecologist" Presentation on the topic how to become a successful ecologist

The essence of the matter, environmental In recent years in our country it has begun to gain fantastic popularity. If you are determined to protect the Earth from anthropogenic (that is, human) influence, think about whether you like sciences such as chemistry, physics, biology - they will become the basis for your five-year education. And would you be interested in complex computer calculations of the flows of pollutants, wastewater and waste gases, which will have to be produced by order of some peat processing plant?

Where to go for an ecologist Perhaps you will come to an industrial enterprise and monitor technological processes, finding out what the workshop or factory “inhales” and what kind of muck it strives to “exhale.” Here you will participate in the development and improvement of equipment designed to protect the environment.

Expert activity in private firms is probably the most lucrative. Enterprises turn to them with a request to conduct an environmental assessment of existing technologies and projects, identify reserves, eliminate shortcomings, increase the efficiency of equipment use, and certify products. What is the point of a plant paying money for environmental activities? Firstly, many businessmen have already realized how acute environmental issues have become. Secondly, for reputable companies this is a matter of prestige, good name, reputation, in a word. Thirdly - and this, alas, is the main reason for our environmental costs - enterprises are required to pay for the use of natural resources (water, energy, etc.) and for discharges or emissions of dust and gases. This is where the plant starts thinking about how to reduce fines for damage to nature. Only an ecologist can make competent calculations.

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“Ecologist” - Education: The profession of an ecologist is considered fashionable, prestigious and promising, but... in the West. The concept of “profession” comes from the Latin professio, meaning “public speaking.” The profession of an ecologist will become one of the most important and most in demand professions. In Russia, specialists have their own peculiarities in building a career. 10 most in-demand professions of the future. But not every work activity is professional.

MY PROFESSION – MY FUTURE PRESENTATION MY PROFESSION – COMMUNICATION OPERATOR Author Filyushkina Kristina Romanovna 1st year student by profession telecom operator Supervisor Odina Yulia Anatolyevna master of training by profession telecom operator GBPOU SO "Rtishchev Polytechnic Lyceum"

Day and night, at any time of the year, regardless of weather conditions, mail moves in a continuous stream across our country and throughout the vast planet in all directions: walking through hot deserts, snowy expanses, climbing mountains, plowing rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. , soars or rushes to the sky-high heights, rushes into space.

Throughout human history, people have exchanged news. At first it was cave paintings, the smoke of signal fires or the sound of alarm drums, announcing the approach of the enemy. Time passed. With the development of human relations, the need for regular exchange of information has arisen.

Initially there was foot mail, then mounted messengers appeared. A yam chase arose after them. With the development of railway transport, special mail cars began to be used to transport mail. Then, where there were no railways, mail was delivered by water, by air. And now we have email. You can communicate with people anywhere on Earth without leaving your home.

Today Russian Post includes 86 branches, near postal facilities, providing postal services throughout the Russian Federation, including all cities and rural settlements. One of the largest workforces of postal workers is about employees. Every year, Russian postal workers receive, process and deliver more than 1.5 billion letters, 48 ​​million parcels and 113 million units. money transfers.

In total, the Post Office offers its customers over 80 postal, financial, infocommunication and other services. Post offices deliver pensions and benefits, as well as subscription printed publications. At post offices you can pay for utilities, receive and repay a bank loan, cash out money from plastic cards, take out insurance, purchase lottery, railway, air and theater tickets, as well as consumer goods. In addition, at Public Access Points, anyone can access the Internet, send and receive email, and print a document.

The operator provides services to the public for receiving, processing and delivering postal items (letters, parcels, parcels, transfers), both domestic and international. Subscribes to periodicals, accepts payments for utilities and issues pensions to citizens.

The telecom operator is a kind of agitator, bringing to the people the message about the accessibility and usefulness of modern technologies - electronic transfers, Cyber ​​- money, international Western Union transfers not only for city residents, but also for rural residents. Each postal operation has its own characteristics and requires attentiveness, thoroughness and accuracy from the telecom operator. The telecom operator must be able to capture the characteristics of a person and make sure that the client leaves the post office satisfied and in a good mood.

We are students of the lyceum by profession of telecom operator for a whole year learning the basics of this interesting profession, we can say with confidence that we were not mistaken in choosing a profession. Therefore, we gladly invite you to join us in our friendly student team!

14 Take my order, postal operator. I’ll stand near your counter. I am ready to stay here all day and all evening. I love looking at your work. Computer mind, monitor screen. All mail progress is obedient to you. The electronic send is faster than the motor. And the realm of miracles becomes reality. Send my greetings to Saturn and Venus. Whatever it costs you, press the button. I’m used to the idea, and I hope and believe. That we are not alone in this Galaxy. So let the operators from our post offices send a signal to the Ecumenical Heights. All Mashas, ​​Alenas, Tatyanas and Natas, they were born to know the universe. They will certainly wait for an answer. To Earth - the spaceship's cosmic trace. Let it cool, ventilate and not get burned. By accepting astronauts from hot planets.

ECOLOGIST - Profession of the 21st century?

Relevance: the presence of serious environmental problems and, as a consequence, active promotion of nature conservation. Goal: the role of the ECOLOGIST profession for our future. Objectives: the concept of “profession”; the concept of “ecology”; professions in demand today in the labor market; work of an ecologist;

The word "ecology" comes from the Greek words oicos - house and logos - science. This term was first used in 1866 by the Darwinian biologist Ernst Haeckel. He understood ecology as “the science of the relationship of living matter with its environment.”

ecologist, professor at Moscow State University N. Naumov: “The definition of ecology as the science of the relationship of organisms with the environment is fundamentally incorrect!” American ecologist E. Macfadyen. “Ecology is devoted to the study of the relationships of living organisms, plant or animal, with the environment; it aims to identify the principles that govern these relationships...” American scientist F. Clemente: “The Science of Communities” 1920 English ecologist C. Elton: “Scientific natural history dealing with the sociology and economics of animals" 1937

American scientist H. B. Odum: “Study of the structure and functions of nature” 1959 Soviet ecologist academician S. Schwartz: “The science of the laws governing the life of plants and animals in the natural environment” 1972 S. Schwartz: “I could If only, without leaving the spot, I could give a hundred definitions of ecology, and all of them would be more or less correct!”

10 most in-demand professions of the future Engineers IT specialists and computer hardware developers Nanotechnology specialists Electronics and biotechnology specialists Marketers Service-related specialists Logisticians Ecologists Medical chemists

Ecologists are those specialists who try to explain why rivers dry up, fish die, or snow falls in the summer; study the state of water, land, air, the influence of industrial waste on plants, animals and humans. They find out the causes of natural disasters and develop ways to minimize the impact of people on nature.

Specifics of the profession: Advantages of the profession: · If you are lucky, frequent business trips around the country, · Moral satisfaction from the knowledge that once again it was possible to prevent environmental pollution, · This work cannot be called exhausting. Disadvantages of the profession: · Environmental organizations are very dependent on funding, and this affects the level of salaries and availability of work, · Often you have to work in extreme conditions, · Can be hazardous to health, since sometimes you have to deal with toxic substances.

Place of work: - environmental organizations - municipal structures, large enterprises where there is a full-time ecologist Personal qualities: - analytical mind - creativity - flexibility - diplomacy - stress resistance

Education: The profession of an ecologist is considered fashionable, prestigious and promising, but... in the West. In Russia, specialists have their own peculiarities in building a career. A Russian ecologist cannot do without higher education. For example, to find out the true causes of pollution, an inspector needs to be not only an environmental specialist, but also a good engineer. Engineering knowledge helps solve problems of a purely technical nature.

The problem of human survival is looming large before humanity - the very future of our biological species is being called into question, and it may face the fate of dinosaurs. Only, the reason for the disappearance of the former rulers of the Earth was external interference, and humanity may die from the inability to wisely use its power.

The profession of an ecologist will become one of the most important and most in demand professions.

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the concept of “profession”;

the concept of “ecology”;

professions in demand today in the labor market; -eco-debate
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The concept of “profession” comes from the Latin professio, meaning “public speaking.”

In modern society, a profession is understood as an occupation of a person that: - requires special training and education. practiced by a person regularly. serves as a source of livelihood. But not every work activity is professional. It will be such if a person has a level of qualification - this is knowledge, skills that are confirmed by documents (certificates, diplomas)

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The word "ecology" comes from the Greek words oicos - house and logos - science.

This term was first used in 1866 by the Darwinian biologist Ernst Haeckel. He understood ecology as “the science of the relationship of living matter with its environment.”

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10 professions in demand in the 21st century
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1. Engineering specialties.
According to experts, engineering specialties related to industrial production will take leading positions. There is already an acute shortage of professional engineers, technical specialists and mid-level managers in production.

The demand for marketing engineers and managers is growing in all industries.

A combination of technical and economic or legal education, knowledge of English or any other European language will be especially valued.
A programmer is a specialist who creates and debug software and maintains its functionality. In the modern world, the image of a company is becoming increasingly important, and a website is nothing more than an indicator of the level and reliability of an organization.
As a result, a web designer is one of the highest paid “computer” professions. Many companies are willing to pay a lot of money to get the attention of Internet users.

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3. Nanotechnology
Nanotechnologies are technologies based on working with molecules and atoms; they are technologies that use the most hidden and valuable properties of matter. Nanotechnology is a huge field that can be divided into three parts: the production of microcircuits, robots in the nanoscale, and engineering at the atomic level.
According to forecasts, all specialties related to nanotechnology will be in demand. It is already clear that nanotechnology will cover all areas: mechanical engineering, space technology, food industry, medicine, etc. It is believed that a country that has achieved a breakthrough in the development of nanotechnology will become a world leader.

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4. Specialties at the intersection of electronics and biotechnology.
Biotechnologies are technologies that use biological systems and their elements. Currently, biotechnology is quite widely used in agriculture, where genetically modified products are produced using genetic engineering and microbiological methods. Biotechnology is used in molecular
Biotechnologies are used in molecular medicine, biopharmaceutical production and other industries.
Specialties at the intersection of electronics and biotechnology require a specialist to have in-depth knowledge of both electronics and bioengineering. It is likely that working biochips are a matter of the very near future.

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5. Marketing and sales.
Experts predict that in 9-10 years there will be a glut in the Russian market of goods and services. A marketer is, first of all, a company strategist. The job of a marketer is to manage a system focused on the production of various goods and satisfying the interests of producers and consumers.
He conducts market research, plans the range and volume of products, determines prices, and stimulates sales.
A highly qualified marketing specialist develops business plans and offers the most profitable options for investing the company’s money.

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6. Specialties related to service.
Population incomes are growing, and the size of the middle class is growing. One indicator of this trend is the increasing need for quality service. This includes a dry cleaner and a hairdresser next to the house, a good kindergarten and much more.
Moreover, the demand for service sector professions, as experience shows, will increase annually, while the growth rate of demand for service sector professions will outpace the growth rate of needs for other in-demand professions.

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7. Logistics.
“Logistics - the theory and practice of managing material and information flows in the process of goods distribution.” The profession of a logistician is suitable for those who are burdened by rigid boundaries in their work and do not like templates and given restrictions.
You cannot do without practical experience, as well as deep knowledge of mathematics, technology, current legislation, and, of course, an understanding of business principles.
To make a successful career, a logistician will need an analytical mind and systems thinking, intuition, the ability to quickly find a way out of difficult situations, communication skills with people, and communication skills.

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8. Ecology.
The term “ecology” arose a long time ago, back in 1866. And in the future, problems of environmental conservation will occupy an increasing place. The growth of harmful emissions into the atmosphere puts environmental problems at one of the first places in the future global world
The growth of harmful emissions into the atmosphere puts environmental problems at one of the first places in the future global world.
On the one hand, the demand for professional ecologists will begin to increase, and on the other, the range of requirements for environmentalists will expand.
The specialty of an ecologist will require knowledge of physics, chemistry and biology, computer modeling skills of processes occurring in nature. The profession of an ecologist will become one of the most important and most in demand professions.

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9. Medical specialties related to the search for means of prolonging life.
Medicine successfully uses advances in the field of electronics and biotechnologies, which today are just being created and researched, and in 10 years, they will most likely enter into practice and become a common practice in medicine.
It is clear that even in a decade these will still be very expensive technologies. Active work will begin to make them accessible to many. And here we will need appropriate specialists.

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10. Chemistry.
Specialists in the field of chemistry will be especially in demand in the energy sector. Although, as we know, there will be enough oil reserves for the next 10 years, humanity is already working on the development of alternative energy sources.
By 2016, development and research in the field of alternative, environmentally friendly energy sources will reach its peak - and it will not be possible at all without chemists.

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Top 10 highest paid and most in-demand professions of the future:
Bild Your New Live
*Engineers (especially construction - smart houses, smart roads, smart and clean environment, 3D printing designer) *IT specialists and computer hardware developers (robotics) *Nanotechnology specialists. *Ecologists (cosmobiology and cosmogeology) *Doctors (consultants on IT genetics, cyber implants and cyber prosthetics in surgery, pharmacology, molecular nutrition) *Chemists and engineers in the field of energy (alternative energy sources) *Biologists (biotechnology-genetic engineering) *Marketers -* Service-related specialists *Logisticians

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Let's draw conclusions:
6 out of 10 presented professions with an environmental focus And this future is coming in 8-10 years and will become our present... New professions will appear and old professions will disappear.
