Presentation on the theme of Cosmonautics Day. Presentation "Cosmonautics Day" presentation for a lesson on the topic April 12, Cosmonautics Day history of the holiday presentation

Presentation of a class hour for Cosmonautics Day. Goal: to develop an idea of ​​space, to familiarize students with the science of astronomy and the profession of an astronaut. give students an idea of ​​what a spaceship, orbital station, Universe, galaxy, weightlessness, outer space, lander is; expand their ideas about stars and planets; introduce children to the biography of the first cosmonaut - Yu. Gagarin; history of space exploration; to cultivate the desire to always achieve a set goal, to be independent, to develop techniques of analysis, synthesis, comparison, visual memory, imagination; Teach children to listen thoughtfully and carefully.

Since ancient times, people began to think about the questions: “What is space? What if there is life on other planets besides planet Earth?” And then scientists and designers created the first Vostok spacecraft. A spaceship is a complex technical system. And before putting a person in it, the equipment must be checked.

Before man flew into space, animals were there. The dog Laika was the first to go into space. At that time, people still knew very little about space, and spacecraft did not yet know how to return from orbit. Therefore, Laika remained forever in outer space.

After the successful flight of animals into space, the road to the stars became open for man. After 8 months, a man went into space on the same spaceship on which the dogs Belka and Strelka flew. On April 12, 1961, at 6:07 a.m., the Vostok launch vehicle launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. For the first time in the world, a spaceship with a person on board burst into the vastness of the Universe.

For more than 30 years, all cosmonauts, preparing for flight, for weightlessness, have been training in the so-called “flying laboratory”. This is the main simulator for practicing work skills in the absence of gravity to the Earth.

How do astronauts live in a rocket? In space there is no air to breathe, there is no water, much less there is no food. All this is loaded into the spacecraft on the ground and then consumed in flight. There is nothing in space except emptiness and sunlight. It is light that powers the spacecraft through solar panels.

On the ship, all objects, including animals, are in a state of weightlessness. On earth, all objects have weight; they are attracted to the earth's surface. This doesn't happen in space. Inside the spacecraft, all objects are fixed on special holders. Otherwise they would all be flying.

MBOU Shatalovskaya Secondary School

Human. Universe. Space.

Kirpichenkova O.A.

Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky

(1857 - 1935)

A teacher from Kaluga who knew physics, mathematics, chemistry, astronomy, and mechanics well. He is the author of airship projects, works in the field of aerodynamics and rocketry, one of the founders of the theory of interplanetary communications using rockets, and the developer of the principle of rocket propulsion. Many of his contemporaries considered him crazy. The scientist was able to outline the path along which humanity went into space.

Exactly one hundred years before the first artificial satellite appeared above the Earth, Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky was born in September 1857. Working as a teacher at a provincial school, in his free time he read, thought, calculated, fantasized, and dreamed of man's conquest of space. In his mind's eye, he looked through a whole century and saw multi-stage rockets, automatic control of spaceships, the Solar system, the orientation of an interplanetary ship in outer space.

Tsiolkovsky made assumptions about thinking beings in other worlds and put forward many interesting ideas. Scientists all over the world were interested in the work of a modest teacher from Kaluga, and his students and followers created the world's first spaceships.

Monument to K. E. Tsiolkovsky

in Borovsk (Kaluga region)

Since ancient times, people began to think about the questions: “What is space? What if there is life on other planets besides planet Earth?”

And then scientists and designers created the first Vostok spacecraft.

A spaceship is a complex technical system. And before putting a person in it, the equipment must be checked.

Sergei Pavlovich Korolev

(1906 -1966)

Russian scientist and designer. Under his leadership, ballistic and geophysical rockets, the first artificial Earth satellites, and the first spaceships were created, which were the first in history to carry out human space flight and manned spacewalks.

Before man flew into space, animals were there.

The dog Laika was the first to go into space.

At that time, people still knew very little about space, and spacecraft did not yet know how to return from orbit. Therefore, Laika remained forever in outer space.

3 years after the unsuccessful flight of the dog Laika, two dogs are already sent into space - Belka and Strelka.

They spent only one day in space and successfully landed on Earth.

Among the experimental animals there are heroes.

IN August 1960 Dog passengers Belka and Strelka, who had previously undergone extensive training, took off on the second Soviet spaceship-satellite.

The dogs were accustomed to living in a small container with limited movement. They wore restraint clothing, medical monitoring sensors, and their own portable toilet. They were taught to eat on command with specially prepared mixtures.

After 18 orbits around the planet, the ship was transferred to a trajectory of descent to the surface of the Earth, and its passengers were safely ejected from an altitude of 7-8 thousand kilometers. Both dogs felt great and subsequently continued to faithfully work for the benefit of space medicine.

Monument to the dog Laika,

flew into space

on satellite

After the successful flight of animals into space, the road to the stars became open for man. After 8 months, a man went into space on the same spaceship on which the dogs Belka and Strelka flew.

For the first time in the world, a spaceship with a person on board burst into the vastness of the Universe.

The launch of the world's first artificial Earth satellite marked the beginning of the space age.

The Vostok spacecraft with a man on board took off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome.

"Russia's star son"

Born into the family of a collective farmer in the city of Gzhatsk, Smolensk region. In 1951 he graduated with honors from a vocational school in the city of Lyubertsy near Moscow (with a degree in molding and foundry). In 1955 - industrial technical school and flying club in Saratov, entered the 1st Chkalov Military Aviation School named after. K. E. Voroshilov, who graduated in 1957. Then he served as a military pilot in fighter aviation units of the Northern Fleet.

Yuri Gagarin


Since 1960 in the cosmonaut corps; since 1961 its commander. In 1968 he graduated with honors from the Air Force Engineering Academy. N. E. Zhukovsky.

He was an open, charming person.

His smile was a symbol of the USSR.

Moscow time 9 hours 05 minutes

... There was fire and thunder,

Freezing cosmodrome,

And he said quietly:

He said: “Let's go!”

He waved his hand.

As if along Piterskaya,

Swept over the Earth...

Hello Earth!

In 108 minutes, the Vostok-1 spacecraft with Yuri Gagarin on board at a speed of about 28,000 km per hour completed a full orbit around the globe and landed safely on Earth.

How do astronauts prepare for flights?

A simulator called a centrifuge is used to train astronauts.

Astronaut clothes -


Cosmonauts wear it during the launch and descent of a rocket, when they go into outer space.

  • Biological (plants are grown, various experiments are carried out).
  • Medical observations (the effect of space on the body);
  • Technical observations (provide space and radio-television communications, study the surface of the earth, report on places where minerals are discovered).

History of the holiday World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day is a memorable date celebrated on April 12, established to commemorate the first human flight into space. In the USSR it was established by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated April 9, 1962. Celebrated as Cosmonautics Day. Since 1968, the domestic Cosmonautics Day has received official worldwide recognition after the establishment of World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day.

Monument to the first satellite In March 1958, a few months after the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite, a competition was announced for the best design of an obelisk in honor of the opening of the space age of mankind. From more than 350 proposals, the design of the sculptor A. P. Faydysh-Krandievsky and the architects A. N. Kolchin and M. O. Barshch was chosen. The grand opening of the monument took place on October 4, 1964, on the seventh anniversary of the launch of the first satellite.

The dog Laika Laika is the first living creature launched into Earth orbit. She was launched into space on November 3, 1957 at half past five in the morning Moscow time on the Soviet ship Sputnik 2, where she was housed in a space kennel the size of a washing machine.

The dog Laika At that time, Laika was about two years old and weighed about 6 kilograms. Like many other animals in space, the dog died during the flight 5-7 hours after launch; she died from stress and overheating, although it was expected that she would live for about a week. Although Laika failed to survive, the experiment confirmed that a living passenger could survive launch into orbit and weightlessness; Thus, Laika paved the way for people into space.

Monument to Laika On April 11, 2008, a monument to Laika was erected in Moscow on Petrovsko-Razumovskaya Alley on the territory of the Institute of Military Medicine, where the space experiment was being prepared. The two-meter-high monument represents a space rocket turning into a palm on which Laika proudly stands.

Belka and Strelka Belka and Strelka are dogs launched into space on the Soviet spacecraft Sputnik 5, the prototype of the Vostok spacecraft, and stayed there from August 19 to 20, 1960. Belka and Strelka are the first living beings to return safely to Earth after an orbital flight. A few months later, Strelka gave birth to six healthy puppies. One of them was personally asked by Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev. He sent it as a gift to Caroline Kennedy, daughter of US President John F. Kennedy. Currently, stuffed animals are in the Moscow Cosmonautics Museum.

In 2004, Object Media LLC released the animated film “Star Tale,” where the dogs Belka and Strelka are among the main characters in the story. In 2004, Object Media LLC released the animated film “Star Tale,” where the dogs Belka and Strelka are among the main characters in the story. Animation Studio Toonbox (“The Real Adventures of Belka and Strelka”) (2008). Animation Studio Toonbox (“The Real Adventures of Belka and Strelka”) (2008). Film studio “National Film Center” (CNF) (“Belka and Strelka. Star Dogs”) (2008). Film studio “National Film Center” (CNF) (“Belka and Strelka. Star Dogs”) (2008).

Man in space On April 12, 1961, Soviet cosmonaut Major Yu. A. Gagarin launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome on the Vostok spacecraft and, for the first time in the world, made an orbital flight around the planet Earth. The flight in near-Earth space lasted 108 minutes.

Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov Serial number 15 - (11) Number of flights - 2 Duration of flights - 7 days 00 hours 33 minutes 08 seconds. Spacewalks, the first person to walk in outer space. The duration of the release is 23 minutes 41 seconds. Status - USSR pilot-cosmonaut, 1st Air Force recruit.
Tereshkova Valentina Nikolaevna 10th cosmonaut in the world, 6th cosmonaut in the USSR. March 12, 1962 - by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force 67, she was enrolled in the cosmonaut detachment of the Air Force Cosmonaut Center for the position of student-cosmonaut of the 2nd detachment. Since December 1, 1962 - cosmonaut of the 1st detachment of the 1st department. June 16, 1963 - 3rd class cosmonaut. 10th cosmonaut in the world, 6th cosmonaut in the USSR. March 12, 1962 - by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force 67, she was enrolled in the cosmonaut detachment of the Air Force Cosmonaut Center for the position of student-cosmonaut of the 2nd detachment. Since December 1, 1962 - cosmonaut of the 1st detachment of the 1st department. June 16, 1963 - 3rd class cosmonaut.

Svetlana Evgenievna Savitskaya Serial number (53) Number of flights - 2 Flight duration - 19 days 17 hours 07 minutes 00 seconds. Number of spacewalks - 1 Duration of work in open space - 3 hours 34 minutes. Status: test cosmonaut.

Presentation of a class hour for Cosmonautics Day. Goal: to form an idea of ​​space, to familiarize students with the science of astronomy and the profession of an astronaut. give students an idea of ​​what a spaceship, orbital station, Universe, galaxy, weightlessness, outer space, descent vehicle are; expand their ideas about stars and planets; introduce children to the biography of the first cosmonaut - Yu. Gagarin; history of space exploration; to cultivate the desire to always achieve a set goal, to be independent, to develop techniques of analysis, synthesis, comparison, visual memory, imagination; Teach children to listen thoughtfully and carefully.

Since ancient times, people began to think about the questions: “What is space? What if there is life on other planets besides planet Earth?”

And then scientists and designers created the first Vostok spacecraft.

A spaceship is a complex technical system. And before putting a person in it, the equipment must be checked.

Before man flew into space, animals were there.

What do astronauts eat? Astronauts eat food that is stored in canned form. Before use, canned food and tubes are heated, and packages with first and second courses are diluted with water.

In just 51 years since the first manned space flight, 100 cosmonauts have been in space, including 3 women.
