Scenario for a woman's 60th birthday. Scenarios

Usually people try to celebrate big holidays in a cafe or restaurant. But sometimes you want to sit at home with family and friends and just relax. But you can and should have fun at home too. And it will help you with this new script for a woman’s 60th birthday with competitions at home, which is time-tested. This scenario will make your holiday the brightest, and you won’t even notice that you are celebrating your anniversary at home.

After the guests have congratulated and presented gifts, the celebration can begin. And immediately a toast.

How do people react to some trick or stupidity? They say – what are you allowing yourself to do?!
So I want to say to our hero of the day - what are you allowing yourself to do? Start allowing yourself more immediately! Rest more, smile more, pamper yourself more and just enjoy life more!
I propose to drink to the hero of the day to allow herself more in her life!

Now let's move on to the competition. And first, a little warm-up.
In this competition, guests will congratulate the hero of the day in a special way. For example, the hero of the day’s name is Ekaterina. This means, starting with the first guest, everyone takes turns coming up with a congratulation for the first letter of her name, the letter E. Then, starting with the second guest, they come up with a congratulation for the letter K. Then for the letter A, and so on, according to the letters of the hero of the day’s name. Which of the guests could not come up with a congratulation in turn is eliminated.

An interesting toast and a reason to drink.
Next, we offer you an interesting toast, which you need to rearrange a little in your own way to make it more believable. Change it like this. So that this toast is suitable for your hero of the day. Read the toast further and you will understand for yourself what you should change.

To conduct this competition, you need approximately the following masks:

You can print out these masks and add an elastic band to them so that the masks stay on your head. We put on masks for the competition participants so that they cannot see what type of mask they are wearing. Then all participants stand in a circle facing forward. They see each other's masks, but cannot see their own. They start asking questions about their mask, and others answer: yes or no. And the participants must guess what kind of mask they have on their face. Whoever does this first wins.

Musical competition.
The essence of the competition is to guess the songs that the hero of the day will perform. Therefore, we need to discuss these songs with her in advance. And on anniversaries, when the presenter read out an excerpt. Guests must guess what song it is. And when you guessed right, perform it in chorus.
Poems for the competition:

A scene for the hero of the day with the presentation of gifts.
It's time to laugh a little and give funny gifts. And a funny skit that the guests will show will help us with this. It is best to rehearse this scene in advance. Then everything will go smoothly.

Competition – final congratulations.
For the competition you need glasses with pieces of paper with tasks glued to the bottom. We place all the glasses on a tray and pour alcohol into them. We bring the tray to the guests, and they choose one glass and drink it. Then I turn the glass over and they read their task, which they have to complete.
Examples for tasks:
- Dance a belly dance;
- Congratulate with a whistle;
- Say a toast to all guests;
- Stand on a chair and loudly confess your love to the hero of the day;
- Kiss each guest on the cheek and say thank you for coming;
- Tell a joke, and then tell a moral for the hero of the day;
- Sing a song in honor of the hero of the day;
And so on, simple but interesting tasks.

Any holiday is always fun and laughter, great mood and a lot of jokes. And an anniversary, even if it’s for a woman, and even if it’s a little older, is also an excellent reason to have fun and make some noise. Don't believe me? Then read the new one cool script anniversary of a woman’s 60th birthday, and you will see everything for yourself. A fully prepared script for a home celebration will help you organize the fun on your own, and the guests will be satisfied.

Meeting the hero of the day

The hero of the occasion turns sixty years old. Surely over the years she has accumulated quite a few photographs, which will be useful to us at the beginning of the holiday. You need to make a slide show from her photos. You need to start with early photographs and move further along the path of life. Choose serious photos from serious events and mix them up with funny and amusing photos from get-togethers with friends and so on.
At the beginning of the holiday, when all the guests are seated at the table, turn on the presentation and read the pre-written text from the photographs. This should be a kind of guide to the life of the hero of the day. Somewhere the text is serious, somewhere funny, to make it more fun.
When the slide show is over, you offer to raise the first toast to her - to the hostess of the evening.

Main holiday

The main holiday begins and guests begin to congratulate the birthday girl. Let's make it unusual and interesting.
To do this, the host distributes to each guest one card on which birds and animals are drawn. When everyone has received cards, the presenter says:
- and now a titmouse has flown in to congratulate our beloved birthday girl on her anniversary!
And after these words, the guest who has a titmouse on his card comes up with a congratulation and pronounces it in the titmouse way! How to do this, everyone decides for themselves. After all, someone will have to congratulate on behalf of a bear, someone on behalf of a hedgehog, and so on. It turns out to be a fun game block.

Do you count how many glasses the guests drank? It turns out that at least two, and maybe more. And now is the time to play a game called a sobriety test!
This is done very simply. Find difficult-to-pronounce tongue twisters or sayings on the Internet and invite your guests to read them. Prepare beautiful cards, write tongue twisters on them and let the guests take out the task for themselves.
Here is an example of difficult to pronounce phrases:

Presentation of a diploma to the hero of the day from children

If the hero of the occasion has children, then be sure to carry out this block. Everything here is quite simple: the child or children of the birthday girl say their words, congratulate, and then present a beautiful diploma:

Also, along with the diploma, children can give their mother the main gift, if any.

A small scene for an anniversary

Here you can show it to your mother with your guests funny scene. This is not difficult to do, for example, watch the following video, where it is very funny scene performed by guests and the host of the event.

Competition YES or NO

For this competition you need to prepare signs that say YES and NO. Each guest has such signs and the birthday girl also has them. At the same time, the birthday girl sits with her back to the guests. The host asks the guests a question, and the guests raise the sign to answer it. And then the birthday girl herself answers the question. Whichever guest answered correctly plays next. And so on until there is only one winner left or the questions run out.
You can ask the most common questions, for example:
- does the hero of the day drink more than 5 cups of coffee in one day?
- Were you blonde in your youth?
- Did the birthday girl introduce her parents to the young man immediately or a year after the meetings began?

A funny game with guests

Photo session for everyone

It's time to fool around a little. We will also hold a photo shoot with all the guests in this game block.
For a photo shoot, you need to buy or make various props yourself. Guests choose different things and take pictures with them. For example, like this:

Buildings for the hero of the day

At the end of the holiday, you need to test the hero of the day for dexterity, courage, speed, and so on. And only the hero of the occasion participates in this game block.
First task:
The hero of the day puts boxing gloves on her hands, and she must write the inscription in them: It’s my anniversary! You can write with felt-tip pens or a brush with paint.
Second task:
The birthday girl is given sucking candies, she puts them in her mouth and with her mouth full says the following:
- Thank you for coming to my anniversary!
Or this:
- Dear guests! You are the best! I love you all!
Third task:
- go up to each guest, clink glasses with them and say a compliment to each guest. And then we all have a drink together!

After all the tasks, the presenter says that the hero of the day has coped with everything perfectly and can calmly step over the next annual milestone and invites all guests in five years to the next round date.

Exit of the hero of the day. Music can be happy...cheerful Festive overture by Tchaikovsky

Ved. Guests attention!

Equal to the queen of the celebration!

The birthday girl enters

CHORUS: Congratulations!!! You can clap the cracker.

Ved. Maria Ivanovna!

Loving with all my heart,

Congratulations dear

Happy anniversary to you!

Ved. 2 We wish you

And the cup of happiness is full

Carry in your hands

We give flowers.

Days pass, years fly by.

We are growing up with them.

And in the hustle and bustle of many things

We forget about age.

And suddenly it came - the anniversary!

We weren't expecting him.

Two numbers next to each other

We didn't seem to call them.

And guests come to you, calls, calls,

And congratulations pour in.

The words are pleasant and easy...

And the eyes laugh!

The anxiety and vanity are gone,

Excitement, no fear!

Yes, life is pleasant! Beauty!

You are the prom queen!

And everything today is just for you

Flowers, smiles, looks, speeches

And many familiar eyes,

Hall decoration, toasts, candles.

We also congratulate you

Happy anniversary!

Health, happiness, earthly blessings

We wish you with respect

You have achieved so much!

You are loved at home and appreciated at work.

You are full of plans and ideas.

You spend every day caring.

Today, away from worries and labors.

Carpet underfoot!

May your secret dreams come true,

And the Angel will be with you.

Harmony, success to you in everything

And new creative discoveries,

Love, warmth, smiles in the house

And only good events in life.

Ved. 1 Let's raise a glass to our hero of the day, Maria!

Ved. Firecrackers fire! The glasses are clinking!

And pleasant speeches flow!

The bouquets stand solemnly in a row!

Candles are lit in honor of you!

Ved Today a special day for you!

Today is your anniversary day!

Fanfares are thundering in honor of you today!

And speeches are dedicated to you!

Word to the chief guest

Girlfriend Well, hello my friend!

Get a bigger mug,

Your anniversary has arrived!

Pour the wine quickly!

I've been living for six months now

in his seventies.

And now I’ll tell you:

You know, it's okay.

Life still flows

He won't ask about age.

Every day gives something

He brings good things.

Let's take some positivity for ourselves,

Let's discard the rest.

Let's go through life with the sun

Let it be autumn already !

A word to my sister

You can toast to the hero of the day, or you can toast to her parents)


Toast to parents

Our hero of the day would not exist without her parents

And now, friends, the moment has come

Fill a glass for your parents!

For those who gave life to Mary

And opened the doors to a beautiful world,

For those who taught her kindness

And he gave her the wisdom of generations.

For those thanks to whom, now

She sits among us with a smile!

So, let's drink to our parents

Ved 1 Life goes by day by day

A series of events occurs.

But most importantly in your lifetime

Faith, no more important day comes.

Ved 2What per day?

What I'm talking about?

What do you remember with a smile of happiness?

How many years have you been in the world?

Son's birthday

You don't forget.

But does the son know his mother well?


Vera writes on the board, and her son answers orally

  1. What color are Maria's eyes?
  2. Mom's favorite flower
  3. Favorite song
  1. What's your favorite treat?
  2. Favorite movie?
  3. Favorite season?
  4. Favorite color.

Ved.1 Attention! Attention! Maria Ivanovna! Meet new guests

Hey, let's hear those who work together. They pull a big box like barge haulers. Ribbons or ropes are tied to the box.

First option)

Hey, let's go! Hey, let's go!

One more time, one more time!

Hey, let's go!

They pulled it out. They wiped the sweat from their faces. We sighed. Oh! and started singing

Oh, let's go! Hey, let's go!

One more time, one more time!

Hey, let's go!

(box based on the song)

Our box is full

There are many different things to do in it,

It contains reports, plans, information,

I didn't have time to capture everything!

We go to sleep under the pillow

We place a new order (request)

Maybe in the morning that will change

And we will find the answer there

We need to work with those lagging behind

I have no time at all

It’s time to make the necessary notes

Prepare all the papers

Our head teacher Mary Ivanovna

In pedagogy for a long time

Everybody's working on papers

There are no fewer of them anyway.

On Marie Ivanovna's anniversary

We'll clean up the work

Plans, analyzes, certifications

We'll lock you in this box

Only the black night knows

Where is the box key?

But she's so dark

will keep our secret

So today Mary Ivanovna

Take a break from work

May you be at home with your family, dear,

On the anniversary he will drink wine

Congratulations from colleagues. Those who wished to speak, hey, let's say our colleagues, say their congratulations.

Ved. 1.. A parcel with a gift arrived from the fairyland of Maria Ivanovna’s childhood. But to get to the gift, you need to unwrap the paper in which it is wrapped. Each new paper can be removed after reading the congratulations sent to Maria Ivanovna by the fairy tale hero known to all of us, whose name must be guessed. So, Maria Ivanovna, we read the first telegram, and the guests are ready to help name the author of the congratulations.

The hero of the day unfolds, we help solve everything together.


Cheerful joker ... CARLSON


HAVE FUN, Mashenka! …..... MALVINA













Golden key as a gift

Ved. 1 key out of happiness they gave Maria

May she be happy

Let her eyes be so beautiful

We always see the glow of fire

Ved. 1 A combat squad of Mrs. Perfection called 6+ came to us for our anniversary

Coming out Mrs. perfection or perfect full maturity

To the chant.

Three four

Three four

Who walks together in a row

The most combative squad

Friendly, brave

Dexterous, skillful

Friendly column

Came to the anniversary

To our dear Verochka

They brought a gift!

Sing a song!

We won’t brag, dear ones.

We know what we are telling you

Happy anniversary

We give a song to Mashenka

Sits like a princess

Eyes glow with fire

We wish her good mood

Be perfect in everything

We have achieved perfection

A little earlier than she

We'll give her a certificate

With a cup full of wine

And we’ll also tell Masha

Life is as beautiful as spring

Just try your best

Be full of optimism!

Squad! Attention! Celebrating the hero of the day!

Present the hero of the day with a commemorative badge of admission to the Mrs. Excellence squad!

(either a certificate, a ribbon, or a badge is awarded

Everyone can say something to Masha

So, let's drink to our new Mrs. perfection

Ved. 2 Maria Ivanovna, guests have arrived from a distant country. They ask to give them the floor for congratulations

(men come out. Hats, scarves. One has a guitar in his hands. They can sing, they can just imitate, a soundtrack sounds.

Sai kentiamo sen priamo

Uno-uno-uno complimento

About Sacramento Sacramento Sacramento

Mare bel la donna eon belcanzone

Sai kentiamo sen priamo

Donna Belle la mare credary cantare

Dami il momento keni pyaci drink

Uno-uno-uno-un momento uno-uno-uno sentimentto

Uno-uno-uno complimento

Sacramento Sacramento Sacramento

Sacramento Sacramento

The music plays and someone says the translation.

A beautiful woman walks along a deserted school corridor. The sea splashes in her eyes. The bell for class had already rung. 5 men left the teachers' room. They lingered over a glass of whiskey, discussing innermost thoughts and school matters. A beautiful woman walks towards them. The sea is raging in my eyes.

One time, one moment. What a beautiful song. We love you Maria Ivanovna.

Give us time to like you.

One moment. One meaning. One compliment. And the secret...

Congratulations from teachers primary school. They go out to the sound of steam pam pam (I have this music, bows on my head.)

We are representatives of the primary school

Very responsible, important and nice

(Bad guy: To give us five in the magazine) they push her and again

They came to congratulate Maria Ivanna

And I wish her health and happiness.

Maria Ivanovna studied a lot

And she worked with us at the elementary school

We love her, we honor her, we respect her

Bad guy (We expect bonuses from the head teacher or

We expect days from her for the holidays) they shush Plohish and say

We love her, we honor her, we respect her,

We appreciate it and continue its work

We wish her success in her work

Lots of fun, enthusiasm and laughter

And also attention and understanding

bad (We only expect compassion from her) they cover the Bad guy’s mouth

And also attention and understanding

In a family of complete adoration

Let Vera's eyes shine brightly

And they pay her compliments

Bad guy And we all drink milk for her (Bad guy sits down)

May her life be easy

Joyfully happy and good

Bad Guy: Uh, that's it!

We sat with you for a long time

Drank a lot, ate a lot

They made long speeches,

But it's time for everyone to stand up

Stretch your legs and arms

Dance with the hero of the day

Final words:

The years are passing, they are in a hurry

Everyone is in a hurry somewhere

They won't stop

They fly, they fly, they fly.

And life goes on

The colors don't fade in it

And let you continue

Desires own

The desire to live, love, dream,

And admire the world

Bloom, create and create

Climb to the peaks.

Let the whole world turn to you

The bright, good side

And take luck and good fortune

On the road with you

May your life be light

Let him walk easily

What is planned, always

let it happen

Happiness, health, prosperity.

Description: An anniversary script for a woman’s 60th birthday with songs, adaptations, competitions, riddles for adults. Cons of the songs are attached.

/The exit of the hero of the day to ceremonial fanfare./

– Hello, dear guests and hero of the day! At this table today people have gathered who are connected by one huge, and, fortunately, fulfillable desire: to wholeheartedly congratulate our dear Lyubasha on her 60th birthday (change the name of the woman celebrating the anniversary to the desired one).

We would like to congratulate you on your anniversary,
A beautiful date - sixty...
How much success we have
But we can’t turn life back...

May joy and love surround you,
And happiness in your soul instantly blossoms.
Relatives, loved ones are next to you,
What is more important than this, my friend?

Although the years fly by like an arrow,
You will always be young for us!
You are getting better, day by day!
We want to drink for you now!
/pause for drinks/

At this table there is a person who surprises Lyuba all her life - her husband. This helped them maintain their love and become the closest people to each other. The husband still wants to amaze Lyuba by giving her a real serenade.

To the tune of “When spring will come, I don’t know...”

I don’t know where the years fly,
And you're still just as good
I'm burning with love for you,
You are my heart and soul!
There's so much with you

Presenter: How great it is that the love of the birthday girl and her husband not only did not fade away, but finally burst out! Children, grandchildren - it’s your turn to congratulate your mother and grandmother!

The song is remade to the tune of “You’re the only one I have...”

Children sing:

We have only one mother
She is modest in character
Tender as spring
Needed like the Moon!


60 years! Sixty – everything is just beginning!

Presenter: Now we'll have a little quiz. To do this, our hero of the day must fill out a short form in in writing, and guests will answer the same questions orally. I will determine the most correct answers based on the completed questionnaire. The birthday girl’s opinion is the law today, don’t try to understand the woman!

Survey questions:

1. What name would the hero of the day give herself if her opinion were taken into account at birth?
2. What role would you like to play in a movie?
3. What affectionate name does she call her husband?
4. What was her name as a child?
5. What does a woman need to be completely happy?
6. What quality do you value in people?


According to the results of the quiz, the one who guessed the closest answers receives the “Order” “For Attention and Understanding” - presented by the presenter, and the birthday girl awards the “Order” “Birthday Girl’s Favorite” to the one whose answers she liked the most, even if they were not like hers.

“Orders” are made of foil cardboard.

Presenter: The mystery of a woman is not beauty at all,
After all, there are no ugly women!
There is a riddle in the mind and in simplicity,
With which she conquers everyone!
And our hero of the day is good,
Well, who wouldn’t agree with this?


Sketch song to the tune “Oh, Van, look at the parrots...” sung:


Well, where is the happy girl?
Which one celebrates sixteen?
So slim, so beautiful,
What can you eat and gain weight?



Luring the hero of the day and guests into a circle for a quick dance. The musical accompaniment of this dance is at the level of Serduchka (as an option - a children's dance).

Ah, woman, you are 60 today...
And it was 18... only 42 years ago.
But the heart also beats hotly,
He wants to embrace the whole world with love.


- Are you tired? But our dear Lyubochka is not! After all, she has so much strength and energy! Anyone will be jealous. And this is all because she is a very positive and kind person.
And to relax a little, I suggest solving riddles.

Riddles about the anniversary

1. It’s on the table
The aroma will captivate you,
Vegetable, sausage,
The coolest! (Olivie)


– You’ve solved all the riddles, which means you haven’t given in too much! We urgently need to fix it and drink to the hero of the day!
/Pause for feast/

Competition for a comic toast for the hero of the day

Prepare clean leaves in advance. Give them to your guests. And give this task:

– Dear guests, let’s play such a game. You need to remember and write down all the attributes of a rich and happy life.

– Limousine
– Villa


The text in which to insert these attributes:

– Our dear Lyubochka!
We wish you to have the coolest... So that you can show off the most expensive things in the world... So that you share with us your best...


But most importantly, be healthy, loved and happy! Because health, love and friendship are not bought or sold!

Song-remake to the tune of Leps - The Best Day:

Five hundred thousand hours behind me
Millions of planets above you,
But we wish you to live a long time.


This was an introduction to the script. To purchase the full version with music tracks 4 pcs. go to cart. After payment, the material and tracks will be available for downloading via a link on the website, or from a letter that will be sent to you by e-mail.

Price: 215 R ub.

Description: An anniversary script for a woman’s 60th birthday with songs, adaptations, competitions, riddles for adults. Cons of the songs are attached.

/The exit of the hero of the day to ceremonial fanfare./

– Hello, dear guests and hero of the day! At this table today people have gathered who are connected by one huge, and, fortunately, fulfillable desire: to wholeheartedly congratulate our dear Lyubasha on her 60th birthday (change the name of the woman celebrating the anniversary to the desired one).

We would like to congratulate you on your anniversary,
A beautiful date - sixty...
How much success we have
But we can’t turn life back...

May joy and love surround you,
And happiness in your soul instantly blossoms.
Relatives, loved ones are next to you,
What is more important than this, my friend?

Although the years fly by like an arrow,
You will always be young for us!
You are getting better, day by day!
We want to drink for you now!
/pause for drinks/

At this table there is a person who surprises Lyuba all her life - her husband. This helped them maintain their love and become the closest people to each other. The husband still wants to amaze Lyuba by giving her a real serenade.

To the tune of “When spring will come, I don’t know...”

I don’t know where the years fly,
And you're still just as good
I'm burning with love for you,
You are my heart and soul!
There's so much with you

Presenter: How great it is that the love of the birthday girl and her husband not only did not fade away, but finally burst out! Children, grandchildren - it’s your turn to congratulate your mother and grandmother!

The song is remade to the tune of “You’re the only one I have...”

Children sing:

We have only one mother
She is modest in character
Tender as spring
Needed like the Moon!


60 years! Sixty – everything is just beginning!

Presenter: Now we'll have a little quiz. To do this, our hero of the day must fill out a short questionnaire in writing, and the guests will answer the same questions orally. I will determine the most correct answers based on the completed questionnaire. The birthday girl’s opinion is the law today, don’t try to understand the woman!

Survey questions:

1. What name would the hero of the day give herself if her opinion were taken into account at birth?
2. What role would you like to play in a movie?
3. What affectionate name does she call her husband?
4. What was her name as a child?
5. What does a woman need to be completely happy?
6. What quality do you value in people?


According to the results of the quiz, the one who guessed the closest answers receives the “Order” “For Attention and Understanding” - presented by the presenter, and the birthday girl awards the “Order” “Birthday Girl’s Favorite” to the one whose answers she liked the most, even if they were not like hers.

“Orders” are made of foil cardboard.

Presenter: The mystery of a woman is not beauty at all,
After all, there are no ugly women!
There is a riddle in the mind and in simplicity,
With which she conquers everyone!
And our hero of the day is good,
Well, who wouldn’t agree with this?


Sketch song to the tune “Oh, Van, look at the parrots...” sung:


Well, where is the happy girl?
Which one celebrates sixteen?
So slim, so beautiful,
What can you eat and gain weight?



Luring the hero of the day and guests into a circle for a quick dance. The musical accompaniment of this dance is at the level of Serduchka (as an option - a children's dance).

Ah, woman, you are 60 today...
And it was 18... only 42 years ago.
But the heart also beats hotly,
He wants to embrace the whole world with love.


- Are you tired? But our dear Lyubochka is not! After all, she has so much strength and energy! Anyone will be jealous. And this is all because she is a very positive and kind person.
And to relax a little, I suggest solving riddles.

Riddles about the anniversary

1. It’s on the table
The aroma will captivate you,
Vegetable, sausage,
The coolest! (Olivie)


– You’ve solved all the riddles, which means you haven’t given in too much! We urgently need to fix it and drink to the hero of the day!
/Pause for feast/

Competition for a comic toast for the hero of the day

Prepare clean leaves in advance. Give them to your guests. And give this task:

– Dear guests, let’s play such a game. You need to remember and write down all the attributes of a rich and happy life.

– Limousine
– Villa


The text in which to insert these attributes:

– Our dear Lyubochka!
We wish you to have the coolest... So that you can show off the most expensive things in the world... So that you share with us your best...


But most importantly, be healthy, loved and happy! Because health, love and friendship are not bought or sold!

Song-remake to the tune of Leps - The Best Day:

Five hundred thousand hours behind me
Millions of planets above you,
But we wish you to live a long time.


This was an introduction to the script. To purchase the full version with music tracks 4 pcs. go to cart. After payment, the material and tracks will be available for downloading via a link on the website, or from a letter that will be sent to you by e-mail.

Price: 215 R ub.
