Contract agreement for the production of outdoor advertising. Sample contract for the production and installation of outdoor advertising, concluded between legal entities. Form of a standard contract for the production of advertising.

AGREEMENT No. 23/08/2010

Cheboksary "___"________ 2014

Individual entrepreneur……………………………………., hereinafter referred to as "Customer", acting on the basis of a state certificate. series registration…………. No.……………….., on the one hand and Individual entrepreneur………………….., hereinafter referred to as "Executor", acting on the basis of a state certificate. registration No. …………………… for the Chuvash Republic, on the other hand, collectively referred to as the “Parties” have entered into this agreement as follows.

1. The Subject of the Agreement

1.1. The Customer instructs, and the Contractor assumes obligations to carry out work and provide services for the production, delivery and installation of an advertising structure in Cheboksary at the address:………………………., d. …………. according to the specifications (Appendix No. 1) of this agreement.

1.2. The Contractor performs the work in accordance with the duly approved documentation, which is an annex to this contract and determines the volume, content of the work and other requirements for it, as well as the terms of this Agreement, which determine the cost of the work and the timing of its completion.

1.3. The work is considered completed after the signing of the acceptance certificate for completed work by the Customer or his authorized representative.

2. Deadlines for completion of work.

2.1 The Contractor is obliged to fulfill its obligations under this agreement within a period not exceeding 20 (twenty) banking days from the date of conclusion of this agreement and from the moment of receipt from the Customer of 70 (seventy)% of the prepayment, namely 95,200 (ninety-five thousand two hundred) rubles. , according to clause 3.2. agreement.

3. The cost of work under the contract and the procedure for payment.

3.1. The total cost of the work is 136,000 (one hundred thirty-six thousand) rubles, not subject to VAT (Notice on the possibility of using a simplified taxation system No. 1357 dated December 6, 2006). The contract price is fixed for the entire duration of the Contract.

3.2. The prepayment under the agreement is 70 (seventy)% in the amount of 95,200 (ninety-five thousand two hundred) rubles. The customer makes the final payment for the work performed after he signs the acceptance certificate for the work performed within 5 (five) banking days.

3.3. Payments are made by the Customer in cash or by bank transfer in accordance with current legislation.

3.4. The Customer's obligations to pay funds under the contract are considered fulfilled from the moment the funds are received in the current account or cash is received at the Contractor's cash desk.

3.5. If the Customer identifies a discrepancy in the information about the volume, content and cost of work reflected in the actual work performed and their cost determined by this Agreement, the latter, within 3 working days after discovering this discrepancy, notifies the Contractor about this and does not sign the documents until the Contractor there are corresponding changes in them.

3.4. Scope of work performed by the Contractor with deviations from the specifications, as well as the terms of this Agreement, are not subject to acceptance and payment by the Customer until the deviations are eliminated.

4. Rights and obligations of the parties to the Agreement.

4.1. The performer is obliged:

4.1.1. Check the operation of the installed advertising structure with the participation of the Customer.

4.1.2. Eliminate at your own expense any deficiencies in the work performed that were discovered by the Customer during its acceptance, as well as during the Contractual warranty period;

The deadline for eliminating deficiencies by the Contractor is within 3 (three) working days from the date of receipt of the relevant notification from the Customer.

4.2. The customer is obliged:

4.2.1. Ensure your presence or the presence of your authorized representative when performing contractual work and signing the Acceptance Certificate;

4.2.2. Perform in full and with proper quality other duties assigned to the Customer in accordance with the order.

5. Date and time of installation.

5.1. The date and time of installation of the advertising structure and the Contractor's arrival for installation are specified by the Contractor no later than 1 day before the planned installation date, unless otherwise specified when placing the order. The date and time of installation of the product is determined by the Contractor, taking into account clause 5.2. actual agreement. By agreement between the parties, the installation date may be postponed to an earlier date.

5.2. The actual time of arrival of the Contractor to the installation may differ from the established one by no more than 2 hours.

6. Changing the date of installation work.

6.1. Changing the installation date is possible at the initiative of the Customer with mandatory notification of this to the Contractor no later than 1 day in advance.

6.2. In the event of emergency circumstances affecting the timely execution of the order, the Contractor has the right, on its own initiative, to change the installation date with mandatory notification of this to the Customer no later than 1 day before the planned date of installation of the product and, by mutual agreement of the Parties, set a new installation date and time.

7. Preparatory work carried out by the Customer.

7.1. The customer is obliged to provide the necessary conditions for the work: provide access to the installation site, as well as take measures to protect their property from negative impacts.

8. Acceptance rules.

8.2. Before starting work on the installation of an advertising structure, the Customer is obliged to inspect the product for compliance with the configuration specified in the order package, and also make sure that there are no defects in the appearance of the product.

8.3. The customer is obliged, immediately after installation, to re-inspect the appearance of the product, the quality of installation, and check the functionality of the product and components.

If the Customer has any comments regarding the quality of the product or the installation, he is obliged to make an appropriate note in the acceptance certificate for the work performed. The Contractor is obliged to eliminate all detected deficiencies on his own and at his own expense within the time period specified in the act, while ensuring the safety of the object.

8.4. The facility is accepted into operation only after all work has been completed in full accordance with the documentation, as well as after all defects and shortcomings have been eliminated in accordance with clause 8.3.

9. Quality guarantees.

9.1 The Contractor is responsible for shortcomings (defects) discovered during the warranty period of 12 (twelve) months from the date of signing the work acceptance certificate, unless he proves that they occurred due to normal wear and tear of the object or its parts, or improper operation.

9.2. If during the warranty period it turns out that the quality of the work or materials performed under this Agreement does not meet the established technical requirements, the work was performed by the Contractor with deviations that worsened the result of the work, or with other shortcomings that make the work object unsuitable for normal operation, the customer must notify in writing them to the Contractor, indicating a reasonable time frame for their elimination and demanding that the Contractor eliminate the deficiencies free of charge.

9.3. The warranty period is interrupted for the entire period from the date of written notification of the Customer about the discovery of defects until the day they are eliminated by the Contractor.

10. Responsibility of the parties.

10.1. For violation of obligations by the Contractor (deadlines for the start of repairs, deadlines for eliminating defects and deficiencies under clause 2.1 and clause 8.4 of the Agreement), he pays the Customer a penalty in the amount of 0.1% of the total cost of work for each day of delay until the actual fulfillment of obligations. The penalty specified in this paragraph is charged for each violation separately.

10.2. In addition to the sanctions provided for in this article for failure to fulfill obligations under the Agreement, the party that violated the Agreement shall compensate the other party for both actual damage and lost profits. Payment of penalties for delay or other improper fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement, as well as compensation for losses caused by improper fulfillment of obligations, does not relieve the parties from fulfilling these obligations in kind.

11. Termination of the contract

11.1. The Customer has the right to unilaterally terminate the Agreement and demand the return of the amount paid under the Agreement, as well as compensation for losses incurred, including lost profits, in the following cases:

  • delays by the Contractor in starting work for more than 5 days for reasons beyond the control of the Customer;
  • delays by the Contractor in the progress of work through his fault, when the deadline for completing repairs established in the contract increases by more than 10 days;
  • violation by the Contractor of the terms of the contract, leading to a decrease in the quality of work provided for by the design standards;

In this case, the contract is considered terminated from the moment the Contractor receives a written notice of termination of the contract.

12.2. The Contractor has the right to demand that the Customer terminate the contract by agreement of the parties in the following cases:

  • the other party stops the execution of repair work for reasons beyond the control of the Contractor for a period exceeding 15 days.
  • loss by the Customer of the opportunity to further finance repairs.

12.3. Upon termination of the Agreement by a joint decision of the Customer and the Contractor, the unfinished work is transferred to the Customer, who pays the Contractor the cost of the work performed in the amount determined jointly by them.

12.4. The party that decides to terminate the Agreement in accordance with the provisions of this article sends written notice to the other party within 2 (two) business days before the proposed termination date. The contract is terminated in accordance with the procedure established by law.

13. Other conditions

13.1. All changes and additions to this Agreement are considered valid if they are in writing and signed by the parties to the Agreement. All annexes to this Agreement are an integral part of it.

13.2. Disputes arising during the execution of this Agreement and during the warranty period of repairs are resolved by mutual agreement and settled through negotiations. If the parties do not reach an agreement, the dispute may be referred to the Arbitration Court of the Chuvash Republic-Chuvashia in the prescribed manner.

13.3. If the address or other details change, the parties are obliged to notify each other about this within a week from the date of such changes.

13.4. This agreement is drawn up in 2 (two) original copies having equal legal force, namely: 1 copy for the Customer, 1 copy for the Contractor.

13.5. This agreement comes into force from the moment it is signed by the parties.

13.6. This Agreement is valid until the parties fulfill their obligations.

13.7. In all other respects not specified in this Agreement, the parties are guided by current legislation.

14. Details of the parties:

Limited Liability Company "__", hereinafter referred to as "Customer", represented by the General Director ____ acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and Limited Liability Company"__", hereinafter referred to as "Contractor", represented by the General Director ____ acting on the basis of the Charter, on the other hand, collectively referred to as the “Parties”, and individually - the “Party”, have entered into this Agreement as follows:


1.1. The Contractor undertakes to carry out work on the production of volumetric letters and a logo with open neon "__", assembling an electrical panel, as well as installing these products on a supporting structure located at the address - _____ in accordance with the approved Estimate (Appendix No. 1), and the Customer undertakes accept and pay for work performed in accordance with this Agreement and its Appendices.

1.2 The Contractor undertakes to perform the assigned work in accordance with the technical documentation provided by the Customer and the terms of this Agreement.


2.1. The cost of work under this Agreement is determined by the Estimate (Appendix No. 1) and is _____

2.2. All changes and clarifications on the cost and volume of work performed that are not taken into account in this agreement are considered and agreed upon by the Parties by concluding an additional agreement in writing.


3.1 The Contractor performs work under the contract on time:

beginning of work - within 1 (one) day after receiving the advance payment;

completion of work: within 35 (Thirty-five) working days from the date of commencement of work.

3.2. If reasons are identified that prevent the completion of work within the time limits specified in clause 3.1 of this agreement, the time frame for completing the work must be reviewed and agreed upon by the parties in writing.


4.1. Before the start of work, the Customer transfers to the Contractor's bank account an advance payment in the amount of 50% of the cost of work _____ rubles 00 kopecks, including VAT 18% - ___ rubles 10 kopecks.

4.2. Final payment within 5 (five) days after signing the work acceptance certificate, based on the invoice.


5.1. The Contractor performs the assigned work on its own, in accordance with the technical documentation provided by the Customer, in the volumes and terms stipulated by the contract, and delivers it to the Customer according to the certificate.

The Contractor is not responsible for the quality of working drawings and specifications.

5.2. Fulfills all written and operational orders of the Customer regarding the organization of work related to the general rules of interaction between parties to the Agreement.

5.3. Provides its own personnel with special clothing and personal protective equipment, as well as working tools.

5.4. Eliminates, at his own expense, defects, defects and hidden defects during the work process, if they were caused by the Contractor.

5.5. The warranty period for work performed is 12 months from the date of acceptance into operation. The warranty period is extended for the period of elimination of identified defects.

5.6. Fully fulfills the obligations provided for in other articles of this agreement.


6.1. Pays for work in accordance with sections 2 and 4 of this agreement.

6.2. Monitors the fulfillment of deadlines and the quality of work performed by the Contractor.

6.3. Fully fulfills the obligations provided for in other articles of this agreement.


7.1. The Customer appoints his representative, who, on his behalf, together with the Contractor, accepts the work performed.

7.2. The result of acceptance of the work performed is the signing by the Parties of the acceptance certificate for the work performed.

7.3. Acceptance of the result of the work performed is carried out after the Parties have fulfilled all obligations stipulated by this Agreement, in accordance with the established procedure in force on the date of its signing.


8.1. The parties are released from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations under this agreement if it was a consequence of force majeure circumstances.


9.1. For failure to fulfill the terms of the agreement, the parties bear responsibility under the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

9.2. Each party is responsible for ensuring that the materials used and equipment supplied by that party comply with specifications, government standards and technical specifications.


10.1. Pre-contractual disputes are resolved through negotiations and are not subject to arbitration.

10.2. Disagreements arising during the execution of this agreement are resolved by the parties through negotiations or using the claim procedure.

10.3. If agreement is not reached or if there is no response to the claim within a week, the dispute is subject to consideration in the Moscow Arbitration Court.


11.1. This agreement has been drawn up in two copies, one for each party.

11.2. Any changes and additions to this agreement are valid if agreed upon and signed by both parties.

11.3. All conditions not specified in this agreement are considered in relation to the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

11.4. This agreement is valid from the moment it is signed until the parties fully comply with the terms of the agreement.


12.1. Appendix No. 1 - Estimate



Legal address
Bank __ Payment account
C/s at OJSC SMP Bank, Moscow
Tel. +

__________________. /


__________________/ ______ ./

M.P. M.P.

Appendix No. 1 dated "__________" ___________________ 2018

to Agreement No. _______ dated" _____" ___________________ 2018

Estimate for the production and installation of three-dimensional letters and logo "__".
Overall dimensions 30x5.648 meters. Area 169.4 m\sq. 1 piece.

Light design elements are made with open neon, neon tubes on the element - “Logo”, are made with the electrode immersed in the logo body, on other elements, neon tubes are installed in a “running pattern”. The mortgages for the installation of the structure are provided by the customer.


Price per unit, excluding VAT

Cost without VAT

Total amount, rub., incl. VAT

Production of volumetric lighting elements, components

169 9745,46
Volumetric letters with open neon.
Logo with open neon (neon is done with the electrode immersed in the body)
Electrical panel assembly

Installation of volumetric letters and electrical panel

169 2788,1
Installation of volumetric lighting elements, installation of neon and its switching, installation of an electrical panel and connection of the structure, commissioning.

________ ________ 20__

LLC "________", hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", represented by ________, acting on the basis of the Charter, and

LLC "________", hereinafter referred to as the "Customer", represented by ________________________________________________, acting on the basis of ________________________________________________________________, on the other hand, collectively referred to as the "Parties", and each individually a "Party", have entered into this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") on as follows:


1.2. The name of the work/services, cost, quantity and timing of the work, technical characteristics, address of the work, place and other conditions for the provision of work/services (cost, regulations for the work, terms of payment and timing of the work), are agreed upon by the parties in the Appendices, which are an integral part of part of the Agreement.

1.3. Works/services, the performance of which is the responsibility of the Contractor, are performed from his materials, by his forces and means.

1.4. In the event that the Contractor is provided with trademarks, designs, logos and other images for the purpose of performing work/providing services under this Agreement, the Contractor has the right to use such materials only as directed by the Customer.



2.1.1. Timely provides the Contractor with the necessary information to perform work/services.

2.1.3. In agreement with the Contractor, provides access to facilities.


2.2.1. Complies with the conditions for the performance of work/provision of services agreed upon by the Parties in the Additional Agreements.

2.2.3. Ensures the safety of the results of work/services until they are transferred to the Customer.

2.2.4. If it is impossible to fully or partially fulfill the volumes and terms of the order agreed in the Appendices, the Contractor is obliged to notify the Customer in writing.

2.2.6. At the request of the Customer, he undertakes, before the 20th day of the month following each expired quarter in which there were any business transactions between the Parties, to reconcile mutual settlements as of the last day of the expired quarter by sending to the Customer 2 copies of the signed Reconciliation Certificate for mutual settlements, executed in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The Contractor also undertakes to reconcile mutual settlements as of the day of termination of this Agreement, in the event of its termination.

2.2.7. In order to perform work/provide services under this Agreement, it has the right to independently determine the methods of performing work/providing services, and has the right to involve third parties, while remaining responsible for their actions as if they were their own.

4.2. If the quality of the services/work/products performed under this Agreement does not comply with the terms of Article 3 of this Agreement, then the Customer has the right, at his choice, to demand from the Contractor:

elimination by the Contractor at its own expense of defects in services, works or products within the period agreed with the Customer;

a proportionate reduction in the price set for services/work/products.

4.3. If the shortcomings of the work/service/product within the period established by the Customer were not eliminated by the Contractor or are significant (i.e., the elimination of which requires disproportionate costs, or are identified repeatedly or appear after their elimination) or irreparable, then the Customer has the right to refuse to perform the Contract and demand compensation for losses incurred by him in full.

4.5. If, during acceptance of the result of work/services by the Customer, deviations from the Contract are detected that worsen the result of the work, or other defects in the work, including non-compliance with the Customer’s requirements, the agreed design, including in size, arrangement of image elements, color, etc., the Customer immediately notifies the Contractor about this, draws up a bilateral act with a list of necessary improvements and deadlines for their implementation, or completely refuses acceptance in case of significant deficiencies.

If the Contractor refuses (evades) to sign the specified act, a note about this is made in it, the act is recognized by the parties as having legal force.

The Customer, in the case of drawing up an act, accepts the result of the work from the Contractor only after the Contractor eliminates the identified deviations and shortcomings in the work.


5.1. Payment is made by the Customer by transferring funds to the Contractor’s bank account.

5.2. The Customer makes an advance payment in the amount specified in the Appendix to the Agreement.

5.3. The remaining part of the payment from the total amount specified in the Appendix to each Customer’s task is transferred to the Contractor’s bank account within 5 (Five) working days from the moment the Customer signs the Certificate of Work Completed/Services Rendered/Invoice in the TORG-12 form.

5.4. The cost of the work and/or services of the Contractor not specified in the Price Protocol to this Agreement is determined by agreement of the Parties and is paid by the Customer upon completion of the work and/or provision of services based on invoices issued by the Contractor.


6.1. For violation by the Contractor of the deadlines for performing work/providing services agreed upon in the Appendices, the Contractor, at the request of the Customer, pays a penalty to the Customer in the amount of 0.1% for each calendar day of delay from the cost of unperformed work/services.

6.2. For violation by the Customer of the payment terms, the Customer, at the Contractor's request, pays the Contractor a penalty in the amount of 0.1% of the cost of the unpaid amount for each working day of delay.

6.3. Penalties are applied only if there is a written claim from the Party entitled to collect them.

6.4. The Parties acknowledge that information about the fact of concluding this Agreement about the progress and result of its execution, about the activities of each of the Parties, or the activities of any other company related to the Parties, which is not publicly available and became known to the Parties as a result of the conclusion or execution of this Agreement, is considered confidential. In addition, for the purposes of this Agreement, confidential information is considered to be information that is of commercial value for either Party due to its unknownness to third parties, to which there is no free access on a legal basis, and the owner of the information takes measures to protect its confidentiality (trade secret), as well as other information that does not constitute a trade secret in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, but in respect of which the Party providing such information has declared in writing that it is confidential.

6.5. Neither Party has the right, without the written consent of the other Party, to disclose to third parties the contents of this Agreement, nor has the right to transfer to third parties information recognized as confidential in accordance with this Agreement, except in cases provided for by law, and not to use it in any way. or for purposes other than for the purpose of fulfilling this Agreement, both during its validity period and after its expiration. The Contractor undertakes, for its part, to limit the circle of persons having access to such information to the number reasonably necessary for the proper execution of the terms of this Agreement.

6.6. The Contractor has the right to disclose confidential information to third parties if they are involved in the fulfillment of obligations arising from the Agreement, to the extent necessary for the third parties to fulfill these obligations. In this case, the Contractor will be responsible for the dissemination of the Customer’s confidential information by third parties.

6.8. In case of non-compliance of shipping documents with the form established by the legislation of the Russian Federation or this Agreement, and untimely replacement of shipping documents, the Customer has the right to require the Contractor to pay a fine in the amount of ______ rubles for each document incorrectly executed and not provided on time.


7.1. The Agreement comes into force from the moment it is signed by the parties and is valid until ________ inclusive. The Agreement may be terminated either by mutual agreement of the Parties or at the request of one of them with mandatory written notification to the other party no less than 30 days before the expected date of termination. If neither party expresses a desire to terminate the Agreement 30 days before the end of its term, it is considered extended for the next calendar year, and the number of such extensions is not limited.

7.2. The parties have the right to terminate this Agreement by notifying the other party at least 1 (One) month before the expected date of termination of the Agreement. Notice of termination shall be sent by registered mail with return receipt requested or delivered against signature to an authorized representative of the Party.


8.1. A party is released from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations under this Agreement if this failure was the result of force majeure circumstances that arose after the conclusion of this Agreement, which the party could neither foresee nor prevent by reasonable measures. Such force majeure circumstances include flood, fire, earthquake, other natural phenomena, as well as war or hostilities.

8.2. When one of the parties specified in clause 8.1 occurs. circumstances, the party must immediately notify the other party about them in writing. The notice must contain information about the nature of the circumstances, as well as, if possible, an assessment of their impact on the party’s fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement and the deadline for fulfilling obligations.

11.3. The parties acknowledge the validity of all documents hereunder sent via fax and electronic communication. Original documents must be transferred to the parties within 10 days after transfer.


The location for installation of the Advertisement is approved by the Advertiser only after a visual inspection of the location by a representative of the Advertiser. 2. OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES 2.1. The Advertiser provides the Advertiser with a copy of the approved sketch with samples of paints and other necessary materials to monitor the progress of the work. 2.2. The advertiser presents the advertiser of copies of all the about lease, the detailed plan of the place, the isometric image of the shield of accuracy, the tactical and technical production of the supporting structures Pesalistavian region, which took over performing work in which the Advertiser is not a specialist. 2.3.

AGREEMENT for the production and installation of outdoor advertising No. "" in the person acting on the basis, hereinafter referred to as the "Advertiser", on the one hand, and in the person acting on the basis, hereinafter referred to as the "Advertiser", on the other hand , hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”, have entered into this agreement, hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”, on the following: 1. SUBJECT OF THE AGREEMENT 1.1. The advertiser assumes responsibilities for the production, rental of space and installation of outdoor advertising (hereinafter referred to as Advertising) in the interests of the Advertiser.

6. PAYMENT FOR WORK 6.1. Payment for work is made by the Advertiser on terms in the amount of rubles. 7. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PARTIES 7.1. If the payment deadline is missed, the Advertiser pays the Advertiser % of the Agreement amount for each day of delay.
7.2. If the deadlines for completing the work are violated, the advertiser will be assessed penalties in the amount of % of the amount of this Agreement for each day of delay. 7.3. In case of early termination of this Agreement for the reasons specified in paragraph.
4.2, expenses incurred by the Advertiser are not refundable. 7.4. For failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement, the Advertiser and the Advertiser are liable in accordance with current legislation. 8. FORCE MAJEURE 8.1.

Contract for the production and installation of outdoor advertising


Agreement), he pays the Customer a penalty in the amount of 0.1% of the total cost of work for each day of delay until the actual fulfillment of obligations. The penalty specified in this paragraph is charged for each violation separately.

10.2. In addition to the sanctions provided for in this article for failure to fulfill obligations under the Agreement, the party that violated the Agreement shall compensate the other party for both actual damage and lost profits. Payment of penalties for delay or other improper fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement, as well as compensation for losses caused by improper fulfillment of obligations, does not relieve the parties from fulfilling these obligations in kind.
11. Termination of the contract 11.1.

Each party is responsible for ensuring that the materials used and equipment supplied by that party comply with specifications, government standards and technical specifications. 10. PROCEDURE FOR RESOLUTION OF DISPUTES. 10.1. Pre-contractual disputes are resolved through negotiations and are not subject to arbitration.

10.2. Disagreements arising during the execution of this agreement are resolved by the parties through negotiations or using the claim procedure. 10.3. If agreement is not reached or if there is no response to the claim within a week, the dispute is subject to consideration in the Arbitration Court of the city.
Moscow. 11. FINAL PROVISIONS. 11.1. This agreement has been drawn up in two copies, one for each party. 11.2. Any changes and additions to this agreement are valid if agreed upon and signed by both parties. 11.3.

Contract for the production of advertising structures

The Advertiser approves or rejects all materials submitted for consideration within one day. 3. RIGHTS OF THE PARTIES 3.1. The advertiser has the right to get acquainted with the state of work during the production process.


DURATION OF THE AGREEMENT 4.1. This Agreement is valid from to. The following intermediate stages are agreed upon: 1. Development of sketches.

2. Approval of sketches. 3. Installation of Advertising. 4.2. The Agreement may be terminated at the request of the Advertiser early in the following cases: unsatisfactory content, artistic, aesthetic, etc. quality of the Advertising. The right to assess the quality of the Advertising belongs to the Advertiser, who, in the event of early termination of the Agreement on the above grounds, will not use the Advertising rejected by him; violation by the Advertiser of intermediate deadlines, if such violation jeopardizes the final deadline for execution of the Agreement.. 5. SPECIAL CONDITIONS 5.1.

New business ideas

The Contractor has the right to demand that the Customer terminate the contract by agreement of the parties in the following cases:

  • the other party stops the execution of repair work for reasons beyond the control of the Contractor for a period exceeding 15 days.
  • loss by the Customer of the opportunity to further finance repairs.

12.3. Upon termination of the Agreement by a joint decision of the Customer and the Contractor, the unfinished work is transferred to the Customer, who pays the Contractor the cost of the work performed in the amount determined jointly by them. 12.4. The party that decides to terminate the Agreement in accordance with the provisions of this article sends written notice to the other party within 2 (two) business days before the proposed termination date. The contract is terminated in accordance with the procedure established by law.

Contract for the production and installation of outdoor advertising

The Parties are released from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations under this Agreement if this failure was the result of force majeure or extraordinary circumstances that the Parties could neither foresee nor prevent by reasonable measures. 4.7. The Contractor is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by the Customer for advertising the products, for the Customer’s incorrect depiction of the logo or trademark on the layout, and for the violation of rights to intellectual property results and means of identification.

The Customer bears all responsibility for such violations in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.8. Produced advertising materials upon termination of this Agreement for any reason are returned (not returned) to the Customer.

Contract for the production and installation of outdoor advertising

The Contractor bears full responsibility for compliance with the requirements, norms and rules for the placement of outdoor advertising. 5. DURATION OF THE AGREEMENT. FINAL PROVISIONS 5.1.

This Agreement comes into force from the moment it is signed by both Parties and is valid until » » 5.2. All disputes and disagreements arising between the Parties regarding the fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement will be resolved through negotiations on the basis of the current legislation of the Russian Federation and business customs.

If controversial issues are not resolved during negotiations, disputes are resolved in court in the manner established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 5.4. In the event of a change in the name, location, bank details and other data, each of the Parties is obliged to notify the other Party in writing about the changes that have occurred.

The cost of work under the contract and the procedure for payment. 3.1. The total cost of the work is 136,000 (one hundred thirty-six thousand) rubles, not subject to VAT (Notice on the possibility of using a simplified taxation system No. 1357 dated December 6, 2006).

The contract price is fixed for the entire duration of the Contract. 3.2. The prepayment under the agreement is 70 (seventy)% in the amount of 95,200 (ninety-five thousand two hundred) rubles.

The customer makes the final payment for the work performed after he signs the acceptance certificate for the work performed within 5 (five) banking days. 3.3. Payments are made by the Customer in cash or by bank transfer in accordance with current legislation. 3.4. The Customer's obligations to pay funds under the contract are considered fulfilled from the moment the funds are received in the current account or cash is received at the Contractor's cash desk. 3.5.
The following intermediate stages are agreed upon:

  1. Development of sketches.
  2. Approval of sketches.
  3. Installation of Advertising.

4.2. The contract may be terminated at the request of the Advertiser early in the following cases:

  • unsatisfactory content, artistic, aesthetic, etc.
  • quality of advertising. The right to evaluate the quality of the Advertising belongs to the Advertiser, who, in the event of early termination of the Agreement on the above grounds, will not use the Advertising he rejected;
  • violation by the Advertiser of intermediate deadlines, if such violation jeopardizes the final deadline for execution of the Agreement.

5. SPECIAL CONDITIONS 5.1. All source materials for products are transferred to the Advertiser. 5.2. The parties agreed that the terms of this Agreement are a commercial secret and are not subject to disclosure. 6. PAYMENT FOR WORK 6.1.

Contract for the production and installation of outdoor advertising penalties

The light design elements are made with open neon, the neon tubes on the “Logo” element are made with the electrode immersed in the logo body, on the remaining elements the neon tubes are installed in a “staggered” manner. The mortgages for the installation of the structure are provided by the customer. No.

Name Unit change Quantity Price per unit, excluding VAT Cost, excluding VAT VAT, rub. Total amount, rub., incl. VAT Production of volumetric light elements, components 169 9745.46 1 Volumetric letters with open neon.

m/sq 169 7521.81 1271186.45 228813.6 1500000 2 Logo with open neon (neon is made with the electrode immersed in the body) 3 Electrical panel assembly Installation of volumetric letters and electrical panel 169 2788.1 1 Installation of volumetric light elements, installation neon and its switching, installation of an electrical panel and connection of the structure, commissioning.
