Interesting games for February 23rd for men. Congratulations, invitations, scripts, toasts, frames, postcards, competitions for you at the Holiday Center! Log between your legs

A real holiday should be fun and interesting. Therefore, it is necessary to think through everything in advance so that the participants of the holiday will forever remember it as the best in their lives. If you do for men on February 23rd in the office, then cheerful and cool competitions will help you make the evening brighter and more interesting. We have prepared several new competitions so that you can please and surprise your colleagues. Play and spend your time so that you don’t regret a single minute.

The most accurate.
The defender of the fatherland must shoot straight. We won’t shoot in the office, but we can shoot down cans. For this competition you need jars. You can have empty beer bottles, you can also have full ones. But full cans are hard to knock down, so if you use them, then you need to hit them.
And so, we place all the jars on the table. So that they are at different heights, we put books on the table and put jars on them. We give champagne corks to the competition participants. Each participant must use 7 corks to knock down 5 cans. Whoever manages it gets a prize.

Don't give away the secret.
Defenders of the Fatherland must not only protect, but also keep the secrets of the Motherland. In this competition we will see who can keep a secret.
For this we need glasses. We pour into them: water, salt water, sweet water, vodka and water with lemon juice. We take two or three girls into another room and mix the glasses. The girls return and one man takes turns drinking from each glass. Afterwards the girls must answer where and what happened. To confuse them, a man can deliberately change his face. But this will not be easy to do, so we will see which of the men is a real intelligence officer.

Automatic assembly.
Everyone knows that soldiers have standards. According to which you need to have time to disassemble and assemble the machine within a certain time. And in our competition we will do the same.
First you need to find a picture of the machine on the Internet. Then print it out on a sheet of paper. Cut the leaf into 9-12 pieces. Mix all parts on the table. At the command of the leader, the participants assemble a machine gun, each one their own. That is, you just need to add up all the pictures so that you get one overall picture.

The competition is to find a way.
In this competition, your colleagues will find a way out of the maze. The team has two members: a guy and a girl. You hang a printed labyrinth on the wall and blindfold the man. Give your mind a pen and place it at the beginning of the maze. On command, he must begin to move the pen through the maze in order to exit it. His assistant should help him. Say: left, right and so on. Whoever can get out of the maze first wins.
Here is an example of a maze you can use:

Who am I?
This competition is fun. But it requires a lot of preparation. Namely, you need to make military templates, but without the face. In other words, you need to print out a man in a military uniform on paper and cut out his face. This can be any military man, with any rank and any branch of the military.
The participant does not see the drawing, and sticks his head into the place. Where it's cut out for the face. He asks 3 questions to the others, and then must say who he is, what his rank is, and so on.
The competition is interesting because these outfits will make for a great photo shoot.
Here is an example of such a template.

Participants are divided into teams, each team receives sheets of paper with prepared words that need to be deciphered, and pens. The team that completes the task faster than the rest will win. Examples of words: Nilats - Stalin, strouged - duty, tovertel - helicopter, talyonba - battalion, ridnamok - commander and so on.

By seniority

It is necessary to prepare in advance one or more sets of cards with military ranks: private, corporal, junior sergeant, sergeant, senior sergeant, sergeant major, warrant officer, senior warrant officer, lieutenant, senior lieutenant, captain, major, lieutenant colonel, colonel, major general, general lieutenant, colonel general, marshal. At the signal from the presenter, the competition participants must sort the titles by seniority. The one who does it faster and more correctly wins.

Exposure and stance

Male participants take a marching step position, with one leg raised, and the game begins. Whoever can stand like this the longest and show his endurance receives a reward.

Let's do push-ups, guys.

Each man takes a push-up position and in front of each man, or rather, in front of his face, there is a plate with the same contents on the floor, for example 5-10 grapes, cookies or any other small food items. At the “start” command, participants do push-ups from the floor and eat one item (grape) during one push-up. Whichever participant can do push-ups faster than the rest and eats everything from his plate is the winner.


The presenter prepares in advance and completely unwinds ordinary gauze medical bandages purchased at the pharmacy. The task of the participant in the competition is to wind the bandage back into the roll as quickly as possible. The most dexterous and efficient “nurse” or “nurse” wins.

Three nails for a real man

Each participant receives a board, a hammer and three nails. At the “start” command, participants must drive all three nails into their board, but this must be done with their left hand (the hammer will be in their left hand). Whichever man completes this task first will be the winner.

Have you shoveled snow?

Men are divided into 2 teams, each participant receives a small spoon (mustard or ice cream). An empty bucket (any suitable container) is prepared for each team. Before each command, a pack of salt is poured out and at the command “start” our soldiers begin to throw snow with a shovel, that is, to collect salt into a container with their spoons. The team that does it faster will win.

Remember breakfast in the army

Each participant is given a piece of bread, a piece of butter, a knife and a mug of tea. The task of each participant is to spread butter on the bread and eat the resulting sandwich faster than the others, and then wash it down with a cup of tea. Whoever eats the army breakfast the fastest wins.

Fight like pirates

Couples participate. In each pair, the participants stand with their backs to each other. At the command “start” the participants stand on one leg and begin to fight. Whichever participant is the first to drive the opponent over the line (two lines are drawn in advance at the same distance from the first and second participant) wins. And in the next stage, the winner of the first pair fights in the same way with the winner of the second pair. And the main winner gets a prize.

Of course, Defender of the Fatherland Day is considered one of the most important holidays for each of us. That is why congratulations and competitions for February 23 are thought out in advance. It is very important to spend this day cheerfully and solemnly, so that every man, youth or boy can feel the level of gratitude and respect that the citizens of the country feel for the people who defend their Motherland. After all, a defender is a brave, noble, strong man or youth who sacrifices himself for the good of the entire people.

Therefore, at any enterprise or institution, a congratulations program for this day is prepared in advance. Usually at an enterprise this is done by employees of the organizing committee, and in educational institutions- head of the class or group. Well, in preschool institutions this task is assigned to members of the parent committee.

But that's not all. In general, congratulations can be organized in any family, friendly company or any other unit of society where male representatives are present and there are those who want to honor them on this day.

Of course, the congratulations program in each of the above cases will be slightly different. Moreover, not only congratulatory words or gifts are different, but also competitions, which are very often organized on this day.

Prepare small gifts for competitions. For example, chocolate shoulder straps

On a note! The organizer’s task is to think through the entire competition program in advance, depending on the format of the event and its participants.

It should be borne in mind that the program itself, and at the same time, should not contain vulgar moments. Although in general everything depends on the specific team and the rules that are established in it. But the organizers must know all these nuances in advance.

So, let's start with what are the most popular events for men, which are held at enterprises or companies.

After the representatives of the female half of the team, dressed in beautiful elegant dresses, say pleasant words, the presenter can begin various competitions. The most popular of them is the competition “What kind of surprise?” For this, the most active people who are not afraid to be the first to start the competition program of this corporate event are invited to the stage.

Competition "What's in the bag?" involves guessing which prize the participant will find

After the men leave their seats and go on stage, the presenter gives each of them a warm thick mitten. They put this mitten on their hand. Next, the presenter comes into the game; he presents each man in turn with a bag with various items, which may include:

  • lighter;
  • pen;
  • keychain;
  • toy car and much more.

Participants put their hand into the bag. Then, with a hand in a mitten, they try to understand by touch what object they are holding in their hands. If a man guesses correctly, he gets the item as a gift. Here I would like to clarify that you can use not only a banal lighter or keychain, it can be any item that is easy to distinguish by touch.

School years are the most fun

As mentioned above, events dedicated to the celebration of Defender’s Day are celebrated not only at enterprises and firms, but also at school, including.

For example, competitions such as “most accurate” or “intelligence” can not only entertain the public, but also give participants the opportunity to demonstrate their sports or intellectual skills.

If we talk about the first competition, the whole point here is that you need to determine the most accurate boy among all the participants. To do this, they are given 3 shells, these can be:

  • checkers;
  • balls made of paper;
  • an inflatable ball containing water or any cereal.

For a competition for accuracy, you can use the game darts

Then they set up a bucket that serves as a target. As is already clear from the name of the competition, the one who turns out to be the most accurate wins. This game helps to identify who has the sharpest eye.

In high school, you can hold a competition for accuracy with a rifle

But the second competition, which is called “reconnaissance,” allows you to identify the most attentive person in the class. 6 boys and 1 girl are called. The task is that all male participants must carefully examine the lady standing in front of them. Their task is to remember all the little things in the image of a girl, namely:

  • what she is wearing;
  • the color of her eyes;
  • what shoes are you wearing, and so on.

You can organize a game of scouts at school

Then the guys have to walk out the door. And at this time, all guests will have to change the girl’s image, for example, they can change her blouse or take off her bracelet, and they can also draw a fake mole on her face. In extreme cases, you can even wear contact lenses. After this, the guys go back into the room and begin to re-examine the girl. The one who notices the most changes will win this competition.

On a note! Typically, all children's competitions on February 23 are aimed at allowing participants to show their athletic abilities and other skills.

What competitions can be held in a large space?

Very often, various educational institutions hold various concerts and competitive programs. Such events bring together children from the same parallel or from the same stream. By the way, similar parties are also held in hostels, where young people organize various competitions. For this purpose, it is better to choose rooms where there is enough free space. Let's say this could be an assembly hall or a spacious corridor in a dormitory.

For this format of celebration, the “Obstacle Course” competition is suitable. All the guys present must be divided into 2 teams, each of which must have an equal number of participants. At the end of the room, 2 chairs are installed, but the path to these chairs is blocked by various obstacles. It could be:

  • ladies handbag;
  • bottles made of plastic or glass;
  • dishes;
  • shoes and other items that are on hand.

Each team is also given an equal number of identical items. For example, team A gets a toy gun, and team B gets a toy grenade. The number of these items is equal to the number of participants in each team. Then, at the leader’s whistle, the first members of the team begin to run, their task is that they must bring their object to the designated place and not touch any of the things that lie on the way.

The winner is the team that completes the obstacle course with the fewest hits on all the objects on the floor. By the way, all this action can take place to cheerful music. Then the competition will be even more fun.

You can combine a competition with an obstacle course and accuracy

Funny and cheerful competitions

Particularly interesting will be funny competitions for guys on February 23. Moreover, all of them can be carried out both for schoolchildren and for older audiences. For example, this could be a competition called " ". It will require 3 men and 3 women. They pair up with each other and take turns dancing to rhythmic music. And they do this with their backs to each other. As a result, those present, with the help of applause, must choose the couple that dances better than the rest.

Another one that is both fun and educational competition called “Whose shoulder straps are these?” One representative of the male part of the team participates in it. His task is that he must guess which shoulder straps belong to whom. True, you will have to prepare for this competition in advance. The shoulder straps of a major, sergeant, colonel and other ranks should be printed on A4 sheet. If the participant names everything correctly, then for the rest of the evening he will wear the shoulder straps of a general. Well, or you can celebrate his ingenuity in any other way.

By the way, this version of an exciting quiz is also suitable when you need to decide what competitions to hold on February 23 for sailors. Although for this category of men you can come up with various thematic competitions, ranging from tug of war to music competitions.

Let's have fun according to our interests

Very often, many men want to celebrate this holiday with those who are close to them in spirit. For example, fishermen go fishing together, but hunters go hunting. Well, athletes go to the gym. And here you should also think about what competitions in gym by February 23rd will be most appropriate.

For example, a “lucky lottery” quiz might be very appropriate. To do this, you need to install a lottery machine in the club lobby or at the reception desk, and everyone can draw one ticket. Some of them will turn out to be winning. In the form of winnings, club visitors can be offered discounts on various types of training or even a gift ticket for a number of visits.

If we talk about sports competitions in general, then there may be other options for competitions. Let's say the game is "ball". Of course, it is only relevant if all participants are unfamiliar with each other. The essence of the game is that the participants are given a ball and everyone who picks it up must say their name. In this case, the next one calls the name of the previous participant and his own together. And so on until the very last person. Such a competition will help everyone get to know each other and establish first contact.

Another game, which also, although indirectly, still relates to a sports theme, is called “Boxer Hurries to Work.” Several people can participate in it, each of whom is given boxing gloves, shorts and socks. Everyone puts on gloves at the same time and, at the leader’s signal, tries to put on shorts and socks. The one who completes this task first wins. This competition is considered more hasty than sporting. Although it can also be classified as a sports theme.

In general, it all depends on what exactly the bulk of the men present are interested in. Based on their hobbies, you can think through the conditions of the competition.

A fun and active competition - putting on military clothes at speed

How to spend time in a friendly company?

Of course, Defender's Day can be celebrated not only in a group, but also in a cheerful and friendly company of good friends. For this format of the holiday, you can select a number of competitions that are suitable specifically for an adult audience.

Let’s say for a large company you can choose a competition that has the thematic name “tenants”. To do this, at the end of the room on the table you need to place 2 bottles of alcohol and faceted glasses. Then both teams line up in 2 lines, and the participants begin to run up to the table in turn; whichever team drinks all the alcohol first wins. All this action can be accompanied by cheerful music. However, we do not forget that this competition is suitable for a large company. It is clear that if 6-10 people are participating, then it is better not to conduct such entertainment.

Drinking alcohol at speed for adults will help loosen up teams

But if we are talking about which children's competitions on February 23 are best held at home, then it all depends on the age of the child and the number of those present. The most banal thing can be considered a competition of poems or songs. Then the children can be offered musical competitions. Or the “bandage the wounded” competition. There are 4 people participating here, preferably 2 girls and 2 boys. The girl acts as a nurse, and the boy is a wounded man. And so, whichever nurse is the first to properly bandage the wounded, that team wins.

February 23 is a men's holiday, which is celebrated by all representatives of the stronger sex. A well-thought-out program of competitions and entertainment will turn an ordinary feast into a bright celebration. Outdoor games will not let the defenders of the Fatherland get bored. Original competitions will provide men with the opportunity to compete, shake themselves out of the daily routine and feel like brave, strong warriors.

    Game "Associations"

    Everyone can participate in the game. The first participant whispers any word (for example, window) into the second’s ear. He quietly tells the third player the association for this word. The third participant whispers his association to the next one. This continues until the last player. He must say loudly the word to which he heard the association. After this, the first participant says the word he wished for. Often the result is completely unexpected and funny. The game should be dynamic. Participants should speak to the association quickly, without hesitation.

    Game "I Know Better"

    Participants are divided into 2 teams: men and women. The presenter takes turns asking questions for women from the “Handy Tools” section and for men from the “Kitchen Helpers” section. For each correct answer the team receives 1 point. The team with the most points wins. The losers get the winners' wish.

    Examples of questions for men
    With the help of what non-electric device does the housewife:
    crushes potatoes (massager);
    washes berries and fruits (colander);
    beats eggs (whisk);
    decorates cakes with cream (pastry syringe);
    grinds any spices (mortar).

    Examples of questions for women
    What does the owner use when needed:
    pull out the nail (nail puller);
    remove rust from metal (file);
    cut off high-strength material (hacksaw);
    screw in the screw (screwdriver);
    connect small parts (soldering iron).

    Game "Cinderella"

    Two men are called to play the role of Cinderella. In front of each person, a bowl filled with beans, peas and dry berries, a glass, a decanter of water, 2 brooms and 2 balls is placed on the table. A chair is placed at the same distance from each table. Participants are blindfolded. Their first task is to sort the mixture of grains and berries into different piles. If a grain lands in the wrong pile, the participant receives a penalty point. After the player finishes with the grains, he removes the bandage and drinks as many glasses of water as he received penalty points. Next, he must complete one more task - to drive the ball under the chair with a broom. The winner is Cinderella, who completes all the tasks faster.

    Game "Sumo Wrestlers"

    The game involves two men. To carry it out you will need 2 wrestling costumes. They can be made by sewing thick paralon to the back of clothing big size or put clothes on the participant and fill the legs and jacket with balloons. The more voluminous the suit, the better. For realism, you can wear sumo wrestler shorts over your pants. There is a circle on the floor. The wrestlers enter it. When the gong sounds, the sumo wrestlers begin to wrestle. The goal of the game is to push your opponent out of the circle. Hitting is prohibited. The player remaining in the circle wins. After the battle, other men can also try their hand at this competition.

    4 men participate in the competition: two hussars and two hussar horses. To carry it out you will need 2 plastic or foam sabers and 4 pieces of fabric with Velcro. Hussars are given a saber and 2 pieces of clothing. For realism, you can attach mustaches and epaulets to them. At the sound of the trumpet, the hussars mount their war horses and begin a duel to the death. The goal of each of them is to attach Velcro patches to the enemy. The first flap means injury, the second means death. You can attach rags not only to a hussar, but also to a horse. The winner is the one who hits the enemy first, attaching both flaps to him.

    Two men participate in the competition. To carry it out, you need to prepare 2 plates of jelly or jellied meat, 2 toothpicks or Chinese chopsticks.

    The participants' task is to eat jelly or jellied meat using toothpicks. This should be done with your left hand (left-handed - right). It is strictly forbidden to lift the plate with your hands while helping to drink its contents. You must eat only with the cutlery provided.

    The participant who completes the task faster wins.

    5 men are participating in the competition. To carry it out you will need 5 boxes with different things. For a laugh, you can put in them elements of women's clothing, pacifiers, children's hats or tights, glasses, and a feather scarf.

    A box of clothes is placed in front of each participant. After the “rise” command, men must quickly put on as many things as possible from the box. After 40 seconds, the command “Stop, attention” will sound. Participants must stop and stand at attention for inspection. The presenter, like a real general, assesses how the soldiers gathered. The best-dressed and most original private wins.

Defender of the Fatherland Day is coming very soon, so the female half is puzzled by the question of how to congratulate their male colleagues on February 23rd.

You can pleasantly surprise men and arrange an original greeting for the holiday on February 23 using a quest. We offer ready-made sets of tasks for this game: you just need to print out the tasks and hide them around the office - and the adventure of finding hidden treasure is ready!

If your team has free, informal relationships, and sometimes mini-corporate parties are organized by the employees themselves, you can arrange fun entertainment. We offer a choice of interesting games and competitions that you may also find useful for your home party dedicated to this holiday:

A creative approach to congratulating employees

If relationships in the team allow this, congratulations to the men can be humorous, especially if among you there are masters of Photoshop and skilled at composing a couple of rhyming lines (the costs are minimal, the main thing is the availability of creative abilities and time to complete such a project!)

First option. Make funny collage portraits of each employee, supplement them with funny epigrams or wish poems, print them on a color printer and give them as a gift! Or put all these photos into a single poster and hang it in a prominent place so that it attracts the attention of others - great mood for the whole day will be guaranteed. The main thing is not to get too carried away with joking with your colleagues, remember - after all, March 8th is coming!

Second option. You can assign a title to each man for the characteristics of his character or for some distinctive features, or come up with various comic nominations and reward everyone.

Options for “titles” and nominations:

  • "Mr. Charm"
  • "Mr. Intelligence"
  • "Mr. Savvy"
  • "Mr Erudite"
  • "Mr. Kindness"
  • "Mr. Generosity"
  • "Mr. Modesty"
  • "Mr. Romantic"
  • "Mr. Handsome"
  • "Mister X"
  • "Mr. Bean"
  • "Heart Stealer"
  • "Best Biceps"
  • “Tough guys can do anything!”
  • “Soul of the company”, etc.

Games and competitions

Who is the Sultan?

For a large and noisy company. Men participate in the competition. Ladies gather in one place. Men, at the signal from the leader, must drag (carry in their arms) as many women as possible to their “harem” (beyond the finish line). The man who has gathered the most women in his harem wins and is awarded the title of “Sultan” for the evening. As a prize, you can allow him to be a little naughty during the party, taking advantage of the privilege of his “title”.

We offer a version of the competition: women need to be charmed and lured into your harem by any means except the use of physical force (unlike the first option, they cannot be dragged or carried in your arms). This task is more difficult, as it requires a creative approach. What can men do? They can: seduce women with erotic dances; to sing songs; read poetry; theatrically beg; make funny, cool promises... In general, let them try as best they can! Only women should be asked to honestly evaluate the efforts of the participants, and not choose a “harem” based only on personal sympathy for the “Sultan”.

I am a smart, handsome, moderately well-fed man in full bloom

For the competition you need a bag of candies (or mini candies). Two or three male players are invited. According to the terms of the competition, each participant in turn takes a piece of candy from the bag and puts it in his mouth (swallowing candy is strictly prohibited!) After each piece of candy put in his mouth, the participant must say the phrase: “I am a smart, handsome, moderately well-fed man in the prime of his life.” . The winner is the one who can pronounce the phrase clearly with the most amount of candy in his mouth. Simple and fun!

A compliment is a delicate matter

Several participants (men) are called, each is given a pen and a sheet of paper. The goal of the competition is to collect as many women’s autographs (or kisses as an option) within a certain time. To do this, participants must compliment the ladies present. But not everything is so simple! Compliments should be sincere and interesting, not empty and banal. A lady has the right to sign an autograph or a dash in response to a compliment, depending on the “quality” of the compliment (sincerity-pretense, creativity-banality...). You can complicate the game by prohibiting contestants from making compliments about the appearance of ladies. The most gallant gentleman who collects the greatest number autographs (kisses).

Here are two more competitions on the same topic:

The most eloquent

Men who claim to be the most gallant and eloquent take part in the competition. Their task is to take turns complimenting the ladies on the letter given by the host, for example, the letter “l”. You can't repeat yourself. The loser is the one who has no more words left.


Variant of the previous competition.

Male-female pairs are selected for the competition. The participant kneels in front of his lady and takes her hand. Looking into the eyes of their “beloved,” the gentlemen take turns saying compliments. Compliments should not be repeated. The one who last “praised” his lady receives the title “The most gallant gentleman.”

Women's fashion experts

Two men are invited to participate in the competition. Each of them receives a pointer (you can use an ordinary Chinese stick as a pointer). They bring out two identical posters with women's dresses depicted on them. Dresses should have all kinds of details - yokes, tucks, ruffles, flounces, cuffs, vents, slits, etc. The presenter names the part, and the men must find it on the poster and show it with a pointer. It is necessary to arrange the posters so that rivals cannot peek at each other. The one who correctly showed the most details wins.


This comic competition. The presenter places unpeeled potatoes and knives on the table and invites the most courageous men to participate in the competition. Everyone thinks that they will have to peel potatoes. But when those interested come out, they are asked to take turns naming potato dishes. The one who names the most dishes wins.

Living gifts

You need to prepare cards in advance (the more the better) with the names of gifts that women usually give to men on February 23rd. The name of the gift must consist of one word. I offer you a choice: cigarette case, ashtray, lotion, perfume, tie, socks, laptop, telephone, whiskey, slippers, robe, coffee, spinning rod, purse, business card holder, fountain pen, razor, mug, backpack, flashlight, thermos, flask, etc. .d.

Only men participate. 2-3 volunteers are invited (more is possible). They sort out all the cards without looking so that each player has the same number. Everyone is given a certain time to complete the task, for example, 5-10 minutes (this depends on the number of cards). The players’ task is to depict the words they have received as quickly and as best as possible without words, only with the help of facial expressions and gestures. The audience's task is to guess the names of the gifts. To make the game more active and fun, you can set a prize for the most quick-witted viewer.

Military attributes

Variant of the previous competition.

You need to prepare cards in advance (the more the better) with the names of weapons and military equipment(for example: flamethrower, mortar, all-terrain vehicle, airplane, helicopter, gun, tank, parachute, etc.).

Only men participate. 2-3 volunteers are invited (more is possible). They sort out all the cards without looking so that each player has the same number. Everyone is given a certain time to complete the task, for example, 5-10 minutes (this depends on the number of cards). The players’ task is to depict the words they have received as quickly and as best as possible without words, only with the help of facial expressions and gestures. The audience's task is to guess what kind of weapon or equipment it is. To make the game more active and fun, you can set a prize for the most quick-witted viewer.

The most nimble and artistic participant wins. It is advisable to also prepare incentive prizes for the rest of the participants.

Aircraft designer

Many men dreamed of becoming pilots in childhood. Everyone is given the opportunity to try themselves as aircraft designers. Each person is given a piece of A4 paper and markers (felt-tip pens). The task is to make an airplane, decorate it and give it a name (preferably interesting, unusual). Then the participants show off their “creations”. The following are evaluated: design, quality of execution, originality of the name, height and range of flight, pirouettes.

Harsh clothespins

Number of players: any. Props: clothespins (not very hard). This is a competition for the most courageous, and it must be supported by a good prize. The most courageous are called. Their task is to attach as many clothespins as possible to their face in a minute.

Take care of your eggs!

Competition for noisy and fun company. Props: raw eggs, plastic bags. Only men take part - from 2 or more people. Each person is given a plastic bag with two raw eggs. The egg sacs must be secured to the front of the belt so that they hang down between the legs. Players break into pairs, then stand in front of each other, spread their legs and squat slightly. The participants' task is to break their opponent's eggs as quickly as possible. Whoever's eggs break is eliminated. The one remaining fights with the next partner, and so on until a winner is determined. And the winner is the one who has at least one egg intact. You can only fight with bags of eggs; you are not allowed to help yourself with your hands or try to break other people's eggs with your feet! Fun guaranteed!

I have the honor!

The players’ task: you need to salute with your right hand, at the same time extend your left hand forward, clenching your fist and sticking out your thumb and say “I have the honor!” Then clap your hands and do the same, changing hands. It’s very funny both to do this and to look at each other - the hands don’t want to obey and get tangled all the time.

Goodbye, darling!

Acting competition.

In any film, the most touching scenes are the farewell scenes. It is at the moment of farewell that people are especially sincere and tender. They sometimes admit what they have been silent about for many years. The authors of the plays reserve the most emotional and reverent words especially for the farewell scenes. Try to depict a scene in which one says goodbye...

  • with the lady of his heart - a knight going on a crusade;
  • with the bride - the groom getting ready for a bachelor party;
  • with a harem - a sultan who goes to war;
  • with his wife - a husband who goes on vacation to Turkey alone (or with friends).

The one who gives the most touching farewell speech wins.

All the power is in the fist

Strong and dexterous men are invited - no more than 5 people. They are given newspapers prepared in advance. The players’ task: with one left hand (without helping with the right!), holding the newspaper by the corner, gather it into a fist at the command of the leader. The fastest and most agile wins.

Similar competition:

Tear it with one hand

The contestants’ task is to tear a newspaper sheet into small pieces with one hand (right or left, it doesn’t matter). In this case, the hand should be extended forward; you cannot help with your free hand. The winner is the one who completes the task faster and better.


A fun and active game. Those present are divided into teams. A line (line) is drawn beyond which attackers are prohibited from crossing. A wastepaper basket (or something else, for example, a basin) is placed at a distance of several meters from the line. The attacking team throws balls of paper, trying to get them into the basket, and the team defending the “object” can deflect the projectiles. Then the teams change places. The team with more shells hitting the target wins.

Beer lovers

Two or more young people are called. Everyone is given an open bottle of beer and a glass. The glass is placed on the floor in front of the participant. The task of the competitors is to hold the bottle between your legs and fill the glass with beer, and then quickly drink it. Whoever drinks his bottle of beer the fastest in this way is the winner.

Another competition for beer lovers:

Beer breads

Men are divided into two teams with equal numbers of players. Each team is given a pot of beer and straws for cocktails (according to the number of players). At the signal from the leader, the teams simultaneously begin to drink beer from the pots using straws. The team that does it faster wins.

Draw "Who is stronger"

Two people are invited. They are seated on chairs with their backs to each other at a distance of three to four steps. The leader ties a 2-meter long rope to each person’s right ankle, passes it under the chair, blindfolds everyone and asks them to try, by pulling the rope, to lift the opponent’s leg off the floor. The leader changes the ends of the ropes at the last moment, and it turns out that each player tries to lift his own leg off the floor.

The most accurate

The presenter places a chair in the middle of the room and puts a wide hat (or something else, for example, a round box) on it. The presenter invites men to compete in accuracy. Each participant takes turns trying to throw various objects into the hat: a dice, Walnut, matchbox, coin, orange, etc. For each hit (regardless of the item), the player is awarded a point. The one with the most hits wins.

General's shoulder straps

This team game will be very appropriate at an evening dedicated to the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day. Participants are divided into two teams. The presenter places two matchboxes on the shoulders of the first players of each team, saying that these are general's shoulder straps. The task of the “generals” is to run the distance, trying not to drop the “epaulets”. The game takes place in the form of a relay race: the participant runs the indicated path and then passes the matchboxes to the next player. The team that runs the distance first wins.

Men are invited to experience how women feel in an “interesting position.” The presenter attaches large inflatable balloons to the men with tape at stomach level. A box of matches (or any other small objects, such as mini-candies) is scattered on the floor in front of each player. The players’ task: during the time allotted by the presenter, collect as many matches (mini-candies) from the floor as possible, not forgetting about their “interesting position.” The one whose ball bursts is out of the game.

Best Angler

Fishing enthusiasts are invited to participate in the competition. They attach a “fishing rod” to their belt - a thread with a pencil tied to it. The fishing will be winter, so you will have to fish in a hole, and the hole is an empty neck glass bottle. Whoever gets the fishing rod into the hole first is the winner.


Two volunteers are called and blindfolded. Several salad bowls with different contents are placed in front of them. These could be: salt, granulated sugar, flour, millet, buckwheat, rice, beans, etc. The participants' task is to determine, blindfolded, what is in the salad bowl. The winner is the one who completed the task faster and more correctly.
