Mini fairy tale about a whale from the humpbacked horse. Miracle Yudo fish-whale

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Pyotr Pavlovich Ershov - Russian prose writer, playwright, poet. One of his most famous works is “The Little Humpbacked Horse.” Those who read this fairy tale in verse probably remember that one of the most striking characters is the Whale Fish. If you have not yet had the pleasure of familiarizing yourself with this work, you can do so right now.

The background to the writing of the masterpiece

Ershov Pyotr Pavlovich was born on February 22, 1815 in the town of Bezrukovo, Tobolsk province. His father often moved on duty, so Peter had the opportunity to communicate with different people.

The boy listened to folk legends, which formed the basis of his famous work “The Little Humpbacked Horse.” As the author himself said, he only slightly modified them, giving the words a poetic form. Opinions about the work were contradictory. Thus, Belinsky said that there is no Russian spirit in the fairy tale, despite the fact that it is written in Russian words. However, there were many positive reviews. So, A.S. Pushkin, having familiarized himself with the work, said: “Now I can leave this type of writing to me.” With these words, he put the aspiring poet on the same level as himself. And it was under the influence of Pushkin’s fairy tales that 19-year-old P. P. Ershov created “The Little Humpbacked Horse.”

One peasant had three sons. The eldest's name was Danilo, he was smart. The middle Gavrilo was “this way and that,” and the younger Ivan was a complete fool.

The family grew wheat and sold it. But someone began to trample the crops at night and thereby cause great damage. Then it was decided that all the brothers would take turns on duty. The elder, while he was on duty, was attacked by fear. The young man buried himself in the hay and lay there all night, so he never found out anything. The middle brother froze and left his post. Only Ivan managed to understand what was going on. He saw a beautiful white horse, managed to saddle it and lead it to the shepherd's shed.

As the mare promised him, she gave birth to three horses. Danilo and Gavrilo saw two handsome stallions and secretly took them away for sale. The saddened Ivan was consoled by the little humpbacked horse. He ordered him to sit on his back and rushed after the brothers. This is where Ershov's fairy tale begins, in which the Whale Fish will soon appear.

Trials for a Peasant's Son

The horses were so good that the king bought them in the capital. When the animals were taken to the stable, they ran away to Ivan. Then the king appointed him groom. But the envious sleeping bag could not survive this; he tossed Ivan the feather of the Firebird and told the king that the guy promised to bring the owner of the feather.

With the help of the little humpbacked horse, the young man fulfilled this order of the king. Then a faithful friend helped the guy bring the Tsar Maiden. When the sovereign proposed to become his wife, the girl said that she would not agree until she got a ring from the ocean floor. It is this event that will bring the reader closer to the next character, who must help get the ring from the depths of the water.

Finding themselves at the ocean, Ivan and the horse saw that the Miracle Yudo Fish-Whale lay across it.

First encounter with the giant island fish

Keith was unusual. It turns out that it has been ten years since it turned into a living island. Then Ershov describes what the Miracle Yudo Fish-Whale looks like.

There was a village on its back; there were real houses here. Palisades were driven into the poor animal's ribs. The men plowed on his lip, and mushrooms grew between his mustaches, which the girls were looking for.

Konyok and Ivan jumped on a strange creature. The whale fish asked where they came from and where they were going?

They replied that they were traveling from the capital on behalf of the Tsar Maiden, heading to the Sun, which would help them fulfill the girl’s instructions. Hearing this, the whale asked the travelers to find out from the Sun how long he would remain in this form and for what sins this was a punishment. Ivan promised to fulfill the request, and the travelers moved on.

Description of the fairy tale hero

Pictures will help you find out what a Whale Fish looks like. It can be seen that there is a forest growing on its tail. It begins with a birch grove, becoming increasingly dense. There are already dark spruces, oaks and other trees there.

Village houses stand on the body of the sufferer. Near each of them there is a vegetable garden. They plow the land and carry the loads with horses, which can also be seen in the illustration. On one side of the giant fish stands a church where peasants go to pray. On the other is a mill, here they turn grain into flour.

His face is also covered with growth. You can see how the Whale Fish is suffering. The pictures convey the bleak existence of the animal. Although only one of his eyes is painted, and the other is hidden under the vegetation, it is clear how longing and prayer he is filled with for travelers. Will Ivanushka and the horse be able to help him? You will find out about this very soon.

In a palace

The young man and his assistant climbed into the sky and ended up in the palace of the Tsar Maiden. However, the sun rested here only at night, and during the day they found a month there, but they were happy about that too. The night star was also happy, having received through the messengers the news of her missing daughter, the Tsar Maiden. To celebrate, Mesyats Mesyatsovich told the guests why the Whale Fish was suffering. The tale moves on to the next episode, which lifts the veil of secrecy. It turns out that a giant fish swallowed 30 ships. As soon as she releases them back, she will be forgiven and will again be able to swim to her heart's content in the ocean.


Ivan and the little hunchback said goodbye to the Month and set off on their way back. When they approached the ocean, the Whale Fish saw them. The fairy tale continues, and now there are only joyful moments in it.

The little hunchback galloped to the peasants to tell them to quickly pack up and leave this living island, otherwise they would drown. They obeyed, and at noon there was no longer a single living soul here.

Then only the travelers told the whale how to earn forgiveness. He opened his mouth and all the ships jumped out of it with noise and cannon shots. The rowers sang cheerful songs.

Search for the ring

For those wondering whether a whale is a fish or an animal, it should be clarified. Previously, people thought that this was a giant fish, because a whale lives in the water and is similar in shape to it. But then it turned out that this mammal, which breathes air, is viviparous, which means it is an animal. But let's return to the fairy tale.

The whale fish asks his rescuers how he can thank them. They said that they only needed a ring. He dived into the depths of the water, called the sturgeons and told them to find the decoration. They searched for a long time, but returned with nothing. They said that only a ruff could find it.

After that, two dolphins went in search of the ruff. He was a reveler and a bully, so finding him was not so easy.

They looked for him in the seas, rivers, lakes, but all in vain. Then the dolphins heard the exclamations and realized that the ruff was in the pond. There he intended to fight with crucian carp. This is the plot that P. P. Ershov came up with in verse. The fish-whale, to whom the sea reveler was brought, tells him to find the chest in which there was a ring.

Yorsh said that he knows where all this is. He dived into the pool and dug out the treasured chest there, then called the sturgeons, told them to take the find to the whale, and he went about his business.

Happy fairy tale ending

At this time, Ivan was sitting on the ocean shore and waiting for the Whale Fish to appear. It was already evening, but the surface of the water did not ripple. The young man was worried because the deadline for fulfilling the royal order was nearing the end, and he did not yet have the ring. Suddenly the sea began to boil and a whale appeared. He gave the young man the chest, saying that he had fulfilled the request.

Ivan tried to lift the chest, but could not. Then the Little Hunchback easily threw the luggage over his neck, ordered the young man to sit on his back and went to the royal palace. The travelers gave the ring to the sovereign, who handed it to the Tsar Maiden and told her to quickly marry him. The girl replied that she was 15 years old and would not marry an old man. The Tsar Maiden advised him to bathe in cold water, then hot water and milk, so that he would turn into a young man.

He decided to first conduct tests on Ivan. The young man became sad. The little hunchback told him that he would help. Indeed, when Ivan jumped into a cauldron of boiling liquid, the horse cooled it with magical movements. As a result, the young man became handsome and handsome. And the evil king, jumping into the cauldron, was boiled there.

The girl married Ivan, and this is where the fairy tale ends. After reading it, children can make a drawing. The whale fish will resemble or be different from the book illustration.

Medieval bestiaries describe many sea monsters. One of them is Keith.

It is clear that this is not exactly the whale that we know from biology textbooks (Odontoceti and Mysticeti).

The bestiary whale is a giant monster that is so large that it can be perceived by seafarers as a huge floating island.

Actually, the name itself - Keith (κῆτος) - originally meant “sea monster” (actually belly, bulge, cf. μεγαχήτης).

In the bestiaries, this creature had a bunch of names - Aspidochelon, Fastitokolon, Jascontius...

True, the last name - Jasconius or Jaconius - is rather a proper name, which became famous thanks to the sea voyage of St. Brendan (around 1100).

But these are quite late legends. The first mentions of this monster are contained in the works of ancient scientists Strabo (1st century BC) and Arrian (2nd century AD).

It is believed that this creature was originally called aspidochelon, i.e. shield turtle.

Then they began to think that this was some kind of miracle-fish-whale and gave this whale a new name - Fastitokolon.

Two points in the description of Keith have amazed the minds of people at all times. Firstly, its size is comparable to an island. Based on Borges, here is an excerpt from the Anglo-Saxon bestiary:

“Now, in my opinion, I also want to say in a poem and in a song about a certain fish, about a mighty whale. To our chagrin, it often turns out to be ferocious and dangerous for sailors. Its name is “fastitokalon” - swimming on the ocean waters. in its appearance it is like a cliff or a huge tangle of seaweed, surrounded by a sandbank, rising from the sea, so that the sailors seem to see with their own eyes an island in front of them, and then they tie their high-chested ship to an imaginary island, hobble their horses on the seashore and fearlessly they set off into the depths of the island. The ship stands at the shore on the pier, there is water all around it. Then, tired, the sailors take a break, not sensing danger. They light a fire on the island, fan the flames louder; exhausted from their labors, they have fun in anticipation of rest. the whale, experienced in deceit, will feel that the travelers have firmly settled on it, that they have set up a camp and are enjoying a fine day, then this ocean creature suddenly descends along with its victims into salt water, plunging into the very abyss, and betrays the ship and people it has sunk to its palace of death.

But another feature is even more interesting:

When hunger strikes him, this guardian of the ocean opens his mouth as wide as possible. A pleasant smell emanates from its womb, which deceives fish of other breeds. In careless flocks, they swim into the huge mouth until it is full. This happens to every person who allows himself to be lured by a pleasant smell, an unholy desire - and commits a sin against the King of glory

J.L. Borges "Book of Fictional Creatures"

Aspidochelon-fastitocolon itself is most often interpreted as an infernal figure (102, p. 61), albeit in the sea.

But this is in relatively late times. Initially, the monstrous aspidochelon whale apparently embodied the primitive fish, which is the support of the earth.

Naturally, this super-fish also acted as the progenitor of all fish, as the “Pigeon Book” says: “The whale is the mother of all fish.”

The world will end on this version of the whale (which is actually not an isolated case in the world mythological space), and its vibrations are the cause of earthquakes, and ultimately they will lead to the end of the world.

So, in the image of the aspidochelon-fastitocolon whale, the ambivalence of the water element is miraculously embodied: the whale is both death, it is also birth (more precisely, rebirth).

It is in the sense of rebirth that Christian theologians interpreted the story of the whale and Jonah.

In general, in the Jewish tradition the image of the sea monster, the whale, apparently has “long roots.”

And of “hellish” origin. The Bible says:

Therefore, the underworld expanded and opened its mouth without measure.

Isaiah. 5:14

In the Russian canonical translation and the Septuagint, we have non-personalized “hell” and “hell,” but in the original this line sounds something like this: “... Sheol increased her appetite and opened her mouth wide.” Here Sheol appears as a terrible monster, in many ways similar to the Akkadian Tiamat.

It turns out that the then Whale was a mind-blowing monster, more like a dragon than a humpback whale or a sperm whale.

There is reason to assert that the Greeks also saw in Whale a multifunctional creature, which was terrible both at sea and on land. Remember that shaft that Homer described?

...a black-haired king walked before Athena

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Pyotr Pavlovich Ershov - Russian prose writer, playwright, poet. One of his most famous works is “The Little Humpbacked Horse.” Those who read this fairy tale in verse probably remember that one of the most striking characters is the Whale Fish. If you have not yet had the pleasure of familiarizing yourself with this work, you can do so right now.

The background to the writing of the masterpiece

Ershov Pyotr Pavlovich was born on February 22, 1815 in the town of Bezrukovo, Tobolsk province. His father often moved on duty, so Peter had the opportunity to communicate with different people.

The boy listened to folk legends, which formed the basis of his famous work “The Little Humpbacked Horse.” As the author himself said, he only slightly modified them, giving the words a poetic form. Opinions about the work were contradictory. Thus, Belinsky said that there is no Russian spirit in the fairy tale, despite the fact that it is written in Russian words. However, there were many positive reviews. So, A.S. Pushkin, having familiarized himself with the work, said: “Now I can leave this type of writing to me.” With these words, he put the aspiring poet on the same level as himself. And it was under the influence of Pushkin’s fairy tales that 19-year-old P. P. Ershov created “The Little Humpbacked Horse.”

One peasant had three sons. The eldest's name was Danilo, he was smart. The middle Gavrilo was “this way and that,” and the younger Ivan was a complete fool.

The family grew wheat and sold it. But someone began to trample the crops at night and thereby cause great damage. Then it was decided that all the brothers would take turns on duty. The elder, while he was on duty, was attacked by fear. The young man buried himself in the hay and lay there all night, so he never found out anything. The middle brother froze and left his post. Only Ivan managed to understand what was going on. He saw a beautiful white horse, managed to saddle it and lead it to the shepherd's shed.

As the mare promised him, she gave birth to three horses. Danilo and Gavrilo saw two handsome stallions and secretly took them away for sale. The saddened Ivan was consoled by the little humpbacked horse. He ordered him to sit on his back and rushed after the brothers. This is where Ershov's fairy tale begins, in which the Whale Fish will soon appear.

Trials for a Peasant's Son

The horses were so good that the king bought them in the capital. When the animals were taken to the stable, they ran away to Ivan. Then the king appointed him groom. But the envious sleeping bag could not survive this; he tossed Ivan the feather of the Firebird and told the king that the guy promised to bring the owner of the feather.

With the help of the little humpbacked horse, the young man fulfilled this order of the king. Then a faithful friend helped the guy bring the Tsar Maiden. When the sovereign proposed to become his wife, the girl said that she would not agree until she got a ring from the ocean floor. It is this event that will bring the reader closer to the next character, who must help get the ring from the depths of the water.

Finding themselves at the ocean, Ivan and the horse saw that the Miracle Yudo Fish-Whale lay across it.

First encounter with the giant island fish

Keith was unusual. It turns out that it has been ten years since it turned into a living island. Then Ershov describes what the Miracle Yudo Fish-Whale looks like.

There was a village on its back; there were real houses here. Palisades were driven into the poor animal's ribs. The men plowed on his lip, and mushrooms grew between his mustaches, which the girls were looking for.

Konyok and Ivan jumped on a strange creature. The whale fish asked where they came from and where they were going?

They replied that they were traveling from the capital on behalf of the Tsar Maiden, heading to the Sun, which would help them fulfill the girl’s instructions. Having heard it, he asked the travelers to find out from Sunny how long he could remain in this form and for what sins this was a punishment. Ivan promised to fulfill the request, and the travelers moved on.

Description of the fairy tale hero

Pictures will help you find out what a Whale Fish looks like. It can be seen that there is a forest growing on its tail. It begins with a birch grove, becoming increasingly dense. There are already dark spruces, oaks and other trees there.

They stand on the body of the sufferer. A vegetable garden is laid out near each of them. They plow the land and carry the loads with horses, which can also be seen in the illustration. On one side of the giant fish stands a church where peasants go to pray. On the other is a mill, here they turn grain into flour.

His face is also covered with growth. You can see how the Whale Fish is suffering. The pictures convey the bleak existence of the animal. Although only one of his eyes is painted, and the other is hidden under the vegetation, it is clear how longing and prayer he is filled with for travelers. Will Ivanushka and the horse be able to help him? You will find out about this very soon.

In a palace

The young man and his assistant climbed into the sky and ended up in the palace of the Tsar Maiden. However, the sun rested here only at night, and during the day they found a month there, but they were happy about that too. The night star was also happy, having received through the messengers the news of her missing daughter, the Tsar Maiden. To celebrate, Mesyats Mesyatsovich told the guests why the Whale Fish was suffering. The tale moves on to the next episode, which lifts the veil of secrecy. It turns out that a giant fish swallowed 30 ships. As soon as she releases them back, she will be forgiven and will again be able to swim to her heart's content in the ocean.


Ivan and the little hunchback said goodbye to the Month and set off on their way back. When they approached the ocean, the Whale Fish saw them. The fairy tale continues, and now there are only joyful moments in it.

The little hunchback galloped to the peasants to tell them to quickly pack up and leave this living island, otherwise they would drown. They obeyed, and at noon there was no longer a single living soul here.

Then only the travelers told the whale how to earn forgiveness. He opened his mouth and all the ships jumped out of it with noise and cannon shots. The rowers sang cheerful songs.

Search for the ring

For those wondering whether a whale is a fish or an animal, it should be clarified. Previously, people thought that this was a giant fish, because a whale lives in the water and is similar in shape to it. But then it turned out that this mammal, which breathes air, is viviparous, which means it is an animal. But let's return to the fairy tale.

The whale fish asks his rescuers how he can thank them. They said that they only needed a ring. He dived into the depths of the water, called the sturgeons and told them to find the decoration. They searched for a long time, but returned with nothing. They said that only a ruff could find it.

After that, two dolphins went in search of the ruff. He was a reveler and a bully, so finding him was not so easy.

They looked for him in the seas, rivers, lakes, but all in vain. Then the dolphins heard the exclamations and realized that the ruff was in the pond. There he intended to fight with crucian carp. This is the plot that P. P. Ershov came up with in verse. The fish-whale, to whom the sea reveler was brought, tells him to find the chest in which there was a ring.

Yorsh said that he knows where all this is. He dived into the pool and dug out the treasured chest there, then called the sturgeons, told them to take the find to the whale, and he went about his business.

Happy fairy tale ending

At this time, Ivan was sitting on the ocean shore and waiting for the Whale Fish to appear. It was already evening, but the surface of the water did not ripple. The young man was worried because the deadline for fulfilling the royal order was nearing the end, and he did not yet have the ring. Suddenly the sea began to boil and a whale appeared. He gave the young man the chest, saying that he had fulfilled the request.

Ivan tried to lift the chest, but could not. Then the Little Hunchback easily threw the luggage over his neck, ordered the young man to sit on his back and went to the royal palace. The travelers gave the ring to the sovereign, who handed it to the Tsar Maiden and told her to quickly marry him. The girl replied that she was 15 years old and would not marry an old man. The Tsar Maiden advised him to bathe in cold water, then hot water and milk, so that he would turn into a young man.

He decided to first conduct tests on Ivan. The young man became sad. The little hunchback told him that he would help. Indeed, when Ivan jumped into a cauldron of boiling liquid, the horse cooled it with magical movements. As a result, the young man became handsome and handsome. And the evil king, jumping into the cauldron, was boiled there.

The girl married Ivan, and this is where the fairy tale ends. After reading it, children can make a drawing. The whale fish will resemble or be different from the book illustration.
