Creating your own Internet provider. Ready-made business plan for an online store: sample Business plan internet business sample

Attention! The free business plan offered for download below is a sample. A business plan that best suits the conditions of your business must be created with the help of specialists.

How to become an Internet provider through a business plan?

The Internet provider company provides services for providing access to the broadband Internet network for the population, enterprises and organizations.

General requirements for office space and its equipment

For the office of such a company, it is preferable to choose densely populated areas of the city. In addition to registering a private enterprise, to carry out this type of activity it is necessary to obtain a conclusion on the compliance of the premises sanitary norm and compliance with fire safety.

The contractor must carry out high-quality installation of the local network. This complex process begins with network design, installation, testing and documentation.

Necessary equipment

There are several options for laying out the network: country roads, highways, highways. Many people start with the minimum - a highway option, creating a small network for their neighbors in an apartment building or business center.

For this it is enough:

  • own apartment or office;
  • average performance computer;
  • cables for laying a local network;
  • network card;
  • high-speed modem and adapter.

All these devices will fit on one desktop. You can also save on software if you start at the lower level.

At the same time, the functions of supporting network servers are transferred to the top-level provider.

The size of the customer base cannot exceed 30 subscribers.

To create a wide client base, higher-level networks will be required, requiring significant financial investments, the help of telecom operators and a lot of equipment: computers for installing a router server, domain name server, billing system, other servers (mail, proxy, WWW), modem rack, switches and other. Be sure to purchase an uninterruptible power supply generator.

Connecting to a digital PBX with a four-wire digital line E1 is a necessary condition for the minimum input lines with which you can hope for serious business.

Recruitment of personnel and organization of work with clients

It is more convenient to make payments to clients through bank branches. You can, of course, buy it yourself cash machine and hire a cashier. To begin with, you can get by with one advanced programmer with network administration skills.

When working under remote access schemes, 3-5 employees will be required (system administrator, specialist technical support, accountant-cashier, customer service manager).

Payback period

When organizing a medium-sized network, your investment will pay off in about a year.

Table No. 1. Potential of consumers of Internet service providers in Russia

Marketing program and client search

It will not be difficult for the organizer of a low-end provider company in some remote area to create a client base. In densely populated areas there is a lot of competition among providers, so customers will have to be lured away.

To do this, you need to discover the weak points of competitors, acquire high-quality equipment, set adequate payment and provide yourself with advertising. Advertising can be placed in a local newspaper, in city educational institutions, on buses and subways, on websites and social networks.

How to choose an Internet provider

A business plan for an online store is a very important element in entrepreneurial activity. This also applies to those who are planning to open their own online store. In this article we will tell you why a business plan is important and how to draw it up correctly.

Since many companies that develop such an important component of any serious business charge unreasonably high rates for their work.

Generally speaking, a business plan is the main document of any commercial enterprise, describing through what actions, strategies and measures the goals and objectives of the organization will be achieved.

However, the purpose of a business plan for a real store and for an online store are slightly different. IN real practice a business plan is often needed to attract investors in order to convince them that this particular idea needs to be supported financially.

How to create an online store WITHOUT INVESTMENTS in 5 minutes;

A business plan is also provided when an aspiring entrepreneur takes out a large bank loan to start his own business. Most often, people simply order the preparation of a plan from companies specializing in this area. Alas, the owner of an enterprise often has no idea how his enterprise will function, what income and expenses it will incur.

Looking through the business plan of his organization, the owner is not able to understand where many of the numbers and calculations come from. And this is a huge omission. A person who is not imbued with all the intricacies of his business is unlikely to be able to conduct successful activities.

The business plan for an online store is different in that its founder painstakingly develops his idea and knows every little detail and peculiarity of the work. Of course, we are not talking about large Internet projects, which can also order development from specialists.

We are talking about those who want to open a business from scratch on their own and not pay a lot of money for drawing up a business plan.

The summary of the above text is simple: Whatever the size of your organization, it is best to draw up a business plan for it yourself.

This is quite difficult to do, but interesting. Imagine: you yourself create and think through your brainchild from scratch. At first these are just words and abstract ideas, then they acquire increasingly clear digital forms and calculated indicators. But in addition to the practical benefits, drawing up a business plan yourself also carries an emotional advantage.

While developing his idea, a person begins to imbue it more and more and believe it more and more. This is a very important psychological moment: being inspired by your work and realizing that you are on the right path already guarantees half of your success!

Drawing up a business plan for an online store: step-by-step instructions

Let’s not talk too long about the obvious benefits of a business plan, and let’s start talking more specifically. In general, there is no single generally accepted template according to which you need to draw up a business plan for an online store.

This is individual, author's and partly creative work. Some write a business plan of hundreds of pages, others are limited to a superficial description in general outline. In our opinion, the optimal business plan for an online store should contain the following sections:

  1. Description of your product
  2. Market analysis
  3. Marketing plan
  4. Production plan
  5. Organizational plan
  6. Financial plan
  7. Risk assessment

These sections are more or less universal, and they can be applied to almost any enterprise, not just an online store. The first half of the sections in to a greater extent represents “boltology”, the theoretical part.

The second half of the sections is a calculated justification of the first part in specific figures. Let's look at each section in more detail.

Description of your online store

Here you need to think through the main characteristics and structure of the store in as much detail as possible: will it be wholesale or retail; a multi-page catalog or a one-page single-product website.

More and more people are starting to engage own business, since this guarantees financial independence and a high level of profit in the case of effective business processes. At the same time, due to the development information technologies Those areas that are in one way or another connected with online projects are becoming increasingly popular.

Thus, one of the ideas that is quite affordable in terms of investment and organization is opening an online store.

Do you need a business plan?

A business plan is a detailed elaboration of an idea that an entrepreneur has. It describes in detail the technologies, equipment, premises and personnel necessary to start a business, and separately examines the competitive position and the issue of choosing a range of goods or services.

One of the most important parts of the document is financial, which includes the calculation of investments for opening, costs in the process of carrying out activities, profitability, profitability and payback period. Its preparation for an online store is very desirable for the following reasons:

  • When looking for third-party sources of financing, it is important to understand that no investor will invest in a project whose level of profitability is unclear. The same applies to bank loans.
  • This is an opportunity to see strategically important areas for the development of your business.
  • This document allows you to see bottlenecks (which exist in absolutely every area) and pay special attention to them. This will improve the level of service for customers and reduce costs.
  • It allows you to determine the sales market and describe the target audience. Depending on this, the promotion and process of attracting clients will depend.
  • Finally, a business plan provides the most structured and complete information about the field of activity. Often it allows you to understand that the idea is not very profitable and protects the entrepreneur from loss large quantity Money.

The procedure for drawing up such a document is discussed in detail in the following video:

Analysis of the scope of activity and level of competition

At the moment, there are a huge number of online stores, so the level of competition (regardless of the goods sold) is very high. All stores fight for the target audience through various methods, among which are the following:

  • Providing various types of discounts.
  • Carrying out promotions for regular customers.
  • Expanding the range of products sold.
  • Providing a wider package of services for the client (trying before purchase, free shipping“to the door”, etc.).
  • Creating your own products is a complex idea and is profitable only after a certain set of target audience.
  • Selling kits rather than individual products.
  • Forming a kind of community from your clients.

The competitors of the store being created will differ depending on the goods and services sold. Thus, among direct and indirect competitors we can distinguish:

  • Other online stores of the same specialization.
  • Large online stores with a wide range of products.
  • Offline stores.
  • Restaurants and cafes (in case of selling food products).
  • Fitness clubs (in the case of selling sporting goods).
  • Bulletin boards (in our country this is not a very popular channel for sales and purchases, but some people prefer to take certain goods from private individuals, as this allows them to save money).
  • Enterprises operating in the service sector (for example, cinemas in the case of selling films).

Thus, subject to a competent approach to assortment formation and working with customers, an online store can quickly become competitive and bring a fairly high level of profit.

Description of types of online stores

There are several models of online points of sale, which differ in their organizational principles. So, among them we can highlight:

  • Classic type– in this case, an online store most often appears from an offline one retail enterprise. Accordingly, such a company usually has its own warehouse and staff, and goods are purchased in advance in large quantities in order to obtain wholesale discounts.
  • Outsourcing typethis type business lies in the fact that the created company is engaged only in the financial and marketing aspect of the business, and all logistics (reception, delivery, storage, order picking, shipment) are carried out at the expense of third party organization. This allows you to focus on your core competencies and save big. However, there is a high probability of becoming dependent on a partner.
  • Affiliate type- a relatively new area that works on the following principle: an entrepreneur displays a product on the virtual showcase of a third-party store. At its core, this model implies the absence of a registered business as such: earnings are made through commissions from completed sales.
  • Working according to the dropshipping scheme– such a store delivers from the supplier’s warehouse directly to the client. This allows you to avoid wasting time and money on market research. In addition, the entrepreneur can set his own price for goods, subject to payment of the wholesale cost to the supplier. Wherein main drawback is that the client must make a 100% advance payment, which often causes mistrust.

The above types can be combined in order to eliminate the disadvantages of each of them and maximize the benefits.

Product selection

Choosing a product is a key process when opening an online store, since the level of sales and, as a consequence, profit greatly depends on it. First of all, you need to understand that the product must be high-margin.

For a newly opened company, it is more expedient to sell more expensive goods and only then supplement its assortment with cheaper ones.

This is due to the fact that in order to achieve payback in the case of low-cost goods, a significant amount of time and effort will be required.

It is advisable to sell products that cannot sharply lose value. In particular, prices for photographic equipment and Cell phones on average decrease by one third in 5-9 months. Such a drop can make the sale unprofitable (especially if you buy a whole lot for a warehouse).

It is advisable to choose fairly rare goods that are currently rarely sold online. Otherwise, a very large amount of money will have to be spent on advertising and promotion. Finally, it is important to find a good and reliable supplier and initially build a long-term relationship with him.

At the moment, a relatively low level of competition is observed in the following areas:

  • Goods for pets.
  • Construction materials and plumbing.
  • Household products.
  • Unusual souvenirs and gifts.
  • Some types of clothing.

Formation of pricing policy and delivery options

The choice of pricing policy is determined by various factors. The first and most important of these is the type (or types) of customers the store intends to serve. If an entrepreneur is going to sell goods to the middle class, then he will have to make money on large sales volumes. If unique products are sold only to certain small groups of people, then it is advisable to establish high price in order to receive a sufficient level of profit from a small number of purchases.

It is important to understand that the location of the store and the availability of a flexible service delivery system also affect the price. So, if a company is going to organize delivery throughout Russia, then the price factor should be influenced by the time it takes to deliver the goods to the client. There are various delivery options:

  • Your own courier “to your door” (can only work within the city).
  • Delivery to the warehouse and subsequent use of the services of a third-party transport company.
  • By mail.
  • Using specialized courier services.
  • To the parcel terminals.
  • To special “order tables” located in one or another store of a large chain (for example, the E5 store, which interacts with the Perekrestok chain, operates according to this model).
  • Opening your own outlets and delivering to them (an expensive option that takes a lot of time to implement; it is only profitable if the online store is developing rapidly and has large sales volumes).

Financial plan

The costs of opening a trade online can be divided into two categories – online and offline costs. So, among the latter we can highlight:

  • Costs for preparing documents and registering an enterprise (including the formation authorized capital) – about 500 dollars.
  • Purchase necessary equipment(computers, office equipment, cash register, printer) – up to $2,000.
  • Network installation and equipment configuration – up to $250.
  • Installation and commissioning software– 150-300 dollars.
  • Installation of a telephone line – up to $200.

In addition, the entrepreneur will have to invest a fairly large amount of money in online costs. So, you will need:

  • Purchasing a domain and hosting on a reliable server, the cost of which will be about 150-200 dollars (the purchase is made for a year).
  • Development of a store website – up to $4,000. This includes design, development, filling with goods, and posting on the Internet.

Already in the process of operation, the store will incur the following costs:

  • Advertising expenses – from $500 per month (including online and offline types).
  • Website support and its gradual development – ​​$100-500 depending on the speed of business expansion.
  • Internet access, phone lines, and domain rental costs about $100 per month.
  • Office rent – ​​from $450 per month for a room of 15 square meters, including utilities.
  • Payment to staff (if any) – from $1000 per month.
  • Expenses for life support resources (office, consumables, etc.) – up to $100 per month.
  • Costs for legal and accounting support – $150-250 per month.

Marketing plan

A marketing plan involves taking several sequential steps in order to find customers and make them loyal to the company. So, you need to do the following:

  1. Determine the target audience - the image of people (age, income, status, place of work, etc.) who will buy the product.
  2. To make a unique selling proposition - in essence, this means distinguishing your products from competitors due to some characteristics.
  3. Decide on pricing and store positioning.
  4. Prepare marketing materials.
  5. Determine the progress of marketing campaigns and promotion strategy.
  6. Prepare a distribution plan.
  7. Separately develop an online marketing strategy.
  8. Identify potential partners for building cooperation.

Marketing activities at the first stage will require a large amount of costs due to the high level of competition. Therefore, it makes sense for a new company to focus on providing high quality products.

Payback period and profitability of the project

These parameters seriously depend on the goods selected for sale, their margins, as well as the number of sales. There are online stores that receive very low profits (about 10 thousand rubles per month). And on the contrary, there is large companies who earn several million rubles in net profit every month.

Ultimately, everything depends on the efficiency of the organization of processes and the chosen schemes for the delivery and purchase of goods.

A small store can count on profit 40-60 thousand rubles per month after 2-3 months of work. With an increase in the number of customers and expansion of the range, this amount may increase. Respectively, payback period will be from 8 to 14 months.

Thus, setting up an online store is an attractive idea for businesses due to the low barriers to entry into this market and the relative ease of doing business. In the case of a well-chosen assortment and target audience, the investment will quickly pay off, and the entrepreneur will be able to expand his business.

Internet providers are organizations that perform intermediary functions between Internet users and providers representing Internet traffic. The main task of the organization is to purchase traffic and sell it to users.

How is a business registered?

The Internet is a communication service. To register a communication provider as an entrepreneur, a request is made to the Ministry of Communications Russian Federation, which issues a license to provide this type of service. For registration, you need to collect a package of documents intended for opening legal entity(OOO). The registration procedure takes a lot of time. All equipment necessary for operation must be certified. Otherwise, the organization does not have the right to use it to provide communications.

To speed up the process of registering a legal entity, you can contact a consulting organization. Companies help entrepreneurs prepare all the documents necessary for running a business.

Internet providers provide users with a wide range of services:

  • Broadband, wireless Internet access;
  • Cellular;
  • Digital TV connection;
  • Formation of private corporate networks;
  • Placement of equipment on your territory;
  • Server rental.

At the first stage of their existence, providers provided a lot of additional services. For example, we helped companies create websites. Today, they pay great attention only to Internet communications. There were times when Internet providers provided communication over a local network, which was located within multi-storey building. But, over time, many users began to abandon the network. Since the quality of such a service left much to be desired, and prices were constantly changing. Due to the refusal of users from this type of service, Internet providers stopped developing this type of their own business.

The refusal of this type of service on the part of users is understandable. More and more users connected to the service, and the quality of the connection became worse. Users began to look for providers who would provide the best traffic, but there were no such companies, and some risks became more noticeable:

  • The lights were often turned off without notifying the residents;
  • Channel failures occurred;
  • The provisions on the processing of personal data have changed.

What equipment is needed

To provide users with high-quality and uninterrupted communication, the Internet provider needs to purchase the following equipment:

  • Web servers that are designed for various services; the more there are, the more services the company has;
  • Router;
  • Power supplies that allow uninterrupted operation for at least 2 hours;
  • Network cable;
  • Repair parts;
  • Various cabinets and racks for equipment.

Ultimately, the company's equipment will cost $90,000.

Company employees

The company must have the following personnel positions:

  • One manager;
  • One accountant;
  • One system administrator;
  • Two system administrator assistants;
  • One webmaster;
  • Five support operators;
  • Three equipment repair specialists;
  • One marketer.

An Internet provider is a legally registered organization and has a large volume of documents. To work with them, the position of an accountant is being introduced. He has a fixed salary. You can invite an accountant from another organization, but his services will cost much more.

Advertising campaign

The business plan must also include advertising costs, which must be approached carefully. If you use advertising posters with catchy and provocative images, then only expressive teenagers will show interest in the company. But such advertising can repel an adult, which is disadvantageous for the company itself. That is why advertising should contain only specific services, what are the advantages of these services and how many of them are provided by the Internet provider. In order to advertise your company, use proven methods: submitting advertisements, distributing business cards that indicate services and a contact phone number, distributing leaflets. You can also use television and the media.

If you do not want to lose customers, you need to improve the services provided. A user is an ordinary buyer who wants to purchase a quality product. After all, it makes no difference to him which provider serves him, as long as it provides him with quality services.

In turn, Internet providers must value their customers. Otherwise, the business will go under. Therefore, the most best advertising of such a company is the quality of the services provided, in most cases.

Initial capital

If you carry out simple mathematical calculations, then for this type of business, at the initial stage, you need to spend 87-116 thousand dollars. This estimate includes costs for:

  • Entire registration of a legal entity – 6-7 thousand dollars;
  • Purchase of the necessary equipment – ​​70-90 thousand dollars;
  • Purchase of office furniture and office equipment – ​​3-5 thousand dollars;
  • Repair work – 2-3 thousand dollars;
  • Advertising – 5-10 thousand dollars;
  • Other expenses – 1 thousand dollars.

Expenses per month of work (in thousands of dollars):

  • Rent of office and premises for servers – 3-4;
  • Employee salaries – 18-19;
  • Advertising company of the organization – 5;
  • Other expenses – 0.5-1.

In total, it turns out from 26.5 to 29 thousand dollars.

Business development prospects


According to statistics, suburban construction is gaining popularity in our country. People began to actively build and buy houses outside the city. It is believed that in the near future these rates will increase several times. Competition will increase, which means there is an opportunity for Internet providers to open and promote their business.

An Internet provider's business plan must include, first of all, the costs of technical equipment.

Investment costs for project implementation

1) The list of required equipment includes:

  • various cables and tools,
  • spare parts,
  • uninterruptible power supplies that will be able to provide at least 3-4 hours of operation,
  • routers,
  • web server.

In addition, you cannot do without racks and cabinets in the server room.

On average, the cost of equipping a small company varies between 450-600 thousand rubles.

2) Another 350 thousand rubles will be spent on obtaining a license, registration, and services of a consulting firm.

3) 250 thousand rubles for the purchase of furniture and office equipment, 50 thousand rubles for advertising, 100 thousand rubles for indoor renovations.

4) You should leave at least 50 thousand rubles for other expenses.

On average, it takes at least 1 million 200 thousand rubles to open a sufficiently large Internet provider.

Ongoing costs of an Internet service provider business plan

1) When thinking through a business plan for an Internet provider, do not forget about the costs of paying employees. You will need to hire:

  • marketer,
  • equipment repair specialists,
  • technical assistance operator,
  • webmasters,
  • several system administrator assistants
  • the system administrator himself.

If you do not want to do your accounting yourself, you will have to hire an accountant.

2) There are many areas of business in which advertising is not required. However, Internet service providers are not one of them. Remember that many people use the services of those companies to which they have been accustomed for a long time and whose name is well-known.

Your Internet provider business plan must definitely include advertising costs.

3) Plus - expenses that await you every month - rent of premises 100 thousand rubles.

Efficiency of the Internet Provider business project

Is it worth keeping the Internet provider business plan at all and how profitable can such an enterprise be?

  1. Let's start with the fact that the global web is necessary for everyone. The Internet penetrates into all spheres of life of a modern person, and you simply cannot do without it. This means that there will always be a need for the services of providers.
  2. The fact that many providers are aimed at opening sales points in large cities and regional centers, where the majority of the solvent population is concentrated, deserves special attention. The main tidbit: apartment buildings and buildings with offices.
  3. Country real estate in our country is attracting increasing interest from buyers. And therefore, we can safely say that there will be a rush in the suburban market of providers in Russia in the very near future. You can build your network near a highway, highway, or country road.

On our website you have the unique opportunity to calculate the payback period of your project in just 15 minutes.

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