Make money as a trader on the stock market. I’m destroying myths from my own experience: is it really possible to make money on the stock exchange? How much do traders earn in Russia and abroad?

How much do Forex traders earn? The Forexone blog provides the answer to the most frequently asked question those who want to start playing on the foreign exchange market.

How much do traders earn? To answer the question: how much can you really earn on Forex, it is necessary to dispel the myths imposed by media sources of information.

The image of a successful trader is formed by cinema. After all, you learned from films that there is a currency or stock exchange where speculators - traders - make money. Films that reveal the essence of making money in financial sector both traders and brokers:

  1. "Wall Street"
  2. "Money never sleeps"
  3. "Boiler room"
  4. "Swindler"
  5. "The wolf of Wall Street"
  6. "Short Game"

In this movie you see that the main characters rise from the very bottom and become rich and successful players on the stock exchange: sports cars, yachts, dear women, VIP apartments and many other attributes of luxurious life are present in every film. After viewing the above pictures, you quite reasonably ask the question: “Why am I worse”? – You are absolutely no worse, but you are not going to become an actor (actress) in a film, but a real trader and you want to earn real money, not picture props! In life, unfortunately, everything is not as easy as in the movies.

What percentage of traders make money

A lot of lazy people get into trading. Enough a large number of novice traders don't even bother to learn about Forex. They think that by pressing some buttons they will get rich quickly. This is wrong. You will need to work hard, looking at many price charts to understand the nature of quotes and how they react on the chart.

Data on the success of traders varies, but we can safely say that world statistics speak of 5% of successful traders. 95% of traders say goodbye to their trading deposits forever. It is a fact.

Some traders from the CIS talk about an even sadder figure - 2%. We will neither refute nor agree with this subjective statistical information; we will only say that the most successful traders are located in the USA, Switzerland, Great Britain, Germany and Hong Kong.

Before deciding to become a trader, think very carefully about whether you can withstand huge competition over a long period of time. You don’t need a one-time profit, but a constant income from trading. If you don’t want to work “for someone else,” be prepared for increased risks. You may not only not earn money, but also lose your cash savings. When opening an account with any normal broker, you sign a “Risk Agreement”.

Why traders lose money

The nature of the market is very complex. No one knows for sure what the quote for any financial instrument will be in 5 minutes. The price may rise or fall. Price movement is related to sentiment. Just not with our sentiments, but with the sentiments of institutional investors (traders). Investors of this kind include banks, large funds and even entire states. For example, the central bank of Japan often goes to auction when the yen is too expensive and, in their opinion, this can harm the entire economy of this state, which lives on the export of technological goods and technologies themselves.

Traders suffer losses because there are 2 types of analysis that do not work if you focus only on dry analysis of quotes:

  1. Fundamental analysis.
  2. Technical analysis.

Fundamental analysis? It is impossible to predict market behavior after the release of macroeconomic news. Why? The price could take into account all the nuances of the released news even before its release. But this doesn't always happen. It happens that the news, on the contrary, is processed very abruptly and quickly. And it also happens that the market reaction is completely opposite to the news that came out. A good example Samsung may serve. Everyone knows the South Korean tech giant's problem with exploding mobile phone Galaxy Note 7. In the fall of 2016, the company's share price actually dropped to 670.5. What happened later? Already in December of the same year, the price returned to 763 and continued to grow. At the end of February, the head of Samsung was accused of corruption, and the entire company leadership resigned. The shares continued to rise and reached 860 in March. This can be explained by the fact that the company cleaned up and investors liked it, but there was no significant drop, although this news should have led to much more serious consequences than an error with one phone model, which Samsung produces dozens of them.

Technical analysis? Each trader is trained by different teachers and reads different teaching aids on trading. is built on support and resistance levels. The problem is that everyone interprets the locations of these levels differently. Some draw a line along the shadows of candles, some draw along the bodies of candles, some use zones rather than support and resistance lines. We will not dwell now on what is right and what is wrong. This is just a demonstration of each trader’s individual perception of the market. This behavior creates a complete resonance, because one trader believes that the financial instrument is undervalued, and the second trader assumes that it is quite overvalued. As a result, we have 2 opposing positions, where there is no right or wrong decision, because everyone can justify their point of view and it will look logical. Technical analysis helps, but it is not the key to making money in the foreign exchange market.

Real earnings of a trader on the Forex exchange

How much do Forex traders earn? Let's count as a percentage, because everyone has their own amount of money on a trading deposit. 2 strategies for making money on the stock exchange:

  1. Stable earnings on the foreign exchange market and a long-term perspective.
  2. High-risk “deposit overrun” and short-term perspective.

If we talk about the average indicator of stable earnings on the exchange, this is 10% per month of the trading account amount. What is 10%? In one month you can make a profit of around 5%, and in the next – 15%. Or you can sit at breakeven one month, and give out 20% the next month.

Is 120% per annum not enough? Then you'd better go to a casino or buy a weekly lottery ticket. What is 120% per annum? For example, you replenished your trading account with $10,000 - in a year you will have $22,000 on your trading deposit. This is $1,000 per month. This kind of money is quite enough to afford to live in any city in the CIS.

IN Russian-language Internet There is such a thing as “deposit acceleration”. Of course, this is not from a good life. The problem is that people live in poverty and free money very little for trade. As a rule, the average Russian-speaking trader can replenish a trading account with no more than $500. This amount is not enough to quit your job and live off trading. Why? Because a trader has to take extremely high risks, which sooner or later will bring losses and destroy your deposit. Many traders are looking for some kind of holy grail that will allow them to make $50,000 out of $500. There are no miracles.

In our practice, there is an example when a trader with $200 made $20,000, but soon all the money was lost, and the person was on the verge of a nervous breakdown. You must learn not to lose your own money because in trading you can only control your losses. No one can control the profit because no one knows how successful each transaction will be. But every trader can and must cut his losses and strictly limit himself.

How to become a trader and make money

A trader makes money when he has gained experience and learned to apply it in his approach to the market. There is not a single trader who has not lost money on the Forex market or any other exchange. This is fine. We all once learned to take our first steps and we all fell. Only one who gets up after losing his money and, taking into account the accumulated experience, avoids previous mistakes that led to losses can become a trader.

You should not think about how much Forex traders earn, but about how to maintain your trading account. You can save it by cutting losses. You entered into a trade, if the price did not move in your direction within 5 minutes, or the quote went in the opposite direction, exit the position. Admit your mistake, draw conclusions and enter into a new deal. This is the only way you will gain valuable experience that will allow you to make a living from trading in the future.

No one will tell you the specific time frame for learning how to make money on the stock exchange. There are examples where novice traders provided themselves with a small, stable income after just 3 months. In general, it takes several years to understand the Forex market. The first year or two are very important in trading and it is very important to learn not to lose money, because you simply will not be able to replenish your trading deposit after each loss.

How much does a trader earn?

After reading this article, you are convinced that you can earn absolutely any amount of money:

  1. You can “accelerate your deposit” from $100 to $10,000 and within a week lose all your money.
  2. You have the opportunity to spend time and money on training and receive a stable profit of around 10% per month or 120% per annum.

You must remember one thing: no one will teach you how to make money on the Forex market. Not because no one wants or can teach you, but because trading is a very specific area in which individual qualities and subjective perception of the market situation play a decisive role. It depends only on you how quickly you learn to understand the market and manage in cash and use the mathematical expectation to your advantage.

Once you learn how to make a living from trading, you will never question how much traders earn. You will understand that big money is hidden behind an even greater risk of losing it. Do you need a stable income on the stock exchange? Remember about mathematical expectation and don’t indulge yourself in the illusion of quick and easy money in trading!

04.08.2018 at 18:27 Artem189 2 comments

Previously, a strictly limited circle of people had access to exchanges - wealthy people who owned significant capital and also had access to trading. With the development of Internet technologies, the situation has changed. Similar exchange platforms for online trading and excellent trading began to appear in the public domain.

In the first years, many dealing centers also set a fairly high bar of requirements. The trader must have had a significant deposit. However, in recent years, a new type of trading platform has emerged that allows you to start earning money literally from $10. In this article we will give a brief overview this method making money using the example of one of the most popular platforms for online trading in RuNet - .

    2 How to make money in trading and which trader to choose

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The essence of this lies in an improved speculative scheme. Buy a product and later sell it at a higher price. Exchange rates, company shares and other trading assets never stand still; they are constantly changing. This is evidenced by stock quotes, on the basis of which chronological graphs are constructed.

Traders can in any conditions. It does not matter whether the value of the asset rises or falls. The key to success is correctly predicting the direction of movement of quotes, up or down.

This feature is a key feature of trading and at the same time its main advantage. For clarity, it is appropriate to make a comparison. For example, if you directly invest in cryptocurrency, then any drop in exchange rate will lead to losses. The trader, in turn, can open a trade not only for an increase, but also for a decrease.

Benefits of Trading :

  • availability – anyone can trade, you can learn for free;
  • short-termism – transaction duration is from 1 minute;
  • profitability – the percentage of profit on contracts is up to 87%;
  • versatility – you can trade any assets.

“Ease” cannot be written down as an advantage, although at first glance it is easy to earn money. From a technical point of view it is really not difficult. It is enough to make a forecast - the price will go up or down. You don't even need to calculate how far the price movement will go. However, in practice the situation is more complicated. Learning to trade is a task comparable in complexity to any other professional field of activity. But at the same time, basic trading skills are acquired quite quickly. But there is no limit to perfection. Every experienced trader will confirm that they never stop learning.

How to make money in trading and which trader to choose

First you need to choose a trading platform. We recommend using this - this is a time-tested company, included in the TOP-1 rating. However, this is not of fundamental importance in terms of trading. Next, you should open a demo account and start acquiring basic skills.

I decided to write a short post about how I got into the stock market...
Reading stories of success or failure of other people, both famous and not so famous, I understood one thing: you can achieve your goal only if you understand where you are going and clearly see what you want in front of you.
The Internet is replete with posts about easy money, a million in a month, learning to invest using the Buffett method, etc.
From my own experience, I can say one thing: there is no easy money in the market, the amount of knowledge and experience is proportional to the size of the portfolio, if you do not develop yourself, then there will be no increase in investments.
The main problem is to overcome yourself, your fears of losing money and know a sense of proportion, not to be greedy, then everything will work out. In 2013, I entrusted the management of my money to a person who, as it seemed to me then, had more experience than me, in the end I lost this money, the amount was not small. But it was this loss that allowed me to rethink my attitude towards money; now I have a much simpler attitude towards drawdowns and sharp growth in my portfolio. In any case, there were, are and will be losses, it is impossible to earn money all the time, you need to be able to lose, as in a fight, first you learn to fall, and then fight. The most important thing is to believe in success and that anything can be achieved.
It was such a lyrical introduction...
Since 2012, I learned that investing exists, that it is not so difficult... I went through HYIPs, PAMMs, trust management, even managed to join MMM... In short, I gained a decent amount of experience, as they say, experience is expensive, but it explains clearly: )
In 2014, I got involved in the stock market, I started with speculation in stocks, then switched to futures, this allowed me to develop a certain discipline in the market, in case of violation of the strategy, I immediately got hit on the forehead and lost part of my earnings...

Over time, I realized that intraday trading was not for me, despite the fact that I studied it for about 2 years, in 2014 I made transactions without a magazine, but at the same time I read a lot of books and watched various webinars. As a result, with my trading I returned all the money invested, but the knowledge remained; one might say, I invested in myself. My profitability for 2015 looked like this, I traded only using technical analysis:

Due to frequent business trips, I did not have time to be at the computer, and I decided to start studying fundamental analysis for myself. Start-up capital was earned by the speculation described above. The greater the capital, the greater the responsibility, I understood this and began to study stocks and bonds on the Russian market.
Thanks to Smartlab, I found a lot of important information for me for free, although I also bought and watched webinars. But most importantly, it is an experience that only comes with time and practice. Now my portfolio is 15% of what I want, which can cover all my needs with profitability, this is that great passive income. But there is still a long way to go, but the first results are already there.
In June 2016, I opened an IIS, which I try to shape as much as possible to suit my psychotype. I like the profitable investment style, and therefore I chose type 1 IIS, I return personal income tax and reinvest it.
At first, it took half a day to analyze the stock while I figured out all the multipliers. Now I made a table in Excel, Timofey also made a convenient table on SmartLab, now the time for analysis takes within 1 hour for 1 company. Considering that I analyze each company twice a year, every six months and every year, respectively.

Now my portfolio looks like this:

The final return, taking into account personal income tax returns, is 36.2% for 1.5 years, without deductions 23.2%, respectively.
I would also like to note that I opened an IIS account just not long before the market correction, my portfolio went into negative territory and stood there for a good 2 months, I had a stock of bonds for this case, which I sold, exchanging them for cheap shares.
For me the result is quite good, the main thing for me is stability, because... as I already said, I plan to make passive income a reality, and I also try to share all the reports I make on the stock market.

Maybe the story will be close to someone, I would like to add on my own behalf, don’t be afraid to lose money at 30, losing it at 60 is much worse, now in case of failure there is an opportunity to work it out, and don’t forget about diversification!

This is a question that concerns many skeptics. This is understandable. When people on the Internet talk about the successful lives of Forex players, on the forums, on the contrary, they say that they lost apartments, it is difficult to find the truth. Or maybe she doesn’t exist?

In trading you can. But the chance of success is very low. About the same as in business. But for some reason everyone perceives their business as something good and something bad.

Trading involves huge risks, high demands on people and a minimum open information(what to do to make it work). And the only difference is that in business you conduct your business in some area, and in trading you simply trade and make a profit.

How do traders make money?

A trader is a controversial profession. Many people have a stereotype of a “speculator”. There's nothing wrong with that though. A trader buys goods or currency cheaply and then sells it at a high price. It's simple. But behind this simplicity there are many pitfalls.

Let's separate two important concepts. A trader is a person who resells securities or other assets. And the investor invests his money in order to make a profit in the long term.

An investor can be a trader when an asset is overvalued, undervalued, or a profitable short-term trade is in sight. All of these are situations in which a competent investor can buy a security and then sell it when the price rises. But a trader cannot be an investor. Simply because as soon as the trader fixes a position in which the security will bring him a profit, he sells it.

Trading has its pros and cons. Let's talk about the positive aspects:

  • High incomes.
  • Mobility.
  • No ceiling.

There are more disadvantages, and for a beginner they will be more significant:

  • High risks.
  • The need to control emotions.
  • Inevitable mistakes.
  • High barrier to entry into the profession.

Plus, each trader takes on certain technical risks. The broker with whom he constantly traded may close and leave him without a platform and tools. And if it is modern, then, in general, it will disappear along with the money. Trading terminals are not perfect, and you have to pay for mistakes, especially in short-term trading.

The situation with bank brokers is not much better. They are truly more stable, more interesting and reliable. But you have to pay for them. And traders feel these small commissions much more than investors.

Trading is not that easy and beautiful life, as shown in advertising. This is constant tension, playing against your emotions and enormous work in order to achieve some income.

How much do traders earn?

Let's move on to the question for which you are reading this article. How much do most traders earn? From 0 to 100 million dollars.

All traders have different capitals. Some people trade with 1 million rubles, and others with 10 million dollars. And the difference in income is corresponding. That is why I will talk about profit as a percentage. It's more honest.


People who have been working for a long time financial markets, they say that newcomers can only lose money. And at the expense of those who just come and don’t know how to do anything yet, the whole system lives. I don’t know how much truth there is in these words, but here is one illustrative story:

Four years ago I did an internship at a bank. And there were three employees who were involved in the game stock exchange. Two of them were newbies, with only a couple of months of experience behind them. The third one is about a year old. The first ones told me the following: we are just losing money, gaining experience, some skills. At that time, out of a deposit of 60 thousand, they lost 10 and 15 each. The third played for a year, and he had already reached the break-even point without losing money. But without making money either.

And there are also indicative statistics: 90% of all stock traders lose their deposit in the first year. About a third of these people do not return. And only 10% can reach the level where the first income appears. In Russia, due to low literacy and widespread advertising, which attracts freebie lovers, the number of successful traders is much lower. Only 3-4 people out of 100 can count on something more than draining their account.

Forex trading for beginners - no best idea. The world's most successful trades have taken place in the currency markets, this is true. But the number of unsuccessful decisions is several thousand times greater.


I call amateurs those who have already passed the break-even period and systematically make a profit. Players achieve this in a year, two, three or five years. It all depends on how quickly a person learns, what he knew before joining trading and how he trades.

Traders who have already gained experience and can make a profit receive 2-5% profit per month.

Forex traders who take large risks can achieve returns of 100-500% per annum. This can be seen in the example, where 100% is a conservative strategy, and 500% is very risky. But it doesn't always work that way. In a few years, because of two or three mistakes, you can lose your entire account and be left out of business. There are many such examples.

Traders with good capital of 5-10 million rubles can count on 100-500 thousand rubles in net profit. This requires a lot of capital, good experience or mentor. Only after this can we say that you will earn big money and experience all the advantages of trading for yourself. Until then, you will have to limit yourself to only the negatives.


Professionals differ from amateurs in that they are responsible not only for their own capital. Investors, businessmen or simply people who need advice come to them and transfer their money to management. Typically these are separate funds managed by one well-known trader.

The world's top investment funds cannot boast annual returns above 20%. Rarely, in times of crisis and genius management decisions, can be seen in reports of 30-35%. But these are one-time promotions that happen once every 10 years.

Due to the fact that top traders manage more than just their own money, they have noticeably less income. All because of the risks. The best funds try to invest only in those instruments whose operation they understand and cannot fail. And any risky decision must be justified.

Professional traders make 1.5-2% profit per month on their trades. At the same time, they increase the assets of those who trust them.

How long does it take to achieve a stable income?

Exit to stable income in trading depends on the platform, tools, strategy and learning ability. If you start with the futures market, which is most suitable for beginners, then you can reach a minimum income in 1-2 years. The first year will be a trial year, when most of the bumps are accumulated, and the second year will be a gradual entry into the game, when the first money arrives.

The algorithm for success is this:

  1. Search for quality training materials. Forums on Forex broker websites are not suitable.
  2. Choosing a trading instrument. I recommend futures.
  3. Choosing a good broker.
  4. Testing the strategy on demo accounts.
  5. Testing the strategy on real trading.
  6. Mistakes and refinement of your strategy.
  7. First account drain.
  8. Finalizing the strategy.
  9. Getting your first profit.
  10. Access to a stable income.

And 99% of traders who want to be successful go through this. Therefore, most players drop out, some become more cautious and drop out later, and only a few achieve results. Trading is when you can really make big money, but only through a series of failures and negative experiences.

A trader is one of the most interesting and profitable professions in the world. Income is limited only by the money you are willing to spend on training and the amount of your own time to improve your skills. The faster, better and more correct the training, the higher the result will be. And then you will have the opportunity to earn 200 thousand or more thousand rubles in 1 month.

How much do successful traders earn? Today you can see a huge amount of advertising that invites you to master a profession such as trading. Brokers claim that immediately after starting work it will be possible to purchase expensive real estate, luxury cars, and so on. So how much do traders actually earn, and are their fees worth this hard analytical work?

TOP 3 Forex brokers in the world:

What numbers are usually called? An experienced speculator can earn up to 20% per month on the stock exchange, but this does not mean that this will continue in the future. It is possible that the balance will increase by only 2% - 3%, and maybe even decrease. Therefore, it is more relevant to consider how much a trader increases his capital per year (these indicators can range from 20% to 50%).

However, there are people who earn a stable income. Their salary is a fixed amount. These are corporate traders who manage the capital of the companies they work for. They are highly trained professionals and their fees can range from $10,000 to $100,000 per month depending on the organization they are trading for.

Corporate speculators work for the following types of companies:

  • banks;
  • hedge funds;
  • pension funds;
  • Insurance companies;
  • brokerage companies.

As you can see, traders also work for large market participants. However, the scheme of their work is slightly different from private ones, at least in terms of volume. Corporate traders have huge amounts of capital in their hands.

As for private owners, their income depends on the following factors:

  1. Deposit size: earning from $100, you get only $2-5, but if the deposit is $10,000, then the profit can already be $200-500 per month.
  2. Trading Style: Different traders prefer different types of trading. Some work exclusively on news, where profits can reach up to 80 pips or more, others prefer a less volatile market and are content with transactions with lower risks, but also lower profits.
  3. Choice trading instrument: the percentage of earnings also directly depends on the liquidity of the asset being traded.
  4. Depending on the timing.
  5. Trading systems and strategy: a correctly selected strategy for a particular market situation will make trading much more profitable.
  6. Using money management and risk management techniques.

These are not all factors. Very often, profit depends entirely on the trader, because he chooses the period of work and conditions. Some people prefer to trade for fun and are content with $200; for others, even a few thousand will not be enough, so they devote much more time to this activity.

How to increase income using someone else's capital?

As you know, in order to start trading, you need to top up your personal account. In addition, earnings directly depend on the size of the deposit. But what to do if a trader wants to significantly increase his income, but no longer has the opportunity to invest additional money, and dispersing the deposit seems too long?

Brokers and dealing centers help their successful clients who have already shown good trading results, receive additional profit. Special services are created for this purpose. trust management.

Anyone can invest in such services, even those who have never dealt with financial markets before. An investor entrusts his money to a professional trader, who uses it to trade on exchanges. The investor receives a percentage depending on his deposit, and the trader receives a reward for a profitable transaction, which ranges from 30%-50% of the profit.

Scheme of operation of PAMM accounts.

The most common option for trust management is PAMM accounts. The trader creates such an account by replenishing it with an amount set by the broker. After that, it begins to trade and show results. Investors, seeing the success of the manager, replenish his PAMM accounts with their own funds.

Also, a successful trader can earn extra money by acting as a signal provider. He registers in special service and starts trading as usual. By showing his success, the speculator attracts clients who subscribe to the signals. He gives signals to conclude a deal, and his subscriber copies them. If it is successful, the supplier receives additional funds.

For reference! Thus, you can significantly increase your monthly salary by using the capital of others. In this case, the percentage of earnings can increase to 10% -20% per month.

Successful traders

There are many examples of successful traders who once again prove that it is possible to make money in the financial markets. These people have come a long way, started with small deposits, lost them, went into deep drawdowns, and tried again. and ended up making a fortune.

Stephen Cohen

Stephen Cohen.

Stephen Cohen is one of the most famous speculators and is included in the ranking of the 200 richest people in the world. He started his journey with $1000 using a scalping strategy. It is interesting that he did not use fundamental and technical analysis methods in his trading. Stephen opened hundreds of trades a day, learning to feel the market's behavior. The trader started working at Gruntal&Co and traded on stock market.

Nuance! At the moment, Cohen is the owner of his own hedge fund, which employs about half a million traders. The fund's assets have long exceeded $12 billion.

Alexander Gerchik

Alexander Gerchik

But what about the success of domestic traders? There are also successful traders in Russia who have amassed a huge fortune. Alexander Gerchik is the most famous Russian trader. In 2006, Gerchik was recognized by the NYSE best trader. It is known that since 2009, Alexander has not had a single unprofitable month. The exact size of his capital is not known, but it is clear that it is growing exponentially.

As you can see, nothing is impossible, and the trading profession remains one of the most profitable today. As long as there are people who prove by their example the reality of success in trading, there is no doubt about the very prospects of making money in the financial markets. As for the specific amount, income depends only on ambition, dedication and professionalism.
