What an internet marketer should be able to do. Marketer - who is he and what does he do? Education Requirements

Internet marketer is a marketing specialist in the field of brand promotion on the World Wide Web. In our Internet marketer job description the responsibilities of this specialist are spelled out, which include: analyzing resource traffic, accounting for the fulfillment of contracts and expanding the client base. In the age of high technology, the importance of such specialists is increasing.

Job description of an Internet marketer

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1. General Provisions

1.1. An Internet marketer is classified as a company employee.
1.2. Appointment to the position of Internet marketer and dismissal from it are made by order of the general director of the enterprise.
1.3. The Internet marketer reports directly to the head of the Internet marketing department.
1.4. During the absence of an Internet marketer, his rights and responsibilities are transferred to another official, who acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the proper performance of his duties.
1.5. A person with a higher technical education is appointed to the position of Internet marketer.
1.6. An Internet marketer should know:
- procedures and other quality documentation related to its activities;
- basics of advertising and marketing of Internet projects on the Internet;
- principles of operation of search engines, banner networks, web resource directories;
- rules for preparing materials for concluding contracts;
- have professional skills in working and configuring MS Office software products and means of accessing Internet resources.
1.7. An Internet marketer is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- the company’s charter, internal labor regulations, and other regulations of the company;
- orders and instructions from management;
- this job description.

2. Functional responsibilities of an Internet marketer

An Internet marketer performs the following job responsibilities:

2.1. Develops strategies and plans for project development.
2.2. Ensures the implementation of the project development plan.
2.3. The expansion of the customer base.
2.4. Monitors project work, prepares monthly project reports and submits them to the head of the information technology department.
2.5. Analyzes resource traffic and work to promote the project on the Internet.
2.6. Provides responses to incoming customer requests.
2.7. Provides accounting for the implementation of contracts.

3. Rights of an Internet marketer

An Internet marketer has the right:

3.1. Make decisions within your competence.
3.2. Require management to create normal conditions for the performance of official duties.
3.3. Submit suggestions for improving your work.

4. Responsibility of an Internet marketer

An Internet marketer is responsible for:

4.1. Fuzzy and untimely fulfillment of their functional duties provided for by these instructions - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.2. Incorrect communication with clients.
4.3. Inaccurate information about the status of the work assigned to him.
4.4. Failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions from the head of the Internet marketing department and the director of the organization.
4.5. Violation of internal labor regulations established at the enterprise.
4.6. Disclosure of information constituting a trade secret of the organization.
4.7. Failure to preserve or damage material assets, if failure or damage occurred due to the fault of the Internet marketer.

General provisions

1.1. An Internet marketer is classified as a company employee.
1.2. Appointment to the position of Internet marketer and dismissal from it are made by order of the general director of the enterprise.
1.3. The Internet marketer reports directly to the head of the Internet marketing department.
1.4. During the absence of an Internet marketer, his rights and responsibilities are transferred to another official, who acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the proper performance of his duties.
1.5. A person with a higher technical education is appointed to the position of Internet marketer.
1.6. An Internet marketer should know:
- procedures and other quality documentation related to its activities;
- basics of advertising and marketing of Internet projects on the Internet;
- principles of operation of search engines, banner networks, web resource directories;
- rules for preparing materials for concluding contracts;
- have professional skills in working and configuring MS Office software products and means of accessing Internet resources.
1.7. An Internet marketer is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- the company’s charter, internal labor regulations, and other regulations of the company;
- orders and instructions from management;
- real.

Functional responsibilities of an Internet marketer

An Internet marketer does the following:

2.1. Develops strategies and plans for project development.
2.2. Ensures the implementation of the project development plan.
2.3. The expansion of the customer base.
2.4. Monitors project work, prepares monthly project reports and submits them to the head of the information technology department.
2.5. Analyzes resource traffic and work to promote the project on the Internet.
2.6. Provides responses to incoming customer requests.
2.7. Provides accounting for the implementation of contracts.

Internet marketer rights

An Internet marketer has the right:

3.1. Make decisions within your competence.
3.2. Require management to create normal conditions for the performance of official duties.
3.3. Submit suggestions for improving your work.

Responsibility of an Internet Marketer

An Internet marketer is responsible for:

4.1. Fuzzy and untimely fulfillment of their functional duties provided for by these instructions - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.2. Incorrect communication with clients.
4.3. Inaccurate information about the status of the work assigned to him.
4.4. Failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions from the head of the Internet marketing department and the director of the organization.
4.5. Violation of internal labor regulations established at the enterprise.
4.6. Disclosure of information constituting a trade secret of the organization.
4.7. Failure to preserve or damage material assets, if failure or damage occurred due to the fault of the Internet marketer.

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An Internet marketer is a specialist in Internet promotion.

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Responsibilities of an Internet Marketer

The main tasks of an Internet marketer, depending on the specifics, can be divided into several types:

  • Market research, drawing up a portrait of the buyer persona - searching for a target audience that is interested in a product or service.
  • The development of new products and services that are focused on the current needs of the audience is in demand.
  • Search for unoccupied niches in the market - distribution channels that can provide high sales.
  • Bringing a product to the market - having the necessary data in hand, organize the entry of a product or service into the market, working out the most effective scheme.
  • Life cycle management is a broad topic that includes almost everything from bringing products to market to replacing outdated product samples with new models.

The specialist does all this via the Internet. Launches advertising campaigns, promotes the brand website, manages communities on social networks, and selects target audiences.

What an internet marketer should be able to do

The responsibilities of an Internet marketer are not limited to knowledge of one subject area, since in most cases his work involves performing multidirectional tasks, both independently and with the help of a hired team of specialists.

The following areas are within the competence of an Internet marketer:

  • Media advertising is the creation of an image in the media space, including a variety of media.
  • Contextual advertising – understanding the principles of working with contextual advertising networks, the ability to correctly set goals and track their achievement. Creation of advertising campaigns, optimization and control over budget expenditure, increasing the efficiency of implementation through analysis of accumulated statistics.
  • Search engine marketing is the promotion of a product or service in search networks. Understanding of SEO principles and working in accordance with current search engine algorithms to achieve maximum rankings for the required key queries.
  • SMO and SMM – promoting a product on social networks, creating and maintaining groups and communities, with the attraction of a potential client. Constantly adding relevant content to social networks and microblogs as part of the campaign. Social networks are a fairly large market, and the task of an Internet marketer is to find and attract his client to them.
  • Direct marketing – in this case, E-mail newsletters or RSS feeds are used, which highlight profitable offers and promotions, as well as other news about products or services.
  • – allows you to attract the widest possible audience, but at the same time it is quite difficult to implement due to the many factors influencing the campaign. This includes the distribution of media content with references to products that do not contain explicit advertising, but only indicate the presence of the product “by the way.”
  • Branding on the Internet – creating a positive image of a product, service or brand, increasing awareness. For this purpose, memorable, original logos, short slogans and corporate colors are used, as well as elements that help emphasize the corporate style and distinguish the product from competitors.
  • E-mail marketing – sending letters to databases in order to obtain responses from interested parties. There are entire services that allow you to order mailings on certain topics or other criteria.
  • Guerrilla marketing is an ideal solution for low-budget projects, as it allows you to get fairly high results at low costs.

Depending on the task at hand, a competent IM must understand these areas, if not thoroughly, then have the skills to correctly formulate tasks for performers in given areas. In general, these are the main points that are the responsibilities of an Internet marketer; depending on the situation, they can be expanded or supplemented depending on the specifics of the projects.

How to become an internet marketer

The main thing is to constantly monitor the area. It’s easy to enter the profession, but it’s hard to stay in it.

We must constantly monitor trends: what is used, how it works.

It takes constant practice. Learn to create and analyze advertising campaigns and run communities. Implement new ideas to attract customers.

Qualities of a good specialist:

  • Self-learning - you need to read a lot, educate yourself.
  • Perseverance and attentiveness.
  • Analytical ability.
  • Creativity.
  • Communication skills.


Today's labor market demonstrates high demand for the profession, but there are more than enough applicants for such vacancies, but competition is also high. In this area, accumulated experience and previous successful marketing campaigns are highly valued.

Depending on the size of the projects, the salary can vary significantly, but the average is $700-1000. This figure is very approximate, and there are specialists whose pay is an order of magnitude higher. In this area, much depends on the reputation gained and the volume of projects being implemented.

Good afternoon Rimma Belyakina is in touch. Today we’ll talk about such an important profession as a marketer. Let's find out who he is, what his responsibilities are, how you can become a marketing pro from scratch, how much a remote marketer earns and much more. Don't go anywhere, it will be interesting.

How many words borrowed from other languages ​​have appeared in the Russian language! And how to understand them all and not get confused in all these “tradings”, “leasing”, “outsourcing”? How to figure out who a merchandiser, supervisor, promoter is?

Every time a foreign word comes up in everyday life, I remember our well-known politician (let’s do without naming), who in every election campaign promises to cleanse the Russian language of foreign garbage.

In the meantime, he is in search of the appropriate tool for large-scale cleaning (oh, I got carried away) - general cleaning, let's figure out who a marketer is, because this is also a borrowed word. And I hope you will like the description of the profession and my story about it, because I tried very hard, as always. And at the end, again, as always, I am waiting for your ratings, suggestions, comments. So, let's begin.

Who is a marketer and what does he do?

Have you ever wondered why, for example, you drive a certain brand of car, have a new model of phone, buy one type of tea, prefer to drink coffee of a certain brand, wear sneakers from a well-known company? Most likely, you have often seen them or heard about them in advertising, which means that we are talking about products promoted by advertising.

Today we can no longer imagine our lives without advertising. It’s everywhere: on television, radio, in magazines and newspapers, on billboards, in stores... It’s just some kind of dominance! And why all? Because it is part of marketing, if not the main one, then one of the fundamental ones.

The word marketing comes from the English “market”, which means “market” and involves the organization of activities in the process of creating and promoting a product or service.

The main tasks of marketing are demand research, identification and satisfaction of human needs.

Information about the needs of the client, the expected quality and the price that the consumer is willing to pay for a product or service is needed by every manufacturer and company that provides services to the public.

To “stay afloat”, manufacturers also need to monitor the state of affairs of competing firms: monitor the quality of their products and pricing policy. It is the marketer’s job to collect all this data, as well as think through the strategy and tactics for promoting goods and services in the consumer market.

Marketer is a specialist who studies supply and demand in the consumer market for goods and services, an expert in the sales of company products.

Different companies define their own functions of a marketer. Some focus on advertising their product, promoting the brand, others are more focused on market analysis, studying market prices, while others devote all their efforts to distinguishing themselves from competitors. But everyone is united in one thing:

The main functions of a marketer are to ensure the most effective work of the company, increasing the efficiency of its activities in promoting the product in the consumer market.

Here the specialist, as they say, “has a free hand” and all means and methods are used. History knows many impressive, sometimes amazingly simple, but so effective, sometimes contradictory, and sometimes curious cases of marketing moves that brought dizzying profits to companies. Here are some examples. Assess the scope of the “flight of thought”.

Story 1. The American company that gave birth to the fast food industry, in order to attract the population to eat the hamburgers they made, applied the principle of transparency - the food was prepared right in front of consumers - everything is clean, no deception.

To enhance the effect, an unconventional marketing ploy was put in place: hired people in white coats, who could be seen every now and then in line, strengthened the idea of ​​the company’s cleanliness in the minds of the population, because even “doctors” bought hamburgers.

The company began to develop at a rapid pace, and for many years has been a leader in the consumer consumption industry.

Story 2. Alka-Seltzer, a company known for its effervescent hangover pills, doubled its revenue thanks to a simple trick: in an advertisement, they began to drop not one, but two tablets into a glass of water.

Just. Truly everything ingenious is simple. Or here’s another – my favorite story.

Story 3. At the dawn of the formation of the profession, the owner of a certain Milanese window glazing company, to commemorate the anniversary of his company, gave all the local boys... a slingshot, and even with a note: “In gratitude for their cooperation.”

How do you like this marketing ploy? I remember the proverb: “In war, all means are fair!” How creative the job of a marketer can be, right?

Marketing – is this a modern profession?

In our country, the need for marketers in the broad sense of the profession arose in the 90s. With the transition to a market economy, a huge number of goods appeared and manufacturers began to fight for consumers.

Specialists were needed to study the goods market, determine the needs of the population and the properties that a product must have in order for people to want to buy it, as well as propose ways to sell it.

The profession turned out to be in great demand and began to develop rapidly. In 1998, only 20% of domestic companies had their own marketing department, and already in 2001 - 60%.

However, in Europe, trading companies began to use the services of a marketer already in the 17th century. Merchants sent their clerks to cities and villages so that they could find out what the population needed and what goods they liked best. But there was no such name in those days.

What are the responsibilities of a marketer?

Marketing today is not only about creating a product and promoting it on the market, it is about identifying consumer values ​​and creating a system in which the process of purchasing a product or service would fully satisfy the basic values ​​of the consumer.

“Marketing is the art of creating true value for the consumer, the ability to help consumers live better.”

Philip Kotler (creator of the modern school of marketing)

The world is changing rapidly. The consumer has become more discerning, more demanding, and more sophisticated in his needs. He no longer needs coffee just as a drink to quickly recover from sleep in the morning, he needs pleasure; a dress is not just a piece of clothing, it is an image, a style, an image; A car is not only a means of transportation, it is speed, comfort, prestige.

Today, the so-called Marketing 3.0 system works in three directions:

  1. Attracting a client.
  2. Customer service.
  3. Customer retention and return.

What should a specialist be able to do so that work in all these three areas is carried out at the proper level? A good marketer is a marketing analyst; his main responsibility, as noted earlier, is research and analysis of the market: what goods and services are presented, which ones are missing, at what price and who buys, why they buy, why they don’t buy.

Other responsibilities, depending on company priorities, may include:

  • forecast and modeling of possible fluctuations in supply and demand;
  • development of product promotion plans;
  • organizing and conducting events, advertising campaigns, promotions;
  • compiling a list of consumer goods;
  • determining budget and pricing;
  • managing the workflow of other marketing department specialists: advertising agents, designers, copywriters, etc.

What are the responsibilities of an Internet marketer, you ask. After all, we are here discussing the possibilities of working remotely. Yes, almost everything is the same, but only online.

An Internet marketer must:

  1. Expand your customer base.
  2. Monitor project work and prepare monthly reports.
  3. Analyze resource traffic and work to promote the project.
  4. Provide responses to incoming customer requests.
  5. Develop plans and strategies for project development and ensure their implementation.
  6. Ensure compliance with contracts.

Simply put, an Internet marketer, also known as a web marketer, is involved in managing online sales, attracting as many visitors as possible to the website of a manufacturer or trading company, and developing strategies and methods for selling goods via the Internet.

Here, whatever tools can be invented will help him, because Internet technologies do not stand still! Here are just a few of them:

  • selling site,
  • one-page site Landing Page,
  • SEO promotion,
  • SMM promotion,
  • advertising (targeting, teaser, banner, viral, native),
  • email newsletter,
  • messengers, etc.

Want to know more about it and how it all works? Here is a video about modern marketing tools.

What qualities will help you become a marketing professional?

Becoming a professional is not easy. You need to be an extraordinary person and combine a sufficient number of professional and personal qualities.

  1. A marketer needs to have the makings of a psychologist, since the outcome of sales of the enterprise’s products depends on his ability to influence the buyer’s consciousness. He knows how color, packaging size, smells, font size, product position on the shelf, etc. affect the consumer, and he knows how to manipulate it.
  2. He must have the desire, interest and desire to work with a large amount of new, primarily significant information: analytical data, sales data, results of consumer surveys, reports.
  3. Creativity: the ability to come up with new ideas, non-standard moves.
  4. Communication and good verbal skills: networking, negotiations/presentations, communication with clients, ability to persuade.
  5. Good analytical and mathematical skills (ability to work with numbers, graphs, diagrams).
  6. Humanitarian abilities (ability to work with texts).
  7. Attention and concentration to engage in analytical activities.
  8. Organization (the ability to plan work and clearly follow the intended goals).
  9. Stress resistance, because you need to be prepared for large volumes of work and a rapidly changing market situation.

And the main quality, the presence of which is mandatory (and not only in the marketing profession, as I see it) and without which neither success nor advancement in terms of career growth is possible, is, no matter how trite, love for the work you do. Do you agree?

Pros and cons of the profession

  1. Demand. The prevalence of the marketing profession is increasingly scaling in the field of consumer demand. Business is growing. A person will always need something.
  2. High salary. Internet marketers with high performance indicators can boast of large fees.
  3. Opportunity for career growth. There is a chance to get a position immediately after graduation, since there is a high demand for competent specialists. At the start, however, you need to be prepared for the position of assistant marketer or assistant.
  4. An interesting creative profession. There is an opportunity to show your talents and realize your ideas.
  1. Low starting position without work experience and portfolio.
  2. Along with the fact that this is creative work, it is also painstaking work (this is described above).
  3. Great responsibility to company leaders. You always need to be “on guard”, “competitors do not sleep.”
  4. Nervous work, although interesting. Great psychological stress - the amount of work is not bad.
  5. Often irregular work schedules, again due to heavy workload.
  6. Possible risks in remote work conditions: you can “run into” an unscrupulous employer; informal employment and, as a consequence, unpaid sick leave and vacation.

Here, as they say, “think for yourself, decide for yourself, to have or not to have,” that is, “to be or not to be.”

Where do they teach professions?

Training can be completed at higher educational institutions at the faculties of sociology or management in the areas of “Advertising and Public Relations”, “Marketing”, “Applied Methods of Sociological Research”. But, unfortunately, there are not many universities teaching in these areas.

However, this specialty can also be obtained in other educational institutions (colleges, technical schools), where courses and trainings are conducted. There are online universities that teach modern Internet professions.

If you wish, you can try to learn on your own; fortunately, there is plenty of material on this topic on the Internet. We will have an article reviewing marketing courses coming soon.

How to find a job

As they say, “if there is a desire,” there are many options for finding a job:

  • on job search sites, primarily: job.ru, rabota.ru, hh.ru, superjob.ru;
  • on numerous;
  • on social networks, having previously correctly and competently registered your account;
  • through commercial offers with your resume sent directly to recruiters of companies where you would like to work;
  • It has now become fashionable to use multifunctional instant messengers (Telegram, WhatsApp), and don’t forget to set up your profile correctly, starting with the status;
  • on professional forums, where employers, like job seekers, also look.

As we know, there are no easy paths, and “the one who walks can master the road.”

How much does a marketer's work cost?

Depending on the regions and the functions assigned by the company to the specialist, according to the research center of the Superjob.ru portal, salaries vary from the lowest of 23,000 to the highest of 58,000 rubles.

The website Trud.com provides approximately similar statistics, where the average salary of a marketer is clearly visible - 30,000 rubles.

Your professional abilities, accompanied by a trump card in the form of a solid portfolio, your wealth of experience and an irresistible desire to work in the field of PR for the benefit of meeting human needs will be faithful companions in your search for employment.


What's the result? The realization that the marketing profession is the field of activity of creative, extraordinary individuals, but with a commercial streak, who are not afraid of difficulties, ready for development and professional growth. In this video you can learn even more about the profession of a marketer.

Do you recognize yourself in the description? Do you have a desire to occupy this niche? Then go ahead! And may good luck accompany you!

For now - bye. And yes, do not hesitate to rate the article “5 stars” if it was useful and interesting to you. I look forward to your comments.

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