The role of the HR manager. Key roles of the HR manager

Until now, different companies have very different ideas about what an HR manager should do.

The HR manager has different roles:

1. For some, this is a personnel officer who draws up employment contracts, advertises vacancies, fills out work books and keeps all personnel documentation of the organization in order.

2. For someone HR manager is a psychological consultant who is hired with the hope that he will be able to solve personal problems of management and understand the subtext of relationships.

3. Somewhere HR– a supervisor whose central task is to evaluate the work of staff. Those. he travels to stores and observes the work of salespeople, or accompanies managers, supervising their meetings, and conducts periodic personnel assessments.

4. Often HR manager- specialist generalist, which is engaged in marketing, merchandising, and promotion of new products, services and general advertising of the company.

Another point of view on the role of the HR manager is that he should be a business partner general director. And then the task of the HR manager is not to create a favorable climate, consoling everyone and everything, but to promote the most successful work of the company in the market.

According to Michael Armstrong, depending on the extent to which HR employees are involved in the development management decisions, the manager can take on various roles , which need to be implemented in their specific ratio.

As defined by Tyson and D. Ulrich, the HR manager's role as a business partner ideally corresponds to management's line of action, which is aimed at achieving the company's long-term business goals. Here the main characteristics of a manager are the ability to forecast, crisis management, analysis of risks, strengths and weaknesses companies, the ability to interact and put forward proposals in the context of economic and structural changes.

The role of a strategist involves focusing the HR manager's activities on long-term goals. In this approach, employees are viewed as a strategic resource for achieving competitive advantage.

The manager resorts to the role of interventionist when the situation requires intervention - whether it is establishing a communication process or changing the way a specific task is performed. In the case of innovation, he is required to have high adaptability, flexibility, decision-making ability, the ability to think outside the box, and the ability to persuade.

The main tasks of the HR manager:

1. Organization of work with personnel in accordance with the general development goals of the company and specific areas personnel policy to achieve effective corporate results and professional development of employees. The activities of the HR manager must correspond to the long-term goals of the organization and form a favorable basis, the necessary conditions for achieving these goals.

2. Determining the need for personnel and the main sources of attracting resources. The HR manager searches and selects personnel, conducts interviews with candidates, and conducts their initial diagnosis. Incorrect distribution of responsibilities and usage human resources can lead to incompetent performance of labor functions, ineffective labor performance, financial problems company, unfavorable psychological climate. Therefore, timely determination of the need to replenish the staff or replace an employee will avoid many difficulties in the future.

The personnel selection procedure takes place in several stages:

· identifying staffing needs and determining candidate requirements;

· attracting candidates for positions;

· selection of candidates.

3. Conducting assessments of the results of labor activity of employees, certifications, competitions for filling vacant positions. Regular certification allows you to determine the degree of efficiency of use and quality of the company’s human resources, clarify the requirements the company imposes on employees and compliance with their work results, identify difficulties and problems that prevent employees from achieving the required performance indicators, determine the main areas of training, advanced training and development company personnel, as well as increase productivity and quality of work due to an increase in the level of motivation and responsibility of personnel.

4. Organization of personnel training, coordination of work to improve the qualifications of employees and develop their business careers. One of the tasks necessary to achieve the goals of the organization is to increase the value of the company's main resource - its employees. Therefore, wise investment in training allows you to improve the professional competence of employees and achieve better performance results.

5. Improvement of employee qualifications- this is, first of all, expanding the set of basic skills necessary for effective work, acquiring interaction skills in situations new to the employee, and developing personal qualities through corporate training.

6. Organization effective system communications, dissemination of information on personnel issues to all employees. A balanced information exchange in an organization assumes that employees will be aware of major management decisions, structural, strategic changes in the company, and management should be aware of the arrival of new employees and the main events occurring in the middle management of employees.

7. Assessment of business and personal qualities of employees, work motivation. To develop a personnel motivation system, to implement a program to create a favorable psychological climate, to identify the need for training and its planning, to obtain a psychological portrait of each employee and evaluate him, the manager must master diagnostic methods and conduct it depending on the goal.

8. Development of an effective motivation system. Finding a competent employee is one thing, keeping him is another. Therefore, one of the important responsibilities of a human resource manager is to diagnose and develop an effective motivation system. In addition to the material incentives that immediately come to mind, we should not forget about non-material methods of motivation.

9. Consulting managers at various levels on the organization of personnel management, planning advanced training for managers. High competence helps to improve the performance of managers and gives them favorable opportunities for development. In addition, the HR manager has access to information, taking into account which more reasonable and effective proposals can be put forward for discussion. In this way, the HR manager can contribute to the formation of activity in the direction of the strategic goals of the organization.

10. Participation in planning social development team, permission labor disputes and conflicts, creating a favorable socio-psychological climate and developing a corporate culture.

The socio-psychological climate of the company includes such indicators as satisfaction with work, conditions, content, relationships with colleagues, management style in the company, level of tension and conflict, professional development, as well as the level of trust in the organization. Therefore, when studying the psychological climate, these indicators are considered. After identifying problematic issues, it becomes clear to the manager in which direction to work to achieve favorable psychological conditions for activity. A developed corporate culture presupposes high loyalty of staff and unity of goals, commitment to the core values ​​of the company, adherence to rules and compliance by employees with the standards established in the company. Implementing activities that contribute to the formation of a corporate culture increases team cohesion and allows you to specify priorities. For these purposes, the HR manager can develop special projects, such as: “Company Employee Code”, “ Best Project of the Year”, “Face of the Company”, etc.

11. Drawing up and execution of employment contracts, maintaining personal files of employees and other documents. The HR manager must organize proper documented personnel records, allowing the necessary management decisions to be made quickly and efficiently.

Traditionally, the HR manager performs 3 main functions:

1. Linear function: considered “the first of all” and consists of linear powers within the personnel service, that is, the direction of actions of the workers employed in it, as well as service personnel (for example, a factory cafeteria, etc.). From experience, line managers in other departments are well aware that the HR director has access to senior management on all HR matters, whether testing or approving actions related to hiring, promotion or termination. As a result, the HR director’s “suggestion” is very often viewed as an order from above. These powers often carry great weight in overcoming the difficulties that supervisors face in dealing with personnel problems.

Personnel managers (managers) are an independent type of professionals - specialists whose main goal is to increase the production, creative output and activity of personnel; focus on reducing the share and number of production and management employees; development and implementation of personnel selection and placement policies; development of rules for hiring and dismissing personnel; resolving issues related to training and advanced training.

The functions of HR managers are related to the functions of line managers, who in the organizational management structure are authorized to direct the work of subordinates and be responsible for the implementation of the main tasks of the company.

The line manager in personnel management is responsible for the following:

Placing the necessary people in the appropriate places;

Attracting employees to new jobs;

Improving the quality of work;

Creating a favorable social climate;

Control of labor costs;

Development of employee capabilities;

Taking care of the physical health of employees.

The main tasks of line managers and HR managers include:

Make workers capable of joint action;

Make their efforts efficient and effective;

Smooth out the inherent characteristics and contradictions of people.

HR managers within HR services perform the following functions:

Linear – powers within the department;

Coordination - coordinated actions of personnel or functional control;

Personnel (service) functions – servicing line managers.

The functional division of labor in the personnel services of organizations allows us to identify several functional blocks of personnel management:

Block 1 – determining staffing needs – planning quantitative and qualitative staffing needs;

Block 2 – ensuring the organization is staffed:

Collection and analysis of marketing information on personnel;

Selection, development and use of methodological support for determining personnel needs;

Sampling, assessment and selection of personnel.

Block 3 – use of personnel:

Determination of the content of work (job description);

Assessment of labor productivity in the workplace (choice of methodology development);

Career guidance and adaptation of personnel;

Ensuring safety and favorable working conditions;

Service movements of personnel (demotion/promotion).

Block 4 – personnel development:

Organization of training and advanced training;

Career planning and development;

Formation of “corporate spirit”.

Block 5 – staff motivation:

Development of a remuneration structure and benefits;

Managing the content and process of motivating the workforce;

Conflict Management.

Block 6 – legal, personnel, information, financial and technical support for the personnel management process.

4.5. General characteristics of the personnel management system.

The personnel management system is designed for effective management personnel in order to create comfortable socio-psychological and ergonomic working conditions. It can be considered as a functional subsystem of organization management. In turn, the effective functioning of the personnel management system depends on the supporting subsystems:






Main functions of the personnel management system:

the main function is effective personnel management;

a secondary function is to create favorable conditions for the work of personnel.

The main function of the functional subsystem of the control system implements the following tasks:

Management of training and staffing:



Assessment and learning;

Management of personnel placement and movement:

Arrangement of workplaces;

Intra-company reshuffle without changing profession;

Organization of professionally qualified personnel movement;

Management of professional adaptation;

Personnel management:

Management of scientific and technical potential;

Scientific organization of labor;

Labor Economics;

Management of socio-psychological factors:

Prevention and resolution of conflicts;

Ensuring psychological compatibility in work groups;

Educational work of a manager.

The secondary function implements the following tasks:

Occupational Safety and Health;

Medical service;

Social and cultural events.

There are serious requirements for staffing the personnel management system. The most important tasks of departments involved in personnel management are: socio-psychological diagnostics of employees, regulation of intergroup and interpersonal relationships, employment management, assessment and selection of candidates for vacant positions, knowledge of personnel potential and its assessment, personnel marketing, professional and socio-psychological adaptation of employees , training a reserve of management personnel, etc.

Training of specialists in the field of personnel management is carried out in accordance with the State educational standard for the specialty 06.02.00. “Labor Economics and Personnel Management.” This document defines the basic requirements for specialists in the field of personnel management, for their knowledge, skills and abilities. The standard, in particular, states that a specialist in the field of personnel management must meet a certain set of requirements. He must be familiar with the basic teachings in the field of humanities and socio-economic sciences and be able to scientifically analyze socially significant problems and processes, as well as be able to use the methods of these sciences in various forms professional activity. The specialist must know the legal and ethical norms governing interpersonal relationships, as well as the principles of system analysis, and must be able to simulate situations. He must have data that allows him to continue his studies and conduct his activities in a foreign language environment, possess a culture of thinking, be able to organize his work on a scientific basis, and understand the essence and significance of his profession. He must be able to find non-standard solutions to standard problems and solve new problems. When working with subordinates and colleagues, such a specialist must set goals and formulate tasks, as well as ensure their solution.

Information support of the personnel management system is intended for collecting, systematizing and analyzing information necessary for making personnel management decisions. In the past, the information subsystem was essentially an ordinary file cabinet containing information about employees. Naturally, using such a system was, firstly, not always convenient, and secondly, it took quite a lot of time, moreover, the information contained in it was often insufficient for the manager, which is why it was necessary to spend additional efforts and time to select all necessary data. Currently, due to the development of modern technologies and the widespread use of computers, the information subsystem is implemented on the basis of specialized software and is a complex multi-level database.

The information base usually contains the following information:

Personal data of the company’s employees and possible candidates for vacant positions;

Excerpts from laws, regulations and various orders relating to personnel services and personnel managers (the main ones are the Labor Code (Labor Code) and the Civil Code (Civil Code));

Methodological manuals for calculating various indicators related to personnel management (number of personnel, base wages, etc.);

Information regarding employee motivation (information about the bonus and incentive system);

Information about employees’ internships, advanced training courses, training, etc.

All documents for registration of labor relations (work books, orders for hiring, moving, dismissing an employee, personal cards, personal files).

Financial support for the personnel management system is intended to raise funds to solve the problems of personnel management, including recruitment, selection, effective use and development of personnel.

There are two main types of financing of personnel activities at an enterprise. The first is formed on the basis of cost, the second - on the basis of profit. The main cost components associated with personnel management include:

Salaries of key workers;

Salaries of management personnel (HR managers);

Contributions to the employment fund;

Contributions to social and health insurance, etc.

Legal support for the personnel management system is necessary to ensure that the actions of personnel managers and personnel work comply with the requirements and conditions of the legislative framework.

There are two levels of the legal subsystem:

State, in which the main legislator is the state itself, represented by the government or parliament, and various public services. At this level, the legal framework includes a set of the most important decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation and laws Russian Federation including:

Labor Code of the Russian Federation;

Civil Code of the Russian Federation;

Law of the Russian Federation on collective bargaining agreements;

Law of the Russian Federation on Education;

Law of the Russian Federation on pensions;

Law of the Russian Federation on the fundamentals of the tax system of the Russian Federation and many others.

The level of the enterprise at which the legal framework is formed by the founders of the enterprise or its management. Defined by the following legal documents:

Charter of the enterprise;

Foundation agreement;

Contract with the administration.

The enterprise level is subordinate to the state level and is formed within the framework specified by it.

The main legal document is the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It regulates the following main issues of labor organization in the Russian Federation:

The procedure for concluding collective agreements;

Ensuring employment and guaranteeing the realization of citizens' right to work;

Work and rest time;


Guarantees and compensations;

Labor discipline;

Labor of women and youth;

Labor disputes;


Powers of labor collectives;

State social insurance.

The technical support of the personnel management system is associated with the use of certain technical means.

Typically, these technical means are divided into two large classes: office equipment and computer equipment.

Office equipment is divided into several groups:

The simplest means (stationery, filing cabinets, control boards, etc.);

Office furniture (tables, chairs, etc.);

Machines for recording data and reproducing documents (typewriters, copiers, etc.);

Communication means (selectors, telephones, teletypes, etc.).

Computer technology includes all types of computer technology used in management. In intra-company management, in particular in personnel management, personal computers, microcalculators, telecommunications tools, electronic typewriters, terminal devices with built-in microcomputers, and automated text information processing tools are used.

In the operational personnel management system, computers are used to solve various tasks: for storing permanent data about employees, for recording work performed and calculating wages, for analyzing personnel data, etc. In personnel management, computers are increasingly used to process textual rather than numerical information, and the concept of “computer technology” no longer corresponds to the content of the problems solved with their help.

In the management subsystem for personnel management, new technical means are widely used: copiers with built-in microcomputers (for copying and sending documents), information databases for storing various texts, telecommunications intra-company networks, phototypesetting and voice recording equipment, etc.

Large modern companies use complex automated information processing, which combines all technical means of information processing using the latest technology and information processing methodology. The creation of complex automated systems is carried out in several stages. At the first stage, the processes of collecting, storing and issuing data are automated, at the second stage, devices for automated processing of text information and phototypesetting devices are introduced, at the third stage, separate information processing processes are integrated into a single in-house system (combining technical means of digital and text information through Email), at the fourth stage the transition to unified system processing all types of information.

Based on the interpenetration of office equipment and computer technology, various information systems are currently being created. In relation to personnel management Information system is a set of interrelated elements that ensure the collection, processing, storage and transmission of management information. The level of information systems is significantly influenced by the level of technical development of the organization and organizational culture.

The fundamental model of the functioning of the information system can be presented in the following form:

Incoming information > Processing > Output information

Depending on the level of mechanization of managerial work and the degree of participation in the preparation of management decisions, several types of information systems are distinguished:

Simple information systems in which the entire process of collecting and processing management information is carried out manually;

Mixed information systems in which people collect and process information using machines and mechanisms;

Information and reference systems in which the processes of collecting and processing information are automated; these systems are capable of automatically issuing certificates;

Information and advisory systems that not only automatically process information and can issue certificates, but are also capable of offering solutions within specified parameters.

Test questions for chapter 4.

    What are the types of management operations?

    Who is the executor of management operations?

    Present the principles of organizing the work of managers.

    What areas do you know for improving the organization of work for management personnel?

    List the main functions of the personnel management service.

    Name the groups of competitiveness factors related to personnel management.

    How are HR organizational structures different?

    Name the species organizational structures personnel management, imagine their disadvantages and advantages.

    What specialists are included in the personnel services?

    List the functions of an HR manager.

    What are the tasks of line managers and HR managers?

    What supporting subsystems characterize the personnel management system?

    List the tasks of the functional subsystem of the personnel management system.

You can define the key roles for the HR manager profession:

1. “HR strategist” - a member of the management team responsible for the development and implementation of the personnel strategy, as well as organizational mechanisms for ensuring it; management systems and management of services performing the functions of personnel management (vice president for personnel management).

2. “Supervisor services management staff” - organizer of the work of personnel departments.

3. “Personnel technologist” - developer and implementer of creative approaches in areas of activity specific to the HR manager, competent in special and technological knowledge, able to attract a variety of internal and external resources and use them effectively taking into account the business prospects of the organization (head of service organizational development or personnel development).

4. “Personnel innovator” - a manager, leader-developer of experimental, initiative or pilot projects that require a lot of attention and careful study before they become widespread in the practice of personnel management of an organization.

5. “Executor” - a specialist who implements operational personnel policy.

6. “Personnel consultant” (external or internal) - a professional who uses a panoramic vision of the corporation’s prospects, practical knowledge in the field of human resource management and expert skills to identify needs, opportunities and ways to solve problems related to the development of organizational and personnel potential;

5. Personnel management system. Elements of the personnel management system.

Personnel management system- this is a set of techniques, methods, technologies for organizing work with personnel.

Personnel management system comp. sl. subsystems:

1) subsystem for planning, forecasting and marketing of personnel (development of a management strategy, labor market analysis and planning of personnel needs, current personnel assessment and assessment of a candidate for a vacant position)

2) subsystem of recruitment and personnel accounting (registration and accounting of admissions, dismissals, organization of recruitment and selection, career guidance, office support of the management system)

3) working conditions subsystem

4) labor relations subsystem

5) subsystem of analysis and development of labor incentives

6) personnel development subsystem (technical and economic training, training and advanced training, work with new reserves, professional and social adaptation)

7) social subsystem. development (organization of public catering, management of housing and consumer services, organization of sales of food and consumer goods)

8) subsystem for the development of organizational management systems (analysis of the existing structure, adjustment of the existing structure, development of staffing)

9) legal subsystem (resolution of legal issues, labor relations, coordination of administrative documents, consultations on legal issues)

10) subsystem of information accounting and personnel statistics (information and technical support for the personnel management system, provision of personnel with scientific and technical information)


1. Profession "HR manager" arose during the formation of the personnel management system in the 20th century. The logic of this process is determined two factors:

1) consistent transformation of the traditional system personnel work carried out by line managers at various levels into the personnel management system With a clearly defined staff function, and then into an integrated system of strategic human resource management. Each of these transformation phases is characterized by its own HR management model and the specific role of the HR manager: 1) trustee, 2) labor contracts specialist 3) HR Architect;

2) the evolution of forms (jointly-sequential, jointly-interacting and jointly-individual) organization of joint activities and the genesis on their basis of jointly creative activity, which involves the implementation of four imperatives in the personnel policy of corporations:

Organizational integration (top management and line managers accept a developed and well-coordinated human resource management strategy and implement it in their operational activities, closely interacting with headquarters structures);

A high level of responsibility for all corporate employees, implying both identification with basic values ​​and persistent, proactive implementation of the goals they face in everyday life. practical work;

Functional (variability of functional tasks, suggesting the abandonment of the traditional, rigid distinction between different types of work, as well as the widespread use of various forms of labor contracts) and structural (adaptation to continuous organizational changes, social and cultural innovations) flexibility of organizational and personnel potential;

High quality: work and its results, working conditions (work environment, content of work, job satisfaction), as well as the workforce itself.

These targets can be considered as a concretization of the imperatives of co-creative activity in the practice of modern personnel management.

2. The end of the 20th century. was marked by the beginning of the transition to a new technology of personnel management: from personnel management - to human resource management. Unlike personnel management, human resource management is reoriented from the needs of employees to the organization's own labor needs, and the priorities of personnel management are determined primarily by the results of a functional analysis of existing and designed jobs, and not by the existing personnel potential of the organization.

The acquisition of a strategic dimension by human resource management makes personnel policies more active, in contrast to the passive and reactive policies characteristic of traditional models of personnel management. Responsibility for the implementation of a more active global policy also rests with line managers (leaders structural divisions) Thus, the work of managers at all levels is integrated into the personnel management system. There is a reorientation of the personnel management system towards individual work with personnel, and, consequently, from the collectivist values ​​that dominated personnel management to individualistic ones.

If traditionally the HR manager should have sought to save on costs associated with the reproduction of the workforce (and therefore was not interested in long-term investments in human capital), then human resource management technology is aimed at increasing the efficiency of this kind of investment, ensuring the constant professional growth of employees enterprises and improving the quality of working conditions. Due to this managerial competence turns out to be a key element of the human resources potential of a modern corporation.

New system HR management presupposes a strong and adaptive corporate culture, stimulating an atmosphere of mutual responsibility between the employee and the employer, and the desire of all employees of the corporation to make it “ the best company» through support for initiative at all levels of the organization, constant technical and organizational innovations, and open discussion of problems.

3. Advanced HR strategy for the 21st century. includes two initial elements: intentions and directions.

Strategic Intentions: mission of a human resources specialist in today's highly competitive environment - ramp up human resources potential corporation to implement its business strategy.

Success depends on how carefully based on the diagnostics carried out HR specialists and line managers, individual development plans will be drawn up, which are designed to bridge the existing gap between growing professional requirements(not always easily explicated, let alone standardized) and the existing level of competence of each employee. The development of these plans is based on competency models developed for each job position.

Strategic directions - component of strategy, which reveals ways to achieve the strategic goals of the corporation. In the 21st century key strategic direction HR management will be the development and development of new technology - managing the movement and growth of human capital.

Control questions

1. Explain the essence of the basic principles of personnel policy modern corporation.

2. Compare the main models of personnel management.

3. Explain the difference between human resource management technology and traditional personnel management technology.

4. Name the trends in external and internal environment modern corporations, initiating radical changes in the organization and technology of personnel management.

5. List the main elements of advanced HR strategy modern corporation.

6. Explain the term “competency model”. What principles are competency models based on?

7. Describe the technology and structure of modern personnel management.

3. Professional profile of the manager

for personnel: ethical dimension

And I was talking about you. And I assure you, there is a sign on your door, exactly the sign that members of your profession use - or have used in the past. And it means this: “An experienced burglar will take on Good work, preferably risky, payment by agreement.”

J.R.R. Tolkien. Hobbit

In its infancy, the Third Professional Revolution at the end of the twentieth century raised the issue of professional ethics with all its urgency, especially in new, rapidly developing areas of professional activity. The need to form new standards for interprofessional communication has raised the threat of ethical relativism in the field of professional ethics. Therefore, HR managers who are practically faced with the activities of transprofessional teams and networks should have own position in relation to the forms and methods of moral regulation of professional life.

It is traditionally believed that morality is a non-institutional way of regulating human behavior. The main mechanism of its action (stimulating action, rewarding and punishing) is an appeal to a person’s conscience. The need for professional ethics arises when representatives of a particular profession are faced with problems that cannot be resolved by any other means other than moral ones, when any regulation, administrative or technical, cannot replace the choice of the “golden mean” characteristic of morality (according to Aristotle), measures of action performed by a virtuous person.

Use of various terms - ethics(Greek) and morality(lat.) - not by chance. There is another word in Russian morality, used when considering the above problems and coming from a similar Slavic root (disposition, character). The distinction between the meanings of these three terms has its own history in ethics (as in the science of morality) and philosophy. In the literature on business ethics, if authors at all consider it necessary to distinguish ethics from morality, it is usually assumed that ethical aspects are presented in social interactions, immoral- in internal assessments of personality. However, in both cases we are talking about distinguishing between good and evil, fair and unjust, good and bad.

The specificity of the professional ethics of an HR manager is that he must not only meet certain moral requirements, but also consciously use mechanisms of moral regulation in human resource management.

3.1. Main professional roles

HR manager

But his greatest joy was to participate in domestic quarrels. Not a single family squabble for many miles around could take place without his active participation. Usually he began as a conciliator and ended as the complainant's chief witness.

Jerome K. Jerome. Collection “Sketches in purple, blue and green”

If we use competency models in relation to the very characteristics of an HR manager, then from everything stated above it is clear that this cannot be either a one-dimensional model that describes a fairly simple type of activity, or an abstract model that serves as a generalization of the properties of a whole class of related activities. This must be a model complexly organized activities, including other types of activities as elements. Therefore, the HR manager competency model is multi-role professional profile.

When building a multi-role professional profile The HR manager must be identified:

1) ongoing and foreseeable trends in the future (in business organization, industry, market environment, engineering and technology), which can significantly affect the functional characteristics of the HR manager’s activities;

2) many key “areas of responsibility” of the HR manager;

3) the most important tasks and results of work from the point of view of the HR manager himself;

4) criteria for the effectiveness of its activities for each key function;

5) a constructed block of basic abilities and other skills necessary to perform each key function and achieve the result of the HR manager’s activities;

6) behavior specific to the activities of the HR manager, in which his competence is demonstrated.

Based on the vision of the future of HR services and drawing on the experience of successful corporations, it is possible to identify the key roles for the profession of HR manager.

1. HR strategist - member of the management team responsible for developing and implementing the HR strategy, and organizational mechanisms its provision; management systems and management of services performing the functions of personnel management (vice president for personnel management).

2. Head of Human Resources - organizer of the work of personnel departments.

3. HR technologist - developer and implementer of creative approaches in areas of activity specific to the HR manager, competent in special and technological knowledge, able to attract a variety of internal and external resources and use them effectively taking into account the business prospects of the organization (head of organizational development or personnel development service).

4. HR innovator - manager, leader-developer of experimental, initiative or pilot projects that require a lot of attention and careful study before they become widespread in the practice of personnel management of an organization.

5. Performer - specialist implementing operational personnel policy.

6. HR consultant(external or internal) - a professional who uses a panoramic vision of the corporation's prospects, practical knowledge in the field of human resource management and expert skills to identify needs, opportunities and ways to solve problems related to the development of organizational and personnel potential.

In fact, these six professional roles are minimal a role set for an effectively working management team in the personnel management system of a single organization.

Researchers have proposed many characteristics of HR manager competence, 11 areas of competence have been recognized key, as they appeared in expert assessments of all six HR manager roles mentioned. These key competency areas have been grouped into three groups.

1. Personal Integrity:

1) ethics - respect for individual rights, responsibility for promises made, reliability, honesty, justice;

2) conscientiousness - high demands on the results of one’s work;

3) prudence - the ability to make reasonable, realistic and informed decisions.

2. Focus and Productivity:

1) effectiveness - focus on the final result;

2) perseverance - the ability to overcome the limitations imposed by the current situation;

3) dedication to the organization and business orientation - willingness to follow the norms of the organization, passion for work and responsibility for the quality of one’s work;

4) self-confidence - readiness and ability to solve extraordinary problems.

3. Teamwork skills:

1) team orientation - understanding the need for joint activities and the ability to work in interaction with others;

2) contact - the ability to establish business and creative relationships with partners;

3) communication skills - the ability to use oral and written speech, stylistic and other expressive means to influence partners and achieve mutual understanding;

4) listening ability - the ability to perceive, assimilate and use information extracted from oral communication. Expert review the importance of these key areas of competence for the successful work of an HR manager made it possible to rank them in next order(in descending order of importance):

1) ethics;

2) communication skills;

3) listening skills;

4) contact;

5) team orientation;

6) integrity;

7) prudence;

8) effectiveness;

9) persistence;

10) self-confidence;

11) dedication to the organization and business orientation.

Is it a coincidence that ethics turned out to be the priority area of ​​competence for the HR manager? Reputation professional, the social and moral capital he has accumulated largely determine the success of his activities in professional networks. Since network forms of organization imply a transition to contractual(usually urgent) forms of attracting personnel, then the HR manager is obliged to build work with him on the basis of not only formal and informal contracting methods, but also using techniques psychological contract. Establishing an atmosphere of mutual trust is the key to the effective operation of the entire personnel management system, which necessarily includes not only full-time employees of personnel services, but also almost the entire managerial corps of the corporation, as well as external consultants. Moreover, every employee personnel service must play another mandatory role - a kind of “tuning fork” of the moral and psychological climate in work groups and teams.

3.2. Ethics in business relationships at work

HR manager

Obviously, the main thing in this role is honesty. Honesty, understood very broadly. First of all, honesty towards the game itself. A scrupulous attitude towards the implementation of all its rules.

V. Voroshilov. Phenomenon of the world

According to managers Western companies, the HR manager is usually assigned three main roles: administrator, internal consultant and business partner.

The more expectations management places on the activities of an HR manager, the greater the range of knowledge and competencies he should possess.

An HR manager is the manager of a company's human resources. He expresses the interests of the company and management, and not the team, as many now believe.

In this article I decided to write controversial issues related to the responsibilities and competencies of an HR manager, namely:

  • What are the responsibilities of an HR manager?
  • Is a psychologist an effective HR manager?

To answer these questions, let’s turn to practice, how a manager is usually viewed in Russian organizations.

Coming to work as an HR manager, a specialist receives a list of his professional responsibilities. As a rule, these include:

  • personnel records management,
  • personnel selection, recruiting,
  • staff motivation,
  • personnel adaptation,
  • staff development,
  • trainings,
  • development of corporate culture,
  • maintaining a psychological microclimate, etc.

The question arises: is one person capable of performing all these functions with a sufficient degree of productivity?

In a good way, these responsibilities should be performed by people different professions: HR administration - lawyers and accountants, personnel development and training - trainers, psychological component - industrial psychologist, personnel selection - recruiter.

In fact, these professions bring different labor results, and the requirements for the competence of specialists are completely different. And most importantly - inclinations, abilities and psychological characteristics specialists of these professions differ radically.

Let me explain. HR records management A person with the following competencies can work with a high degree of productivity: attention to detail, meticulous work, a tendency to monotony (the ability to work with monotonous information, process a large flow of information). It is absolutely clear that a person with a choleric and sanguine type of temperament is unlikely to enjoy performing these functions. Practice shows that it is precisely such people who come to work for a manager - a person who needs to work quickly, change his area of ​​activity hourly, based on the rapidly changing conditions in the company, the requirements of management and the changing environment in the team.

Personnel selection can be done by a person, as opposed to a personnel officer, who is energetic, strives for quick results, understands that his percentage of payment depends on the number of people hired, and he also needs to quickly make decisions that are needed by management, and not by the team. He sometimes needs to forget about morals and ethics. However, HR people are mostly psychologists - people whose code of honor includes the first rule - do no harm! HR officers work more with papers, with documents, with information, while recruiters work with people, both over the phone and in person. They quickly need to sift out unnecessary information, process what is necessary that suits management, and quickly (almost instantly) make the right decision on enrollment (or refusal) to the staff.

Personnel training and development can be carried out by a person who looks at human potential, develops it, and promotes the development of qualities and skills. However, when developing a person, a coach may not consider the fact that a certain degree of development can hinder the development of the entire company. For example, by developing initiative, he can also develop the awareness that a person can choose. But sometimes the company doesn’t need this! The company needs results, a coach can take you away from this result. An HR manager is not a comrade-in-arms of people, but a comrade-in-arms of the company. He is called upon to work for corporate results, while a coach works for individual results.

The psychological component is provided by an industrial psychologist - here I answer the second question that I posed at the beginning of the article. A psychologist is a process person, an HR manager is a result person. The psychologist often constantly interprets the results of tests and observations, and the manager makes decisions. A psychologist is aimed at ensuring the comfort of people, an HR manager is an ally of management and the performer of its tasks. The psychologist does not put “pass”/“fail” categories; the manager is obliged to say for sure whether the person should continue working in the company or should say goodbye to him, not taking into account the fact that he has seven children and a disabled father. The psychologist always looks at the moral side of the decision.

Let's answer two essential questions:

So who is NOT an HR manager?

  • Psychologist!
  • Personnel officer!
  • Coach!
  • Recruiter!

So who is an HR manager?


  • First of all, he must be an expert in his field, know well necessary tools and personnel management technologies.
  • A very important competency for an HR specialist is focusing on the internal client (manager, line manager, ordinary employee) and the desire to respond to his needs as efficiently as possible.
  • He needs to have a developed “execution management” competency, which demonstrates organizational skills: planning, delegation, and the like.
  • The competence “work on projects” and “the ability to establish and manage business relationships with partners” - recruiters, training companies, organizers of corporate events, and so on - are becoming increasingly important.


  • An HR manager plays the role of an internal consultant in his company. Together with the manager, he resolves issues of internal conflicts, sometimes using non-standard methods. At the same time, an HR manager cannot do without excellent communication skills, the ability to express his thoughts in writing and orally, and the ability to conduct group discussions.
  • Consulting competencies are also required: for example, identifying the needs of internal clients or the ability to ask the “right” questions.
  • As a consultant, an HR manager must possess certain personal qualities, which can also be attributed to such competencies as a sense of tact, ethics, a positive attitude towards people, openness and others.

Equal Partner

  • Roles of an HR manager modern stage business development have been complemented by the role of strategic partnership. The manager has the ability to position himself as a member of the management team and have an effective impact on the company's business through the implementation of timely HR tools.
  • David Ulrich, HR Guru, in his book Human Resource Champions, notes that the goal of HR today is to create added value as opposed to the traditional cost-driven approach. However this function HR managers do not perform, but descend to perform the functions of training and development.
  • As a strategic partner, an HR manager must have the knowledge and skills inherent in every top manager: an excellent understanding of the company's business and an understanding of the essence of the main problems faced by line managers - in order to help them solve operational issues.
  • The role of a business partner requires teamwork and people skills, good analytical skills and strategic thinking to see the connection between the company's business goals and its tools, so that he speaks the same language with the management team, mastering the necessary concepts.
  • An HR manager as a business partner needs to have a set of leadership qualities and competencies: perseverance, self-confidence, the ability to take risks and take responsibility for the implementation of any new technologies, be an expert in his field and understand how the HR he offers the tools will work for the company's business, be a creative person who knows how to go beyond standard solutions, and effectively use a variety of internal and external resources.
  • An important competency for an HR partner is to be proficient in change management technologies and to be able to prevent these problems associated with the implementation of changes.
  • The necessary competency of an HR partner is the ability to position himself in the management team so that it takes his recommendations seriously: have an impeccable reputation as an expert in his field, develop marketing competencies in order to be able to present and promote to the manager new solutions and approaches in the field of human resource management.

I would like to note that current HR managers lack the following knowledge:

  • economic, necessary to implement the function of “creating added value”, as well as to promote new technologies in the field of human resources, designed to generate profit, and not just develop potential;
  • legal - not only knowledge labor code, but also administrative, criminal, family, civil, in order to make decisions correctly and quickly;
  • strategic, in order to understand the significance of the assigned tasks for the company, correctly express your thoughts focused on economic results for the company, clearly set tasks and goals, and formulate them in economic indicators, future profits.
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