Three myths about the HR profession. Eichar is not a full-time psychologist

HR (HR, HR manager) is a relatively new profession on the labor market.Contrary to popular belief, HR is not just a banal personnel officer.The Country of Soviets will try to understand the intricacies of this profession. Of course, special employees carried out personnel selection long before the advent of such a profession as HR.They were called personnel officers, recruiters, recruitment managers.Does HR differ from these specialists in anything other than name? Why is this profession one of the most promising? HR is an abbreviation for Human Resources Manager. by human resourses. Yes, personnel is as important a resource for every organization or enterprise as any other.The pursuit of qualified specialists is called headhunting.The task of HR is not just to sit passively, read submitted resumes and conduct the same type of interviews with applicants.A good HR person must be a real hunter, independently bringing valuable employees to his company. What does HR do? In addition to the actual recruiting functions of recruiting and hiring personnel, he has many other responsibilities on his shoulders.HR is responsible for personnel records management(work with documents) and remuneration of employees.It is HR who is responsible for motivating staff, including material ones (bonuses, bonuses, social package).In order to increase the efficiency of employees, HR must engage in training and professional development, as well as strengthening corporate culture (in particular, team building). HR is responsible for the organizational structure of the company as a whole, making decisions regarding its development and reorganization. In some companies, HR is involved in working with trade unions. As we can see, the HR manager largely determines the effectiveness of the company. Therefore, it is obvious that he must have a good understanding not only of people, but also of the specifics of the organization’s work. The weak point of most HR managers is lack of awareness of the company's work. They can conduct psychological and qualification tests for employees, ask tricky questions during interviews, but without understanding the specifics of the company’s work, it is impossible to improve its efficiency. Nobody says that HR should have a thorough understanding of IT or the production of bottle caps. But he must be aware of the goals and strategies of the company, have at least general information about her clients. What qualities should a good HR person have? Firstly, the ability to understand people. This does not require advanced age or psychological education. Many young people without a psychology degree are able to “see through” a candidate from the first minutes of the interview. This skill either exists or it doesn’t. Secondly, communication skills and flexibility are important. Eichar communicates with many people every day. Often he is the link between the company's management and employees, so a good HR manager must be able to behave correctly in conflict situations. The leader must be friendly. In some way, he is the face of the company, so applicants often form their impression of the company as a whole, focusing on the behavior of the HR manager. The ability for strategic thinking and an analytical mind are important for HR managers. You cannot do without intuition in this profession: sometimes only it helps to “identify” the most suitable candidate or suggests the right line of behavior in a given situation. Professionalism, competence, stress resistance, diplomacy, attentiveness and responsibility are also considered necessary qualities for HR. HR not only hires, but also fires people. If he is not ready to take on this responsibility, he is not ready to be an HR manager at all. A competent HR manager must choose the right line of behavior; caring for employees is part of his responsibilities, but it should not turn him into a “mommy” or a “mother hen.” Where can I learn to become an HR manager? Complex issue. There is no such specialty as “HR manager” in universities. People with a wide variety of education become HR officers - economic, pedagogical, psychological, philological and even engineering. There are courses, business trainings and master's programs, allowing you to improve your skills in the field of working with personnel. However, learning to be an HR manager is difficult - in this profession, a combination of personal qualities, intuition and professional knowledge and skills from a variety of fields. However, in this case, the game is worth the trouble - HR is currently included in the list of the most prestigious, sought-after and highly paid professions..

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When I was looking for an assistant for the first time, I was surprised how far young specialists (even with a human resources management education) were from their ideas about the profession. I expanded the description of the upcoming work more and more in order to cut off some of the myths at the stage of application by the applicant. Friends also often ask “Eychar? Is this the HR department? I answer that not really, and when asked what HR does, I laugh it off: “HR... HR is doing it.”

There are many myths: from the fact that HR does not need any special skills and knowledge to enter the profession (the main thing is the desire to work with people) to the idea that HR is an advanced HR employee

The HR department is responsible for personnel records management and compliance with labor laws, forming a “hard HR” block with the payroll department. The “soft HR” block includes training, development, career building, etc. Accordingly, an HR-generalist is an employee (a specialist in a small company or a HR manager) who understands all areas of personnel management. At the same time, there are representatives of HR expertise, for example, a specialist in recruitment or HR administration.

An HR generalist must be familiar with psychology, economics, labor legislation, office work, be excellent at negotiations and understand how business is tripled.

So, 3 main misconceptions:

1.HR has the right not to understand the business.
Doesn't have it. Many members of the profession are guilty of this, having not outlived the legacy of the “HR department”: the HR function is perceived as a set of autonomous functions from a textbook on HR management. Recruit, train, motivate, evaluate, measure potential, etc. I always ask my subordinates: where will you do this? In a vacuum? At a minimum, the profiles of a sales specialist in retail and a car dealership are different. You need to understand how the business functions, goals, seasonality, competitive environment, margins, cost structure, etc. If you come to production, it’s your first working week pester the master with questions about why this wheel is spinning and what kind of spring it is.
With business knowledge, you will build processes differently. During the selection process, you will better understand which markets to take people from, where work experience is required, and where skills are easy to acquire in work, in training - place the necessary emphasis, etc.
You will also insure yourself against many mistakes.

Example: The head of the department demands +1 employee, justifying the decline by a lack of people. I analyze labor standards, work schedules, the percentage of absences, and then in the operating report I see that the number of product orders has fallen by a third compared to last year. There is no product - where will sales come from? The manager’s list of annual goals includes reducing losses. The manager, under fear of throwing away unsold items and not receiving a bonus, reduced orders, and sales fell. By giving him people, I would increase the denominator in the productivity formula: the ratio of sales to hours spent.
A leader who does not speak the language of business, but understands his function as applied, will not be allowed to take serious management decisions. And the operating result will suffer as a result.

2. The main thing is the vision and requirements of the internal customer.
This myth often sits in the heads of those departments that themselves have “suffered enough” from an external client.
To put it another way: HR is a supporting function, the purpose of which is to satisfy the wishes of the customer. Close in a rare specialist in 2 days? Come up with a motivation system that will suit everyone? Agree with the trade union leader demanding a salary increase of 3% in a year? The customer may want this, but he is not always right.
The leader must know what can be achieved and where the risks are. What consequences can occur in terms of legislation, group dynamics in a team, motivation of people, HR brand, etc. Hence, in the profile the ability to persuade and a mixed type of reference, orientation when making decisions not only to external reference groups (company management, for example), but also on your professional opinion.
HR must convey the difference between a working tool and myth-making and “folklore” from managing people.
There is a more serious side - the controlling and supervisory function of the personnel management service. Relations between employee and employer are regulated by legal documents and local regulations that do not contradict labor legislation. We build on the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the collective agreement, employment contract, Internal labor regulations, etc. Often the internal customer does not know the norms or procedures and wants to do what is more convenient (for example, take everyone on fixed-term contracts and then transfer them to permanent ones). Comments, I think, are unnecessary.

3. Love for people as the basic motive for entering the profession.
HR specialists who have been working for decades often hear that they want to join HR because “I love people.” If this streamlined formulation is used because at 17-20 years old it is difficult to decide on a vocation, this can be cured by experience. But if HR is seen as pleasant and comfortable communication as the main motivational component, then disappointment is inevitable.
There is pleasure from constructive negotiations, vacancies filled by highly qualified specialists, the introduction of a motivation system that increases, etc. But this is jewelry work, and not just “the joy of communication.”
An example of episodes from practice that do not bring positive emotions from relationships with people:
— An aggressive candidate filed a lawsuit because you didn’t hire him. During breaks between meetings he makes threats.
— Employees have created a trade union and are putting forward unreasonable demands that are contrary to the interests of business.
— You organized a training, and 10% of the participants came to it.
— The head of one of the departments blames HR for his negative results, because he: didn’t find, didn’t find on time, found the wrong people, didn’t train, etc.
These are professional cases, you need to be prepared to solve difficult situations, to the fact that people can be a source of enormous stress and problems.

Order a resume (for applicants)

Companies clearly assess their need for personnel and plan the costs of finding employees.

The search for employees is planned based on the company’s goals for the next few years of development. If the company is young, and its goal is not only to make a profit, but also to establish itself in the market and consolidate its position, then great attention must be paid to the selection and placement of personnel. From proper organization staffing structure The company depends on the efficiency of its work and the achievement of its goals and objectives.

The search for employees is narrowly regulated by the requirements for a specialist; the area of ​​activity of the Company, the organization of work and the features of financing are important.
is a method of “weeding out” unnecessary and uninteresting applicants using various tools for assessing the skills, experience and personal qualities of an employee.

Search for colleagues- this is a selection process based on the characteristics of the organization, the corporate culture of the Company and corporate standards. The principle of “friend or foe” works here. To what extent does a candidate for a vacancy open in the Company share the standards adopted in it, how comfortable will he be working with a particular manager, will he be able to quickly adapt to new working conditions and to a new team.

Now many companies are concerned about the problem of finding employees in Moscow. This happened after new vacancies began to appear in many companies and staff numbers increased. The company's personnel search costs have also increased.

And this is quite an expensive pleasure. To quickly solve the problem of an acute shortage of personnel, you need to use the services of job search sites such as and Superjob. With their help, you can estimate how much it will cost to search for personnel in Moscow and the regions, as well as ensure an influx of candidates interested in working for your Company.

Personnel search is a way to provide the Company with qualified personnel and high-level specialists. The HR manager can not only assess the competence of the applicant, but also their loyalty to the company.

There are many ways to select and evaluate employee performance. But there are most popular selection methods and personnel evaluations. Often the decisive factor when choosing a recruitment method is the budget that the Company allocates to find the right specialist. Today, the method of recruiting personnel using Internet resources, that is, the most popular job sites, is very popular.

The company has the opportunity to advertise a specialist vacancy, and interested applicants will send their resumes.

An organization can independently search for employees, in accordance with the requirements for the position and qualifications of the specialist.

But here the recruitment process can be delayed, as the number of responses can be very large and of poor quality.

It takes a lot of time to call every candidate who sent a resume. Often large organizations use direct Headhunting- search for top managers and executives - executive search. TO modern methods Recruitment also includes placing advertisements in print media. This method is relatively inexpensive, it provides a quick response to advertisements, although it has one drawback - a large flow of people who do not meet the requirements for a specialist. Recruitment methods are ways to “fill” vacant jobs in a company using various resources. Many organizations use psychological personnel selection, with the help of which you can leave a psychological portrait of the candidate based on the personal characteristics and qualities of the employee.

HR (HR manager) is a specialist in working with employees, involved in their selection, development, adaptation process, stimulation and motivation.

This term comes from the English expression “human resources”, which translates as “human resources”.

At the very beginning of a career, the first person a job seeker encounters is the HR manager. The status of this employee directly depends on the status of the organization itself; he can be a simple recruiter, or a real specialized manager.

HR manager and recruiter: what is the difference

Probably, any HR manager will be very offended if he hears that he was called a personnel officer. If you call a specialist a recruiter, he will only smile slightly and be happy to explain the meaning of HR work and what its meaning is.

As mentioned above, HR stands for “human resources”. True, most people believe that the letter R is not resources, but research, but this is deeply misleading. The personnel search process is only a small part of the current responsibilities of an HR specialist.

That's why manufacturing process with human resources, professional management structure, ability to correctly set priorities, ability to properly develop staff capabilities, logical and correct creation main goals for employees - these are the main positions for the manager.

The importance of an HR manager

The importance of the HR manager in almost all organizations fades into the background. Many people believe that the success of production is determined by general directors, income comes from operations with the sale of goods, and the rest of the employees must independently come in response to recruitment advertisements. And this is fundamentally wrong!

In fact, it turns out that a few companies (mostly large corporations) have taken into account that the HR department should work at the same level with the management and main sales departments. With this arrangement of things, the HR manager understands the clear strategy of the organization, as well as an understanding of what kind of person should come to this or that vacant position, what qualities and skills he should have to successfully complete the job.

The mood within the team, as well as the comfort of the workplace, are very important components that can increase work efficiency by at least 25%.

More than 80% of employers, when hiring an HR manager, ask them a simple question: “Who is HR?” If the applicant answers that this is an employee who helps people find work, then such an employee is unlikely to be useful.

HR, first of all, is one of the main assistants to the manager in building a business. If the management of the enterprise does not have a clear understanding of own purposes and the results, what are the long-term plans, the company’s development system and its continued existence, then it will be extremely difficult for the HR manager to select quality specialists.

A real HR manager is rigid and even despotic in his decisions. You need to be able to be both humane and cruel at the same time, because if you are good to everyone and are afraid to say “no” to applicants, then you can remain at the level of an ordinary HR manager without moving up the career ladder. After all, if you take everyone in a row, the company will not be able to fully realize its goals and needs.

To be able to choose a personnel development system, as well as to help the company achieve its goals, you need to have willpower and determination, and also be able to consider the tasks of the company as personal.

Responsibilities of an HR Manager

The HR manager must do his job at 150%, or even higher. This position is not determined by a specific work schedule, and brain activity must be constantly in action. True, in fact, HR usually works on a five-day schedule of 9 hours.

In the job description, the responsibilities of an HR manager are specified for each company, but usually they have similar positions. The HR manager undertakes:

  1. Monitor the labor market, trying to find the right candidates for open vacancies.
  2. Know how to work with markets regional level, if necessary.
  3. Be able to build relationships with professional and senior educational institutions in order to subsequently attract graduates to undergo work practice at the company, and with successful results, enter the workforce.
  4. Engage in notification of employment centers, labor exchanges, etc. that there is a vacancy.
  5. Evaluate candidates for a position based on skills, abilities, achievements, qualifications, psychological attitude, etc. the applicant in question.
  6. Organize certification complexes for enterprise personnel.
  7. Work on creating a personnel reserve, which will be based on the results of certification, the selection process, detailed consideration of respondents, results of training and advanced training of employees, internships, etc...
  8. Take part in layoffs, personnel changes and organizational structure enterprises.
  9. Engage in the development and implementation of various activities aimed at managing the number of personnel.
  10. Conduct analysis of employee performance and develop proposals for ways to improve the work system.
  11. Develop and implement incentive and motivation programs for all employees.
  12. Develop career moves individually for each employee, and “launch” them together with the management and employees.
  13. Engage in long-term planning for improving the quality of personnel, provide final analysis and recommendations for management, in order to improve the quality of employees.
  14. Provide advice to management if controversial issues arise regarding working with employees.

The HR position is extremely complex, because... he has his own job responsibilities, but at the same time the specialist must perform a number of specific functions:

  • assistance to staff in questions about prospects for personal and professional growth within the organization;
  • selection of personnel within a specified time interval, which is established by the management;
  • the use of modern and effective levers in the employee search process;
  • assistance in the adaptation of newcomers to the organization, as well as support during the probationary period;
  • receiving feedback from the directorate regarding the recruited personnel;
  • development of assessment activities to assess the personal and business advantages of each employee;
  • filling out progress reports;
  • compliance with laws Russian Federation in the search and recruitment process, as well as when creating advertisements on job sites and during the interview process.

Personal qualities of an HR manager

Very a large number of employers think that an HR manager is an ordinary personnel officer. In fact, everything is much more complicated: HR does not just fill out personnel documents or issue certificates to staff, he must know the tools and levers in the process of searching for personnel and conducting interviews.

He must take into account personal and individual characteristics that will help the applicant join the team and successfully complete assigned tasks, and must also be able to immediately determine whether the applicant is committed to fruitful work or will constantly “freeload”.

The main competencies of an HR manager are multifaceted and comprehensive. They are that:

  • he understands the goals of the organization and fully shares them;
  • he knows how to empathize, but only where it is really necessary;
  • he must focus on a successful result;
  • he should give only the information that is needed;
  • he must be able to see and hear the applicant;
  • it must be stress-resistant;
  • he must have an analytical mind and be an excellent strategist;
  • he must be able to correctly apply and realize the talents of the staff.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that the position of an HR manager is characterized by great responsibility to the staff and to the entire process of activity. A professional in this field will never allow himself to leave something halfway and give up on employee development. HR is the “engine” of the company. He must fully understand his tasks and responsibilities in finding and developing personnel, and must also constantly engage in self-development.

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