How much do car salesmen earn, what are the salaries at car dealerships? How much does a sales manager earn: average salary, features and reviews How much do good sales managers earn, millions.

Such positions as manager and top manager are always in great demand. It is impossible to imagine any serious company without these people; they are also the face of the organization and this profession is relevant in any field of activity. Managers in Russia earn quite well, especially in Moscow, but we’ll look at how much exactly in detail.

The average earnings of managers, as well as top managers, depend on various factors, in particular on the region of residence. In Moscow, manager salaries are higher than in other regions. Also important is the manager’s area of ​​employment, the terms of the employment contract, the budget set by the employer and what tasks are assigned to him.

Top managers' salaries

Salaries of top managers in Russia in to a greater extent depend on the company they work for, how developed it is and how much growth it has achieved. These managers typically work in the following positions:

  • General Directors;
  • Executive Directors;
  • Sales managers;
  • Marketing managers;
  • HR managers;
  • Development Managers;
  • Technical Directors;
  • Operations Directors;
  • Financial Directors.

To achieve great success and become a highly paid top manager, you need to be a true professional not only in a narrow specialization. Such people should be able to negotiate, understand sociology, business planning, know market economy, understand psychology, and also be a specialist in other fields of activity. Top managers of the largest Russian government organizations, the income is very impressive:

  • VTB -144.9 million rubles/month;
  • Rosneft – 99.0 million rubles/month;
  • Bank of Moscow – 66.6 million rubles/month;
  • Sberbank of Russia – 62.7 million rubles/month;
  • Gazprom – 48.3 million rubles/month;
  • Russian Railways – 28.6 million rubles/month.

Salaries of managers and top managers in Moscow

The salary of a manager working in Moscow largely depends on his skills, dedication and leadership qualities. In addition, such a specialist must have nerves of iron. In Moscow, one of the most popular professions is a sales manager.

Such managers earn from 40,000 thousand rubles a month, but finding a job is not so difficult. If the applicant has higher education, attractive appearance and the ability to communicate with people, then he can quickly find a job. Having work experience of at least 4 years, a good reference and positive reviews from previous employers, an applicant can get a job in a developed company and, having proven himself in the role of a manager, receive a salary of up to 150,000 thousand.

A top manager in Moscow, for example, a development director for a construction company with 4 years of experience, receives on average 800 thousand rubles. per month, and his maximum income can be 1.5 million. The chief specialist of the financial and economic department has a more modest salary - 150,000 rubles. per month. The salary of a top rental housing manager is the same. These specialists must be able to manage a large number of employees, have a higher legal or financial and economic education, and also have a good command of English.

Managers' salaries by industry

Today's growth wages is no longer as dynamic as it was 5-10 years ago and the average salary, for example, for industry managers in the Moscow region looks like this:

  • Managers working in the oil and gas sector – 80,000-120,000 rubles;
  • Managers in the IT industry - 75,000 rubles, and in some cases - 200,000 rubles;
  • Finance and accounting – 68,000 rubles;
  • Managers working in the field of mechanical engineering – 65,000 rubles;
  • Managers in pharmacology, healthcare, construction and the real estate market - 60,000 rubles;
  • Managers in business promotion, logistics, and car sales earn 55,000 rubles;
  • Metallurgical production – 45,000 rub.

IN Russian Federation Today the situation is such that only a specialist who has a highly specialized focus and extensive work experience can apply for a salary of 100,000 rubles or more per month.

Salaries of managers in Russian regions

When a company operating in the capital gains momentum and develops successfully, it usually opens its representative office in various regions of Russia. Compared to Moscow, in the regions managers receive significantly lower salaries. Working in areas remote from the capital, such specialists carry out a large number of time on the road.

They constantly have to change their location. For this reason, men are mainly hired as managers in the regions. The whole point is that women cannot withstand such a rhythm of life. Sometimes you have to travel on business 10-12 times in just one month.

Working at such a crazy pace, the regional manager, despite all his efforts, does not receive a salary of more than 60,000 rubles. And the average salary depends on the specific region and can start from 20,000 rubles. Also, how much managers earn largely depends on the development of the company. A manager working in the regions receives his main income as a percentage of the volume of goods sold or the number of contracts successfully concluded.

What does the salary amount consist of?

The final salary of a manager depends on various factors. What matters is how profitable the company the specialist works for is. The final amount of a manager’s salary consists of a salary, a fixed amount of cash payments along with interest for sales volumes, as well as bonuses for work performed. There is an important feature here.

Regardless of what level the manager is, the smallest part of the income comes from a fixed amount. This stimulates workers, because they understand that income depends on labor efficiency. The more sales a manager makes or contracts, the higher his earnings, regardless of the region of activity.

What are the requirements for candidates for the position of sales manager?

To get a job as a sales manager, a candidate must have the following qualities: communication skills, knowledge of sales theory and be goal-oriented. In addition, you must have good self-organization, be able to listen and know a particular market. You are also required to have an attractive, neat appearance and a pleasant voice.

Different companies sometimes use their own methods for assessing candidates - these are special test methods and analytical tasks. They differ for each organization and it is impossible to know in advance what the test will be like. Often, a candidate for a manager position is not suitable for the company with the wording “inconsistency with the corporate culture.” For these companies, it is important that the candidate has an understanding of their company's values.

It is considered ideal if a candidate for the position of sales manager has his own client base. Of course, precisely in the field of activity in which he will work. And if he still has commercial connections, then that’s great. Since there was no “sales manager” diploma in Russia until recently, it is also appreciated that he has an education from some technical higher education institution. educational institution. It is desirable that the candidate have 2 years of experience in this field.

Most often, it happens that if an applicant for the position of sales manager has enthusiasm and “burning eyes”, and also passes the test for a predisposition to sales, he is hired and other requirements become not so important. The salary level of a person wishing to become a manager will depend on himself.

One of promising directions the work is sales. Almost every company has a manager on its staff who is involved in the sale of goods or advertising opportunities. Many people believe that the work of managers is very similar to ordinary salespeople. This is not entirely true; to achieve success in this specialty, communication skills and knowledge of marketing principles are important. Salaries in this area are quite high and can vary depending on bonuses and the established sales plan.

What jobs are sales specialists invited to?

Before examining the issue of remuneration for marketing department employees, it is necessary to consider the main job offers for sales specialists. They can work in organizations that sell the following goods and services:

  • cars (auto parts, acoustics, components);
  • windows and doors;
  • industrial equipment, computer and office equipment;
  • real estate;
  • furniture;
  • insurance policies;
  • advertising opportunities.

Sales departments may also sell other goods or services. At the same time, the essence of the work is similar everywhere - selling goods, maintaining the established turnover (fulfilling the plan), increasing the number of sales.

Job responsibilities of managers

This vacancy has its roots deep in history. Barkers, traveling salesmen and merchants appeared almost simultaneously with the emergence of shops and the first retail outlets. The tasks facing the first traders were the same as those facing modern ones - to expand the circle of clients and sell the goods.

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To understand why sales specialists have fairly high salaries, it is necessary to consider the scope of responsibilities in more detail:

  • working to increase sales volumes in your sector;
  • increasing the client base (considering incoming applications, active search potential buyers, negotiating and concluding contracts);
  • maintaining established relationships;
  • maintaining records of your work;
  • conducting consultations on the features and types of goods sold.

Specialists in this field have to work hard to expand their customer base. They should be aware of the dates of professional exhibitions so that they can participate in all the events that are close to their field of work. This is a great chance to show your company and the product it offers in the best possible light.

The first thing managers must do when starting to sell a new product or service is to prepare a presentation or a list of positive qualities to demonstrate potential clients. If you need to sell a large number of items, then first you need to study the assortment.

If a specialist becomes a representative of a product brand in large retail chains, then his responsibilities will include supervising the halls, where he will check the availability of the required assortment and the correctness of its display from a marketing point of view.

What are the requirements for sales specialists?

For those who want to find themselves in the field of selling goods or services, it is important to obtain a higher education in the fields of PR and Advertising, Management or Economics. It is important to know the internal laws of the market and be able to promote your brand. You can often find people working in this specialty with pedagogical or legal education. If your qualities include the ability to learn quickly, then you can try to get into sales.

In addition, employers put forward the following requirements for applicants for the position of sales department specialist:

  • citizenship;
  • ability to work with most office programs (skills in working with catalogs in 1C and other electronic applications are often required);
  • experience;
  • ability to prepare basic documents (invoices, invoices, contracts, invoices);
  • sales skills.

To work, you often need to have your own car or category B license. This is necessary to control the display of goods on retail outlets or meetings with clients. It is important to have a representative appearance. In this area, a well-groomed and neat appearance is mandatory, since the manager is the face of the product. This may not be stated in the main list of requirements, but the HR department will give preference to a candidate without repulsive appearance features and who dresses in a classic office style.

What is the average salary for sales specialists?

First of all, a manager’s earnings in this area depend on his region of residence. In cities such as Moscow or St. Petersburg, the level of earnings is certainly higher. To obtain average indicators for regions and main cities, it is enough to study the job market on popular portals.

Today, average salaries are up to 53,000 rubles in the regions, and in Moscow and the northern capital, salaries range from 50,000 to 70,000. These rates can be changed either up or down, since they depend on the established salary and the bonus system applied by the head of the organization.

The fixed part in the calculation is the official salary. On average in the country it is only 10,000 - 15,000 thousand rubles, and in the capital it reaches 30,000. It is in relation to the established salary that coefficients are applied and interest is calculated on it.

What criteria are used to change the salaries of sales specialists?

As mentioned above, the level of earnings may change depending on the amount of the accrued bonus. Most often it is installed within a month. It reflects the implementation of the plan active sales and the number of attracted clients. In the field of sales, there is such a well-known definition as the labor efficiency ratio. It is used to calculate the percentage of salary and the final amount given to the employee. The calculation formula is as follows: final earnings are equal to the salary, to which is added the tariff, multiplied by the percentage.

In order to obtain this percentage, each manager is given a specific plan, which depends on the type of product or service and the general specifics of the work. Execution of the plan is the primary task of every sales specialist. To do this, you need to constantly work on developing your client base, improve your skills and be able to manage your working time.

The highest salaries are awarded to specialists who sell real estate and work in car dealerships. In this case, it is more difficult to fulfill the plan, since the sales market for such objects is unstable. For example, during a crisis, sales volumes of these goods drop significantly and, accordingly, managers receive lower salaries. The bonus system, which is used in many car dealerships and real estate agencies, also depends on the type of property. Luxury housing and cars will bring a larger percentage to the manager, but they are more difficult to sell.

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How are salaries set for sales specialists?

As statistics show, very often the level of earnings depends on the head of the enterprise. In some organizations, sales specialists are kept on a percentage system without salary. According to employers, such remuneration should encourage marketing department personnel to effective work, but in fact the percentage scheme has a number of significant disadvantages:

  • when performing a sufficient minimum (making a large transaction with a percentage that is enough to satisfy all the employee’s needs), the specialist relaxes, and the company loses profit;
  • routine office work is performed less carefully, since, in the opinion of many managers, there is no payment for it;
  • with a wide range of product prices, it is primarily profitable for employees to sell those that have highest price, which does not always satisfy customers and can significantly reduce the company’s turnover.

These are just some of the disadvantages of the interest system. Large companies they moved away from it a long time ago and are now conducting a thorough personnel work, which consists of dividing departments into segments (where each sales specialist is responsible for his own product category and has his own earnings).

Before setting a salary, it is important for managers to determine their goals for each employee, calculate the potential of the client base and establish an adequate plan. Clients will also need to be divided into groups and it is advisable that each manager be responsible for his own (this will eliminate internal strife and disagreements that slow down the work process). Clients can be divided as follows:

  • by location (city, district, street);
  • by type (retail, wholesale, chain enterprises, etc.);
  • by field of activity (advertising, trade, education, etc.);
  • By social characteristics(company managers, students, housewives, etc.).

To set an adequate plan, it is necessary to record the level of sales and analyze it at the end of the year. This will help to calculate seasonal surges (the sales plan during these months can be increased) and declines in customer activity (the level of turnover required from managers changes downward).

There is not much time left before final exams in schools, colleges and universities are taken, and therefore for many it becomes topical issue: How attractive is the profession of a management worker and how much does he earn? We'll talk about pricing features further.

Responsibilities and basic requirements?

IN modern world managers are found in almost every area of ​​our lives, it can be said without exaggeration that this is the most popular profession. Such a specialist can work at any level of the company, both at the very bottom and at the top.

This is the peculiarity of this area of ​​employment - you will almost never be able to reach your professional ceiling, there is always something to learn and where to strive. Therefore, if having a career ladder is important to you, this industry is perfect for you.

Management can be assigned a variety of functions, but most often it is management work. The employee must have knowledge in office work, economics, personnel management, accounting, etc.

Often, a manager receives tasks from senior management, and he must correctly distribute them among his subordinates, monitor the correctness of their implementation, help resolve problems, etc. Therefore, important skills for such work will be logical thinking, the ability to soberly assess the situation, the ability to work in difficult conditions and quickly resolve conflict situations.

How much can you earn?

Answering this question is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. There are several reasons for this, namely:

  • There are no official statistics that would reflect absolutely correct numbers. There is data for the city or region as a whole, but it will be averaged. That is, they took 1 manager with a salary of 10 thousand, added a manager with a salary of 50 thousand and received an average salary of 30 thousand rubles.
  • A manager’s salary depends on many factors: place of work, city of residence, conditions employment contract, fulfillment or non-fulfillment of the sales plan, from his personal activity, from length of service, from work status, etc.

If we talk about earnings in general, then it will consist of several components: the basic salary, bonuses for completing assigned tasks (plans), a percentage for direct sales volume or your department as a whole. And here everything depends on domestic policy the company where you work.

As a rule, the smallest part of your salary will fall on the fixed part, i.e. salary, and the largest - for bonuses and all kinds of bonuses. This is an excellent motivation for a manager, because such a policy encourages people to work more efficiently. You will get exactly as much as you put in the effort.

Unfortunately, not in all areas this rule works. There are some businesses whose products or services are in seasonal demand. And here, even if you motivate the staff as much as possible, you won’t be able to jump over your head, and at the end of the month you will only receive a “bare” salary.

Average numbers

If we take the official data, here's what you can find:

  • Low-level managers in an average-sized city receive salaries from 10 to 25 thousand rubles.
  • If we take middle managers, salaries range from 20 to 35 thousand.
  • senior management employees earn from 50-70 thousand rubles and above.

In Moscow and St. Petersburg, the salary of a manager is successful company can reach 110-160 thousand rubles, if we are talking about top managers, then their income is much higher. The lowest salary threshold at the moment is 12 thousand rubles.

Where are the highest numbers? Managers in the following industries can boast of consistently decent salaries:

  • sales area in retail and wholesale trade, in particular - car sales,
  • tourism,
  • finance,
  • banking,
  • remote work, here we are talking about the work of a content manager.

It is the latter option that is now beginning to be in high demand, because the main buyer in almost all areas of our lives is on the Internet. And it is for them that it is necessary to create and fill websites with useful information, photographs and other content.

The position of manager has always been in demand and relevant. Any field of activity cannot do without his services. They act as an official of the company, manage and organize the work of employees.

This year Average income, rub.
2010 32 000
2011 39 000
2012 45 000
2013 46 000
2014 50 000

There are three steps in a manager's career growth:

  • Lower level (store department managers, foremen. Education: mostly secondary enough)
  • Middle level (lower level managers - shop manager, dean of the faculty. Education: higher)
  • Senior management ( CEO, rector of the university. Education: higher specialized, sometimes more than one.)

Salaries, based on the above-mentioned levels of the company, can vary from several thousand to several hundred thousand rubles.

Manager in Moscow

Such a position requires certain efforts, responsibility, composure, leadership qualities, as well as nerves of iron, a cold heart and a sound mind. Creativity should always be present in the profession, because selling goods is the main activity that an employee of any level is engaged in. Getting settled, but difficult. Mainly required sales managers. We occupy such a position and receive earnings of approximately at 40,000 rubles. per month.

Prices depend on companies. Based on the enormous competition in the labor market, a manager who is going to take a highly paid position must have a higher education in the specialty of the position held (preferably economics, financial education), experience in this field, possible age limit, excellent reviews and characteristics, pleasant appearance and convincing, clear, correctly delivered speech. Such an employee will be valuable and in demand in any executive class company. meets all the requirements and can be about 150 000 rubles per month.

Regional Manager

A developed company that is gaining momentum will most likely open its branch in the region. This will require regional workers. People in this profession spend a huge amount of time traveling and lead a nomadic lifestyle, constantly changing their location. Mostly men are hired for this type of work.

Women work as regional managers, but in most cases, they cannot withstand the constantly tense environment, travel and traveling in a reserved seat 10 times a month.

  • For such work, the monthly income averages about 60 thousand rubles Again, it all depends on the company or enterprise. Despite the working conditions, many will find themselves in this direction, because it is interesting and also brings corresponding profit.
  • The fixed rate of a regional men-ra can be significantly below 60,000, and the main income of the man-r is received as a percentage of the sales volume of goods or the quantity and quality of concluded contracts.

How much do top managers earn?

The income of top managers mainly depends on the achievements and growth of the company. Top managers mainly occupy the positions of directors of the company:

  • General
  • Executive
  • Sales, marketing
  • By personnel
  • By development
  • Technical
  • Operating
  • Financial

In order to become a highly paid manager, you must understand not only a narrowly focused specialty, but also have business planning skills, experience in effective negotiations, know market economics, understand sociology, psychology and many other areas of activity. Any successful manager must go through all three stages of career growth.
