Rebranding: goals, tasks, stages. Rebranding: That these are simple words, examples of rebranding in Russia and in the world Relations Relations

Rebranding is a set of events aimed at changing the brand. All or practically everything changes - corporate identity, logo, brand name, slogans, visual design on the site. Simple words, rebranding is life with a blank sheet for the brand. Sometimes the elements of the old brand can be maintained - in this case, only the shape of the commercial brand changes.

Changing the Ford Motor Company logo from the moment of the company's foundation and to today

It is worth thinking about rebranding if the target audience began to lose interest in the brand. In this way, well-known companies with many years of history managed to regain their own popularity. Another situation in which rebranding will be needed is to restore the lost reputation in the eyes of the public. If you do everything right, the company will have a chance to keep the place in the market and save the audience.

In this material you will learn what changes occur in the process of rebranding and how to conduct it. And as a bonus - interesting examples of brands update in Russia and abroad.

What includes rebranding companies

Rebranding is a complex process that includes:

  • the change brand Positioning ;
  • changing brand philosophy;
  • new brand feed;
  • the change corporate style .

Usually, the changes relate to all aspects of the business - ranging from the design of the site and packaging products and ending with the change of target audience. If separate elements of the brand change - for example, only the logo, then this is not rebranding, and restyling.

Examples of rebranding companies in Russia and in the world

About the failures and brand achievements it is better to learn better before carrying out rebranding in your own company. Errors and success of other people motivate.

In Russia

Russian Premier League (RPL) - Example of bad rebranding. It all started back in 2016, when the league appeared the Marketing Department. Somehow experts and thought about creating a brand, changing the logo and the concept as a whole.

In early 2018, the Russian RFPL ordered the development of a new logo. The technical task was sent to several companies. The studio of Artemia Lebedev won, which suggested this logo.

New logo RPL from Studio Artemia Lebedev

RPL does not disclose information about what amount was spent on rebranding. There are rumors that the new logo cost 6 million rubles. The leadership of the League Rebranding came to the soul, but sports lovers remained in bewilderment. Here are the most tactful comments on the rebranding of the Russian Federation:

Output:The leadership of the league, most likely, did not know why rebrants needed. The President of RPL Sergey Pontikin could not clearly explain the meaning of changes. According to football fans, the League spent wasting money to a new logo, hounding his own brand.

A good example of rebranding in Russia is the transformation of Siberia Airlines in S7. Today, this carrier has become a worthy competitor of Aeroflot. Tourists loved this airline for the bright colors of airplanes fuselage and an attractive loyalty program.

But everything was not so until 2008. The airline chased failures and crash. Airplanes "Siberia" fell three times - in 2001, 2004 and 2006. The total number of victims is 254 people. After the third catastrophe, tourists simply refused to acquire the tickets to this airline. Then I had to think about rebranding.

Output: Rebranding of Siberia was expensive. Management decided not only to change the visual representation of the brand, but also to purchase new aircraft, improve the qualifications of all employees. In essence, Siberia has become a new company with a positive image and an impeccable reputation.

In the world

An example of bad rebranding abroad - company XE Services LLC.. This name is probably not saying about anything. Brand XE is a private Blackwater Military Company. The company had to change the name because of the tragic events on September 16, 2007 in Iraq. Then the Employees of the ChVC opened fire on civilians in the Square of Nisur in Baghdad. During the shootout, 17 people died and 20 people were injured.

The company's head - Erica Prince - had to think about rebranding, as this incident caused public resonance. In 2009, the company changed the name on XE SERVICES LLC. A year later - in 2010 - one more rebranding had to do, since the intermediate name did not reflect the essence of the brand. So the name academi appeared, which still exists to this day.

Changing the logo of a private military company after two rebrants

Output:Double rebranding did not help the company. The Iraqi incident was widely lit in the media, so the public entrusted the image "Blackwater employees - killer".

A good example of rebranding showed OLD SPICE. Until 2010, brand products were aimed at middle-aged men. The youth considered the personal hygiene of Old Spice age, and their smell is sexually unattractive.

Everything changed when the company removed and launched several commercials, in which Ayzai Mustafa became the main character. His charisma attracted attention to the brand.

Ayzai Mustafa in OLD Spice Deodorant Advertising Roller

Output:The company did not have to change the logo - rebranding touched only the perception of the product of the target audience. The young and sexual actor completely delivered Old Spice from the image of a "deodorant for old people."

How to rebranding: goals, tasks, stages

Before conducting rebranding, make a clear action plan. Determine the goals and objectives of rebranding, break a large-scale work into several stages. It will be easier.

Objectives of Rebranding

Rebranding may have the following goals:

  • Changing the positioning of the company. Often, new companies do not quite correctly determine their market positioning. Incorrectly chosen target audience, an unclear image, a bad strategy - all these shortcomings that can destroy the company to actually eliminate with rebranding.
  • Adaptation to new market conditions. Sometimes an existing brand cannot adapt to market conditions. A bright example is the way out of the Coca-Cola brand to the Chinese market. The original name caused laughter and bewilderment in new consumers - "bite the headstuffs." In order not to lose the target audience and, accordingly, money, the brand in China had to rename to Kekoukele, which in the translation sounds like "happiness in the mouth".
  • Increasing brand awareness. Brands with many years of history can come to consumers. In this case, rebranding will help attract attention to the company and stimulate sales.
  • Enhance brand prestige. Sometimes it is enough to remove a small detail from the logo or one word from the slogan to stand out on the background of competitors.
  • Change the company's level. If the company is going to "capture" new territories, she will have to take into account the opinion potential consumers in different countries. In this case, not only the logo is changing, but also the entire ideology of the company.

Relanting tasks

Rebranding must perform the following tasks:

  1. Achieving brand uniqueness.
  2. Increasing consumer loyalty to the brand.
  3. Increase the number of Central Asia.

If there is a different abstract task before rebooking - for example, "you need to change something," then, most likely, the company will simply waste money.

Stages of rebranding

Rebranding begins with brand analysis. Specialists determine the ratio of consumers to the brand, pros and cons of the company. During the analysis, the depth of rebranding is found. Then set goals and tasks.

Making changes to the brand is the next stage. The company's management finds performers who change the company's corporate identity, create a new logo or site design.

The last stage is the report of the new brand concept to consumers. New ideas need to convey the most carefully, but persistently. The main thing is not to provoke a negative attitude towards a new brand from the target audience.

Brand (BRAND - trademark, trademark) - term in marketing, symbolizing a complex of information about the company, product or service; Popular, easily familiar and legally protected symbolism of any manufacturer or product. The word "brand" occurred from the Old BRANDR ", which is translated as" burn, fire "

The American Marketing Association gives a definition oriented company. The brand is understood by it as a name, signature, symbol, project, or their combination, intended for identifying goods or services and differentiation from competitors. The definition was repeatedly criticized in connection with the statement of visual abilities as differentiating mechanisms, which, at a minimum, gives an incomplete understanding of the differentiation mechanism. Nevertheless, this definition is very often used.

Bennett (1988) modified this definition by adding to the above list ("name", "signature" and so on.) The words "and any other feature." This emphasizes the importance of the time of differentiation for the brand, in contrast to how it is achieved. The method can be any. In a market competitive environment, differentiation, that is, the allocation of the exceptional feature of the company's goods is extremely important.

When determining through the consumer, the focus is on the set of properties of goods that satisfy the buyer so much that he is ready to pay for the goods. These properties should be reflected by the brand, regardless of the illusory, rational or emotional. Properties often have a deeply subjective origin. Menu designated two extreme positions there are many other brand definitions that take into account both the time of differentiation through the trademark, and subjective consumer demand. The widest approach here demonstrates Brown, which determines the brand is not otherwise as the sum of all mental connections that are formed between buyers and brand owners. The boundaries between the brand definitions as a value added, as a value system, as an image in the individual consciousness of the buyer, and so on. does not exist. Each researcher focuses on one of the features of interest. With this approach, however, there is not so much an understanding of what a brand is how many different features are detected, trademark characteristics. It also, no doubt, is important for strategic planning a brand policy, but does not cancel the need to look for a general clear definition.

Styles and Ambler (1995) identified two wide philosophical approaches to the definition of the brand. The first approach is the "product-plus" - considers the brand as an additive to the product. The second is distinguished by a holistic perspective, the focus of which is on the brand itself. All marketing elements are combined into integrity with this approach of the trademark of the company.

Brand and added value - synonymous concepts. In fact, in marketing, the brand connection and value added is usually recognized, but the association of concepts does not imply their identity.

The concept of value added came to marketing from the economy. The same term is found in accounting. And although the value added values \u200b\u200bin all three disciplines are approximately similar, marketing interpretation has its own characteristics that are often not noticed, and because of this confusion arises.

The main definitions of the brand are given either through the owner or through the buyer. One-way approaches can not be considered worth. The general definition of the brand should include both points of view.

The brand is a product that has increasing not invented artificial history, but quite specific marketing communications. The value of the brand (Brand Equity) is determined by various indicators, but overall the total weight of the "tangle" of the built and efficiently working communications is important. The ICC should not just promote the promotion of goods and services, but also to form a full range of value and reputational properties of the company that ensure the capitalization of this business, and ensure its development. Naturally, companies with a good business reputation and "established links" are easier (cheaper!) To obtain permission (license) on its activities, production area, certificates for products.

The brand is a mechanism for achieving a competitive advantage for firms through the differentiation of the company's goods, and the signs that are differentiating the brand, there are just those signs that provide the client benefits for which he agrees to pay. A competitive advantage can be determined in terms of income, profits, additional cost (in marketing interpretation of this term) or market share. The benefits of the consumer can be real or illusory, rational or emotional.

There are two approaches to the brand definition:

- task and also individual attributes: name, logo and other visual elements (fonts, design, color schemes and symbols), allowing to highlight a company or product compared to competitors;

- image, image, company reputation, product or services in the eyes of clients, partners, public.

It is necessary to distinguish between the legal and psychological approach to understanding the brand. From a legal point of view, only a trademark denoting the product manufacturer and subject to legal protection is considered. From the point of view of consumer psychology, we are talking about brand as, about information saved in the memory of consumers.

The most "legalized" definition of the brand belongs to the American Marketing Association (Eng. American Marketing Association): "Name, term, sign, symbol or design or a combination of all this, intended for identifying goods or services of one seller or a group of sellers, as well as for the differences or services from goods or services of competitors. " This is a legal definition, adopted in legislation and law enforcement in most countries.

Sometimes it is believed that other synonyms of such a concept as "brand",

are the concepts of "trademark" or "trademark". Previously, the term "brand" was not marked by any trademark, but only well known. Currently, this term in the media is used as a synonym for the term "trademark", which, according to specialists, pentatives is not quite correct. From the point of view of experts in the field of trademarks and lawyers specializing in the field of trademarks, the concepts of "brand" and "branding", strictly speaking, not legal concepts, and the terms used in the consumer environment to combine the stages of promoting goods to the market the concept of brand, According to these authors, is a certain set of objects.

The goal of brand promotion is to create a monopoly in this market segment. For example, many firms sell gashed water, but only "Coca-Cola" can sell Coca-Cola. Thus, the effect of antimonopoly regulators indirectly affects.

The world-famous trademark, surrounded by a set of expectations associated with a product or service that typically arise from people

Starting from 2005, Interbrand publishes a list of the most expensive Russian brands. The first top of the leaders in 2006 (cost more than 1 billion euros) - Beeline, MTS and Baltic. Interestingly, such brands like

Gazprom or Sberbank were assessed lower than, for example, Baltika Beer Brand. Obviously, these brands do not cause unique and positive associations from consumers.

After detecting the essential differences in the brand from competitive brands, the brand identity is developed - how consumers should perceive this brand. Under the identity of the brand it is understood as a unique set of signs in which consumers are distinguished by this brand from competitive.

Basic brand identity elements:

1. Brand positioning. Determining the position of your brand among various category brands in the consciousness of the target audience. Positioning the brand is an integral part of the holistic image (brand), which is formed in the consumer consciousness. The main purpose of positioning is to achieve a sustainable presentation in the consciousness of buyers about the brand as a better product for specific conditions. The main elements of the positioning of the brand are compressed before a brief positioning concept.

2. Brand values. As part of the brand identity, the values \u200b\u200bof this brand are determined. These values \u200b\u200bare selected that are significant for the target audience. At the same time, the combination of values \u200b\u200bof the brand being developed is unique, in order to create a system of values, it was not similar to competitive. We find common to the target audience of the brand of values \u200b\u200bthat unite these people. In this context, the brand becomes a symbol of such values, and the "club", uniting people who support them.

3. The individuality of the brand. It is a unique set of characteristics of the brand, expressed in terms of individual traits of man. Simply put, the personality of the brand is a set of human characteristics associated with a brand. Brand as well as a person can be sincere and old-fashioned; energetic and modern; executive and competent. The individuality of the brand strengthens the uniqueness of the brand, stands out against the background of competitors.

4. Brand Associations. When interacting with a brand, his advertising,

by the name, visually, the consumer has different associations. We will specify, program those images, feelings and ideas that occur in a person when it perceives various elements of the brand. Associations of the brand include various hints, subtexts, dual meanings. Different levels of brand associations are associated with its content, individual and social qualities, as well as traditions, customs, nuts and archetypes, the so-called brand mythology.

5. The essence of the brand. At this stage, the basis of the brand's finished identity we express in one very capacious sentence, focusing on the most important thing. Such a writing is called the essence of the brand, and along with the positioning concept is one of the two most important brief documents that are used as a brand management manual. The essence of the brand is the semantic core of all messages, the main idea that permeates all brand communications.

Brands are a sale facility. To determine the fair market value of the brand is carried out special assessment - Brand Valuation.

Many other concepts are also used, such as brand capital, brand power, etc. It is necessary to distinguish between the psychological value or brand strength (this "capital in the heads") and the financial value of the brand is an assessment of discounted future cash flows generated by the brand for the enterprise . The fame of the trademark of companies presented on the Internet and attendance of their sites (indicators of site attendance) has a significant impact of a competent advertising campaign.

The prerequisite for the successful existence and functioning of the brand is the observance of the general corporate style - visual and semantic unity of the organization's image. Corporate identity elements are: product name, logo, trademark, service sign, brand name, branded colors, slogan, style and colors of workwear of enterprise employees, as well as other objects of intellectual property owned by the Organization.

Branding in the narrow sense of promotion of trademarks is made by printing methods, silk screen, embroidery, embossed, advertising, including in the media.

With the complex concept of a brand - as an image associated with a product, a service or company, it is important to take into account all aspects of the formation of such an image. In the process of communication between the provider / manufacturer and the consumer / client, all channels of perception are involved - visual, auditory, kinesthetic. Therefore, with a full-fledged comprehensive approach to branding, also speak of a signature sound design (musical logo, branded melody), a kinesthetic design (aroma-signature, aroma marketing, texturing of packaging or small printing products and similar alternative marketing forms).

Maximum quality branding - working simply on all channels and perception channels, with clearly formulated single target associations and consumer reactions.

Increasingly, a character that transmits the entire characteristics complex and associations laid in the brand is used more and more like effective branding. The use of the character allows you to work with a brand in both the periodic level (advertising campaign) and on constant (to be laid down in the brandbook on a par with the logo and name). The character may be a reflection of the brand and its characteristics, or reflection of the consumer, suggesting the desired consumer reactions and associations.

Branding is the process of forming a brand image over a long period through the formation of additional value, an emotional or rational "promise" of the trademark or a non-harmonary product that makes it more attractive to the end user.

Branding is defined as: creating an image of a product in the consciousness of the buyer; Measures to maintain reputation, quality, fame and attractiveness of the way of trademark; Science "Creation of long-term purchasing preferences for a specific trademark".

Despite the diversity of definitions, branding can not be considered isolated from the advancement process, since it is its private case. The object of promotion in branding is not a product, but a brand.

Since the goods existing on the market are extremely diverse in their characteristics, appointment, scope, and satisfied needs, then branding methods used for these goods are also completely different. First of all, the differences in products determine the choice of which brand should be created - commodity or corporate. Corporate Trademarks of Distributors most often found in the consumer goods sector - the company gives goods its name that causes confidence - Marks & Sainsbury, Carrefour (in Russia - Littlewoods)

Branding from "brand management", which implies the use of marketing techniques to increase the value of the brand value for the consumer through the change and correction of its rational or emotional characteristics in the application to the product, the product line or brand in general to increase its competitiveness and growth Sales.

From the point of view of the brand owner, the level of value of the brand for the consumer allows the goods to be more competitive or even more expensive compared to a product that does not possess special qualities for the buyer. A special subspecies of the brand is generic17 - a product that has some generalization as a name, for example, the name of the food or varietary category ("rice" or "Russian cheese").

there are two fundamental branding principle:

- Relationship of the market needs of proposals provided by market entities - business entities.

- Compliance of the quality of the products offered to the market or services of the expectations and needs of society.

The popularity of the brand is folded from the two components: proper positioning and efficient promotion.

In order to promote the product to be successful, it is necessary to clearly imagine the target audience of his consumers, the features of the goods and the unique advantages of the brand.

In practice, when developing a brand, companies are resorted to traditional technologies consisting of sequential two or three steps. Brand - Platform - Visualization, or Brand - Platform - Brand Metaphor - Visualization.

Despite the fairly clear awareness of the value of the brand, the strategic approach to its marketing until today is extremely difficult due to the lack of a certain and all accepted terminology. It is worth saying that there is no other general definition of what is hidden behind the concept of a trademark. The relationship between the terms of marketing and accounting in the application to the brand policy is extremely confused.

Trading stamps determine depending on the position with which one who gives the definition: the consumer's point of view differs from the point of view of the brand owner. In addition, trademarks are determined in terms of their goal or through their characteristics.

One of those concepts that cause ambiguous explanations.

Allocate the following aspects of brand assets.

1. What is called the value of the brand is the full cost of the brand as a separate asset of the enterprise, which can be sold and included in

2. The brand strength is to measure the consumer to one or another brand.

3. Image, or description, brand - description of those associations and ver,

which consumer is experiencing a trademark of the enterprise.

The cost of the brand explicitly refers to a business transaction, while power and image focus on the consumer. Relations between the three interpretations of the brand assets are folded into the causal chain: the image of the brand is designed for the needs of the market and uses product marketing achievements, prices, and so on. It is the image that determines the degree of power of the brand. The cost of the brand in turn is determined through its strength.

The efforts of brand policy managers can be appropriately appreciated by the measurement of the brand strength and its cost. However, they are directed, first of all, to create an appropriate image.

Depending on the task, the brand assets can be viewed under these three points of view. With short-term (non-strategic) planning, assets are completely coincided with the cost of the brand. With strategic planning of the policy of brands, the manager should go for a postponement of profit. It will be created later on the basis of the formed brand power. Brand's assets, therefore, is not so much the cost itself, how much "warehouse for profit", which will be obtained later. You can also associate the assets of the value-added brand, which arises due to consumer associations at the form of a branded sign, that is, the brand assets correspond to the category of the brand image.

One of the main manifestations of high brand assets is to expand the sphere of brand influence. At the same time, the most active expansion of the brand may cause the company's assets and greater elasticity of the company in relation to the pressure of competitors, as well as a non-aggressive expansion is the cause of the collapse of the trademark.

The studies of Komkon Media show a drop in the efficiency of trademarks in general, the large sensitivity of the buyer to the price and service than to the image. That is, the value of the brand is more dependent on virtual, image characteristics, but on the number of "adherents" of this brand, that is, the number of real and regular channels of interaction with the buyer.

Brand management must be strategic and holistic. It is necessary to focus on creating a brand image, for which all marketing efforts should be combined. In a long-term project, a properly constructed image of the brand causes a brand strength, which in turn will ensure reliable and stable value added in the future.

The main stages of the creation and development of the brand

1. Goaling.

- Analysis of the company's mission or organization

- Definition of brand location in the company's brands architecture or organization

- determination of the desired state of the brand (qualities, life cycle, competitive advantages)

- Formulation of the measured brand parameters (KPI)

2. Project planning.

- analysis of available resources (financial, human, knowledge, etc.)

- Definition of the command of customers, participants and performers

- Definition of project time

- identification of other conditions or limiting factors

3. Analysis of the current brand state (for existing brands only).

- awareness of the brand at the target audience

- Knowledge about the brand of the target audience

- attitude to the brand of the target audience

- Loyalty level to the brand

- determination of the compliance of the current state of the brand desired

4. Analysis of the market situation

- Analysis of competitors (assortment, target audience, positioning, methods of promotion, pricing)

- Analysis of the proposed target audience (characteristics, preferences).

Consumer behavior models.

- sales markets (demand, share, dynamics)

5. Formulation of the essence of the brand

- Mission, positioning and use of the brand for the target audience

- Individuality: Values, Associations, Features, Competitive Benefits

- Brend Attributes (name, logo / brand sign, character or hero, font, packaging, etc.)

6. Brand Management Strategy

- Development of rules for creating marketing materials and a description of brand management procedures (brand-beech).

- Definition of persons responsible for the development of the brand (brand keepers)

- Development of a brand promotion plan (integrated marketing communications)

- Development of a plan and procedures for monitoring brand and evaluating effectiveness

7. Brand Promotion - Integrated Marketing Communications

- Complex loyalty programs

8. Brand monitoring and evaluation of action efficiency

- monitoring of the measured parameters (KPI) of the brand defined on the 1st stage

- comparison of the current state of the brand with the desired

- Correction of strategy or tactics

Rebranding as a brand control stage

Make rebranding - it means to revive, update, make fresh emotions and ideas in a brand, expand the audience, to make it relevant, interesting, and most importantly - effective. It is important to know that as a result of the rebranding of the complete elimination of the old brand, usually does not occur. But sometimes rebranding is the creation of a completely new fresh and emotional brand with updated communications and shell.

Rebranding (English. Repranding) is a change in the holistic brand ideology, a change in the promise that the brand carries the consumer. This change entails restyling and repositioning the brand (shift positioning in the market, change the name, logo and visual design). This is a large-scale and multi-level process. It is often much easier and less expensive to create a new image of a new brand than to rebranding the old one. Rebranding is necessary in order to:

Strengthen the brand (increase customer loyalty);

Differentiate brand (strengthen its uniqueness);

Increase the target audience of the brand (attract new consumers).

If the brand is a unique and attractive to the target audience an image of a brand, based on a certain personal value, which is important for this target audience. Accordingly, rebranding is nothing more than a change in the image, a change in personal motivating value. And this should happen in the heads and souls of buyers. Of course, a new brand vector, based on a new personal value, can be a stranger for some consumers, but he will attract new, which before that was not adherents of the brand.

Rebranding does not always require changing the attributes of the brand. But if attributes contradict or do not correspond to the motivative value laid down in the vector of a new brand, they are also updated (restyling logo, redesign interior, revision of the assortment and pricing policy, a new advertising strategy).

As a result of rebranding, the brand goes to a new stage of its development: it acquires new qualities, is saturated with a new life force.

This leads to an increase in loyalty and expansion of the target audience, to strengthen the uniqueness or differentiation of the brand, which, as a result, makes the brand more efficient.

There are dozens of causes and factors, as a result of which there is a need to rebranding a company or a specific product:

- When an existing brand is outdated, lagging behind

- When he stopped performing the tasks set, or these tasks changed

- When the target audience changes, for example, expanded or has changed its geography

- When market conditions changed, for example, when the brand works in a highly competitive niche and becomes less attractive for the consumer against the background of activated competitors

- When the brand initially was incorrectly built.

The sequence of implementing rebranding steps is more dependent on the situation in which the brand itself is located at the time of rebranding, and from those tasks that are put in front of the updated brand.

The main stages of rebranding

Stage 1 - Brand Audit and Development Potential Analysis

The brand analysis can be very extensive or cover only a specific area - it all depends on the causes and objectives of rebranding. However, the brand audit may include:

studying the current state of the brand: Determining the strengths and competitive advantages, analysis of the attributes of the brand (name, logo, slogan, corporate identity, packaging, characters, symbols, etc.), analysis of loyalty to the brand, brand knowledge, etc.

studying the condition and ability to influence the consumer: portrait

consumer, analysis of the consumer motivation, analysis of consumer properties, the analysis of the demand of the brand, etc.

market Analysis: Perspectives, Capacity, Competition Analysis, etc.

analysis of the company's resources - brand owner.

Toolkit of the 1st stage of rebranding: expert assessment, deep and formalized interviews, field research, analysis of information from open sources, buying the results of panel research, monitoring of outlets, conducting focus groups.

2 Stage - Path Selection

Based on the studies and the findings made of them are proposed the most optimal and effective way of rebranding.

3 Stage - Creating Brand Attributes

Development of new attributes of brand identity, i.e. These signs on which the new brand will differ from competitive brands, including its visual components: logo, corporate / corporate style, packaging, corporate and promotional materials, etc.

4 Stage - Testing

At this stage, the developed materials on focus groups are tested.

Rebranding: Global Changes, and not just a change of design

Today there are many ways to increase customer loyalty, attract new buyers in the pharmacy and thereby enter a new level of development. One of these methods is trendy, but not all of the understandable name "rebranding". For many, it means changing the logo or corporate colors. What is it really and is needed by a pharmacy, our article will tell.

Consider the situations for rebranding:

1. The promise has changed - if yesterday you sold health, and today we promise a beauty to the buyer, you need to carry out rebranding.

2. Changing the target audience - new buyers may not understand all benefits of this brand.

3. The brand becomes uninteresting and unpopular due to the fact that new brands interrupt promises.

4. The brand loses (or has already lost) its unique characteristics or quality.

5. The benefit provided by the brand is not unique or not attractive to the target audience.

6. The scope of the brand and / or the group of its consumers is limited or quickly narrowed.

7. The benefit that the company provides, the consumer can get through other channels.

An example of unsuccessful rebranding in Russia is a change in the reputation of inexpensive furniture salons "Shatura". Make it advised French consulting companies WCIE and MLC. Changes touched corporate colors, interior decoration of shops and assortment. The network began to trade up soft furniture and related goods. However, sales grew by only 5 \\% - against the expected 20 \\%. Many potential buyers were simply afraid to go to new beautiful salons, believing that there were reward prices. The fact that the Frenchman was simply "decent", the Russians were perceived as "populated". Now "Shatura" develops two formats. About 20 new salons work in Moscow, in the regions - mostly shops with old design.

A typical rebranding error is a concentration of efforts exclusively on potential customers to the detriment of existing consumers, loyal to the brand in the old form. The situation is dangerous when rebranding is carried out due to objective necessity, but is a consequence of the change of management (selling, updating the team, change of an advertising agency). As a result, the number of new consumers becomes comparable to the number of lost. Invested funds (and they are very significant at rebranding) do not lead to a proportional increase in sales or cause their decline.

Often, rebranding is carried out when the company is at the peak of its development. In this case, this measure is due to the desire to open an additional opportunity for future development in front of the brand.

The feasibility of holding rebranding is not easy to determine even specialists. It is important to understand the main thing - if the benefit provided by the brand remains and the essence of the promise given by the brand does not change, it is better to just make a new good advertising campaign.

Relapping opportunities:

1. Analysis of developmental potential due to the internal resources of the enterprise: it is necessary to establish what the negative ratio of the consumer to the brand lies. Perhaps the low level of sales is associated with the poor quality service that you offer to customers, or your pricing policy is directed completely to another target audience. In this case, it is worth a correction of these errors and do not touch the brand. If information about the brand you represent is insufficient or contradictory, the consumer cannot create a holistic image and brand does not turn into a brand.

2. Audit of the brand: Find out that it is necessary to consumers in order for your brand to harmoniously fit into his inner world and became a close, understandable and favorite brand. To do this, find out what criteria the consumer estimates your brand that it is especially important for him and that from the attributes of the brand does not correspond to its expectations. Then lead attributes in line with these expectations so that the consumer takes the brand.

3. Analysis and segmentation of the target audience on value features, searching for a new vector: In the case when brand problems are associated with motivating value, it is necessary to find a new brand vector (that is, switch the brand to another value of another target audience). It is important to analyze whether the new vector will be provided with a large number of potential consumers than already existing.

4. Analysis of the financial resources of the enterprise: like any other business process, rebranding will require serious financial investments. Therefore, it is necessary to adequately assess its own forces. After all, the construction of a new brand vector implies an exit to a new market segment, which is already more likely occupied by other players, you have to break the stereotypes of the target audience, proving that your brand is more and more complies with the new value that other market participants are already promoting.

5. Analysis of negative brand features: If you decide on rebranding, it means that the old brand carries too much negative. But even skillfully conducted rebranding will not single out of the memory of the consumer negative brand features, it will require additional time and financial costs. Think perhaps more expedient will create a new brand, especially if the old one does not carry anything valuable and positive for the target audience.

For example, a well-known manufacturer of Nokia mobile phones was a concern, engaged in almost all: from rubber boots to teleparborhoods. In the early 1990s The company's business strategy has changed and rebranding has passed.

For example, in the telecommunications industry of Russia, the most successful can be called the rebranding brand "Beeline", and the most radical, but not all understood and adopted - rebranding MTS.

6. Checking the correctness of the collected data: Once again, to revise all the questions listed above and re-give answers to them. How strong is the confidence in the fact that something can be changed for the better? If you are still vaguely represent your consumer, only guess about the reasons for which it consumes or does not consume your brand if there is no clear understanding of the situation and goals, then you think about rebranding yet early.

And only after that you can do strategy, tactics, specific

actions and evaluation of results.

Basic elements of rebranding

Marketing audit - make a decision on the reposition of the brand. To do this, it is necessary to analyze the fame of the brand from the consumer, the loyalty of the consumer to the brand, the reasons that interfere with correctly perceive the brand, evaluate the brand's image for various target audiences, reveal its weak and strengths, its competitive advantages;

Brand's reposition - represents a change in the main characteristics of the brand and consolidate them in the consciousness of the target audience;

Restyling visual attributes of the brand - change in the color of the logo and other visual attributes accompanying the brand, in accordance with the new positioning and the new characteristics of the brand;

Internal and external communication - should convey to the audience (company employees, consumers, competitors, etc.) characteristics of a new brand.

Thus, rebranding, conducted by professionals, allows the company, the goods or service to enter a new stage of development, adjust and attract the attention of not previously covered customers and strengthen the loyalty of these. Rebranding helps to bring the brand in line with the current business condition and company plans. By adopting a decision on rebranding, it is necessary to plan the activity on changing the brand.

Continuous market dynamics, due to a whole range of factors (scientific and technical progress, fashion, increasing competition), constantly changes the consumer attitude to goods, services and service level. Therefore, the obligatory component of the development process of any type of business is the evolution of the brand, which can be implemented partially or complex.

The gradual transformation of individual elements of the brand is expressed in minor changes in the visual component of the corporate style in order to adapt it to modern standards. Such an update is carried out once every two or three years and does not cause a sharp change of strategy, and therefore is theoretically not rebranding. Many consumers do not even notice such updates, taking them as due.

In turn, an integrated approach affects all aspects of the company's positioning on the market and often can completely change the concept of business. It is used in the presence of certain problems that determine the main objectives of rebranding:

  • Observing the brand itself and the appearance of more powerful competitors. Presenting on the market for too long, the brand can simply bother to consumers, which will make them turn to a new more interesting competitor.
  • Change or expansion of the target audience. When changing the market direction, especially when changing the age category of the consumer, a complete revision of the concept is needed.
  • Transition to another price category. Substitution or appreciation of the product should be reflected in the brand, otherwise the target audience will not accept a new format.
  • Conquesting new markets. Concept change when leaving the international market allows you to solve the problems of cultural differences. So, for example, the domestic brand of cars "Zhiguli" for exports to France was replaced by "Lada", due to the obscene meaning of the initial name in the French lexicon.
  • Merge companies or a change of management. When combining brands, it is more efficient to create a fundamentally new understanding that gives the consumer that in renewed products combined the advantages of both manufacturers.
  • Raise reputation. If the company has been involved in loud scandals, rebranding allows you to reduce negative associations and attract the attention of new consumers.

Formulating the notion of rebranding simple words, We can say that this is a set of measures to change the company's brand aimed at the formation of a new consumer perception and necessary to increase demand.

The main stages of the company's rebranding

The rebranding process has a strict sequence of actions, from the correctness of which the final result depends on the execution. In total, four basic stages are distinguished: analysis (audit), formulation of a new strategy (repositioning), visual transformations (restyling) and integration into business.

Stage 1. Carrying out marketing audit

The main goal and the essence of rebranding is an increase in consumer demand and improving the company's reputation. And therefore the most important stage in its implementation is the analysis of the current state and the construction based on the identified problems of the new marketing strategy. At this stage, the following work is carried out:

  • The awareness of the existing brand and the loyalty of the consumer is evaluated.. For example, when mastering new markets, it is important to understand whether the new consumer knows about the product or services and what your brand is associated with it.
  • The obstacles of the correct perception of the brand of the target audience are determined. This aspect is especially important when reorienting to a new category of buyers.
  • Analysis of competitive advantages and weaknesses. For example, the Company's policies may not comply with the social trends of modernity.

Marketing audit is carried out on each brand block:

  • Mission and philosophy. Are they relevant and understandable.
  • Identity. What Associations Causes Brand.
  • Communications. Features of interaction with the consumer.
  • Architecture. Visual components (product name, fonts, colors).
  • Image component. What image is formed directly advertising brand.
  • Competitive environment. Comparison with brands running in the same segment.

Based on the analysis, the decision is made on the need to reposition and restyling the brand.

Stage 2. Brand Repositioning

Due to high competition, in almost any business sector, you can face such factors as indifference consumers to some product or even negative perception without significant reasons. The reason for this is most often the fact that the buyer does not see the advantages of your brand in the total weight of the goods. Such a situation may occur both for a fundamentally new brand and for too long existing in a constant form of a concept.

In order to increase the brand status on the analogues, there is a repositioning, involving focusing on new practical properties. The following methods can be applied:

  • Allocation of new areas of product use. For example, translating goods from the category "for children" to the category "For the whole family."
  • Emphasis on extended functionality. For example, a means for washing dishes with glycerin, caring for the skin of the hands.
  • Transferring products to a new commodity category.
  • Identifying new physical properties that did not attach attention earlier. A vivid example of this method is the emergence of eco-products, positioning as especially healthy, although in reality they do not differ from ordinary products.

From the practical side, the repositioning of the brand does not imply changes the products or services itself, but is aimed at converting the marketing strategy and brand image in the eyes of buyers. Thus, at this stage, a new company philosophy is formulated.

Stage 3. Restyling Corporate Style

Immediately the process of changing the external attributes of the brand (logo, corporate colors, fonts, leitmotif, name, slogan, interior design, and signage), which is often called rebranding, in a professional environment received a restyling name. It can be carried out as an independent process (partial evolution of the brand) and be one of the stages of complex transformations.

Prerequisites for restyling brand are the following factors:

  • Morally outdated aesthetics of brand attributes.
  • Dysharmonium visual brand solving with an updated product (packaging). The old brand may not correspond to new formats, for example, when moving from desktop PC to mobile applications, the visual component of the brand can be too complex and inconvenient to use.
  • Mind of old solutions of the new brand philosophy. The problems of society are continuously changing, after what the mission of companies is changing. So, if earlier mobile operators made a bet on favorable tariffs, today, when prices are approximately the same, the quality and extensive list of services comes to the fore.
  • Copy protection. Periodic change in visual elements significantly complicates the production of "pirated" copies.
  • Simplification of perception. Simple symbolic designations are much faster than the consumer in the modern flow of information, and therefore the main trend in restyling is the replacement of complex logos to simpler icons.
  • Change of cultural values \u200b\u200bat the target audience (consultation). The brand can be based on a current fashionable course, but it should be understood that with the departure of fashion, rebranding, more corresponding to new consumer hobbies.

The development of new visual attributes can assume both a complete change of corporate style and a partial update. At the same time, the degree of transformations should be chosen on the basis of rebranding purposes. As a rule, several versions are created, which are tested with the attraction of focus groups, which allows you to make the most correct choice. By accepting the solution to perform a cardinal restyling, it should be understood that the sharp change of visual attributes is a tight signal about changing the way of doing business, which may be regarded as a change in the usual quality standards.

Stage 4. Interaction of a new brand with an audience

The final stage of rebranding is the integration of updates to the business system and reporting to the bulk of the audience of information about new product qualities. It is implemented by reorganizing the principles of interaction with consumers and carrying out a fundamentally new advertising campaign. At the same time, to preserve the existing audience of the rebranding brand may require the preliminary preparation of the consumer to enter the new format market. Most importantly announce changes for large and well recognizable brands.

Informing the brand updates should be directed not only to the direct buyer of goods or services, but also to the domestic staff of the company. Employees should understand why changes and what are the main goals, which will allow them to be painlessly adapt to new requirements and standards of work.

After the preparation, the new brand is integrated into the products, while it is extremely important that the format adopted to be implemented in all directions, fully outering outdated. Otherwise, misunderstanding may arise. For example, if the buyer will see in the store and old, and new packaging, he will decide that these are different products.

Critical errors in rebranding

It is quite difficult to predict the effectiveness of rebranding, and therefore the priority task of the marketer does not allow critical errors. The latter can be attributed to:

  • Surface approach. Very often, rebranding is implemented only as a change in the visual component of the brand, for example, a logo. However, the last only marking (identification mark) for the product is progressable. The lack of analysis and understanding of the real advantages of the new format does not give the desired result, and often it can cause a reverse reaction.
  • Unreasonable name change. Many companies go along the path of simplification by losing the essence of the brand itself. If the name changes, and the product remains the same, it is important not only to inform customers about the causes of such changes, but also in the name of creating a logical reference to the former brand.
  • Neglect of the corporate culture and position of employees. Changing the brand without the corresponding motivation of employees, as a rule, does not solve business problems. At the same time, quite often, when creating a new brand, only the opinion of marketers and leadership is taken into account. In such cases, there is a risk that other employees may not agree with a new format, which will reduce productivity, and sometimes to dismiss key specialists.
  • Lack of interaction with the audience. In business history, there is a huge number of examples when companies had to return to the old brand, since the features of the perception of the target audience were not taken into account.
  • Imitation masses. Rebranding must be performed on the basis of the characteristics of a particular business and take into account the values \u200b\u200bhe is trying to convey. In turn, the blind adherence of fashion can level this advantage and make the brand inexpressive.
  • Inconsistency of integration. Quite often on the domestic market, rebranding is implemented by the method of trial and errors, which in practice is manifested as a frequent change of values. The reasons for this error can be hidden both in the insufficient preliminary analysis of the existing brand and impatiently the management of the company that does not take into account that it is sometimes necessary to adapt the audience to a new format.

Summing up, it can be said that the brand update process is a comprehensive marketing tool with which the change in emotional associations of the consumer is achieved with respect to certain products. Understanding what changes and goals carry rebranding, which is such simple words and in what cases should be applied, you can input your business in a timely manner, while maintaining the existing and attracting a new audience.

At the time of the fall in sales level, the company begin to apply active marketing strategies aimed at improving interest in their products. One of the rebranding. What it is? This strategy of improving the efficiency of the company is to change the name of the company or brand of goods or individual changes in its visual mapping. In this case, the essence of the change is not limited only to a graphic expression, it should include a new value proposal aimed at keeping his own audience and attracting new consumers. In most cases, the use of techniques for changing corporate style, logo or product names significantly raises sales.

For those who seek to increase sales by changing the name, it is necessary to more deeply explore the rebranding, which is his capabilities. When developing a strategy of rebranding, marketers usually form 2-3 main goals and several additional. Among the main goals:

  • an increase in consumer loyalty;
  • attracting a new target audience;
  • access to new markets.

Among additional:

  • differentiation of the product line;
  • enhance distinctions from other companies working in this market and their competitiveness.

Most often, the change in the brand is carried out with a focus on one particular purpose. The need for it arises in the following cases:

  • changing the owner of the company when the new owner wants to change the company in line with his values;
  • initially, the incorrect creation or positioning of the company's brand or one of the types of products;
  • sales drop;
  • the need to increase market share;
  • change of activity;
  • change consumer preferences.

Often, in the process of developing a marketing strategy, the goal is changing and new. This is due to the study of the preferences of the target group of consumers. The effectiveness of rebranding depends on how the goals have been achieved.

Views of rebranding

In world practice, three technologies for changing the company's style are used:

  • repositioning;
  • restyling;
  • rebranding.

Restyling Wears the nature of the visual change of the brand. Most often, he is not associated with a change in the mission or company's policy. It is carried out quite often to reduce the effect of addiction from the consumer. The method can be expressed in changing the logo, product names, types of packaging, other private elements. Even in this easy version, restyling usually increases sales volumes among the loyal audience at the first stage of the release of new products.

Repositioning means changing the brand in the direction of changes in the surrounding world and consumers consciousness. It is preceded by marketing studies that determine the change in the value picture and preferences of buyers. Changes may be associated with the adulthies of the audience, and the introduction of new technologies, and with a change in the visual perception of the world. When using this marketing reception, the emphasis is placed on promoting an updated brand among new groups of buyers or in new regions.

Combines restyling and reposition technologies, but complements them by changing the essence of the company's trade offer. Visual elements are changed (logo, corporate style, style, staff uniforms, office design), the means of communication (slogans, motto, advertising messages) are changed. In addition, a new strategy of working with clients, capture and their deduction are produced. Often, complete rebranding can take several years, as in the case of Sberbank, where thousands of offices have been changed and are trained in new admission to work with customers tens of thousands of employees.

Stages of rebranding

Rebranding is a complex consistent process that requires efforts both attracted experts and most of the company's divisions. The implementation of the strategy consists of several stages. It:

  • marketin audit;
  • development of a new brand;
  • brand introduction.

Marketing audit includes the study of the audience of the brand, its preferences, the company's capabilities. The strengths and weaknesses of the existing logo and the slogan are determined, the necessary depth of the change is determined, the direction of changes to the preferences of the audience and the marketing reality has been determined at the time of the study. The last stage is inherently connected with the first, as it is carried out with the already made marketing conclusions. Implementation should be focused on those target audiences that have been identified by research.

Development is preceded by the stage of determining the directions of the change. These elements of the corporate identity are determined to be upgraded, the purpose of modernization is formed. At this stage, tactics and strategy of bringing a new concept to consumers are being developed. Brand approval from the shareholders of the company, which must confirm their consent from the new strategy.

At the development stage, it is determined in which direction the company's style must be changed. He can be:

  • strengthened, upgraded. This is relevant for traditional companies and enterprises whose stylistics has not changed since the institution;
  • individualized. This is relevant for logos, which are either unrecognizable, or resemble visual means of identifying other companies;
  • distributed to wider circles of consumers;
  • updated in accordance with the trends of modernity.

After developing the concept and visual means of incarnation, the implementation stage begins. It is no less important than the development stage. But he must be preceded by the pre-testing stage using the means of the expert community, the focus group of target consumers, other ways to obtain feedback.

Only after pre-testing, a new image can be launched into production. To increase the awareness of the renewed product, its release to the market should be preceded by an advertising company using all modern means of communication, from videos to viral advertising. Today, the successful introduction of a new brand is impossible without the strengthened application of social network capabilities, which is confirmed by some particularly successful companies.

Examples of successful rebranding companies

Examples of successful rebranding

Studying examples of the company's rebranding, you can find both successful strategies and failed. Among the successful foreign projects, CVS Pharmacy can be called, which first in the United States refused to buy tobacco and changed the name with CVS Caremark ("Care Sign") on CVS Health (Health). The powerful advertising campaign in social networks attracted the attention of even the President of School, who left his comment, appreciating the desire for a healthy lifestyle, so that the company's new name created her a big loyal audience. They left their mark in the history of marketing of COC-COLA logos, Apple, Mozilla.

There are successful stories of introducing a new image and in our country. Designed in Wikipedia rebranding of large Russian companies, such as Russian Railways, Aeroflot, Beeline is a good example of using marketing technologies. Studying his story, can I understand what kind of rebranding, which brought a real increase in the product audience? The history of Aeroflot will be one of the most striking examples of the successful use of the strategy. The advertising campaign of the largest air carrier was recognized as one of the most successful, the second most successful in Russia. A lot of world-class experts were attracted to its development. It included many elements associated not only with a brand change, but with a variety of techniques. The Russian flag was placed on the side of the aircraft, the form of flight attendants was changed, the style of interaction with clients was completely changed, which allowed Aeroflot to adequately withstand the competitive struggle with many competitors airlines and become a laouth of many international bonuses.

But the rebranding of the subsidiary of the same air carrier, the airline "Russia", caused many questions from experts. He was held by the domestic company: OtvetDesign, but the Iydeics developed by it was not successful. After rebranding, the experts recorded a decrease in brand recognition.

In some cases, rebranding is carried out not only companies, but also cities, countries. It is aimed at improving their recognition for tourist attractiveness. The rebranding of the capital of Denmark Copenhagen, held in 2004, cost 100 million euros, but led to the city that the city moved from the list of capitals on the verge of bankruptcy in the list of the best cities in the world in safety and business facilities. Not least in the perception of the city by experts, image changes were taken into account. Among the Russian cities, the Perm became an example of successful rebranding.

Reconnection cannot be only one of the tasks associated with changing the color or logo font, this is an independent comprehensive strategy that is designed to improve the company's success. With its implementation, it is necessary not only to use the best world techniques, but also carefully monitor the professional audience reaction at the development stage. Only in this case, the tasks assigned to the company will be executed.

Reconnection cannot be only one of the tasks associated with changing the color or logo font, this is an independent comprehensive strategy that is designed to improve the company's success.

Rebranding is more than updating the logo or slogan. This is the search for a new value offer or formulating it with new words. He shakes the target audience and reminds her about the benefits of the company with which people are used to working.

In this article, you will learn about the amazing examples of effective rebranding of foreign companies. And of course, let us recall the domestic experience.

CVS Pharmacy: Change, even if it is unpopular

CVS Pharmacy is a network of large pharmaceutical stores in the United States.

Problem: In American pharmacies you can buy everything - from drugs to cigarettes. The very concept of the pharmacy is blurred.

Rebranding:CVS Pharmacy's pharmacy chain has become the first in the United States, who abandoned the sale of tobacco products - after all, this is a pharmacy, not a bar. To emphasize this, the network has changed the name with CVS Caremark ("Care Sign") on CVS Health (Health).

Rebranding, powerful support in social networks - and now the pharmacy network has more than 100,000 tweets and even comments from the president of the United States. Yes, smokers first were unhappy. But in the long run, the network only won - its value offer has become more specific and recognizable.

Burberry: Luxury for thugs?

Problem:For 150 years, the company sells stylish coats and trenches. Unfortunately, the dear brand loved not only to fashionable, but also mafia. It came to the fact that any person in Burberry clothing people were accepted for criminal authority. With this it was necessary to do something.

Rebranding:Dear things always attract crime, and this will not change this. And from the Trencha itself, the company, of course, was not going to refuse. Therefore, with rebranding, it was decided to turn to another category of rich people - to celebrities.

Burberry marketers launched a large-scale advertising campaign with popular young actors. Thanks to her, many people looked completely new on the usual brand.

Even if your product failed to those who do not like personally, you can always get out of the situation, simply spreading the boundaries of the target audience. It does not need to abandon the usual quality and reputation.

OLD Spice: Deodorant for real men

Problem: Strictly speaking, Deodorants of Old Spice from all others do not differ. But for a number of reasons - maybe because of the very name - a young audience considered the products of Old Spice age and did not hurry to buy it. The smell seemed to them sexually unattractive.

Rebranding: Old Spice made a bet on charismatic basketball player Izai Mustafa. He liked the female audience. On the wave of popularity of the new hero, the company even released a series of shower gels.

Of the advantages - Old Spice did not have to change the logo, it was enough to change the perception of people. Young, active and sexy attractive hero and humorous fearless feed - this is what the brand needed to get rid of the image of a deodorant for old people.

Sometimes it is enough to show the target audience the usual product on the other side to revive interest in yourself and raise the conversion. Think, under what sauce to file what you do.

PABST BLUE RIBBON: entering the Chinese market

Problem:Pabst Blue Ribbon makes beer, inexpensive and very popular with college students. At least in the USA. In China, the beer brand is positioning itself differently.

Rebrandined: In China, the beer is called Blue Ribbon 1844 (1884th - the year of the brand), costs 44 dollars and is popular with the secured Chinese. That is, a medium American brand thanks to the competent rebranding moved to the premium class.

Why is China? Everything is simple: other markets are already engaged in large players.

A new audience is a new image. This is relevant for both world market players and online businesses.

Corn Syru: Not so sweet, as you think

Problem: The phrase "high-phrastructous syrup" sounds not very attractive from the point of view of healthy nutrition. This leads to a reduction in the audience and income.

Rebranding: The idea of \u200b\u200brebranding is simple - turn harmful fructose syrup into useful corn sugar. Of course, syrup and sugar are completely different things. However, corn sugar has long been in honor of those who have problems with the assimilation of ordinary sugar.


But the bad example of rebranding is Radioshack.

Radioshack dreamed of becoming something more than a shop for tech-guiki.

Rebranding and a new name - The Shack - the company helped little. It was generally not associated with electrical engineering. The Shack ("shacks" in translation) causes associations with something strange, and it is the new name that buried the company's reputation.

And what in Russia?

Over the past 10 years, rebranding has made three largest companies in the country:

Russian Railways.

The new logo has become the winner of the international contest Rebrand 100 Global Awards in 2011.

Sberbank of Russia

Sberbank's rebranding is perhaps one of the most ambitious for domestic business. The bank has spent more than 20 billion rubles. They changed literally everything - from interiors of branches and design of promotional materials to the corporate form of employees. And the main thing - the bank introduced uniform standards throughout the country.

Post office

But with Russian Post, an example, alas, not so impressive. They changed only the logo. But this did not affect the company's perception by clients. Another proof that rebranding is something much more than just changing the signboard.
