What does it include prof. Information Technology Support (ITS from the CT center)

Review from Orlan LLC

Managers are very polite and responsive

“We have been cooperating with the company 1C-Business Architect since 2015. We plan to continue to cooperate, for now only within the framework of 1C:ITS support, but if other questions arise, we will definitely contact them. The managers are very polite and responsive, documents and updates arrive on time, no problems have ever arisen. Thank you very much for such a responsible approach to work!”, - Irina Andreevna Terkina, Chief Accountant Orlan LLC, [email protected].

Review from Vympel LLC

With ITS no problem

“1C-Business Architect” is perhaps the best choice for a 1C franchisee. We started servicing them a long time ago, almost 10 years ago. We tried to find something even better, but a year later we returned and we don’t think about leaving yet: there are no problems with ITS, in difficult cases they can provide qualified support with the help of programmers, and there is no need to endlessly look for errors after submitting the work, because everything works correctly almost immediately,” Artem Aleksandrovich Bondarev, specialist in automation of accounting and budgeting at Vympel LLC, Moscow.


We are glad that we were not mistaken in choosing the 1C assistant

"Hello! My name is Svetlana, the company is FOOD MARKET LLC. We have been cooperating with 1C Business Architect for several years now. We bought software products - they were delivered quickly, during the installation of 1C, technical support helped our system administrator, so the programs were installed safely, everything works great. We have a subscription to ITS discs. 1C support staff periodically ask if we are having problems or if we need help. Technical support also calls periodically, ready to help us. The consultation line is generally cool, it solves all questions with a bang. Naturally, we feel constant support from this company. We are glad that we were not mistaken in choosing the 1C assistant. After all, there are a lot of 1C franchisees, they also promise a lot, but only companies such as 1C-Business Architect provide support. This is truly the number 1 company. I will be happy to recommend your company to my friends.”

"Good afternoon! Our company FI-Group has been cooperating with 1C Business Architect for a couple of years. We also concluded an agreement for the support of 1C:ITS. I would like to express my gratitude to the managers who are ready to help at any moment. I would like to separately note that this is always accompanied by full understanding and respect. Any problem, no matter how complex it is (be it technical problems or issues related to accounting in the program), is always resolved. In the future, our company plans to expand, and we will be happy to continue our cooperation. Moreover, we always recommend your company to our partners. And I would like to wish only prosperity to the 1C Business Architect. KEEP IT UP!!!"

Support of "1C:Enterprise 8" in Russia under an ITS agreement.

  • Would you like to receive all services under one contract?
  • Need a quick response to a problem?
  • Tired of red tape with managers and coordinating the work of specialists?
  • Do you want your problems to actually be solved?

1C:ITS in AP IT is a contract for the provision of services to 1C:Enterprise 8 users for confident work with 1C programs.

Support under the ITS:PROF agreement

1C support under the ITS:PROF agreement is more opportunity to receive regular and comprehensive user support when working with 1C:Enterprise 8.

Draw up an ITS:PROF agreement possible for any of three standard periods - 3.6 or 12 months. You can change subscription periods based on your working conditions.

Cost of support 1C ITS:PROF and the volume of 1C support services within the specified cost are presented in the table.

We are offering to you download the 1C:ITS contract. You can fill it out, send it and we will start working!

ITS option (hours per month)
Cost, rub.)
for 3 months for 6 months for 12 months
ITS PROF Standard 10 986 21 204 40 572

  • Once a month, a specialist visits the office, updates one 1C database, delivers a magazine, a DVD with 1C information materials and a souvenir
  • Consultations, problem solving over the phone for a total duration of 90 minutes. Consultation on working with standard 1C functionality
ITS PROF (2h) 12 000 24 000 48 000

  • Once a month, a specialist visits the office, updates two 1C databases, delivers a magazine, a DVD with 1C information materials and a souvenir
  • Solving any current issues over the phone for a total duration of 120 minutes. Consultation on working with standard 1C functionality
  • Remote connections to solve current problems using standard 1C functions.
ITS PROF (3h) 18 000 36 000 72 000

  • Twice a month, a specialist visits the office, updates two 1C databases, delivers a magazine, a DVD with 1C information materials and a souvenir
  • Solving any current issues with a total duration of 180 minutes. Consultation on working with standard 1C functionality
  • Remote connections for solving urgent cases of work in 1C.
  • Setting up standard reports, additional setting up report options, setting up groupings and selections.
  • Setting standard permissions
ITS PROF (4h) 24 000 48 000 96 000

  • Solving any current issues with a total duration of 240 minutes. Consultation on working with standard 1C functionality
  • Remote connections to resolve current issues regarding the use of the 1C configuration.
  • Setting up standard reports, additional setting up report options, setting up groupings and selections.
  • Setting standard permissions
  • Development of an additional printed form of a document or report based on existing data
  • Performing modifications and developing reports, processing with a time investment of up to 3 hours
ITS PROF (8h) 48 000 96 000 192 000

  • Twice a month, a specialist visits the office, updates three 1C databases, delivers a magazine, a DVD with 1C information materials and a souvenir
  • Telephone consultations with a total duration of 480 minutes. Consultation on working with standard 1C functionality
  • Remote connections to solve current 1C issues.
  • Setting up standard reports, additional setting up report options, setting up groupings and selections.
  • Setting standard permissions
  • Development of an additional printed form of a document or report based on existing data
  • Performing modifications and developing reports and processing with a time commitment of up to 5 hours
  • Finalizing the 1C configuration with a time investment of up to 2 hours

Agreement "ITS:PROF" (download the 1C:ITS contract) allows you to use such services as:

  • Connection to the electronic reporting system to all regulatory authorities
  • Connection to the electronic document management system with counterparties
  • Connection to the 1C:Cloud Archive service for independent creation and storage of database backups
  • The ability to use the function of auto-filling the details of counterparties, obtaining an extract and dossier of the counterparty
  • Enable the ability to remotely access the database via the 1C:Link service
  • Place the database in the 1C:Fresh cloud service for remote access anytime and anywhere

Additional time for providing 1C support services under the ITS:PROF agreement, development of additional functions and 1C configurations is paid in accordance with

ITS PROF is a universal solution for maintaining the functionality of 1C:Enterprise programs, a source of exclusive consulting materials on issues accounting, tax and labor law, unique materials on working with 1C:Enterprise programs.

Materials on ITS PROF are grouped by topic:

Release news

ITS is a voluminous publication, all materials of which are supplemented and updated monthly. For the convenience of subscribers, each issue is accompanied by a “Review of New Materials.” In "Review." We draw attention to the most important and interesting, from our point of view, publications published in this issue.

Technological support

The thematic section “Technological Support” contains all the necessary information for carrying out routine work on updating 1C:Enterprise programs:

  • current releases of the platform and configurations;
  • reporting forms;
  • instructions for installing updates;
  • materials on administration of 1C:Enterprise.
  • Subsections with methodological support include a large number of exclusive materials prepared by 1C methodologists.

In the “Technological Support” section there are teaching materials technical nature and electronic manuals, which will be of interest to implementation specialists, accountants, experienced users and users who are just starting to work with 1C:Enterprise programs.

Practice of working in 1C programs

The thematic section “Practice of working in 1C programs” includes two unique reference books:

  • Directory of business transactions. Accounting in 1C:Enterprise
  • Personnel and remuneration.

Leading methodologists from the 1C company, auditors, specialists from the Financial Academy, and leading specialists from franchisee firms took part in the development of the reference books.

“The Directory of Business Transactions” includes comprehensive information for an accountant on 250 typical situations for the purchase and sale of goods, materials, accounting for fixed assets, the provision and receipt of services, lending and mutual settlements.

Almost all situations in the reference book contain detailed and understandable instructions on how to reflect this operation in 1C:Enterprise configurations.

Using the “Personnel and Remuneration” directory, an accountant can familiarize himself with the detailed algorithm for calculating a particular payment, create any necessary personnel document based on available samples, and clarify how to reflect this operation in the 1C:Enterprise program.


The “Accounting” section includes several reference books in the “1C: Accounting Details” series, each of which comprehensively reveals one complex business situation. From these reference books, the accountant will learn complete information about the procedure for registering labor relations with foreigners, accounting and taxation of imports, exports, leasing, the pitfalls of travel and hospitality expenses, amount and exchange rate differences.

Taxes and Reporting

The sections “Taxes” and “Reporting” in the reference books of the “Taxes: line by line and in detail” series describe the procedure for filling out each line of the corresponding declaration and reveal the basic concepts that an accountant encounters when calculating the main taxes - VAT, income tax, “salary” taxes, simplified tax system and UTII, property tax and transport tax.

The “Reporting” section also includes the reference book “Accounting and tax reporting in 1C: Accounting”, which sets out practical recommendations for the preparation of interim accounting and tax reporting of organizations, provides algorithms for the automatic generation of individual indicators based on accounting and tax accounting in the 1C: Accounting program.

Personnel and Inspections

The “Personnel” section includes several reference books that provide the most complete information on personnel issues. The reference book “Personnel and Remuneration” contains information on how to correctly and correctly perform individual accounting operations for payroll and personnel records in the “salary” programs of the company “1C”. The rules for calculating “salary” taxes and reporting are set out line by line and in detail in the reference book “Taxes and fees for settlements with personnel”. The “Personnel” section contains information on the rules for filling out work books, on hiring foreign workers, and on accounting for travel and hospitality expenses. And the reference book “Attention: verification!” will answer questions about inspection by the labor inspection authorities and the migration service.

Directory "Attention: check!" developed by the authors of the Information Analytical System “1C: Consulting. Standard" - a consulting system for legal support enterprise produced by the company "1C". The directory contains reference, consulting and practical materials, with the help of which users will be able to independently answer their questions about checks and perform all the necessary actions during the check in the correct sequence. The directory covers inspections by tax authorities, labor inspectorates, migration services, control over transactions with in cash or other property.


All materials on ITS PROF are formatted in the form of a full-text database, each document of which contains hypertext links to the GARANT regulatory framework. The volume of documents in the “Legislation” section corresponds to the information blocks of the reference and legal system “GARANT” - “Taxes, accounting, entrepreneurship” and “Taxes, accounting, entrepreneurship. Moscow”, current as of the date of issue of the ITS.

Accounting periodicals

Periodicals that are published on the ITS monthly are combined into a single database “Accounting Periodicals”, in which the user can search for the necessary information both within one publication (in all issues for the last year) and across all publications at once. The database includes publications: Bukh.1S, PBU, RNA, Accounting.

Helpful information

Since 2009, two new navigation tools have appeared on the ITS disk:

  • The ITS subscriber calendar will not only guide the user on the deadlines for submitting reports and paying taxes, but will also tell you where to find the most complete, relevant and interesting information on a specific topic, offering a variety of sources of materials on the ITS disk.
  • Current topics of ITS PROF are ready-made thematic collections of ITS materials. On the start page of the ITS disk there is a so-called “Tag Cloud”, which lists the current topics of the month. The larger the font, the more relevant the topic. By clicking on a specific topic, the user is taken to a list of materials he is interested in on this topic, collected from the entire ITS disk.

Software configurations will be effective for business only if they are regularly supported and updated. The Laerta company, together with the developer of the 1C platform, is ready to provide the full range of services necessary for this.

We provide comprehensive support within the framework of special Information Technology Support (ITS).

This proposal has a number of features that you should familiarize yourself with in more detail:

  • Subscription to it is required. 1C users receive servicing of the software product only with an active ITS.
  • Our company offers 2 main options for information technology support: TECHNO and PROF. You can independently choose the most suitable service package for you.
  • If, in addition to the 1C programs used, you order professional service ITS support, this will provide an ideal balance of costs and capabilities.

Information and technological support "1C:Enterprise"

Price, with continuous renewal of the 1C:ITS contract, rub.
Price upon renewal of the 1C:ITS contract
after the break, rub.

ITS PROF for 1 month

ITS PROF for 3 months

ITS PROF for 6 months

ITS PROF for 12 months

ITS PROF for 12 months according to the 8+4 scheme

ITS PROF for 24 months

Not applicable

ITS Technological supply for 6 months

ITS Technological supply for 12 months

Conclusion of an agreement for Information and Technological Support(1C:ITS) will allow your company to receive timely and high-quality updates of standard 1C programs, contact the LAERTA and 1C support hotline, receive useful articles and materials, connect additional services that greatly facilitate the work of your specialists in the program.

By concluding an ITS agreement with us, you receive the following volume of services every month during the entire subscription:

Services under the ITS agreement
Delivery of the ITS kit - magazine "BUKH 1C" and DVD
1 time per month
1 time
+ souvenir "1C"
Updating the platform and unchanged 1C:Enterprise configurations, diagnosing the state information base, creating an archival copy.
2 bases
Consultation Line (1st line):
  • Solving problems with the program
  • Search help necessary materials
  • Assistance in providing access to ITS portals
1 time per month
(no more than 20 minutes)
Not limited
Professional training "1C" (full-time)
Based on the results of the exam, awarding the "1C: PROFESSIONAL" certificate
payment 100%
50% discount
Consultation line company "1C"
1 time per month

Access to Internet resources of the company "1C"
(its.1c.ru, portal.1c.ru, users.v8.1c.ru)

Connecting 1C:ITS services:
  • 1C:EDO
up to 50 packages of documents per month

up to 100 packages of documents per month

Over - 10 rub. per set

  • The auditor answers
  • 1C:Lecture hall
  • 1C-Reporting
  • 1C:Enterprise 8 via the Internet (1C:fresh)
  • 1C:Link
  • 1C:Cloud archive
  • 1C:Counterparty
  • 1C:Signature

Familiarization with the capabilities of the services 1C-Reporting, 1C-EDO (including 1C-Takskom), "1C:Link" and preparation of documents for connection.

Additional paid services:
A specialist will visit your office
2,400 rub./hour.
Updating additional databases
Consultation line (2nd line):
  • assistance in preparing reports
  • expert consultation
  • analysis of the database to identify errors in accounting

Advantages of concluding an ITS agreement with Laerta

  • The ability to quickly update 1C configuration data is now available.
  • Free access to a number of useful 1C services is provided, which greatly simplifies working with the program. Services that allow you to: automatically fill in the details of counterparties, send reports to organizational structures, exchange documents electronically, receive advice from auditors and lawyers, attend lectures by experts on accounting, and much more. Find out more about ITS services
  • ITS users are provided with free access to up-to-date information and methodological materials (see below)
  • There are 2 lines of consultation available: from Laerta company specialists and the developer’s own experts.
  • For ITS PROF users, additional gifts from 1C every month.
  • Clients' problems are solved quickly and efficiently, since Laerta specialists have extensive knowledge and many years of experience in various areas of 1C accounting: accounting, tax, personnel, payroll, trade and warehouse, production, management, financial, consolidated, IFRS
  • The quality and accuracy of work is confirmed by our company’s certification international standard ISO 9001:2008 quality.
Materials and services provided by 1C
Consultation line for 1C specialists on working with 1C:Enterprise

Reference books on the preparation of accounting and tax reporting, on insurance premiums in 1C programs
Directories on taxes and contributions, their accounting in 1C programs
Reference books on accounting and tax accounting in 1C programs
Guide to electronic document management and its use in 1C programs
Handbook on personnel and maintaining personnel records and settlements with personnel in 1C programs
Guide to the universal transfer document and its use in 1C programs
Manager's Legal Guide to Doing Business
Answers from auditors and experts to questions from 1C:ITS users on accounting, taxation and personnel issues
Regulatory and legal framework "1C: Garant", comments by 1C methodologists on laws, letters and court decisions
Accounting periodicals and electronic versions of books from the publishing house "1C-Publishing"
Automatic comparison of information on invoices (1C:Sverka)

Procedure for ordering information technology support

ITS PROF - professional Information system, created specifically for 1C:Enterprise users. It provides recommendations on the taxation of business transactions, step by step instructions on how to reflect them in the program, instructions for preparing accounting, tax reporting and reporting on insurance premiums in 1C:Enterprise, as well as news, comments and advice from specialists on accounting, tax and personnel accounting issues.

ITS PROF materials are promptly updated on the Internet and published monthly on DVD.

The ITS PROF information system is intended for managers, personnel officers, economists, accountants, accountants and IT specialists of commercial organizations.

"News" section

The section publishes:

  • legislative news – presents the latest changes in legislation, as well as comments on the most interesting letters Ministry of Finance of Russia, Federal Tax Service of Russia, Social Insurance Fund of Russia and others government agencies, as well as decisions of arbitration courts;
  • 1C:Enterprise news – informs the user about new releases, external reports, regulated reporting forms, etc.;
  • directory updates – talk about new materials and updates to existing directory materials;
  • answers to users - new answers from experts in accounting, taxation and personnel records to questions from ITS PROF users.

News in the Internet version of ITS appears daily.

Section "Technological support"

The section contains all the necessary information for carrying out routine maintenance to update 1C:Enterprise programs:

  • current releases of the platform and configurations;
  • reporting forms;
  • instructions for installing updates;
  • materials on administering 1C:Enterprise programs.

The "Technological Support" section contains methodological materials of a technical nature and electronic manuals that will be of interest to implementation specialists, accountants, beginners and experienced users of 1C:Enterprise programs.

Section "Accounting and tax accounting"

The section is a set of reference books on reflecting business situations and accounting for taxes in 1C:Enterprise.

Directories of business transactions will help the accountant to correctly reflect in the program business transactions of varying degrees of complexity: from the acquisition of goods and materials to accounting for customer-supplied raw materials and leasing.

Subsection "Tax accounting in the program "1C: Accounting 8" will help to properly organize tax accounting in "1C: Accounting 8" in terms of calculating income tax and VAT when applying the general taxation system.

Subsection "Accounting policies in the program "1C: Accounting 8" contains instructions for reflecting transactions in "1C: Accounting 8" for the purpose of accounting for income and expenses when applying the simplified taxation system.

In addition, the section presents designers for drawing up accounting policies for tax and accounting purposes, instructions for drawing up accounting policies in the 1C: Accounting 8 program.

Section "Taxes and fees"

The section includes reference books on VAT, income tax, simplified tax system, UTII, unified agricultural tax, property tax, transport and land taxes, and insurance premiums.

The directories present general provisions on the order of their calculation and payment, the position of the Ministry of Finance of Russia and the Federal Tax Service of Russia, as well as arbitration courts on controversial issues.

The section also includes the “Payment Orders” Directory, which contains detailed instructions on drawing up payment orders for the payment of taxes, contributions and other payments to the budget in "1C: Accounting 8". Once you have filled out the form offered by the program, the next time you just need to select the “Transfer to the budget” item in a new payment order, click “Fill out” and select the type of payment from the list. It is no longer necessary to fill out all the necessary details (including KBK, payer’s organization, basis for payment, etc.).

Information from the “Inspections” subsection will help you prepare for the inspection, behave correctly during the inspection, assess the risk of prosecution, as well as the possibility and methods of appealing against the actions of the inspectors.

Section "Reporting"

The section provides step-by-step instructions for filling out regulated reporting forms in 1C:Enterprise programs.

The instructions contain the procedure for filling out forms not only in the current period; instructions for previous reporting periods are also stored. If reporting is submitted on an accrual basis (income tax, Social Insurance Fund), then all descriptions consider an end-to-end example and all amounts are also considered an accrual total.

Section "Personnel and remuneration"

The section includes the following reference books:

  • Personnel Directory
  • Covers all major issues related to personnel matters.
  • Contains information about the rules for filling out work books, hiring and firing employees, accounting for travel and entertainment expenses, and what is necessary for the organization’s activities to meet the requirements Federal Law"About personal data".

The techniques included in the handbook will instruct the user on how to correctly perform a particular personnel action with the least risk and maximum efficiency.

Personnel accounting and settlements with personnel in 1C programs

Includes practical examples to reflect in the programs "1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8", "1C: Salary and Personnel 7.7" and, in some cases, in "1C: Accounting 8" individual personnel transactions (hiring, dismissal, recording of length of service, recording of personal data) and employee benefits (salaries, bonuses, sick leave, etc.).

In addition, the directory contains descriptions of settings for frequently used types of accruals and deductions, recommendations for filling out individual directories in 1C:Enterprise programs. Each article is a description of the order and features of performing a particular operation in a specific application solution.

Constructor "Regulations on the processing and protection of personal data"

The designer “Regulations on the processing and protection of personal data” is a program that will allow you to draw up a Regulation on the processing and protection of personal data using your own data at no extra cost.

In order to draw up the Regulations, you must answer the questions and enter the requested information. Answers to questions will help formulate comments located at the bottom of the screen.

For some clauses of the Regulations, there are several wording options to choose from. In some cases, you can use your own wording. This procedure for drawing up ensures the legal correctness of the document.

In addition, it is possible to save answers to questions (menu "File" - "Save answers"). In the future, when you open the saved file in the Designer, all previously entered information will be displayed, which can be quickly adjusted both for ready-made and for newly generated documents.

Calculation assistants

This is a convenient tool that allows you to calculate, using your own data:

  • vacation pay (with or without using the reserve, as well as the amount of compensation for unused vacation);
  • benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth (both according to new and old rules);
  • travel allowances (average daily earnings when paid by salary and average hourly earnings when working hours are calculated together).

The handbook contains materials that will help determine how to act correctly during an inspection, assess the risk of liability and its size, as well as cases and methods of appealing against the actions of inspectors.

The guide covers the following types of checks:

  • inspections by labor inspectorate;
  • checks by the migration service;
  • checking compliance with legislation on the protection of personal data;
  • on-site inspection of pension contribution payers.

Section "Legal support"

The section is dedicated to legal support economic activity organization and includes several directories.

Handbook of contractual relations

The reference book includes materials that are devoted to the main provisions of Part I of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on contracts. The first block describes what the form and content of the contract should be, what methods can be used to ensure its execution and pay for it, when liability for violating the terms of the contract occurs and when not, and what invalid transactions are.

The second block covers the most popular civil transactions used by participants in economic transactions.

The information is systematized in a special way. The materials consist of three parts. The first part is devoted to the terms of contracts: those of them that must necessarily be agreed upon by the parties when making transactions under the threat of being recognized as non-concluded (the so-called essential terms of contracts) are analyzed separately. In addition, other conditions that are most often included in the text of these agreements are considered.

The second part contains information about what is important for the parties to the contract to know when concluding, performing and terminating it. This section of the directory guides the transaction participant depending on which party to the agreement he is. The relevant materials discuss all the important details and provide recommendations for each of the parties to the contract.

The section “Forms of documents for contracts” deserves special attention, which provides an exhaustive list of documents necessary for concluding and executing contracts.

Each user is given the opportunity to use the proposed document forms in MS-Word format.

The material in the reference book is presented in simple and accessible language, which is understandable even to a non-legal specialist, and will help you avoid mistakes yourself and monitor the correctness of your counterparty’s actions.

All the information presented has a practical focus: the reference book provides approximate wording of the conditions under consideration that can be included in the contract, as well as samples of agreements, notifications, letters used by counterparties in everyday contractual activities. To the person in charge there is no need to develop the form of the document yourself; to do this, it is enough to use the proposed sample, adapting it to specific conditions.

Inspections by regulatory authorities

Contains materials that will help you prepare for many types of inspections and protect your company from unlawful actions of inspectors.

Here you will find answers to the following questions:

  • on what basis is this or that inspection carried out and, accordingly, whether it is legal;
  • what is the competence of the inspection body and its officials;
  • how the manager and employees of the organization should behave when conducting an inspection;
  • whether the deadlines established by law are observed during the inspection;
  • whether the documents drawn up as part of the inspection are drawn up correctly by the inspection body;
  • what liability may the audited organization bear if violations are discovered in its activities;
  • in what cases it is necessary to appeal the actions of the inspection body, and in what order this can be done.

"Delivery Agreement" constructor

The "Supply Agreement" constructor is a program that allows you to quickly and easily draw up a Supply Agreement using your own data.

In order to draw up an Agreement, you must answer the questions and enter the requested information. Answers to questions will help formulate comments located at the bottom of the screen.

In some cases, you can use your own wording. This procedure for drawing up ensures the legal correctness of the document.

The result is a finished document that can be printed or saved to a file for editing.

In addition, it is possible to save answers to questions (menu "File" - "Save answers"). Later, when you open the saved file, the designer will display all the previously entered information, which can be quickly adjusted for both the finished document and the one being generated.

The section also presents Comments on laws, letters and court decisions, written by methodologists of the 1C company.

Comments are given on the most important regulatory legal acts (laws, regulations, orders of departments, etc.), which amend (cancel) existing norms or introduce new ones. In addition, the database includes comments on letters from various departments and decisions of federal arbitration courts containing an assessment of any ambiguous economic situation. Each comment is accompanied by recommendations about possible options organizational behavior or individual entrepreneur and the consequences of the corresponding choice.

For convenience, all comments are divided by topic and by period of receipt.

Section "Responsible by the auditor"

In this section you can find the most interesting answers from 1C auditors and methodologists to user questions on accounting, taxation and personnel issues.

Base regulatory documents

Contains regulatory and legal documents that correspond in volume to the information blocks of the reference and legal system "1C: Garant":

  • "Taxes, accounting, entrepreneurship";
  • "Taxes, accounting, entrepreneurship. Moscow";
  • Quick access to important documents.

The database of regulatory documents is updated weekly in the Internet version of the ITS. All ITS PROF materials contain hypertext links to the database of regulatory documents "1C: Garant".

Section "Accounting periodicals"

The section "Accounting Periodicals" presents full-text electronic versions of the following printed publications:

  • "BUKH.1S";
  • "Russian Tax Courier";
  • "Practical accounting";
  • "Accounting";
  • "Financial newspaper".

1C:ITS DVD release schedule for 2016






