How whale marketing affects sales. Marketing whale

Let's look at the first example of a real estate agency sales presentation.

It begins with the section “How we differ from other agencies.” You can also start your marketing kit from the “Problems - Solutions” section, best examples you will see below.

In the first section, it is very important to show the client that you know his problems and are different from competitors, have concrete solutions or products that satisfy all his needs.

The next section answers the question HOW? Here the agency has posted a description of specific actions for selling an apartment and the results they provide. The client's understanding and trust in this company grows, as he sees a professional approach.

You can collect FAQ clients from your sales managers and answer them in a separate section of the marketing kit. This is very convenient for both you and your client. After all, he can immediately find answers to his objections in your presentation.

If you have a multi-step process of working with a client, then you must make a section “How we work” with a description of the entire cooperation scheme.

The “Our Team” section will raise client trust to a new level. Especially if you add a description with education, work experience, results and awards key employees or at least the director.

The “Reviews” section should be included in every marketing kit. It can be replaced with “Letters of Thank You”, but if you still format it in the form of text, then you cannot do without photos of clients.

Sample marketing kit for a building materials plant

In some cases, you can place more information on the cover than just one offer.

For example, a list of services, see the sample marketing kit below. It is important to make a cool design, because the cover is the face of your company. Our templates will help you with this.

The “Product Advantages” section should be very carefully thought out; you should not write platitudes.

“What do we offer you?” - most importantly, high-quality photos and a clear explanation of the main characteristics of your products/services.

“Why do clients choose us?” - section of company advantages. Immediately following it is the section “Who trusts us” / “Our clients”,which reinforces what you said on the previous pages.

The cases use the format “Client problem” - “Our solution”.

The back cover must have a call to action, as in the example. But you can come up with your own offer. In "Exclusive price offer“I don’t really believe it, but it’s better than without it.

Example of a Marketing Kit for a Vending Company

In this presentation, the first spread covers two categories of clients at once: those who want to buy a machine and those for whom they already work. You can make separate marketing kits for each category of clients, if the difference between them is large, but it is also possible to do it as in this example, using one whole page for each group of clients.

“Benefits for you” - reflects a unique selling proposition that sets you apart from competitors and makes you desirable in the eyes of customers.

“About us in numbers” is a universal section; it is an approach to any marketing kit. The main thing is to put forward numbers that “really speak.”

Product cards must have high-quality photos and well-written descriptions.

Marketing kit for a furniture company. Example

Advantages of Marketing Kit Templates

The main purpose of the template is to make it easier for you to create a marketing kit. You may be a business owner, marketer, manager or even a designer, but in any case, our professionals will save you a lot of time. All you need to do is write the text and paste it into the finished template. Try this marketing kit builder for free. If development from scratch takes at least a week, then 30-60 minutes will be enough for you to make a cool sales presentation using our templates.

Saving money

You may not be aware, but some agencies make a marketing kit for 100-150 thousand rubles, and the market average is 20-50 thousand rubles. Analysis and comparison.

Process control

If you start making a marketing kit yourself, then you will have complete control over the process. It will take very little time to create a sales presentation using our templates. You will not worry about the quality of the text and the transmission of meaning, because you yourself will describe everything perfectly. And the best examples of marketing kit design will make your text attractive. Therefore, it will be much calmer to get down to business yourself than to lie awake at night wondering if a freelancer will miss the deadline.

Free add-ons

You understand perfectly well that over time you will have to supplement the marketing kit with new products or services, as well as new case studies. You may want to redo some other sections. When working with an agency or designer, you will definitely have to pay extra and wait several days or a week. If you made your presentation using templates, then you can very easily and quickly make the necessary additions and amendments to it without spending a single ruble.

Initially, a marketing kit was conceived as a set of tools that form a single selling mechanism, under one cover. And it was used only to pompously present the company for the benefit of the client.

The effectiveness of such a tool was quickly appreciated and began to be used not only to represent the company, but also to present individual business objects and sales.

A marketing kit performs the function of a salesperson who does not need to pay a salary. He communicates about the product, explains its benefits, and proves its effectiveness.

If everything is done correctly, it helps make a sale.

What does this desired “true” mean?

Set your sights on the target audience and remember the relevance

At the same time, it is important to start from the object for which the marketing kit is being created.

For example, let's say you want to sell a service for clearing snow from roofs. The target audience is business owners.

But your company, in addition to this, also mows lawns, cleans and removes garbage from the territory, brings and plants trees and bushes, and also designs and equips cozy courtyards.

It's December now. Snow is falling on the roofs. They need to be cleaned.

That is, the client already needs your service. He's waiting for you right now. All that remains is to take aim and make him the right offer.

Let's imagine that you sent your client a general marketing kit about the company, which contains more than 10 services. What could happen in this case?

If a client sees your services that are not relevant now (mowing lawns, planting trees), he will not understand why you gave him a marketing kit.

And if you send a marketing kit that you developed specifically for the service “snow removal” from roofs, the client will become interested and, if the terms of cooperation suit him, will place an order.

This is what it means to “adjust your sights to the target audience.” And, of course, make a relevant offer.

This is just one example of using a marketing kit for a separate business entity.

Depending on the object of the presentation, the number of types of marketing kit can amount to dozens of positions. In this article we will look at 7 of them, which are most often encountered.

Marketing kit for the company

This kit includes all the company's tools:

  • Information about the company
  • Advantages and benefits of working with the company
  • Presentation of products and services
  • Special promotions
  • Scheme of work (How do we work?)
  • Geography of activity
  • Operating principles (rules)
  • Company's mission
  • Famous clients of the company
  • Customer Reviews
  • Successful cases in numbers
  • Company partners
  • Publications about the company in the media
  • FAQ - questions and answers
  • Future plans
  • Contacts

This tool works great when you want to introduce your company to a client and differentiate yourself from your competitors.

You can take it to a business meeting and leave it as additional information for the client to review after you leave.

This will help him make a decision in your favor.

Marketing kit for a service (or service package)

If you want to attract the client’s attention to a certain service, make a marketing kit separately for it.

The ideal option is when you have several marketing kits for each service or service package.

In this case, you will be able to meet the specific need of each client. And do it as accurately as possible.

What sections can be included in this marketing kit:

  • Service presentation
  • Benefits of using the service for the client
  • The benefits of the service in numbers
  • Customer Reviews
  • Cases
  • Special promotion
  • How we are working?
  • Questions and answers
  • Contacts

This version contains less information than the “About the Company” marketing kit. Therefore, the likelihood that the client will study it completely increases dramatically.

Marketing kit for a product (or product line)

Each product is unique in its own way and each needs its own “ business card”, which will act as a salesperson when you are not around.

What information does this include:

  • Company information (briefly)
  • Presentation of the product with benefits and advantages for the client
  • Special promotion (if any)
  • How to receive a product (clear ordering scheme)
  • information about delivery
  • Product reviews
  • FAQ - questions and answers
  • Contacts

Even if the client does not need your product now (uses another, or is still choosing), he will buy later when the need arises.

A good marketing kit is memorable. As soon as the need arises, the client will look at the conditions again and probably place an order.

The task will be closed and you will receive nice bonus in the form of a sale, because we made sure in advance that your marketing kit would be nearby at the right time.

And the client now does not need to look for other sources for solving the problem. He already has you.

Marketing kit for an event

An event is a separate commercial facility that requires its own promotional materials.

Especially if you hold one specific event every year.

And after the event is over, the marketing kit will constantly remind the participant that in a year (or a certain time) there will be another cool event that is worth attending.

What information will be in such a marketing kit:

  • Description of the event
  • Advantages and benefits of attending the event
  • Information about the organizers
  • Detailed event program
  • How to register for an event (instructions)
  • Special promotion
  • List of speakers
  • Famous participants who regularly attend the event
  • Feedback from participants of past events
  • Information partners of the event
  • Publications about the event in the media
  • FAQ - questions and answers
  • Venue of the event and map “How to get there”
  • Contacts for communication

As you understand, this is not just a brochure, but a whole guide for the participant, which he can take with him to the event and use it to clarify the program and other nuances.

Marketing kit for a person

Selling yourself is a separate art. More often, people choose to represent people. But this is a different tool. It contains less information. His goal is not to sell, but to introduce himself.

And for sales it is better to use a marketing kit. With benefits and advantages for the recipient.

What kind of structure could there be here?

  • Information about the person (who does what, what is useful)
  • Achievements (preferably in numbers)
  • Benefits of working with a person
  • Greeting
  • Presentation of services provided by a person
  • How to contact a person
  • Operating principles (rules)
  • Famous clients
  • Customer Reviews
  • Partners
  • Publications about a person in the media
  • Certificates, diplomas, awards and diplomas

Depending on the type of activity of the person, you can add several more blocks.

For example, for a business coach this could be training programs with benefits for each individual target audience.

In a fitness trainer’s marketing kit, you can show “before and after” photos of clients.

An excellent option for event hosts is photos of large, spectacular parties with emotions.

Each person is individual, so such marketing whales are rarely similar to each other.

Marketing kit for a franchise

A franchise is not even a product or service, but an entire business, the price of which is always high. Therefore, here you need to use powerful techniques.

A marketing kit is great for selling a franchise.

What is included in the marketing kit that can be used to sell a franchise?

  • Information about the company
  • Company in numbers (achievements, growth, number of employees, etc.)
  • Franchise introduction
  • Advantages and benefits of doing business under this franchise
  • Welcome speech from a company representative
  • Presentation of products or services included in the franchise
  • Geography of franchise activity
  • Principles of operation of a franchise (conditions, rules)
  • Mission of the company that represents the franchise
  • Famous clients who have already bought and launched a franchise

How to create a competent marketing kit, what elements should be there and why - he tells and shows specific examples marketer studio of Dmitry Dimbrovsky Oksana Korsun.

Market success in any business depends on the ability to present your company in a favorable light. High-quality demonstration of product components, cases and “internal kitchen” directly affects the number of both new customers and repeat sales.

A well-written marketing kit reflects all the company’s advantages over its competitors, describes its history and mission. It serves as a voluminous FAQ, an advertising booklet, and sometimes a corporate book, useful for both clients and employees.

This marketing tool will be useful as large company with many years of experience, as well as an entrepreneur who has just opened his own business. It can be shown during a personal meeting, sent to potential clients by e-mail, show in printed form partners, suppliers, add to the website and public pages in in social networks.

To ensure that your marketing kit not only informs, but also sells, adhere to a certain structure in the process of creating it.

Description of the company, its history, mission, goals and plans

The marketing kit should indicate what the problem is target audience the company decides. The presentation descriptor may be larger than in the case of the first landing screen, since this is a multi-page file. Show the essence, make a kind of preview of materials with an emphasis on a unique selling proposition.

Add a call, give reasons, indicate the exclusivity of the offer.

Extended data about the company, the chronology of its development, information about specialists and professional paths - both general and individual for each employee - all this allows clients and partners to verify their experience and gain trust.

Business people believe in numbers. The same can be said about any consumer, but in B2C it is desirable to expand the information as much as possible.

Solving the problems of the target audience

Describing the problems your prospects face allows them to see that you truly understand their needs.

Perhaps the reader of the marketing kit has long forgotten that his “headache” can be eliminated. Argue that doing this is as easy as shelling pears. At the same time, take into account all segments of the target audience, dividing the spread into several text blocks about different groups of services, several ways to use the product.

Describe each direction, including additional ones. Talk about the end result, not the process - you can talk about the work scheme later.

The essence of the proposal

This section includes a description of the services or goods that the company provides.

A visual demonstration is suitable for selling goods, in particular equipment, or a new complex product. “Cut” it, draw up a “guide” for use. If you sell services, describe the scheme of interaction and obtaining results in the form of infographics.

A marketing kit, unlike a website, cannot be interactive, and for its content, the quality of copywriting plays a huge role, as does the designer’s understanding of text blocks. This is where the answer to the question “Why are we doing it better?” is most clearly visible.

If the presentation presents several services or products, then allocate a separate page for each of them

The “Work Scheme” page allows you to clearly show the strategy for completing a future task, and allows clients to see and identify for themselves the stages of work.

A product manufacturer might call the section “How do we do it?” In any case, the reader learns the path that the product takes from the “author” to the user.

A variety of flowcharts, diagrams, algorithms with photos and hand-drawn elements are perfect for this section.

Cases as a demonstration of professionalism

The description of the work performed clearly shows potential clients and partners how truthful all previous pages were about the successes and quality of goods or services.

The portfolio reflects the professionalism and qualifications of the specialists, confirms the company's success story and explains why you need to place an order here and not go to competitors.

Cases convince the consumer that the company’s clients pay for results.

List of clients, thank you letters and reviews

Social triggers, widely used on websites, landing pages, and social networks, should also be included in a marketing kit. The likelihood of concluding a successful transaction becomes many times greater if potential clients “get to know” other people who are already convinced of your professionalism.

Imagine that you are choosing chocolate in an expensive store, in front of you is a variety of colorful packaging, but the cost makes you doubt: what if the sweets taste absolutely ordinary? But suddenly a beautiful woman with a child comes up to you, takes a whole box and winks at you: they eat these sweets every week, there is no more magnificent dessert in the whole world. Doubts have been dispelled, haven't they?

The same thing happens with any product: it needs a “push” in the form of user advice, not direct advertising.

It wouldn't be a bad idea to display certificates and awards.

Regardless of the fact that this is only one page, and, as a rule, the last one, this section is the most important.

It depends on him whether the potential client will perform the target action or not, so limit yourself here to only one contact information not worth it. The maximum number of feedback methods - phone numbers, e-mail, office and point of sale addresses, a map with directions - as well as a call for cooperation with a “tasty” offer - and everyone who has studied your marketing kit will take the first step.

Indicate all contact details of branches and points of sale, legal information and, if the marketing kit will be distributed in in electronic format, add a feedback button with a link to the company website


A good presentation cannot be created using a template, because a marketing kit is a “book” about a company, the compilation of which requires a very careful study of the specifics of the business, the characteristics of the target audience and the company itself.

Before this, it is necessary to draw up a presentation concept, which includes an analysis of competitors, a portrait of the target audience and a summary of all marketing materials accumulated during the customer’s work.

The marketing kit, as a selling tool, is gaining popularity. More and more companies are starting to use it to attract customers and partners.

Not surprising. After all, this “selling book” can tell about the business and influence the decision. And sometimes a marketing kit can completely replace a live seller.

8. Scheme of work (How do we work?)

How is the process of cooperation with the company going? What do you need to do to become a customer and place your first order?

Show the client the path he needs to take. Let this be a step-by-step diagram with a description of each step. Be consistent and keep it logical.

9. Geography of activity

Where do you work? In which country, region, city?

The client wants to know whether you can solve a problem if he (or his business) is located on the other side of the country - thousands of kilometers away from you, for example.

Show the geography of your company's activities. Better yet, visualize it for easy perception. Designers to help you.

10. Operating principles (rules)

Where would we be without them?

Company integrity is a set of unbreakable rules that you adhere to. Without principles, a business would be chaotic and probably wouldn't last long.

By describing the principles of the company, you show potential client all the seriousness of his approach to doing business.

Principles in business command respect.

An example from our practice:

11. Mission

Business, customers, benefits, profit, production, anti-competition and blah blah blah. - For what purpose did you start all this?

It is clear that to make a profit. This is the goal of every business. But not everyone has a mission. And only a few have a correct, valuable, WORTHY mission.

What is your company's mission? What value do you give to the world. What do you change in it from bad to good? Describe it in your marketing kit and customers will love you.

But don't make things up, stay honest. It is important.

12. Famous clients of the company

List the companies you already work with or have worked with. Show their logos.

The best option is to highlight companies that are well-known in your business segment.

This inspires trust.

13. Customer reviews

Well, where would we be without them? Reviews have sold, are selling and will continue to sell. But not all.

Even good reviews can be bad. You yourself know this very well.

As Kaplunov once said, “ Good review, which can be substituted for any product - a bad review.” This is not a verbatim quote. That's how I remember it. But I think you get the point.

Write reviews that sell. And feel free to use ours to prepare good reviews.

14. Successful cases

Sometimes cases can sell better than reviews. Of course, if you have them.

In your marketing kit, show the results of working for the company in successful cases. Pack them beautifully and arrange them so that they are easy to study. Focus on numbers, tables, graphs, diagrams and the benefits that the client (case participant) received.

15. Partners

Who are you already collaborating with? Who are your business partners? Do your potential clients know them?

Showcase your business partners in your marketing kit and describe the situations in which you work together.

Tell us why you became partners and to solve what problems. How does a potential client benefit from this?

16. Publications about the company in the media

If your company is (or has been) talked about in the media mass media, show it in your marketing kit and provide links to sources so that the client can be convinced that this is really the case.

Now this is an important advantage in any market. After all, if they talk about you in the media, then there are probably good reasons for this.

17. FAQ - questions and answers

There are always questions that the client wants answers to right now. Even before contacting you for services.

More often you come across this section on Internet sites and sales pages. This good way remove objections and close all questions that a potential client may have.

Collect feedback from clients and select the questions that are asked most often before making a decision to cooperate. Answer them in your marketing kit.

18. Certificates, diplomas, awards and diplomas

You can brag a little here.

Show the documents that you prepare yourself about the level of your service and the quality of your products.

To deserve it, you need to work hard. You don't just own these documents. And clients know this.

19. Plans for the future

A business without planning is programmed to self-destruct by default.

So plan and demonstrate your plans in a marketing kit. Your client or partner, who is committed to cooperation, wants to see that you are striving forward. After all, his benefit depends on this.

Especially if the services and products you sell are designed for the long term.

20. Contacts

Let me note something important - give the client the opportunity to contact you in any way convenient for him. For HIM, not for you.


Marketing kit is a powerful sales tool. He sells when you're not around. Sells all the time. It can be passed from hand to hand, and it will be sold to everyone who catches its eye.

A good marketing kit will never end up in the trash. It is kept, reread and studied again and again, as a sample (or even an exhibit) of the advertising world.

Based on this you can create many other promotional materials, including commercial proposals, selling texts for websites and even texts for advertising videos.

Unfortunately, the power of the marketing whale is now underestimated in many companies. But in vain.

Our clients have already felt all the benefits of this sales tool. Look what we have developed for them. Evaluate them and think - perhaps you should also package your business in gloss in order to increase sales.

Whatever you think, please contact us. We are ready to start working now.
