Profession designer - fashion designer presentation for a lesson (9th grade) on the topic. Presentation on the topic: "Profession designer" My future profession fashion designer presentation

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Presentation of a lesson on technology, grade 9, State Budget Educational Institution RO N 42, Rostov-on-Don, teacher Alekseeva Elena Vladimirovna Profession designer - fashion designer

Profession - designer The concept of “design” is applicable to any type of human activity. That is why this profession exists in such a variety of types: printing designer (creating layouts, layout), phytodesigner (landscaping houses and offices, creating winter gardens), landscape designer (land improvement), interior designer (improving apartments and offices, increasing functionality and quality interior level), web designer (creating websites, banners), clothing designer (embodiment of current fashion trends), food designer (creating beautiful images of dishes for various menus and cookbooks), designer of prints for clothes, etc.

Fashion designer. Description of the profession. A fashion designer creates new models of clothing, underwear, shoes, accessories and hats. At the same time, the fashion designer needs to take into account fashion trends, gender and age characteristics and the needs of those who will “wear” their ideas, the climatic features of the region and the seasons. In Russia, the path from an aspiring fashion designer to a famous couturier is thorny and long; most designers consider their own career to be complete when they begin to receive orders for the production of model sketches. Those fashion designers who managed to make a brand out of their name and open a fashion house are engaged not only in creativity, but also in running a business and controlling the process of manufacturing branded products.

Required qualities: original, unconventional view of situations, objects; presence of imaginative thinking; the ability to see the finished product as a whole; communication skills; the ability to listen and hear the client’s request; creativity - the ability to approach any task creatively, generate ideas; perseverance - sometimes you have to redo the same thing several times; hard work - constant practice is necessary, this is the only way to hone skills; patience - even in case of failure, you should not give up, you need to move forward, no matter what, overcoming all the obstacles on your way.

The designer is one of the most prestigious and highly paid professions to date. Of course, who else but designers make our lives more beautiful? And few people want to save on beauty.

A fashion designer is an inventor. He invents, proposes details of clothing models, accessories and artistic additions that did not exist before, and adapts them to everyday use. The ability to make a sketch that maximally embodies a flight of fancy, conveying the richness of fabrics, an unexpected silhouette or features of details is the basis of his work. When creating an original image or developing a style, the designer uses his own ideas or those proposed by couturiers at fashion shows. The main thing is the author's idea.

Demand. In modern life, every person wants and strives to be individual. A fashion designer can help him with this, so there was a need for his services. The fashion designer as an artist realizes his idea not only with paints on canvas, but also with the help of a variety of materials: scraps of fabric, braid, lace, belts and buckles, beads, seed beads and much more, sometimes unexpected, thereby carrying the aesthetic principle directly into our lives.

Fashion designer Clothing designer


Presentation for a labor lesson, grade 9

On topic: Choosing a profession.

Teacher Alekseeva Elena Vladimirovna.

The purpose of the lesson :

development of attention, associative thinking and creative imagination of students, development of speech, ability to work in a group, listen to their classmates, express their opinions and generalize the knowledge gained in the lesson;

working with key concepts.

Lesson objectives:


to form in students an idea of ​​the work of a designer, cook, photographer.


development of students' horizons and artistic taste;

development of students' speech;
development of cognitive interest in the subject.

develop the ability to competently construct a monologue statement, master the culture of dialogic speech;

develop the ability to think independently, analyze,

develop the ability to compare the visual image of an object with its practical application.


development of moral, aesthetic qualities of the individual.

Methodological equipment of the lesson:
material and technical equipment:equipment for training workshops, computer, multimedia system, materials for creating a fabric bag.
didactic equipment:workbook, visual illustrative material, media presentation of the lesson topic, electronic tutorial by technology.


I. Organizational part

Attendance control. Checking readiness for the lesson.

II. Presentation of new material

^ Teaching methods:
verbal, written, practical work, creative work, independent work.

This stage of the lesson takes place in the form of a conversation on the following issues: the profession of designer, stylist, fashion designer.

Profession: designer

The concept of “design” is applicable to any type of human activity. That is why this profession exists in such a variety of types: printing designer (creating layouts, layout), phytodesigner (landscaping houses and offices, creating winter gardens), landscape designer (land improvement), interior designer (improving apartments and offices, increasing functionality and quality interior level), web designer (creating websites, banners), clothing designer (embodiment of current fashion trends), food designer (creating beautiful images of dishes for various menus and cookbooks), designer of prints for clothes, etc.

Required qualities:
an original, unconventional view of situations and objects;
presence of imaginative thinking;
the ability to see the finished product as a whole;
communication skills;
the ability to listen and hear the client’s request;
creativity - the ability to approach any task creatively, generate ideas;
perseverance - sometimes you have to redo the same thing several times;
hard work - constant practice is necessary, this is the only way to hone skills;
patience - even in case of failure, you should not give up, you need to move forward, no matter what, overcoming all the obstacles on your way.

Designer is one of the most prestigious and highly paid professions today. Of course, who else but designers make our lives more beautiful? And few people want to save on beauty.

A FASHION DESIGNER is an inventor. He invents, proposes details of clothing models, accessories and artistic additions that did not exist before, and adapts them to everyday use. The ability to make a sketch that maximally embodies a flight of fancy, conveying the richness of fabrics, an unexpected silhouette or features of details is the basis of his work. When creating an original image or developing a style, the designer uses his own ideas or those proposed by couturiers at fashion shows. The main thing is the author's idea.

Demand. In modern life, every person wants and strives to be individual. A fashion designer can help him with this, so there was a need for his services. The fashion designer as an artist realizes his idea not only with paints on canvas, but also with the help of a variety of materials: scraps of fabric, braid, lace, belts and buckles, beads, seed beads and much more, sometimes unexpected, thereby carrying the aesthetic principle directly into our lives.

Practical work.

Handbag design. Cutting fabrics and sewing a handbag.

VII. Lesson summary

The teacher gives grades, conducts a mini-interview about whether the information that students learned in the lesson was interesting, where they can apply this knowledge in practice, and thanks the children for their productive work.

Lesson type:

combined: learning new material, consolidating new material, practical creative work.


  1. Fashion designer
  3. Clothes designer
  5. Photo

"My future profession» Fashion designer - designer.

  • Performed: student of class 5 "A", school No. 3
  • Koklevskaya Nadya.
  • - is an inventor. He invents, proposes details of clothing models, accessories and artistic additions that did not exist before, and adapts them to everyday use. The ability to make a sketch that maximally embodies a flight of fancy, conveying the richness of fabrics, an unexpected silhouette or features of details is the basis of his work. When creating an original image or developing a style, the designer uses his own ideas or those proposed by couturiers at fashion shows. The main thing is the author's idea.
  • In modern life, every person wants and strives to be individual. A fashion designer can help him with this, so there was a need for his services.
  • The fashion designer as an artist realizes his idea not only with paints on canvas, but also with the help of a variety of materials: scraps of fabric, braid, lace, belts and buckles, beads, seed beads and much more, sometimes unexpected, thereby carrying the aesthetic principle directly into our lives.
Delicate profession
  • The fashion designer considers the main principle in his work to be: do no harm. This delicate approach is always necessary. For example, when creating a costume, you need to feel another person, look at the world his eyes and then do something. Otherwise, the customer will feel uncomfortable and constrained, having spent his own money. At the same time, the designer must satisfy his hunger for beauty, so he has to look for an artistic compromise.
Professionally important qualities:
  • The activity of a fashion designer requires:
    • creation;
    • individuality and imagination;
    • ability to draw, sketch clothes and accessories for different styles;
    • build a pattern, cut fabric;
    • have certain knowledge in the world of fashion and aesthetic taste.
Need to know:
  • Need to know:
    • types of fabrics and their characteristics;
    • formulas for constructing patterns;
    • color combinations and features of their perception by humans;
    • technology of fabric production and tailoring;
    • fashion history;
    • human psychology.
Where can I get a profession?
  • You can study to become a fashion designer in Krasnoyarsk:
  • 1. Krasnoyarsk Technological College (Address: 660055 Krasnoyarsk, Rokossovsky St. 17).
  • 2. Krasnoyarsk graduate School cutters-fashion designers GOU (Address: Krasnoyarsk 660020 Shakhterov 2A).
  • Training in Novosibirsk:
  • 1. Novosibirsk College of Light Industry (Address: 630081 Novosibirsk, Krasny Ave. 74).
  • 2. Vocational Lyceum 49 light industry(Address: 630106 Novosibirsk, Zorge str. 12).
Abilities and capabilities:
  • I can and love to draw and draw;
  • developed imagination, fantasy, sense of color and visual perception;
  • I can concentrate;
  • fine motor skills and hand coordination are well developed;
  • organized, efficient;
  • I have intuition, I study psychology;
  • developed aesthetic taste;
  • I love and can create accessories for clothes of different styles;
  • my family provides me with financial support when purchasing fabrics, accessories and other things to create and implement my creative ideas.
Sketches of youth clothing created by me. Labor market requirements for a fashion designer.
  • Higher or professional education;
  • Work experience of at least 1 year;
  • Age from 23 to 40 years;
  • Ability to draw on paper (pencil, watercolor, ink) and on the computer;
  • Knowledge of working with different fabrics;
  • Full-time, full-time employment;
Thank you for your attention.

Fashion designer (in the Russian tradition) a specialist in the manufacture of clothing models, clothing designer, creator of experimental samples, defining the image and style, general design solution, inventing new ones technological solutions and developing decor, choosing colors and materials, thinking through accessories and additions. Fashion designer participants compete in the modern Youth Delphic Games of Russia.

A fashion designer develops new models of clothing, shoes, hats, haberdashery, prepares the necessary methodological and illustrative materials, monitors the manufacture of products in mass production, individual species products creates the basic design of the model with recommendations for the development of a series of models based on them, participates in shows and exhibitions of models. Using ideas from designers or couturiers at fashion shows, he creates fashionable clothing for industrial or individual production. A fashion designer is, first of all, a tailor, an engineer who thoroughly knows the entire process of making clothes, methods of modeling and design. His task is to make sure that the item fits perfectly on the figure, is as functional and comfortable as possible when moving.

A fashion designer is an inventor. He invents, proposes details of clothing models, accessories and artistic additions that did not exist before, and adapts them to everyday use. The ability to make a sketch that maximally embodies a flight of fancy, conveying the richness of fabrics, an unexpected silhouette or features of details is the basis of his work. When creating an original image or developing a style, the designer uses his own ideas or those proposed by couturiers at fashion shows. The main thing is the author's idea. These professions are closely intertwined. The designer must know all the methods of processing fabrics and sewing technology, and the designer must know how to bring the designer’s ideas to life. And they all strive to make a person’s life more beautiful with the help of clothes.

Fashion designer is a profession in demand, since many people want to create their own image or change it, develop a style, resorting to the services of a professional. Recruitment agencies in the city and region invite mainly seamstresses to work. The work of a fashion designer-cutter or fashion designer-designer can be found directly at a sewing enterprise, offering your portfolio - a collection of sketches and photographs of work. If funds allow, you can open your own atelier or Fashion House, where you can realize your creative ideas and not depend on anyone. It is also possible to work as a stylist or designer-consultant in a clothing and fabric salon.

If you didn’t manage to get a job as a fashion designer, you can master a related specialty, such as interior design, or go into computer graphics. Life-size dolls are now in great demand for advertising campaigns various companies, carnivals and shows. This can also become one of the areas where a fashion designer’s talents can be applied. But a real woman should be her own fashion designer. Therefore, it seems to me that this profession is relevant for any woman.

Availability of aesthetic taste, developed imagination, ability to: sketch clothes (including on a computer), create a pattern, cut fabric, sew, embroider, knit, weave lace, knowledge: types of fabrics and their characteristics, formulas for creating patterns, color combinations and features of their perception human visual perception of geometric shapes history of fashion technology of fabric production and tailoring

In order to become a fashion designer, you need not only desire and talent, but also the ability to draw and an understanding that learning to design is a very difficult process, and you will also need to be able to sew, understand fabrics, and much more. However, if you don’t know how to draw, don’t despair, you can take appropriate courses, because you are not required to become a great artist, you just need to be able to make sketches, and learning to draw with perseverance and desire is quite possible. So, you know how to draw, how to hold a needle and thread in your hands, can you guess what’s next, where to go?

In Russia, fashion design is taught in colleges, higher education educational institutions and on courses. In principle, design, or better yet, the ability to sew, can be learned in courses. But it is better to choose courses not for one and a half to two months, but longer ones, because there are courses designed for a year, or even two. In any case, they will teach you how to sew and cut. But it is still better to receive a more complete education in appropriate educational institutions.

1. First, the fashion designer comes up with the image of the model. At this stage, the master’s flight of imagination is unlimited. However, the new model must correspond to the theme of the collection, the season, modern trends fashion. To be creative, innovative, but at the same time practical and harmonious. 2.Then a sketch of the model is created on paper or a computer screen. A fashion designer should know that the final result largely depends on how he embodies his image in a drawing. The sketch of the model must be made from a favorable angle, accurately and clearly display proportions and colors. The artist’s talent will help to show in the sketch the texture of the fabric, the features of the drapery, and convey the mood of the model.

3.Creating a pattern is the most difficult and important stage. A lot depends on how correctly the calculations are made and the details are drawn. The right cut can highlight the strengths of your figure and hide its flaws. Proper cutting will help save fabric. At this stage, mathematics, drawing and geometry come to the aid of the fashion designer. And a modern, advanced fashion designer cannot do without knowledge of computer programs. Who said that exact sciences are alien to an artist?! 4.And then the finished product is sewn from individual parts. Of course, you can hire a seamstress, but a self-respecting fashion designer sews his products with his own hands! (At least until they went into mass production). Oh, how many difficulties there are on this path! Baste, try on, rip, baste again... stitch, trim, steam, iron, try on. 5. And finally, the most exciting moment - the show!

1900s 1900 Tricycles and the advent of automobiles require new clothing to cover and protect. Male pedestrians wear top hats and long coats lined with fur. The ladies refused the bustle. The skirt fits at the waist and flares out at the bottom. The top of the dress ends with a high collar and puffed sleeves. Hats are getting huge. For the first time, the house of Revillon offers a fur coat. The fur is no longer used as a lining, but stands out on its own. Paul Poiret makes the real revolution by abolishing the corset. He made me recognize the dress in lively and energetic colors, which emphasizes the figure with a ribbon running under the bust. The weight of a lady's outfit has decreased from 3 kilograms to 900 grams, fashion designer Paul Poiret reveals own house fashion. On January 21, 1905, designer Christian Dior was born. e 1911 fashion designer Paul Poiret released the first designer perfume, “Rosina,” named after his eldest daughter, and also opened the Martina atelier in Paris, named after his youngest daughter. Soldiers returning from the First World War do not recognize their girls: they wear short hair “like Garson,” the hero of a fashionable novel at that time. The Charleston and tango are danced everywhere. I have to shorten my skirts more and more. The garter belt has replaced the corset. For men, an evening jacket, which in France is called a tuxedo, replaces a jacket and striped trousers. Coco Chanel showed off her little black dress for the first time. It did not have much effect against the backdrop of the then fashionable bright colors and waited for recognition until the 30s.

1930s External video files Fashion of the 1930s in the USA The consequences of the stock market crash on Wall Street of 1929 did not affect immediately, but only after some time. The Great Depression, a global economic crisis that affected all areas of production and economic sectors, ended only in the late 30s. The fashion for soft, flowing, very feminine clothes with a “reasonable” length has arrived. Most people, no matter how poor they were, wanted to look decent. Women managed to get by during the depression years. Those who could not buy a new dress simply lengthened the old one, because short skirts were no longer worn even during the day. The ladies' dress reached approximately to the middle of the calves, and everything that was shorter was skillfully lengthened to the required length with the help of ribbons, frills, and wedges. If during the day the length of the skirts reached the middle of the calves, then in the evening they wore a long one with a large neckline on the back. The classic attributes of femininity that seemed to have sunk into oblivion have reappeared: flounces, bows, ruffles, draperies. The dress is formed on the classic silhouette of the female torso: waist, hips, chest. If it was one-piece, it was intercepted at the waist with a narrow belt. The silhouette was slender and natural, the fabric fell gently. Slight asymmetry is very relevant in the composition of the costume. Fabrics in the Art Deco style with unobtrusive geometric patterns or plain dyed. Accessories were mandatory in a 1930s suit; for many, they were the only available opportunity to bring their wardrobe in line with new requirements. Narrow envelope bags without a handle, or a small purse bag with a silver frame latch, or the latest innovation were popular! made of plastic. Very few expensive accessories. As for fashion jewelry, a fun combination of precious stones and artificial ones was universally accepted. Hair, unlike in the 20s, was grown and carefully styled. Blondes were preferred. The appropriate complexion was distinguished by that transparent flawlessness that so admired the stars of the silver screen. It seemed to be quite simple to correspond to the ideal of beauty of this time: a woman should be slim, but not in a boyish way, but feminine, in addition, she should be athletic, tanned, relaxed and well-groomed. She learned that true beauty comes from within, and therefore valued healthy eating, fresh air and exercise.

1940s 1941 war, difficult years. Shoes are made with wooden soles, and skirts have become shorter. Girls have to make a lot of effort to be fashionable, but for dudes everything is simple: a hat on the back of the head, a large saggy jacket and tapered trousers. The still unknown couturier Christian Dior is making a revolution: now the lines will be elongated and widened. Narrow waists and accentuated hips are in fashion. Incredible success. All women should lengthen their dresses and coats with ruffles or stripes of fur, because “haute couture” dictates so. These are golden times for Balmain, Fata, Balenciaga. Mademoiselle Chanel presents her famous costume, which will be copied and worn by all subsequent generations of women. Half coats with a snap-on hood are in fashion. former clothes military.

1950s Trousers are a serious conquest for women, who have the right to wear them on all occasions without causing reproach. However, it is strange: women involved in skiing and cycling are not allowed to dress like men. Freedom of choice has come into fashion: hairstyles with curled chignons or short haircuts, rustling multi-layered “fru-fru” petticoats or silver “space suits”. Ballet shoes have also come into fashion e Fashion for the fragile type of woman. At the peak of popularity is the Twiggy and mini model. In the USSR in the 1960s, homemade knitted headphones were popular. Since canvas fabric returned to us from America in the form of jeans, jackets and overalls, both sexes have a habit of wearing clothes of the same style, exchanging T-shirts and baseball caps. Since women today have adopted men's shirts and jackets, men no longer have to be Scottish to wear a skirt. There has never been such mutual influence and such a wide choice.

1980s In the West, punk continues to retain its influence, but a pragmatic yuppie style also appears. Leggings have come into fashion. Blonde curls, crew-cut hair, green or black mohawks, jackets or large coats, miniskirts or maxi dresses, shoes of all colors, flat or heeled, retro or tomorrow... You can wear everything. Everything except what was worn last year and in 1984, Jane Birkin's seat on a plane from Paris to London ended up next to the seat of Hermès chairman Jean-Louis Dumas. In the conversation, Birkin complained to Dumas about her difficulties in choosing a large leather bag for weekend trips and described her dream to him. Soon the dream bag was delivered to Birkin's home. This is how the famous Birkin bag appeared: Japanese, Dutch, Italians, Americans, British and especially French fashion designers everywhere e Fashion for unisex style, minimalism, “ecological style” the year the Bruno Banani company was founded, a manufacturer of fashionable underwear and famous perfumes, the first fashion show of the Victoria company" s Secret

2000s 2000 Fashion for rhinestones, diamonds, gold, patent leather, a kind of style “teeming” Target held a vertical fashion show for the first time in fashion history. The event took place on the wall of the Rockefeller Center in New York. The wall was used as a podium, and athletes and gymnasts acted as models. It was presented at the Venice Film Festival. documentary about Valentino. The film crew pursued the designer for two years almost every day. The Russian magazine Vogue celebrated its 10th anniversary, in honor of which in August an album of photographs “Best of Vogue” appeared in Russian stores. The global economic crisis of 2008 hit the fashion industry hard. In October 2009, the Italian fashion house Versace laid off a quarter of its employees due to falling demand for designer items and luxury goods.

I chose a profession for myself fashion designer, because I’m interested in how clothes that can be used in life are created from a simple drawing, how a masterpiece is recreated. And therefore I follow fashion, changes in fashion, new trends and, of course, events in the fashion world. Therefore, I simply could not miss the recently held fashion week in Moscow. There I got to know this special world of profession a little closer and it captivated me even more. Now I have definitely decided on the choice of profession, I will be a fashion designer.

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The designer is the creator of the world around him. He strives to cover all spheres of life of a modern person, and he is interested not only in the appearance (shell) of objects, but also in their internal essence and functional relationship.

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There are about 10 design directions and the same number of specializations in each of them. We will look at the most popular trends in modern design.

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Industrial Design

(industrial design, object design, industrial design) - a branch of design, an area of ​​artistic and technical activity, the purpose of which is to determine the formal qualities of industrially produced products, namely, their structural and functional features and appearance.

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Landscape design

This is the creation of artificial and living ones, as well as the reconstruction of destroyed landscapes, decorative dendrology, landscaping environment and residential premises, floristry.

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Architectural design

Architectural design has more to do with the work of an architectural engineer than with the work of a designer. The qualification of an architect requires more knowledge than is provided by training in the specialty “Architectural Design”. Therefore, when choosing the profession of an architectural designer, it is worth assessing your strengths as an engineer. If you are not confident in yourself, you will have to take advanced training courses or study again, but this time to become an architect.

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Clothes designer

Fashion industry worker. An extremely popular specialty, however, many specialists are faced with what to find better job in this area it is very difficult, and sometimes almost impossible. You can earn good money, but the fame will most likely go to the brand owner.

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What should a graphic designer know?

In order for sites to be not just a set of texts and photographs, but a real work of design art, it is necessary to study special programming languages ​​such as Perl, JavaScript, php, etc., be able to work with Photoshop, understand text encodings, know markup languages ​​(HTML and XML), as well as methods of representing graphics (vector and raster formats).

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What is the job of a graphic designer?

To design a website or book, a designer uses photographs, texts, and graphics made by others. It is this division of labor that allows you to achieve a better result: work is carried out with the material High Quality. The designer does not have to be a photographer or a text writer. To create "something" with a computer, you need to know "how" it is created. Moreover, modern computer programs provide a huge number of new opportunities, without knowing about which it is impossible to “design at the level”, create a product that can compete with the best examples. Conclusion. Designer in any direction - good profession. Some people think it's easy. This is not true... Not everyone can become a designer!

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The presentation on the topic “My future profession is a DESIGNER” (grade 11) can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Project subject: Social studies. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 10 slide(s).

Presentation slides

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My future profession


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The designer is the creator of the world around him. He strives to cover all spheres of life of a modern person, and he is interested not only in the appearance (shell) of objects, but also in their internal essence and functional relationship.

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There are about 10 design directions and the same number of specializations in each of them. We will look at the most popular trends in modern design.

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Industrial Design

(industrial design, object design, industrial design) - a branch of design, an area of ​​artistic and technical activity, the purpose of which is to determine the formal qualities of industrially produced products, namely, their structural and functional features and appearance.

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Landscape design

This is the creation of artificial and living ones, as well as the reconstruction of destroyed landscapes, decorative dendrology, landscaping of the environment and residential premises, and floristry.

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Architectural design

Architectural design has more to do with the work of an architectural engineer than with the work of a designer. The qualification of an architect requires more knowledge than is provided by training in the specialty “Architectural Design”. Therefore, when choosing the profession of an architectural designer, it is worth assessing your strengths as an engineer. If you are not confident in yourself, you will have to take advanced training courses or study again, but this time to become an architect.

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Clothes designer

Fashion industry worker. An extremely popular specialty, however, many specialists are faced with the fact that finding the best job in this field is very difficult, and sometimes almost impossible. You can earn good money, but the fame will most likely go to the brand owner.

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What should a graphic designer know?

In order for sites to be not just a set of texts and photographs, but a real work of design art, it is necessary to study special programming languages ​​such as Perl, JavaScript, php, etc., be able to work with Photoshop, understand text encodings, know markup languages ​​(HTML and XML), as well as methods of representing graphics (vector and raster formats).

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What is the job graphic designer?

To design a website or book, a designer uses photographs, texts, and graphics made by others. It is this division of labor that allows us to achieve the best result: the work is carried out with high quality material. The designer does not have to be a photographer or a text writer. To create "something" with a computer, you need to know "how" it is created. Moreover, modern computer programs provide a huge number of new opportunities, without knowing about which it is impossible to “design at the level”, to create a product that can compete with the best examples. Conclusion. A designer in any direction is a good profession. Some people think it's easy. This is not true... Not everyone can become a designer!
