Personnel assessment systems and methods. Methods and purposes of personnel assessment: how to turn employees from a tool into the brain center of the company Find out what personnel assessment system is in the organization

For the successful development of an organization, it is necessary to know its prospects, correct mistakes, and continuously improve. These tasks are effectively solved through personnel assessment. Its capabilities allow HR services to more effectively carry out personnel policy, and managers make competent management decisions aimed at increasing staff performance. How to use personnel assessment to achieve high performance is described in the article.

The assessment is used both for existing employees and for applicants. One of the tools that will help conduct a quality assessment is the profile of a successful employee. As practice shows, compiling it is not so simple. After all, each department head may have his own ideas about this.

Personnel assessment: why is it needed?

After the manager has decided to carry out a personnel assessment procedure, it is necessary to analyze existing methods and, on its basis, select the one that will be used. Next, you need to create a working group on personnel assessment, whose responsibilities will include developing an action plan for the development and implementation of an assessment system. After the plan is approved, you need to prepare the following documents:

Create assessment requests for each employee or group of workers.

Prepare an evaluation sheet to complete during the inspection process.

a regular interview.

Method No. 4

Paired comparison method

Often used for group assessment. In this case, a group of employees working in the same position is taken into the sample and their performance indicators are compared. Then the pairs are switched and the comparison is made again. As a result, a summary is made for each participant, it is determined how often he was first in his pair, and based on this data a rating of his success is compiled.

Method No. 5

Method of decisive situations

This term usually refers to typical working moments in a particular position. During the assessment process, the employee is monitored to find out how he can act in a given situation and to evaluate the correctness of the decisions he makes. It is important to note that this technique gives the best result when the assessment is carried out not by a colleague or HR specialist, but by the employee’s immediate supervisor. Moreover, this can be done even during work hours, without informing the employee.

Method No. 6

Comparison method

Often used in assessments, it is very useful and important when it is necessary to assess how well an employee fits the position he occupies. First of all, you need to make a list of criteria that this employee must meet. Then he is given a number of specific tasks, for the fulfillment of which it will be necessary to demonstrate the qualities selected for assessment. When analyzing the results, it is recommended to use a 7-point rating scale. You can compare the obtained values ​​with a certain reference result or determine the best among specialists for the same position through a simple comparison.

Method No. 7

Observation method

Behavior monitoring may be more effective than other methods of assessing management and ordinary workers. But its implementation requires significantly more resources, since the observer will have to perform this assessment work for a fairly long period of time. The peculiarity of the method is that in such a study cases are monitored when the employee’s behavior was specific in some way, and both positive and negative points. The disadvantage of the method is spending large quantity time to obtain an accurate result and the need for increased concentration of attention of the observer.

Method No. 8

Situation modeling method

Creating close to real conditions work and management situations, for example, development of draft documents, selection of business papers, interviews. The evaluation criteria in this case will be the employee’s ability to organize work and plan. Work style, flexibility, and resistance to stress are also assessed.

Method No. 9

Psychological methods

assessments are very popular today. However, when planning to use them in personnel assessment, you need to clearly understand that only a qualified psychologist can carry out and interpret any such method. Professional psychologists, using special tests and exercises, assess the presence and degree of development of certain characteristics in workers. It is important to understand that it is not the results that are assessed here, but the employee’s potential. In modern companies, these methods are often used to determine the leadership potential of employees, with an eye on future leaders.

Method No. 10

Situational interview method

Employees are given descriptions of identical situations and then asked questions about how to resolve them.

There are also the least common methods of personnel assessment, with the help of which you can comprehensively analyze the employees of any enterprise. Among these methods are:

  1. 360 degree assessment method. The employee must be evaluated not only by colleagues and immediate superiors, but also by clients, company partners, suppliers, etc. They fill out identical evaluation forms, which are then processed by computer.
  2. Business games method is more often used not for one employee, but for the whole team. Workers are presented with a virtual task for which they need to select solutions. This is how a variety of work skills and professionalism are assessed in a playful way.

use the results of personnel assessment?” directly depends on the goals and objectives that the employer faces. As a rule, the primary objectives are to increase labor productivity and product quality, determine the vector of employee development, and develop new technological systems, increasing staff motivation. Using the assessment results, you can identify the potential of employees who have the necessary skills and abilities for career growth.

PwC Director, Head of Talent Management

It is possible to promote excellent students based on assessment results. If it is thoughtful and comprehensive

Indeed, during the assessment, the real achievements of employees and their competencies are revealed. When conducting an assessment center, fulfill four requirements. First: establish quality evaluation criteria, link them with the company’s strategy and corporate culture. Second, train evaluators thoroughly so that they judge objectively. Third: explain the purpose of the assessment to employees, otherwise they will treat it with disdain and will not open up. Fourth: consider people’s personal characteristics. For example, extroverts often have an advantage during business games and group tasks. But in real life, introverts are often stronger and more successful.

Based on the results of the assessment, a meeting is usually held, to which both the employee himself and his immediate supervisors, as well as a specialist from the HR department, are invited. Before the conversation, the manager or HR specialist draws up a final assessment sheet based on the results of the certification. In a conversation, it makes sense to discuss the assessments in which the greatest discrepancies are obvious between the employee and the manager, and make comments and suggestions.

The manager introduces the employee to the development plan, agrees and discusses new tasks. If a decision is made to transfer an employee to another position, a change in salary or assignment of an allowance is agreed upon.

Personnel assessment in an organization is an important aspect of management practice and theory. The team of both a private enterprise and civil service Must be able to bring the company's goals to life based on its values. To form and maintain a powerful team, in order to achieve the set strategic goals, the administration needs to systematically evaluate employees using various existing methods.


The most common form of performance testing is personnel certification and assessment, which is special management measures periodically carried out in the organization in full compliance with national labor legislation. This is dealt with by a special commission, which includes representatives of management, chiefs structural divisions, representatives of the personnel service and other employees in one way or another related to personnel management.

Certification is a complex system that uses various assessment methods. Its results are necessary for:

  • Assessing the employee’s compliance with the current position, his specialization and skill level (grade), the possibility of revising the salary within the appropriate levels for this position.
  • Monitoring the fulfillment of the goals set for employees during the previous certification.
  • Setting goals for the next period.
  • Definitions for employee developmental activities.
  • Making personnel decisions: changing the salary, transferring an employee to another grade, changing specialization, promotion/demotion, transfer to another job, dismissal.
  • Changes in the compensation package by transfer to another grade (position).

Certification and assessment of personnel, whenever possible, should be carried out regularly. Its frequency depends on the position. When conducting certification, certain characteristics of a particular person are compared: business qualities, communication skills, professional qualifications. The results are then compared to other workers' performance and industry benchmarks for the position.

Selection of indicators

Before developing an employee certification procedure, it is necessary to carefully study all the functions and tasks that employees must perform according to job description. Based on the analysis, indicators are selected - criteria for personnel assessment.

For each specific function performed by an employee, or for each individual task, it is necessary to develop clear evaluation indicators and standards for their implementation that are well understood by subordinates. To establish standards for work performance, the optimal number of indicators is selected that will serve as standards for assessing various qualities of an employee. In practice, a certain set of evaluation criteria is most often used for this. It may include, for example, the following items:

  • Professional knowledge.
  • Performance and participation in work.
  • Attitude towards managers and employees.
  • Reliability.
  • Quality of work.
  • Work intensity.
  • Pace of work.
  • The ability to express yourself.
  • Ability to organize planning.
  • Attitude to work.

Requirements for evaluation criteria

When defining standards, certain requirements must be met. Thus, the developed criteria should:

  • Display normative ideas about personal and business qualities, labor behavior, employee performance results, based on organizational and individual goals.
  • Have quantitative certainty to evaluate different levels of performance.
  • Be reliable and reliable to exclude subjective errors.
  • Be clear to managers and performers.

In addition, the costs of the assessment process should not exceed the benefits of its results. To obtain a thorough characterization of the object of analysis, it is necessary to use a sufficient number of criteria.

Sequence of assessment processes

When certifying and analyzing the performance of employees, it is necessary to adhere to a certain sequence of actions in order to ultimately obtain clearly structured data. Such analytical material is easier to process, and the business assessment of personnel will be as correct as possible.

  1. First, the goals to be achieved are specified. They must be described as clearly as possible, otherwise the whole point of conducting certification is lost.
  2. The actual level of performance achieved according to the established standards is then measured. The range of methods, methods, and tools for this is huge and depends on the structure of the organization and the tasks it performs.
  3. The third step is to compare the actual results with the desired (or expected) results. This will help to objectively rank employees among themselves based on achievements and failures.
  4. The next stage is a mandatory discussion of the assessment results with employees in compliance with all the rules of business ethics.
  5. At the end, motivational, qualification, administrative and other decisions are made based on the results of the study.

Whatever the assessment of personnel management, employees should know what positive results they achieved in the reporting period, what prevented them from successfully solving problems and what recommendations they can use in future activities.

Principles of assessment

Personnel assessment methods will fully function if the following principles are observed:

  • Objectivity. Only reliable information bases and systems of indicators are used to determine employee characteristics. Current activities, period of work, and dynamics of results are taken into account.
  • Publicity. Comprehensive familiarization of the inspected employees with the assessment methodology, bringing the results to the attention of interested parties.
  • Efficiency. Speed ​​and timeliness of certification, regularity of its implementation.
  • Democracy. Participation of members of the audited group in the assessment of subordinates and colleagues.
  • Unity of evaluation criteria.
  • Clarity, accessibility and simplicity of the procedure.
  • Productivity. Taking prompt action based on the results obtained.

Personnel assessment in an organization is carried out in two areas of activity: current and future. Current activities are analyzed for productivity and compliance with requirements for specific position. When planning long-term activities, managers determine what qualities need to be developed, what needs to be taught to the employee, the procedure for advanced training, and how best to unleash his potential.

Basic indicators

In order for the assessment of the work of the personnel of an organization, enterprise, institution to be adequate, it is recommended to first determine a list the most important indicators. For example, they could be:

  • labor productivity;
  • professional behavior;
  • personal qualities.

A business assessment of personnel must meet the following requirements: completeness and reliability of the display of results, specificity, ensuring compatibility with the achievements of other employees, as well as with the previous period.

Key metrics may vary for different positions. In some places, resistance to stress is important, in others, efficiency in decision-making, perseverance and scrupulousness, the ability to persuade or the ability to say “no.” A person cannot be perfect in everything. Therefore, they identify 2-4 positions that are critical for a particular profession, and when checking, they focus on them.

In order to evaluate professional activity employees was objective, a variety of methods should be used that best suit the structure of an organization, its goals, and the nature of the team’s activities. Professional sources describe many methods for studying and analyzing employee competence. Among them:

  • Certification is an assessment of personnel performance, which uses an integrated approach using various methods. During the inspection certifying commission determines the candidate’s suitability for the vacant position or position he occupies.
  • Forced choice method. This procedure consists of experts selecting the most suitable characteristic for the employee, for example: the ability to plan one’s activities, sociability, work experience, etc.
  • The descriptive method involves creating a consistent, detailed description of the positive and negative traits of each employee.
  • Testing is a personnel assessment system that determines professional knowledge and skills, abilities, motives, and personality psychology. These qualities are identified using special tests that can be deciphered using “keys.”
  • A business game is a kind of management game, during which the knowledge and skills of an employee are analyzed, and his ability to work in a small group is assessed.
  • Management by Objectives (in foreign literature - Management by Objective (MBO)). Assessing the effectiveness of personnel using this method involves the general setting of tasks by the manager and employee, after which the results of their implementation at the end of the reporting period are assessed. This system covers all positions in the company - from technical to institutional levels.
  • Performance Management. This system evaluates not only the final results of an employee’s work, but also his competencies - those personal qualities that are necessary to achieve his goals.
  • The assessment center (group and individual) is designed to test employees on competencies for specific personnel tasks. Personnel assessment methods may include behavioral interviews, as well as cases (game situations). To select candidates for high positions and when assessing top managers, the emphasis is on behavioral interviews, and to nominate employees to the personnel reserve - on business games.
  • Self-report (speech) consists of oral presentations by a manager or specialist before the workforce, during which the implementation of the work plan and personal obligations is analyzed.
  • 360° method. According to it, employees are evaluated by colleagues, managers and their subordinates. An individual and general questionnaire is filled out for each person.
  • Evaluation by committee method. In this method, the work of employees is discussed in a group, and it is divided into individual tasks. As a result, a certain list of actions is compiled, each of which is assessed as successful and unsuccessful.
  • Method of independent judges: the employee is assessed by independent persons who were not familiar with him (usually 5-7 people act as “judges”). At the same time, personnel assessment methods are based on the principles of cross-examination.
  • Interview: The applicant acts as an HR manager and interviews several job candidates. The ability to correctly analyze and select employees is tested.
  • Observation. In this case, the employee is assessed both in an informal (on vacation, at home) and in a work environment using the methods of momentary observations and photographs of the working day.

It should also be noted that at each stage of an employee’s work in a company, certain assessment methods can be used: for example, in the process of selecting an employee for a vacancy, the interview and testing method can be used simultaneously, and to make a decision on dismissal from a position, it is enough to conduct an employee certification.

Scope of research

Analysis of personnel assessment directly depends on the volume of research, the quantity and quality of research methods used. In terms of content, they can be partial, when they evaluate only certain qualities of the performer or the level of work performance, and complex, when they consider business and personal qualities, work behavior, and performance results in a complex.

According to the regularity of conducting research, they are divided into those that are constantly organized with a certain frequency (depending on the position: once every six months, every year, every two, etc.), and episodic assessments, which are determined by a certain stage (completion probationary period, career advancement, disciplinary liability etc.).

Depending on the frequency, the assessment is divided into current, final and prospective. Current determines the level of employee performance of duties at the moment. The final sums up the work performed and its results at the end of a certain period. The perspective determines the abilities, qualities, motivations, and expectations of the employee, that is, it allows you to predict his potential capabilities.

Rating system

Depending on the criteria, there are quantitative, qualitative, analytical (summarizing all results according to all criteria) assessment and determination of time guidelines. Personnel performance assessment is divided into two types:

  • Systemic: when all blocks of the analysis system are involved;
  • Unsystematic: when the appraiser has the right to choose criteria, methods, methods, tools, analysis procedures.

Subjects of assessment

This concept refers to employees evaluated by their manager, colleagues, clients, and subordinates. They can also be the subjects of a comprehensive, so-called 360° assessment, which takes into account all of the listed factors in a comprehensive manner.

In addition, the so-called self-assessment, or internal assessment of personnel, is practiced. In this case, information is obtained after motivational monitoring. The combination of conclusions from external and internal testing allows us to more fully realize the orienting and stimulating functions of research.

Assessment of personnel performance allows you to:

  • Assess the professionalism of the employee, namely: the level of professional training (knowledge, skills), the level of psychological preparation (personal orientation, motives of behavior, adaptability, character traits, temperament), labor efficiency (productivity, quality of work), the desire for rationalization and inventions.
  • Develop recommendations for the development of personal and professional qualities workers.
  • Determine the degree of compliance of remuneration, its effectiveness with the employee’s efforts and his expectations.
  • Determine the main directions of personnel development.
  • Form an effective mechanism for professional motivation of employees.

Foreign experience

Personnel assessment in foreign countries is somewhat different from how this process works here. In the USA and Western Europe, a special personnel assessment test is used - the Business Personality Test (BPT). It contains 100 questions, the results of personnel assessment vary on a scale from 0 to 10 points. This allows you to get much more information from each question for analysis than using a traditional “no/yes” scale or choosing from given answer options.

The giant General Electric company determined that criticism is an ineffective means of informing subordinates about shortcomings in their professional performance. In order to provide feedback, it is necessary to have a two-way discussion on specific issues for improvement. In Japan, personnel assessment is based on the production philosophy adopted here, that is, the abilities of each employee are determined individually. The peculiarity of such personnel assessment is its regularity and obligatory nature for everyone.

Domestic experience

In Russia, both analytical methods for assessing personnel and special electronic devices that work similar to “lie detectors” are used. For example, the Luch apparatus, created by researchers at the Institute of Psychology, allows specialists to test such human qualities as intelligence and reaction speed.


Not all of the above methods are equally good for carrying out the personnel assessment process. Their effectiveness directly depends on the goals set, the level of maturity of the company, its objectives and the type of corporate culture. Equally important is the assessment of staff training, possession of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Agree, it is better to certify an employee using the performance management method, since each company works directly for the end result, which is satisfying consumer needs and making a profit. Therefore, in order to achieve these goals, it is necessary to periodically review how each employee is performing. Already on the basis of this data, the administration can make an appropriate management decision on increasing wages or, conversely, reducing them, on career growth, or on dismissing a person.

Personnel assessment using various principles makes it possible to clearly identify any aspects related to the employees’ performance of the tasks assigned to them, to determine the characteristics and personal qualities of the organization’s employees.

The principles of personnel assessment are based on a study of common criteria, 25 of which are sufficient to identify a person’s qualities. Among them may be the ability to generalize orally or in writing, management, careerist motives, internal standards, including ethical principles, a person’s self-esteem, his organizational and creative abilities, organization, reliability, etc.

Often, the personnel assessment system at an enterprise involves the use of the assessment center method or a universal comprehensive method. If the goals and objectives of personnel assessment are correct, then you can effectively evaluate the work of employees, taking into account:

  • ongoing monitoring of work results;
  • the possibility of conducting certification activities;
  • results obtained in the process of ongoing monitoring and certification.

It is very important to communicate the results of ongoing monitoring and certification to each employee in a timely manner.

The concept and purpose of personnel assessment are associated with a focused process that allows you to determine whether all the qualitative characteristics of an employee, including his skills, motivation, abilities and character, correspond to the requirements of the role he performs.

Personnel assessment and development allows you to achieve the following goals:

  • identify the level of professionalism of the employee (knowledge, skills, abilities);
  • explore psychological preparedness (motives of a person’s behavior and its direction, employee’s temperament);
  • evaluate the employee’s labor efficiency related to productivity and quality of work, the desire for rationalization and invention;
  • develop appropriate recommendations for the development of personal and professional qualities of employees;
  • identify the degree of correspondence between the level of remuneration and the efforts of employees, the level of performance and the expected result;
  • establish directions for personnel development;
  • create an effective mechanism for motivating employees.

Methods on the basis of which an employee is assessed

Qualitative (descriptive) methods allow you to evaluate employees without using quantitative ones. The most common among them is the matrix method, which is based on comparing the characteristics of an employee with possible ideal criteria corresponding to the position he occupies.

You can highlight the achievements of the stronger and the mistakes of the weakest workers by using the method of a system of arbitrary characteristics, which involves comparing these indicators with each other. Using the elementary method, the activities of an employee of the organization as a whole are assessed. Often, the use of the “360 degree” method allows an employee to be assessed from all sides by other employees, from management to the company’s clients. The prospects and performance of a particular employee are discussed on the basis of a discussion method conducted by experts and management.

Mixed or descriptive methods are based on quantitative aspects. For example, testing or a method of summing up assessments. Each of the characteristics is assessed according to a specific scale, followed by determination of average indicators for comparison with ideal ones.

Quantitative methods make it possible to assess the qualities of an employee with the greatest objectivity, recording each result in numbers. The ranking method is the most common quantitative assessment, which is a rating of an employee's characteristics compiled by several managers. After this, the ratings for all employees are reconciled and those at the bottom of the table are reduced. If the scoring method is used, then the employee can receive a predetermined number of points - they are summed up based on the results of the entire period.

Indicators of comprehensive employee assessment

Using personnel assessment criteria, it is possible to obtain characteristics of indicators that are equivalent for all employees. Since information about the employee must be reliable, this will require objectivity and accuracy of indicators. Therefore, a comprehensive assessment of personnel performance is carried out on the basis of clearer criteria.

A criterion or a certain threshold affects whether the indicator will be satisfactory or unsatisfactory in relation to the established requirements of the organization for employees. They can be either planned or standardized.

Personnel assessment technologies involve the use of groups of the following criteria:

  1. Professional.
  2. Business.
  3. Moral and psychological.
  4. Specific.

Professional criteria include characteristics related to knowledge in the field of professional activity, skills, abilities, availability professional experience in humans, etc. Among the business criteria are: responsibility, organization, efficiency, initiative.

Moral and psychological criteria are related to fairness, honesty, psychological stability, and the employee’s ability to self-esteem. The constituents of specific criteria are the qualities of an employee that characterize his authority, state of health, and personality traits.

A system of indicators should be formed based on:

  1. Indicators of all 3 groups, which are equally important. If the criteria of a certain group are recognized as priority, this will lead to employees neglecting other types of activities.
  2. Indicators that should not only cover all the necessary aspects of work, but also not create an overly cumbersome system that would require a lot of time and money.

Personnel assessment automation system

The enterprise has a subsystem that facilitates the work of the HR manager, labor engineer, heads of departments organizational development and personnel management. The work of employees is assessed by the above-mentioned specialists and department heads on the basis developed by 1C - a personnel assessment program based on special methods.

The product includes the following modules:

  1. Professional and psychological testing.
  2. Competency models.
  3. Assessment of labor results according to KPI.

The functional areas of the 1C: Enterprise program in the “Personnel Assessment” subsystem are:

  1. Personnel certification and analysis of labor results.
  2. Monitoring the socio-psychological climate in the team in the process of implementing new or risky management decisions.
  3. Research on strengths and weaknesses project and management teams.
  4. Creation of teams of professionals taking into account the individual psychological characteristics of each employee.
  5. Selection and admission of candidates based on an analysis of assessed qualities, holding personnel competitions, personnel rotation, taking into account the compliance of employees with job requirements.
  6. Implementation of a system of personnel competencies, forecasting the behavior of employees in typical situations in order to identify potential risks associated with the activities of employees.
  7. Launch of automated processes, including assessment and certification of personnel.
  8. Evaluation of employee labor in the system of performance indicators (KPI).

The algorithm for all actions for employee assessment and certification is presented in the figure (IMAGE 1).

Rules for developing an organization's personnel assessment system

A personnel evaluation system can be developed as follows:

  1. An assessment system that was adopted in another organization was copied.
  2. An assessment system has been developed independently.
  3. Consultants were invited to develop a system that meets the selected requirements.

If management has instructed a human resource management specialist to develop an assessment system, then it may not get the desired result due to the fact that there are practically no absolutely identical organizations. At the same time, this moment can have a positive impact on the further advancement of personnel along the career ladder.

If at one enterprise the requirements for employees are high, then at another they are average. Overall construction effective system Personnel assessments in any organization will allow each employee to improve their status and qualifications. All specialists of the same profession and equal qualifications in different organizations perform different tasks, have different needs, etc.

If an organization needs to evaluate the results of the work of those specialists or workers whose activities are regulated by established standards and regulations, then clear indicators can be obtained. These include the number of customers served, sales volume, etc.

A comprehensive personnel assessment is associated with establishing not only the required level of indicators, but also certain conditions of employee behavior that allow each performer to achieve a high level of efficiency in their own work. If there are no clear indicators for assessing labor results, then they are work goals established on the basis of the employee’s job functions.

As assessment tools are selected and procedures are defined to evaluate the work of an organization's employees, different enterprises may develop and impose completely different requirements. This affects the effectiveness of the obtained indicators: they will be appropriate only if the staff correctly perceives their work results.

To get the maximum benefit from the evaluation system, it is necessary to correctly determine its goals, since very often it comes down to issues related to bonuses and wages.

Stages of building a personnel assessment system

The main goal of conducting personnel assessment procedures is to obtain objective information about the following indicators:

  1. Employee performance results.
  2. The effort required of them to achieve these results.
  3. Employee satisfaction with working conditions.
  4. Employee satisfaction with the rewards they receive.

Why personnel assessment is needed, and how HR services can most effectively implement personnel policies. The article talks about systems, methods and criteria for personnel assessment. An algorithm for constructing an employee evaluation system is described. What methods of personnel assessment exist, in what cases are they used. This article will help you understand the rather complex structure of the personnel evaluation system, and will allow you to understand how you can obtain valuable information about a person to make decisions aimed at increasing the performance of subordinates.

Structure of the evaluation system

Many companies sooner or later face the problem of personnel assessment. After all, for successful development, any structure needs to constantly improve, know its prospects and correct mistakes.

Personnel assessment allows managers or personnel services to more effectively implement personnel policies, improve, attract new employees instead of those who cannot cope with their responsibilities and, thereby, do work of higher quality.

Personnel assessment is a system for identifying certain characteristics of employees, which then help the manager in making management decisions aimed at increasing the performance of subordinates.

Typically, personnel assessment is carried out in three areas:

  • assessment of an employee’s qualifications - when the characteristics of a standard are identified and compared with a specific person;
  • analysis of work results - here the quality of work performed is assessed;
  • assessment of the employee as an individual - personal characteristics are identified and compared with the ideal ones for the given place.

If we generally talk about building an assessment system in a company, it is very important to remember three main features, isolation from which will not give the required result.

First, assessments must be carried out regularly.

Secondly, it must have a clearly defined goal.

And thirdly, the assessment system must be transparent to everyone and based on commonly understood criteria.

The personnel evaluation system itself is a whole series of actions and activities aimed at evaluating employees and of a permanent nature.

To be effective, this system must be based on a basic and universal scheme for conducting this assessment.

The first thing that needs to be done is to identify the company's need for personnel assessment and, based on them, formulate clear goals that will be pursued when conducting employee assessment. The main goals usually include monitoring the social climate in the team, assessing the quality of work and the degree to which a person’s qualifications correspond to the position held.

The second stage is to determine the subject of assessment, that is, who to evaluate. Depending on the goals, the target audience about which the enterprise needs information in the first place is determined.

This is followed by defining the criteria by which the assessment will be carried out.

This requires professionals in the industry who can highlight the most appropriate characteristics for each specific position.

After selecting the criteria, it is necessary to select an assessment method based on them. The choice of the method itself is also carried out depending on certain criteria, including compliance with the goals set at the beginning, the degree of complexity of a particular suitable method, objectivity, which is best expressed in quantitative characteristics, understandability for those being assessed, and relevance, that is, the results should really be necessary.

The next stage of the personnel evaluation system is called the preparatory stage. Here you need to perform a number of actions that will help in conducting the assessment itself.

  • creation of an internal regulatory framework for assessment - development of regulations, regulations;
  • training of the personnel who will directly conduct the assessment;
  • informing staff about the upcoming assessment and its benefits.

After this, the assessment system enters its main stage - the actual assessment itself, the implementation of the entire project.

Then it is necessary to analyze all the information collected as a result of the assessment for its relevance and the quality of the system itself.

The final stage of implementation of the evaluation system is action - making management decisions in relation to those people who were evaluated - promotion, demotion, training.

Personnel assessment methods

Let us now consider the methods themselves that can be used in personnel assessment.

Based on their focus, they are classified into three main groups: qualitative, quantitative and combined.

Qualitative methods are methods for identifying employees without the use of quantitative indicators. They are also called descriptive methods.

  • matrix method - the most common method, involves comparing the qualities of a particular person with the ideal characteristics for the position held;
  • method of system of arbitrary characteristics - manual or personnel service simply highlights the most striking achievements and the worst mistakes in a person’s work, and by comparing them draws conclusions;
  • task performance assessment is an elementary method when the employee’s work as a whole is assessed;
  • “360 degree” method - involves assessing an employee from all sides - managers, colleagues, subordinates, clients and self-assessment;
  • group discussion - a descriptive method - which involves a discussion between an employee and his managers or experts in the industry about the results of his work and prospects.

Mixed methods are a combination of descriptive methods using quantitative aspects.

  • testing is an assessment based on the results of solving pre-set tasks;
  • sum of scores method. Each characteristic of a person is assessed on a certain scale, and then displayed average comparable to ideal;
  • a grouping system in which all employees are divided into several groups - from those who work excellently to those whose work is unsatisfactory compared to the rest;

Quantitative methods are the most objective, since all results are recorded in numbers;

  • ranking method - several managers make a rating of employees, then all ratings are compared, and usually the lowest ones are cut;
  • point method - for each achievement, staff receive a certain number of points in advance, which are summed up at the end of the period;
  • free point assessment - each quality of an employee is assessed by experts for a certain number of points, which are summed up and an overall rating is displayed.

All of the above methods are able to effectively assess only a certain aspect of a person’s work or his socio-psychological characteristics.

Therefore, it is not surprising that recently a universal comprehensive method has been increasingly used - the method of assessment centers, which has absorbed elements of many methods to achieve the most objective analysis of personnel.

This method has as many as 25 criteria by which a person is assessed.

Among them: the ability to learn, the ability to make oral and written generalizations, contact, perception of the opinions of others, flexibility in behavior, internal standards, creative characteristics, self-esteem, the need for approval from superiors and colleagues, careerist motives, reality of thoughts, reliability, diversity of interests, stability To stressful situations, energy, organization, organizational and management skills.

Main evaluation criteria

All criteria for personnel assessment are usually divided into two main categories - performance criteria and competence criteria.

When assessing performance, the achieved performance indicators of a particular person are compared with the planned indicators for a given period of work. To achieve this, clearly measurable objectives are set before the start of the reporting period. Performance is expressed in specific indicators: sales volume, number of completed projects, profit amounts, number of transactions.

When assessing the competence of an employee, his knowledge and ability to apply it in practice, personal qualities, and behavior are assessed.

One of the most effective ways Such an assessment is the solution of situational problems taking into account the position that the employee occupies or for which he is applying.

These tasks are of two types - descriptive and practical, and differ in the nature of actions when solving a specific problem.

Thus, the personnel assessment system is quite complex and has many nuances and aspects that need to be given maximum attention. Otherwise, all the work invested in conducting the assessment may result in a complete lack of the required output information.

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