Presentation on the topic: Our fellow countrymen are the pride of the country. Our fellow countrymen are our pride

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Altai region

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Goals and objectives of the lesson:
Study the main features of the geographical location of the Altai Territory. Introduce the concept of geographical local history as an integral part of geography. Develop skills and abilities to characterize a geographical location. Develop skills and abilities to work with maps and tables. Strengthen the skills of schoolchildren to calculate geographic coordinates. To promote the formation of skills to independently apply previously acquired theoretical knowledge. To cultivate feelings of love for the native land and pride in it.

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Altai - birch groves with cuckoo tears in the vicinity of their native village, mysterious tracts with wolf tracks, groves with thickets of bird cherry and viburnum, strawberry meadows, winding rivers, beaver huts along their banks, the smells of taiga and meadow grasses.

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“A huge, beautiful land with the sunny name of Altai, which combines the experience and wisdom of many peoples and cultures. This is a land of courageous people and fantastic opportunities, which means it is simply doomed to prosperity.”
A.A. Surikov.

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This is an untold country - the Altai Mountains. Pristine and untouched nature, harsh climate and places where Almaty apples grow and bear fruit, majestic mountains and clear lakes, stormy mountain rivers and alpine meadows. And blue - blue in dozens of shades. The amazingly beautiful nature of the Altai Mountains. Probably, this surprise is why tourists go to the mountains, sail along stormy rivers on rafts and catamarans, climb steep cliffs and descend into narrow mountains of caves.

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There are many picturesque places in Altai - Lake Teletskoye and the Karakol lakes, the Chuysky tract and the wayward Katun River, mountain gorges and Belukha covered with glaciers:

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“Are we in Siberia? One can hardly believe this charm. The most wonderful climate, the most pleasant location, watered by the majestic, proud, calm Ob. This region is one of the most blessed not only in Siberia, but in all of Russia.” This is what M.M. wrote in a letter to his daughter. Speransky - Governor General of Siberia, while in Barnaul in August 1820
“I love and know. I know and love. And the more fully I love, the better I know.” Yuri Konstantinovich Efremov. “Our nature is a storehouse of wealth and beauty. In this storeroom, Altai is a special expensive box.” V. Peskov.

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The Altai Territory was formed on September 28, 1937. In 1991, the Gorno-Altai Republic separated from its composition (since 1992 - the Altai Republic). Our region - Altai Territory - is located in the center of the largest continent on Earth - Eurasia. The name “Altai” itself comes from the Turkic-Mongolian dialect and means “Golden Mountains”. The Altai land is beautiful, its landscapes, vegetation, and fauna are diverse, the region is rich in minerals, monuments of nature and human history.

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Altai region
Flag of the Altai Territory Coat of arms of the Altai Territory
Administrative center Barnaul
Area - Total - % aq. pov 22nd 167,850 km² 1.6
Population - Total - Density 20th approx. 2,508,500 (2008) approx. 15.3 people/km²
Federal District Siberian
Economic region West Siberian
Governor Alexander Karlin
Vehicle code 22
Time zone MSK+3 (UTC+6, summer UTC+7)

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But there is a wonderful corner in the very south of the Altai Territory, where, as if to surprise, a multitude of unique beauties are collected. The Altai region is located in the center of the largest continent on Earth - Eurasia. Within its borders are the southeastern edge of the West Siberian Plain and the highest and most significant part of the Altai mountain region.

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Altai Territory on the map of Russia

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Neighbors of the Altai Territory

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Assessment of the EGP of the Altai Territory
Positive traits Negative traits

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Relief of the Altai Territory

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Large reserves of natural resources, Altai grain fields, and a developed economy are the basis for the well-deserved glory and fame of the region. From the vastness of Altai, cosmonauts and writers, noble landowners and gardeners, artists, doctors, and teachers emerged into big life. During the difficult years of the war, our fellow countrymen stood shoulder to shoulder in battle formation and bravely defended their homeland from enemy hordes.

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Altai is also famous for its ancient history, its revolutionary, military and labor traditions. Here the partisans heroically fought against the Kolchakites during the civil war, and the first communes were created on Altai soil. During the Great Patriotic War, thousands of Altai residents fought on the fronts, and in the rear, its wonderful workers brought victory closer.

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Altai is an important economic region of Russia with diversified agriculture and large diversified industries.

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Place of the Altai Territory in the Russian Federation and the Siberian region

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Production of agricultural products

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Industrial production index

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Now Altai is a major tourist area that attracts thousands of travelers every year. Many people come from abroad to see with their own eyes all this beauty, which cannot be described in words, conveyed in gestures, or captured in photographs. It needs to be seen, it needs to be felt and experienced. Interest in Altai is growing every year. The region has a great tourism future.

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Administrative division of the region (60 districts)

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Cities of Altai Territory (12)

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Administrative-territorial division of the region (working with the political and administrative map of the Altai Territory).
Determine how many districts are included in the region? Find the area where you live on the map. Which regions of the Altai Territory does the Pavlovsky District border with? Which natural and economic district of the Altai Territory does Pavlovsky District belong to? Name and show on the map the cities of the Altai Territory?

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Find the Altai Territory on the map of Russia; name and show on the map which subjects of the Russian Federation the Altai Territory borders with; determine the distance to the nearest sea; length from north to south, from west to east, length of the border, types of borders (working with the atlas of the Altai Territory, writing in a notebook); border territories (working with the atlas) determining the geographical coordinates of the extreme points of the edge.

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1. What does the word "Altai" mean? (The word "Altai" is of Mongolian origin, meaning "gold-bearing"). 2. What is the area of ​​the Altai Territory? (167.85 thousand square km). 3. Name the capital of the Altai Territory. (Barnaul). 4. How many cities are there in the Altai Territory? (12 - Barnaul, Biysk, Novoaltaisk, Rubtsovsk, Belokurikha, Slavgorod, Kamen-on-Obi, Zarinsk, Aleysk, Yarovoye, Zmeinogorsk, Gornyak). 5. How many administrative districts are there in the Altai Territory? (60). 6. What is the population of the Altai Territory. (2562 thousand people - 2003). 7. Name the border areas. (Novosibirsk, Kemerovo regions; Kazakhstan: Pavlodar, Semipalatinsk, East Kazakhstan regions, Altai Republic). 8. Which states can be located on the territory of the Altai Territory taken together? (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Portugal). 9. Name the health resorts of the Altai Territory that are of national importance? (Belokurikha, Yarovoye). 10. What is the approximate length of the city of Biysk along the Biya and Ob rivers? (40 km). 11. Name the confluence of three large rivers of the Altai Territory? (c. Odintsovka). 12. Name the rivers of the Altai Territory that do not flow into the ocean? (R. Kulunda, R. Burla). 13. What are the largest lakes in our region? (Kulundinskoye, Kuchukskoye, Gorkoye). 14. On which rivers of the Altai Territory is water tourism carried out? (Peschanka river, Biya river, Katun river). 15. An All-Russian tourist and entertainment complex will be created in the Altai Territory. In what area and in what village will it be built? (c. Solonovka - Smolensk district).

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Greatest length: from north to south about 500 km. from west to east about 560 km

Our fellow countrymen -

pride of the region

Our region is beautiful and rich, but its main wealth is its people. The military feat and peaceful post-war work of our fellow countrymen was highly appreciated by the Motherland. Many of our fellow countrymen have been awarded the highest awards - the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, the title of Hero of Socialist Labor, the title of Honorary Citizen of the Terbunsky District.

I sing glory to the soldiers of Victory,
Who did not allow slavery in Rus',
For those who have gone through everything - fire and death and troubles,
All who died, and all who are still alive.
Be the Memory righteous, alive and pure!
May all victories live in the hearts of peoples!
Since the glorious page of history has been written,
We will treasure it carefully.

The Great Patriotic War became
A war for the life of all Mother Rus'
A war like no other in centuries
History of the peoples of the whole Earth.
Four years of death, fire and faith,
That we will defeat the fascist plague!
That feat became an example to all nations
In the fight for life, freedom and dreams.

Today, glory to our veterans!
After all, their Victory is seven decades old!
And although sometimes the wounds hurt and ache,
Their eyes radiate the light of will.
Well then, friends! Let's raise the Banner proudly
For those who are alive, for those who are no longer alive,
For those who serve the Motherland!

So that their eyes begin to radiate the light of Victory.

There are names whose fame is so strong

That countless years will not erase it.

She will remain for many centuries

The shrine of the country, the shrine of the people

Sotnikov Alexander TimofeevichBorn on August 23, 1900 in the family of a peasant from the village. Tsarevo, now the village. Uritskoye, Terbunsky district, Lipetsk region, in a peasant family. Russian. Secondary education.

In the Soviet Army since 1919. Participant in the Civil War. Since 1925 in the ranks of the CPSU. In 1940 he graduated from the Military-Political Academy.
Since June 1941 - in the active army. As commissar of the 390th Infantry Division, he participated in the Kerch-Feodosia landing operation in December 1941. Together with division commander Vinogradov, he, at the head of the 1st battalion, crossed the Kerch Strait in icy water.

In the battle for Stalingrad, Sotnikov was deputy for political affairs of the commander of the 154th separate naval rifle brigade.

Since September 1944, A. T. Sotnikov has been the head of the political department of the 171st Infantry Division (3rd Shock Army, 1st Belorussian Front). Lieutenant Colonel Sotnikov particularly distinguished himself in the Berlin operation. On April 21, 1945, units of the division, having cut the Berlin ring highway, entered the Berlin suburb of Buchholz. On April 30, the division captured the Reichstag and hoisted the Victory Banner on it. Constantly being in the combat formations of units and units, A.T. Sotnikov inspired the soldiers to complete their assigned tasks.

By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated May 15, 1946, for the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command and the heroism and courage displayed, Lieutenant Colonel A. T. Sotnikov was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal (No. 743)
Since 1947, Colonel Sotnikov has been retired. Lived in Tbilisi. Awarded two Orders of Lenin, two Orders of the Red Banner, Order
ami Bogdan Khmelnitsky 2nd degree, Patriotic War 2nd degree, medals.
Sotnikov A.T. died on November 5, 1974, was buried in Tbilisi. There is a memorial plaque installed on the house where Alexander Timofeevich lived. One of the streets in Terbuny bears the name of the countryman hero.

Memorial Day is a Victory Day!

They carry wreaths of living ligature
The warmth of bouquets of different colors,

So as not to lose contact with the past,

And the mournful slabs are warmed

Flowers with the breath of the field,

Accept, fighter, as a gift, all this -

After all, we, the living, need this

Monument to Hero of the Soviet Union A. T. Sotnikov

at the Saburtalinsky cemetery in Tbilisi.

Shepelev Nikolay GavrilovichBorn on December 15, 1909 in the village. Tsarevo, now the village of Uritskoye, Terbunsky district, Lipetsk region, in a peasant family. His childhood was not easy. The mother died of a serious illness, leaving her father with six small children. Nikolai graduated from 7 classes in his native village, then left for the Novosibirsk region. Lived and worked in the village of Ivanovka, Bagansky district. From there in 1942 he was drafted into the Red Army. In October of this year I was already at the front.

The machine gunner of the 385th Infantry Regiment, 112th Infantry Division, 60th Army, Private Shepelev, showed himself to be brave, decisive and resourceful during the offensive of the Central Front troops in August 1943 - in fierce battles for the city of Glukhov and in the Konotop region. At the end of September the regiment approached the Dnieper. Together with the first units of the 112th Rylsk Rifle Division, Shepelev crossed the river near the village of Yasnogorodka, which is north of Kiev (Vyshegorodsky district of the Kiev region). Shooter, Komsomol member N. G. Shepelev distinguished himself on October 1, 1943. Yasnogorodka When repelling the enemy counterattack, two of our machine gun crews were put out of action. Nikolai Gavrilovichquickly ran from one machine gun to another and, with well-aimed bursts, shot at the advancing enemy infantry. At the height of the battle, the company commander failed. Shepelev, being wounded, took command and continued to stand to the death. The enemy counterattack was repulsed. On October 3, 1943, in the village of Yasnogorodka, again commanding a company, Shepelev inspired the soldiers with his personal courage. In these battles, Shepelev killed 12 fascist soldiers.

By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 17, 1943, for the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command and the courage and heroism shown at the same time, private N. G. Shepelev was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal (No. 1921).

After the end of the Great Patriotic War, N. G. Shepelev continued to serve in the army. Awarded the Order of Lenin and medals.
Junior Lieutenant Shepelev died on July 5, 1958. He was buried in Kyiv at the Shulyavskoe cemetery. A street in the city of Kyiv is named after the Hero.

Monument to N. G. Shepelev at the Shulyavskoe cemetery Memorial plaque in Kyiv, st. Novo-Polevaya, 106

Sparing lines of biography...

But the significance is in full swing,

There lived a Kursk guy in the village of Bibikovo,

And he was diligent in everything.

He studied well, was an excellent student,

I hurried on a quest for knowledge,

But the people's war interrupted

Reasonable youthful ardor.

He passed through Kerch and Prussia as a sergeant.

He was an infantryman and a marksman,

Soldier, defender - Belarus

He saved with righteous fire.

And for the burned "Khatyn"

He did not spare the enemy in battle,

He caught up with the German in Berlin,

He avenged his homeland.

Arrange the World! Half the battle is done.

Plants and factories stood

Infusions were awaited by wise forces.

And the soldiers of the Motherland stood up

To the machines, for the combine craft

They forged the power of the country in 46th-50th

Tireless, righteous work.

After the five-year plan, there is a five-year plan.

And the victorious Plan was realized!

For the benefit of the beloved Motherland

Vorfolomeev became a hero of Socialist Labor!

Sparing lines of biography...

But just think about them -

Low bow to you, Dmitry Pavlovich!

From all fellow citizens and relatives!!!

Vorfolomeev Dmitry Pavlovich

Born on September 10, 1922 in the village of A-Bibikovo, Uritsky village council, into a peasant family. In 1938 he entered the Voronezh Economic and Statistical College. In 1941 I transferred to the 3rd year, but did not have to study further - the Great Patriotic War began.

November 19, 1941 Vorfolomeev D.P. was called up to the front. In the battles on the Kerch Peninsula for the city of Feodosia, he was seriously wounded, was treated in a hospital for 6 months and again - to the front. He fought on the North Caucasus Front as part of the 59th separate rifle brigade, then in the 379th mountain rifle regiment. After the liberation of Novorossiysk, D.P. Vorfolomeev’s division was transferred to the 1st Belorussian Front, and then to the 3rd Belorussian Front, where he participated in the liberation of East Prussia. After the capture of Koenigsberg, he fought on the 1st Ukrainian Front, participated in the storming of Berlin, and then in the liberation of CzechoslovakiaThe message that Germany had capitulated came on the way to Prague, but the war did not end there for the front-line soldier: he still had to fight the scattered remnants of Hitler’s army as part of the 28th Army.

D.P. Vorfolomeev defended Feodosia, and was seriously wounded in one of the battles. Recently he asked his son to bring him some Crimean soil - “from the place where he fought, he received a shrapnel in his back and, losing consciousness, saw larks flying above him.” My son brought a bag of soil to Samara from that very place near the village of Vladislavovka. By the way, the larks still sing there today. Already in a peaceful sky.

Dmitry Pavlovich has many awards: Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree, medal “For Courage”, “For Military Merit”, medals “For the Capture of Koenigsberg”, “For the Capture of Berlin”, “For the Defense of the Caucasus”, “For Victory over Germany”.

D.P. Vorfolomeev was demobilized from the army in December 1946. From 1946 to 1949 he developed agriculture, worked as a tractor crew accountant, and as the head of an oil depot. In April 1949 he moved to

Kuibyshev and entered the aviation plant No. 18, worked as a milling machine operator for processing roofs, belts, keels, stabilizers TU - 154. For high production indicators he was repeatedly awarded certificates of honor from the regional committee, the regional executive committee, and the ministry. For military work, D. P. Vorfolomeev was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor and the medal “For Labor Distinction.”

April 26, 1971 for outstanding achievements in implementing the five-year plan and the creation of new technology

D.P.Vorfolomeev was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor with the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle gold medal.

Dmitry Pavlovich currently lives in Samara on the street. Freedom. Recently, a delegation from Samara, which included children of front-line soldiers, traveled to the Republic of Crimea. In the year of the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the peninsula, they visited Kerch and Feodosia, and visited the sites of their parents’ battles. The head of the city D. Azarov handed over letters of gratitude from Crimeans and gifts to the veterans. D. P. Varfolomeev was the first to accept congratulations.

“I am glad to congratulate you on Victory Day and the anniversary of the liberation of Crimea,” the mayor greeted him. “Colleagues from the republic also send their congratulations. In Crimea, they have not forgotten about the feat of the Soviet soldier. Success, health, long years of active life!” “Thank God for that.” “I’ve lived to see such years and I’m celebrating this significant date, as they say, on my feet,” responded the veteran.The complex, but so complete and necessary life of people, the life of Dmitry Pavlovich Vorfolomeev, is an example of masculinity, truthfulness, and modesty of a man - a citizen of his country.

Bukin Mikhail Afanasyevich

Born in 1913 in the village of Dmitrievo-Kitaevo-Terbunsky district, Kursk region, into a peasant family. After graduating from the school for peasant youth, 15-year-old M. Bukin entered the Yeletsk Agricultural College. M.A. Bukin began his career in 1931. He worked as an agronomist at Terbunskaya and Bubnovskaya MTS.

Since 1939, he was appointed head of the Veliko-Mikhailovsky land department, then senior agronomist of the Veliko-Mikhailovsky MTS.

During the hard times of the Great Patriotic War, Private M.A. Bukin fought as part of a tank battalion. On the Stalingrad front, in the thick of battle, he fought from March to December 1942. And then, until 1945, he fought as part of the 3rd Ukrainian and 4th Ukrainian Fronts in a mechanized guards brigade, liberating Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary.

M.A. Bukin was awarded the medals “For Military Merit”, “For the Defense of Stalingrad”, “For the Capture of Budapest”, “For the Liberation of Berlin”, “For the Liberation of Belgrade”.

After the war, M.A. Bukin returned to the Velikiy Mikhailovsky district and began working as a senior agronomist. In 1947, he was appointed head of the regional department of agriculture of the Veliko Mikhailovsky district, with

1948 - director of the Veliko-Mikhailovskaya MTS. Then he worked as chairman of the District Executive Committee of the Veliko-Mikhailovsky district. In 1961, he was appointed director of the Bolshevik state farm, where he worked for 12 years. The state farm had a good reputation not only in the district, but throughout the entire region. But fame, as we know, does not come on its own. It is necessary to thoroughly know every inch of the land, to fight to ensure that any seemingly insignificant requirement of agricultural technology is fulfilled. Mikhail Afanasyevich loved and understood the field and the people working on the land. He did everything with enviable persistence. He introduced new things on a real scale. M. A. Bukin was awarded the medals “For Labor Distinction”, the Gold Medal “Hammer and Sickle”, the Order of Lenin, the Red Banner of Labor,Order of the October Revolution.

In 1965 and military labor, Mikhail Afanasyevich was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Star of the Hero of Socialist Labor.

Kuznetsov Sergey Ivanovich

Kuznetsov Sergei Ivanovich was born on February 2, 1921 in the village of Uritskoye into a peasant family.

In 1937, after graduating from a seven-year school, he independently made the decision to continue his education. This year he goes on foot to the city of Stary Oskol to enter a pedagogical school. Having completed the entire course of study, he successfully graduated from the Stary Oskol Pedagogical School.

On October 24, 1940, the military registration and enlistment office of the city of Stary Oskol drafted him into the army. Sergei Ivanovich went through the Saratov school of instrumental reconnaissance, then he was among the cadets of the special recruitment of the aviation school for training flight personnel.

Since December 31, 1940, Sergei Ivanovich Kuznetsov was part of a group of cadets at a flight school in the city of Chirchik, Tashkent region, where he was trained as a navigator.

In May 1941 - flight practice.

On June 22, 1941, the war began, so the practice was forced to stop, but theoretical studies continued.
At the aviation school, Sergei Ivanovich flew airplanes: R-5, SB, Li-2, TB-3, and while participating in hostilities, he had to master the U-2, the American Boston, Pe-2.

In August 1943, the intense study ended. Having received a military rank, Sergei Ivanovich arrived in the active army. He began his journey as a defender of the Motherland on the 2nd Ukrainian Front in the 81st Guards Bomber Regiment in the 1st squadron.

Sergei Ivanovich received his first baptism of fire in July 1944, having flown to the area of ​​​​the city of Zolochev, Lviv region, to bomb the territory of a brick factory, where there was a base of German equipment: tanks, self-propelled artillery units.

Sergei Ivanovich took part in the Berlin operation and made a combat flight to the Prague area on Victory Day. Lieutenant Kuznetsov has more than seventy combat missions and parachute jumps from burning, uncontrollable aircraft.

Lieutenant, pilot-navigator, three-time order bearer Sergei Ivanovich Kuznetsov was awarded the “Order of the Red Banner of Battle” and medals: “For the capture of Berlin”, “For Victory over Germany”, “For the liberation of Prague”.

In 1947, Sergei Ivanovich was transferred to the reserve. After a short rest, he entered the Stary Oskol Teachers' Institute, from which he successfully graduated in 1950.

From the same year, he was appointed by RONO at the Uritskaya secondary school as head teacher and teacher of physics and mathematics.

In 1961, Sergei Ivanovich graduated in absentia from the Moscow All-Union Correspondence Pedagogical Institute.

Sergei Ivanovich worked at the Uritsky school for 35 years, until 1985.

But after retiring, Sergei Ivanovich did not leave school. He is an honored guest of school-wide holidays and events, he is an interesting conversationalist, a mentor to teachers, and an interesting personality for schoolchildren.

By decision of the Council of Deputies of the Terbunsky District No. 338 of June 19, 2007, Sergei Ivanovich Kuznetsov was awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of the Terbunsky District (certificate No. 5).

The last battle has already died down,
And the bugler played the all-clear for the war,

But all the people remember this sacredly,

And we owe this silence to you!

No, we must not forget, dear veterans,

Your feat of arms on a tormented land,

Even though we fought while looking at the screens

We listened with pride to the stories of the war!

How have you fought all these years?

We stood in the water for days under bullets,

In the harsh winter they froze on the field,

Under the sun they died on earth.

Under a barrage of continuous fire

You ran into the attack, gritting your teeth,

And they cried, mother of a fascist,

When they were retreating at the beginning!

The captives held on with dignity,

And they survived, keeping their courage.

And they helped each other as best they could,

Although unforgiven, but loving the Motherland!

In America, in Europe everyone learned

Our people know how to win.

How half-dead lips whispered:

"For the Motherland! For Stalin! Forward!"

How our people know how to hate,

How much someone can love their homeland!

And let them not try to forget,

How we helped the whole of Europe to survive!

There are big changes in the country now.

Sometimes it's hard to understand the logic

What did you call treason before?

Now you can reward for this.

Resentment suddenly an uninvited tear

From the wise eyes will flow involuntarily,

And our hero is sad today,

My soul hurts and I can’t sleep at night.

And the wounds probably hurt more and more

Those who are still in service.

And my heart aches when I hear Levitan,

Everyone, in my native land!

We ask you, dear ones, to forgive us,

That we are not always attentive,

And don’t harbor grudges in your heart,

Sometimes we forget to call.

We congratulate you on the victorious May,

The whole country wishes you health!

We promise to save the Fatherland,

It’s not for nothing that we bear your names!

And the former power will be restored,

And Russia should become prosperous,

When such glorious heroes

We were able to defend our native land!

“Siberia is a country of great future, and Altai is the living embodiment of its beauty”

N.K. Roerich

The Altai region is truly multifaceted... It is rich not only in its natural resources, clean rivers, deep lakes, majestic mountains, spacious steppes and green forests. It is also rich in its history, which was shaped by our world-famous fellow countrymen. They are our pride, our legend, our future.

We are proud of those who were born on Altai soil and those whom the roads of life brought. All of them are our fellow countrymen, who with their deeds and destinies have formed an “intellectual treasury”, which, after decades, helps develop the Altai Territory and attract the attention of the world community to it...

Presentation "Our Countrymen"

Actors, directors, poets and artists

Alexey Buldakov(1951) - Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of Russia (2009). Continuation...

Alexey Vanin(1925–2012) - Soviet theater and film actor, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1998). Veteran of the Great Patriotic War. Continuation...

Vladimir Galuzin(1956) - Soviet and Russian opera singer (tenor). People's Artist of Russia (2007).

Mikhail Evdokimov(1957–2005) - pop artist, comedian, film actor, singer, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1994), from April 2004 to August 2005 head of the administration of the Altai Territory.

Valery Zolotukhin(1941–2013) - Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1987). From October 2011 to March 2013 he was artistic director of the Taganka Theater. Continuation...

Vladimir Kashpur(1926–2009) - Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR. Continuation...

Irina Miroshnichenko(1942) - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, singer. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1988). Continuation...

Alexander Pankratov-Cherny(1949) - Soviet and Russian actor and director, poet, People's Artist of Russia (2009). Continuation...

Gennady Bachinsky(1971–2008) – Russian radio and television presenter, chief producer of the VGTRK radio broadcasting directorate, general producer of radio “MAXIMUM”. He was also known as a musician, one of the participants and creators of the rock group “Deputy of the Baltic”.

Ivan Pyryev(1901–1968) - Soviet film director and screenwriter, Founder and first chairman of the Union of Cinematographers of the USSR. People's Artist of the USSR (1948). Six-time winner of the Stalin Prize (1941, 1942, 1943, 1946, 1948, 1951). Continuation...

Robert Rozhdestvensky(1932–1994) - famous Soviet poet, translator, laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize and the USSR State Prize.

Ekaterina Savinova(1926–1970) - Soviet actress and owner of a unique voice (three octaves), known primarily for her leading role (Frosya Burlakova) in the film “Come Tomorrow...”. Continuation...

Adrian Toporov(1891–1984) - Soviet writer, literary critic, publicist, educator, teacher, Esperantist. Author of the book “Peasants about Writers” (1930).

Nina Usatova(1951) - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of Russia (1994). Continuation...

Vladimir Khotinenko(1952) - Russian director, actor, screenwriter, head of the directing department at the All-Russian State University of Cinematography (VGIK), People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2010). Continuation...

Vera Alentova(1942) - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of the RSFSR, People's Artist of Russia (1992).

Arseny Borodin(1988) - Russian singer, graduate of the Star Factory-6 project, member of the Chelsea group.

Philip Kotov(1989) - Russian theater and film actor.

Irina Ortman(1978) - Russian pop singer. Former lead singer of the group “Tootsie” (from 2004 to 2010). Since 2010 - solo performer.

Grigory Gurkin(1870–1937) - Altai artist, student of I. I. Shishkin. By origin - Altai, a descendant of the Telenget Khan Konnaya, a representative of the Choros clan.

These famous people glorified the Altai region in their films, songs, literature and art. They gave us a lot of positive emotions, smiles and inspiration.


Vasily Lazarev(1928–1990) - Soviet cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union (1973), colonel (since October 1, 1973).

German Titov(1935–2000) - Soviet cosmonaut, the second Soviet person in space, the second person in the world to perform an orbital space flight, the youngest cosmonaut in history and the first person to complete a long-term space flight (more than a day). Hero of the Soviet Union (August 9, 1961).

People who selflessly love the sky are the highest experts in the theory of aviation and astronautics. They made a huge contribution to the development of astronautics.

Explorers, scientists and inventors

Ivan Polzunov(1728–1766) - Russian inventor, creator of Russia's first steam engine and the world's first two-cylinder steam engine.

Mikhail Kalashnikov(1919-2013) - an outstanding designer of small arms in the USSR and Russia, Doctor of Technical Sciences (1971), Lieutenant General (1999).

Peter Frolov(1775–1839) - mining engineer, inventor and organizer of mining production in Altai; Tomsk governor (1822–1830).

Vasily Shtilke(1850–1908) - public figure of the late 19th–early 20th centuries, member of the Third State Duma from the Tomsk province.

Nikolay Yadrintsev(1842–1894) - Siberian publicist, writer and public figure, researcher of Siberia and Central Asia, one of the founders of Siberian regionalism, discoverer of ancient Turkic monuments on the Orkhon River, the capital of Genghis Khan Karakorum and Ordu-Balyk - the capital of the Uyghur Kaganate in Mongolia.

Gennady Shchepaschenko(1938–1995) - Russian soil scientist and forestry specialist.

Konstantin Oskolkov(1923) - Soviet designer. Author of the idea and chief designer of two-link transporters of the Vityaz family, 6 modifications in total. The series includes DT-10 “Vityaz”, DT-30 “Vityaz”, DT-30PMNZH-T, which are operated in the North, Western Siberia, the Arctic and Antarctica. Has 10 copyright certificates for inventions, 5 scientific papers published in industry publications. Participant of the Great Patriotic War.

People who made a huge contribution to the development of science and technology. They gave us the greatest discoveries, which are still of great importance.


Sergei Klevchenya(1971) - Soviet and Russian speed skater. Silver and bronze medalist of the XVII Winter Olympic Games in Lillehammer at a distance of 500 and 1000 m. Two-time world champion in sprint all-around in 1997 and 1998, world champion in 1996 at a distance of 1000 m. Honored Master of Sports of Russia.

Tatyana Kotova(1976) - Russian track and field athlete, long jumper, Honored Master of Sports of Russia. Lives in Moscow and Barnaul. Participant in three Olympic Games.

Alexey Smertin(1975) - Russian football player, midfielder. In July 2009 he announced his retirement from playing. Former member of the Russian national football team, in 2004–2005 - its captain. From 2009 to 2011 – deputy of the 5th convocation of the Altai Regional Legislative Assembly.

Alexey Cherepanov(1989–2008) - Russian hockey player. 2007 world champion in ice hockey among juniors. The Alexey Cherepanov Trophy is named after him - a prize for the best rookie of the KHL season.

People who, through their hard work and willpower, have achieved results known throughout the world.

Politicians and statesmen

Raisa Gorbacheva(1932–1999) - Soviet and Russian public figure, wife of M. S. Gorbachev.

Akinfiy Demidov(1678–1745) - Russian entrepreneur from the Demidov dynasty, son of Nikita Demidov, founder of the mining industry in Altai.

Vladimir Ryzhkov(1966) - Russian politician, since 2006 co-chairman of the political party “Republican Party of Russia - People’s Freedom Party”, leader of almost all rallies of thousands “For fair elections!” 2011-2012 in Moscow.

Alexander Surikov(1940) - Russian statesman, governor of the Altai Territory in 1996–2004, since 2006 Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to Belarus.

Mikhail Evdokimov

Mikhail Tvelenev was born in 1920 in the village of Perevoz. After graduating from 7 classes and a secondary school in Moscow. He worked as a mechanic at the Oktyabrskaya Railway depot and dreamed of heaven. In 1939 he entered the Borisoglebsk Military Aviation School.

At the front from the first days of the war. He fought in the skies of Odessa, Kharkov, Stalingrad, Rostov, Sevastopol, showing courage and skill in battle. By September 1944, Guard Senior Lieutenant Tvelenev had 290 combat missions, in 110 air battles he personally shot down 16 enemy aircraft and 28 in a group with his comrades. In addition, the brave warrior flew many times to freely hunt behind enemy lines. Just before the operation to liberate Crimea, Tvelenev, with his assault strikes, destroyed about 50 vehicles, 2 locomotives, 5 tractors, about 100 enemy soldiers and officers and one aircraft at the airfield. For heroism and courage, on February 23, 1945, the flight commander of the 90th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment, Senior Lieutenant Mikhail Stepanovich Tvelenev, was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

And then there were battles in the Baltic states, East Prussia, during the Berlin operation.

After the war, M. S. Tvelenev became a test pilot. And here, the reward for hard work, for courage, courage and heroism of peaceful days were military orders and the highest flight distinction - the title “Honored Test Pilot of the USSR.”

Hero of the Soviet Union Tvelenev Mikhail Stepanovich (1920-1985)

Information from the MEMORY BOOK of the Tambov Region (Vol. 7., p. 393)

Below are copies of pages (55 – 58) from the book by Dyachkov L.G. "For the Motherland!" (Essays about Tambov residents - Heroes of the Soviet Union), Tambov, 1995, 354 p. (State self-supporting enterprise “Editorial and Publishing Department”, State Printing House “Proletarsky Svetoch”)Essay “In love with the sky”

See also very detailed illustrated material about Hero of the Soviet Union M.S. Tveleneve link on the website “Red Falcons - the best pilots - aces of Russia 1914 - 1953.”

As well as material on the “Heroes of the Country” website at the link and from Wikipedia (The Free Encyclopedia) at the link:,_%D0%9C %D0%B8%D1%85%D0%B0%D0%B8%D0%BB_%D0%A1%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BF%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0 %B2%D0%B8%D1%87

Among the conscripts who were not destined to return to their native land is Yuri Petrovich Ryazanov, a native of the village of Perevoz. He was drafted in 1982 and sent to serve in Afghanistan. Yuri died in an unequal battle at the hands of Dushman bandits on May 16, 1983, having served just over a year. Posthumously awarded the Order of the Red Star. He was buried in his native village.

Below are copies of pages (274 – 278) from the Book of Memory of the Tambov Region “Afghanistan – our memory and pain 1979 – 1989”, compiled by V.D. Ageev, Tambov 2001 502 S., (Publishing house of the Proletarsky Svetoch guest house)

Book from the collection of the Intersettlement Central Library of the Rzhaksinsky district

Event at the Perevozovskaya school in memory of the fallen internationalist soldiers (Meeting with the mother of Yu.P. Ryazanov)

Information from the portal: TOP 68 Tambov regional portal

“Banner of Labor” Newspaper number No. 8; publication date 22.02. 2012

Memory connects generations

On the eve of the Day of Remembrance of Internationalist Soldiers in the village House of Culture. Perevoz (Rzhaksinsky district) a solemn event was held dedicated to the memory of Yuri Petrovich Ryazanov, a resident of the village who died in Afghanistan. The meeting was attended by relatives and friends of Yuri Ryazanov: mother Lidiya Nikolaevna, wife Nina Sergeevna, daughter Svetlana and two granddaughters: Sofia and Ulyana. Deep gratitude was expressed to the mother who raised and raised a courageous son from the speakers: the chairman of the regional Council of People's Deputies G.M. Ilyukhina, director of TOGBUSON “Center for Social Services for the Population of the Rzhaksinsky District” I.V. Medvedeva, a participant in the Afghan war, reserve major S.S. Nechaev, head of the Bolsherzhaksinsky village council A.N. Voropaeva. Many warm words were heard in the memories of the hero-carrier. Yuri Petrovich Ryazanov was born in the village. Transport in July 1961. Studied at a local school. Then he worked on the collective farm. Frunze. Due to health problems, he was drafted into the army only in the spring of 1982. By this time, Yura already had a family - his wife Nina and six-month-old daughter Sveta. Private soldier and grenade launcher Yuri Ryazanov was sent to Afghanistan. He took part in military operations. He proved himself to be a brave and courageous warrior. On May 16, 1983, in the Ganjgal gorge, a Soviet-Afghan group of soldiers died in an unequal battle with superior enemy forces. The guys went to certain death, inviting enemy fire on themselves. With this they saved an entire battalion, giving hundreds of guys the happiness of returning home alive. In this battle, Yu.P. died while performing a combat mission. Ryazanov. He was awarded the Order of the Red Star (posthumously). He was buried in his native village. He was not destined to return to his native land alive, to see his mother, father, wife, little daughter. He did not return, but his memory is carefully preserved by his relatives and fellow villagers. Every year, meetings and evenings dedicated to Yuri Ryazanov are held in the village. At this evening of remembrance we also remembered other heroes of the Perevozov land. Their names were announced by the host of the event, head of the rural library S.S. Zhulenkova. This is the Hero of the Soviet Union, Honored Test Pilot of the USSR Mikhail Stepanovich Tvelenev, the Ryazanov brothers-tankers: Anatoly, Nikolai, Alexander - participants in the Great Patriotic War. The village of Perevoz was not spared by the Chechen war, where Svyatoslav Aleksandrovich Khvorostov died, who lived and was buried in Tambov, but spent every summer in Perevoz with his grandparents. During the hostilities in South Ossetia, Dmitry Vladimirovich Puchkov, whose roots are also from there, died, and he was buried in the village of Perevoz. Those gathered honored their memory with a minute of silence. Fearlessness, perseverance, discipline, generosity - these qualities have always been inherent in Russian soldiers. Their feat is described in stories, poems, songs, which were performed by the director of the Perevozovsky Children's Palace of Culture S.A. Perova and Hood. head L.N. Kalistratova, director of Bolsherzhaksinsky cultural center N.E. Ermakova and thin. head S.G. Perova and the younger generation - E. Ermakova and Yu. Perova. Touching words sank into my soul, tears welled up in my eyes. To the song “Light the Candles” performed by Yulia Perova, the entire hall with burning candles was as one whole, small lights symbolized the memory of the dead and the triumph of good over evil. And the cold hall somehow became warmer from the kindness and sincerity in the air. The living need the memory of the dead; it binds together the past, present and future generations, makes them proud of their country and helps them find spiritual support for themselves.

Author: Tatiana Sayapina. Photo by the author


See below information copied from the social and political newspaper of the Rzhaksinsky district “Banner of Labor” (No. 9 of February 25, 2009)

Article by Vladimir Mareev “Sorrowful echo of the Afghan war. Yuri is remembered"

Residents of the village of Perevoz know and remember Svyatoslav Khvorostov, who often came to visit his grandparents in the homeland of his parents.

Photos provided by Slava's friends

Copies of pages (264 – 266) from the book of the Book of Memory of the Tambov Region “The Tragedy of Chechnya - the Pain of Russia” Compiled by P.A. Nikolsky, Tambov 2003 335 P.

(Publishing house of the OGUP Tambov Printing House "Proletarsky Svetoch"0

The book is dedicated to Tambov military personnel and law enforcement officers who died on the territory of the Chechen Republic of the Russian Federation while defending the interests and dignity of the Russian state (December 1994 - July 2003.

Book from the collection of the Intersettlement Central Library of the Rzhaksinsky District

Each era reminds us of different events: peaceful or military, ancient or not so long ago.

It seemed that we could learn about military events from our parents and grandparents. History sometimes, even in the modern world, makes us think that the word “War” is the most terrible word of all time. It is “war” that often takes away the human lives of those people in whose interests it could not even be thought of, those people who dreamed of peaceful happiness in our modern society.

In 2008, the terrible word “war” burst into incurable grief into the Puchkov family - Vladimir Nikolaevich and Nina Fedorovna, who were waiting for their son to return from the ranks of the Russian army.

A car with people in military uniform drove up to the parents’ house late in the evening... The mother’s heart had no need for words, and in an instant the gray-haired father held back his tears as best he could...


From the work of Anastasia Tveleneva

“My family in the history of the country” (2010)

... My great-grandmother’s name was Elena Vasilievna Kasatkina. She was born on July 11, 1912 in the village of Perevoz, Rzhaksinsky district. She was brought up in a large family (there were nine children). Childhood was difficult: poverty, hunger, all kinds of persecution. (There was a civil war going on.) Men came into the house and asked her father: “Which side are you on? With whites or reds?!” Both of them took the “last piece.” There was often no food in the house. A horse and a cow were taken to the collective farm. The log house of the new large hut had to be sold in order to feed the family. Grandmother's sister Claudia died of starvation at the age of eight. Time passed, the brothers grew up, began to work, and started families. But in 1941, a new huge disaster befell all residents of our country - the Great Patriotic War began...

Grandma Lena was sent to the front, where she spent the unbearably terrible four years on the battlefields as a nurse. She provided assistance to wounded soldiers right on the battlefield, and many had to be carried (dragged) from the battlefield. She cared for the wounded soldiers until they recovered, fed them (many could not do this on their own), bandaged them, supported them spiritually, and washed the bandages and linen of the wounded. She told my mother that during the Battle of Moscow, the German army was so close to our capital that they could see enemy tanks through binoculars. Before the start of this, probably the most important battle for our country, all nurses and orderlies received the order: “Do not surrender,” and each was given a grenade (to blow themselves up with the wounded).

Soviet soldiers defended Moscow, defended our entire country, our Motherland. Many soldiers' lives were saved by women with a red cross on their bag and holding a stretcher in their hands. In the family album of my grandmother, the daughter of great-grandmother Lena, there are photographs of fighters with words of gratitude to grandmother Lena, she saved their lives.

After victory, labor, courage and suffering b. Unfortunately, no one noted Lena. They say that the headquarters of the hospital to which the grandmother was assigned was located in the rear - in the city of Molotov, Moscow region. We congratulated my grandmother only once in all her 83 years - they brought a postcard for May 9th. Local residents at school told me about my grandmother’s merits.

My grandmother’s husband, Pyotr Nikolaevich, my great-grandfather, also went through the entire war and fought in Karelia. He died early, the war took away his health and strength. Two of my grandmother’s brothers, Vasily and Fyodor, went missing during the war; another brother, Ivan, came from the front without a leg and died early. (My mother found information about the missing Vasily and Fyodor only when the “Book of Memory” was published.)

After the war, grandmother Lena worked tirelessly on the collective farm, was a calf shepherd, herded cattle, and worked on the collective farm fields. It was very difficult to raise the country after terrible devastation. She told her grandchildren: “Love life, you are happy, you don’t know what hunger and war are!”

I am proud of my grandmother Lena, grandfather Petya, and my grandmother’s brothers - Vasily, Fedor, Ivan. They gave their lives for us, for the sake of our happy, peaceful future.

Now I know that my family made a great contribution to the history of our country.


The war is long over

(Author Anastasia Petrova.

Article from the newspaper “Znamya Truda” No. 49 dated 03.12. 2014)

Years follow each other, people live their own lives. Modern technologies have advanced so much that science fiction writers of the last century could not imagine such a variety of devices that make life easier. It would seem that those distant 40s are a thing of the past. They are just a bright illustration on the pages of history textbooks, on faded posters, and banners of that time. The Great Patriotic War, so much has been written and told about it, films have been made. We know about battles, marshals and heroes with detailed and temporal accuracy. The war, like a whirlwind, like some unknown element, burst into Soviet homes, not allowing them to come to their senses and realize what was happening. But from the first day, the people stood up to defend the Motherland. Veterans are great wartime people. They experienced something that is even difficult to imagine now. How few are there around us today who met the menacing morning of June 1941, walked the roads of war, celebrated the long-awaited Victory, and worked sparingly for the good of the Motherland. There are few who have seen death with their own eyes, lost comrades and keep the memory of them in their hearts.

Each Russian family has its own war story, its own soldier-hero.

Touching the past

Perevoz is one of the most picturesque villages in the Rzhaksinsky district, a piece of our Motherland. It is located in a uniquely beautiful place. The carriage is surrounded by a majestic pine forest, standing stately right above the Vorona River. The nature of the surrounding area fascinates with its beauty at all times of the year. Clean air, green meadows, unusually beautiful forest filled with mushrooms and berries.
On one of the streets of the village there is a neat, well-groomed small house. The widow of a participant in the Great Patriotic War, Maria Stepanovna Kruglova, lives here with her daughter.
They say a person's eyes are the mirror of the soul. Maria Stepanovna's are big, deep and kind. She had to endure so much - war, hunger, but throughout her life she was able to maintain the warmth of her soul, faith in people and love. All of Maria Stepanovna’s work is connected with school. When it comes to her husband, her eyes come to life. The past, so distant and dear, suddenly becomes close. She is young again, and her heart is experiencing everything all over again.
“My husband Alexey Mikhailovich Kruglov fought in the Great Patriotic War, and was awarded the Order of the Red Star for courage and bravery,” Maria Stepanovna began her story, fiddling with a photograph of a man in military uniform and an old, worn box.
Alexey Mikhailovich was born in 1921 in the village of Bolshaya Rzhaksa. Until 1918, my parents were poor peasants, then they joined a collective farm. In 1937, Alexey Mikhailovich graduated from the Semyonov school; there was no money to study further. He enrolled in courses in the city of Voronezh and began working as an accountant, then as the head of a procurement center. Life took its course.
Youth, how beautiful it is. Everything is interesting to know, to see, and it seems that so much goodness is yet to come. Did people know then that war would judge things differently?
Way to victory
Two years after the start of the Second World War, which raged in Europe, disaster reached our land. In the early morning of June 22, 1941, the troops of Nazi Germany treacherously attacked the USSR border troops along the entire western border. The bloodiest war in the history of the country began, in which such a huge number of mobilized people and volunteers immediately stood up to defend the Fatherland that it was rightfully called the Great Patriotic War. For 1,418 days and nights, the Soviet wars in fierce battles forged victory over the fascist hordes. Alexey Mikhailovich also took part in these events.
In August 1941, he was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet army and sent to the front in the 1089th combat regiment of the 322nd division as a squad commander. At the end of November, the division, loaded into wagons, headed for Moscow, where at that time a powerful counter-offensive against the fascist hordes was planned. At dawn on December 6, the division unloaded on the Moscow ring road. They were replenished with military equipment and new weapons. On December 7, after a powerful artillery barrage, the soldiers launched an attack on enemy fortifications, breaking the enemy’s resistance.
Nature helped people as best it could. Every hill, every lowland hid the fire crews of our fighters, springs quenched thirst, and young white-trunked birches reminded of their home, and this gave the soldiers strength, endurance and faith in Victory.
From the autobiography of Alexei Mikhailovich, written by himself. “On the very first day, our regiment liberated the town of Yasnaya Polyana and from that moment the fascist retreated in vehicles, we infantry, marching ten kilometers overtook him and crushed him. Our soldiers liberated many settlements near Tula and Kaluga.” In one of the reconnaissance operations in force, Alexey Mikhailovich was wounded and sent to a hospital in the city of Gorky. Upon recovery, by order of the Moscow Military District, he was sent to command courses at the Ryazan Machine Gun School. Alexei Mikhailovich was awarded the rank of lieutenant, he was sent as the commander of a machine gun platoon to the 221st Guards Rifle Regiment of the 77th Guards Stalingrad Rifle Division.
Having liberated the city of Orel, the soldiers began fighting to encircle the fascist group on the Kursk Bulge. Here Alexey Mikhailovich was wounded in both legs. And again the hospital. The young body quickly coped with the disease and Alexei Mikhailovich was sent to the Bryansk Front. At the height of the battle, he was again seriously wounded in both arms by explosive bullets from a machine gun fire. It’s hard to imagine how much Alexei Mikhailovich had to endure and endure, how many comrades he lost in that battle. In 1944, Alexey Mikhailovich was transferred to the reserve due to illness.
Here's a biography
For courage and bravery shown in battles with the German invaders, 7,755 people were awarded the Order of the Red Star in 1946, and the name of our fellow countryman Alexei Mikhailovich is on this list. What does an award mean to a veteran? Do courage, friendship and love for the Fatherland have a price? According to Maria Stepanovna, Alexei Mikhailovich was very memorable about this order. Like many veterans, he didn’t really like to talk about the war, it was too hard for him. But he remembered the ninth of May as clearly as it was in 1945. Everyone was waiting for May Day. Acquaintances and strangers hugged each other, gave flowers, sang and danced in the streets. It was a common holiday for the whole people, a holiday for every person. “And sons and fathers in military uniforms, who had come home from the war, mingled on the platforms with the noisy, joyful crowd.”
“My husband loved the land very much - native, fertile, he loved the smell of yellow ears filled with “bread,” says Maria Stepanovna. — He worked for a long time as chairman of the collective farm named after. Voroshilov, and then “Russia” of the Bogdanovsky village council. In the first year of work, at the end of the harvest, they received a rich harvest of grain crops. Collective farmers worked honestly and with soul. The farm was awarded a trip to an agricultural exhibition in Moscow and received a passenger car as a reward.” Here is the biography of Alexei Mikhailovich Kruglov, a participant in the Great Patriotic War. Of course, it is impossible to tell on the pages of a newspaper about his entire life’s journey, it is so bright and eventful.

You don't choose fate, it chooses us. And none of the scientists will ever be able to explain why one person has a happy life, while another has a short and difficult one. The main thing is to pass all the tests with dignity and remain a Human in life. Like Alexey Mikhailovich, like all the participants in the Great Patriotic War, who gave us blue skies, gentle sunshine and a happy life.

“2015, the year of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory, should unite people even more, find a warm response in the souls of our fellow countrymen, and military-patriotic events should remind us of the role of the people, our country in the victory over the brown plague, the lessons of history, which some figures today are trying to rewrite “- noted the head of the region Oleg Betin.EVENTS, ANNOUNCEMENTS

The introduction of ICT into the educational process makes it possible to intensify the learning process, implement the ideas of developmental education, increase the pace of the lesson, and increase the amount of independent work of students. Today it is necessary that every teacher can prepare and conduct a lesson or extracurricular event using presentations. Such activities lead to increased learning efficiency, activation of students’ mental activity, and make learning more fun and interesting.

I bring to your attention a presentation and summary of an extracurricular event on the topic “Countrymen are our pride.”

Purpose of the presentation:

To introduce the laureates of the Republican Prize named after M. Jalil, people from the Buinsky district, to instill a feeling of love for the great poet, for works of Tatar literature and art, a sense of pride for the Tatar people, for fellow countrymen - laureates.

Objectives of the event:

1) educational: give students information about the life of M. Jalil, introduce them to the laureates of the Republican Prize named after M. Jalil living in the Buinsky district;

2) developing: to develop students’ interest in the work of the great Tatar poet, to interest students in fellow countrymen - laureates of the Republican Prize named after M. Jalil, to develop students’ oral speech;

3) educational: to instill a feeling of love for the great poet, for works of Tatar literature and art, a sense of pride for the Tatar people, for fellow countrymen-laureates .

Location of presentation:

Literary and musical evening dedicated to fellow countrymen - laureates of the Republican Prize named after M. Jalil.

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