Job Responsibilities of Marketing and Advertising Manager. Project Marketing Manager Job Description

Attention! This is not a complete list. In different companies, the powers / responsibilities / ownership / subordination may be different.

Position: Director of Marketing/Marketing Research and Planning

Director of Marketing Research and Planning plays key role in managing the development of the company, being responsible for the following main activities.

Job Responsibilities

    Medium and short term planning. Identification of resources and formulation of tasks for the marketing and sales departments of the company. Writing annual marketing plans.

    Analysis of necessary investments and their payback periods, calculation of cash flows, assessment of possible financial, operational and other risks of the company.

    Product portfolio management, up to the launch of new, modification or decommissioning of existing products.

    Active management of pricing at all levels of production and product promotion.

    Participation in the management of the company's financial resources.

    Planning and indirect production management, optimization of supplies, production costs and distribution costs.

Creation of a long-term strategy of the company (for a period of up to 5 years), including the identification of priority areas for business development in terms of expanding the product range, geographic expansion and increasing production capacity

Position: Marketing Manager

Job responsibilities:

    Adaptation of the company's international strategy to the conditions and characteristics of the local market; developing a local strategy for the entire company.

    Participation in the development of a general strategy for the company's behavior in the market (in terms of marketing).

    Management of several brands/product groups, including pricing and development of new/modification of existing types of products.

    Management of the entire marketing budget of the company.

    Market research planning.

    Planning companies to promote goods to the market.

Position: Vice President of Marketing

Place in hierarchy: Leadership

    Job responsibilities:

      Development of a local strategy for the entire company, applying, as necessary, the international strategy of the company.

      Management of the entire range of the company.

      Management of the marketing department.

      Development of a general strategy for the company's behavior in the market (in terms of marketing).

      Development and management of the company's marketing budget.

      Development of the company's image in the market.

Position: Assistant Brand Manager

Place in the hierarchy: Specialist

Job responsibilities:

    Conducting basic market data analysis.

    Coordination of sales promotion activities.

    Monitoring the actions of the main competitors.

    Analysis of company sales data.

Position: Senior Product Group Manager

Place in hierarchy: Leadership

Job Responsibilities

    Leading a group of 1-3 subordinates (junior brand manager, assistant brand manager, marketing coordinator).

Position: Brand and Product Manager

Place in the hierarchy: Middle

Job Responsibilities

    Adaptation of the company's international strategy to the conditions and characteristics of the local market.

    Development of a local strategy for managed brands.

    Participation in the development of a general strategy for the company's behavior in the local market.

    Managing the budget of the respective brands.

    Conducting market research.

    Planning campaigns to promote the product to the market.

Position: Label manager Place in the hierarchy: Middle

Industry: Show business

Record companies build their strategies around different business patterns and different ways to market their products. Many of them are characterized by branding of certain areas of their activities. Classical, electronic, pop or rock music become the labels of show business companies. They can be compared to trademarks familiar to other industries, and a person who heads a single label and oversees all processes that take place with it can be professionally correlated with a brand manager. But within the framework of such a specific industry as show business, the position was called the label manager.

Main responsibilities:

    search for new names;

    curating the artist's repertoire;

    signing contracts;

    development of positioning strategies and artist management;

    development of a marketing plan;

    planning and production;

    holding a tender among distributors and selling a license;

    promotion of label artists;

    forecasting trends in the development of the music market;

    licensing of Russian and Western music;

    creation of corporate collections for brands and thematic collections of the company;

    development of a strategy for cooperation with Russian and foreign partners;

    planning and conducting promotional events for releases.

Position: Merchandiser Place in the hierarchy: Specialist

Industry: General description

The merchandiser works in the sales department. The main activity is work with different points.

Job responsibilities:

    Correct placement and positioning of goods on the shelves in the store.

    Collection of information about goods in retail outlets, communication of requirements for new arrivals to the appropriate employees.

    Gathering sales information.

    Monitoring the activities of competitors.

    Maintaining the customer's inventory at the required level.

Position: PR manager Place in the hierarchy: Middle

Job responsibilities:

    Participates with the top management of the company in the development of corporate objectives and bringing them to the attention of individuals both inside and outside the organization to create a favorable corporate image.

    Responsible for defining, developing and implementing a public relations strategy.

    Participates in solving issues related to public relations.

    Responds to complaints, requests, and requests for information that enhance or maintain the company's image.

    Controls the provision of information about the company to both internal and external media.

Position: PR Director Place in hierarchy: Leadership

Job responsibilities:

    Together with senior management, he develops public relations objectives and strategies to create a favorable corporate image of the company.

    Forms the concept of planning, development and application of corporate policy.

    Develops methods and programs for public relations.

    Analyzes information about the position of investors, trends in the field of joint stock ownership.

    Tracks the main trends in the field of information resources.

    Follows the dissemination of internal and external information.

    Improves and controls budget execution.

Position: Event Manager / Corporate events manager Place in the hierarchy: Middle management

The Event Manager is responsible for developing strategies for client corporate events and special trips, organizing and conducting them in accordance with international standards and individual customer requirements.

Main responsibilities

    Holds meetings with clients in order to clarify the customer's ideas about the planned event, requirements, composition of participants, etc.

    Develops strategies for client corporate events, special trips, conferences, seminars, trainings, etc., planned by customer companies for their clients, distributors, employees.

    Develops and draws up a detailed program of the event; describes the necessary resources and means of implementing the developed program of the event. Prepares them in the form of a project document.

    Carries out a preliminary calculation of the budget of the implemented event and monitors its item-by-item execution.

    Presents the developed project of the event to the client; defends the developed strategy and project budget to the client.

    Carries out the necessary operational negotiations with the client both on the approval of the concept and program of the event, and on the coordination of working moments during the implementation of the project.

    Informs the client about all stages of the project. Maintains constant communication with the client in order to provide him with the opportunity to fully control and manage the situation in the field of travel of his employees.

    Searches, maintains contacts and coordinates work with subcontractors necessary for the implementation of the project.

    Organizes and controls the implementation of the operational part of the projects (visa formalities, accommodation, flights, transport services, meals, cultural and excursion services, provision of the necessary equipment for conferences and seminars, etc.). Adjusts project work as necessary.

    Supervises the work of subordinate employees (3-4 people) involved in the implementation of projects.

    Monitors ongoing activities, monitors the effectiveness of project implementation, prepares analytical reports and statistical reports on projects. Responsible for the timely and high-quality provision of this information to the customer and management.

    Tracks modern tendencies and innovations in the organization of corporate events and events.

    Develops policies and procedures for organizing corporate events and events.

    Develops the most optimal financial and organizational-administrative schemes and management methods in the field of corporate events and trips.

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trade marketing manager
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I. General provisions

  1. Trade Marketing Manager belongs to the category of managers.
  2. The Trade Marketing Manager must know:
    1. 2.1. Legislative and regulatory legal acts, teaching materials marketing organization.
    2. 2.2. Fundamentals of marketing, its principles, tasks and methods marketing research.
    3. 2.3. Basics of trade.
    4. 2.4. Methods for determining the solvency of demand for goods.
    5. 2.5. The procedure for developing sales plans.
    6. 2.6. The main technological and design features, characteristics and consumer properties of the goods sold.
    7. 2.7. Methods for studying market conditions and developing forecasts for the need for goods sold.
    8. 2.8. Fundamentals of advertising.
    9. 2.9. Methods for studying the motivation of consumers' attitudes towards goods.
    10. 2.10. Ways and methods of work with dealers, mass media.
    11. 2.11. Principles of accounting and reporting on the implementation of sales plans.
    12. 2.12. Fundamentals of management, budgeting and accounting.
    13. 2.13. Fundamentals of labor legislation.
    14. 2.14. Rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection.
  3. Appointment to the position of trade marketing manager and dismissal from the position is carried out by order of the head of the enterprise.
  4. The Trade Marketing Manager reports directly.
  5. During the absence of the trade marketing manager (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner. This person acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the improper performance of the duties assigned to him.

II. Job Responsibilities

Trade Marketing Manager:

  1. Responsible for overall management of the Trade Marketing Department.
  2. Organizes work on the study of the main factors affecting the dynamics of consumer demand for goods, the ratio of supply and demand for similar types of goods.
  3. Based on the results of marketing research, develops a general strategy for the trade marketing of the enterprise; develops the marketing budget, manages the financial resources allocated to the trade marketing department.
  4. Conducts categorization and identifies priority groups potential consumers to develop measures that contribute to the expansion of the market for the sale of goods.
  5. Assesses the prospects for the development of the market, the prospects of the enterprise for the development and conquest of a particular market segment; develops a go-to-market strategy.
  6. Determines the required assortment of goods, pricing policy for goods.
  7. Develops proposals for the individualization of goods in order to transfer information to manufacturers or independently impart individualizing characteristics to goods (packaging, etc.).
  8. Defines distribution channels - their types, characteristics, policy of creation and use; develops concepts for creating dealer and distribution networks.
  9. Develops the concept of procurement (acquisition) of goods.
  10. Develops methods for searching for potential sellers and buyers; manages the search for sellers and buyers of goods; organizes work on establishing relations with consumers and wholesalers of goods; manages contract work with third parties.
  11. Organizes the collection of information from consumers about satisfaction with goods, claims and complaints about goods; determines the forms and methods for eliminating deficiencies in claims and complaints received from consumers.
  12. Keeps in touch with the market through advertising, information service to inform consumers and promote products; organizes the development of a promotional strategy.
  13. Develops incentive measures (both active - through a system of discounts, incentives, etc., and passive - through the quality and design of the product, image policy) sales.
  14. Supervises purchasing, sales and marketing research managers, exercises operational control over their daily work.
  15. Carries out general management of regional representative offices and branches.
  16. Coordinates the work of trade departments (sales departments) with warehouse services, information department and advertising department.
  17. Prepares proposals for the formation corporate identity enterprises and corporate design of advertising products.
  18. Analyzes the effectiveness of marketing activities; monitors the marketing campaigns of competitors, analyzes them, makes adjustments to their own marketing activities.

III. The rights

The Trade Marketing Manager has the right to:

  1. Represent the interests of the enterprise in relations with state bodies, local governments, third-party organizations on issues of marketing sales of goods.
  2. Request from structural divisions enterprise information and documents necessary for the performance of his duties.
  3. Interact with the heads of all structural divisions on trade marketing issues.
  4. Sign and endorse documents within their competence.
  5. Get acquainted with the documents that define his rights and obligations in his position, the criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.
  6. Request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor from the heads of departments of the enterprise and specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of his duties.
  7. Submit proposals for improvement of the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for consideration by the management.
  8. Demand from management commercial enterprise ensuring organizational and technical conditions and execution of established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

IV. Responsibility

The Trade Marketing Manager is responsible for:

  1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  3. For causing material damage to the enterprise - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

Job description marketing manager

General provisions
Marketing Manager:
Determines the demand for goods and services offered by the firm and its competitors, and identifies potential

Key account manager job description To the list of job descriptions »
I. General provisions
1. The Key Account Manager belongs to the category of specialists.
2. A person who has higher education and at least 2 years of sales experience.
3. Appointment to the position of Key Account Manager and dismissal from it is made by order of the General Director of the Enterprise on the proposal of the Head of the Wholesale Department, with the consent of the Commercial Director.
4. The Key Account Manager must know:
4.1. The main legislative and regulatory acts regulating the activities of Companies in the wholesale trade in food products.
4.2. The current financial and economic practice in this area.
4.3. Requirements of federal and local authorities to the rules of organization of trade.
4.4. Methods and procedure for developing prospective and current sales plans.
4.5. The state and prospects for the development of food distribution channels assigned to it.
4.6. Methods for studying the demand for goods of assortment groups Enterprises.
4.7. Rules for the conclusion and execution of contracts for the supply of products.
4.8. The enterprise database, as well as other software used by the Company to support the trading process.
4.9. Organization of accounting of sales operations and reporting on the implementation of the implementation plan.
5. The Key Account Manager reports directly to the Head of the Wholesale Department for Moscow and the Moscow Region, carries out the orders of the Commercial Director.
6. During the absence of the Key Account Manager (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by another Manager of the Department, who acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

II. Position tasks
1. In the segment of the market of Moscow and the Moscow region assigned to him, he pursues an aggressive sales policy, seeks to expand the presence of the Company there.
2. Provides progressive growth in sales volumes to Key Clients.
3. Maintains and develops the existing Client base.
4. Carries out work on finding and attracting new Clients.
5. Does not allow excess and overdue receivables of Clients.

III. Job Responsibilities
Key Account Manager:
1. Based on the plans of the Department, plans individual sales volumes and individual targets for the development of an active Client base.
2. Plans a schedule of visits and calls to Clients on a weekly basis.
3. In accordance with the schedule (and, if necessary, outside the schedule), regularly calls and personally visits existing and potential Clients, conducts all necessary negotiations with them on the terms of the sale of goods and the procedure for making payments.
4. Organizes the preparation and conclusion of agreements with new Clients, if necessary, re-execution of agreements with existing Clients.
5. In accordance with the procedure established by the Company, it carries out a set of measures to check the reliability and creditworthiness of Clients - potential debtors of the Company.
6. Personally accepts orders from all Key Clients, transferring technical work (entering orders into a computer) to the Sales Support Department.
7. If necessary, advises the Client on the optimal preparation of the Order, based on the specifics of the business of this Client and the Company's strategic focus on long-term cooperation with this Key Client.
8. Within the framework of the conditions mentioned in clause 7, and also taking into account the quality of the existing debt of the Client and his credit history, strives for the maximum size of the Order not only in terms of volume, but also in terms of assortment.
9. On the basis of the rules and regulations in force in the Company determines the amount of discounts (price list column). In case of a non-standard situation, he consults with the Head of the Department.
10. Carries out merchandising.
11. Keeps records of the execution of orders made and mutual settlements with its Clients. Analyzes cases of returns and failures. Takes steps to prevent similar incidents in the future.
12. Conducts work on training the personnel of the Clients in methods of increasing the efficiency of sales of the Company's goods.
13. Provides timely and full return of receivables of its Clients. Takes all possible measures for the immediate and full collection of overdue receivables.
14. If necessary and in accordance with the rules adopted by the Company, participates in the preparation of acts and other documents for shortages, regrading, etc.
15. Maintains a sales history for each of its Clients, and also collects and systematizes all available information about existing and potential Clients in its market segment, their needs, and prospects for developing trade relations with them.
16. Collects and systematizes all available information about competitors, always tries to keep abreast of all changes in the market, is always ready to adequately respond to the actions of competitors.
17. At the request of the Management, it assesses the prospects for sales in the market segment assigned to it, prepares proposals for adjusting the assortment and prices.
18. If there are relevant decisions of the Management, it works to stimulate sales, to implement special programs of discounts and bonuses, and other sales promotions.
19. Constantly improves his professional level.
20. Ensures timely and reliable execution of all required reporting and other working documentation.
21. Provides a trade secret regime.
22. Maintains good working relationships within the workforce.
23. Carries out official assignments of his immediate Supervisor and direct superiors.

IV. The rights
The Key Account Manager has the right to:
1. Represent the interests of the Enterprise in relations with Clients on issues of sales organization.
2. Get acquainted with the decisions of the Management of the Enterprise regarding the procurement and marketing of products.
3. Submit proposals to improve the sales of products for consideration by the Head of the Wholesale Department for Moscow and the Moscow Region, the Commercial Director.
4. To interact with employees of all structural divisions of the Enterprise.
5. Request personally or on behalf of the Head of the Department information and documents from the Heads of departments and specialists necessary for the performance of their duties.
6. Report to the immediate Supervisor about all the shortcomings in the activities of the Company identified in the course of the performance of their duties and make proposals for their elimination.

V. Responsibility
The Key Account Manager is responsible for:
1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - to the extent determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
2. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
3. For non-fulfillment of the sales plan, the plan for the active Client base, the plan for new Clients - within the variable part of the salary.

VI. Criteria for evaluation
The criteria for evaluating the activities of the Key Account Manager are:
· Progressive increase in the Company's trade turnover in the market segment assigned to it.
· Implementation of the sales plan, the plan for the active Client base, the plan for new Clients.
· Efficiency, accuracy and accuracy of settlements between Clients and the Company.
· Absence of excess and/or overdue receivables.
Accuracy, timeliness and accuracy of reporting and other working documentation.
· Lack of justified claims from the Clients.
· Absence of negative assessments from the side of the Management of the Company, the Head of the Wholesale Department.
· Absence of justified claims from the structural subdivisions of the Enterprise.

VII. Final provisions
1. This Job Description is made in two copies, one of which is kept by the Company, the other - by the employee.
2. Tasks, Responsibilities, Rights and Responsibilities of the Key Account Manager may be specified in accordance with the change in the Structure, Tasks and Functions of the Commercial Service.
3. Changes and additions to this Job Description are made by order Director General Enterprises.

The profession of a marketer, or a marketing manager, is quite young. But at the same time, it is very promising and dynamically developing. The essence of this profession is to manage the value (exactly as it is perceived by consumers of the product) to increase sales or profits.

Large companies divide the marketing profession into different specializations: analyst, marketing specialist, brand manager, marketing research specialist, marketing director, BTL manager, art manager, product manager, etc.


Marketing is a fairly young specialty. However, this does not prevent it from dynamically and rapidly developing.

At first, marketing was not an independent direction. In most cases, it was interpreted as advertising that is based on the needs of consumers, as opposed to ordinary slogans.

But the rate of development of marketing was so high that in 1902, lectures on marketing began to be given at US universities. About 20 years later (1926) the first marketing association was born. After some time, similar associations began to be created both in Europe and in other countries of the world. Marketing reached the USSR in 1970 - the first marketing chamber appeared. Since that time, such a specialty as a marketer began to actively develop in our country. Due to the fact that the marketing profession is new for our country, the functions continue to vary. And in each company, this position can be interpreted differently, which means that responsibilities can be different. But there are general standards set by the Russian Marketing Association.

Who is a marketer?

Many do not have an accurate idea of ​​who a marketer is and what a marketer does. Responsibilities (basic) give an idea of ​​the profession itself:

  1. Market analysis.
  2. Work with clients.
  3. Analysis of competitors.
  4. Looking for new clients.
  5. Search for new interesting offers.
  6. Finance analysis.

Market analysis

The most important function in marketing. A marketer must constantly monitor any changes in the market and be able to quickly adapt to them.

If, for example, a plant for the production of certain iron products does not quickly respond to market changes (does not replace machines with newer ones, etc.), then it risks losing the competition. This means that the company will lose not only time, but also a lot of money.

Among the specific tools, the main ones can be distinguished: tracking periodicals, consumer surveys, analysis of information from competitors, public opinion, social surveys, etc.

Collecting the necessary data is the responsibility of a marketing analyst. He must also be able to process this data, conduct a thorough analysis, draw conclusions and suggest solutions.

Work with clients

Communication with clients is the direct responsibility of the manager. Only by interacting with consumers will you be able to answer questions such as:

  • Why is he buying this product?
  • Why in your company?
  • Why exactly this product?
  • What suits him?
  • What kind Additional services is he interested?
  • What does the client not like?

By finding the answers to these questions, the marketer will discover many secrets about the market, competitors, customer expectations, etc.

A marketer should always know how his company differs from competing ones. But here it is important to pay attention to one feature: what makes you stand out in the eyes of customers, and not in your own eyes. Perhaps this is a complete trifle free wifi in a cafe always increases the flow of customers).

It is necessary to communicate not only with VIP clients, but also with simple, small ones. Your turnover depends on the latter.

Competitor analysis

Communication with clients is, of course, good. But you need to know your competitors even better. The tasks of a marketer include:

  • control over the pricing policy of competitors;
  • knowing their strengths;
  • knowledge about their additional services;
  • understanding why some clients go to them.

These questions need to be constantly researched. Because the market, as mentioned earlier, is constantly changing.

In a way, keeping track of your competitors is easy these days. Almost all companies have their own blogs with customer reviews, official news on websites, press releases. If necessary, you can use a mystery shopper. All legal means are good.

If the market in which you provide your services is small, then most likely all business leaders know each other. Conferences, seminars, exhibitions - these are the places where everyone often intersects. Sometimes at such events you can learn a lot of useful information. The main thing is to try to follow what you say (especially about innovations, large-scale advertising campaigns, rebranding and other cardinal things).

Looking for new clients

The functions of a marketer also include finding new customers. In small companies, this can be done by a marketing assistant. He is engaged in the fact that he is looking for new niches where the product can be used. It can be either a new segment or an entire market.

The task of the marketer is that he must check everything. It often happens that a product that was previously used by one group of customers becomes very popular among another group.

A good marketer is well versed in advertising, knows how to do it. Therefore, periodically it is necessary to analyze the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. When launching a new product, you should develop different strategies for conducting promotional ventures. And then find the best based on the research.

Search for new interesting offers

Finding new opportunities is not an easy job. A marketer must always look to the future and improve his customer care.

An example is home delivery of bottled water. Most of the organizations that do this, for some reason, deliver water only during working hours. That is, many potential clients simply cannot use the services of the company, because they are at work at this time.

Almost any service area can be improved by adding a range of enhanced customer service options.

A marketer can find, analyze and highlight what will be economically justified and beneficial for the enterprise.

Not all services are directly profitable, but the quality of service and customer loyalty is always improved.

Financial analysis

The last major responsibility of a marketer is to deal with money. A competent marketer is able to calculate the approximate turnover of the company, competitors and the market as a whole. Particular attention should be paid to:

  • Market dynamics, ups and downs. Do your business growth cycles generally coincide with market growth? If not, your company is in trouble.
  • competitor dynamics.
  • Revenue by segment. Perhaps something worth giving up.
  • Revenue/profit per unit of output across segments and markets.
  • How competitors respond to your price manipulations.
  • Do you need VIP clients ( big discounts and high demands).

Financial analytics is not the main task, but it is necessary to spend some time and effort on this process.

Official and functional responsibilities

The main duty of a marketer is to study, analyze supply and demand in the market for goods and services. Then he forms the company's development strategy.

The main goal is to meet the needs of consumers. Therefore, the primary task of the marketer is to study and identify needs. And only after that you can create a product that is most suitable for various characteristics of the buyer.

If you are going to work as a marketer, you need to know the functional responsibilities:

  • tracking prices for the offered goods, analysis of competitiveness;
  • search and subsequent analysis of data on potential competitors;
  • preparation of analytical reports;
  • research of the market (or market segment) for the sale of a certain type of product;
  • analysis of the purchasing power of various regions and population groups;
  • media planning, development of advertising campaigns;
  • development of measures to improve sales efficiency.

Resume writing

Marketing is such a profession that is difficult to teach, because professionalism comes with work experience. Educational institutions offer only a theoretical base that allows you to navigate the basic concepts. Each marketer must develop independently.

Writing a marketing resume is a time-consuming process. It must be approached with particular care. Experts point out 9 key competencies that a marketer should possess. Of course, they may not be fully expressed, but each of them must be improved.

  1. Analytical skills: analysis of sales dynamics and management of this forecast; advertising budget management, investment efficiency calculation; comparison of a number of solutions, choosing the best; setting priorities for projects; search for a causal relationship in the behavior of customers.
  2. Professional Competence. In the resume of a marketer, you can indicate knowledge: about modern marketing techniques; about how you can develop and manage the brand of the company; about techniques and methods of sales; about the basics of economics and finance; about the foundations of sociology and psychology; modern design trends (understanding aesthetics).
  3. Initiative. Ability to independently formulate tasks and understand how business can be improved.
  4. Responsibility, no job can do without it. A marketer must be able to manage the advertising budget and product profitability. Therefore, he must understand that he has a great responsibility.
  5. Perseverance and effectiveness in the actions of a marketer. He must be ambitious in his goals.
  6. Creativity - the creation of new ideas and the search for alternatives to solve a problem.
  7. Quality of communication: competent written and oral speech; effective interpersonal communication; public speaking skills.
  8. Flexibility in work. A marketer must be able to find different approaches, be open to new technologies and views.
  9. Self-development and erudition. In any business, you need to constantly improve. Increasing competence and expanding horizons is what a marketer should constantly do.

Job Responsibilities

Every newcomer wants to reach such a high level that everyone says about him: "He is a first-class, unique marketer!" The responsibilities of each marketing manager are spelled out in their job description. Among others, it includes forecasting the dynamics of important indicators for the company, as well as developing recommendations for improving them.

It is the ability to evaluate and give a correct forecast that distinguishes a professional manager-analyst from a beginner. And if you learn to predict changes in the situation before your competitors, you will become a unique expert. But the path to this goal is very difficult. The level of knowledge should be constantly improved, and it is best to focus on the latest achievements in statistics and information technology.

Instruction position of a marketer contains all the items related to the progress of the work. This document spells out what the marketer should know and what the marketer is guided by, job duties and functions, rights and responsibilities. It may also indicate that in the event of a vacation or illness, he is replaced by a marketing assistant.

In some cases, it may be prescribed to whom and when the reports of the marketer should be transferred. These reports indicate the results of ongoing research in a particular market segment: figures, graphs, comparative characteristics. As well as forecast and recommendations for further actions.

Who is suitable for this profession

They say about a marketer that it should be a comprehensively developed personality, that is, he should be able to do almost everything.

A good marketer is analytical and likes to work with numbers. Otherwise, he will not stay in this job.

Also, the marketer must be careful. Since even a small inaccuracy can incorrectly reflect all the data. As a result, the concept will line up incorrectly, and the company may suffer serious losses.

Communication is something that a marketer must have. His duties suggest that the marketer communicates a lot with people. After all, he needs to be able to receive data from distributors, from retail outlets. He must know the level of sales of his products and those of competitors.

Of course, a marketer must be stress-resistant. Endless communication with people and huge responsibility leave a serious imprint. Therefore, you must always be able to control yourself.

Despite the analytical mindset, a marketer must remain creative and be able to generate ideas. After analyzing the situation on the market, the marketer needs to provide his recommendations on how to further promote the product.

Starting a marketing career, it is worth remembering that this is a long and thorny path. It will require almost all the forces and all the time. At the beginning of your career, most likely you will not earn much. And since you need to constantly develop, there will be no time for an additional source of income. But if you have everything that is inherent in a good marketer, then after a while you will be able to reach a new level. The main thing is not to stop your development. Marketing is a profession that strives forward every day, covering more and more new spaces.

Job Responsibilities marketer(or marketing manager) depend on whether he will be responsible for the entire marketing and advertising policy of the company alone or in a team of analysts, advertising managers, etc. We offer a sample job description for a marketer who is responsible for strategy, as well as corporate identity development, sales promotion, etc.

Marketing Job Description
(Job description of a marketing manager)

Surname I.O. ________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The marketer belongs to the category of specialists.
1.2. A marketer is appointed to a position and dismissed from it by order of the general director.
1.3. The marketing manager reports directly to the CEO.
1.4. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of a marketer: higher professional education in the specialty "Marketing" or higher professional education and additional training in the specialty, work experience in the relevant field for at least a year.
1.5. During the absence of a marketer, his rights and obligations are transferred to another official, which is announced in the order for the organization.
1.6. The marketer must know:
- fundamentals of marketing, its principles, tasks and methods of marketing research;
- the main technological and design features, characteristics and consumer properties of the goods sold;
- methods for studying market conditions and developing forecasts for the need for goods sold;
- methods for studying the motivation of consumers' attitudes towards goods;
- Fundamentals of management and budgeting.
1.7. The marketer is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- Charter of the organization, internal labor regulations, other regulations of the company;
- orders and directives of the management;
- this job description.

2. Job responsibilities of a marketer

The Marketer performs the following job responsibilities:
2.1. Performs work on the study of the main factors affecting the dynamics of consumer demand for goods, the ratio of supply and demand for similar types of goods.
2.2. Based on the results of marketing research, he develops a general marketing strategy for the company.
2.3. Develops a marketing budget and manages allocated funds.
2.4. Conducts categorization and identifies priority groups of potential consumers for the development of activities that contribute to the expansion of the product sales market.
2.5. Assesses the prospects for the development of the market, the company's prospects for the development and conquest of a particular market segment; develops a go-to-market strategy.
2.6. Determines the required assortment of goods, pricing policy for goods.
2.7. Develops proposals for the individualization of goods in order to transfer information to manufacturers or independently impart individualizing characteristics to goods (packaging, etc.).
2.8. Defines distribution channels - their types, characteristics, policy of creation and use; develops concepts for creating dealer and distribution networks.
2.9. Organizes the collection of information from consumers about satisfaction with goods, claims and complaints about goods; determines the forms and methods for eliminating deficiencies in claims and complaints received from consumers.
2.10. Keeps in touch with the market through advertising, information service to inform consumers and promote products; organizes the development of a promotional strategy.
2.11. Develops incentive measures (both active - through a system of discounts, incentives, etc., and passive - through the quality and design of goods, image policy) sales.
2.12. Prepares proposals for the formation of the corporate identity of the enterprise and corporate design of promotional products.
2.13. Analyzes the effectiveness of marketing activities; monitors the marketing campaigns of competitors, analyzes them, makes adjustments to their own marketing activities.

3. Rights of the marketer

The marketer has the right:
3.1. Represent the interests of the enterprise in relations with state bodies, local governments, third-party organizations on issues of marketing sales of goods.
3.2. Request from the structural divisions of the enterprise information and documents necessary for the performance of his duties.
3.3. Interact with the heads of all structural divisions on marketing issues.
3.4. Sign and endorse documents within their competence.
3.5. Submit proposals for improvement of the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for consideration by the management.
3.6. Require the management of the trade enterprise to ensure the organizational and technical conditions and execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility of the marketer

The Marketer is responsible for:
4.1. For non-performance and / or untimely, negligent performance of their duties.
4.2. For non-compliance with current instructions, orders and orders for the preservation of trade secrets and confidential information.
4.3. For violation of the internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety and fire safety rules.
