Who is this poultry farmer? What does this mean, features of the profession

If you were asked who a poultry farmer is, then, most likely, something like this would instantly appear before your eyes: a man somewhere in the countryside, feeding domestic animals like chickens, ducks and geese. This is all true, only in modern realities, when any branch of production grows to immense proportions, poultry farmers mainly work in factories.

What exactly does a poultry farmer do?

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Even in our age of general automation, it is impossible to do without a person who will keep under supervision all processes related to the feeding and growth of birds. The poultry farmer has a lot of worries; he must serve hundreds, or even thousands of chickens.

His primary tasks include:

  • preparing food in compliance with all technological standards and distributing it;
  • control over the timely supply of water to drinking bowls;
  • measures for cleaning production premises;
  • setting the necessary parameters in the room, such as temperature, humidity, air exchange.

It is the poultry farmer who is responsible for monitoring the optimal conditions for keeping chickens or other birds. In addition, the poultry farmer takes an active part in therapeutic and preventive measures. He must carefully monitor the condition of the animals and take appropriate measures at the slightest symptoms of disease.

Naturally, random people are not allowed into poultry farms. Poultry farmers receive specialized education and, depending on their experience, are assigned ranks. The job responsibilities of a second-class poultry farmer include grazing birds, maintaining equipment and inventory, weeding out weak birds and collecting animals that have died prematurely.

Poultry farmers of the fourth category perform actions aimed at increasing productivity, sorting and culling live goods, and clean trays in cages from toxins. Five-graders use the latest methods in selection and breeding work, look after the young animals, and monitor compliance with the conditions for raising breeding birds.

Of course, without love for animals there is nothing to do in this. A poultry farmer must not only carefully handle the birds entrusted to his care, but also be very observant in order to react with lightning speed to changes in the behavior of his charges.

If we forget about personal qualities for a while, it is important for this specialist to understand;

  • rules for care and maintenance;
  • composition of disinfectants;
  • basic veterinary and sanitary standards;
  • rules regarding grading and packaging of egg products.

It would be useful for the poultry farmer to have responsibility, since oversight or careless attitude towards one’s duties can easily lead to irreparable consequences. This seemingly simple profession is taught in agricultural technical schools, and future poultry farmers undergo internships directly at poultry farms.

It is pleasant that every day, thanks to the efforts of domestic poultry farmers, the growth of the Russian bird population is increasing. And finally, it is worth noting that a real poultry farmer is a person to whom doing his activity brings incomparable joy.

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worker (on a state farm), collective farmer caring for poultry. Her main responsibilities are: care, preparation of feed, feeding the birds, daily collection of eggs from nests and delivering them to warehouses or the foreman, recording the egg production of birds, keeping the poultry house and equipment clean, carrying out simple sanitary and hygienic measures as directed by the veterinarian to prevent the occurrence of diseases. To raise large batches of chickens hatched in incubators, poultry houses are used. One P. serves a flock of adult chickens without control of egg production of 1,000 heads, taking into account egg production of 500-700 heads; P.-chicken house serves 2-3 thousand heads. On collective farms the work of the elder II. in accordance with post. NKZ USSR on the assessment in workdays of various agricultural products. works are assigned to the 3rd group, and the youngest to the 2nd.

Agricultural dictionary-reference book. - Moscow - Leningrad: State publishing house of collective farm and state farm literature "Selkhozgiz". Editor-in-Chief: A. I. Gaister. 1934 .


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    Noun, number of synonyms: 4 chicken coop (2) poultry farm (3) poultry house operator (1) ... Synonym dictionary

    POULTRY HOUSE, poultry house, female. (s.kh.). A worker caring for poultry. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    BIRD HOUSE, a, m. Ozhegov’s Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

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Sections: Working with preschoolers


1. Expand and clarify children’s knowledge about poultry.

2. Introduce children to the profession of poultry farmer.

3. Develop the ability to correctly use singular and plural nouns.

4. Develop expressive speech and pantomime through motor and physical activity.

5. Improve technical skills in sculptural modeling (learn to pull from an entire piece of plasticine the amount of material that will be needed to model the neck, torso, paws, and head of a bird)

6. Develop children's imagination in creative joint independent activities.


Painting of a poultry farm. Easel.

Plasticine, stacks, modeling boards, rags.

Natural and waste material.

Ball. Grain-millet.

Organization. On the carpet, at tables. A space organized independently by children for play activities.

Preliminary work. Excursion to a private sector to observe poultry.

Progress of the lesson

Do you guys know how to solve riddles?

Help me solve the riddles.

1. I swam in water, but remained dry. (Goose)

Children imitate the movements and habits of a goose, accompanied by cackling. (Goose cackles)

2. Pied mallard
Catches frogs.
Waddles around
I tripped. (Children imitate the movements and habits of a duck, accompanied by quacks - the duck quacks)

3. He appeared in a yellow fur coat:
Goodbye, two shells! (Chick)

Children imitate the behavior of a chicken, accompanied by squeaking sounds. (Chicken squeaks)

4. I wake everyone up on time
At least I don’t wind the clock. (Rooster)

Children imitate the habits of a rooster, accompanied by crowing. (Rooster crows)


How can you call a goose, duck, chicken, rooster in one word? (Birds).

Why? (They can fly. The body is covered with feathers; they have two legs, a body, two wings, a beak, a tail)

Where do these birds live? (Next to the person)

What are their names? (Poultry)

Why? (People look after them. They bring benefits to humans)

What benefits do poultry bring? (Human food. Industrial goods)

Word game “Name it kindly”

Rooster - cockerel - cockerels.

Grain - grain - grains.

Chicken - chicken - chickens.

Chicken - chicken - chickens.

Duck - duck - ducks.

Wing - wing - wings.

Ball game “Name the parents”

The chicken has a hen and a rooster.

The duckling has a duck, a drake.

The gosling has a duck and a drake.

Looking at the painting “Birdwoman”

What is shown in the picture? (Many chickens, one rooster, drinking bowls for food, a man feeding the birds.)

How is the chicken area fenced? (Grid)

What is the name of the person who feeds the bird? (Poultry farmer)

What actions does he perform to care for the bird? (Feeds, waters, looks after)

What is the name of the place where birds are raised? (Poultry farm)

Dynamic exercise with the text “I want to be a bird”

I was walking down the street (Movements with the index and middle fingers indicating walking)

Counted hens and chicks: One, Two, Three, Four, Five (Cross their hands in front of them, make smooth movements with them, indicating flight)

I wanted to become a bird and began to wave my arms (They wave their arms up and down from the sides, their hands are tense)

Wings up and wings down, only the whistling of the wind can be heard. (Smoothly wave their hands)

I jumped up to take off (They jump up)

But I had to sit on the ground. (Squat)

Modeling “Bird”

Guys, now let's make some birds and make our own poultry farm.

For this we need: plasticine, stacks, rags.

We will sculpt from a whole piece of plasticine by pulling from the entire piece of plasticine the amount of material that will be needed to model the neck, head, torso, and paws of the bird. (Showing methods and techniques of sculpting)

When the birds are ready, I suggest the children divide into subgroups and build their own poultry farms, feeders, and fences. (Use natural and waste materials in your work.) Place birds on your poultry farms to create a unified composition.

Names of different professions.
Purpose of different professions.

CHILDREN SHOULD KNOW NOUNS: doctor, builder, teacher, fireman, photographer, cook, hairdresser, policeman, tailor, shoemaker, baker, writer, pilot, driver, librarian, salesman, gardener, carpenter, painter, bricklayer, electrician, crane operator, excavator operator , welder, glazier, craftsman, architect, tractor driver, combine operator, milkmaid, poultry worker, pediatrician, dentist, ophthalmologist, surgeon, neurologist, nurse.

ADJECTIVES: kind, attentive, caring, responsible, professional, skillful, knowledgeable, conscientious, disciplined;

VERBS: treats, teaches, educates, stews, photographs, cooks, cooks, cuts, lays, looks after, sews, mends, cuts, bakes, writes, composes, flies, drives, carries, gives out, receives, sells, counts, cares, grows, lays, installs, lifts, manages, paints, digs, plans, glass, welds, sows, plants, digs.

Teacher - teachers - teachers.
Doctor - doctors - doctors.
Seller - sellers - sellers.
Baker - bakers - bakers.
Photographer - photographers - photographers.
Tailor - tailors - tailors.
Milkmaid - milkmaids - milkmaids.
Postman - postmen - postmen.

NAME BY MODEL (children over 6 years old):
He is an artist and she is an artist.
He is a teacher and she is... .
He is a writer, and she is... .
He is a conductor, and she is... .
He is a singer and she is... .
He is a translator, and she is... .

Teacher - teaches reading, writing, counting.
A fireman puts out a fire.
Builder - builds and repairs houses.
Painter-plasterer - paints, whitewashes, plasters.
Photographer - takes photographs.
Cook - ... .
Tailor - ... .
Hairdresser - ... .
Librarian -...
Doctor - ... .
Writer - ... .
Driver - ... .
Tractor driver - ... .
Milkmaid - ... .
Poultry - ... .

Hairdresser - scissors, comb, hair dryer, curlers.
To the doctor - medicine, a white coat, a thermometer.
To the artist - ... .
To the teacher - ... .
To the tailor - ... .
Painter - ... .
Rybolov - ... .
To the seller - ... .
To the gardener - ... .
Carpenter - ... .
Milkmaid - ... .
To the tractor driver - ... .

GUESS THE PROFESSION (children over 6 years old).
Who carries the luggage? (Porter.)
Who welds the pipes? (Welder.)
Who installs the glass? (Glazier.)
Who works on the crane? (Crane operator.)
Who lays the bricks? (Mason.)
Who sharpens knives? (Grinder.)
Who repairs the clock? (Watchmaker.)
Who works on an excavator? (Excavator operator.)
Who paints the walls? (Painter.)
Who takes care of the birds? (Birdwoman).
Who composes the music? (Composer.)
Who plays the piano? (Pianist.)

A painter sews clothes.
The driver controls the plane.
The hairdresser knits a sweater.
The librarian delivers mail.
The photographer composes music.
A tractor driver sews clothes.

Name of profession.
What tools are needed to work in this profession.
What does a person in this profession do?

NAME (children over 6 years old):
Children's doctor - ... (pediatrician).
Dentist - ... (dentist).
Eye doctor - ... (ophthalmologist).
The doctor who performs the operation is ... (surgeon).
The doctor who treats nerves is ... (neurologist).
Physician assistant - ... (nurse).

Medical clothing - ... (cap, headscarf, gown, gloves).
Medical instruments - ... (syringe, spatula, pipette, thermometer, hammer, tweezers).

What is a profession? (Business, work, occupation.)
Name your parents' professions.
What are professions for?
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Why do you need to study professions? Where are they taught?

We get up very early, because our concern is
Drive everyone to work in the morning. (Driver.)

Will guide the glass eye,
Click once - and we remember you. (Photographer.)

We must fight fire -
We are partners with water.
They won't be afraid with us
Carbon gases are bad for you.
People really need us,
So who are we? - ... (Firefighters).

Tell me who is so delicious
Prepares cabbage soup,
Smelling cutlets, salads, vinaigrettes,
All breakfasts, lunches? (Cook.)


In the carpenter's bag you will find a hammer and a sharp... (knife).
Any tool is available - a plane, and... (a chisel).

We must fight fire.
We are brave workers.
We are partners with water.
People really need us.
So who are we? - ... (firemen).

I would be a pilot pilot
I definitely wanted to become
I was on a plane then
I would have reached Moscow... (Flew).

The hasty thread runs after the needle
I can do anything for myself... (sew).

It's not hard for me to mend a sock myself
Fix the pocket, sew it down... (belt).

There are probably a thousand pounds in it!
Heavy... (threshing).

I'm not bragging, I'll say:
I will make all my friends younger!
Despondent people come to me -
With wrinkles, with folds.
They are leaving very nice -
Fun and smooth.
So I'm a reliable friend
Electric... (iron).

In a world of diverse words,
What shines, burns and burns
Gold, steel. Diamond
There is no more sacred word... (labor).

The pilot lifts into the blue sky... (plane).

He drove the goats out onto the mound, cheerful... (shepherd boy).

Plane in hand - another job:
Knots, squiggles with a plane... (planing).

But our painter does not come into the house with a brush and a bucket:
Instead of a brush, he brought a mechanical... (pump).

So that people don't get wet in the rain
The roofer covers... (the house) with iron.

A crane is moving - a huge height
Delivers iron... (sheets) to the roof.

White sawdust is flying, flying from under the saw:
This carpenter makes frames and... (floors).

Should we buy bread or give us a gift -
You and I take the bag and go outside.
We walk along the shop windows and go into... (shop).

Well, in this store there is a pretzel, buns on the display,
Medicinal bread with bran. The store is called... (bread store).

Every day a newspaper is brought to our house... (the postman).
Seven brave young mowers were sharpening their scythes and cutting the grass... (mowed).

The roof is being painted in front of the children... (painters).

We are taking the boards up the mountain, we will build a new one... (house)
I fly dolls in the morning. Today I... (nurse).

It's time to paint the rooms. They invited... (painter). Baruzdin S.

The circus performer knows how to prance, animals and birds... (train).

Ir-ir-ir-my dad... (commander).

The future cabin boy brought us some southern fish... (sailor).

She didn’t drink or sleep, she gnawed on a tree... (saw).

The sharp-nosed one sews, stitches and pricks... (needle).

The main goal of the type of professional activity: implementation of the technological process of growing and keeping poultry of different types, breeds and crosses for the production of eggs and meat.

Labor functions included in the professional standard:

  • raising and keeping poultry;
  • recording the movement of the poultry population, monitoring the condition of the birds;
  • microclimate regulation in the poultry house;
  • catching and moving birds;
  • collection, sorting, labeling, packaging, delivery of eggs;
  • pre-incubation preparation of eggs;
  • performing the egg incubation process;
  • sampling, sorting, accounting, delivery of day-old young animals;
  • cleaning, washing of the incubator, auxiliary equipment, containers.

Education and training requirements:

  • secondary vocational education - training programs for skilled workers (employees)

Possible job titles:

  • poultry house;
  • poultry operator.

Professional standard: Poultry farmer

Private institution of additional professional education "COMFEST", Kazan

All-Russian Scientific Research Technological Institute of Poultry Farming, Sergiev Posad

In art

Famous fellow countrymen in the profession:

(section prepared using the calendar of significant and memorable dates of Chuvashia) Kirillova Lyudmila Efremovna(01/01/1941) – innovator of production, master poultry farmer of the 1st class. Born in the village of Lapsary, Cheboksary district of the Chuvash Republic. Since 1966 - poultry house at the Druzhba production association in the Cheboksary region. She was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and the Badge of Honor. Her name is included in the Honorary Book of Labor Glory and Heroism of the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (1981). Nikitina Anastasia Andreevna(02/03/1926-08/15/2008) – innovator of production. Born in the village. Starochelny-Syurbeevo, Komsomolsky district, Chuvash Republic. A. Nikitina used effective technologies in poultry farming: growing green feed in the winter using hydroponics, grain germination and yeast, achieving an increase in the egg production of chickens. She was awarded the Order of Lenin, the Red Banner of Labor, the Badge of Honor, and medals. Included in the Honorary Book of Labor Glory and Heroism of the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (1967). Exchange rates